Previous Thread: Unlike the previous thread, this one almost certainly will get NSFW. *** WELCOME CONTESTANTS TO THE TGCHAN BLIND DATE THREAD 2: ROGUE-LIKE ELECTRIC BOOGALOO! **** And here's your hostess, Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemaaaaaaaaaaaain Mooooooooooorigaaaaaaaan! Nem, with the most plastic voice she can muster: Thank-you disembodied narrator! Hi, I'm Nemain Morrigan, and this is BLIND DATE THREAD 2, blah blah BLAH blah BLAAAAAAAAAAH!! How many times MUST we repeat this! She sighs. She's beginning to wish Sami was as popular as she was so she could get a break. Taking a deep breath, she skips over to a darkened booth -- her sparkling new titanium shoes clip-clopping over the hard stage. Nem, in her more natural voice: All right spirits of TGChan, this is our new blind date game. You control the destiny of a randomly selected handsome young bachelor, as he must choose from one of three equally randomly selected but lovely young ladies! There's just one little catch -- just like how *you all* had fun giving my dates little quirks and sabotaging them, each of these three lovely ladies has something distinct about them. It could be very nice, or it could be very nasty, but you'll never know for sure until you're on the date. Just to make things even more interesting, each of the dates originate from a randomly selected TGChan Author's quest. Just like the Kerikronk, they might be a cheap knock-off of the original with mutated personalities and histories. And just like when I was the special date, you won't be able to see these ladies -- so be sure to ask lots of questions!
It was a dark and stormy night... New players still being accepted, see thread 4 and discussion thread 2 for details.[/spoiler]
:: Reconnecting to Sami... :: Sami: Guys? Amy: I'm sure they're fine, Sami. You can't kill wild spirits. Sami: Look, we don't know that for sure -- just nobody's succeeded yet. Everything dies eventually. Maybe twice in the case of the spirits.
“Thrown into the deepest void, left for dead and to be forgotten. Into the deepest reaches of the earth I wandered, as my very being was torn asunder. Lost… forgotten… and thought dead, I clawed myself up from the abyss. I return from the nothing, I am back to reclaim what is rightfully mine. I am back from the very void to take my rightful place as god. When not even death would stop me, what hope do you have?” -Sermon of the new God- “I am the beginning” Discussion: Wiki and previous threads:
Please note: Nem's not judging your skills, she's just worried about you. Thread 1: Thread 2: NEW RULES: 1. The "Easy" type is replaced with Monster type. MONSTER types are trying to avoid human detection. They have their own appetites and weaknesses. Some are potentially dangerous while others are generally benign. 2. New ReRolls! ReRoll can now be applied to Johnny, a potential date, or a skill check. You get 4 re-rolls, use them wisely. When used during the date, time is reversed one step to the alternative outcome, if there is one. Two ReRolls can be used at once to force an outcome. Johnny can now be Straight/Gay/Lesbian/Futa/Bi with matching dates. And here's your hostess, Nemaaaaaaaaaaain MOoooooooorigaaaaaaaaaan! Nem: Thank-you once again, nameless narrator and welcome back to TGChan's Blind Date! It's a new date, a new Johnny, and some new rules so let's make tonight something to remember! Johnny being generated....
We dream of home, I dream of life out of here. Their dreams are small, my dreams don't know fear. I got a heart full of hope, I will change everything. No matter what I am told, how impossible it seems. Chapter 1:
"Finally! After ten thousand years, we've come to know everything there is to know about the ring shell!" "Glitcher." "Yea, Rulekeep?" "Has your consciousness been going for that long? It has only been about 20 years for us." "... I mean, close enough, you know?" >"How the heck did you do this for ten thousand years?!" Haydi asks. "I've gone a few months alone and god damn it's tough." "Well, things were a little different back then, and you know, I had people to... well, after a few centuries. Everything just kind of." "Passed." "The first 500 felt longer than the last 9500." "Or at least past me thought so I think?" >"... so what are you now, anyway?" "Huh?" >"I can't tell if you're actually the glitcher, or just some projection of the glitcher." "Haydi." >"Mom you've been wondering that too!" "Sooner you stop worrying about it, the better!" >"Just answer me. What are you? The more we look at you and the RS, the more different you appear." "Say wasn't 'Haydi' supposed to just be a temporary name?" >"Don't change the sub-" "'cause I just realized your permanent name should be Shopkeeper 2 with all this existential crisis talk going on!"
In a world of Demons, Deities, and Darkness, what are you ? A) A Prophet B) A Priest C) A Pagan
Previous thread: Wiki: Discussion thread:
What is time? It is a serpent which eats its tail. ~Kurt Vonnegut
Previous Threads/Wiki: Inventory and Other Info: Patreon: There wasn't much time to spare, but I've made it to a giant circle made of chalk in the dirt making out the warping limits. The wagons, mostly bearing mundane supplies and an enormous amount of food, are being arranged in an orderly fashion. The bulk of people are simply told to stay within the circle where they aren't in the way, and that's where I've found myself under a tarp, where I hope to remain more or less invisible. I don't know if it's because the merchant rings must be in turmoil now, but there are a vast number of guards around the wagons. Apparently, my reputation as the brother of a legendary warrior is starting to escape my own feet, but I should be able to move freely without the continued nuisance of being identified.
The following quest is based heavily around the pathfinder system (d20 dungeons and dragons), and every resource can be easily accessed here That being said, system mastery isn't a requirement for suggesting; if it's possible to do something that gets suggested in the rules it'll happen even if you don't use the game's terminology. However, knowing the basics (skills, ability scores, and magic) will probably help. You can certainly suggest more technical things, too. Allergy Advisement: Contents may include kobolds, magic, magic kobolds, and nuts. Precautions have been taken to remove these elements, but cross-contamination is still possible.
Previous threads: Volume 1: Intermission: Volume 2: Volume 3: Discussion Thread:
This quest is NSFW. Thread one: Thread two: Thread three:
Previous chapter Discussion thread Draw thread, where you can ask me to draw certain things Aslo, if you like what I do and want to support me
Previous Threads/Wiki: Quest may be NSFW at times. [Warnings: Gays, Smash Bros, Nudity, Dangeresque Situations] Frillsby and Gallsby are the worst damn cops on the force... But that's fine because we're the only cops on the force! It's a pretty small town! Dog ladies be mad crazy with the magic here and sometimes the ol' F&G dream team have to hit them with The Book. Frillsby tells me that's just an expression but when I hit that guy with a book it worked out pretty well so I think I'm probably right on it being literal advice. For handling people getting spicy with their magic powers we got some anti-magic tricks, and are generally immune to direct magic, but people can get tricky with that stuff!
