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1093054 No. 1093054 ID: 9ea24b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Anime is real.

Discussion: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html

Setting enforced SFW. Will update every other day with at least two pictures and vague colors based on the outcome of a unanimous patron poll.
206 posts and 46 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1094739 ID: a7a180

How about Falkor?
Check on Hatani. Falkor, can you tell us more about the hole in the sky? And how's the printer supposed to get itself there other than as bits of us?
No. 1094743 ID: fa9b43

Kitiara is the name

We need to help Hatani
No. 1094745 ID: 2f41db

Im more worried about hatani than i am names.
Check on him.
Explain that the other homonculi can be friendly.

No. 1094758 ID: 7c0da2

Name him Wallace the Weaselpede, and explain to him that there is no need to hurt the other homonculi.
While you do that go help Hatani. There is clothes around, maybe there is sewing supplies to patch him up ?
No. 1094787 ID: 2f41db

I prefer wallace the weaselpede.
My vote changes to that.

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1094701 No. 1094701 ID: 46e818 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

16 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1094761 ID: 53f237

Maybe, soldier, maybe. But what will the total cost be? At the end of the day, the cost is almost never worth it.
No. 1094762 ID: b8a40c

Going to war with the forest tribes?
Looks like the demon's kills are being attributed to them now, if that's what this is about.
No. 1094763 ID: 8f9bc4

The only thing worse than a bloodthirsty villain is someone who feels obligated to kill.
No. 1094765 ID: 987147

Peace...? What's Peace?
No. 1094786 ID: 2f41db

Think we are observing a dreaming memory here.
Muschios father maybe?
If our usual whisperings in the id and ego can have any effect, itd be interesting to see what.

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1085846 No. 1085846 ID: 3f89df hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

[NSFW] For Nudity, Sexual Themes and Gore.
A group of Bloodeians Kobolds worshiping the fallen draconic goddess Blood Mother attempt to rebuild their fallen home.

The story takes place in a custom world, with some elements and lore taken from Rimworld.
85 posts and 52 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1094780 ID: 3f89df
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The next one is a sizeable bovine race covered in fur, even over its eyes. It bears its muzzle and has an underbite tooth.

"I used to be a dock worker, so I mainly did heavy hauling and occasional construction or repairs if it was needed, oh and before I forget, my name's Dieala Vun! Pleasure to be meeting you!"

[color=#8836E1] "30 gold"

No. 1094781 ID: 3f89df

I go to the next slave; it appears to be some sort of human; there's an awkward silence between us, but just as I'm about to leave, they physically grab me and pull me closer to them.
"Wait, before you leave, I'm not what I seem, I assure you, My name is Kent If you have enemies, Any enemies, I'll help you slaughter them, I won't hurt you. But please, I'm hungry; And if I'm stuck here any longer I'll starve, please-"

They are hit on the back of the head by one of the knights: "Know your place Thrall, Hands off your potential Savage Master, whose got hands in gold, they are worth more then you'll ever be."

The baron says, "25 gold."
No. 1094782 ID: 3f89df
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The Second to the Last seems to be some sort of Gelatinous Slime creature that attempts to have a human-like frame but lacks the necessary details to look human.

"Can you speak?" I reply
It shakes its head.
"Can you write?"
It nods its head.
"Can you do basic, and complex tasks?"
It nods its head again.

"The slime is 20 gold."
No. 1094783 ID: 3f89df
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Finally, the last one seems to be some sort of creature the size of us; they have a horn protruding from their head that goes back and a semi-large tail, they have what seems to have large bat-like ears, and are covered head-to-toe in bandages.

"Are you going to call me an abomination, too?"
"Everyone who sees me calls me an abomination, it's why mommy didn't want me anymore, called me the spawn of Ueritix, why the pastors threatened to burn me at the stake, why mommy sold me to the empire."
"Hey, hey, it's alright, little one. Can I ask what your name is?"
"It's Uea, my race's tongue for demon spawn. Mommy doesn't want me to use her last name; she said she'd beat me if I did."

"Kids are useless for anything other than washing floors, and shoveling dung 10 gold."

Seeing all of these unknown races makes me feel as if we kobolds have been relatively isolated from the broader world for centuries.
Finally, with all of the slaves out of the way, It's now time to make a decision, Muni; even though we have 325 gold, It would be less than ideal if we spent it all on these slaves; we still need supplies, and with every new recruit it is another mouth to feed, which is vital to consider if they aren't focused on anything that won't help us produce food, it's also essential to consider a person who won't betray us at a moments notice.

So Muni, who do we choose?

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
No. 1094785 ID: 2f41db

Grey mother, would that you could take them all...

1, 4, 9, 10, 11 then 15 with poor little runi for free.

I still say the intent should be to offer them a path to freedom.
To join with you or earn their freedom.
When what you have payed to free them is recovered, or its value in labour returned, then they are free.
The money can then be used to free another enslaved soul.

