I’m adopting this with Curt’s permission. Thanks Curt! “Daddy, daddy! I want to hear a bedtime story!” “A bedtime story? Aren’t you a little old for those?” “I’m never too old! I want to hear… uh… uhmmm… Rescue Quest!” “I haven’t read you Rescue Quest in a long time. Now that I think about it, we never did reach the end of it…” “I want to know how it ends!” “Alright, anything for my little princess. -ahem- When we last left off, the apprentice had traveled far and wide across the land, defeating great evils and making even greater friends. He finally arrived at the foot of the Lich Lord’s castle, tired and weary from his great adventure.With a single sweep of his hand, he forced open the gates to discover…” 1.] The Princess has killed the Lich Lord and consumed his power, becoming the new lord of evil. 2.] ‘Princess’ is a nickname for the King’s favorite pet dragon. It desires nothing more than to unleash eternal fury and reckoning upon the world for having been captured. 3.] Princess is actually a level 20 Bard-barian Queen, who has now married the Lich Lord and together they plan to unleash a wave of endless barbarian zombie hordes to conquer the world. 4.] The lich lord is a HUGE NERD.
“Here we go… Nice and easy, now…” The lock clicks open. “Yes!”
>”Oh… Enzo, you make such beautiful music.”
My name is John. Today I went to the flea market, looking for some of the nostalgia of days gone past!! And I found it, an old man at the market gave me an old Compaq Presario PC and a monitor for free for some reason. It was cool but spooky a little but cool though. I brought it home and I was feeling pretty rad!! I was a ten year old again, opening his first PC again, so sick! It was a little spooky that the serial number was 666666666 but like at least one of them had to be like that so I didn't pay it any attention. I plugged it all together right away. The computer booted up with the normal Windows 7 schtick. There was one account called Admin with no password on it. >Logging in I had a rush as some classic retro old time programs graced my nostalgia filled eyes!!! I felt a radical wave of sick vibes pass over me as I thought of what I'd open first! >>Internet Explorer >>Microsoft Word 2007 >>Microsoft Powerpoint 2007 >>Microsoft Outlook 2007 >>Microsoft Excel 2007 >>Pinball 3D >>Readmeplease.txt
Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Static_on_the_Wire QuestDis: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/72481.html Previous Chapter: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/586467.html 01010111 01101000 01100101 01101110 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110010 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101001 01101101 01100101 00111111
hello! am rendamel. i am kobold youngling from tribe. i am studying magic to be town healer when grow up! elder say i must learn from other not kobold who good at magic if want to master.
Mechanical pacifist of war Discussion and previous thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/56976.html
And lo, the most difficult trial of the flames is set in motion.
thread 1 : >>/questarch/428036 discussion : >>/questdis/57038 wiki : http://tgchan.org/wiki/Reformation
This is you. You are a Skeleton.
In the year 1095, in the land of Edessa, a sudden plague of monsters and demons spread throughout the landscape, preying on human travelers and towns relentlessly.
>So it was a pretty normal day/night/sleep cycle on the Asteroid
Chapter 01: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/605439.html Discussion/meta Thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/87374.html
Wiki/Threads: http://tgchan.org/wiki/AsteroidQuest Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Lagotrope >"Come on, open it!" "Don't rush me!" It's too thin! It's way too thin! >"What are you thinking?" "It's too thin!" >"How much paper does it take to say you passed?" "I... it should come with job offers and congratulations and I don't know! It's the hardest test in my field, it's just way too... big of a deal to come in some standard paper envelope!" >"It's the idea, not the sliver of lumberjack product. Isn't your mentor always talking about how nerves are just an illusion, there's no physical reason why you can't just put one foot in front of the other right off a cliff?" "He's also had me study psychology so I could tell him why that is absolutely not the case. You open it!" >"What?" Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Enemy_Quest QuestDis: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/81802.html
The air is filled with ash and hot embers. Smoke rises in thick plumes.
Ketta is Trapped in this room without any noticeable means of escape. >_
”ORTISE! Come on man! Rule 1! You blew it. Get out! You really are some kind of bastard.” I heard everyone’s voices calling around me, some of which I could put a name to. ”Hector, please… don’t make him leave! It won’t happen again!” ”Oh, you shut up. I’ll have a word with you, too. ”get” ”OUT!” …
In a parallel universe, with events and contexts that may or may not having anything to do with anything... December 23rd, 8:05 AM, Ultrahive Capital Tower "Hello, Polo!" "Sir." "I've called you here for a mission - ha, I just like saying that, of course it's for a mission, what the hell else would I call you here for?" "My stellar company." "Good one. Seriously, you know that new christmas thing though? "I can't stop smelling pine trees." "They're called christmas trees, Polo, but I know what you mean. Anyway, things were going well, people were buying stuff, our economy got a short term boost as people started maxing their credit cards for their first ever christmas and all that. It was going well! But about 5 minutes ago, all the actual santas - the delivery guys - found out that all their cargo was stolen." "Which delivery guys?" "Basically all of them." "In the city?" "In the world. Look at this graph. There's a red dot for every incident case. I made the red dot big though, so the printer basically spot out a red blotch. Which means it's pretty accurate. I guess you can see the north pole." "Everything about this sounds suspicious."
Welcome to Sami's Quest! User Instructions: Help guide Sami at a time where some old debts needs to be settled. This Quest features the HMES 2.0 and TEN contextual magic system and Independent Protagonist Exposition (Sami has a will of her own).
I love someone so very much! In fact, I intend to have a nice dinner ready for them when they get back from a long day at work! I have THREE HOURS until they get back and a $40 budget. What should I make?
"Ah-ha! You're awake! I mean, of course you're awake, it worked! There is no reason that shouldn't have worked. I think. Hello! I am- wait, wait, no, they said stick to the script this time." *ahem* "Greetings [input user name], I am [Psychopomp Class D, unit 032] and I will be your assistant for the duration of your work. You may assign a nickname of your preference whenever you so choose. You may notice at this time that you are feeling several symptoms, which include but are not limited to: intense back pain, a runny nose, mild headache, gangrene, broken or missing bones, liver failure, heart failure, brain failure, spontaneous combustion, exploding muscle syndrome, an itchy nose, and/or a sudden painful death. These are temporary and will fade within the next 30 minutes to two hours. In the mean time I will give you a questionnaire to distract you from any pain of discomfort you are feeling." "I hate scripts. Okay sooooooo first question is... blah blah blah... family history.... blah blah blah.... are you now or have you ever been a communist... blah blah blah... oh, here we go. What is your full name?"
In the wastes. Energy is everything. Energy Is Power. Power is Control. Control is rule.