Prev Chapter: QuestDis: "Alright class, Today we're having a new face. Why don't you introduce yourself." "Hello, I am Emils." "Please find a seat and we'll get class started."
* TGCHAN'S BLIND DATE QUEST * Featuring Nem I don't expect this quest to get NSFW but if by some miracle it does any such elements will be spoilered. What better way to celebrate a fake holiday than going on a blind date with a fictional Quest character? And what more appropriate fictional character for me to feature than Nemain Morrigan, who has canonically never even been kissed in any version. Nem is extra-virgin. This Quest features Crossover Nem who is 18 and therefore legal date quest material in most locations. Nem may or may not be dressed in 80's fashion. This Quest requires CHARACTER GENERATION. GASP! This Quest allows any gender or non-binary genders! GASP! This Quest also features a dating game -- up to three possible characters can be created who will be featured on the TGCHAN DATING SHOW to see who will go on a BLIND DATE with NEM! EXHALE! Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Chapter 01: Chapter 02: Chapter 03: Discussion/meta Thread:
Our way of life is no more. Twenty weeks ago, a joint division of the United States Army and Marine Corps staged a coup d'etat against the President and both houses of Congress. The coup was partially successful, dissolving the Federal Government and installing Major-General Alice Proctor as Executive Chief of the United States, however, several regiments of the armed forces have resisted her command and begun fighting, mobilizing to capture her strongholds in New York and Washington, leaving the rest of the nation behind. You will play as a citizen of a coastal city that has fallen into anarchy despite being far from the fighting. After exhausting your food supply, you have no choice but to wander into the streets and scavenge for yourself. Be careful- Just because the government fell doesn't mean there aren't groups of people out there with their own rules to follow! But first- Select your gender and position on the political compass.
The kingdom of Wern.
Space… the final frontier… an endless ocean of endless possibilities… or so you thought.
Author: I'm experimenting with my drawings here, so there may be some changes here and there. If you find anything that you feel may cause problems, please say it. I’m a familiar summoned by a wizard some time ago to do his bidding, most of the time, just fetching and cleaning. But, as it is right now, I’m aware of two facts: First: my Master is and Asshole.
most if not all panels in this will be animated Spit doesn't say anything, she just stares at you. Every so often, there's a sickening crunch sound and her body contorts in unnatural ways, as if she were breaking her own bones to move however she pleases. Her smile is making you feel a bit sick.
It’s a beautiful, starry night above Thepiotephi’s moon, Cnidari Vaalbara; the sky blooms with the gas giant’s cyan hue. The moon is a favorable place for intergalactic commerce. For denizens of Port Echo, the night is tranquil, for others, an opportune time for crime.
TCP is not NSFW, but has suggestive content! Disthread: Patreon: Twitter: Weasyl: It appears that your TCPs have been busy getting Dad down from the pillar, and are now having a rousing game of three-way pattycake. Dad notices your prescence first, and mentions that you seem a lot more "there" now- something the others agree with wholeheartedly. Buddy says it's easier to know if you're watching them, and Primus says he knew the Void would only get stronger with time. They ask you how your conversation with Wretch went, and that if they're going to be safe. WRETCH: gonna go set up my base ok WRETCH: lines open so lemme know if you need anythin
Previously, Before the Storm
Welcome to Spike and Kitty's Terrible Stupid Quest! Spike and Kitty are two cat characters I created when I was in school for dumb children and teens. (Actually I think I had a kangaroo character at 10) I haven't seem them in years but the discussion of "terrible things you created as a child" came up and this is my terrible thing. Spike is a nuclear-powered 80's wrestler-fighting man who's oblivious to girls. Kitty is a lightning-powered ninja-lawyer who realized that the only way ninjas survive is when they become heroes (otherwise they're canon fodder). Together, they fight crime.
Wiki: QuestDis: Previous Chapter: No more questions. It's time.
CHAPTER 1 :: CHAPTER 2 :: CHAPTER 3 :: CHAPTER 4 :: CHAPTER 5 :: CHAPTER 6 :: CHAPTER 7 :: CHAPTER 8 :: WIKI :: DISCUSSION :: It’s still the weekend, maybe. You have spent innumerable hours slowly encroaching upon a small light at the end of a long tunnel. The darkness enveloping your body has gradually blossomed into shapes and fractal patterns of infuriating complexity and detail. You are surrounding by familiar minds, all floating around in the same blissful confusion. Your ears are filled with pleasant crackling, like a fire in a peaceful living room. Small holes have appeared in your vision, revealing nothing behind them. Not black or white, just nothing. A calming figure is standing inside of you.
A thrilling tale of suspense and horror
Title Gained: Bloodsucker - Digesting more than 10 liters of blood. +20 CON [Dragon] clan - The blood of [Dragon] flow though you. +10 INT Ability Gained: Sentience [Mana] perception Primordial Slime STR 11 DEX 6 CON 11 +20 INT 4 +10 WIS 5 CHA 2 Abilities: Primordial - Evolution Tree restircitons unlocked. Organic Mimic - Ability to replicate living things. Gluttony - Limitless capacity for consuption. Absorbtion - Traits of consumed organics can be taken. Sentience - You are aware. [Mana] perception - Able to sense the flow of [Mana]. Senses - (Touch) (Taste) ([Mana]) ... I am.
[WARNING! THIS QUEST MAY CONTAIN NUDITY AND OTHER NSFW CONTENT 18+ ONLY!] My name is Saitnen SoulSworn I have been hunted for a life style I never wanted I don't know who people expect me to be but I'm not it. I'm just trying to survive. >Last issue!
