>[roh-man-tis-ar] Name: Fiftyeight Age: 15 Average grade: C Interests: None Name: Janine Age: 10 Average grade: A Interests: Fiftyeight, hockey, unicorns
Ugh... Hey voices, I'm awake. I think I'm ready to get back to- ugh... I feel terrible.
>This is Fiftyeight. >An ordinary highschool student who just woke up for another day in his teenage life. >But he doesn't want to go to school. >He is not bullied, nor is he failing.. >It is just... >...so boring. >Everything is so boring. So dull. So meaningless.
This is MUDY. His class is BARD. He is in it for the HALF-DEMON KOBOLDS.
It is very dark, my mind is drifting in a haze of uncertainty. I don't think I have a name, in fact I don't think I even exist. I feel unbalanced and out of control, like parts of me are disconnected from my overall person. As my mind starts to become clearer I start to hear voices that are not my own, at least I don't think they are. Tell me voices, what should I do?
This is Alex, an average upper-teenage male, out camping in the woods with some friends. While going out to find kindling for the eventual bonfire, Alex spots what look like rather large rabbit ears poking out from behind a nearby bush. You have gained control of Alex.
You wake up one day and decide to create a Quest!
>BEGIN CHAPTER 30 >"THE HERMIT, REVERSED" >Find previous chapters and volumes in /questarch/ >Textdiscussion in /questdis/ >Fanfiction in /txt/ and fanart in /quest/ >Join us on IRC as everyone indulges their fetishes: Rizon, #rubyquest
>BEGIN CHAPTER 29 >"The High Priestess, Reversed" >Find previous chapters and volumes in /questarch/ >Textdiscussion in /questdis/ >Fanfiction in /txt/ and fanart in /quest/ >Join us on IRC as big fat cat tat slaps: Rizon, #rubyquest
Bumblebutt and I are in the hive, looking for the stamp. where to look...where to look...
>BEGIN CHAPTER 28 >"JUDGEMENT, REVERSED" >Find previous chapters and volumes in /questarch/ >Textdiscussion in /questdis/ >Fanfiction in /txt/ and fanart in /quest/ >Join us on IRC as DiveQuest and MudyQuest have update wars: Rizon, #rubyquest
>BEGIN CHAPTER 27 >"THE WORLD, REVERSED" >Find previous chapters and volumes in /questarch/ >Textdiscussion in /questdis/ >Fanfiction in /txt/ and fanart in /quest/ >Join us on IRC as we masturbate furiously: Rizon, #rubyquest
>BEGIN CHAPTER 26 >"DEATH, REVERSED" >Find previous chapters and volumes in /questarch/ >Textdiscussion in /questdis/ >Fanfiction in /txt/ and fanart in /quest/ >Join us on IRC as we have awesome parties: Rizon, #rubyquest
>BEGIN CHAPTER 25 >"THE TOWER, REVERSED" >Find previous chapters and volumes in /questarch/ >Textdiscussion in /questdis/ >Fanfiction in /txt/ and fanart in /quest/ >Join us on IRC as I'm sad that not everyone is Bob anymore... :( Rizon, #rubyquest
This is Kara Sigurd. She's enjoying a leisurely day at home of watching TV while steadily getting hammered.
>BEGIN CHAPTER 24 >"WHEEL OF FORTUNE, REVERSED" >Find previous chapters and volumes in /questarch/ >Textdiscussion in /questdis/ >Fanfiction in /txt/ and fanart in /quest/ >Join us on IRC as we are all Bob: Rizon, #rubyquest
you wake up, you are bob what do you do?
I was so sure that settling this business once and for all would cure me. Growing up, I had always thought the phrase "no rest for the wicked" was a metaphor. But I can't sleep. A thousand voices in my head tell me something is wrong.