I hope talking with you will convince them of the value they would have and the regard they would be held in if they join you.

I council kindness grey mother.
Open hands and hearts may open thier minds to your ways.
A nation of free souls is better than a gathering of shackled ones.

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1082765 No. 1082765 ID: dc13c4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous chapter


Discussion Thread

395 posts and 78 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1094678 ID: 9f5639

D. In this role reversal, He sees Abdle as the one in control of actions in their relationship, not Bobbie. Keep in mind this is just his perspective, you both keep each other in control, and we help manage that. He just hasnt seem Bobbie's strengths yet.

Also, wow, never seen bobbie act this way. Calm down, its a dream.
No. 1094681 ID: 27fceb

He sees you two interchangeable, that or he sees you Bobbie as an alcoholic.
No. 1094683 ID: 65968d

So he believes Bobbie to be trapped as a demon's pawn instead of how it is. Possibly due to her curse. Feels like there's implications. Still it's just one piece of the puzzle.
No. 1094685 ID: 44c167

It does seem to suggest that ww views Abdle as the one in charge
No. 1094784 ID: 123df0
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It up to you to choose what question you should make Worm Works answer.

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1071850 No. 1071850 ID: ed041d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Clark IV, a world under fire.

The Interstellar Transit Authority currently holds the planet under martial law. The planet has seen a turbulent past century, guerilla fighters have been holding it hard and there has been no progress in taking hold.

Mercenary companies have been brought in to step in as a force multiplier, but they are beholden to no one but whoever pays the most.

Corporate entities have also begun to set their eyes on the planet below.

It is hell.
602 posts and 208 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1094753 ID: ed041d
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You send the turrets in, firing a pair of missiles at it, 2 of your copters are already shredded.

You hear a sudden boom...
No. 1094754 ID: ed041d
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You look over and see Red Mask suddenly boosting off, the weapon pack having been dropped.

:RedMaskIcon: Not bad, not bad at all. I'll give you this for now, you made the mission a little harder, but I'll just bring something more fit for fighting mech to mech in the future.

As they begin to fly off, you see where the boom came from, it was the sound of several more pods being sent your way.

:RedMaskIcon: If you survive. Ciao.

Red Mask flies off, and you only have moments before these pods land, and deploy whatever they have inside them. What will you do?
No. 1094755 ID: 1effd3

gtfo with the VIP. we can loot whatever is left after we ensure their safety
No. 1094757 ID: 58d99c

Grab that apc like a football and boost away
No. 1094764 ID: 8f9bc4

Shoot the pods!

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978305 No. 978305 ID: 2bd15b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

chapter 1 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/757996.html
chapter 2 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/777113.html
Discussion thread https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/107070.htm
Chapter 4 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/929115.html
Draw thread, where you can ask me to draw certain things

wiki https://tgchan.org/wiki/Root_and_Branches
1305 posts and 361 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1094490 ID: 44c167

No, that's alright. Sorry to bother you then.

*Does this guy work for Sirius? He was able to bring in a guy just for tea, even while he's being investigated? That's quite the level of control in this situation. Him and the other two mask wearers seem to have the most secret leader vibes so far.*
No. 1094627 ID: c79e29

To Hopkins: Keep him here if possible. And as for Gates Triumphant, the "spoon head," yes have him brought in immediately. He is a person of interest and one of our suspects.

*Corax looks at each person in turn as they explain*
So each of you are just victims of circumstances, prejudice, misunderstanding, and coincidence. I see.

Who questioned you? What did they each seem interested in most? What questions did they ask?
No. 1094633 ID: 44c167

*Grabs the butler's shoulder before he can turn away.*
Ah, actually, do bring that fellow here would you?
No. 1094751 ID: 40ea04
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No. 1094756 ID: 53f237

inner thoughts to Maya Go ahead. This works better when I have someone to work off of with this.

*Corax smiles at them*
Very well. I will explain my reasoning for my questions. Each of you were questioned by different agents. In my time with the Tribunal, the bureaucracy and attitude of my colleagues has been left wanting. Most of the people I have encountered have all acted as if they have something to prove, or would rather be anywhere else and so they seek to wrap things up as quickly as possible. I have seen people here who have accosted me because of my race, my record, any who knows what else. Imagine what they might do to someone whose head is on the chopping block.

This is why I need to know who interviewed you, what agenda they’re pushing, if they honestly believe that you are guilty, etc. Your glibness at this does not inspire confidence. My time is limited and so is my charity.

While you write down and think about what I have asked, my colleague Maya would also like to ask some questions.

