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965999 No. 965999 ID: 6f7a5a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

The elven kingdoms are despised,
So much so that the Prismaticans damned their souls to create the "Harroctar".
The Harroctar are abominations that live only to hunt and kill elves.

Thye are hounds unleashed, nothing can control them,
for three hundred years they have slaughtered elves.
In three hundred years the elven kingdoms fell from the masters of the world to shadows.
Today the wrath of the slayers fall upon the Kingdom of Maerieyelle

Three would be survivors huddle in terror, having just watched friends and family torn to pieces.
aid them if you can, or let them perish and fade into memory
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No. 1090924 ID: 2f41db


I dont think the room would look so well appointed with one of those monsters lurking within.

Grabbing the book is a fine idea.
It can double as an emergency sheild or thrown object, but hopefully it will not be needed for its improvised or intended purpose.

It is time to bring your friends forward.
However, your job does not end at the wave.

Quietly clear their path of any potential noise making collision obstacles like scattered furniture or dropped gear and other partyware discarded in panic.
Just place it safely at the hall side.
Also, spare a glance towards them as they move towards you.
Watch behind them specifically for beasts entering the corridor on random patrol.
Spotting them first could buy the precious seconds needed to take cover.
No. 1094560 ID: eb0a9c

Grab every book you can carry, starting with Medicine and Magic. This place is going up in smoke anyway.
No. 1097363 ID: eb0a9c

...Okay, you know what? Let's take these spam posts and turn them into the titles of some wacky elf aristocrat's secret otherworldly porn stash.
No. 1097426 ID: 9a6426

How Bandar Toto Was The Most Talked About Trend Of 2024
togel sydney
No. 1097447 ID: d241e4

9 Signs You're A Situs Terpercaya Expert Situs Togel Terpercaya

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1093931 No. 1093931 ID: 9f8647 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A brief prequel to Lazy Fairy where nothing important happens.

Lazy Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy

Art & Writing by Donut: https://questden.org/wiki/Donut
115 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1097437 ID: c5529d

If Ellie still complains after all those points, mention she can also wear something underneath the toga too, it's no big deal really.

IF we have to watch Ellie, tell Landi she has to help you. there's no way she's getting away from this.
No. 1097438 ID: 9f8647

Sometimes, sisterhood means sacrifice. Protecc the Ellie! Make sure she doesn't have a bad time, that way she'll be better off for future parties.

You can be a bodyguard, Vivi. You've trained so hard!
No. 1097439 ID: a7a180

Parry that. What a great idea, Landi! Thanks for volunteering yourself!
(Really, it's Ellie who'll be babysitting her - and both will be better off for it.)
No. 1097445 ID: 71143c


No. 1097446 ID: 809e5e

Protect that fairy!

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1084137 No. 1084137 ID: 1effd3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

From nothing, a new beginning.
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No. 1097414 ID: 113f76

The service mode seems to be struggling against a security mode. Who's in control is the number out of 6.

Stating intent to do business and asking for the visitation hours should hopefully tip things back in favor of service mode.

We don't really have the technical skills to help ease its malfunctions right now, beyond that. We should consider moving outside, but don't approach it, see if it will move aside and allow you to leave. Approaching may tip towards security.
No. 1097416 ID: 2f41db

We dont want to take, we wish to trade.
A factory without purchasers for its orders is not fulfilling its purpose!

They appear torn between higher intelligence and rudimentary protocols.
Need to phrase things in such a way that fit within the frame of the simplistic ruleset that holds influence.
A factory recieves materials.
A factory produces goods.
If these parameters are not met then it is nonfunctional.
We are now part of your supply chain.
No. 1097418 ID: 273c18

Ah, it's of two minds. The red lights seem to be how much it's leaning towards security/aggression. Currently you are breaking two laws: you are trespassing and you have given the indication you're a thief. Best to solve both those problems quickly.
Tell it you are not going to steal, and do not wish to break any of its laws. Perhaps you can talk outside if that's more comfortable? You are willing to purchase fabric. What does it accept as currency or trade?

Hey do you remember anything about robotics? Any chance you could repair this guy? Too bad we don't have a repair spell.
No. 1097422 ID: 861ceb

uh, ask how is planning to buy or trade theft?

Oh, maybe ask for a job so you have a reason to be here without them getting pissy and ask for a tour if they're not against the idea.
No. 1097444 ID: 0db8d3

Before us is a forgotten production and security drone. It is heavily damaged.

It's old directives still function, however, time has given birth to a unique personality beneath. Due to this it has a split personality.

The color of the eyes denote the level of control each personality currently has.
Red for the automaton, blue for the friendly personality.

The red personality is currently in a high state of alarm and control. We need to placate it. If we can avoid a fight, we'll have a new friend we can bring back. Choose your words carefully, Silv.

Raise your hands slowly so it can see you aren't a threat.
Tell it you surrender and would like to be escorted from the building. Once outside, feel free to talk normally to it. The red personality should be much less aggressive with you outside, which will make it safer and easier to talk with blue.

Due to it's nature, if a fight breaks out Marshlight will likely destroy it utterly- but it can probably rip Fern apart in seconds.
May we avoid such tragedies.

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1093054 No. 1093054 ID: 9ea24b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Anime is real.

