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File 152186585887.png - (18.80KB , 150x150 , tgchanlogo.png )
121761 No. 121761 ID: 395c02 Stickied hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Welcome to the Quest Advice thread Mk. 2! Anyone is welcome to offer advice or ask questions about the amazing world of interactive storytelling!

Check the wiki page for additional information and tips: http://questden.org/wiki/Advice_for_Running_a_Quest

The Questden discord may also be of assistance: https://discord.gg/Fh5zMTX

Old thread (Advice may be outdated): https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/15880.html
136 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 140873 ID: 1fa538

Slinko (and others who have taken the plunge), any advice on adding extra media to quests, like animations or minigames?
No. 140890 ID: 4562ef

Don't make it too complicated. The number of assets you'll need can pile up VERY quickly, especially if you do a game with animations. Have a well-defined goal, a purpose that you want to achieve with it, for example "character bouncing around a room with physics because it's funny." Once you have made that happen, then you can think about adding things onto it.
No. 141021 ID: 87e33c

Yeah, would reccomend incredibly small scopes per project, stuff like:

> Just a guy moving around and talking to people with text and simple character/environment art

Is actually a lot for most people even just using premade assets and software. Not to mention the writing and art assets also required to make it work. Not to mention most people feel it's a requirement to add talksprites so that's basically doubling the artistic work required.

Keep it simple, and if you consistently make more projects, then add like one new thing that you felt you needed to the next one.

At least, that's how I'd suggest handling it if you wanted to produce something reusable or long term for a project while working solo.
No. 141264 ID: 2a82d3

Is it possible to delete other people's comments?

If so, I might have made a mistake. Sorry.
No. 141286 ID: 462d8c

You're only able to delete posts you know the password to. A password is auto-generated and automatically filled in for your posts.

So if you're worried that you deleted someone's post, don't stress about it. Unless you managed to delete some spam then hell yeah!

File 172631358068.jpg - (386.30KB , 1800x970 , 172678850296.jpg )
142664 No. 142664 ID: e134e3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

more porn pedo + pedozoo + realraped-pedo 5-13yo



url list


File 170873862834.png - (119.13KB , 500x750 , Aldequest Discussion.png )
141736 No. 141736 ID: 01c8e1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Aldequest Discussion Thread to answer all your questions, quandries, and feedback!

Character Sheet:

Was recommended that I make one of these, so here it is!
56 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 142369 ID: 742e7a

Next update's got a lot to it, the wait might be slightly longer.
No. 142433 ID: 2f41db

Eagerly but patiently waiting.
Bake it as long as you need.
No. 142523 ID: 2f41db

The dancing tanna gif was adorable
No. 142524 ID: 6253c3

I love drawing this weasel doing silly things.
No. 142662 ID: 69d284
File 172627136611.png - (34.14KB , 1236x408 , Crew Silhouettes.png )

Hey! Sorry for the wait, had a lot going on, but I'm almost done with the next update! I wanted to get it done this weekend, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna get that goal done. Here's a little sneak peek though!

File 140065772828.png - (48.11KB , 800x600 , 1.png )
81802 No. 81802 ID: 186341 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

hey friends check it out talk about enemy quest here
2165 posts and 65 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 142496 ID: 16d082
File 172165052468.jpg - (26.21KB , 600x543 , implying.jpg )

>healthy, well, and happy
>while living in NYC
No. 142498 ID: f94306

Built different
No. 142534 ID: 9ea24b
File 172315911246.png - (366.06KB , 500x700 , a33.png )

noble brom fan bighat requested kell for his monthly patron sketch
No. 142550 ID: 0df40c

WOW this is aces
No. 142661 ID: 1d368b

A little update for you, questden, the novel is now finished at a little over 400 pages and its sequel is currently serializing.

Hope everyone is staying mad cool out here!

File 169250847412.png - (32.58KB , 550x500 , XV.png )
140397 No. 140397 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Welcome to the grand opening of the Fanart Gallery XV!