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1087619 No. 1087619 ID: 6290ec hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

If we open our minds to the existence of other universes, there's no limit to the possibilities that we could experience in the world of boning.
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No. 1094742 ID: fa9b43

Give a bow to thank Daatra and her father, a big bow to show big respect~

Yes this too. Lets plan and figure out which convoluted route to take to sneak to the mall without being seen and without losing our towel on the way
No. 1094744 ID: a7a180

Talk about any unreleased games you're looking forward to seeing soon.
No. 1094748 ID: 1ff64e

How short could that towel really be on her? Let's find out! Try tossing Cekachii something to catch, or holding her hands, so she can't pull it down!

If it's really bad, suggest that she turns the towel vertically instead! That way it'll be long enough to cover her on top and bottom! She'll just need to keep a tight grip on it since it won't wrap...
No. 1094750 ID: a6e868

Try not to think about guys seeing you like this, also nice fit.
No. 1094752 ID: 9dbe90

Not a single worry in that head of hers, and it's wonderful. Cekachii seems to be stealing the group's bashfulness. Offer her a hand, tell her she looks cute/fine, and stand in front of her to help cover her. Embrace the calm.

Also, DILF bat spotted! Uh, Enhance Knockers? What's girl code say about crushing on your best friend's dad? Thank both of them for the very soft towels. Should you curtsy or bow or something? What does Daatra's Dad do?

Hey, can Mr. Daatra's Dad drive you to the mall? Totally not an excuse to hang out with him and Daatra a little longer. Might have to be careful about how you sit, and any convenient pot holes, but it'll get you into the action/mall faster. Need tactical insertion for this stealth mission. There are cute guys and books at the mall, after all.

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1073931 No. 1073931 ID: 706b74 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Adult content 18+

First thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/860238.html
Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Moot_Point
Previous chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1049539.html
894 posts and 151 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1094630 ID: 8a1605
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Kol thrusts gently into the Creator’s mouth, biting his lip as he enjoys the sensation. “That’s it, you’re getting the hang of it…” Thankfully, the angel’s beak morphs easily to adapt to the task, forming a tight seal around his shaft. His hand rests on the back of their neck, slowly easing them deeper with each pump of his hips.

He lets the bird come up for air, and they beam back at him with a little pre-cum already dripping off their beak. “I’m enjoying this immensely! You taste so different from an elemental!”

“Oh? So you have done this before?” Kol asks, having been wondering as much for the last several minutes. Even Gabe opens an eye and cocks his ear to listen.

The Creator giggles and admits, “Please. When I was your age, there wasn’t much to do besides fight and fuck; and I really never was much of a fighter.”

No. 1094634 ID: fa3034

Oh wow, bet they've seen all sorts of elemental bits and bobs. Got a story of any past lovers?
No. 1094635 ID: 2a82d3

So you and the other Fates were actually a thing, for a bit?
No. 1094736 ID: 8a1605
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Casey closes her eyes and rocks on her heels, letting Allayane’s tongue play across her folds. Her breath hitches and she feels herself cum a little bit as the otter nuzzles into her pussy hard enough to raise her off her heels. “Auuuh! Tha-ts it! Don’t stop~”

The mouse flexes her aura and guides it forward, feeling the ghost spreading around the tentacle. She lets the spell curl itself up into her like a finger, searching for her g-spot. Allayane purrs happily into Casey’s pussy as the spell thrusts in and out.

Allayane’s eyes go wide and she moans, her mouth still hard at work between Casey’s legs.

“There we go!” The Binder grins and stiffens her fingers, jabbing them forward. The spell thickens in response: growing more rigid and changing from a gentle sine wave, to a piston.

No. 1094738 ID: fa3034

Give that ott butt a good squeeze with the aura and start grinding

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1086689 No. 1086689 ID: 2eb1da hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

NSFW for nudity and possible lewdness
Chapter 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/823974.html
Chapter 2: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1059064.html
Chapter 3: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1068906.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Calliope
71 posts and 18 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1094668 ID: dd3fe0

Interfere. Help yourself up. Provide words of encouragement. Give yourself the words to express what you feel. This kind of roleplay can be part of healing.
No. 1094671 ID: a7c2ff

Oh, how wholesome. This illusionary world is trying to help confront your past issues!

Let us keep watching, hold Carter's hand or make light of the situation if you need it, but seeing- err, witnessing this as an adult, with fresh ey- uh, senses will do you good in the long run.
No. 1094688 ID: 7c151e

Keep watching, don't interact, don't interfere.
It's something you might need to see.
No. 1094705 ID: debc82


Would interfering change things, provide new insight? Would it let us better understand why it's THIS, of all memories, that stuck with us?

Maybe not, but perhaps it's worth a try. If that doesn't work, just watch as it unfolds.
No. 1094719 ID: dd3fe0


It's possible you will remember the interference retroactively. You could be the gentle, understanding, beautiful angel that young you absolutely needed at that point in time.

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965999 No. 965999 ID: 6f7a5a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

The elven kingdoms are despised,
So much so that the Prismaticans damned their souls to create the "Harroctar".
The Harroctar are abominations that live only to hunt and kill elves.

