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File 152186585887.png - (18.80KB , 150x150 , tgchanlogo.png )
121761 No. 121761 ID: 395c02 Stickied hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Welcome to the Quest Advice thread Mk. 2! Anyone is welcome to offer advice or ask questions about the amazing world of interactive storytelling!

Check the wiki page for additional information and tips: http://questden.org/wiki/Advice_for_Running_a_Quest

The Questden discord may also be of assistance: https://discord.gg/Fh5zMTX

Old thread (Advice may be outdated): https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/15880.html
136 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 140873 ID: 1fa538

Slinko (and others who have taken the plunge), any advice on adding extra media to quests, like animations or minigames?
No. 140890 ID: 4562ef

Don't make it too complicated. The number of assets you'll need can pile up VERY quickly, especially if you do a game with animations. Have a well-defined goal, a purpose that you want to achieve with it, for example "character bouncing around a room with physics because it's funny." Once you have made that happen, then you can think about adding things onto it.
No. 141021 ID: 87e33c

Yeah, would reccomend incredibly small scopes per project, stuff like:

> Just a guy moving around and talking to people with text and simple character/environment art

Is actually a lot for most people even just using premade assets and software. Not to mention the writing and art assets also required to make it work. Not to mention most people feel it's a requirement to add talksprites so that's basically doubling the artistic work required.

Keep it simple, and if you consistently make more projects, then add like one new thing that you felt you needed to the next one.

At least, that's how I'd suggest handling it if you wanted to produce something reusable or long term for a project while working solo.
No. 141264 ID: 2a82d3

Is it possible to delete other people's comments?

If so, I might have made a mistake. Sorry.
No. 141286 ID: 462d8c

You're only able to delete posts you know the password to. A password is auto-generated and automatically filled in for your posts.

So if you're worried that you deleted someone's post, don't stress about it. Unless you managed to delete some spam then hell yeah!

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38965 No. 38965 ID: e8cd4a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Ask questions, give comments, suggestions and feedback.

Many thanks to everyone for your continued readership.
63 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 73169 ID: 1e43fc

Rottel please D:
No. 73172 ID: 0046c5

Octary told me that bumping Rottel's thread might help.
No. 73184 ID: 51cecc
File 137293700741.jpg - (556.75KB , 2048x1536 , FZUMa.jpg )


If that is the case, then bumping the shit out of rottel's thread. Rottel, we love you. Gratify us with updates, which will in turn promote the celebration of your name.
No. 73198 ID: 2f4b71

Come back Rottel, we love you!
No. 142507 ID: 1dcaa4
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File 170104306465.png - (884.42KB , 936x858 , secsan_2023.png )
141260 No. 141260 ID: 11f77a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Hello again. My wife and I welcome you to our annual Secret Santa party. This year I’ve booked a mega-lodge to fit all of our guests. There will be activities such as skiing and sledding down Mt. Fjellberg. Yamelle is somewhere around here... probably. But first we must look over the rules; it should be the same as before. I’ll just read what my wife has written down for me.

Here are the previous years of gift-giving!
(2016) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/106091.html
(2017) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/118595.html
(2018) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/126663.html
(2019) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/131539.html
(2020) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/134434.html
(2021) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/136526.html
(2022) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/138571.html
Wiki Link & Directions: https://questden.org/wiki/TGChan%27s_Secret_Santa

What do you do? You can participate in several ways:

For Quest Authors/Signing-Up
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 142358 ID: a7a180
File 171920317736.png - (169.17KB , 800x800 , a_hidden_gem.png )

Hello, miss… Ridiculously huge… Hello miss Dragon Sorceress!
After, eheh, a very intense gift selection process, I have found a treasure from my personal collection that I believe will be quite fitting for yours! This gem is called the Dragon’s Heart. Supposedly it’s made of an actual dragon’s heart that petrified, according to the cursed item seller I got it from. Anyway, when you have this gem, hoarding stuff makes you bigger and stronger! …Being poor does the opposite. It also makes spellcasters prone to spontaneous spellcasting, not that I’d have any personal experience with that. But hey, you’re just spending magical power the heart gave you, so not much of a downside, right? Live large and prosper, miss RHBDS! Happy holidays!
You received: the Dragon Heart! (Magic item, very rare, slightly drippy, requires attunement.)
No. 142503 ID: 92a30c
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That was an exciting holiday retreat, wasn’t it? It seems I overstayed well into the summer! But I’m here to compensate any last-minute gifts that never arrived for the giftees.

