"Can you stop typing and maybe just ask us for a status check?" ... "Not even listening. Yeah, okay. Policegirl, do you have any weapons or anything?" "I...I'm a spy, actually. Spies are usually just people who do a lot of paperwork and get employed in enemy territory." 11 sighs, eager to continue moving and not pleased with the hold-up. #2 clears his throat. "Why are we not getting the hell out of here?" "This is the stairway that leads down to the basement floor, where Captain last left Three and Ten." "Huh." "Whore is probably dead."
high in the mountains over the Sun Kingdom
[ For Quest Discussion please come to #tgchan on irc.rizon.net ] Bubble Bucket, Chapter 06. Listing of previous chapters: http://www.tgchan.org/wiki/Bubble_Bucket
In the world of Teagea there are many wondrous places and peoples; from the modest kobolds to the villainous elves. It is a world where a man must strive to find his place lest he be swept aside by the times, and even the best of men struggle on the brink of ruin. Today, young squire Francis of Athenry, you find yourself in the early hours before your first battle. Even as you review this inner monologue of yours you march with your youth brigade inexorably toward the enemy lines and your first chance, hopefully of many, to repay the vile foe for their transgressions against your clan.
You can't believe you're doing this... but you've come this far (mostly because you haven't come at all). > Design your DesignerDong®! Please select hair, body, face, and genital parameters. You may also specify additional preferences such as age, personality, fetishes, etc. in the field to the left. >Your DesignerDong® will take 2 - 3 weeks to arrive, including 7 business days for production.
"Where's that... FUCKER!"
Somewhere in the Hells, two figures speak. >"So, you saved him?" >"I had to. We can't have the Hellkin dying so easily, can we? Not when our goal is so close." >"I suppose. But we cannot allow him to grow weak." >"This is true, my lord. I will make sure things go the way we had planned..." >"Very well. He is unaware?" >"Of course."
My name is Culasard. I have been away on my travels for months. To far-off lands and far-off places.
>>65931 >>65952 >>66147 KILLER QUEEN ponders the potential risks and benefits of acceding to the invader's proffered choice, and finds the possible gains too valuable to pass up. "Then I will accept your proposal. Will you unbar the room so we can relocate to another chamber?" Rather than directly responding to her, the invader does nothing itself, but the They Might Be Giants blocking the entryway move aside, and start heading towards the next chamber slowly along with the ant controlling them. KILLER QUEEN has the remaining poisoned ants brought out to be given rest, clean air and food, while leading her own escorts towards the next chamber. As she does, Wings Of Destiny once more addresses her queen. "U-u-um...." "What is it?" "I-I guess the visitor is moving? Um, does this mean we aren't fighting the They Might Be Giants?" Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
10 years ago my parents were killed in front of my eyes by monsters. I trained for 10 years and swore revenge. Now I will rid the world from monsters so no child will go through what i went through. My name is Tim. I am a paladin.
Hello? Hello...? I don't know if you can hear me, but my name is Glen Kariim. I'm a vagabond, cast out after... well, if you are there, then you've probably been watching me all this time. Or my prayers are going unanswered...
>Opening Cutscene
I must admit, things are turning out even better than I had planned. When I set out on this route towards power, I had no idea how quickly I would gain these footholds. But sitting on a throne hewn specifically for me, in a dungeon that belongs to me, full of minions who are loyal only to me... I knew I would succeed, just not quite so spectacularly.
Your name is Sue. You're stuck in this house because people are assholes. Please suggest an action.
They say summoning is dangerous, labourous work. That one screw up could mean death or worse. They'd be right. Especially when contacting or calling an Outsider.
You are a crow, and you need a name. There is another crow, over there. A crow that has always been the fire in your tiny heart.
E5M1 Tears of the Dragon
You clench your sword in a white-knuckled grip and prepare to step into this pit of darkness. For too long it has been a blight on the land and you hope to rid the world of this dungeon's evil... and perhaps make a name for yourself as an adventurer.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
"Are you alright?"