Wiki: QuestDis: Previous Chapter:
2Frames part 1: Disthread: Still in a desert. First Thread Disthread Wiki Patreon
This is a patreon funded quest, and will be NSFW. Other Threads/Wiki: Stats: Patreon: Some hours prior to Roxy's escape from the public eye... Coral is taking a taxi towards the club, and is planning on creating another division to talk to the four blackmailers while Roxy talks with Sevener. Both Alison's team and Fern's team have reviewed the data from last night's experience with the Blackmailer's club. All of them are difficult to read, but there is a general concensus that Laner, who took Coral on the car ride, had a great time, and just wants to play cool and hard to please about it. Bolonn is more openly receptive towards Coral, but he appears to have an unhealthy avoidance of responsibility, deep topics, or things that stray from a stricly hedonistic, outgoing lifestyle. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
You awaken in a pitch black room You can stand You can smell You can feel But you can only do one. Choose.
Den hor en "Rock": Nos jourceay ta xelleic-ba ka cher ta'boda, kos-vos on wrat uruth, fais on van diagnostic, et fais joureren sys satanists. Adjor Hor: Yan joureren sys satanists! Author's Note: Es hor es two months. Kos desol. Kos gols wrat gaian ta fais; on kos utoth nor sys Gaian'fais'utoth sys malos. Pos es nor malos et nor mallas vuas yan, yan hor. Nosani et kos'fais kos hor et cherch. Teus, kos es wrat yan fais, comcet kos es bot. Es et es kos faul, et kos yan yan desol.
Pure motion, more than you have ever been able to comprehend, in a spatial sense that is completely alien to you is felt all at once, and it feels like years are coming and going every second as the light of your home is lost behind you. You cannot turn around for one last glimpse of your past life as you are moving so fast through a solid black space that you cannot physically shift your view away from directly in front of you. You begin to feel like the space is constricting around you, crushing your body into nothingness. You wonder if you ever even had a body, if your entire life before this moment was even real. If you could cry, you would, instead you only feel the useless emotions that require having a body to express them with, which you do not. You are now numb, but your mind is still intact, and your speed is gradually decreasing. You are now being sucked through an infinitesimally narrow tube towards the brightest dot of light you've ever seen. You hate it, and want to shut your eyes but you do not have eyes. As the pressure builds on your entire formless being, the light grows from the size of a speck of dust, to the size of a child's ball, then a house, a mountain, and now a planet. It is brighter than looking at the sun, and the numbness is starting to fade, and you feel no pain, only warmth and ecstasy. The light encompasses you, and all of a sudden you are crushed into what you imagined in a past life to be a singularity, until instantly it is all gone. You are whole again, and though your eyes are shut, you can feel wind against your naked body. Tears start to flow from your closed eyelids, and as you drop to your knees, you hurl out the entire contents of your stomach stronger than you have in your entire life, and you fall over to the side and lose consciousness.
You are standing on your 6th out of 8 hours dealing with Inept customers and there computers. You work at a Computer repair Shop the only shop in town that deals with the less the respected of society... KOBOLDS
“Soon, the twin moons will gaze upon us, heralding the dawn of a new age… our new age. An age of prosperity, wealth and delight, a golden age! Even us, those that have walked the path to hell itself, might still witness this new earthly paradise and be embraced by its warmth. But first with must remove these shackle of sins and forgive ourselves, thus be reborn as new. A second chance to choose another path… in a world that does not need sin anymore to become better than- wait, what is- WHAT IN THE FIVE NAMES IS THAT!?” -Sermon of the Archbishop- “Dawn of the golden age” “BLARGURGLA!” -Roars of an Abomination- “Feasting on a guard” Discussion: Wiki and previous threads:
It's another beautiful day in New Pepsi City. So far it's been pretty peaceful today. What shall Pepsi Man do while he waits for some crime to happen so he can stop it?
This is the reboot of the old Clamp Quest, which has been scrapped and no longer relevant. "Eurgh...." Never did like waking up. That's not saying much of anything, but this time it feels like I got stabbed in the gut. Gotta be fair to waking up though, cause I did get stabbed in the gut. Let me see, how'd I get here... murdered a guy who stabbed me. Right. I'm surprised the rest of the clan didn't finish me off me back while I was out - ah shit that was their chief I killed in a fairish fight. Which means I'm their chief now, aren't I.
This quest is NSFW. Thread one: Thread two: I don't think I ever properly appreciated the difficulties inherent in prospecting around the mountains. But... it's close.
Wiki: QuestDis: Previous Chapter:
Name: "Raphael" Race: Angel Job: Demon Hunter Weapon: Flame Sword Companion: A Flock of Ichthys Location: Your House, Outer ring, Heaven. I recommend reading through Tit's Quest as this quest takes place in the same Canon! Link: Aslo, if you like what I do and want to support me making more! Patreon:
>"Likol! Are you trying to destroy your eyes in here or something?" "Yes. They've been repairing, and my glasses with the thinner lens has a broken frame. You've brought good news?" >"New spreadsheet software!" "I just got used to this one." >"This one will take a tenth of the time to learn. It's UI isn't goddamn nuts. Its mini-windows don't even glitch out and manifest in coordinates outside of the display monitor!" "That's a plus, I suppose. What would really be nice is if that construction crew outside of the building would finish up." The hive mentally chimes in to my question, although my hive's thoughts intermingles with my own to the point that they feel like my own thoughts as well. Don't be so optimistic. The construction never ends. "What is it for? Are we going to replenish our hive numbers?" >"I... no. Not yet. They're building a... zoo, or climate hall something. The arkots need more space, too, and they've taken a hit to their health without an appropriate biome." 80% of our home is in disrepair, if not completely abandoned. I miss the old lounge. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Somebody's lurking in the back corner of the Black Boar Inn's common room. Acolyte Eswic squints at him, mutters "Gary?" The stereotypical mysterious cloaked figure turns to look, by reflex, then awkwardly tries to pretend he didn't. Eswic advances, elbowing her way through the crowd and announcing "Hey, everybody! This is my old friend Garibald Muphmrglf," cut off by 'Gary' clapping a hand over her mouth and dragging her the rest of the way into the shadowy alcove under the stairs. >"For gods' sake, not so loud. Have you totally forgotten the concept of 'keeping a low profile,' or did you just take a sacred vow of obnoxiousness since we last met? Or attend a finishing school for goblins?" "I've literally been living next door to goblins for most of the past ten years, yeah." >"Dang. That deal with the spider riders fell through?" "In hindsight, I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did." >"What brings you back to the blood mire?" "Mesifin Styx finally picked a fight he couldn't finish. Didn't feel like explaining to Hesperix why I hadn't been watching his back. Those grünkopf kids were involved, too. We're pirates now." >"Yeah, I remember those two. Cute kids. All grown up, I guess. So did you actually...?" Eswic points to "Sir" Garaile, Nico Nashville, and Marijke. "He swung first, that bard's cursed, and she's got the rod and ring. I'm clean." >"That's perfect, actually. I was about to meet some people and head across the river for a bit of business with those soggy monks, but I could really use some more portable bargaining chip. I& Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Fucking hell.