It happens, doesn’t it Dama? And that’s okay, we’ve got everyone covered.
No. 142504 ID: 92a30c
File 172194488544.png - (747.49KB , 936x858 , gift-tineola.png )

For the gentle moth, Tineola. It was fun having you in the village last year! You were quite popular with the outfitters and couturiers too. You were all they ever talked about!

I’ve been cleaning my attic, digging around Vikta’s stuff during his weird phase where he’d engage in online writing games with his virtual friends. Seems he had ordered a 5-Piece Lamp Set of some character. So here! With it includes: Left Arm of The Rogue One, Right Arm of The Rogue One, Left Leg of The Rogue One, Right Leg of The Rogue One, and Mac the Rogue One.

Don’t worry about keeping it! Vikta always denies ever owning this.
No. 142505 ID: 92a30c
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Ortessus! You look so bulky in your suit. Don’t you have anything else to wear during your R&R? It’s still good to see you!

I believe we have some fireworks left from one of our earlier holidays. It was raining that day so we couldn’t use them effectively. But I’m sure you’d find a use out of them!

Although I could use them for the next year... Naaaah you can have them! ♥
No. 142506 ID: 92a30c
File 172194502140.png - (837.23KB , 936x858 , gift-anthony.png )

Anthony the Artist, eh? You know, I’m something of an artist myself!

Anyhoo! Because my husband draws in many customers around the world, plenty small family businesses sell trinkets through his gift shop. I found this cute set of Precious Moments Figurines on display and I bought a 12-piece set!

Awe look, that one is peeling potatoes! How precious indeed~

And I think that covers everyone! I hope to see you all back next year!

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142461 No. 142461 ID: 1effd3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/From_Nothing

A place to discuss things about From Nothing, while ill try to clarify some things if they aren't spoilers! You can also ask certain characters questions if you'd like!
No. 142464 ID: 273c18

Does it consume runes to cast a 3-rune spell, or only to learn one?
No. 142465 ID: 1effd3

Only to create a spell. Some more info will be available in the next update.
No. 142483 ID: 2f41db

No question for now, just thanks for the quest.
Its compelling in its feeling of discovery and ecploration. theres a lot of engaging ideas at work.

Plus, shes an adorable lil silverfish.
No. 142484 ID: 1effd3

Thank you! I'm doing my best!
No. 142500 ID: 2f41db

Well, thanks to the above thread ill never be able to look at silv the same way.
Her chest is HUGE.

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81802 No. 81802 ID: 186341 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

hey friends check it out talk about enemy quest here
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No. 142487 ID: db4be1
File 172153407675.png - (493.98KB , 400x600 , power trio3.png )

Hello everyone. Hoo boy! It's been a second, hasn't it. I hope you are all doing well.

I'd like to give you all an update about me. My daughter has turned old enough that now my much-beleaguered wife and I can foist her upon other, more qualified caretakers for much of the day (did you guys know creating a person is actually a fuckton of work?). The three of us are healthy, well, and happy, still living in NYC.

To head things off, with apologies: I'm not picking Enemy Quest back up. Not for a while, anyway; I wasn't kidding in the above image when I said it's been a long time since I've had the setting at front of mind, and even now it took me a second to remember the kariket's name (Kakarot?).
I have fond memories, though, and have loved seeing its characters and world continued elsewhere. The love you gave this quest I reciprocate. If you'll forgive it I'd like to point you to another project of mine I've been working on of late.

Now that I have free time at all again, I've started working on romance writing once more. I am currently publishing a free novel, in serialized form, on Scribblehub. It is called POWER TRIO, and it's a comic fantasy, 18+ M/F/F romance between a human bassist, an orcish drummer, and a goblin guitarist. My ambition is to update it daily until it's finished, which will be at roughly 80-90,000 words.