Discussion: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html

Setting enforced SFW. Will update every other day with at least two pictures and vague colors based on the outcome of a unanimous patron poll.
420 posts and 94 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1097370 ID: 355e44

A) I don't see what hiding the hub space would accomplish, and he might have some insight into its nature.
No. 1097371 ID: d602b3

A. Inquire why exactly we need to murder the Creator. Won't that create more incentive to try and go after us? Don't suggest we're against it, just risk-averse and looking for the safest route. He knows this to be true about us from the Printer's memories, being too gung-ho will look as suspicious as directly opposing him.

We should consider milking as much info as we can, then jumping this guy as soon as we get back and can team up with Kage and her sword. Find a moment to catch him off guard before he can plot, scheme or sway more to his side.
No. 1097415 ID: 2f41db

Tell him.
Ask for his opinion on it.
Scrutinise his answer carefully for duplicity.
No. 1097440 ID: 9ea24b
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>A, you don’t see any harm in it
You: When Pinch and Kentaro jumped through the hole to Girltown, they ended up in this huge dark space with reduced gravity. After exploring a little, Kentaro realized he couldn’t get back to our hole and fused with Pinch to make me, since I have all of the powers of strength and mental stability.

You: Kentaro’s theory was that it was kind of a hub with different entrances and exits to other parts of the Creator’s domain. Since Kage found the Boysville exit with her sword, we could probably use our weapons inside the hub to open other holes.

Cerebrum: Wonderful to hear! Once we find the space where the Creator lives it will be much easier to catch them unawares. I was worried we would have to summon the Creator here, where they would be on alert. Thank you for your contribution Kench.

You: Okay, hold on, won’t killing the Creator get us in trouble with their superiors and incentivize them to pursue us? Isn’t there some other way to escape without leaving evidence we were here? Honestly we could try just talking to them.

Cerebrum wobbles to a stop with one pink leg lifted in the air. His big wet eye swivels to stare at you incredulously.

Cerebrum: Have you not been listening, Kench? Well no, excuse me, I should give you the benefit of the doubt, I believe if they were deeply unconscious or asleep my ability would work about as well. Perhaps talking could serve as a distraction…yes, you could speak to them and then we would attack from behind. Good idea Kench.

Wallace: I like Cerebrum’s plan!
No. 1097443 ID: 9ea24b
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Craw and Yako catch up to you and Cerebrum, expressions even more dour than before.

Yako: I don’t like the idea of you guys killing anyone. That doesn’t seem very heroic.

Cerebrum: Oh, do not worry, it won’t be permanent. The Creator and their ilk are very skilled with magic. Afterwards we’ll be gone and you won’t have to worry about dooming us to get your little friends fixed. A happy ending for everyone.

Cerebrum’s patronizing tone doesn’t encourage any debate, and the group makes small talk the rest of the way to Boysville. Kage and Rattus should still be at the school, so you lead Cerebrum there.

>Kage random spell check: Secret Hotspring Peeking Technique (observe distant location)
Kage shows you the spell orb she got from finishing the cooking course before Cerebrum calls the rogues together around a table. Rattus gives you all a guilty look but stays with Raito. Craw and Yako are standing by the school door, guarding it, you suspect.

The fleshy pink monster explains the new plan to travel to the hub and find the Creator’s living area, then strike when they are asleep or otherwise distracted. Your Pinch side thinks this is a fine idea, but doesn’t entirely trust Cerebrum and what they’re hiding about their abilities.

You currently are at 1/3 Pinch unfavored choices.
A. Press the button to summon the Creator (Kage will attempt to stop you) PINCH UNFAVORED

B. Go along with Cerebrum’s plan (you’ll have to fight Craw and Yako, but you’re pretty sure you’ll be able to escape if you follow through)

C. Come up with an alternative (suggest plan, Cerebrum won’t be happy with you afterwards, no guarantees of escape success)

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1095767 No. 1095767 ID: e25c20 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This is the continuation of the second chapter of the Chasing Shadows and Hunting Rats.

Chapter 1


Chapter 2 part 1


Discussion Thread

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No. 1097376 ID: 749232
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Go with Nasty Shit to drink.

B) Send Archer to go and drink with Nasty Shit.

C) Send Worm Work to go and drink with Nasty Shit.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097378 ID: c5529d

A. hell yeah drinks! GOGOGOGO!

err... i mean

hanging out with her will make for good relationships with her, and if we keep on her good side, we'll keep on her father's good side, or at least she can give him a good word about us.

that trick Abdle did can actually probably help against the cat if she steals him... not saying that we should let him get kidnapped on purpose, just that it's another layer of protection.
No. 1097385 ID: 27fceb

My vote is for Worm Work to go for a drink. Just the chaos of those two people being drunk is the main reason for wanting to see it happen.
No. 1097399 ID: 355e44

A) It would be rude to refuse
No. 1097430 ID: 78de2a

Well it seems Gray can be of use. How surprising. He still needs pragmatism to temper him though. Drink a little. However too much will be bad for negotiations so don't have too much of the stuff.

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1080954 No. 1080954 ID: 5ebd37 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

(Will contain gore violence and death)

This winter has been harsh.
The snows started in September, by mid October the woods were buried.
Now the new year has brought the worst storm yet, and the dim sun overhead reflects the waning hope of those huddled around fading hearths clutching empty bowls.
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No. 1096996 ID: a632cf

Did she get an acid burn on her face, that is seriously dangerous. The first thing that you should do is clean her face with water and then you can examine her body.
No. 1097004 ID: d58817

First aid must be the first priority. Make sure that Lisel is safe and assess her mobility before anything else. After that, we might spend a moment to examine the corpse of the bat, but beware; having caused such a disturbance here, are we not liable to attract even greater attention?