[ For Quest Discussion please come to #tgchan on irc.rizon.net ] Bubble Bucket, Chapter 05. Listing of previous chapters: http://www.tgchan.org/wiki/Bubble_Bucket
E4M1 Blood Stained
Somewhere in the middle of Clockburgh...
[ For Quest Discussion please come to #tgchan on irc.rizon.net ] Bubble Bucket, Chapter 04.
[Intro] You are merrily on your way to Fursecon 2009.
You are some kinda blob looking thing lost in a cave somewhere. There is a magma pool nearby. Please suggest an action.
-And the more they tried to hold it all together, the smaller the pieces became-
I've heard it said that a hero is a great man, whose very actions and relations will, in all times, unite him to the rest of the world. The suggesiton, then, being that a hero is someone so grand and influential that his mere existence and the power of his deeds affects the entire populace. Well, there are heroes in evil as well as in good.
"Urgh... Slimey tentacles..."
E3M1- The Enigmatic Spirit
That's strange, the door is open
Chapter 10 Previous chapters can be found in the archives Chapters 1-3: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/7108.html Chapters 4-5http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/18678.html Chapter 6-7: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/26410.html Select which character you wish to follow. The other will become an indirect NPC
I was once the greatest. I once lead the armies of Hell itself, purging its lands of the weak and slow. I once held the great sword Durance, and once, the greatest of warriors followed my call. Many feared me. Many admired me. Many wanted what I had, what I held.
[Animated (repeating), Cutscene 1/4] Legends of old tell of a war between angels and devils. Infinitely creative forces met the embodiments of pure destruction, feeding an eternal stalemate too costly to continue.
(Started a new thread, old one had gotten big and slow) I am hungry and weary, and my Honor Guard are equally fatigued and in need of food. Hrm. I have some Bohemian Rhapsody and T.B. Sheets' carcass in the bank, and access to unlimited free (but not particularly good) food in the guest chambers. What should I do?
> "... It hurts..." > "Don't worry, Gazzene. I've done this a couple of times."
It is very dark. Hardly anything can be seen.
my name is preston strifecloud but i am usually known by my codename "strider" i am here to defeat my brother and send him back to the home dimension wh=ere we are from i have by breaker sword and my cybernanosuit so i can hunt down my half-demon brother and end this war
You are on a train. There are two guys here. They look pretty rad. What do you do?
You're an elf. Your name? Ugh.. Celeyilo Olovalo. You're sick of your name and sick of being an elf!!
My name is Jason. I'm here in this town I do not know - this town that does not seem to want to know me - because of a job posting on the internet. The job seems foolish - but then, a fool and their money are easily parted. My name is Jason, I solve problems for a living. This man - Nelson Loe - is afraid his newly bought house is haunted. He is afraid of this because of rumors he says he's heard around town. My name is Jason...
You were just minding your own business and now you're crammed in a ball!
>"Always together~" >"United forever~" ..I used to walk this path with my sister a lot when we were little.
[The breaking out of a mysterious facility with the guidance of you, an innocent bystander, guiding only through a mysterious laptop. Assorted test subjects, a mysterious pair, and a good-willed scientist are now who you are leading out. 5 Project, Part 2; Discovery.] Now what?
[ For Quest Discussion please come to #tgchan on irc.rizon.net ] Bubble Bucket, Chapter 03.
Part 2
Clive Steveson who was Steve Steveson's brother was one day an bedroom typing on a computer. He got an email from his brother that said >Hey, lock the door when you leave and make sure you don't burn the house down. Don't be a fag. -Steve >PS touch my shit and die
Man.. I feel terrible. I kissed a demon... Ate horrible food.. I didn't sleep a wink. Well, no rest for the wicked.
Hi I am fGhost. The f is silent. Now what?
I doubt this orb can help. It does not seem to be working. There is no way we can fight them off with Silfas so severely injured! They do not seem to be attacking, but they look dangerous. Elfalas is talking to them. I hope they will leave us alone.
Now loading...
Why hello there orb voices! I am Dumy, a bard of some renown among my people. I have come to spread my art to all lesser creatures of the land! One of your kind threw you to me to aid me in my quest. I stored you in my belly for safekeeping. Will you help me?