If you'd like to check it out, you can at this link:

I promise I'll get a non-AI art cover at some point, but you gotta pop the algorithm. I feel dirty about it too.

I am on the questden discord if you'd like to talk to me about Evan, Kell, Thekla, and their sexy misadventures, reminisce about this quest, or if you just want to shoot the shit.
No. 142488 ID: db4be1

Sure dog
No. 142490 ID: 861ceb

huh, well shit welcome back. Glad things are going well for you and your family and good luck with your book. If it's anywhere near the quality of your quest I'm sure you'll find an audience soon enough.
No. 142496 ID: 16d082
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>healthy, well, and happy
>while living in NYC
No. 142498 ID: f94306

Built different

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142459 No. 142459 ID: 02b027 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Grab your tits, flex your pecs, it's July 16 everywhere in the world!

And so it is CHEST DAY!

Today's title card is Flora from Magical Academy Quest, kindly provided by Calalen.

You can enjoy a treasure trove of chests of days past here:
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No. 142481 ID: a0c6c5
File 172141288509.png - (56.00KB , 388x388 , trickster binder.png )

this is maybe a bit spoilery but i drew it and it's chest day, so what the hell, have trickster chest
No. 142482 ID: 0d1c28
File 172142186684.png - (1.54MB , 1125x1019 , BonusHydra4.png )

The Hydra from King of Pentacles!
No. 142486 ID: 681cb5
File 172151200128.png - (159.39KB , 1000x550 , Chest.png )

Ek'tall: "BEHOLD, the most superior chest of all!"
Doxy: "You don't even have breasts?"
Tizli: "Neither does anyone else here, Commander. You're the odd one out!"
Shal: "Look mom! I'm on Questden!"
No. 142495 ID: cb41c9
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This is the story of a queen that protested against her husband's high tax by riding naked through the town. Before she started this endeavor she asked the residents not to stare at her and all complied, all except for one individual.
No. 142497 ID: a7c2ff
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I decided to try at my hand at the challenge of drawing creatures with more than two breasts, knowing full well that the end result would either wind up looking hideous, or competent enough I would have effectively drawn some very weird lewd.

With that lose-lose situation of my own making in mind, here is Wall and Pond from Just a Job bringing their new crewmate Anisha along on a beach trip, who in turn is carrying the snacks! (You can't have any snacks)

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140397 No. 140397 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Welcome to the grand opening of the Fanart Gallery XV!

We are currently accepting submissions to encapsulate in the upcoming volume of our wonderful art archives.

If you're searching for our previous volumes you can enter the archives over here, so long as you present a valid library card.
700 - 799: Art & Recreation: https://questden.org/wiki/Fanart_Thread

If you're interested in learning more about our host, you can read more over here:
164 posts and 154 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 142435 ID: ef62c1
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..While Preceptor Steel does Hamilton.

Now these are leaders I'd vote for if, you know, that were an option.
No. 142436 ID: ef62c1
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Lastly, some Sect from Tobak Quest meet an intrepid captain from Star Control Free Stars and make a... lasting first impression!
No. 142489 ID: db4be1

Hell yeah brother
No. 142493 ID: 9ea24b
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kaktus cretur feature
No. 142494 ID: 9ea24b
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robut has existential crisis

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137440 No. 137440 ID: 4ef090 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

For questions, comments, discussion, and general jibber jabber about the Slime Quest story, world, characters, etc etc.

Setting this up to make it easier to read through suggestions on the main board.

Also, there are some things I may not be able to answer in the format of the story. Ask about that stuff here! I can't reveal everything, but there's still some stuff I'd love to elaborate on/clarify.

Keep it friendly, please!