We are currently accepting submissions to encapsulate in the upcoming volume of our wonderful art archives.

If you're searching for our previous volumes you can enter the archives over here, so long as you present a valid library card.
700 - 799: Art & Recreation: https://questden.org/wiki/Fanart_Thread

If you're interested in learning more about our host, you can read more over here:
180 posts and 168 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 142655 ID: 9ea24b
File 172618214229.png - (13.56KB , 500x600 , a45.png )

crystal spire bee in a dress
No. 142656 ID: 9ea24b
File 172618219682.png - (300.71KB , 500x500 , a47.png )

carter calliope on da tree fo today
No. 142657 ID: 9ea24b
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catalyst polt skunk
No. 142658 ID: 9ea24b
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perplexed bloomin' alice
No. 142659 ID: 9ea24b
File 172618228964.png - (170.01KB , 500x500 , a50.png )

lazy fairy kayk with cake

File 135983551115.png - (3.02KB , 160x160 , tgchan.png )
66907 No. 66907 ID: a6cb8d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

'Because nothing says quality like a 16x16 image!' - Cirr, as paraphrased by Lago as best as he could remember it after, instead of adding the following edit, he completely overwrote the whole post with it.

Lagotrope edit: To have a favicon added, I need author approval. Hence, the author of the respective quest must either post the favicon themselves or, if a favicon they like is already in the thread somewhere, refer to the favicon's post number and approve it. Either way, please supply the URL to the quest as well, thank you.

In short I need 3 things: author approval, the favicon, and the quest link.

2023 Lagotrope edit: When a favicon needs to be added to its respective thread, I (Lagotrope) can be pinged on the questden discord.
1005 posts and 576 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 141811 ID: 681cb5

Rabbit is approved, even if he seems to have an eye problem.
No. 141830 ID: 2eb1da

This icon was skipped as chapters 1 and 3 were updated with their favicons
No. 142107 ID: 15a025
File 171432564056.png - (291B , 16x16 , icon.png )

No. 142193 ID: 69e696
File 171591006617.png - (548B , 16x16 , Aldequest Ch 1 Favicon.png )

Favicon for Aldequest Chapter 1.
No. 142650 ID: 1effd3
File 172585894978.png - (231B , 16x16 , 090824_FromNothingBrowserIcon1.png )

Icon for From Nothing: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1084137.html

i am the author so I approve.

File 168385603785.png - (118.56KB , 690x600 , qst op.png )
139686 No. 139686 ID: 08229c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Support the author: https://ko-fi.com/calalen

A place to discuss my work. Ask me questions. Or ask my characters questions directly! As long as its not spoilers it'll be answered.

Or don't. I'm not your parent.
26 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 140134 ID: 0f3563

see >>1062574:
>In general people who aren't undead are skittish around the undead. Even the 'good ones'. You eat one brain and suddenly you're a cannibal.
So yeah, non-undead exist.
No. 140137 ID: 08229c
File 169060110272.png - (84.68KB , 480x672 , fallen.png )

Indeed! You can reach me at my kofi or my twitter.

Old and broke. I took it when I was like in middle school and I've grown a tiny bit since then. Just a tiny bit.

Blue, most likely.

Quite a few. However, they don't particularly care for the undead and so they have their own settlements. For the most part the two groups don't go at each other, though they're hard pressed to work together.

Everyone in the Fallen Web is a not-dead human.
No. 140436 ID: 1effd3

do Runes(Audit) exist in ATE?
No. 142582 ID: 7142b8

Gonna be pretty fun to see what chaos comes out of lewd Audit
No. 142649 ID: 1effd3

What happens to the monsters in a dungeon if the dungeon is deleted? do they just disappaear, move out, or die horrific deaths?

File 172316690413.jpg - (270.34KB , 1800x1200 , beachday 24.jpg )
142536 No. 142536 ID: 44c167 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are invited to a day at glorious Beach, Britain's premier seaside getaway.
Paddle in the water, collect rocks, jump off a cliff. The fun never ends, until the sun goes down.
Bring snacks and a dish for the afternoon potluck.