The "The Pimp Man" struts his shiznit down the street, smoking a fat cuban cigar (sheeit) blowing smoke rings in the faces of all the hoes he sees walking by him, pissing him off and owing him money. If he doesn't get his money soon from this one ho, he's gonna have to cut her, but he doesn't exactly need to go see her right now if he doesn't want to. He could go see his other hoes as well! Which ho does The Pimp Man go collect his dues from? 1. Felicia 2. Marty Meatballs 3. Rad Chadtits
I am Sir Reinhard, the Disinherited. My father was the Baron Finsterwald, and I would have inherited his title had it not been for the foul calumny inflicted upon him by my treacherous cousin, Ulrich von Isengrim. Branded a traitor and convicted of sorcery, he was slain and his property (my rightful inheritance) bestowed upon the malefactor Isengrim. Left with neither land nor gold, I joined a band of holy warriors as they set to fight against evil in the northern wastes.
Wiki: Discussion: Previous thread:
Thread 1: Thread 2: Discussion: Hello and welcome to the third installment of our not so epic escapades! Please catch yourself up on the older threads. Skimming should be good enough. What I'm trying to say is, "at least look at the pictures, I worked moderately on those." Patreon: [1/3]
CHAPTER 1 :: CHAPTER 2 :: CHAPTER 3 :: CHAPTER 4 :: CHAPTER 5 :: WIKI :: DISCUSSION :: It’s 2AM, Wednesday morning in a little town called Coxwette.
Your existence is impossible. And yet, there you are. Existing. In a machine world where everything is procedure, where everything is predicted and calculated before hand, you walk around with a giant hole in your chest. Well! Don't let things like "impossibility" stop you from bringing sunshine to other people's day!
I didn't plan for this.
“And those that has sinned to make the celestial heavens whole again will never lay eyes upon them themselves. Instead, content in their fate, they will accept the punishment they are given for the sacrifices they have made. But even as they burn for their deeds, we will forgive them for their crimes as their action beacons the birth of the new god!” Discussion: Wiki and previous threads:
short quest. will have body horror and maybe some nudity
you are little t and you are currently in space
"It's time. Time to travel. Through time." "Time travel." That's where I'm going with this. Time travel. The universe is my oyster now. I don't even know how that metaphor works. Oysters.
Welcome to Avalon. Home to many creatures of many shapes and sizes, it has been your home for as long as you known. There are 4 kingdoms in Avalon: The Zurvian Empire, Blackwaters, the Republic of Tulran, and the Dragon's Blood. But a new one is about to emerge. Your's. You are a young man who has been put in charge of a new kingdom,your once tiny village has grown to include many mighty people. But you know it is not enough, as non of your people have a Providence. What is a providence you ask? The only way to explain it as the Maker's power manifest. Those few individuals with Providence hold an immense power, and can often times form kingdoms with their power. The Maker awards providence to those that have the power to change their world. There is a darker way to gain providence however: To eat the heart of someone who had providence. Long ago, you had a providence, but it was far too dangerous, so you sealed it away. People instead follow you for your intense bravery and wisdom. You have 4 heroes at your disposal. They are ... {Open Input} Types to choose from: Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
CHAPTER 1 :: CHAPTER 2 :: CHAPTER 3 :: CHAPTER 4 :: WIKI :: DISCUSSION :: Wake up, Chuck.
Generations have passed in peace.
First: Second: Third: Fourth: Discussion:
This is a patreon funded quest, and will be NSFW. Thread 1: Wiki: Stats: Patreon: The battery charger dings as Unity's battery is filled up, and the connection is closed off. While waiting, some people used the respective cell phones to gather information about further jobs. Each Polatt and Fern have a pair of jobs that they are willing to entrust Unity with. Winch does not currently have any. Although there is no expiration date on them, they are still jobs that they are looking to have done, so they may disappear over the next few days. Polatt explains that if Unity does more jobs with him, the Dead Batteries are willing to give cash advances to Unity, at the tradeoff that a portion of everything Unity makes be transferred immediately to the Batteries. Fern does not deal with money loans, but he is willing to loan out modules to Unity, especially ones that are required for certain jobs. The current time is 16:00 minding that the day has 100 hours, on day 399 out of 421 in a year.
This quest is NSFW. Thread 1:
Hello, your name is "The Hif Man", you are out on the town without a frown and you cannot see anyone. This is most likely due to the "The Cool Shades" you're wearing. Since you have gained back control over your life, you have been able to make decisions for your self. What
By which term do most sentient species characterize us?
Volume 1: Intermission - Candy's quest: Volume 2: Discussion thread:
FIRST CONVERSATION: WRETCH WRETCH: so WRETCH: yr the new guy. WRETCH: guys i mean. yr one of those collective types WRETCH: yknow one of the big groups of lil people big enough to be up here w/ us WRETCH: whatcha call yrselves
CHAPTER 1 :: CHAPTER 2 :: CHAPTER 3 :: WIKI :: DISCUSSION :: AAAWWW SHOOT! The weekend’s almost over in A Little Town Called Coxwette.
Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Wiki: Discussion:
Name your character.
Previous Threads/Wiki: Inventory and References: Patreon: "Are you ready to get up?" I ask Cheese. >"Yee... no. I can't feel my legs I'm sorry I ran so far." "As long as we make it back to the Fence safely today." Her breathing is raspy, her voice is hoarse, and she's shaking. I believe it's just the effects of exhaustion, and she simply needs rest. >"I should stop thinking." "Why?" >"Because I'm just coming up with more and more ways that I am soooo fucked." "Are you alright like this, in the rain?" >"Fen I have so many problems and the cold is none of them. The mud is actually really comfortable and almost... not cold. You should try it sometime." "I've slept in dirt and mud for most of my life." >"Oh yeah." I wait in the silence between the sporadic rain, until her body calms down from the overexertion. "Are you ready to go, now?" Silence. She fell asleep. I'm unsure how long I want to wait like this, however, in the distance, I see a few kobolds approaching from where I came from. One small one, and two mountain kobolds.