READ SLIME QUEST: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1002454.html
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No. 140979 ID: 0ba437

you cant tell if he thinks its hilarious or if hes so angry hes about to explode
No. 140980 ID: 0ba437
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there was supposed to be a picture, heres the picture
No. 141016 ID: 2c1245

Fuck! Every time I see his stupid smile I just wanna blow his cock like how an industrial blow drier dries your car in a car wash, or maybe maybe attempt to suck the cum out his cock so hard he gets a testicular torsion. Maybe finger his asshole while I'm at it.
No. 142445 ID: a0c6c5
File 172086047928.png - (52.01KB , 247x184 , IMG_2127.png )

I accidentally made a sticker, you can have it <3
No. 142446 ID: a0c6c5

Oh neat pngs work on here?? That’s good information to know that definitely won’t be abused in future updates :3

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142424 No. 142424 ID: 127310 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Feedback thread for Ministry of Memetic Philosophy. If you have any feedback about the combat aspects of the quest specifically, please share them here. Lore discussion is welcome but if it starts flooding out the combat feedback I will make another thread.

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141736 No. 141736 ID: 01c8e1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Aldequest Discussion Thread to answer all your questions, quandries, and feedback!

Character Sheet:

Was recommended that I make one of these, so here it is!
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No. 142207 ID: a671e8

Ok. When you think my help is welcome just let me know. And if you want some kind of contact information for this.
No. 142213 ID: 77bc65

Yeah for sure, if anyone wants to really, I'm capitulize on discord. Don't mind talking.
No. 142215 ID: a671e8

I've sent a request. ...I think. When it's about Discord I'm a luddite.
No. 142369 ID: 742e7a

Next update's got a lot to it, the wait might be slightly longer.
No. 142433 ID: 2f41db

Eagerly but patiently waiting.
Bake it as long as you need.

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133588 No. 133588 ID: e7c7d3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It's the sandiest day ever! It is the day where various quest characters hang out at the beach. Take some vacation time away from your monstrous labs, dreary dungeons, dystopian futures, and awkward romances. Instead enjoy some sun and energetic waters with other quest characters!

This year has a boardwalk set up for your entertainment and enjoyment! Set up your own booth, enjoy the sights, have an easy pre-made background so you can focus on the shenanigans. The possibilities are endless!

The boardwalk was built by the lovely Anon44 and you can get the file here:
You will most likely need Sketchup: free edition to utilize it properly, (does require a login.):

Previous Beach Days:
137 posts and 125 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 135868 ID: c7f601

No. 135900 ID: 11f77a
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The headhunter carries her prize. Horrible Howie, once a monster who desecrated the land with his foul presence alone, had been silenced.

All that's left is to return the evidence to the town-crier and claim the handsome reward--
No. 135901 ID: 11f77a
File 162715401659.png - (428.09KB , 800x600 , key_10.png )

Key: You think this is funny, you walking chimney?!

Key: Sending me on a wild chase to bring you some scruff mcgruff mascot head?

Key: There was never any horrible creature--all this was hyped up for your royal amusement.

Key: I demand compensation for wasting my time or I'll have my revenge, tall-neck!
No. 135904 ID: e51896
File 162715765909.png - (584.23KB , 1280x720 , BD2020_017.png )

Meanwhile back in the boxcar, Arthurius sits with his back leaning behind a box. His head peeks out of his shirt which he ducked his head under to avoid getting decapitated. Only the top of his hat got destroyed. He takes a look at the fake vampire blood packet he found in one of the boxes. Some of it got in his mouth, it tastes a little bit like... raspberry jam?

:bd_2020_arthurius: :"That was scary... thank Morpheus I found this..."

he sighs loudly

:bd_2020_arthurius: :"Why is everyone at this beach so INSANE?!? Ugh, forget this place, I'm going home. I'll pick up my team later..."

Arthurius makes his exit off the beach.
No. 136454 ID: 9b127b
File 163609808262.png - (777.08KB , 1122x1014 , KoPbeach49.png )

Lanix seems about to react in anger at being hit, but takes a moment to calm herself

Sister Tawny: "There is no need to throw a fit child, I'm sure you must be very frustrated but I did warn you that Horrible Howie was far out of your league


Sister Tawny: "Neither I nor the crown can compensate you for a failed job, I thought I had made that very clear. but how's this for a reward, you a peasant pursued a fiend that should have meant your certain death but escaped with a most precious gift, your own life! truly you are blessed! and on your journey you've found a fine coat and hat to keep you warm in the cold winter months! so in a way you HAVE earned compensation!"