Thye are hounds unleashed, nothing can control them,
for three hundred years they have slaughtered elves.
In three hundred years the elven kingdoms fell from the masters of the world to shadows.
Today the wrath of the slayers fall upon the Kingdom of Maerieyelle

Three would be survivors huddle in terror, having just watched friends and family torn to pieces.
aid them if you can, or let them perish and fade into memory
81 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1089151 ID: 2f41db

No custom conveyance.

Cart then unless she wants to try hiding at the bottom and hoping they miss her.

Perhaps the cart could be moved by two elves while the most stealthy could lead the way.

Of the three id expect maid dalvari to be the stronger, most used to physical labour though perhaps florist syndra may match her.
The most quiet step id say belongs to maid dalvari.
Serving staff are adept at moving without notice among lords and ladies so as not to disturb them
While her stealth may not be a match for a scout or thief, she is certainly the most able of the trio.

Florist and poet aid the siren. Two moving the cart will give them a little more speed.

Maid scouts ahead and checks each corridor, guiding their motion by hand signal or falling back if its a more detailed instruction or plan to share.

The escape this offers the siren may also offer the elves escape too.

If the siren can help them once shes in her element, then she could swim them through any submerged sections quicker than they could get through themselves.
Presuming the stream is fully submerged at points.
No. 1090910 ID: 0d1c28
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The siren doesn't seem to want to be left behind. the cake trolley will have to do

it doesn't seem possible that the Harroctar could attack a city as large as Orisyelle Lord Xielphiane magic should have kept it hidden, and driven them away even if found.

why didn't the magic protect them?

in any case emergency rescue should be at the meeting fountain at the hidden spring outside of town.

Miss Dalvari scouts ahead leaving her friends to help the siren and the archer.

She reaches the study with the hidden passage.
The coast seems clear.
No. 1090913 ID: 9f8647

Grab the MEDICINE book and then wave the crew forward to join us. That book might come in handy for elf survival!
No. 1090924 ID: 2f41db


I dont think the room would look so well appointed with one of those monsters lurking within.

Grabbing the book is a fine idea.
It can double as an emergency sheild or thrown object, but hopefully it will not be needed for its improvised or intended purpose.

It is time to bring your friends forward.
However, your job does not end at the wave.

Quietly clear their path of any potential noise making collision obstacles like scattered furniture or dropped gear and other partyware discarded in panic.
Just place it safely at the hall side.
Also, spare a glance towards them as they move towards you.
Watch behind them specifically for beasts entering the corridor on random patrol.
Spotting them first could buy the precious seconds needed to take cover.
No. 1094560 ID: eb0a9c

Grab every book you can carry, starting with Medicine and Magic. This place is going up in smoke anyway.

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1087342 No. 1087342 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Another experimental one shot.

*Art style may change at a moments notice or even with in the same update.
175 posts and 45 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1094614 ID: 8f9bc4

He has your axe!
No. 1094619 ID: 77fb08

Hold a pan for defense, as it will probably make for a better shield than nothing, even if it is an axe.
No. 1094672 ID: a7c2ff

Picture these weirdos as the football players and that awful, awful Patrick Stagg from that stinkin' ESDN that keeps your husband hooked to the boob tube.

Then grab the boiling pot.
No. 1094708 ID: d58817

He has your axe? Your axe, that you gave to Gretchen? How did he get it, where did she put it?

If he's that prime a specimen, you'll have to fight smarter, not harder. Scalding him might give you a second, but it won't stop him, especially if these maskers can shrug off things that would make most people recoil. You're burning the wood you recovered in that stove, right? Would it be worth it to try setting the intruder on fire?
No. 1094711 ID: 1d0636

And risk getting the house on fire? Not smart. Scalding him with the stew is a good way to get him to stop for a moment. After that, I don't know, shove a poker in his neck? The biggest knife we can find? Even if he's tough as shit, boiling stew is boiling stew.

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1074204 No. 1074204 ID: 0b594e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Rumors abound of the city.
They say it just appeared one day.
They say no one has ever seen its top.
They say it is a place of mystic secrets and wild pleasures.

But before we can get to that...
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No. 1094690 ID: eb0a9c

Why the hell are you performing direct-contact biomancy on their immunocompromised brains with your dirt-covered bare hands?! You're going to give them literal brain-rot!
Ugh. (C) Taur-form if you're both so obsessed with contrasting postures.
Add udders.
No. 1094691 ID: 1dfcfe

I mean, if we're uplifting them, we could ask them what they want
No. 1094692 ID: 1dfcfe

I mean, if we're uplifting them, we could ask them what they want
No. 1094698 ID: 2f41db

Open with b and when they achieve sufficient understanding, give them choice.

You guys really know how to make friends.
Structurally too.
No. 1094699 ID: 9bbb0e

This is a dead one we had in our spare parts since back here >>1081392
I think germs are the least of its concerns.