Will nothing come to the aid of the fallen bat, or follow its alarm? How fastidious should we be in covering our tracks, to put the cotton jar back where it was, in order to try to prevent discovery of the entire rodent operation on the grounds. Lisel may be able to advise here.

I would think retreat, as soon as we've put things in order, should be the priority, so as to avoid any coming reprisal, but if Lisel thinks that's not necessary, in spite of her injury, then we might tarry a bit further, and extract with the rest of the group.
No. 1097410 ID: 355e44
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Your instinct is telling you to get out of here before anything more creeps up on you. Yet gazing down into those smoked lenses, knowing what captivatingly rosy eyes are hidden behind them, you can't help but assent. You almost blurt out something about checking her body, but manage to hold your tongue.

With the last of the acid washed off you check Lisel's injuries. Minor burns pepper her head and hands, with one large and raw oozing blood on her snout. Luckily the cotton fuzz, mixed with a little adhesive from Lisel's pocket, makes for a makeshift bandage.

The two of you look down at the ragged heap of former bat sprawled on the tiles. Even before its acid bath it was in sorry shape, with patchy fur and only a faded and worn pair of trousers to its name. The skull is scoured of flesh, its surface pitted and stained. Lisel picks up the grim bone to examine the back, where the strip of paper was spooling into. "I'm glad you agreed" the chemist says "None of the others will. Too much respect for the dead. Which is admirable..." She brings the skull down sharply on her knee, splitting the brittle thing open like an egg "but we must learn, if we are to overcome these strange foes."

You are no stranger to grisly innards, having slaughtered many fungal beasts, but you've never seen anything like this. A thicket of coppery wires sprout from the gnarled brain meat, snaking their way to a slim metal tube. The torn edge of the perforated sheet you tore from the bat's back still peeks from a wide slot on the side of the device.

Lisel stares down at the glistening organ and rather hurriedly sets it down. "Ah ha, well, the anatomy books don't quite prepare you for the real thing do they?" she mutters, seemingly more to herself than to you. "Anyway, it is the heart we want, and that glowing liquid within." She pulls out a small workknif
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No. 1097419 ID: 273c18

Help her cut. You are more experienced in that sort of thing.
No. 1097428 ID: e6ebbf

I think we are on a timer, so cut for her, pick up what needs to be picked up and, move your position.

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1096835 No. 1096835 ID: f846b3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Set forth on an adventure through the Woods of Saltlick!
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No. 1097354 ID: cd10d0

Are you sure she's just not interested and giving you the silent treatment?
No. 1097393 ID: 8f9bc4

I'm going to second the petrification pronking protection.
No. 1097411 ID: 15a025

If some are punctured by arrows, be careful. Those archers may be lurking around yet.
No. 1097420 ID: 3904e0
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>I'm going to second the petrification pronking protection.
>If the curse stops you from moving, then clearly the only solution is to keep moving.
I prance and prong out of fear that staying in one place for too long will petrify me. You will not striketh me, o’ salty hag!

(I’ll come back for you, my beloved. Just after the sweet licks of salt on my buds)

I hop and skip for minutes and my legs feel all the more weary. Her cackling is still distant; I wonder if she even knows I’m here. No matter, I head in a direction with my best gut. If I see enemies or more unlucky petrified sods, then I must be going the right way!

And indeed I was! For I come upon a sight even stranger than the last! At first, an ordinary river. But at second glance, it’s also under the effects of petrification! It curves motionless into the fog. I don’t recall any crick or river through the woods as a wee lad, but it could be a moat around the mines! I search for a raft or vehicle to safely cross this accursed river—but no dice.

>How ever does one traverse this strange phenomenon?
No. 1097425 ID: 462d8c

If it's petrified as well, then it should be solid enough to cross on, right? Still, be cautious and put not but a single hoof on this river

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1089327 No. 1089327 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


These are the voyages of the starship The Shed Scale. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly come where no one has come before!

It’s a small thrust for you… but a huge plunge for Sakkilian kind!