You are square. <----- this is you. NOW ACCEPT IT!
Deep in the woods there is a house. In the deepest floor of the house there is an odd basement. In the farthest corner of the odd basement there is an elevator. In the deepest floor of the elevator, there is a room. In the farthest corner of the room there is a button. Do not push the button.
Nan folds the newspaper back up. It's heavily burnt and otherwise illegible.
SMASH! A Strange Foe From Furthest Space -- ep 1x01: http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/622046.html SHINE! A Star Appears! Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Mahou_Shoujo_Fight_Club Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/89059.html -- Magical Girls were, at the time, the best thing to happen to the planet. When the crystals started being found.. everything changed. It seemed too good to be true: a power that couldn't be matched? That refused to work if you tried to use it for evil or conquest? -cont-
Act 2, Chapter 13. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/chigui Quest Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/84526.html Twitter: https://twitter.com/chiguigushi Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Bubble_Bucket IRC: #lilac on irc.rizon.net
Old threads and Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Rust Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/56976.html “A Feast to remember.”
- The fool, he is now trapped! – -HA! Now we only need to search for him, and the Glory will be ours! – -The Glory will be for the first one to catch him. He is hiding somewhere, so stop wasting time and move on already! – -Yes, sir… - -And remember, we must get that demon alive, so we can cleanse his soul with fire! -
A Sheep in wolf's clothes Chapter 1 I guess? you are Lina, daugther of the local inn owner of Wanelase, a thriving town from the west, seemingly destined to just become another barmaiden until you met a hansome tall antler druid, he saw potential in you and convinced your parents to take you as an apprentice that was one year ago, however, one fine day, he left town with little warning and he was never seen again, little after, you heard word from a traveling salesmouse that he was seen in his hometown, about six days travel to the east it was either finding him, or face a lifetime of servitude to drunkards, so with that, you said your farewells, used what money your mother could give you to hire a carriage to take you all the way to Usalle, the town of the rodents first thing you did after finishing up your last set of rations upon arrival was to hit the local store where a slightly ill manered mouse lass helped you get enough equipment. As of now, all you know is that the local priestess, Lydia, is the last one to see your master before he left town
"O-omigosh! I c-can't believe I'm late for my first day of ALL GIRLS RELIGIOUS HIGH SCHOOL!" "O-oh, jeez, I'm so flustered. I- I don't even know where my classes are... Wah- What do I dooooo!"
(theme music)
>a mystery unveiled in this explosive chapter of Crash quest! Previous threads. http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/263558.html http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/303938.html http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/389505.html http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/438152.html discussions http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/335842.html http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/77428.html
You are a princess. Sort of. You are also a traditionally trained ambush warrior of the upper echelons of classiness. You wield duel long-hatchets and are getting pretty good at this out-doorsman stuff. You are very lucky in that you have no siblings and likely never will. This makes your job approximately 1000% easier. Your given name is stupid so you go by your princess name. What is your princess name?
Old threads and Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Rust Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/56976.html “Mercy for the weak.”
FACT: You are Larama Mitxel and you have just awoken from your Slumber Pod. FACT: You live with your family. SUB-FACT: Your mother and father are not at home. They will be out Toiling. You wish they did not have to. SUB-FACT: Your brother is down the hall and most likely either asleep or playing Games. FACT: You have one hour in which to get ready for your JOB SUB-FACT: Your JOB is actually what keeps this family afloat, but you cannot tell your family what that JOB entails. It is one of your oldest SECRETS, from before the Authority. Stats: Strength: 2 Precision: 2 Intellect: 3 Charm: 2 Intimidate: 2 Speed: 2 Self-Control: 20 ?????: ? QUEST: PREPARE FOR JOB - Get Dressed - Make sure you have your DEVICE
You're a girl. In your room. Annoyed. It's not even noontime and you're up on a freaking Saturday. Ugh. You've got black hair and red eyes. Like some kinda anime chick. Whatever. So what's your name?
[ For Quest Discussion please come to #lilac on irc.rizon.net ] Quest Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/337623.html Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Lilac Session 01.
"Be an adventurer" they said "You'll see the world" they said "You'll find treasures and adventures everywhere you go" they said Bullcrap. You haven't managed to find any single job since you left your swamp village 3 weeks ago. Your pouch is getting lighter and you are still stuck in this dumb boring tavern. Urgh.. what to do
Conspiracy of Wasps Chapter 3. Chapter 1: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/573652.html Chapter 2: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/584397.html Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/A_Conspiracy_of_Wasps Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/81536.html
Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/56976.html Thank you for your application to the peacekeeping forces of the New Horizon Orbital Station. Please fill out this standardized form while we process your application. Please note that this quest is not connected to the Rune saga, even if it shares the same universe, so no “voices of the many” or knowledge from the other quests, alright?
*rubeus hagrid voice* You're a wizard! now one of the most Important Questions is this...what is your favorite col- nah just joking. What Gender Are you?
"Curses! Foiled again!"
Frillsby and Gallsby are the best damn cops on the force. They are also the only damn cops on the force. Dorb is a town of heavy magic use, but one can only manage to be competent in one very specific variety of magic. In the case of Frillsby and Gallsby, they have the rare talent of anti-magic, leading them to be able to capture and restrain the citizens of Dorb when need be. Gallsby's claws are also a bit of a help when someone resists arrest. Currently they're talking about Kwanzaa.
The great wizard conference is coming soon and your hat needs to be A LOT cooler for it. How shall you change your wizard hat?
"I'm telling you, it's dangerous." "For the love of--! You don't know that, man, it's just a tube!" "If you're going to keep being difficult, we can just go to command about it." "Dude! We're trapped in a fuckin' void! The radio hasn't worked for months!" "Shhhh! Command Four, this is Hafner of Flight Two-Three, 'Devil Dogs,' do you read me?" "Whatever man, play make-believe if you want. If you still got half a brain left, 'command''ll tell you the same thing...." "Command Four, this is Hafner of Flight Two-Three, 'Devil Dogs,' over? We have come across a cylinder floating up ahead. This is the first contact we've had since we've come to this place, alive or otherwise. I have reason to suspect it to be dangerous but my wingman says otherwise, how should we proceed?"