B. and then ask what they want after you teach them your language.
Don't forget vocal chords capable of speaking your language!
Lizbolds will do, for now.

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1093931 No. 1093931 ID: 9f8647 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

A brief prequel to Lazy Fairy where nothing important happens.

Lazy Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy

Art & Writing by Donut: https://questden.org/wiki/Donut
69 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1094655 ID: 4c750c

Dangit, accidentally stealthed again! That was me!
No. 1094662 ID: 2f41db

I like it.
All of it.
Combo move.
If teleporting into the room is non viable, fly around and knock on the window.
"Let me in kid, im a fairy"
Then with eyes on her room, switcheroo spatial skill her text book into hand.
Offer to return it if shell listen, offer the challenge of citing laws unto the lawless landi, but if she needs more logic...
Remind her that a fully trained law fairy would never have the luxury of being able to focus on just one thing.
theyd have multiple caseloads splitting their attention every day.
The party would simulate the distractions of a varied workload and the requirements of maintaining civil contact with colleagues of various levels of competency.
You may need to rely on landi to bam up the bamboozle here though.
No. 1094667 ID: eb0a9c

1) "Well, I've got a pop-quiz for you! How corrupt do you think the head of the Criminal Studies department is? Because I've got detailed mana-engraved recordings of the time his daughter 'accidentally' tripped into your smoothie compartments and rubbed herself aaall over them!"
No. 1094670 ID: c5529d

3. Tell her she has like, the highest grades out of everyone in her classes, and ace all her tests and quizes. One little test or quiz she didn't study too much for is not going to fail her, or effect her GPA too much. And even if she didn't study enough for one pop quiz, she's smart enough to figure out half to most of the answers based off of other things she learned from class.
No. 1094693 ID: 77fb08

Logic. Tell her that she needs a break from all the hard studying. The brain is like a muscle, and if you over exert it’s gonna suck real bad. She won’t be doing super well on any pop quiz if her brain decides it’s been too much.

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1092522 No. 1092522 ID: 0b7e05 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

A Sci-Fi Mystery Quest about Ethics, Loss and Finding Oneself

Thread 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1079873.html
Previous Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1082438.html
Discussion Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/141592.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/History_Unmade

You find yourself in a dark corridor, lunging for a floating weapon. Too late.
Too late for what?
78 posts and 25 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1094149 ID: 5ebd37

Oh boy! They saw how much you liked the first rubic cube and got you another.

Whatever it is, why not let it distract you for a bit until you're in a better head space to grapple with your grief?
No. 1094592 ID: 7ffdf2

First, take your time with the hug if you need a moment longer. Its good for you!
Second, appreciate that this capacity for feelings (and sadly also trauma) is another indicator for you being actually originally human or such a human-like artifical construct that there is little difference at this point.
Third, I like the guess that they got you another enrichment item and second it, but maybe don't tell them beforehand. They seem so happy with making it a surprise :)
Fourth, consider that your human capacity for getting overwhelmed by grief/trauma and other emotions could be kinda dangerous with your until now not fully tested physical capabilities. I mean even with normal strengh getting overwhelmed is bad because it feels awful, so maybe we should think about something for emotional anchoring like a fidget toy, a mantra or something that helps with staying calm when more memories come back?
No. 1094593 ID: 7ffdf2

Or an Emotional Support Gamal. They're great at this, maybe they can keep us?
No. 1094594 ID: 7ffdf2

Interesting Idea, but with this I have to raise the issues of of consent and transportability. Something we always have at hand seems... handier.
No. 1094638 ID: 2e317d

Funny. Summing up the three digits per name each results in a different number, and it looks almost as if they're ordered.

Excitement 20. Anguish 19. Rage 18. Almost like we're counting down to Serenity.

Just in case you need a pointless detail gnawing at the back of your skull.

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1086223 No. 1086223 ID: 462d8c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Once again a new quest.
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No. 1094608 ID: 44c167

Root vegetables have so many culinary possibilities. Mash, chips, bake, soup, etc
No. 1094610 ID: 2f41db

The statement that they will be frugal with their projects in consideration of the status of the stockpile implies an expectation that the stockpiles would be a contributing element.
While i suspect there is still a third party at large, we can infer that the stockpiles have been used to complete some of their completed works.

If the situation is confronted it should be done quietly and diplomatically.
People could very well percieve their actions as callous theft and give credence to the rumours and prejudices that follow the chasonites.
I suspect they have a more relaxed attitude towards property (with the exception of their compound which they seem guarded over)
and have expected the same to be true of us.
They must be made aware that stockpiles are carefully monitored and resources pre alloted towards future essential works that have yet to begin.
Their failure to coordinate will result in some projects having a delayed start date which could have a repercussion on long term settlement viability and inflict unnecessary hardships upon people.
To use an analogy, we are all pulling the same cart up the same hill.
We wont get very far if someone decides to run on ahead with one of the wheels.