Wiki and previous threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Starlight_Afterglow
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No. 1097400 ID: 681cb5
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>Hand off a copy of Vex's viral analysis as show of both good faith and interest in her colony's problems.
Vul: “…I will forward this to the medical personal on the colony, though I am unsure how much they will actually be able decipher from it.”
>Explain the accelerated pregnancy process as well as the rapid growth into adults.
Vul: “Ah, I did suspect something like that.”
Zento: “You did?”
Vul: “Indeed. After all, the hybrid I saw was an adult.” she walks down the stairs from her throne, passing you, “So unless your kind aging process is massively accelerated, it was a given that there was something else.”
Zento: “And for our exchange?” as her finely carved ass passes you, you opt to follow her, “Do you wish for some accelerated growth as well?”
Vul: “No.” the gargoyle answers bluntly, “Neither the pregnancy nor the rapid growth afterwards is needed. No need to rush these things.” A though passes her eyes, “Though, I will understand if the females you provide me with wishes for an accelerated pregnancy, so they may return to duty instead of staying here.”
Zento: “Understood.”
>Finding ten volunteers shouldn't be too hard.
Vul: “Oh, you think they will be eager to join in a paid orgy, hmm?” looking over her shoulder, she gives you a sultry look, “Maybe you wish to join yourself?”
Zento: “The thought have crossed my mind, yes.” you say with a smirk, “Of course, discussing logistics can wait until after we’ve signed the contract, no? After all, we don’t want this contract to fall through because of a bad signature, hmm?”
Vul: “Now now, no need to rush, Captain.” you can hear her chuckle as she turns away from you and continue walking, “We ha
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No. 1097401 ID: 681cb5
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>...wait, if we've powered down the ship, do we still have our prisoner contained and the drones cared for?
We only powered down non-vital systems, not everything. Besides, if that tree lady would wake up, she’s still stuck in what is pretty much a metal cage. Metal doesn’t really need power, does it?
>That's what we detected in the scans, isn't it? Why did it disappear though? We need to do research.
We definitely need more information, and while our own experiments on the crew is a start, we will require some harder to get data as well.
>Did *all* of our alien crewmates get fertility treatments?
Of course not! Twin suns, you’re pretty sure none of them did in the first place!

>Could it be? Could they be trying to exterminate all life other than themselves because they are also biologically doomed?
Vul: “…wait, why would they be biologically doomed?”
Zento: “I am not… sure where I got that from.” you sheepishly rub the back of your head, “And it is more likely a form of population control, now that I think about it. To make sure that nobody can gain the numbers needed to attempt to overthrow the IOD.”
Vul: “Seeing as there are other species that want to commit genocide on everyone that isn’t them, I wouldn’t be surprise the IOD wants to do it as well.” she starts tapping the screen again, “Here, let me show you a map of the sector. Well, it’s more of a flowchart on how all the hyper way connection between zones of influence.”

An image filled with text and lines show up in front of you. You do recognize a surprisingly many of the words, even though you’re unsure what they mean.

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No. 1097402 ID: 273c18

How to fight them? Well, with territory that big, guerrilla tactics can work pretty well. Striking at their logistics network will weaken them, as well as their communications. If we can find some kind of critical weakness in their ship designs that'd be pretty important.

We can't really fight them at all without a fleet strong enough to win medium engagements reliably. We can currently handle small engagements, but those are just scouts. Any half-decent escort fleet protecting a point of interest or VIP is going to ruin us as we are.

Alright, more information could be needed here-- what forces compromise the bulk of IOD space power? If we can find some way to make a large IOD faction switch sides, then that could turn the tide.
No. 1097403 ID: 355e44

Currently we should be keeping to the free zone and growing our fleet. Once we have ships that aren't being actively looked for we can try to make inroads with the peoples under IOD influence. Spreading our reproductive tech as well as what we learn about the infertility virus would both lessen IOD control as well as build goodwill for us.
Trying to take on the IOD face on seems like suicide, given how harshly they've put down the last rebellion.
No. 1097424 ID: 2a82d3

Long-term? Do what the last rebellion did (finding out how and why they failed goes without saying), and form a new alliance of any world, of any race, within these stars willing to join us in our fight for freedom. The plan is to start making deals with people with influence, intelligence, or resources to both give aid to your cause, and ultimately establish a inter-planetary network to coordinate the rebellion. This is best done under the radar, before any declaration of war. Indeed, it could win us one before it starts.

For now, it's fulfilling the terms of THIS deal. You can sweeten it by assigning your best men and women on it.

After that, your best course of action is actually to Ralome Tauzaka clan territory. Vul can arrange a diplomatic envoy for you to guard. It's risky to venture into low influence territory this early, but I have a hunch there should be a family meeting sooner than later. With their association with you going public soon, you'd better make sure everyone's on the same page. Best case, they're all for it. Worst case, they plan to save face by sending Tizli's and Tozlan's exile, and that's not ideal but it's manageable.

Establishing yourself among the free zone is sound, but you don't know the Plumi very well and your key to the Free Ports went out the airlock. Diplomacy in the latter seems like it would require bigger guns from us, now if it didn't always (it was probably always).

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1086689 No. 1086689 ID: 2eb1da hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

NSFW for nudity and possible lewdness
Chapter 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/823974.html
Chapter 2: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1059064.html
Chapter 3: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1068906.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Calliope
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No. 1097324 ID: c5529d

>Yet he... feels far away from here, away from the cottage.

hmmm... ask kid carter if there is a place far from here that he likes to visit when he feels depressed or needs to think. Whatever kid carter answers is probably where adult carter went, and we can will ourself over to him.

I think before we leave to find Carter, we should also ask if kid Carter actually saw adult Carter, or if he was invisible to him. He didn't seem to have as big of a response to adult carter than he had with us. Something tells me he only see's you, but can't see Carter.

We can also probably ask kid Carter from his perspective what we look like to him. If to us, he looks like a silhouette like kid Marlene did, then perhaps we look different to him too.
No. 1097327 ID: 7c151e

Call out for Adult Carter, if he doesn't respond, you might want to start looking for him.
Seconding this, right before you search you might need to take his child-self along too just to be sure.
No. 1097364 ID: c5529d

On second thought, Carter said he did remember seeing us, so we would probably be recognizable to him. Still, I wanna know what kid carter sees in our appearance to see if there is anything different about how he see's us, and how we see ourselves.
No. 1097392 ID: 8f9bc4

Being two people at once would be very unsettling. This might just be too weird for Carter and he needs some space. Imagine if he were talking to a younger version of you, and you started remembering talking to someone when you were young.