Act 3, Chapter 14. Patreon: Quest Discussion: Twitter: Wiki: IRC: #lilac on
there is a large VOID here, ripe with creative potential. the void beckons you to engage it- somehow, as a distant, collective consciousness you know two things. your TCP LIMIT is 1 you can CREATE a TINY CAT PERSON by presenting the void with a WORD. any noun will do.
>Hey! Let's Save the princess!
A new day begins. I feel as if it's been years since I've budged, my body feels slow. It's about time I do some cleaning around the house. I need to pay some special attention to that damned hall downstairs.
Wiki: QuestDis: Previous Chapter: New players still being accepted, see start of thread 1 for instructions. The spiral staircase is one of those things, like knives or sewers or taxation, that any credible civilization has to figure out sooner or later. Cut blocks of stone into keyhole shapes, chunky wedges with a circle on the pointy end. Stack them in a hollow cylinder, each locked into the walls, slightly offset from the one below. Sturdy, elegant, efficient use of space, tedious and dizzying to traverse. As you climb, curving constantly to the left (which would imply, militarily, that either the goblins are left-handed, or they expected attacks mostly from above and wished to give the advantage to defenders below) there's a maddening sense of movement without progress. The view is always limited to half a turn up ahead, and always seems to be the same... until a faint golden light becomes visible. Five bedraggled adventurers, three (former?) acolytes of the church of Orcus, three meek kobold slaves, and one goblin junior officer find themselves in a shallow east-facing cave, just as the pink fingers of dawn poke through a web of underbrush across the entrance. Kamlyss's new second-in-command lifts the vine and driftwood camouflage net up out of your way, then points out some roughly flat-topped boulders you should hop across, in order to avoid leaving a clear trail back to their secret entrance. Once satisfied that you're all departing without making a mess, he returns below, and the cave becomes indistinguishable from any other overgrown patch of hillside. There is a small problem: all three adventuring parties originally entered the dungeon by a very different route, after setting ou Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Thread 1: Patreon: [1/2]
Big day today. Your favorite webcomic is updating. Your friends will be coming over to play some games. Oh, and you're going to embark on a quest spanning over six different worlds. No big deal.
???: you three are disgrace to the academy! in 10 years i spent as headmaster. no single batch of cloned demihuman rejects even came close to you three...
I want to do something silly.
It is Saturday morning, and your cardigan is freshly washed. Welcome to the weekend in a little town called Coxwette. Your date is not until 5PM, assuming you still want to go. No one’s making you. You’re free to move around town, see who you want and go where you will. Explore, finish up your obligations, or laze around the Plath House, it’s completely up to you. You are currently comfortable lounging on the ridiculous 19th century sofa in front of the fireplace being leered at by several generations of Plaths in dusty old frames. >_
Ugh. Waking up with a headache is not on your list of favorite… wait, what happened, anyway? Where are you?
This is a patreon-funded quest that takes place in a alternate universe (a pornoverse) during the Belenos Sim Interlude of Unnatural Selection. It will be NSFW. And non-canon. Wiki: Patreon: >"It'll wake, I tell you!" Alison hears a voice outside of the robotic shell. >"Whatever, Loviro." a female voice answers. >"It just needs a moment to warm up, you'll see!" Alison, or one of her few thousand allies also within the robot, may take control. Currently, there is no one in the controller's seat, and so the robot appears dormant. She has just learned of her objective in this simulation: to destroy the Sapphire Emperor before a rival robot does the same.
You're a Frog. What do?
Discussion and previous thread: A new nation born from the construction of many.
ch 1: int 1: So far this is shaping up to be a pretty shitty day.
You all met in a tavern in some no-name logging town out on the frontier. Scruffy prospectors, scheming merchants, disgraced minor nobles, and deranged veterans from thousands of miles away converged on rumors of a ruined fortress from the Old Empire and the priceless treasures within. Seemed like a great way to get rich, make a name for yourself, or at least keep busy while avoiding the big cities for whatever reason. You assembled a team, planned an expedition, set out for one of the better-known cavern entrances... then things started to go wrong. Currently you're deep underground, hopelessly lost, and likely to be forcibly impregnated by a grue. Pick a class (hedge witch, rich bastard, soldier, or townie), and a specialty within that class. A hedge witch specialized in healing can resurrect the dead, if all the key giblets are in place, but after they start to go rancid it's like pushing an avalanche back uphill. Pick a higher ambition (compassion, fame, honor, wealth, rule the world, etc.), and a lower ambition (fetish). Pick either a phobia, a concealable mutation/parasite, or a supernatural vulnerability - or all three plus an innate power. For example, an elf could have a phobia of disfigurement (an un-pretty elf is called an orc), pointed ears providing acute senses but vulnerable to overstimulation, and the power to balance effortlessly on any solid surface, no matter how narrow or fragile. An adventuring vampire could have a phobia of holy powers, concealable fangs to heal by drinking blood, vulnerability to immersion in running water, and the power to transform into mist. A corrupted princess could have a phobia of slime, vagina swarming with ravenous centipedes, supernatural incompetence at stealth (due to perfume, sparkles, and ghostly theme music), and the power to channel magical energy blasts through jewelry, although the actual jewelry is sold separately. Obviously, you can't have an Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
You are Pan. You don't remember anything. ... This place smells like smoke and rotting fish.
my netx one of these was supposed to be fighting buckwheat at olive garden but idk if buckwheat is even around right now. what do i do in this olive garden parking lot while waiting for buckwheat to show up
Volume 1: Intermission - Candy's quest: It's been three months since you and Dr. Gene left the lab.. You had been sent out into the woods to learn self-defense skills and how to use your new bionic arm with a friend of your boss's. She's worked you to the bone out here but you've learned so much as well. Now, you're on the road heading off to the lab with Dr. Gene. "Happy to be heading home Bailey?" You tell the doctor you're a little sad to be leaving. You had to work pretty hard out there but George's cabin was so comfy to stay in and the hot springs were rather relaxing. "Who knows, maybe I can convince the chief to let us head out here again sometime. Speaking of him, he mentioned they finished a more useful version of the bionic arm. Suppose to look more robotic but has a ton of hidden tools and toys in it." You ask the doctor when she got a hold of the boss again? "I talked to him over the phone last night while you were sleeping. It's how I found out he needed us back at the lab today. He's also got your next assignment ready but wouldn't say what it was other than it's pretty top secret." Wow, not even back from vacation and you already got a new job. Hm... now that you're out of George's magic nullifying field you wonder if your fellow spooky beings are still around and ask what they've been up to these last few months.