As to the plants...
I cant decide.
Spicy beans sound good but a parsnip you can fence with is also appealing.
Nul vote as i like them both.
No. 1094611 ID: 273c18

Honestly, if they admit to using our supplies then we have to tell them we expect to be able to do the same with what's in their compound, and send someone over to take stock. At the same time we'll be able to find out exactly which types of objects they consider community property, because sharing EVERYTHING doesn't make sense when they're open to trade! We should also ask them to coordinate with us a bit more about what projects they're interested in doing. We have stuff we need to do, too, and if we're the only ones harvesting lumber then we can't exactly afford to put big pallisades everywhere.
No. 1094613 ID: 66a2a4

I have no issue with them drawing from the stockpiles, honestly. If we continue with our close cooperation then they're just as much our people as our own. That they are particularists is of little issue. We're on this island together, likewise our fortunes will rise and fall together.

Let's try some mutual cooperation

First, nform them that their laborers are to check-in with the quartermaster when they draw from the stocks. Keeping accurate counts is important, and our poor quartermaster has been spending so much time counting and recounting that he hasn't had a decent sleep in weeks.

Then inform them that around the time of their arrival, we were supposed to receive a large shipment of vital supplies. In it's place we received a pittance due to some political upheaval back in the empire. Meanwhile, most of our efforts here so far have been put toward securing our food supply.
This means that currently, we lack the tools and facilities to produce more supplies. If we want to start producing our own we need to start from scratch, which means we need a Lumber Mill, Carpenter's Workshop, and Charcoal Burner. We can't even think of mining, smelting, and forging metal tools without those.

Suggest to the Chasonite's a mutual construction project to establish this critical industrial supply chain.

Finally, I'm voting for spicy beans!
No. 1094636 ID: 2f41db

This plan for mutual cooperation is sound.
I like it.
Hope the chasonites do.
Hopefully theyll feel reassured over our attitudes towards their compound and be open to such closer ties.

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1080954 No. 1080954 ID: 5ebd37 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

(Will contain gore violence and death)

This winter has been harsh.
The snows started in September, by mid October the woods were buried.
Now the new year has brought the worst storm yet, and the dim sun overhead reflects the waning hope of those huddled around fading hearths clutching empty bowls.
166 posts and 48 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1094492 ID: 44c167
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You point out that Lisel is leaving an ashy trail. She looks down, "Ah, ha, so I am. Let me just pop in the washroom and clean off." You nod and scoop her up so as not to leave any footprints, eliciting a startled squeak. "Oh ho ho, how dashing. Sweeping me off my feet, eh?" Lisel bats her eyes at you, as far as you can tell through her thick goggles. You huff and roll your eyes at the teasing. Hurrying across the hall you slip into the washroom.

Nails clicking on the tiled floor echo through the empty room as you carry Lisel. She directs you to a wicker piece of furniture, and the pair of you scurry up the side. At the top is a porcelain basin, partially filled with water from a leaking metal contraption. While Lisel dips her paws and starts scrubbing the worst of the ash off, you survey the rest of the room.

There's not much to see. The light from Lisel's little lantern bounces off an ornately framed mirror above you, illuminating odd corners of the space. An inscrutable furnishing dominates, a deep basin and a metal box connected by pipes and a dangling chain. Faint scents linger from a basket of shriveled petals on a wicker cabinet.
No. 1094493 ID: 44c167
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You ask Lisel if she found anything of use in the burned letters. Pausing in her cleaning she considers. "Not as much as I would have liked. It doesn't seem as though he even opened the one from my old home. None of the others were of a scientific bent, rather, they all mention some party that went wrong. A lot of talk of cutting ties, even one or two disownings. It seems our puppeteer held a demonstration of his hobby and it was received poorly."

"There was one odd detail in a letter from his brother. Something to the effect of the master is exiled here until his blunder is forgotten, but there was a mention of a vault and something to be kept secret, even from the servants. What exactly was burned away, though I would suspect its just money. Humans are always overly paranoid about their money."

Listening to the soft splashes echo back from the tiled walls, you think about the behavior of the glowing eyed guards earlier. You ask Lisel if anyone has tried to disguise themselves as a puppet to get past them.

"Well its not appearance that's the issue, per se, its that the behavior of the marionettes is difficult to imitate. Your lack of strings can be missed in low light, but it is rather obvious that you are bound to the ground instead of dangling. I believe some of the others have posed as discarded ones in order to escape detection, to some success, but you obviously can't move while doing that."

"Speaking of their movement, did you notice? Those puppets were holding up that book grasping with their hands, something controlled by strings shouldn't be able to do that. A book whose author I happen to know of; Galvani, whom has made much study of electricity." With a smug look on her face she climbs out of the basin. "I think it's safe to say my hypothesis is correct, he's using electricity to manipulate the nerves of the dead. The only questi
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No. 1094494 ID: 44c167
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Back to her usual look, the pale mouse rubs herself against a thick cloth by the basin. "Anyway, I'll just get a quick refill of carbolic acid under the sink here" she pats the tank strapped to her back "then we can meet up with the others."

