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1095767 No. 1095767 ID: e25c20 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This is the continuation of the second chapter of the Chasing Shadows and Hunting Rats.

Chapter 1


Chapter 2 part 1


Discussion Thread

369 posts and 73 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1104521 ID: c5529d

For now, let's get information before we get into serious planning. We still have to hear what Yakbeet has to say about what he witnessed before the cat killed him, any information, no matter how small, can help us figure out a weakness that we can apply to when we are in the planning phase.
No. 1104533 ID: 6c233e

They both need to calm down. We aren't loosing Abdle, and we aren't loosing Gram.

We have a hostage, and more importantly, we can pump him for information. He's clearly in over his head, lets let Abdle convince him that the cat needs to give it up, and hopefully he'll spill what would convince her too.
(Despite Bobbie's speech, if we can get the cat to just walk away we take it. We cannot afford to seek revenge right now.)

(Abdle has to play the part of good cop, since Bobbie is clearly established as wanting to hurt bird)
No. 1104569 ID: 67e615
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Let the pumpkin join the council.

B) Bring the bird in this room.

C) Check on the Archer.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1104575 ID: 6c233e

Aw man, I knew we should have gone with a room that seals shut as a trap.

Pumpkin is going about this all wrong. If they had just helped us we would have been glad to let them on the council. But now they look manipulative. Even if they have genuinely helpful information, why would we trust them. Still, a position on the council is easy to grant, and just as easily taken away. Give them what they ask for, for as long as they behave.

As for birdy, further beatings will yield little. We already broke his leg, he knows we have no qualms about making him pay. We need someone to earn his confidence, and wheedle his secrets out.
No. 1104591 ID: 7e32c1

Let Pokondirana to join the council, but if we don't like what the pumpkin says we don't need to honor our part of the agreement.

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1101551 No. 1101551 ID: 86847c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Adult content 18+

First thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/860238.html
Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Moot_Point
Previous chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1073931.html
237 posts and 51 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1104470 ID: 81705d
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“Flay me…” Caleb gawks, momentarily distracted from plowing his boyfriend.

“New guardian power.” Gabe explains in a panting, high voice. “Cool, isn’t it? Are we fuckin or what?” He asks.

Caleb rallies his bravado and grins at the tiny twink. “Right! I’ll show you fuckin!” He drags himself back out of Kol and in again, hammering Gabe into the bench with one thrust.

Kol gasps and arches his back as he’s roughly filled again. He feels himself lift up onto the balls of his feet by the momentum, before dropping back down onto the selkie’s dick. As his mind goes white with pleasure he realizes ”Fucking FATES! So big! It-it’s filling every inch! Did- did he really shape his cock to fit me specifically?”

The mouse’s eyes roll back and he catches Caleb’s gaze. The big sailor lowers his head and grins, as if reading the questions on his boyfriend’s mind. He answers by burying his shaft balls-deep: letting Kol know that he was now the sailor’s personal cock-sleeve.

More thrusts pound the medium from behind, bouncing him up into Gabe’s tail-hole. The sender squeaks and clings to the bench, feeling Kol’s cock being pistoned inside him, completely out of his control.

“Ah! Ah! Fuck! Kol- I’m gonna!” Gabe cries as the sensation pushes him over the edge. His whole body tenses up and his voice rises into a squeak as his cum spatters against the floor.

No. 1104573 ID: 81705d
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“Well, you like it?” Casey asks, grinding her hips against Nemo’s and slipping her shaft between his. “Mmm, that’s kinda nice…”

She presses his shafts together, trapping her own in a soft, tight passage and thrusting into them.

“Ah… fuck…” the thief gasps, feeling his cocks getting harder as they’re massaged. “No one’s ever done that… its really good.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Casey agrees, leaning over the hammock and pulling him closer.

The lizard’s eyes flicker in different directions as he looks around in confusion, before realizing she wants to kiss him. He opens his mouth cautiously and lets her tongue tangle with his.

No. 1104577 ID: cb76eb

One is not enough. Hammer the cuties.
No. 1104578 ID: 72a683

Awww poor Clio getting left out... And I'm wondering if Casey is really prepared for that chameleon tongue~
No. 1104590 ID: e40c3a

It seems Casey will be able to handle Nemo on her own, what with her new shapeshifting powers and all. Maybe Clio could find a way to get involved with the boys pounding away at each other just a few yards away. She could make use of Gabe's mouth or play with Caleb's ass, for instance.