>"Finish this shit, Cannonbot." >"[YES MASTER]"
[ For Quest Discussion please come to #tgchan on irc.rizon.net ] Bubble Bucket Quest, Chapter 02.
Long have I dreamt the Viridian Dream, slumbered in the no-place, between the real and unreal. I have searched for the hole and seam of the fabric of time and space but remained incorporeal. But tonight something stirs my slumber, and I reach out and wander, For tonight's the night, Jack, hello boys, I'm back.
[Alright. Continuation of a rather in-depth adventure. Story so far; http://www.mediafire.com/file/nrrncd1jd0n/5.rar ] Now what?
Hello, friends! I come to you for advice. First, let me give you a little introduction. My name is Bernard, and I am 15 years of age. I was the top of my class - and perhaps even in the school - in grades, athletics, looks and popularity. I had no problems of any kind. My peers adored me, girls swooned when I walked by, and teachers praised me at every turn. I was the most suggested candidate for the school presidency, but I politely gave the honor to a student who wanted it more--I simply don't have the time to do charity being as great as I am. So... Where did it go wrong?
Arcanitech >Arcanitech is the massive conglomerate of magical technology companies that popped up in the years following Paraply's initial bid for world conquest. Once Paraply was shut down for their power mongering, Ignometics had obtained a monopoly, and was broken down into subcompanies by government anti-trust laws. After Vresch's hostile takeover, whatever was left of the various companies rejoined into the group Arcanitech. They seem to have no clear goal.
HEY GUISE! My name is Flare! I was born deformed ;_; but I'm not too sad. People say I have a cute button nose! Anyway, I need help! Will you help me?!
(Yet another Textquest, folks.) Six cards. Six legends. Six artefacts. Berserker, a demonic foe, insane and barely held back by its master. Lancer, a balanced fighter, capable, intelligent, and accurate. Saber, the 'strongest', highly intellectual, powerful, but tiring to upkeep and with no true specialization. Archer, strong from afar. A bright tactician, resourceful. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
My name is Charmedfrightened, but everyone calls me Charm. I am a single and available 'bold woman with a good job, a good home, and good friends. But I'm already five years old, and despite my good looks, I have no man. I intend to remedy this.
>"Hahahaha! That was almost too easy..."
You wake up slowly and comfortably, Cam is still asleep, curled up against you. You can here him stirring a little in his sleep.
You are a pixel. Against all probability, you have become self-aware. All sorts of thoughts rush through your new mind. You are currently surrounded by other pixels. You're pretty sure that they're non-sentient, like you once were. What would you like to try? >_
Act 2 Small Hand, Tall Gamble
...Looting in the chaos zone...
>Save harbor! Save harbor! >..as kingdoms fall shall the vengeful dead rise.. >The dwarven strongholds have been defeated-- >Raise anchor, make speed! They're on us!
I can't do this anymore. I can't. It's too much. [animated]
What is this shit.
The water's rising, so quick and cold. This is an unlikely place to drown.
Ok ok ok. We're starting a quest. What should the protagonist be?
E2M1 Cry for Eternity
Oh, minions... I'm HOOOOME!
You are outside of Moriya Shrine. Your name is Suwako. Hop hop. Please suggest an action.
This will be a mostly text-based Quest with a few pictures here and there, because I can't be arsed to draw two Quests at once. I just have to get this idea out of my head. So let's get this party started!
Certain types of magic cause high and low pressure in the forces of the world.
Since the last superhero quest thread got nixed, I guess the playing field is open. Pick any combination of two powers and your gender.
In the heart of the desert a sharp wind blows across the sand. It is a wind of change.
Spikesby Biteface has set out to do his master's bidding.
[ For Quest Discussion please come to #tgchan on irc.rizon.net ] Bubble Bucket Quest, Chapter 01.
Chapter 8 Previous chapters can be found in the archives Chapters 1-3: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/7108.html Chapters 4-5http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/18678.html Chapter 6-7: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/30849.html
You wake up in a bedroom that isn't completely yours. Your move.
This is a story. From North America.
Jesum Crow, how long does this tunnel go on for?