Remember, kids will be here so dress appropriately and no lewd behaviour.
And bring food.

Previous Beach Days: https://questden.org/wiki/Beach_Day
44 posts and 44 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 142631 ID: 42311e
File 172544405916.jpg - (142.13KB , 442x630 , Core 184.jpg )

Rastislav: "For everyone who doesn't want to swim back to the shore grab on and we will take you for a ride!"
No. 142637 ID: 355e44
File 172559322477.jpg - (667.68KB , 800x600 , 06 into the sunset.jpg )

"Oh, I hope that monster will be alright with those fellows." Lisel remarks. Their vessel slips away while the strange rats are distracted. "They look a rough sort."

"Shameless." sputters Tem'rty "Not a stitch on them, and on a public beach no less."

"Bah, you woods rats don't know how t'ave fun. Too serious b'far. Though they did seem a touch foreign."

"Y'know, my cousin said the humans got some kind o' palace on the sea, down place called Brighton." Jasper offers "Whyn't we try our hand there?"

And so the three drift away, to seek vittles elsewhere. The day hadn't gone as they had hoped, but as the saying goes; The best laid plans of mice go oft awry.
No. 142639 ID: a4b18e
File 172565846282.jpg - (177.44KB , 569x365 , Core 185.jpg )

Rat 4: "It seems that they are swimming away from the beach traveling to the great unknown. They might be the bravest mice I ever seen.

Ratislav: "So it would seem."
No. 142640 ID: a4b18e
File 172565851299.jpg - (101.47KB , 370x334 , Core 186.jpg )

Ratislav: "As I would always say, why let a good thing go to waste."
No. 142641 ID: a4b18e
File 172565857078.jpg - (240.74KB , 646x646 , Core 187.jpg )

Ratislav: "Only fools pedal, I prefer to be pulled."

File 130379263163.png - (148.33KB , 512x512 , official av.png )
35780 No. 35780 ID: 45be60 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Okay, so at this point, I feel like the stuff I drew might actually be significant enough to warrant discussion. But still not nearly important enough for each to have its own thread, this board is crowded enough as it is. So have another all-inclusive, author-based discussion thread. Current topic: whatever I updated last.
24 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 37448 ID: 234c26

>These are exactly the same studies which are used in our own world to make these determinations, and are undertaken by similar agencies. Only the timeline differs.
This actually doesn't work. To give an example, in our world, in order to prove that a company needs to pay tens of millions to, say, clean up a river, all you need to show is that they were discharging polychlorinated biphenyls into the river, that the concentration of said PCBs is above the legally mandated allowed levels in said river, and that no one else is discharging them; ergo, the company is breaking the law and have to pay. In Flora's world, not only do you have to prove all that, you also have to conduct health studies or environmental studies in the region fed by the river which show beyond reasonable doubt that specific detrimental effects have emerged since the discharge began, and then further prove beyond all reasonable doubt that said effects are a direct result of the PCB discharge rather than any of the other myriad of factors that the defense will drag in to confuse the issue, some of which might very well be substantial contributors to the same or similar problems.

It's comparatively easy to show that someone broke the letter of a law. Proving beyond reasonable doubt that they actually caused significant harm? That is much, much harder, and requires much more research and far more compelling evidence. Said research and evidence costs money.

