Harmony Wish
A ragged cheer goes up from the crowd as Corsairs take to their feet and stampede from the arena, ready for conflict and conquest.
The Tyrant Star is tearing its wicked way across the razor skies of Daranarache again, chasing another doomed schooner or hamstrung frigate.
As people leave, I'm given several handshakes, one hug, and a death stare from a fat corsair named Rivia, which I return twice as hard and send her scurrying away to the gunwales.
"You impressed me there, Growen." I pull Growen to his feet. "If it's any consolation."
"It is."
"And I love you too, dumbass."
"You do?"
"I do."
"Yes, really, Growen, what do you want? I'm a Corsair, not a poet."
"You're one screaming black hell of a corsair, Stryza."
"You know it. Stick with me, boy." I kiss him again. "We'll conquer the world and look beautiful doing it."
"Well, maybe I will. You can knock them over with your nose."
"Shut the fuck up, darling."
I look toward the door. It widens and warps before the outpouring of black-clad hellions.
[a] Drag your husband along and join the raid.
[b] Both of you are war-wounded and tired. Skipping one more raid won't kill you. It's time to get some rest and enjoy your prize.