E1M2- In the Halls of the Mountain King
>VRRRRR CLANK "hmm...almost..." >THUNK THUNK CLANK VRRRR "Ah! There~"
(Beep.) (Vrrruuuuurrruuummm.)
The Tower of Olber was once home to the revered scribe of the same name. He was considered a proud and noble man, until his dabbling in the dark arts were discovered. And then, much like my own nobility, Olber's reputation fell. And yet somehow his legacy lived on, in the idealistic minds of so many uneducated peasants. But I'm so sick of it all now. So weary of this charade of savoir faire and culture, of beautiful nobles parading grandly about their decadent palaces in an air of aesthetic deception. I've got no pretty friends, I can't pretend, and I'm tired of believing in the things that go on here.
Let's do this.
Ok, /Quest/, I am new to this, but I've wanted to give this a try for a while, yada yada yada... To Buisness! Being a Rorouni, or a wandering samurai, you have reached one of the many difficulties that go with your trade: There is a fork in the road. Which way do you go?
*ahem* Hello there! Is this thing working. Test. test.
Do you feel like accomplishing something? Anything at all?
Ehhn. Not a bloody thing o' worth t' loot in dis dump, ehh, Tannis? Wot a waste o' time. I shoulda... Eh? ...wot's dis glass ball thing? Izzit worth ennythin'?
It's come to my attention that you people are abusing these Sphere of Unlimited Self-Conceptualization dealies and giving people bad advice and making nuisances of yourselves. So I'm taking them away.
What motivates us the most?
You are a queen ant, blessed by the color red to evolve much more quickly than most ants. You have just been fertilized, and now must leave the hive to start your own elsewhere. You have 1 hour before your wings fall off and you start the metamorphosis into a producing queen. You do not know the landscape particularly well, but your mother did leave you the knowledge there is an old Ironwood stump surrounded by rocks some half hour north from here that used to hold a particularly Nasty strain of Termite before your mother exterminated them. You could travel there to start your colony. To the west, you smell some sweet smells, to the east you see strange flowers growing, and you don't know what is to the south. What do you do?
>The NPT Tramline is a free service provided to all residents of Neotis. They are meant to seat 3 people comfortably, but can hold as many people as will fit. There are currently 890 stops on the Tramline, each within a half a mile of at least 2 other stops. The trams work with each other to reach the input destinations without crashing. All stops are on the left side - the right tram car is not for passengers, and contains the tram's generator and AI. The Tramline drops passengers off at elevators, which exist solely to go between the Tramline and the ground level. >The Tramline is 40 feet above ground level at most times, but it rises and falls as necessary. The cables that support it are held aloft by massive concrete pillars in the middle of the streets. Each cable is capable of supporting up to 4 tons, enough for 5 trams simultaneously on a single cord. Latest estimates put the tramline at having more than 16000 miles of cables. >There is some resentment to the Tramline system, because while the service may be free, fast, efficient, and almost 100% devoid of accidents, privately owned vehicles are prohibited. The stated reason is to promote personal health and fitness, as well as prevent accidents. Many find this reasoning sound but annoying. Many others find this reason to be complete and total bullshit. On the upside, however, where you live and where you work need not have any correlation. Currently, Coralina knows 2 destinations for the tram line: 000 - Vresch's Manse, and 302 - The Church of Nihilism Tech.
This is Nicolas. He's an affluent businessman. At the moment, Nicolas is spending a little time browsing his favorite website. A novelty site where pictures of cats are uploaded with humorous, badly spelled captions. Hilarious!
> Let us pray. This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my rifle is useless. Without my rifle I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy, who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my rifle and myself are defenders of my country, we are the masters of our enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen.
You are Anton, a Halfling monk. You are in the desert, and an old gnome asked you to kill raccoons which were eating his corn crops. ENTIRE BACKSTORY: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Anton%20Quest (Disregard the first) You found a tree with a hollow in it and when you looked into it, a raccoon jumped in your face. You are flipping the fuck out. What do you do? (pic badly animooted)
>You're stuck playing Vresch's game, you may as well impress him at it.