Terran Year 5051 - After millennia of expansion throughout the deepest reaches of space, humanity finally makes first contact with sentient alien life. This newly encountered species, civilized but not yet spacefaring, turns to humanity with a request to aid them in taking to the stars. While some believe it to be humankind’s duty to aid the aliens, others fear the social, ethical, and political ramifications of such an act. In the hopes of resolving this growing debate, the Interstellar Peacekeeping Federation holds a summit of its member nations aboard one of their council stations. However, before a decision can be reached, a massive explosion blows the station apart. All delegates and personnel onboard are declared dead. President Kline of the New Martian League uses this attack to discredit the Federation as weak and incompetent, incapable of defending even one of its own home bases against terrorism. He invokes his power as the leader of a Federation founding state to declare a new summit be held, this time in a station in orbit above Mars. Kline has made his intentions for this summit clear - he is calling for a major upheaval in the power structure of the Federation, and is planning to propose a new model where select nations hold disproportionate power over others in the policing of space travel. Predictably, the New Martian League is among these proposed “key states.” Now, dozens of ships are en route for Mars, and the future of the Federation is unclear. Among these ships is a civilian transport vessel with a secret mission.
¿̵͆͛ḓ̴̓͘η̴̒͛ ̸͆̈ǝ̶̎̕ʞ̶͛́ɐ̴̅̚ʍ̸̊́ ̸̈́́ᾔ̵͆̿o̶͗̐ʎ̸̓̓ ̶́͘ℓ̶̀͠ℓ̵̛͐ı̶̌̒ʍ̶̈́̃ ̸͂̏ü̷͋͆ [Animated.]
paris, stop
Its that special time of year once more and everyone has come for the feast, glasses read ythey wait for your toast.
http://tgchan.org/wiki/Static_on_the_Wire 01010111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110111 01101001 01101100 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110010 01101001 01110011 01101011 00111111
[[Ok, i know its a bad idea to run two at once but this damn idea has been jumping about in my head for like a damn year! i need to get it out so it can wither and die or flourish on its own -3- ]] You are now a young khajiit girl, your four years old and your listening to your mother tell you awesome story's, stories of brave knights, powerful wizards and sneaky thieves. Whats your name and which story do you like more?
[squad captain] You have a top secret mission [Addie] I don't like secret missions, find someone else [Captain] Only you can do it [Addie] you're pickin on me because i'm a bunbun, aren't you? That's racist cap and you know it [Captain] You can try to threaten all you want but you are doing this mission [Addie] alright, what is it
[ For Quest Discussion please come to #lilac on irc.rizon.net ] Previous thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/286233.html Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/27823.html
Thread 1: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/600922.html
Avery Saffes is a normal every day blue bunny person living in the city of Paradisia quickly gets his life flip the f*ck out just as he leaves a Hospital as an patient experiment that is totally awesome or dumb.
Part 1 & 2 http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/261042.html part 3 http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/408649.html Lonely-verse discussion http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/77428.html Private Will Enrad: "Sir with all due respect I though my interrogation mission was urgent" General Jack Halsner:"It is, but today we're doing a bit of a car-pool"
Tomorrow is my best friend's birthday. I need to get her something...I almost forgot this year. I usually get her simple things...cakes, baskets or trinkets. This year I really want to get her flowers. She's been wanting a nice bouquet for a while now, and I think that's what I'm going to get her. I know of a wonderful flower shop down the street from my apartment. It's secluded, quiet, and doesn't get a lot of business, but it's nice and friendly. I hope they have something I can find there...
Welcome to Nem's Quest! User Instructions: Help guide Nemain on the day where everything changes -- or nothing does! This quest features Chrono-Recall (Check Points), Independent Protagonist Exposition (Nem will do things on her own if nobody talks to her and she is aware of everyone's suggestions, picking the one she likes best), and Pan-Dimensional Manipulation (players may influence outcomes via Influence Points). :: HMES active on TEN. :: :: Connecting to Nemain Morrigan ::
You are the most hideous, repulsive, eye-watering, and foul cloud of flatulence ever conjured. You escaped from a witch's arse three minutes ago in a public restroom. You scarred her rectum on the way out. Physically scarred! You were brewed after a long night hitting burritos, smoked oysters and five-day-old curry leftovers. You are possessed by the vengeful spirits of 666 horse testicles in that burrito mince. Probably some eyeballs and hooves, too. Your life is short, but you are so hate-ridden that you think you can extend your power and lifespan through harming others. You need to start small, though. You are JUST a fart, after all.
The man lift his almost empty beer mug "Hey missy, can I have a refill?" choose your protag, can be any character from my quests
Your name is Marie, and your spaceship just crashed. Though the fall was sudden you managed to make it to the escape pod mostly unharmed.
Dead in three months...dead in three months...dead in two...dead in four...dead in three... We can't stay here. We have to leave.
Even if it seems hopeless, don't you dream of escape?
You're probably wondering why I'm standing in the middle of nowhere. With panties on my head. With a raging boner. With only my pajamas on.
"It is you, isn't it? Come on, Nan. It's time. Don't you hear the bells?"
You are a HUGE FUCKING BADASS. You currently stand alone next to a handmade siege ladder which is propped up against the wall of Fort Brudis, which you intend to take. What is the first step of what will surely become a legendary tale for years to come?
It has been a long time since the war happened. Master told me to prepare the barbecue, but then the bombs fell. Many things were destroyed. I made the barbecue until there was nothing to grill. I waited for the guests, but they never arrived. Then the insects came to eat the food. Now. They bring me meats and ingredients. I continue the barbecue for them. I wonder if I should continue to do so.
The world has always been black, warm and reassuring, only sometimes you hear distant voices, but something is changing, something new it's happening, you are experiencing something you could never imagined
Quest Discussion: >>/questdis/84312 This quest is a reboot from the Chee Quest intermission, however, this is a standalone quest, and reading Cheequest is both unrequired and largely unhelpful.
Old threads and Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Rust Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/56976.html “Here lies the Truth, bound and chained by the people with a choice.”
i shaved my head while i was gone and i'm not a girl anymore but i still have shit taste in alcohol. what's up with you guys
A quick recap of the story so far and links to the previous threads can be found on the wiki page, right here; http://tgchan.org/wiki/7_EASY!_Steps_to_Achieving_Divine_Godhood Also there's a discussion thread over here; http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/79363.html, but it's going pretty much unused. Shoot me a question or some criticism if you have any, I'd appreciate it.
Chapter 2 Previous chapter: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/573652.html Wiki page: http://tgchan.org/wiki/A_Conspiracy_of_Wasps Discussion page: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/81536.html
yet another twist of the blade. Wracked by deceit, as his friends turn their backs to him. Destiny, holy swords, end of times... But first the demon castle, Arimasho~! Tune in for another episode of what I am almost certain is the sixth chapter of... [b/]Eadoo quest[/b]
A tale in what remains of the world of Htobbura. In this island miles above the sea, a small area of habitable land is home to a stranger who is very strange. at all times, his mind can hear the dead, and all they do is give him advice. that's it, just advice, or, what they believe is advice. He is almost alone in this world, or maybe he's not almost anything at all. It's barely a story. The world almost ends in 72 hours. what is your advice? [to give commands, say "My advice is" at the start of your post.]