>I just decided that corporate lawsuits of this nature are required to go to trial in no less than two years, and even delaying that long requires significant legal tap-dancing. so :p
They're required to go to trial in two years... or else wha
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No. 37455 ID: 35e1a0

sounds good, if ALL companies have to cough up a fuckload of cash for doing something they will be VERY careful to make sure they aren't doing something harmful or spend a ton of money to cover it up. also have to remember OTHER companies are using this way to take out the competitors so some of the prices. also the defence has to be ready in two years, you don't make a claim unless you are ALREADY sure your case is good, meaning the defense is the one who must prepare and so they are the ones who stall for time meaning that yes they have to pay the penalty cause they are trying to take to long.
No. 37483 ID: 45be60

First of all, OOOOOH, I see how we are envisioning this differently. No, proving that a chemical or drug is harmful is not a major part of a court case. That is done with testing in independent labs. An expert witness reporting on the effects of PCB exposure on lab rats and how difficult it is to break down would usually suffice. If there are multiple widely conflicting studies, then things might get interesting, but the court case is usually just a matter of "look, these are the measured levels we think you are responsible for, the scientists tell us it is X arbitrary badness units, what do you have to say for yourselves?"

>They're required to go to trial in two years... or else what?
Just like a criminal trial. The court date is set, you can appeal for change of date maybe twice, and if you don't show up ready, the judge rules in favor of the other side.

>management assures them that it's fairly standard and that no company has ever been prosecuted for using their methods
If management was this shortsighted, then yes, they would pretty much doom the town, and themselves as well. That's the idea. It's an incentive for the company to figure out what a new substance does ahead of time.

>Ex post facto taxes are an utterly terrifying thing.
Yes. This IS horrifying. Sort of the point really.

I never said this system would be a great idea and we should totes be using it. I said it's a system that *almost* works. But it's a system that has resulted more than half of the children born since 1970 being mutated in some minor way.
No. 37485 ID: 35e1a0

>Is this still fun
no, i just want to get back to the quest and tell the haters to suspend their disbelief.
No. 37488 ID: 234c26

>An expert witness reporting on the effects of PCB exposure on lab rats and how difficult it is to break down would usually suffice.
That certainly makes things a hell of a lot easier- though in many cases, those studies with lab rats would have to be conducted specifically for the case, potentially requiring a couple years of testing on the part of the prosecution or their affiliates. It's fairly rare that animals are experimentally exposed to various levels of specific industrial wastes in order to measure the effects, after all.

Fortunately, this is exactly the sort of research that would attract corporate backing, which can easily circle around to tie in with the inter-company competition bit that you were bringing up- because a company who bankrolls it can not only use the results as a weapon against their competitors, they can also design their own next industrial process to skirt in just under the line of what their study's results declare harmful and thereby have a reasonable rationale for their own level of pollution if they get charged in turn.

>If management was this shortsighted, then yes, they would pretty much doom the town, and themselves as well. That's the idea.
The number of companies that are willing to look more than five years ahead is... very small. Hell, a lot of them- particularly those which are publicly held- aren't willing to look more than one or two years ahead. The drive to raise stock value is huge.

Something that occurs to me here is this: By the time the court case rolls around, it's possible- even likely- that the vast majority of those who were involved in the original construction and operation of the plant will have retired or o
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File 144489904546.jpg - (121.73KB , 960x660 , waterloo_dogs_playing_poker.jpg )
95526 No. 95526 ID: f8b4f5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Strip poker adventures in the 21st century!

Download: http://tgchanpoker.sourceforge.net/

This Python-based strip poker game boasts the following features:

-Runs on all Windows machines with no modifications or hassle! Linux/OSX can run the source code version.
-Poker Module Assembler so that people unfamiliar with coding (i.e. artists) can make opponents on their own!
-An unlimited number of potential lines for each character! Type out as many as you want, and the game will select randomly from them!
-Extensive native scripting support to customize and add advanced features to each module! Make your character's dialogue change depending on their state of undress! Change between sets of images depending on how well the user is playing! Change the opponent's name as they reveal their true form! The sky is the limit!
-Customizable GUI and cards! Each module can even come with its own set of cards!
-Up to 5 opponents, playing simultaneously!
-The user can play as one of the characters!
-Supports images of any size (technically)!
-Character images can be stored securely in a .DAT file! Just throw a .ZIP into the converter!
-A multitude of options inside the game's settings allow you to customize your play!
-40+ modules created by tgchan artists included with the download!
-Fully open source!