Chapter 6 previous chapters can be found in the archive Chapters 1-3 http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/7108.html Chapters 4-5 http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/18678.html
MORTAL GOD "In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed." Hello again, loyal Orb. When I last left you to slumber, we had one mere city-state to convert, before setting my grand plan into motion. However... It seems that a major branch of the church of the Blind One has a headquarters there. Meaning... a majority of the people are hardline faithful. So, my orb, have you any ideas as to approach the situation?
this is it! this is the moment jen was waiting... pirates attacking the airship are kepping her master busy... that bastard that has hurt her since she was bought, but today, today its the day the pig dies... jen, the halfbold mechanic of this airship, rigged the engine to blow when she leaves in one of the smaller ships...
I don't know what hurts more... My head or you jabbing me in the side...
Chapter Five.
I still can't believe I'm doing this... and I can't believe I listened to you back there... and I also can't believe that I survived after listening to you back there. So, since you kind of have a decent record of not getting me killed, what next?
Chapter Four.
In a place not too far from here, a man considers his home.
Voice1: It was successful War. Voice2: The resurrection is complete. Voice3: He seems weak but that is to be expected.
>BEGIN CHAPTER 31 >"THE CHARIOT, REVERSED" >Find previous chapters and volumes in /questarch/ >Textdiscussion in /questdis/ >Fanfiction in /txt/ and fanart in /quest/ >Join us on IRC as everyone confesses their most secret secrets: Rizon, #rubyquest
>Yo! Anyone there? >I need some help here! >Here's the situation. I've recently turned 15, but I've never had a boyfriend. I want to experience love before I finish highschool! >To achieve that goal, I set up this plan. I'm skipping the first two steps because they're too bothersome. >Now I don't want to just go out and rape someone! It has to be two-sided, or it won't be the same. So... >...How do I get a boyfriend?
((I can't draw very well, so there won't be any pics except for the obligatory first one...I have a really bad naming sense, so please suggest titles for this...)) You wake up..somewhere, you have no memory of...anything really.. You know that there are 4 walls surrounding you, and you can see a flickering screen in the darkness. There is a window to your right.
There was a wicked man He bought a wicked house He owned a wicked dog He housed a wicked mouse
I've been here for what I think has been days. The light isn't strong but it has the power to be. This is my punishment. I disobeyed and now I am serving my time. *I only hope Pitchy and Lizz are safe.* "What was that?" Nothing doctor. "You said something else, what was it?" It was nothing doctor. (The light starts to burn again.) AAARGH! I just wished Pitchy and Lizz were safe doctor! Honest! "I have already told you a thousand times Darkness, your friends will be safe if you co-operate." Yes doctor. (The doctor's shadow sticks out in front of me, its not reaching out like a normal shadow. It's almost like its compressed against him like a second skin...)
Good evening. My name is Allan Red, and my world is in pieces. I fought for justice, I casted and incanted my best, I fought harder than anyone, and now all my friends and all my known family is dead. The world is overrun. Outside this cave lies an army of enemies, and they will soon find me. I was told you are an artifact of infinite power. You are my only hope...
It is very dark here. Hardly anything can be seen. Please recommend an action.
KaraQuest ~ An Interlude ~ ~ Flash in the Dark ~
I hope she's okay... "Gus is everything alright?" Yeah, just helping out a friend... "Oh. Who is it?" You'll see in a bit... um there is something I gotta tell you first. "Hm? What is it?" Um before I met you I kinda had to deal with someone... uh I think his name is Doctor. "Doctor is more a title than a name Gus, anyway, please go on." Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
You feel a tug. It's really quite annoying. You consider ignoring it, but it really is rather uncomfortable. You acquiesce. You sense the coniferous forests of Furnshakt. It's unusual for them to seek one of your kind. They normally just talk to their own spirits.
It's dark... but everything is clear to me now.
Chapter Three.
Sealed. Trapped. Sent hurtling through time. Once a hive, and now a lone being. Called 'Evil', named 'dissenter', abjured away from your lone goal.Trapped forever in this damnable box. By a little goddamn fucking girl! I WILL FIND THEM AND KILL THEM! ...er, as soon as I escape. All I have is this little damn Orb someone placed in here with me...