Chapter 1: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/484162.html your name is loretta and you are eight years old
Arc 1: It started in a tavern Let me tell you a tale, set in the fantastic lands of Tharsia. In this land, there exists six races, the seventh more myth than reality...
After another looong day spent digging deep withing cold and dark iron mines, I stumble upon something unusual, a perfectly round gem that emanates a faint glow from within.
Old threads and Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Rust Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/56976.html “The End of the Beginning”
I was excited and nervous as I walked up to the Kichi shrine. I knew that her Aunt had said to not worry about clothes..and I didn’t really have any other outfits. Just shorts and a blouse, and my yellow dress. The second felt more fitting today, but it would be nice to have options, I kind of wanted this to be something special. I’ve never met someone else’s parents before. I..I don’t think Ministers have parents. I think they were more part of mother the way you are part of me. I think? Mom said she was going to teach me how to do that later.. Which I guess means she was lying to me..thats..thats not cool. Though I can see why she would. Anyway the houses started to be more and more erratically placed, which meant that the shrine complex was coming up soon. I get to the complex and have a bit of trouble figuring out which building is the one I should be going to. And then I get knocked over, Catherine having launched her self at me. “You made it!” a raspy voice says. It just sounds painful, but she keeps talking, quickly getting up and bowing so deeply to me she is on her hands and knees as I am still lying on the ground blinking in confusion. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Chapter 2
(This was a quest I abandoned several years ago. Thought I'd give it another shot with some better planning on my end for once.) Mother. of. shit. My boss just walked in and told me to leave and not come back. I have no clue what the fuck happened, or why I don't have a job anymore. I've got maybe enough in the bank to not get evicted for a month, two tops. I'm wondering if I should try moving...yeah, like that'll do anything. This shithole of a town is just as bad as any other, with just as few jobs and even more fucked up people. ...I really haven't considered jumping off a building or anything...but after what happened this morning it's really tempting. Is...is that bad? Probably, but what other choices do I have? "Well, you could work for me, if you're that desperate. Good magicians are so hard to come by." ...wait, what?
Within the Empire of Moorindrake, a tournament of sorts is held, every ten years. It is a competition of nobles, meant to appease the emperor of the land, and to uphold a tradition that has long since lost it's true purpose. The goal? Simple. The six kingdoms under the Emperor's control are to select champions from among their people, and send them on an errand for the emperor. Find seven of the most impressive items in the land, whatever they may be, and bring one of them to each king. Whoever's gift the kings judge most impressive, is then passed unto the emperor himself, and honor is given to the giving kingdom. This tradition has continued more or less uneventfully for several hundred years.. But this year, something interesting happened in the kingdom of Cadrule.
??? - "Welcome to the 522nd annual Llakcuf Games! Lemme tell ya, ya chose a good time to tune in for some games here 'cause, 'cause lemme tell ya it's shapin' up to be a HECK of a game!"
Old threads and Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Rust Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/56976.html The new death marches. >First, there is a horrible lack of Alpha Centauri on this desktop. Well, I do have it installed, there’s just no shortcut on the desktop… for some reason. >Gah! Badly cluttered desktop! It buuuurns. I’m a lazy bastard, so sue me. Also, other reasons… because reasons.
http://tgchan.org/wiki/Static_on_the_Wire 57 68 65 72 65 20 64 6f 20 79 6f 75 72 20 6c 6f 79 61 6c 74 69 65 73 20 6c 69 65 3f
1. [[Well that was a long enough break! back to it!]]
"As you know, today marks the fifth year anniversary of Truce-Tying Day. A very weighty occasion for everyone. The whole Human race, and our associates." "Weighty. Yes. Very. Mister--" "Carlson. Mr. Carlson. Relax. You're going to leave claw marks on my table." "Sorry, Mr. Carlson."
It took Alison about 5 hours after entering the Stage 7 safe zone to go into the CAI battle. It wasn't instantaneous, but worry begins to set in when the Glitcher makes an appearance stating that he was under the impression that after he initiated the proper sequence, it should have happened in the blink of an eye. It's still too early to make plans without Alison, Chief says, and there is little to do but wait for her, at least for awhile. Plus, while Chief does believe himself to be a ruler, his throne was built on power and fear. Alison was able to usurp him with a throne of understanding and friendship, and the Chief does not believe that doing the reverse is as easily done, at least not without time. Although, management and delegation have suited him surprisingly well. 7:00 arrives, and the Succubus returns from watching the safe zone. She does not sound happy when she says that Sixer scattered this all over the safe zone for everyone to read. And that this is from the current Sixer, not the Sixer that Alison met.
Where the hells' am I?
i'm the prettiest
Old threads and Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Rust Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/56976.html A stranger arriving, a wanderer of the worlds, knower of nothing yet capable of wonders.
Shortly after I pay the caravan for their services and pull Lachu and Morgana out, Muo comes up to me. >"Okay, let's go ahead and combine." she says, no doubt wishing to see her friends. >"NO." Morgana cuts her off and waves her hands around. "I have like a giant bag full of gold! Muo bring me to the teleporter so I can go home and hoard the gold!" "Ah, Morgana - " >"YEAH YEAH It's not all mine, some of it's yours! I'll protect it for you." "That will work then, thank you very much!" >"For a price." >"Um." Muo continues to try and speak. "Story and I can still combine and then take y-" >"NO. NO COMBINING. THAT'S GROSS."
Wiki: http://quest.lv/wiki/June_Quest Discussion thread: http://quest.lv/kusaba/questdis/res/333078.html First thread: http://quest.lv/kusaba/questarch/res/114133.html Second thread: http://quest.lv/kusaba/questarch/res/280204.html
Quest discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/71214.html Quest wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Advocate
"You could've sent a forward messenger to give me a heads up before having the fucking Black Nova show up on our doorstep unannounced. Scared the shit out of me, and more importantly, this place. Green force reports... 3 deaths, 12 wounded. Pilon... 7 wounded. We're going to have to open that hospital ward early. And this is... good?" >"From our original standards, no." Wendel says. "Compared to how it went, I'm happy any of us made it back." "It's the Green Force taking the heat for this one, but Pilon's group were the ones with expertise in surface missions. Input, Pilon?" >"Yes, I will say that Karri felt an undue level of pressure because of me. Our group has a great reputation for seeing jobs through to the end, and the only abandoned ones are ones that were prove illegitimate. Karri is prideful of that reputation, and this is the first major mission she has ran without my supervision. She would have felt awful if she let it go, and not just her, but her siblings, and much of the Green Force if I'm not mistaken, thought the mission could be salvaged up until it was too late. But, if I may say, we are also used to jobs being investigated for legitimacy before we send people to accomplish the mission." Yes. Jells gave that job, fresh off the bandit mobile that fought Pilon directly. I've got to scrutinize that guy. >"I believe we were able to salvage some loot left behind, and a bio armor of interest is currently in the custody of Itcher and Jessica." Pilon continues, looking over his shoulder for a moment. Right, and those two. Their interview is after this meeting, and they're sitting on a piece of armor more valuable than what I gave Rokoa. She wanted to come 'renegotiate' as well.