If you find any bugs in the program, please post them in this thread with a link to a Pastebin containing the contents of stderr.log and stdout.log. This is essential for repro and debugging on my end.

NOTE: If you share this program with another community, please link to it in this thread so I can see any bugs they report.
102 posts and 37 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 141820 ID: 618256

I love it.Pretty good stuff.
No. 142146 ID: 0d1c28
File 171496445808.png - (555.83KB , 613x827 , Icker01.png )

Icker Strip poker module on it's way!
No. 142185 ID: 0d1c28
File 171573205129.png - (80.13KB , 240x240 , IckerPortrait.png )

Icker reluctantly joins the roster!
please let me know what you think if you want to see more of this sort of thing!

Download here!
No. 142581 ID: 0d1c28
File 172430328175.png - (552.95KB , 613x827 , SharubStripPoker1c.png )

Sharub Strip poker module on it's way!
No. 142595 ID: 0d1c28
File 172496701546.png - (106.10KB , 240x240 , YuePort.png )

Made a new strip poker as a commission
this one is of the commissioner's sylveon OC

Let me know what you think! and hit me up if you want one of your own!

Download here!

File 172113117071.png - (917.59KB , 1600x1600 , chest_day_2024.png )
142459 No. 142459 ID: 02b027 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Grab your tits, flex your pecs, it's July 16 everywhere in the world!

And so it is CHEST DAY!

Today's title card is Flora from Magical Academy Quest, kindly provided by Calalen.

You can enjoy a treasure trove of chests of days past here:
9 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 142486 ID: 681cb5
File 172151200128.png - (159.39KB , 1000x550 , Chest.png )

Ek'tall: "BEHOLD, the most superior chest of all!"
Doxy: "You don't even have breasts?"
Tizli: "Neither does anyone else here, Commander. You're the odd one out!"
Shal: "Look mom! I'm on Questden!"
No. 142495 ID: cb41c9
File 172164755085.jpg - (1.16MB , 1098x1603 , Core 152.jpg )

This is the story of a queen that protested against her husband's high tax by riding naked through the town. Before she started this endeavor she asked the residents not to stare at her and all complied, all except for one individual.
No. 142497 ID: a7c2ff
File 172168440239.png - (880.39KB , 1000x1000 , please_dont_be_into_this.png )

I decided to try at my hand at the challenge of drawing creatures with more than two breasts, knowing full well that the end result would either wind up looking hideous, or competent enough I would have effectively drawn some very weird lewd.

With that lose-lose situation of my own making in mind, here is Wall and Pond from Just a Job bringing their new crewmate Anisha along on a beach trip, who in turn is carrying the snacks! (You can't have any snacks)
No. 142529 ID: a0c6c5
File 172283813622.png - (287.80KB , 521x548 , nemo with the titty.png )

nemo defies death just for chest day. alright grandma slime, now that everyone has seen your boobies it's time for you to get back in your grave!
No. 142592 ID: 92a30c
File 172478971812.png - (448.22KB , 737x800 , subject-1.png )

the adorable Katherine Mauser from Date

File 165259568280.jpg - (85.40KB , 500x500 , disc thread.jpg )
137440 No. 137440 ID: 4ef090 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

For questions, comments, discussion, and general jibber jabber about the Slime Quest story, world, characters, etc etc.

Setting this up to make it easier to read through suggestions on the main board.

Also, there are some things I may not be able to answer in the format of the story. Ask about that stuff here! I can't reveal everything, but there's still some stuff I'd love to elaborate on/clarify.

Keep it friendly, please!