Chapter 4
Hm? Glass on the ground? ...no, this looks like part of Master Muschio's crystal ball. It must have chipped when he dropped it.
I have to give you up, because my casserole is in the bathwater. The winter socks ate the rum barrel marigolds!
~Pitch Side~ That tasted awesome...*burp* excuse me. *giggle*
You awaken. It is dark, and your are currently lying down, you think. The room you are in is quiet except for a faint humming and a faint breeze, from somewhere above you. Your head aches for a moment as you awaken, but then stills. You know not who you are.
Get ready for an all-new exciting romp for the grown-ups!
You are Reich. A gargoyle of the old religion, you recently were made coffee by a girl. You quite enjoyed this "coffee" drink you were given. You are currently in a warehouse, what do you do? (Due to lack of any drawing skill this will be an all text quest, unless an artist shows up)
Your name is Bumblebutt buzz. You're in your hive buzz. Your best bee, and possibly gay lover, is near by buzz. What do you do buzz?
Weaver and Reaver are in the living room of their shared appartment. Weaver is indecent for an undetermined reason, and Reaver is standing on the sofa. >Both Weaver and Reaver can be controlled, but not at the same time! If you make a suggestion for one, wait till after an update to make a suggestion for the other.
Hello? Orb of infinite psyche? Hey, is anyone there? Oh, this looks just like the picture, I hope its the real thing... Hello?
Every time I think I've finally accomplished a simple goal without some great obstacle, it seems I always find something in the way.
Danial passer lies awake in a bed that's too big for him alone. His girlfriend has left him just two days ago, so he is rather gloomy. He is a driving teacher. He's lookig at the other side of the bed, which is terribly empty right now. There is no way he'll fall asleep any time soon. What would you have him do?
"In full bloom."
>[roh-man-tis'-ar] >n. a person who romances through methodical and obsessive means Name: Fiftyeight Age: 15 Average grade: C Interests: N/A Name: Janine Age: 10 Average grade: A Interests: Fiftyeight, hockey, unicorns Name: Elizabeth, or simply Liza Age: 20 Average Grade: B Interests: Anthropology, travel
(Continuing from last thread. Please excuse the extended delay.)
The coming of morn has banished the terrible night.
>[roh-man-tis'-ar] >n. a person who romances through methodical and obsessive means Name: Janine Age: 10 Average grade: A Interests: Fiftyeight, hockey, unicorns Name: Fiftyeight Age: 15 Average grade: C Interests: N/A Name: Elizabeth, or simply Liza Age: 20 Average Grade: B Interests: Anthropology, travel
NOTE: THIS WRITER CANNOT DRAW. HE HAS NO IMPLEMENTS TO DO SO! NOT EVEN OEKAKI WORKS FOR HIM. WITH THAT IN MIND, THIS QUEST WILL BE ALMOST ENTIRELY TEXT BASED. YOU ARE FREE TO CONTRIBUTE FANART OR WHATEVER, BUT EXPECT NO PICTURES OF THE UNFOLDING STORY AT PRESENT. Ahem. How to begin... The date is 3001. Mankind has monquered the Sol system, terraforming every planet in the system with the sole exception of mercury, whose heat is used as a massive power plant and robotic construction facility. Earth is highly overpopulated, and Mars is essentially the 'New Earth'. Circling mars are several satellites, one of which you work at. This is Ergo 4, one of many tourist satellites. Tourist satellites are for those who want to veiw a planet and its trappings without actually making landfall, and also serve as entertainment centers for the rich and powerful. Most have the same design: A central hub for employees about the size of two or three houses that holds technological necessities and surveillance equipment, A ring around this that comprises the main body, and the docking ports at either end of the 'hub'. Being the Chief of Security, you work and live in the center of the satellite with your young daughter. Each employee lives here, either seasonally or year-round. It doesn't hurt that the job pays well. Tourist season is generally in the planet's spring/fall season, so as to maximize the beauty of it for prospective landowners. Currently, you are several months away from uptime, and preperations are hasty. You awaken after a massive tremor shakes your home. You fall out of your bed and onto the floor, tangled in sheets. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.