So that's why Carter thought you were an angel! You have only one set of horns of course, but it's an easy mistake to make. You might tell him he's very lucky to have Kadath as a friend. You've never even met an angel before!
No. 1097413 ID: 15a025

Call it a hunch, but I got a feeling Kadath here might be the one in charge. Might be worth trying to track them down.

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1096749 No. 1096749 ID: 4591f8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

[NSFW possibly]

You seem to be in a quest.
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No. 1097382 ID: 4591f8
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Also, if all that stuff is all there, then that must mean...
No. 1097383 ID: 4591f8
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...You're just down here.
No. 1097384 ID: 273c18

Maybe if you hug the bird for a bit it'll be quieter.
No. 1097386 ID: 861ceb

oh neat, it looks like the hawk is back.
No. 1097398 ID: 355e44

that baby needs to be fed or it's going to give away your position.
Do you want to follow the trial? If your house doesn't even have a bed it doesn't sound like you have much to go back to. Why not start a quest of parenting this chick?

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1073931 No. 1073931 ID: 706b74 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Adult content 18+

First thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/860238.html
Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Moot_Point
Previous chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1049539.html
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No. 1097369 ID: 3c3b3b
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Casey feels the Creator picking up speed and lies back to enjoy it. Her fingers trail to the cleft of her labia and tease her clit; trying to slowly build up a climax.

“Why do you want to know if I have children?” The angel asks. Their fucking is steady and sensual, taking their time to enjoy the act after a long and lonely vigil.

Casey shivers with a little electric thrill and answers, “My friends Miki and Raithe just got married and asked me to help them start a family. She’s trans and he’s a fire elemental, which makes having a baby… tricky.” Her voice is dreamy and blissful as the rainbow-colored elemental bobs in her vision. “I just thought I’d ask for some advice.”

The Creator honks out a laugh and replies, “What makes you think I know anything about it? I just do my job by making lives.” They cast their gaze over to the glowing pool of mana. “It’s your jobs to go out and live them! Make them what you want: find passions, make love, experience the world around you! Everything you do creates more mana, and keeps the sea of souls growing.”

The mouse rolls her eyes and scoffs jokingly. “That’s what I get for asking a god for advice.”

The bird ripostes, grinding their dick deep inside and making her moan. “Of course! I can’t just go out giving specific life advice to everyone who comes through here. I’ll have people showing up every five minutes, offering their bodies to me and wanting guidance. I’ll never get anything done!” They lean forward to crane over her and and murmur, “Besides: you and your friends and partners will make for a wonderful family for your child, and I’ll give them the best soul I can make.”

No. 1097372 ID: 753c10

Thanks friend! Out of curiosity, could he even hybridize with you?
No. 1097374 ID: 2a82d3

Bird knows how to glaze, in more ways than one. Keep encouraging her, Mommy-Daddy.
No. 1097390 ID: 124485

>I’ll give them the best soul I can make.
So if the condom ends up accidentally breaking, would Casey end up getting pregnant with the god's child?
No. 1097391 ID: c99873

i don't think she'd get pregnant, but i think she'd get some crazy new magic like she did with Flashing Feathers

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1050662 No. 1050662 ID: 9b127b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Chinzebeth VII is a NSFW clothing damage quest featuring YCH cameos check Discussion for more info

This is the story of Queen Chinzebeth the seventh
The year is x3146 the most dramatic point of her long reign.
it is summer on the Continental platform Ilax hovering over the planet Beta-Earatone
Durring a routine ceremony peace was shattered (Part 1)

Invasion has begun. The Royal guard have failed to contain the situation and the Queen is in danger.
Corporal Grimothy and his hardened commando team have been called into action has been called into action to end this conflict but are they enough?
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No. 1097313 ID: 0d1c28
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Grimothy goes after Rodrick to aid Konda, but Rodrick deflects his attack send the rifle clattering to the ground

Rodrick goes in for a strike against Grimothy but he backs out of they just in time to avoid a flame strike from Konda, specialized to be more effective against non-living matter it scorches through Rodrick's sickle. and gives him a slight burn.

Rodrick: "Yeouch!"

Konda: "I'm not done yet!"

Rhonda moves in to attack Grimothy, but can't land a blow.

Corrathyn retreats, Carlene retreats

Round four

Enemies and allies will take turns acting
Select a single character to act and explain what they do

-CT01 Grimothy
-CT02 Konda
-PH01 Corrathyn
-PS01 Carlene

No. 1097340 ID: ab55d7

Konda! Strike Rodrick again and try to take out his other weapon!
No. 1097341 ID: 9f8647

Konda, get Roderick!
No. 1097343 ID: a7a180

Grimothy, counterattack Rhonda! Again!
No. 1097375 ID: c5529d

Konda can probably knock Rodrick down with a leg sweep and trip him up.

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1071850 No. 1071850 ID: ed041d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Clark IV, a world under fire.

The Interstellar Transit Authority currently holds the planet under martial law. The planet has seen a turbulent past century, guerilla fighters have been holding it hard and there has been no progress in taking hold.

Mercenary companies have been brought in to step in as a force multiplier, but they are beholden to no one but whoever pays the most.

Corporate entities have also begun to set their eyes on the planet below.