Tawny feels her wet hood

Sister Tawny: "now if there's nothing else, I'll need to clean off this jam before it stains."

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135483 No. 135483 ID: eedbeb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

i make quests too quickly to warrant a discussion thread for each one. going forward all the fun can happen here.

once i'm finished with a quest, i put it in pdf form here: https://tippler.itch.io/
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No. 142323 ID: 9ea24b
File 171857202988.jpg - (5.34MB , 3024x4032 , a8.jpg )

i am getting ahead of myself by posting this before finishing last update of clubbing quest please forgive me this transgression

anyway more pen drawings from same batch
No. 142324 ID: 9ea24b
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No. 142325 ID: 9ea24b
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No. 142326 ID: 9ea24b
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No. 142327 ID: 9ea24b
File 171857231438.jpg - (1.62MB , 2746x3819 , a12.jpg )


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137772 No. 137772 ID: 473867 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Good tidings, ladies, gents and plantiforms!

In regular standard-fare for this website, I am pleased to inaugurate this discussion thread to share fan opinions, behind the scenes and future works in progress.
Let's hope it lasts at least 4 weeks before it gets completely forgotten and I have to liquidate all assets!
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No. 140870 ID: 9ea24b
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this is the strongest image i have ever seen. here is an unprompted follow up of me jerking my rod while silly zealot watches
No. 140891 ID: 4bff6f
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Ladies, it is THIS big!
No. 140933 ID: 3ea497
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Shortly after making my *The God Damned* fanquest, I thought of also making a spoof quest, but then I thought "...let's wait not only until the fanquest, but actual quest is done before trying a straight up parody."

Still, I liked making up funny characters for it, so here is a doodle I made of the main cast of a quest that never was.
No. 141420 ID: 7bff6f
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The process of brainstorming (and ripping off Simpson scenes).
No. 142387 ID: ef62c1
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A scene to remember in case I say something dumb online and I get lambasted off the internet and my successors make a dumb DLC where Gregory is suddenly ruthless and Roxy is suddenly nice.

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140583 No. 140583 ID: 995874 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A discussion thread for Rotten Apple quest.

135 posts and 99 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 142164 ID: 27fceb

What if not taking his gift may just anger him.
No. 142165 ID: c5529d

Perhaps. But it's better than just breaking it in front of him as the other other option. Pretty much why in my decision, I made it a polite decline to not hurt his feelings by saying it's too valuable to just accept, and to keep it with him for later. Can't forget that one of them is the Oblex after all >>142094
No. 142172 ID: 20a211
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Fan Art for the House Cadvere quest which was made by Nalthar

No. 142253 ID: 7c724f
File 171685345886.jpg - (1.24MB , 1170x1601 , Core 151.jpg )

No. 142363 ID: 5ebd37

I think we can use the cat's cleverness against her

Step one: Bobbie carries decoy toy around in place of the real Abdle, with a good but not perfect disguise. Shadow Taker will see through this deception and know Abdle is hidden somewhere, but she will think that we think we fooled her.
Step two: Abdle is hidden in a chamber that is rigged as a trap. Something where when the thief enters she will get dropped in a pit or a cage falls on her. Better yet, have the hallway leading to the room be trapped, so when she opens the door at one end the other end gets sealed shut. She may be tricky, but I bet she isn't carrying a big drill or bomb able to get through a solid stone dungeon.
Bonus deception: Abdle isn't even in the trap room, but a set of arranged mirror's make it look like he is. Something like one of those boxy periscopes. This way even if ST tries to yoink him with a trick bolt he'll be quite unreachable. or at least give him time to escape hatch if she has something we didn't anticipate.

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142330 No. 142330 ID: c540e0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hi. Here is a space to discuss the quest, ask any questions you may have, art and behnind the scenes.

Yes this is a pretty basic horny quest, but I'm planning to take this in more interseting and complex places now I've found an artstyle and story style I like using.

So expect things to get interesting (and weird).
No. 142331 ID: b4ecfb

Enjoying this thicc linework!
No. 142332 ID: c540e0

much more to come.
No. 142339 ID: c540e0

I’ll try not to railroad the quest too much and once the first part of the raquelle saga is over Grim’s journey will be mostly in your hands.
No. 142342 ID: 2f41db

Nice artwork.
I like the style.