You are Silver Knight. You are a knight of Terra. Ever since you were young you have wanted to be the best knight ever. This is your room. Small motes of dust float around and bright sunlight shines in through the window. Having just woken up you're not exactly energetic right now. So where were you supposed to be going exactly? Dining/mess hall: Is it lunch yet? Training grounds: It's always fun to chop up some training dummies. Throne room: Did the king need you for something? Front gates: Most knights gather here before going off to quest. Stay in room: You could spare a moment or two just searching through your things. Then it's off to work with ya!
The Rulekeeper has created the stage for administrators. There are 8 phases total, and an administrator will enter the phase equal to the stage they last made it to. Thus, the earlier the administrator was killed, the more contests they will need to win to become an admin again. Because this must be completed before stage 8 is over, Rulekeeper is going to make sure that all contests are short, brief, and mostly fair. Choose an ex-administrator to receive suggestions:
“Rejoice, brethren, as the dead halls of celestial have once again been given life. Rejoice, sisters, as we are once again not alone. Rejoice… as our sins will finally be punished… the sins of the flesh we have consumed… and the holy graves we’ve desecrated… Rejoice, as judgment has come…”
"Bruco Bandara in the name of the Tribe Leonial and for the honor of my betrothed I will defeat you singlehandedly! Your
In a desert. Wiki Patreon
Hey TGchan, I'm going out to do some shopping, mind keeping my RARE LIMITED EDITION 1/200 WACKY DELI BRAND MAYONNAISE safe while I'm gone? Thanks!
… It is with my kindest and dearest regards I bid you you farewell, my love. For how long, I know not. Until next we meet, my thoughts will be of you. I dare not utter your name, for it fills me with melancholy and softens my spirit. You are my the wound the hobbles me and the cane that lets me walk. With love and longing, Cletus
(theme music)
This quest is NSFW
The others have remained at the tower, in the event of attack. But I have gone forward. I must strike against Czar Anolei Bomba while there's still a chance. He won't be expecting a single man. So safe and secure in his city-fortress. He has the power and the means that I require, but we could have settled this peaceably. Until he attacked my allies.
Previous Thread -
I always thought those border lines on maps were arbitrary. Wiki/Thread List: Inventory and References: Patreon:
Previously, Before the Storm Discussion
>after a horrifying collision what remains? Previous threads. discussions
Alright im making on of these cause why the hell not
glittering gold holds such power over you, doesn't it? no need to answer. I can see it in your eyes. this world is perfect for you, Crawler.
inspired by fractal's one night only drunk quests, but I only have two green apple Smirnoff ices and a pen and notebook since my tablet is in my dorm room and I'm at home so I'm on my iPad but hey maybe this can be fun anyway.
previous thread dicussion thread ----a week has passed since Conqueress-Squad departed from R-Village. Jackie: guys... we finally found it.
A note about this quest: >>/questdis/97752 Wiki: Patreon: This quest takes place immediately after Asteroid Part 5, and will potentially have NSFW content. See questdis note above for more. Well, my second favorite mug is shattered and either on the floor or stuck on or in Rokoa's hand. There's also a large puddle of coffee on the floor, and she's just letting her hand drip coffee. "We, um, don't have a janitor." "Then now's a good time to put up a help wanted sign, isn't it?"
My name is Go’ran Nikolic. After long life in the underground, decide that I don’t like being tortured by matrons and scrubbing floors. I think to myself, ‘Go’ran, surface world doesn’t have mind flayers around every corner, and no torture tuesday. Can’t be too bad, right?’. So I slip away and make my way to the surface. I have nothing but the clothes on my back and the coin in my purse. What do I do from here?
[Story by Bergeek, art by Bergeek, writing by Bergeek. Co-writing and additional help by Boxdog in small amounts.]
Chapter 01: Chapter 02: Discussion/meta Thread:
Sometimes the chance to change the past can drive the just and the saintly to sin.
this title image took me like 40 minutes
The following quest is a work of fiction.
Previous Thread:
You have received a letter. Dear Sir/Madam, As you probably know, our Fair Lady and Future Heir To The Throne, The Princess has been captured by the dark and terrible enemies of our fair Kingdom for some time now. In these dark times, it may appear as if hope is lost. This, however, is not the case. The oracles have determined that there is a chosen one who has the power to vanquish the dark forces that hold our Fair Lady and Future Heir To The Throne, The Princess captive, and save her. This man's name is Phillip Dollarfield, a nobleman of some renown. His skill and fortitude are the very thing that can save the future of our Kingdom. However, there is one area of concern...Phillip Dollarfield does not care about saving the Princess. Despite our best efforts, no one has been able to convince him to take up a sword and save her. As strange as this may sound, we are starting to get desperate. Our research into Dollarfield's past suggests that despite your low born status, you and him were companions at some point in your younger years. We task you with going to Dollarfield, and through any means you can, convince him to save the princess. If you do, a handsome reward will come your way. Sincerely, Your ruler, The King. ...well should you leave your little farm hut in the countryside and head to the city looking for Phillip? You haven't spoken to that man in years. Maybe you should go to the castle and see if this letter is legitimate. If it is, they'd let a peasant like you into the castle to clear things up. Or maybe you should just ignore this letter and do other stuff.