>BEGIN CHAPTER 23 >"THE LOVERS, REVERSED." >Find previous chapters and volumes in /questarch/ >Textdiscussion in /questdis/ >Fanfiction in /txt/ and fanart in /quest/ >Join us on IRC as me and Weaver make out: Rizon, #rubyquest
>BEGIN CHAPTER 22 >"THE EMPEROR, REVERSED" >Find previous chapters and volumes in /questarch/ >Textdiscussion in /questdis/ >Fanfiction in /txt/ and fanart in /quest/ >Join us on IRC as we force people to write erotic fanfiction: Rizon, #rubyquest
There was a time when revenge was the only thing I wanted, to reclaim my Kingdom, and destroy those responsible for my amercement, and the trials which followed. But over time, my scars toughed up. Getting even just wasn't enough.
I sit at my desk and dream of what shall be. I will tempt the strongest men to my side and conquer the entire region...
>BEGIN CHAPTER 21 >"THE HIEROPHANT, REVERSED" >Find previous chapters and volumes in /questarch/ >Textdiscussion in /questdis/ >Fanfiction in /txt/ and fanart in /quest/ >Join us on IRC as we write terrible fanfiction: Rizon, #rubyquest
>BEGIN CHAPTER 20 >"THE HIEROPHANT" >Find previous chapters and volumes in /questarch/ >Textdiscussion in /questdis/ >Fanfiction in /txt/ and fanart in /quest/ >Join us on IRC as we talk about dongs: Rizon, #rubyquest
It is a deep, dark place; and something is stirring.
>BEGIN CHAPTER 19 >"DEATH" >Original thread and up can be found in /questarch/. Missing chapters might still be in /quest/. >Text discussion on /questdis/.
In a world full of good adventure stories, one floats at the bottom of muck and sludge this story can only be known as TERRIBLE QUEST staring some asshole named Thoremore Ruggy
Ted Buck has been stationed in the watchtower as his first duty after training. Soon his roommate will arrive and they will begin taking 12 hour shifts watching for threats that are only stopped from entering their glorious empire by a concrete wall. He's both excited to be serving his land and depressed at the thought of such hard work. 12 hours shifts sound like it would kill, but then again, in the army being killed is more than common. He feels he's rather lucky in that way. It's been a long ride to the tower and a long climb up the stairs, and his shift has only just begun.
Your name is fGhost (the f is silent). You are one of the world's best stamp collectors. You are on a quest to collect the seven rarest stamps in the known world. You are in your stamp room.
>BEGIN CHAPTER -18- >"The Hermit" >(New readers: Check /questarch/ for the original thread and up. Missing chapters may still be in /quest/)
Gentlemen. Since I cannot draw for my life and I am using paint, I shall do a STICKQUEST to sate my desire to create a quest. This will be a "first come, first serve" sort of thing. First post gets it, no matter what it is, so if you want your suggestion (crappily)drawn, be brief. First decision: Gender, go.
Awake. Blue light. Dark. Where...?
"The only difference between saints and sinners is that every saint has a past, while every sinner has a future." - Oscar Wilde
>BEGIN CHAPTER 14 >"THE WORLD" New readers: Check /questarch/ive for the original thread, volume 2, volume 3 and chapter 13.
You are MESHIA. You are stuck in WHITE SPACE til your MAIN QUEST is ready. CAPTAIN FREIS is a LAZY FUCK. You are hardly surprised by all this.
This board's considered NWS for posting material, right? Anything goes? So why not go whole-hog here and tackle the quest everyone's too self-conscious to make? Let's do this.
Mudy Quest volume 2 has reached 759 posts with only two chapters and thus it is time to create volume 3 to keep threads loadable and the server safe. For previous volumes check http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/ Be sure to take your time reading it so you don't miss out on the details. Now, is everyone ready for the cliffhanger conclusions of chapter 11?!
With volume 1 getting close to 1000 posts, it's time for a new thread. All new chapters and fan discussion will go here. Mudy Quest volume 1 is available in the archive here: http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/1702.html
Time to begin. It is very dark here. Hardly anything can be seen. Please recommend an action.
Somewhere near the edge of the world...
Hello, little one! Today is the day that you hatch! What will you be? A boy? Or a girl? (This will update whenever I get around to it, so make suggestions whenever you want, a la MS Paint Adventures. My art will improve as this goes on, I'm still a bit rusty and suck-filled.)