It is hell.
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No. 1097350 ID: 63709c

While the shield is still between you push them back. Without a leg they should be less maneuverable, circle them just past arm's reach to look for an opening.
No. 1097351 ID: 63709c

Is the shield still attached? Do we still have control in the shoulder joint?
No. 1097356 ID: 1effd3

back up, and take out thier other leg. no legs make it hard for them to get in melee range
No. 1097365 ID: e715a5

Well, shoot the arm off and he's got no close range options.
No. 1097366 ID: 1effd3

he has his OTHER arm with a piledriver

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1074204 No. 1074204 ID: 0b594e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Rumors abound of the city.
They say it just appeared one day.
They say no one has ever seen its top.
They say it is a place of mystic secrets and wild pleasures.

But before we can get to that...
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No. 1097330 ID: 355e44
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The team assembles down on the field.

Murdoc is, of course, leading and will also be bringing her considerable scoutcraft skills to the table. She will be riding Gnapper.

The other hunter will be Burgo. As the only cappybolda he brings a good intimidation factor. He also has been getting on well with the lizzbolds. He will be riding Croosh.

Martah is our shaper, due to his skill but also because he and Murdoc are childhood friends. It's nepotism! He will be riding Tippitoe.

Donvan is NOT coming, because despite also being Murdoc and Martah's childhood friend he would be unbearable to spend a week in close quarters with. Instead we will be bringing Lantil as rune scrivener. She will be riding Jitter.

Mirrak is our most senior trader, and we should put our best foot forward. She will ride Leerin.

And to round things out is courtesan Hilgar. They used to be a hunter and still maintain some of those skills, so they'll be able to fill dual roles. They will be riding Hazard.

Also extra lizzbold Grina in case we need to carry something back and because they really really want to come.
No. 1097331 ID: 355e44
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The expedition sets out at a good pace. Lizzbolds are sprinters, but they can manage long distance as long as it's not too hurried.

The lizzbolds offer a choice of routes:

A) follow the stream; faster but more likely to encounter large predators.
B) through the forest; moderate pace but safer and easier hunting.
C) deep forest; slow but nothing larger than a lizzbold will show up due to undergrowth
No. 1097334 ID: 273c18

Oh we have a choice of risk. Well, I'm not totally sure about our party strength, to be honest. Do you feel confident about fighting predators? We could do A. If it's iffy then B is fine.
No. 1097345 ID: c87b4d

Leaning towards B as the middle ground, but I guess it depends on just how much there is to worry about running into, for A.
No. 1097346 ID: 393cc5

B. With good hunting we can save more of our food supplies for the climb.

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1096080 No. 1096080 ID: 08229c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous Threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Audit_Quest
Support the author: https://ko-fi.com/calalen

This is a NSFW chapter!

My name is Mary.

I own a dungeon.

Not by choice, mind you. I was forced into this when the previous owner placed a curse on me after I tried to audit him. Now I'm the ruler of this place.

I am currently very sick...

This was also not by choice. As I drift into a fevered dream there is but one thing on my mind...

Boobs. Literally. I can't breath.

Is this how I die....?
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No. 1097335 ID: 4beab8


Also, per the ancient traditions of wrestling, both of them will need to be oiled up. You know, for tradition's sake.
No. 1097336 ID: dc4bad

heck yeah, nigh-fire immunity would allow for some fun grappling shenanigans

a time-honoured tradition, not sure though if it would dampen or feed fire. either would be cool though
No. 1097337 ID: 5b2941

depends on the oil you use. My vote's on "feed": both of them are immune to flames to it's not like it's really tilting the balance, and it makes for great spectacle
No. 1097338 ID: 5b2941

this is all well and good, but wouldn't it be cute if Ashley ended up with a little mushroom too? to make it less one-sided
No. 1097344 ID: 4beab8


If Myco gives something in exchange, I'd say that's kind of up to him. It couldn't hurt if Ashley specifically asked for a memento to remember him by, though.

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978305 No. 978305 ID: 2bd15b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

chapter 1 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/757996.html
chapter 2 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/777113.html
Discussion thread https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/107070.htm
Chapter 4 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/929115.html
Draw thread, where you can ask me to draw certain things

wiki https://tgchan.org/wiki/Root_and_Branches
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No. 1097162 ID: 047965


*Corax moves the gun and shoots Melkior in his left leg.*

Don’t call my bluff. I said I would shoot you, I didn’t say where. Mad Creator, please say who you accuse or I will shoot him again.
No. 1097262 ID: d4b03b
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No. 1097268 ID: 0a3525

Of course, sir. *Corax holsters his gun.*

Corax's thoughts to his team: Well done Hopkins, Maya, and you... "Peregrine." I want you to keep watching everyone, the purpose of this was to watch their responses. Keep watching and observe any odd behavior that seems out of character for what we know about our suspects. Especially watch Triumphant.

I apologize for the surprise, but it was necessary for the exercise in which I was conducting. I wanted to see their reactions based on being back into a corner, as these ones are the most likely candidates to be considered as working with, or are Happy the tragedy phantom, and since it is also a possibility that the one who is Happy may not be aware of it, it was also a test of their subconcious.

The following is my own conclusions. Felafaf is innocent, she showed more moral worry and panic even worrying about my own position, as well as the well being of suspect Melkior and the fact that what I was doing was to quote her 'Unjust.' Happy would want me to continue as if I was making a mistake, why interrupt me? Never stop your enemy when they are making a mistake.