Tugging open the wicker cabinet door, Lisel's lantern reveals dusty bottles and cleaning supplies. The science mouse pads over to an amber bottle with a syringe jammed in the mouth. Leaving her pack on the ground, she climbs up and starts carefully transferring the acid.

You poke around the cabinet while you wait. A box flops over as you try to peek inside, uncovering a hole in the wall. Eight glowing eyes glare back at you.
No. 1094512 ID: 62df94

Hmmm until we are shown how this puppet master is generating electricity I am going to imagine that he has 100 off alive imprisoned hamsters that are running on a wheel in order to power his dead army. As for Lisel how did she manage to stay alive for so long if she is so careless, are her goggles hindering her sight? Interesting, it appears that the host of this home is cut off from his human friends, I mean he has people who bring him food but other than that he is practically alone with his army of dead servants. No wonder why he was so ecstatic when he saw new intruders, but this makes me wonder what is the state of his mind? Isolation can change human behavior for the worse. With all of that said I don't think that we have spiders who are on our side, so maybe get ready for a battle.
No. 1094582 ID: d58817

A true warrior appreciates the avoided battle. Replace the covering over the hole, and scurry off, giving a warning to Lisel that she may want to abscond with the acid she's collected so far. It's probably best to remove yourselves from this vicinity.

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1084137 No. 1084137 ID: 1effd3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

From nothing, a new beginning.
482 posts and 125 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1094414 ID: 2f41db

Rest well silv, youve more than earne-
...brave little thing arent they?
Guess they really like you silv.
Oh well.
Ŕoll out the guest bed.
Well, guest bit of floor then.
Ŵe could do with finding you some mossy growth to harvest...
No. 1094567 ID: 0db8d3

You know...

We really should douse for an abandoned furniture store or something...
No. 1094568 ID: 5b2941

Not a bad idea, but how would Silv carry it?
No. 1094577 ID: 24c12e

Maybe we can figure out a telekinesis spell?
No. 1094581 ID: 9bbb0e

Ride it like a surfboard.

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1078964 No. 1078964 ID: 0ba437 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

PART ONE: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1002454.html

Thousands of thousands of years ago, a Grand Slime was murdered by a mysterious entity known as the Void King.
Thousands of thousands of years later, Nemo reawakens with only a few fractured memories of her former life.
She quickly reunites with two of her broken pieces, and sets out to explore the world in search of the remaining fragments of her shattered core.
After accidentally uncovering and releasing a strange figure imprisoned in stone, Nemo meets another unfortunate end, and it's up to her other parts, Humphrey and Mirrow, to carry on the mission to reunite themselves.
Elsewhere, but not too far away, a runaway Elsekin named Sam is trapped in a dense forest filled with hostile vines.
71 posts and 23 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1094555 ID: 273c18

Tell him whatever happened to him and his people, hurting innocents isn't going to right those wrongs. Revenge isn't even likely to make him feel better. If he wants your help, you're totally willing to expose the Goddess's crimes to the public, extract recompense for her sins... and then help him recover from what happened to him. But you're not going to help him lash out at people who don't deserve it.
No. 1094562 ID: 8f9bc4

He's... not lying. He needs this light, and you do not. You don't have any reason not to give him whatever this is. But it's not the Goddess. She's dead. You should at least tell him that, if even someone as powerful as this fellow has been deceived into thinking she lives.

Please don't get all righteous about what he should do though. He's been through too much shit to get lectured by a child who doesn't even know what she's holding. When you know what wrongs he's trying to right, then you can lecture him on it. It's fair to tell him that wrapping people up in thorny vines is a really mean thing to do.
No. 1094563 ID: e0d24b

Yeah I suppose it might be best to try and reason with him. Try to get him to see that if he needs help, these acts of violence against innocents are completely counterproductive.

But also let's be careful not to make assumptions. We don't know who the goddess' people are. If he feels the need to, say, eradicate all of the world for the good of the voidkin because someone built a world on top of their precious void, that's probably still very bad. In general, vengeance is not a cause we should hitch ourself to, even if it's against Cneph. I mean the goddess.

But also maybe we can play along for now to keep the hostages safe? How good a liar are you?
No. 1094566 ID: 90fc2a

well, perhaps in his perspective he is right, but even so you already know he is willing to take hostages and do... whatever this is so a grain of salt... the right perspective can believe anything, after all.
WELL, you said the light felt resonant? well even with one hand you can snap fingers and flare the light bigger, and hey the dark around your hand is point blank, so fight or peace you should try to rip your hand out of it
No. 1094573 ID: ec398b

Seriously revenge? Don't you have goals? Pursing revenge is a waste.