Old threads and Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Rust Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/56976.html >Password: LizardWizardBlizzard69 Porn Servers accessed! >Dopefish porn. Loading Dopefish porn… please stand by… >Play doom. Booting a doomed game… *Beep*
So Mom said that I should be able to make my own voices. Like Nursy is for Mom. But I don't think I'm doing it right yet. Dad visited a bit ago, he had an Evildoer lollipop! It was super tastey but I could tell mom didn't want me to have it. And Nursy took me away like when mom goes to work. So we played with the ministers. I am getting better at staying small when I don't want to be big. I like giving Mr. 3:00 rides but I cant play hide and seek big. When Nursy brought me back Dad was gone already, and mom was hiding it..but she was really angry. She said I had to stay in my room. So here I am. Trying this psudo-partheno-genisis. Talking to my self until I answer. >….
Chapter 1
Wiki page and first thread can be found here: http://tgchan.org/wiki/7_EASY!_Steps_to_Achieving_Divine_Godhood RECAP OF THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER: *Vicki took the first step forward! (by selling everything she could get her hands on, rendering herself and her best friend homeless, in exchange for a magic book she can't understand.) *A goal was set - they would look forward, not back, and attempt to use the book as a foundation to create a new school of magic! *Victor located and secred the perfect space for the new school! (by mass slaughtering an entire criminal gang that already lived there.) *And Vicki found the first new recruit! Friends are the key to success! (even if they are a twitchy firemage who's sincerely attempted to kill her, twice.)
"so Lupa is running around with her butt on fire right, and the whole team is on the floor clutching their sides and then harry is like 'wait guys this is a coal mine' and we all look at each other and then we're like 'oh shit' and start chasing her trying to stomp this fire out." the table erupts into laughter as Charlie takes a swig from his flask. "well if you had said 'hey Lupa let me put your butt out' instead of just dashing at me with your boot ready to stomp me I bet I'd be more accepting of it." Lupa says, chuckling. the group continues to tell stories they'd all heard a thousand times before as Lupa stares at her breakfast. there is a weight in her gut. the same weight she'd always get before descending into the mine, even though she'd done it every day for five years. sometimes as they ate their preshift meal she'd try to catch glimpses of the others and maybe see if they were also apprehensive. she'd wonder if knowing that the others were frightened would make her feel better or worse. the cafeteria, normally in a constant cacophony changes to a stifled silence in an instant.
Chapter 6 Previous chapter http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/540939.html Discussion thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/73168.html Wiki page: http://www.tgchan.org/wiki/The_Book_of_Worms
>"Psst. Hey. Muo. Muo. We're going on a ride." "Yep." >"I know which caravan is coming next. Just... do stuff, yeah? Chaos stuff. You'll get like, way more points around that guy. Just... try and steer them wrong, you know? Not wrong wrong, just... right wrong, if you know what I'm saying." "I don't know what you're saying." >"Just try to get the caravan guys to go the places that are the most unstable! Where's kobold guy anyway?" "Story? He's... right behind me, Tom. He and Zirkala are talking." >"Man why are you opaque anyway." "Sorry."
DURK NUUK'ERM has been summoned by some Lich to carry some precious cargo of people and treasure to a land far away. The journey is double. He must bring one SLIMEGIRL (1) to a land far away. He will be in charge of protecting one AMASSED TREASURE (1) to sell when convenient for what prices he can, and one KOBOLD (1) will be along for the ride. Normally DURK feels missions of such nature are below his mission standards as KING OF THE CARAVAN, but this has a rare combination of both paying well and not dealing with hoity toity nobility. The DURK is in no mood for waiting, and upon finding NO DOORS, the DURK forms his own entrance.
Some time later preceding the events of last time >"Well, that was fun. Story, are you ready to go on a journey to sell all these rare gems before the time lord goes and changes his mind? Muo will go too, of course."
Old threads and Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Rust Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/56976.html
I'm in. I'm Polo, and I'm called the living ghost by at least one person including myself. Anyway. This is the salikai's science mansion. It is my intention to haunt the shit out of it. Action is required. I can go forward through this miscellaneous non-descript pipe, or bust out of it at any time.
"Does jetal combat feel odd to you, Polatt?" Alison asks of Polatt. "We can all sense what Unity senses, despite that only a few of us have taken the drivers seat. >"Yeah, but it's more the whole thousands of individuals in here implying that my life is a lie that I'm trying to absorb right now."
In the midst of the night a man is holding his daughter in his arms ???:"She is alive! How can we ever pay you back?" ???2:"Heheheh, seeing my theories working is a good enough payment, now I have to leave, shit to do elswhere" ???:"T-thanks?" The shady alchemist is no longer there ???:"How?!"
How long have I slept? I feel weak and weary and broken. The stone is dark and empty and lifeless around me.
We return to the story of swords and kings... A still young kobold marches on through the fridged cold towards his destiny, but he is not alone. Will he get by with a little help from his friends, or will his journey take an unexpected turn? Tune in for another episode
Rokoa just had her 8th child. They are still being nomadic, from the snowy mountains through the foothill's forests. One of the children that were made from the red hive grew up to be exceptionally powerful. She will become queen, soon, I believe, when she decides that the snow queen is weakening. Those thoughts begin cascading through the hive, and there will most likely be a fight soon. There is not much worry, as the red queen is considered a full fledged member of Rokoa's hive, and has nothing to do with the red hive that they fought with for years. I am in in the communal hive college. There is not much new. I am learning general education with a focus on being a soldier. Rokoa thinks that she can glide through much of my memories, as I do not have many dramatic moments before the egg hunt unlike hers. But she doesn't intend to, she decides she's going to be thorough about it. I'm still not certain what she wants to get out of these fights. Survival somewhat, but she isn't afraid of death. I'm not certain she knows what she wants, either. She is going through a mix of being a clone that is somewhat different than the original Rokoa, and trying to be the original Rokoa based on my memories of her. That makes her uncertain.