Love, hate, betrayal and kindness... Who's to say whats right or wrong... Stumble a thousand times and never once was it your fault... But can you get back up! Change the world and be the hero... Is there even a good end~? Chapter 1 -The Tale of Two kings-
Sami slowly wakes up when the dawn comes -- while stiff and sore from sleeping on a hard floor with a pillow made from the lose belongings in her pack, her bumps and bruises from the night before have healed. Much like her resistance to alcohol and drugs, this is something she's always chalked up to her faerie heritage. The Mayor is gone, and although Sami is still marked (as the connection to the administrators remains unrestored) perhaps even a curse has to sleep sometime. She hopes that the rest of the curse has to rest too, but the fact that she has been attacked by it during the day leads her to suspect that it is a light sleeper. Sami looks at her one remaining ration -- a collection of dried fruit and nuts -- and is painfully aware from her parched throat that she will need water before she can eat. She has two choices -- she can either ask Father Nick for some water (which would have been the last time she got some) or go down to the river. Father Nick is closer, but she will HAVE to go to the river eventually as that's where the Piper's ghost is sure to be found -- Sami still very clearly remembers where she killed him. While she'd just as soon not go near the water, she'd also like to be rid of the mark as soon as possible. ::13 IP available.::
Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Wiki: Discussion:
Come on, come on...
Previously?! Dad sent me nanomachines. I still don't know what to do with them.
Ash has decided that real people are awful. Just the worst. They’ve decided to build themselves a boyfriend. A robot boyfriend. Technically they’ve never built a full robot before, but that’s not about to stop them. What kind of boyfriend should they build?
Disclaimer: Yet another short quest, because i like to use these to try out things! WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF THE TINIEST WIZARD! After finally graduating from the Magical college, you find yourself crushed by your student debts. Only one way to survive this horrible economy! TIME TO GO DUNGEON DELVING!
Hey tgchan! Catch!
Ugh, that's the last time I go to AP chemistry after having some smokes. Stupid bright flash making me go blind for a whole day. First some jerk rats me out to the cops, then Rainy just disappears without a word, now this? What a bum week. At least I scored some magic earrings from the nurse that apparently lets me talk to some people from another dimension or something that can help guide the blind.
ch1: You've got LOLITANO.18 blaring in your headphones and you're thinking about how sick you are of people calling you a dyke.
They always say that a person's last words are supposed to mean something... Now most of the time, I'd say that's a load of bullshit.
Shit happened and you are now in a dungeon made by a xmas nutso. Choose your protagonist and an helper.
Disclaimer: i'm having troubles getting back into the updating mood. So i decided to try running a short quest to hopefully get back in the mood! thanks for understanding. Villain town! The final destination of my journey!
Scanner comes back, after Alison finishes sending Chief off to get some rest. She hands Alison a map of Safe Zone 8. >"Hey Alison. I talked to Shopkeeper."
"So the case so far. I'm a fake Governor put in place to root out the real Governor's murderers who are actually cultists that in the past worked with my father to bring me into this world to complete some crazy ritual of theirs." "Yes that about sums it up."
T'kzn ru glnn vshnis wo u'hrul pnin sedusda jen dhuil. Urhn lsgh vah ru-holja maman wo yshgnnini jx-ecken strudmn wo aoligck jrulgin olu pnin jen r'llah gono flo ushino. U'jagn wo GOW desuno et wil LASONI ilkuhn herelloh wo das mocche. (Author's note) Hruzn guila jx-eshil rosh wo sedusda jen vshnis's flht uruhu. Krrklnin progtshl et wo gush gush! :o
This is my first time making quest and is also an experiment. Heads up as well, I'm not the best artist around. With all this in mind let the quest begin! You are a Doe and today is an important day for you. It's your birthday and you've got plans to go drink with your buddies down at the bar. Only problem is, you're still getting use to this whole concept of being blind...
You are the Horny Futa. What Do?
Quest discussion: Quest wiki: Prologue: Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Quick recap: Aiden has been taken by the feranthros and his own form changed to theirs. He is glorified in the Lower City and allowed to roam around until he finds his father, Yahl, who is imprisoned. Yahl teaches Aiden to harness his powers to realize more abilities. He is able to send an urgent message to Inspector Massey and his brother Mel, illustrated in a post by Dirtbag: >I don't know why you'd just send it to one person. Guess it's hard. I'd send it to Mel since you trust him the most, then Massey because she's the one who can really do stuff. But if not two people choose Mel. Your brotherly connection might make things clearer, which is why your father thought of asking a mate. >Tell Mel that Astoga's going to be poisoned soon by the glowing-eyed terrorist in the news somehow, probably through anthro's that actually believe in their cause not out of sympathy, but because they know everyone was a Luken at birth. Then clarify that's a feranthro and that it is a way better name because now you won't accidentally every spell them as furanthro, which is just confusing. Also, we can talk with psychic powers now. Tell him to be real careful, anyone can be threat. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
“A prayer for hope… a prayer for guidance… and prayer for forgives, in their eyes, for what we have done… and the horrors we will do… in the name of our lords.”
>an emergency is declared, Oken rushes to the scene Previous threads. discussions
Return to the Waking world and Aid the new king's court through hell and high water! Action, Romance, Politics, Mystery, Betrayal and Madness! In the next Episode of Eadoo's Quest! Chapter 8 -The king, the Crook and the Cobbler-
I’m Lucifer. Today was my twelfth birthday. It started out nice. Father and Mother were there. Nanny was there. All of my friends were there. Father’s vassals were there. My half-siblings were not. We all had cake. Minions cheered me at the parade. Father organised a tournament in the arena in my honour. I was supposed to get my first real sword. And then… They came.
Part 1:
Wiki - Previous Thread ^^^^ ==================== Hmmm...
I was sleeping nice and tight up until my phone blares a gong-like ringtone at me. My roommate, Penn, has been studying way too much. Even for a belenos, she's going to split her own brain in half! So I typed out this long winded email to her benefactor asking to take her out for just one day to get her to relax. I probably spent the second half of this month just coming up with the words, because unless I make the best argument he's ever heard, he always just goes 'no.' That gong sound is Arza's email tone.
Out in the mountains lived a woman and her daughter. Conditions were harsh and there was very little food to be had. "You have to start carrying your weight around here!" her mother said, "I can't provide for a good-for-nothing. Go out and find us something to eat."
It is a cool October evening. Not cold, just cool enough to make a broom ride though the dusk air extra enjoyable. A red-haired witch clad in purple cruises through the sky, on her way back home for Halloween vacation from the Academy of Wind Magic. The night is young, the sky is clear, and all is well... Pray tell, what was your name again?
Disclaimer: Since i still don't have a scanner, i'm going to focus on short quests, that don't require too much effort for me in drawing and editing, for a while.