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1057778 No. 1057778 ID: 08229c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous Threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Audit_Quest
Support the author: https://ko-fi.com/calalen

My name is Mary.

I own a dungeon.

Not by choice, mind you. I was forced into this when the previous owner placed a curse on me after I tried to audit him. Now I'm the ruler of this place.

And by my hand, this shall be a grand dungeon.
811 posts and 97 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1094537 ID: 5b2941

User name: flameon99
Species: Aelor
Class: Fire mage
When startled or panicked, she tends to reflexively punch things instead of using her magic. To her chagrin, it often works just as well or even better.
No. 1094538 ID: 16b171
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Name: Nana Nanako
Race: Lalafell
Class: Black Mage

Lalafell Black Mage, pretty much typical Black Mage. Concerned with MAX DPS and Rotation. Chuuni, but everything she does ends up Cute. Likes Headpats.
Will not move out of her DPS Buff Marker for anything. Cannot be killed, anything that would cause death KOs instead. Will ask for a Raise and if doesn't get one, will recall back to home point. Is pretty confused as to how she got here, because she queued for Roulette, but will take it in stride for new dungeon loot.
No. 1094545 ID: 08229c
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Submissions Closed! Please wait warmly for the results!
No. 1094556 ID: 861ceb

now watch as we find out that the mimic that just ran away is a stream watcher in their free time and is actually a super fan/magifan of this streamer and wins draw traumatizing the streamer more when they show back up while geeking out that they won.
No. 1094569 ID: 08229c
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rolled 10 = 10


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1089327 No. 1089327 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]


These are the voyages of the starship The Shed Scale. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly come where no one has come before!

It’s a small thrust for you… but a huge plunge for Sakkilian kind!

Wiki and previous threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Starlight_Afterglow
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No. 1094523 ID: a7a180

Get them IV drips while prioritizing how to get these drones functional again. If that means re-establishing the control signal as a stopgap, then so be it. You can use that for jamming it later.
No. 1094528 ID: 273c18

Okay, we have a line of communication. Tell them if they want to go out the airlock and die, to look at Tozlan. If they want to be experimented on so that we might be able to fix them and others at some point, look at Vex. If they want something else, like less invasive experimentation or just to wait until we have more information from the captured captain, look at the floor.

Also this. We can, in fact, put them on life support and keep them around until a solution is found. We can do non-destructive experimentation as well... and we have the captain to interrogate. She should know something about drone tech, if only how it works in non-scientific terms. She might be more cooperative if we tell her that we will be trying to reverse engineer the drone tech and we WILL use it on her if necessary to get information needed to free the drones.
No. 1094539 ID: 4eddef

New found interest in horticulture (aka Ek'tall biology) aside, this is similar to the military grade cyborg, but they're awake and suffering: establish communication, get consent for research and treatment or euthanasia and research, their name if possible, and acknowledge their personhood in any way possible. How long has it been since they've been held by someone? And give them all some painkillers. We're gonna need a lot more therapists around here. They're sitting there, listening to you argue between killing and torturing them.

The tech that made them isn't going to go away, and we can't prevent more from being made, so staying ignorant isn't an option, especially where fear is involved. That said, Vex needs to not poke and prod them with his stick while they're still conscious.
Even if you want to play executioner, actual euthanasia requires knowledge to prevent needless suffering. More to the point, if they cannot be saved and you can find a kill signal, you can end more suffering faster.

Depending on the brain damage, they may literally lack the will to live, or the ability to function without an equivalent device. Mimicking the signal should be a short range stop gap measure, focus should be on just modifying it to bridge the brain signals. Additionally, the brain damage is probably a shoddy lobotomy, so that needs to be treated.
No. 1094544 ID: 44c167

If we can develop a means to undo the drone process it would be a huge blow to IOD, especially if we then spread that knowledge around. But attempt communication before anything else.
No. 1094557 ID: 2a82d3

Vex should know what's Engineering has been working on. The architectures' are unlikely to be the same (barring a common origin), but gains made over there should boost progress here. Establishing an interface for them to communicate through would better than for them than... this.

Research could help retrofit your stasis pods to accommodate their species. With any luck, they might be able to stimulate the brain to repair itself. They already can grow new ones along with the other body parts, after all.

You could address Prince Tozlan's concerns by ordering Vex's research around this to be confidential, especially if they're outside the scope of alleviating or curing the condition. He should trust you enough to know you don't like to use coercion to run your ship. Not to mention there's been a huge discovery already: Something Tozlan and Ikekeki agree on.

You do have to admit this tech could replace your missing brig. Perhaps a more ethical, if less secure, implementation would let the subject have autonomy if it wasn't powered? Still, there are less drastic methods, doubts around its' efficacy, and would strain your crew/officers trust in you more than its' worth. No good crew would be motivated to work under you, if you resort to such measures.

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