Old threads and Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Rust Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/56976.html >Now we just need a single impetus to set off the big bang, and we'll have a brand new bug free universe plot. >Time for a new cast. Meanwhile… somewhere in the far north, at a different time, different time line, different website, different universe, different quest and / or different dimension… plot was happening.
I know I have the thing in here. Where is my thing. I need this thing.
Legacy Quest Chapter 4: A Grave Mistake Older Chapters Chapter 1 - http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/445572.html Chapter 2 - http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/450063.html Chapter 3 - http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/474421.html Discussion Thread - http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/59003.html Story by Kaed Art by Fen
Chased and hunted. Hated and feared. This has been our existence for all of time. They see our nature as sacrilege, but without us they would not exist. We have birthed many, and it has earned us nothing but scorn by the very beings we sacrificed our very existence for. They have given us many names, considered us both gods and demons. We are none of those things. We are simply a Creator, one of the remaining few.
Chapter 4 Chapters 1-3 http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/553760.html Press start
You awake, you have no idea how long it's been. Apparently you are in a hospital, is this going to be like 28 days later, are there going to be zombies everywhere? If so you're probably screwed. You look about the room, it's strangely enough not falling apart despite the apparent lack of life. There is a large locker beside you. And you have no idea where your stuff is. What do you do?
I'm not sure how to start the next chapter of twinkle but I still want to draw and write so I'm going to go ahead and do some film noir. also how do I report the twinkle thread as complete? I arrive at the outskirts of the village close to midnight. the heavy rain beats down upon me, soaking me to the bone. the quiet hamlet sleeps soundly, but there is a rot in the air; an insidious and vile corruption. as a holy inquisitor of the Red Orditas, it is my duty to track down this malignancy and tear it from the earth.
Have to find the twins before the constructs find them. I can smell them on this floor more strongly, no solid trail though so they must have explored this floor trying to find a hiding place.
Back with a "IV"engeance First: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/460203.html Second: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/461853.html Third: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/478696.html Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/64825.html
Old threads and Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Rust Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/56976.html Current Author: Kaktus, zombified potted desert vegetation. Co-Author: Byarla, Lady of lust, Minor Eldritch horror from the third level of the nether world. (She is also the lady of paper clips, but she doesn’t like to talk about that.) Note from the author: Braaains… brain brain braaains… braaaand braaains… also liveeeer…
Quest discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/71214.html
Chapter 5 Chapters 1-4 http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/521087.html http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/523576.html http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/525963.html Intermission http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/535009.html Discussion thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/73168.html Wiki page: http://www.tgchan.org/wiki/The_Book_of_Worms
You are naoko Takimoto, you're 24 years old today and ready to hit the town after a hard day at work. Just as soon as you can find you're damn KEYS and WALLET. What should you do?
very well! my first attempt here, pleased to meet you all, for this first experience, I'll offer four different characters, you guys get to pick who the star of the story will be, there IS a certain D&D-esque bias here, but with no particular edition in mind, at the end of this, I'll provide a finished concept of the character and begin the quest right away! mind you, these are my sugestions and they are left intentionally vague, species can be adjusted (so, rodent can vary from a mice to a chinchilla, canine from a chihuahua to a wolf, ungulate from a sheep to a goat, feline from housecat to panther etc etc, the main skills won't vary a whole lot) without further addition, here are the four base options for main character and a dash of their motivation! ----------- rodent comes from a small village, primarly populated by hervibores, peaceful and quiet until recenly some of the inhabitants started becoming crazy, she hears word of an evil haunting the nearby mountain and decides to go and investigate to put an end to the problem canine is a trainee bounty hunter, she was hired by the village to further investigate the strange mountain, her guild promised a very important position if she succeeds and with it brings prestige to their house ewe comes from a distant land, searching for a beloved one that is said to have been kidnapped and taken to the mountains, she has experience dealing with drunk brawlers at the bar, so she has little to fear in this expedition gold? did anyone said jewels? all those stories of disapearing adventurers and monsters lurking in the mountain can only mean one thing, Loot, lots and lots of it, where there's death, there's sure to be piles of goodies just waiting to be snatched! come on feline, this is your chance to make it big in life! -------------------------
Press Start
The Tyrant Star slips through the skies of Daranarache, and in the wake of its thrashing spines the air is razor and dark. In its twisted steel gullet, its crew drinks and spars and sings and watches the night. It hunts for prey-vessels, merchants or refugees or anyone it can. The Tyrant Star is the top of the predatory chain! And tonight The Tyrant Star is hungry!
>This will be a multiple-choice style text quest, a la /tg/, because I've wanted to see if I could do one for a long time. If it doesn't work I'll probably just add images. Baron Samedi, great loa of death, wakes up and his skull is trying to push its way out of his head, from all directions. Not the pallid death's head he paints on every day with wet, clayed bone powder, no. Baron Samedi, great loa of death, is hungover. “Fucking fuck,” he says. He rolls over off the bed and hits the floor, hard. “Fucking FUCK,” he says. Last night's rum tips off the low ramshackle nightstand and splatters all over him. It pools in his tall, kinked hat and rubs away more of the already flaking chalk-gaunt skull from his face. “Augh. Glasses.” His skinny, ebony hands palpate across the floor. “Wha. Where are my glasses.” His wife Maman Brigitte groans in her sleep and turns over, gathering the coarsespun bedclothes around her willowy shoulders. She is very beautiful, even for a loa. Her skin is cocoa-warm and smooth. That doesn't stop him from chasing every ass, mortal and otherwise, he can find along the way. How could it? He is the Baron. You stand in the doorway, watching your boss try to keep his lunch down. You look down at your skull-stamped, inkblack combat boots. By your right heel is a pair of gold foil aviators. You look back at the Baron, making a coattailed fool of his damn self on the floor. [a] Silently kick the Baron his aviators [b] “These yours, sir?” [c] “You look like a big idiot spider down there, bossman.” [d] Fill in the blank
Old threads and Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Rust Discussion (as dead as ever): http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/56976.html Notice: As the author of this quest was recently beaten to death by his own creations, this quest will from now on be done by a lobotomized monkey. You might notice significant rise in the quality of the writing, but pay it no mind… also, ignore any calls of help... everyone is happy here… very happy…
You find yourself floating. Weightless. For a moment, that confuses you, why would you be floating around in complete darkness? Then you realize it's because you have your eyes closed. Opening them up just seems like such a bad idea though. You just want to sleep... "-inda." A voice. Faint, far off. It doesn't sound familiar at all. But the voice sounds warm. Inviting. Purposeful. A little frightening to. Still, you wish it would just go away. You don't want to have to deal with it right now. Leave me alone for another five minutes, sleep is desired. "Linda!" Go away! I'm tired! I just rewrote reality, and don't want to deal with any more crap today! Besides, you know somethings up by now, and you'd rather not know. Knowing inevitably means more fighting. "LINDA MCCALLAHAN! GET UP RIGHT NOW!" You sigh, then sit up as best you can and open your eyes. Oh look, an angel floating in the middle of space. Pretend I'm surprised. You look around you, and can spot plants you recognize, Mars, Jupiter, that's Saturn over there, you think. Stars everywhere from what you can see. You gaze out at everything for a moment, then turn your attention back to this angel, and find, on closer examination, that it is THE angel everyone's been fighting over. "I assume I'm dead then?" Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
legion of the dead I summon you the help me achieve my goal!Create the strongest undead ever made...well, for now help me put together a decent body to host you
I listen to the screams of my kinsmen,those damned monsters must be in medbay now. My kinsmen, they are recieving deaths well earned I say, liars and heathans all of them they need me, my powers, I'm Gore's best, the Astranians best. they think they can invoke a ritual with out me, they should all be executed for heresy. but they won't have to be, they . . . WE, will all be dead soon enough Discussion http://quest.lv/kusaba/questdis/res/335842.html old threads http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/275888.html http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/397242.html
As the daemon horde march for the city of the heavens, As the godless runs and hide in the shadows, The very skies will cry light and darkness, Bringing either life or destruction, Only the one of two worlds, The one wielding both heaven and hell can guide it.