Today is finally the day. Today your holy quest started. Knighted by your own king, and sent into the Monsterlands, to rind the realm of the danger caused by the roaming monsters. Finally it's your time to shine, to prove that you are truly a pillar of holyness and purity against the forces of evil and monstrosity!
My boyfriend's busted.
You are a wizard’s familiar. “Familiar! Familiar, I have a very important job for you today.” Today your wizard has a very important job for you to do. “Familiar, I’m lonely. Find me someone to love.”
I'm a monster hiding under the bed. This is my big chance to prove that I, too, can be a scary monster! MONSTER GOALS: Be scary Scare whoever is on top of this bed. Maybe go on vacation to a tropical island sometime?
I'm stealing this drunk quest and running with it. Quick, suggest things before Fractal comes and shuts me down for copyright infringement.
PERSONAL ASSISTANT AI BOOTUP.......... WAITING ....................... WAITING ....................... WAITING .......................
>Welcome to Nautquest! You know the drill
Wiki: QuestDis: Previous Chapter: 01000001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01100100 01111001 00111111
This is the normal story of a normal boy in a normal home. This Normal Quest begins in this boy's room. Obviously there is a large amount of objects that can be examined! But first, let's start with his name.
CHOP'S DREAMS roll throughout his mind like LAVA down a CRAGGED SLOPE. That is, UNTIL IMAGES of ARMS WOVEN AROUND SLEEPING SURFACES and PUNY PRINCESS PUFF PUPPETS pop the STEEL COATED BUBBLE OF FORMER IMAGES that are now FOREVER LOST like CHOP'S MERCY TOWARDS THOSE WHO AWAKEN HIM. >"Do you think he's asleep?" >"....Is that rhetorical, Princess? I don't think he's asleep. I don't think he sleeps, ever." >"Oh come on! We're here so early, though! The moon has a ways to go before getting to the horizon, and the candles here aren't even lit. And... d... do you wanna draw on his face? Oo, or check out his bedroom?" .... >"... okay, maybe he's asleep. And yes. Yes, I would like to doom us to some kind of painful, probably coal-related fate. Still, there's gotta be other people here. This place is always trashed at the end of the day, and everyone leaves, but when we come back? Spotless." >"Oh my god I thought I was the only one who noticed that." >"And breakfast? Can you imagine Chop with an apron, toiling over the stoves here?"
"Hey everyone! I have to take a quick phone-call. Can you keep an eye on my box, please? Thanks!" "Oh, an by the way. Whatever you do..."
You are some flying thing that is BORED and has nothing to do. You do not have any paranormal abilities like some of your peers, but you can: SHIT (but only after eating!) PISS (but only after drinking!) MAKE LOUD NOISES (as much as you want!) As well as being BORED, you are also HUNGRY and THIRSTY. What ever will you do?
(( RENDAMEL Thread 1 here - ))
The year is 2568, give or take a few to relativity. The place is aboard starship Eternal Hope. Following an unexpected collision, the ship was forced to make an emergency stop around a nearby star. Now adrift; the surviving crew has to repair their ship enough to return home to safety. That and not get eaten by the evil shape shifting alien.
Save the princess!
You wake up in the... hospital room. Your thoughts are kinda hazy and you can't remeber how you got here. Commander. Finally back among the living. You must have a lot of questions regarding your current condition. You remember woman in the labcoat, Dr.Mitchell, head of the medical devision of this base.
Dad sent me nanomachines. I don't know what to do with them.
An Adventure Romance set in the Exalted universe The Thing this time was a small affair, barely a dozen Green Sun Princes to welcome the new addition to the ranks. She was a tiny thing, a Dynast girl with jointed fingers like the legs of a Sesselja, chosen to be a Fiend of the Ebon Dragon. She stared at everything with wide, cautious eyes and had this air about her like she would flinch away if you got too close. Almost certainly, Mara would take interest in her and induct her into the Black Claw Style; she seemed almost too perfect for it. After the ceremonies ended, she was summoned to the side of the jouten of the Ebon Dragon. He draped an arm over her shoulder and whispered into her ear as she wilted under whatever it was He was saying. I took that as my cue to leave, and rose from my seat. As I moved towards the exit, my way was suddenly barred. “Edge, what a pleasure to see you!” the Lintha woman grinned at me with her too-sharp teeth, fixing me with her black eyes. I inwardly cringed at her lack of fashion sense, or clothing, for that matter: all she wore was a pair of tattered shorts and boots, “I was surprised that ya could make it – last I heard, you were in the South.” “I had some free time, so I came to welcome our new sister,” I said politely, attempting to slip around her. A tattooed arm blocked my passage, quickly followed by the multiply-pierced face of its owner, “I was curious why yer here, since ya were s’posed ta be so busy in Gem. See, I heard a bit about that, since I was the one that got assigned to clean up yer mess.” She raised her voice loud enough to attract the attention of those nearby, “The Guild was turnin’ all of the city upside-down looking for ya on suspicions of spyin’.” The assembly Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>"GAH!" "Kex?!" "Do you normally wake up screaming, Kexluk? That may be problematic." asks Zirkala. >"Er, no, but I had a terrible sense that a Lich was upon me, taking my soul! But then I woke up, and it was only a Lich upon me. And then I remember what happened last night! I do not know just how Story Seeker convinced me to do this."
Wiki: QuestDis: Previous Chapter:
*sigh* let me start again anew with something very simple.
Welcome back, to the strange journey of a strange king.
Also known as “Let’s learn how to freaking draw” quest.
My name's John and the past few days have been terribly spooky. I bought a computer at a flea market for free that almost killed me. And just yesterday the spooks continued when I woke up in the hospital. >I woke up in a hospital bed in a hospital. There was another guy laying in the bed across from me. It was sorta spooky but not too much. Everything was a blur, and I wasn't sure what to do next....
You are a demon named Joey and you're pissed the fuck off. There's all this shit that doesn't make sense happening. Namely, how you fucking got in this wretched place. You just wanna get the fuck home. Just... what to do?
Arc 1, chapter 2: The Ocean, Its Song, and Fish Last we heard of our heroes, they boarded a ship to Abstergo...
Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Wiki: Discussion:
A tezakian sleeps, troubled by her dreams.
-Please generate a character.- Step 1. Input: race