READ SLIME QUEST: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1002454.html
226 posts and 34 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 140980 ID: 0ba437
File 169774560189.png - (88.27KB , 500x500 , IMG_0341.png )

there was supposed to be a picture, heres the picture
No. 141016 ID: 2c1245

Fuck! Every time I see his stupid smile I just wanna blow his cock like how an industrial blow drier dries your car in a car wash, or maybe maybe attempt to suck the cum out his cock so hard he gets a testicular torsion. Maybe finger his asshole while I'm at it.
No. 142445 ID: a0c6c5
File 172086047928.png - (52.01KB , 247x184 , IMG_2127.png )

I accidentally made a sticker, you can have it <3
No. 142446 ID: a0c6c5

Oh neat pngs work on here?? That’s good information to know that definitely won’t be abused in future updates :3
No. 142587 ID: a0c6c5
File 172462823765.png - (51.26KB , 317x445 , CLIPStudioPaint_kKhg7fWIAI.png )

sam undertale

File 168125338489.png - (24.02KB , 500x500 , DISVOL1.png )
139512 No. 139512 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A general discussion thread for anything and everything relating to me or my quests.

From questions, critique, and maybe even sneak peaks and leaks. Your number one insider source for buckwheat quest news and material. Straight from the deer's mouth!
43 posts and 34 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 142306 ID: 15a025
File 171798529808.png - (4.00KB , 200x200 , are you ducking serious.png )

Lana trying another idea to help Kaari out. She's not amused.
No. 142322 ID: 15a025
File 171856226137.png - (5.49KB , 400x400 , Punkjacketlanab.png )

Punk Lana.
No. 142354 ID: 15a025
File 171917214573.png - (852.24KB , 700x1000 , deer of the year 2024.png )

Deer of the year, 2024 edition.
No. 142388 ID: 15a025
File 171979112970.png - (6.12KB , 400x400 , Intense lanab.png )

No. 142583 ID: 15a025
File 172436318429.png - (284.51KB , 902x1184 , Roaway_Grace_Tennis.png )

A wonderful picture of Grace from DO NOT FILE! that Roaway drew as a birthday gift for me!

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111417 No. 111417 ID: d1d42a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Thread for discussing King of Pentacles

numerous questions and complaints have been voiced
probably best to have them answered outside of quest
584 posts and 150 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 141290 ID: 0d1c28
File 170138110914.png - (5.13MB , 1600x2400 , StripComic2v5.png )

Sezeda shows off her new swimsuit, Vriolo wants her to show off a little more
No. 141583 ID: 0d1c28
File 170605074552.png - (2.18MB , 1125x1019 , GarcioBonus2.png )

No. 141626 ID: 0d1c28

with the latest thread finished it's time for a new poll!
lets see what characters people are enjoying (or wish to see more of going forward)

No. 142066 ID: 0d1c28
File 171382743140.png - (2.34MB , 1125x1019 , Azzeki Bonus6c.png )

Lylene is sound asleep, Azzeki thinks she should probably lock her windows
No. 142556 ID: 0d1c28
File 172350813224.png - (4.80MB , 1600x2400 , StripComic3v3.png )

It seems Vriolo's prank only encouraged Sezeda

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4059 No. 4059 ID: af9412 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A lot of discussion's come up in the latest DiveQuest chapter so I wanted to clarify some things here without diverting the action of the thread itself.

This whole reorganizational thing, facilitated by the character of Ashedel, is not really a retcon of anything, just a reorganization.
I mentioned that I was so frustrated by and not at all enjoying Divequest that I was on the verge of just outright canceling it, but instead I made some big changes to its overall theme and drive, and one of my biggest changes is ripping out all the micromanagement. That wasn't fun and several people told me they weren't able to keep up with the quest solely because of the bloated inventories and mana management, and I was inclined to agree. Simple is better.
Other changes include the way puzzles are handled, the general focus and scale, social interactions between the characters, and so on.
Mostly, as you can probably tell by now, DiveQuest is supposed to be pretty over the top and tongue-in-cheek, and I wanted to change the flow of the quest to better fit that. As it was, the puzzles and pacing too closely matched RubyQuest, which didn't really work for Dive.