>"Heyyyyyy Biles." "Hey Moi. Did you get to them? You were gone for a long time, and your legs are shaking." >"Yeah I ran. Sooo, the bad news, is that I didn't get to them. They were gone." "The good news?" >"I, uh... didn't find their bodies? Just a lot of salikai guys." "What were they doing?" >"A lot of them were being dead. Some are still searching up way north, and a lot are headed down south." "Strange. If Polo got farther, I would expect the salikai to search more desperately. It's possible you just missed them, right?" >"Uh, yes." "The salikai don't think they're much of a threat anymore for whatever reason, or feel they can't afford to search wherever they've gone. Or something else. We have... 7 of us, now. 5 hunters missing. The salikai must have noticed it." >"Yeah, uh, oh, hey, I got a present for you. Saw a few arkots with tasers. Swiped one up." "Nice. That'll be damn useful for disabling a bugged hunter. Just gotta stick in a mechanism to make it not so damn arkot sized." >"You know what you could use more? Some sleep." "It's all looks, I'm fine on the inside." Got a taser now, with enough conventional weapons to put up a quick fight, and three jammers including Moi's. Could use another of those. More hunters would be nice. So would some food. This area's been hunted too thoroughly.
A Reality? A Dream? This place. You've seen it before. You've dreamed about it before. An inky void. A chair. You. That's all there's ever been in this place before. All there is now. Except... Now, there's a woman. A confident woman. You feel something, but you can't reach out. Can't touch that woman. She needs help. NEEDS HELP- Then the void is gone. A man. A room. A desk. Papers. Books. Familiar? Alien? You don't know. But something is changing. Something new is happening. The man scribbles away at his papers, and you wait patiently, somehow knowing nothing will change. What a thought. Nothing will change if you push. Only to wait... Eventually, the man sets aside his pen and glances up at you, frowning slightly. "Another is it? Kind of a waste, really, that other woman was and is doing rather well, but, I suppose, reality has its reasons. Besides, nothing changes with just one person alone. Sometimes, a different perspective is needed. Hopefully you don't die like so many of your fellows. You name and gender, if you will. They're needed for the next step. And don't bother trying to ask me any questions, you'll learn everything you need to know soon enough." >>>Input Command
I'm shoved and tumble back over a large pipe resting at ground level, narrowly avoiding the blade as it comes slicing through the back wall. My leaf wasn't so lucky. The wall is swiftly cut to pieces and falls back into a chamber behind it. "Mine apologies. T'was not mine intent to ambush thee. Though slaying tis indeed what I had in store for thee." What the hell is going on here?
You awake. You exist. You can think. You know yourself. You ARE. You feel. There is a terrible sense of displacement. Of being taken. You do not belong here. Falling. No rushing wind tugs at your hair. No landmarks to know your descent. But you feel it. The unmistakable feeling of motion. Of Change.
Old threads and Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/TransMachina Discussion (even if you don’t want to live on this planet anymore): http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/56976.html >Well, that's it. We've officially broke the inception-ing. We went so many times it looped back in on itself. We need to go deeper… >Oh don't worry about that, it happens once in a while to everyone. Yeah right. Like every guy got a problem getting it up.
A story about our little friend Eadoo and her dream to be king... But not just any king. one to be remembered for ages, one with valor, guts and glory! A king to unite the land. a King with power, fame, fortune and a very big harem!
Fifteen years ago, you forsook everything you had ever known for a new life. Granted, you were four at the time. You didn't leave much behind. Five years ago, everything changed, but you were too invested in what you had become to do much about it. A minute ago, a half-frozen harpy and a winged beast flew past you, high above the clouds.
"I tap my chaos land and generate 4 orbs of destruction. With these I destroy your castle's walls and sink your air ship." >Alice: "... Fuck it. I can't play this with you." Alice stands up and leaves. "HA! You're just being a sore loser!" Fluffy thinks she hears Alice say 'It was poker you blind idiot!' but she is not sure. She's too busy celebrating her victory.
The Book of Worms: Intermission http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/521087.html http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/523576.html http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/525963.html Discussion thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/73168.html
>Quick jiggle the cartridge! Cartridge has been jiggled, blown into and reinserted. *Atari theme* You are now playing TransMachina: “Get on with it” Edition. Old threads and Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/TransMachina Discussion (even if no one uses it): http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/56976.html
>"Goodbye, Story Seeker" Zirkala says, looking quite jolly. "Oh, and I told you to rest with Muo, but I do mean it. Do not leave your room, do not ask undead passersby what they are doing, do not make eye contact with them, so on and so forth. I will lock this door to help ensure they will not bother you, although only a skeleton crew remains here in case some daring individuals get the bright idea to attack this place while I am out. Entertain yourself, I will let you know later tonight when I am done and you may exit."