Might not be throw suggestions atm, but thats not a lack of engagement.
More that grimm has his hand on the booty and his face remains unslapped so he seems to be where he wants to be.

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4059 No. 4059 ID: af9412 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A lot of discussion's come up in the latest DiveQuest chapter so I wanted to clarify some things here without diverting the action of the thread itself.

This whole reorganizational thing, facilitated by the character of Ashedel, is not really a retcon of anything, just a reorganization.
I mentioned that I was so frustrated by and not at all enjoying Divequest that I was on the verge of just outright canceling it, but instead I made some big changes to its overall theme and drive, and one of my biggest changes is ripping out all the micromanagement. That wasn't fun and several people told me they weren't able to keep up with the quest solely because of the bloated inventories and mana management, and I was inclined to agree. Simple is better.
Other changes include the way puzzles are handled, the general focus and scale, social interactions between the characters, and so on.
Mostly, as you can probably tell by now, DiveQuest is supposed to be pretty over the top and tongue-in-cheek, and I wanted to change the flow of the quest to better fit that. As it was, the puzzles and pacing too closely matched RubyQuest, which didn't really work for Dive.

Major changes include more focus on the characters, more dynamic puzzles, more agency on the part of the players, more of an over-the-top aesthetic, a generally smaller scale in terms of Muschio's minions (so that each of them can have their own personality), less stuff that takes itself too seriously, and so on. You get the basic idea.
The goal here is to make it more accessible, fast-paced, entertaining, somewhat silly, and open for new players.

That doesn't mean this is going to turn into a Harem quest or that there's not going to be more profuse amounts of violence, nor that everything will be RANDOM AND WACKY, nor that there will be no serious moments interspersed.
Just that the previous incarnation of DiveQuest was t
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No. 142264 ID: 6228b7

Oh dang, this is actually running again? Glad I decided to check the site.
No. 142265 ID: 46e818
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It's hard to express (at least in ways that people will readily believe) how much of the story is shaped by the players, but it really is more central than you might think. Sometimes I anticipate the responses and sometimes I don't.
But plenty of times, discussion that isn't even direct suggestion will influence the path of the story. Someone will say "oh what if it's actually because [x]" and then I'll be like "hey that's a good idea, that's canon now", even though that was just them theorizing and not a suggestion. Other times major conflicts are addressed by solutions directly, like when people said "quick use Tislomer" during the Seer confrontation

but, yes
I do enjoy when the thread surprises me and I get to just do weird, silly stuff
Muschio possessed by a fey mood and just running off to do whatever dumb idea's gripped him is always fun
No. 142296 ID: 8f9bc4

My humble favorite form of questing. Nothing I hate worse is when I make some dumb suggestion, the quest author takes it personally, rocks fall, everybody dies, and it's apparently my fault. Much better to have a coherent plot, and characters with their own motivations, with no personal obligation of the artist to follow one suggestion or another. What we give are ideas, and it is your discretion to use them as you see fit.
No. 142319 ID: 7493dd

It seems the wiki needs some serious updating.
No. 142341 ID: 2f41db

That gal is a living swiss army knife.
Any situation, utility.

Also, "throw tislomer at it" will either fix things or create an entirely new problem that we might have a better chance with.

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62002 No. 62002 ID: 67ba4b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Vampire twins, discuss things and ask questions here

quest threads
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No. 64789 ID: 3734f6

thanks for the explanation.
No. 64794 ID: 67ba4b

no problem if you have any more questions/concerns about the quest let me know
No. 65369 ID: 3e5241

the whole "tempting" thing we are doing is failing because the crows are superhuman predators who have a clan and the humans are all survivors. I think they need to be broken with torture first (but carefully applied to break spirit but not body). Or heck, save it for their kids...
No. 95522 ID: fe06ff
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A reference for Sania and Loria
No. 142297 ID: 0d1c28
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Sharub has a bad vampire experience

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142275 No. 142275 ID: b36512 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The day of undergarments be upon ye, and this time sooner than you expect.

