Mauve Honey Glory
"Yeah sure, except I gotta insist I not be around. He kinda went in a berserker rage when he got a whiff of me. I mean I could be around, but I've gotta re-disguise myself. Oh hey CAI tell Kappi to bathe himself! He does not want to smell like me."
>"On it."
>"That would defeat the purpose of having you around, so no, just disguise yourself if you want to stay around the outpost, please."
"Okay so, why can't he just have the vase fixed up?"
>"If anyone were to do it, it would be him, by his own hands, and I doubt that he could make a replica by himself from memory alone. Even then, I'm not sure it would satiate him."
"Oh by the way new line of questioning was Sharpa around?"
>"Yes, she's visiting some of my other kids to catch up. Please don't disturb them unless it's necessary."
"Sure sure. Okay, uh... well, sounds like you have this under... well, an attempt to have it under control."
>"I can't make promises, I'm sorry, and I do consider myself at least partially responsible in case Grudge-Bearer is not as mentally sound as I hope he is and begins destroying this place. For this, I would ask your advice on what we can do if this happens?"
"Uh... yeah, I'll buy a motorcycle or something in advance, and if he starts wrecking shit I'll hop on, get out, and the CAI can be all like 'Look, there's Hok, escaping as usual. That motherfucker.' and then it's my problem I guess. Cept I'm hoping the CAI will give me heads up - in fact I hope the CAI will broadcast it to me - so I can get a headstart."
>"Simple, but effective. I won't ask you to not kill him if it comes to that, but obviously I hope it doesn't come to such measures."
The CAI says a bunch of things but basically says they'll show Pilon's talks to me.
"So uh, another idea, ozone generators. Or just plain scent removers. To, uh, remove the essense-le-hok from around here."
>"Like I said, Hok, I'm not going to lie to him. It's going to be made apparent that you've been around, and that you either are or were around."
"Okay okay cool. Oh uh, how do you feel about this whole Kappi-Rokoa pairing up going on?"
>"I think he's a fool, but it's a deep seated, heartfelt foolishness. I'd like to help him, he's a nice kid, but I'll also be fair and say that I'm interested in Rokoa's interest in him more than his interest in her. She's a far kinder person when with a lover."
"Uh I'm not gonna get in the way of your experience but I'm gonna need some more insistence, cause I dunno she's been pretty intense with Kappi."
>"Absolutely, and that won't change, but she certainly won't hold back. She's more testing him to see if his attraction is just an infatuation that will go away when inconvenienced too much. Honestly, I am hoping Rokoa will go rogue."
>"I've never seen a neumono get as distant from a hive has she has without going rogue. She should have gone rogue with me decades ago. We were both at our weakest, then, and unfortunately both tried having a child together as a last ditch effort to remain close to our hive. Both of us would have realized the idiocy of that a year earlier and both of us did realize the idiocy of that a year after. But like I say, we were at our weakest while showing our signs of going rogue, and made several mistakes. While I do love Karri as much as any of my kids, this did go disasterously between her and Rokoa who, somehow, managed to latch herself to her hive. Rokoa doesn-"
The mini-Pilons shuffle around, and there's obviously some non-Hok conversation going around.
>"Sorry. This shouldn't be such a secret, but it is an incredibly touchy subject. Don't mention this to Rokoa or Karri if you don't want them to test miklik regeneration. The point is, is that Rokoa doesn't belong in her hive. She's gone past her natural inclinations, and I'm hoping that a formidable lover will be enough. Her previous chances haven't lasted long enough. I think you remember Lakkat."
"Yyyyeahhhhh I heard about that. You know I'm kinda starting to understand why you've got a distaste for me."
>"I'm not alone, and I expect for the same reasons."
"Yeahhhh. So, uh, I guess that's enough, just, if he ends up wanting me to go on some quest of redemption, try not to make it too crazy? Something that isn't an obvious setup for me to just die in?"
>"Hok! Understand that not everyone has ulterior agendas and backwards schemes. If he's going to kill you, he's going to take off his gloves so that he can do it with his bare hands. If you get sent on a mission of some kind, it's going to have all of its terms and motives laid clearly."
>"Quit while you're ahead before Pilon gets mad, and go hug Kappi again!"
>"We've got a new arcade! There's prizes for tickets! You have money, right?"
>"We'll let you know when GB is here as soon as he shows up."
>"Kiss Kappi, you fool!"
Yep I think that that'll settle things for the time, so I've gotta go spend my hard earned cash to redisguise myself and to treat Kappi to a long, long night of arcade.