Major changes include more focus on the characters, more dynamic puzzles, more agency on the part of the players, more of an over-the-top aesthetic, a generally smaller scale in terms of Muschio's minions (so that each of them can have their own personality), less stuff that takes itself too seriously, and so on. You get the basic idea.
The goal here is to make it more accessible, fast-paced, entertaining, somewhat silly, and open for new players.

That doesn't mean this is going to turn into a Harem quest or that there's not going to be more profuse amounts of violence, nor that everything will be RANDOM AND WACKY, nor that there will be no serious moments interspersed.
Just that the previous incarnation of DiveQuest was t
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No. 142341 ID: 2f41db

That gal is a living swiss army knife.
Any situation, utility.

Also, "throw tislomer at it" will either fix things or create an entirely new problem that we might have a better chance with.
No. 142510 ID: 0e1248

Any news on the new chapter?
No. 142511 ID: 46e818

it went up four days ago
No. 142512 ID: 0e1248

Hey danke compa!
the quest catalog was not updating for me for some reason.
No. 142577 ID: 0e1248

I've been having a doubt for a while now, is the main religion of the setting monotheistic now?
Because it was my understanding (specially since ch 13) that the main religion of the kingdom was polytheistic.

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140583 No. 140583 ID: 995874 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A discussion thread for Rotten Apple quest.

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No. 142172 ID: 20a211
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Fan Art for the House Cadvere quest which was made by Nalthar

No. 142253 ID: 7c724f
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No. 142363 ID: 5ebd37

I think we can use the cat's cleverness against her

Step one: Bobbie carries decoy toy around in place of the real Abdle, with a good but not perfect disguise. Shadow Taker will see through this deception and know Abdle is hidden somewhere, but she will think that we think we fooled her.
Step two: Abdle is hidden in a chamber that is rigged as a trap. Something where when the thief enters she will get dropped in a pit or a cage falls on her. Better yet, have the hallway leading to the room be trapped, so when she opens the door at one end the other end gets sealed shut. She may be tricky, but I bet she isn't carrying a big drill or bomb able to get through a solid stone dungeon.
Bonus deception: Abdle isn't even in the trap room, but a set of arranged mirror's make it look like he is. Something like one of those boxy periscopes. This way even if ST tries to yoink him with a trick bolt he'll be quite unreachable. or at least give him time to escape hatch if she has something we didn't anticipate.
No. 142555 ID: e25c20

Thank you for following the quest so far we reached the half-point of the second chapter so it is a good point for a short survey. How do you like the story so far, is there something more that you would like to see and if you have to add some constructive criticism I will consider it.
No. 142558 ID: c5529d

>How do you like the story so far
it's engaging. I like the comedic moments

>is there something more that you would like to see
I'm interested in seeing how the characters develop in the story

>if you have to add some constructive criticism I will consider it.
There's spelling errors from time to time, but I think it still gets the message across regardless. If you want, you can probably write out the script in a word document for it to correct any errors before writing it in the picture if that helps.

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142461 No. 142461 ID: 1effd3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/From_Nothing

A place to discuss things about From Nothing, while ill try to clarify some things if they aren't spoilers! You can also ask certain characters questions if you'd like!
No. 142464 ID: 273c18

Does it consume runes to cast a 3-rune spell, or only to learn one?
No. 142465 ID: 1effd3

Only to create a spell. Some more info will be available in the next update.
No. 142483 ID: 2f41db

No question for now, just thanks for the quest.
Its compelling in its feeling of discovery and ecploration. theres a lot of engaging ideas at work.

Plus, shes an adorable lil silverfish.
No. 142484 ID: 1effd3

Thank you! I'm doing my best!
No. 142500 ID: 2f41db

Well, thanks to the above thread ill never be able to look at silv the same way.
Her chest is HUGE.

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38965 No. 38965 ID: e8cd4a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Ask questions, give comments, suggestions and feedback.