You know the drill.
No. 142276 ID: b36512
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Ruby panties, wowee.
No. 142277 ID: 9f8647
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Panties of Priscilla, Priestess of Peace from Lazy Fairy
No. 142281 ID: 9ea24b
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divine intervention
No. 142294 ID: 9ea24b
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cow from carnivorous cavern who i literally did not remember existed until hat told me to draw her

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139512 No. 139512 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A general discussion thread for anything and everything relating to me or my quests.

From questions, critique, and maybe even sneak peaks and leaks. Your number one insider source for buckwheat quest news and material. Straight from the deer's mouth!
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No. 142292 ID: 15a025
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"Lana, hurry up! The concert's gonna start before we even get in the car!"

Bit of experimenting with art again.
No. 142306 ID: 15a025
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Lana trying another idea to help Kaari out. She's not amused.
No. 142322 ID: 15a025
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Punk Lana.
No. 142354 ID: 15a025
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Deer of the year, 2024 edition.
No. 142388 ID: 15a025
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94347 No. 94347 ID: 8177e7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Thought it was about time I made a combined discussion thread for all my quests.
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No. 141675 ID: 5fb55e

I might as well air my frustrations.

I've gotten really tired of the seemingly-permanent... uh, size... play. I really liked the design of the characters, especially Reisarf, and it feels like suddenly everyone is gravitating to a similar design. Deem is mutable, but I don't know *how* much, and likewise, Reisarf just... changed overnight without a great deal of our input. I get that a lot of people like the thicc designs, and that was fun on Deem (who, again, we have a lot of control over? Maybe?) but I'm a little, okay, a lot worried that everyone will just balloon into a similar look and we won't ever really get to change them back. I know only two (three?) have changed this way, but I worry if I don't say anything, it'll just keep happening, and get more permanent, or no one will care to change them back, or there'll be mechanical reasons not to (like with Reisarf now) and... I like the quest, I do, but this is getting out of hand for me.

I recognize that the others probably don't feel the same way and I'll probably get called some flavor of bigot or something, but I just really wished the nice designs were kept and more characters were introduced, or even more "hey do you want this" was a question asked with more weight (no pun intended) when big character changes would occur.
No. 141710 ID: 95d5fc
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Oops just realised I thought I'd replied to this but hadn't.

I was blessed with some drawings by Larro of Alice as an Audit Quest style dungeon master.
No. 141715 ID: a7a180
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Seems this one was never posted here.
No. 142252 ID: 763a64

Hey there! A bit late to the party, but I had some thoughts on theme I wanted to share. Arhra's certainly done a fine job cultivating an environment that entices the mind (and I have bitten very hard into, apologies in advance for the long post). I reread the entirety of the Quest (which at this point has become a decade spanning epic, really incredible stuff) and saw that Deem had this reoccuring frustration over theming. She desires something that will 'stir the heart'. Naturally, this has been something of an issue considering her start from nothing and slow accumulation of resources. That's led to a chaotic variety of influences and desires, disrupting attempts at continuity and theming. But what's incredible is that there is something that connects almost all of the dungeons denizens together, an emergent theme that touches every soul save for Moriko and Chakarchelou (though I have some small ideas there).

I'd been thinking of how to make a consistent theme work and the troublemakers had always been Reisarf and Stargazer. Their unique elements contrasted with every scenario I conjured, demanding that they adapt or that the rest of the cast yield to their influence. But with this chapter's newest reveal, it is they who have adapted to the element that unites the hearts of the rest. The fruiting bodies created by the ambitious duo mark not just an adaptation to the newest aspects of the dungeon. They yield an independent interest. Reisarf is his usual passive self, but the insight into Stargazer is extremely important. 'Stargazer wanted to see a miracle.' Ambition! And while the souls of the rest of the case may differ in slight ways, this ambition is a shared one.

Merud with his constant push to not only further his knowledge of golems, but to cast aside the taboos of his teacher and society! Alkaline's hunger for independence and experimentation! Why, the very thing that lured Hin to yo
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No. 142254 ID: 861ceb

Alice looks like she's smiling in this one and it's weird seeing her smile. Not sure she's ever really done that in quest.

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