Lorrence was quick to point fingers to Sirius as the suspect, but his reasoning for which involves the mishandling of the being known as 'Essence of Life.' As for what we know Happy seems to relish the chaos of it all and making it dance to his tune. I think it's fair to strike Lorence as a suspect, for now.

Sirius is an unknown is this but also is too honest. Honest people make many mistakes, and that is something Happy does not do. He doesn't fit the behavioral profile.

Oxidius was more quiet than anything and his behavior showed more unrest and worry for his... Companion. Ha
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No. 1097277 ID: 047965

Inner thoughts to Hopkins, Maya, and “Peregrine”: Something just occurred to me. Watch Lorence carefully. His body, it’s not his real body. It’s a corpse puppet, a kind golem made from dead flesh that he pilots from a separate location. How is this possible? In recorded interactions with Happy, he’s used similar abilities with puppets, and what’s more is that beings like Essence of life have also been able to use corpse puppets. One of you, ask him this is actually possible. By what technology or magics is this being done?
No. 1097326 ID: 355e44

*Hopkins skulks in the hall, peeking in but keeping out of the way.*

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1085319 No. 1085319 ID: 88065e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I inquire the Agricultural capital governor who is in seemingly paranoia after hearing about the attacks in the main galaxy:
"So the capital has activated an energy source displacement field to supress its signals through spectrums and is currently playing dead apart from the few emergency power supplies that keep everyone alive?"

The governor replies
"That is so, we are much safer like this until core systems send a military power to protect our frontier galaxy, we don't even have handguns on the planet because of gun controls... This is the same demilitarized situation in many surrounding systems, and there are dozens fertile planets out here we simply cannot lose until reinforcements arrive. Core worlds replicate their food, but the frontier galaxies require good organic nutrition for growth and vitality."

I request the governor:
"Please governor, I know you might feel paranoid but you're in the presence of your Super Star Empress, unmask yourself."

"As you wish"
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No. 1096774 ID: 0b30aa
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The Super Star Empress contacts me through instruments of the ship.

"Shadow, we have located the Spektre agent, it's in the sewers near an information hub platform. Who would have guessed?"

"I cancelled the council and I'm using my normal approach to this problem. Should I eliminate the main surrectionist to make their effort collapse?"

"You should have taken the chance to appease the mass of center lords in unstable times, who knows what they feel anguish to do now as a discertained mass of antennae and mouthpieces?"

"I will eliminate the mastermind and the scheme will void out and the insurrection will be dismantled."

"You could take a ground battleship to shadow the skies then, make the insurrectionists shake in the presence of their superiors."
No. 1096787 ID: 6bd709

Hmm a ground battle ship is good for back up if things go wrong...

Still let's assemble a retune. The faster we deal with the agent the better.
No. 1097266 ID: d90a7a
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"Empress of the Shadow, we've located three possible locations of the surrectionist main agitator, but he is himself turned off all the implants and tracking mediums and is according to personal surveillance possibly wearing a multi-invisibility cloak that makes his optronic tracking with remote drones impossible as well.
#the Yacht that's run by the personnel and a small retune,
#the Palace where his family is located and
#the meeting of the other agitators."

And then the Retinue.

Three Xenomorphs and some of my personal body guard the Black Cloaks. Should we descent into a direct ambush in the meeting with the surrectionist leader or should we beam into his personal Yacht, or his personal palace?
No. 1097288 ID: a7a180

Surprising him on his yacht seems most advantageous.
No. 1097290 ID: 6bd709

Yeah we should get his yacht. it would deprive him of a escape craft if nothing else.

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1089578 No. 1089578 ID: 521475 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Despite some of you being complete strangers, you've all been seated together at a restaurant in Nexus, due to the law against dining alone after sundown. Some guy tried to sell you a memory crystal containing a treasure map.
A pretty lady at another table (who turned out to be dragon-blooded) bought him a drink (which turned out to contain yozi venom) and then, while he was dying, grabbed the crystal and ran off. Might want to be out of town before her employer realizes that one of you actually managed to boot it up first, and got a pretty good look at the map.
Site's over a thousand miles away, but most of that would be river travel, and there's an underground manse, so it should be easy enough to zero in on with geomantic surveying tools even if the map, or your memory or navigational skills, end up a few miles off-target.
If somebody's willing to pay for yozi venom (which is not cheap!) to cover it up, gotta be something seriously valuable out there.

Destination is ~800 mi southeast of Nexus as the crow flies, and half that far north-northeast of the ruins of Denandsor, right in the middle of rocky uplands between the headwaters of the Rolling River and a minor tributary of the Grey River.
So, you could take a more direct route up the Grey, but then face a longer trek overland,
or start by going up the Yellow past Great Forks and then turn south along the Rolling.
Or try something more complicated, to take advantage of esoteric travel options and/or throw off potential pursuit.

Houserule hub: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10VAUEYEqWYWcQ9gz4bk9uok8OkAIYl1cy50KEw2y75o
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No. 1097012 ID: 0e6df4

rolled 6, 4, 10, 4, 8, 4, 5, 7, 9, 6, 5, 1, 4, 7, 9, 2, 1, 1, 3, 8, 4, 9, 3, 9, 5, 5, 1, 8, 6, 10 = 164

Spinel directs her familiar to examine the fissure, cautiously. Is this a seam or opening connected to a secret passage?