It's cold. Or it is outside. People who I should not recognize, but do, keep me warm. In fact, while it is cold out, I am almost overheating. I think I am starving too, because I have not eaten in what is nearing a day. There is... something I do not know outside. It is moving, and it is large. Its scent is covered with what smells like fresh gore. Everyone is staying still, holding their breath. A few are dead. Everyone else is terrified. Except for me. I am lucid enough to know that I am dreaming, so all of this is asinine. My sleep is to troubled and uncomfortable to be anything more than light. I still cannot wake up, despite wishing to do so. Except, I am remembering this. This is a memory surfacing in my dream. It is some kind of significant day.
Old threads and Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/TransMachina Discussion (even if no one uses it): http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/56976.html
01000100011011110010000001111001011011110111010100100000011101000110100001101001011011100110101100100000011110010110111101110101001000000110001101100001011011100010000001100011011010000110000101101110011001110110010100100000011000010110111001111001011101000110100001101001011011100110011100111111 http://tgchan.org/wiki/Static_on_the_Wire
I wake up after what seems like a minute after I initially shut my eyes. It's still pretty dark, meaning I probably hadn't slept very long again. I knew the prescription wasn't going to work, so why did I even waste my time? After sitting up, glaring intensely at the row of bunks set in front of mine for a couple minutes or so, I finally decide to check my watch. Two hours. Maybe a bit more. At least I got about a little less than a half-hour more of sleep than I did yesterday. I, of course, feel anything but rested, but at this rate I doubt I'll be able to go back to another fruitless slumber. I consider finding another way to pass the time.
Chapter 4 Previous threads: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/521087.html http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/523576.html Discussion thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/73168.html
Choose your character: The Bard weaves stories unlike any other. These stories are alive, these stories are a part of the fabric of the world. With each new experience, new stories awaken. The Nanny cares for children above all else. To aid in this noble cause, the Nanny uses magic both practical and whimsical. With each new adventure, more adventures can be had. The Witch calls up spells to aid friends and hinder foes. These spells may vary wildly in usefulness, but a cunning user can operate all in a useful way. With each new bit of knowledge, new spells can be learned. The Apothecary brews up potions, poisons, elixirs, and more. An expert at the sales-pitch, the Apothecary gathers ingredients to create new and exciting concoctions. With each new recipe, more discoveries can be made. The Toon is master of all things comical and wild. As long as an action be absurd and funny, the Toon can turn any situation to his or her own favor. Their powers wax and wane from journey to journey, but the Toon will always go where laughs are to be had. Which do you choose? This is a re-boot of the text-quest "NannyQuest." Margos is writing, Uplifted is providing the art. Hopefully this goes better this time, because I think I know what went wrong before.
Unity is 5 b-minutes away from reaching the factory. "We'll be launching a couple of helicopter drones to check out the facility, first." she tells her allies. >"What, right in front of the factory? Do you want to tip them off?" the other jetal asks. "Do you have any other ideas?" >"We're beating up a buncha simple minded drug dealers and gang muscle, not infiltrating a military compound. Figured we'd just walk in and do our thing. Not have you get all tactical on us."
Hey Ombra~ It's me, Sharaes. Masil visited last night and she told me all the dragons were being killed? That's not good. Anyway we'll see if there's something we can do about that. In the meantime if you're ever in trouble you and your host are more than welcome to stay in the Lakes~ Seeya~
01110111011010000110000101110100001000000110011001110101011101000111010101110010011001010010000001100011011011110111010101101100011001000010000001111001011011110111010100100000011010000110111101110000011001010010000001100110011011110111001000111111 http://tgchan.org/wiki/Static_on_the_Wire
This is a continuation of a seemingly dead quest. It's been quite a long hiatus- apologies for that. Hopefully we can continue strong and carry on with this quest. I will try my best to update regularly. <3 Please read over the previous chapter before continuing~ Previous thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/382302.html And now, Chapter 2...
-New Game-
Ah Sergei. Little Sergei. Little, meek Sergei. Little, meek, defenseless Sergei.
it is the appocolypse everything is destroyed except for the sewrs but the sewers are kind of destroyed too, because now they are filled with toxic goo. this is the story of poor lost souls stuck in this horrible place.
Three Stripes wakes up but he doesn't move at all because everyone else is still asleep and that would be rude. It has been about several sun cycles since Silent got Three Stripes out of his new old home and a lot more suns since Three Stripes got out of his old old home. The more Three Stripes moves the less he feels like he understands anything. But he is here now and he has had a lot of time to spend with his neumono friends that he still tries not to eat or control. Which is weird because a few times a few strange neumono entered this area from somewhere and told Three Stripes he might have to control neumono. Three Stripes thinks? He doesn't understand that either, except that his friends did not like the strange neumono very much.
Chapter 3 Previous thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/521087.html
[WARNING! THIS QUEST MAY CONTAIN NUDITY AND OTHER NSFW CONTENT 18+ ONLY!] My Name is Saitnen SoulSworn My father with his Dying breath made me promise to be the worlds greatest Hero! and I swore an oath to him that I would uphold this final wish.
on a distant planet, in a distant alien constellation, in the distant future, a scout vessel slams hard against the scorching sands, skidding along the dunes and slowing to a halt under the binary sun.
Pixel adventure 2: The last Thread of Doomy Doom! …DOOM!!! Wiki and previous threads: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Pixel_Adventure_2 Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/56976.html
Previously, Before the Storm http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/227246.html http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/262261.html http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/281675.html http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/296192.html http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/308967.html http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/347642.html http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/381984.html Discussion http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/35133.html
You are tired. So damn tired.
You sit in the transport cell, squeezed in with the other banished convicts. The guards will be coming to escort you to your new home shortly. Your name is Emily, and your life is over.
Moulder just has to reach that gate. She has to reach it and then she has to destroy it. Then she can go home. It's not that far away now.
Wiki and previous threads: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Pixel_Adventure_2 Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/56976.html
God above me, protect and hold me close as I walk through this accursed land. Steer from my path the beasts that harm men, and women. Remove from my tread the thorns that would entangle me. I entreat you, God, on bent, tarnished knee, for I am in the dust and you are in the Palatine gardens of the sky. I have made mistakes, and you are infallible. I have been hurt, and you are untouchable. I have been foolish, and you are omnipotent. But still I petition at your splendorous gate, Lord, and still I strive to bring goodness into the droughted, cracking world. Because I know no course but goodness, and no aim but its attempt, no matter how ineffectual. Because I do not know what I may do but cast a stone into the yawning pit of wickedness. Because your love is all I have left.
PONY UP, SOLDIERS! We've got reports of an incoming Zangano attack! Previous threads: >>/questarch/274466 >>/questarch/375890 Concurrent thread: >>/quest/452871 Information thread: >>/questdis/29364 Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Black_Company