Many thanks to everyone for your continued readership.
62 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 73109 ID: 9ddf68

are we finding old threads now of old quest that never finished to see if they will be reborn like Obltus just was?
No. 73169 ID: 1e43fc

Rottel please D:
No. 73172 ID: 0046c5

Octary told me that bumping Rottel's thread might help.
No. 73184 ID: 51cecc
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If that is the case, then bumping the shit out of rottel's thread. Rottel, we love you. Gratify us with updates, which will in turn promote the celebration of your name.
No. 73198 ID: 2f4b71

Come back Rottel, we love you!

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141260 No. 141260 ID: 11f77a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Hello again. My wife and I welcome you to our annual Secret Santa party. This year I’ve booked a mega-lodge to fit all of our guests. There will be activities such as skiing and sledding down Mt. Fjellberg. Yamelle is somewhere around here... probably. But first we must look over the rules; it should be the same as before. I’ll just read what my wife has written down for me.

Here are the previous years of gift-giving!
(2016) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/106091.html
(2017) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/118595.html
(2018) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/126663.html
(2019) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/131539.html
(2020) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/134434.html
(2021) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/136526.html
(2022) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/138571.html
Wiki Link & Directions: https://questden.org/wiki/TGChan%27s_Secret_Santa

What do you do? You can participate in several ways:

For Quest Authors/Signing-Up
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No. 142358 ID: a7a180
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Hello, miss… Ridiculously huge… Hello miss Dragon Sorceress!
After, eheh, a very intense gift selection process, I have found a treasure from my personal collection that I believe will be quite fitting for yours! This gem is called the Dragon’s Heart. Supposedly it’s made of an actual dragon’s heart that petrified, according to the cursed item seller I got it from. Anyway, when you have this gem, hoarding stuff makes you bigger and stronger! …Being poor does the opposite. It also makes spellcasters prone to spontaneous spellcasting, not that I’d have any personal experience with that. But hey, you’re just spending magical power the heart gave you, so not much of a downside, right? Live large and prosper, miss RHBDS! Happy holidays!
You received: the Dragon Heart! (Magic item, very rare, slightly drippy, requires attunement.)
No. 142503 ID: 92a30c
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That was an exciting holiday retreat, wasn’t it? It seems I overstayed well into the summer! But I’m here to compensate any last-minute gifts that never arrived for the giftees.

It happens, doesn’t it Dama? And that’s okay, we’ve got everyone covered.
No. 142504 ID: 92a30c
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For the gentle moth, Tineola. It was fun having you in the village last year! You were quite popular with the outfitters and couturiers too. You were all they ever talked about!

I’ve been cleaning my attic, digging around Vikta’s stuff during his weird phase where he’d engage in online writing games with his virtual friends. Seems he had ordered a 5-Piece Lamp Set of some character. So here! With it includes: Left Arm of The Rogue One, Right Arm of The Rogue One, Left Leg of The Rogue One, Right Leg of The Rogue One, and Mac the Rogue One.

Don’t worry about keeping it! Vikta always denies ever owning this.
No. 142505 ID: 92a30c
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Ortessus! You look so bulky in your suit. Don’t you have anything else to wear during your R&R? It’s still good to see you!

I believe we have some fireworks left from one of our earlier holidays. It was raining that day so we couldn’t use them effectively. But I’m sure you’d find a use out of them!

Although I could use them for the next year... Naaaah you can have them! ♥
No. 142506 ID: 92a30c
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Anthony the Artist, eh? You know, I’m something of an artist myself!

Anyhoo! Because my husband draws in many customers around the world, plenty small family businesses sell trinkets through his gift shop. I found this cute set of Precious Moments Figurines on display and I bought a 12-piece set!

Awe look, that one is peeling potatoes! How precious indeed~

And I think that covers everyone! I hope to see you all back next year!

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142424 No. 142424 ID: 127310 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Feedback thread for Ministry of Memetic Philosophy. If you have any feedback about the combat aspects of the quest specifically, please share them here. Lore discussion is welcome but if it starts flooding out the combat feedback I will make another thread.

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