(Perception 4 + Awareness 3 + While Undetected +3)
No. 1097116 ID: debc59

"Hey, man, don't blame me for not coming prepared with a magic weapon. Blame the monster for being so inconsiderate that he's immune to regular weapons!"
No. 1097174 ID: 7ce054

Caitlyn checks the rope and then begins to cross the room through the sludge, catching herself on the rope when her balance is threatened. "Whatever is down here better be worth this. Its going to take a week to scrub this smell out."
No. 1097223 ID: cfc7cc

The fissure continues horizontally some 150', through about forty feet of wall and then diagonally across the floor of a pillared hall roughly twice the size of the one Kisara and Caitlyn are currently in. Below the fissure's entire length, there's a cave, seemingly separate from - but comparable in size to - the one under the hole Cold and Woe went down. Both areas are basically pitch black, so effective mapping would require a light source... or, possibly, a calligraphy brush Kisara can wield in bat form, to take notes as part of an echolocation-based survey.

Traversing the fissure to reach that larger hall might be relatively straightforward, by professional rock-climber standards - just gotta go single file, pressure-walking against opposite walls - but if part of it turns out to still be unstable, who knows how much rock could suddenly be coming down on your head. There's almost certainly another way around, longer but safer.
No. 1097286 ID: cfc7cc

Shadow-tar thing plowed a path through the slime, and foxmen have been busily expanding it with shovels. Only about two or three feet wide so far, and the residue on the floor is still fairly slippery and disgusting, but the stone floor is actually visible. Even without the guide-rope, someone with at least Athletics 2 could run full-speed along the cleared section, or fight, without to significant impediment or risk.

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1044452 No. 1044452 ID: ab70bc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Early autumn is pleasant in Cedar Ridge. Summer's hottest days are behind you and the shade of the Douglas fir trees that blanket the town keep the underbrush cool.

North of the lake that divides the town are sets of woods. Interrupted only by mud roads and storm drains that rarely see use outside of the rainy season. This grove is only a mile from the town's one high school. Frequented by teens and alcoholics alike for bonfire parties that leaves the smell of ash in the air. This far east into Oregon the breeze is warm and sluggish, trapped in by mountain ranges.

From where you stand you can hear when the occasional truck passes through Cedar Ridge's main road. Barely. It helps you keep your facing when you're unsure which way is home.

You are in the north in the outskirts of town.
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No. 1096953 ID: c5529d

that's gotta be a costume and someone is pranking you...

but then again, a demonic raven did speak to you so...
No. 1096957 ID: 8f9bc4


No. 1096966 ID: c8fb81

Support i must support this art also it makes sense
No. 1096990 ID: 812e4b

Hey that looks like Mari Lwyd, you'd best rap back or be destroyed.
No. 1097278 ID: bde3a2

Sorry, hooded homie, I sure don't wanna fight,
but if it's all the same to you, I'm gonna keep the light.

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1092522 No. 1092522 ID: 0b7e05 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A Sci-Fi Mystery Quest about Ethics, Loss and Finding Oneself

Thread 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1079873.html
Previous Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1082438.html
Discussion Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/141592.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/History_Unmade

You find yourself in a dark corridor, lunging for a floating weapon. Too late.
Too late for what?
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No. 1097212 ID: dd3fe0

Yea, watch all of these in order. You MUST have context!
No. 1097219 ID: eb0a9c

The numbers... are they iterations? Like, each time the colonists alter the past, they choose if they want to preserve their memories from the previous iteration of the timeline or if they want the next iteration to take their place.

Either you @#$%ed up, or you were forced to @#$% up.
Decisions like these... you can't half-ass them, and you can't minimize the number of people making such a choice. Maybe the colonists would have created a hellish dystopia of the ancient world - created literal Hell by repeatedly torturing the same exact people to death, over and over, to pander their egos. Or maybe you were deceived, brainwashed into thinking the colonists were all insane and had to be murdered. A few saboteurs will never be enough to fully inform themselves.

The question is, how pressured were you to trust yourselves? Because this is a dumb decision - too dumb. It's possible you were wired this way by an outside force. Serenity-100 would have the perfect motivation to excessively screw you over - kill all the other colonists, and he'd obtain a monopoly on supertech and could finally play god with the world.
No. 1097232 ID: 355e44

just say that the message didn't really tell you anything new, it just hurt to hear it coming from your own mouth, as it were.

Lets watch another, they can't all be heartbreaking confessions, right?
No. 1097237 ID: 6713a0

I second the motion that you play another record and that you don't talk about this yet.
We don't know what else is on these records but at least the language barrier might help with them not getting too much possibly disturbing information out of it before you want to show your whole bloodstained hand here. :/

Also, this might be the only time to see them for yourself if Shyama decides that you shouldn't have access to them once the others tell them about this.
PS: I am not sure yet how the timeline with the bodyswap works out, so think about the voice in that record: was that your intonation, your typical choice of words or does it feel like that might have been another person in the body that you inhabit right now? (The text color matches but it doesn't really match up with the way you pictured yourself in your dreams)

PPS: Also, maybe tell Maya a bit about how the projection works technically, I have the feeling that she may appreciate that :3
No. 1097249 ID: a7a180

We can't have context, we need to watch them totally out of order. Pick 5!

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