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1085319 No. 1085319 ID: 88065e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I inquire the Agricultural capital governor who is in seemingly paranoia after hearing about the attacks in the main galaxy:
"So the capital has activated an energy source displacement field to supress its signals through spectrums and is currently playing dead apart from the few emergency power supplies that keep everyone alive?"

The governor replies
"That is so, we are much safer like this until core systems send a military power to protect our frontier galaxy, we don't even have handguns on the planet because of gun controls... This is the same demilitarized situation in many surrounding systems, and there are dozens fertile planets out here we simply cannot lose until reinforcements arrive. Core worlds replicate their food, but the frontier galaxies require good organic nutrition for growth and vitality."

I request the governor:
"Please governor, I know you might feel paranoid but you're in the presence of your Super Star Empress, unmask yourself."

"As you wish"
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No. 1100895 ID: b303e9
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>Gene-Angel (2)
No. 1101047 ID: e8c40b

Ignore the injured Gene-Angel for now and focus on the remaining one. Have primer use Saluris Primean Hook Twist to try and catch it's blades and you try to flank it.
No. 1103576 ID: e59245
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Hook Twist fails
No. 1103790 ID: 5f9994

Project a hologram of you charging towards the Gene-Angel to bait it to attack it and exploit that opening.
No. 1104589 ID: 60385b
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>Shadow: Project supercharged hologram
>Hologram (Shadow) supercharges with unbelieveable speed against Gene-Angel (1)
Gene-Angel (1): double strikes through hologram


:Ethereal Super-Leap
:Trystanian Mind Lock
:Paelian Form "Hyperspeed Predator Grapple"

>Perfect Execution by default

>Primer automatic combat telegraphic:
>Primer manual telecombat speech:
"Sch-rch w--kp-''-nt-Z."

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1102567 No. 1102567 ID: 5f5c2b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You followed a distant sound of bells to find your way here through freezing fog. That mist is gone, and the path with it.

The "mayor's" face is porcelain. Limbs, elegant clockwork. "Town square" is bare stone around a pillar of orichalcum-edged jade, seven yards high and two or three thick. Little else but the border of churning primordial chaos, a hundred yards away in every direction but down.

Beside the sacred monument, stairs - presumably to some cellar or storm shelter - and a granite lectern holding a closed folio. Purple leather, fitted with brass. No visible title.
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No. 1104576 ID: 5f5c2b

Floor in front of the eleven-segment iris folds away under your feet, revealing a pit trap. It's not deep enough to cause injury, though, nor wide or slippery enough for climbing back out to be more than a momentary inconvenience - at least to someone as tough and agile as you.

Slamming your fist through the "door" creates an elbow-deep hole, but...
> Perception 2, Craft (Earth) 0
> rolled 10, 6
...doesn't reach the other side. If the echoes are anything to go by, rock behind the bronze veneer is thick enough - five yards or more - that there might not BE an "other side." Could maybe be some kinda magic portal generator thing?
> Intelligence 2, Lore 0
> rolled 4, 9
You don't think so - doesn't seem fancy enough - but definitely aren't an expert. Simplest explanation would be it's just a dead end, decorated as a decoy to lure uninformed intruders into that trap.
No. 1104584 ID: 21171d

rolled 3, 7, 8, 10, 6, 3, 2, 10, 5, 4, 8, 1, 9, 10, 8, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 8, 10, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 2, 4, 3, 10, 2, 4, 4, 2, 8, 8, 3, 10, 4, 9, 3, 5, 6, 5, 3, 10, 8, 7, 2 = 292


Well, no sense wasting further motes if the walls are thick enough that it's not going to have anything on the other side.

She will hop right out of the pit, and go to the seven segment door and test it by flicking it as hard as possible to see if that one us as solid as the other one. And if that one is too thick she will test all of the doors sequentially.
No. 1104585 ID: 5f5c2b

Seven-segment door rings like a bell. There's definitely open space behind it.

People, too, whispering in a language you don't recognize... or possibly the yapping of small dogs.
No. 1104587 ID: 21171d


"Well, the second time is the charm." She will say in her native tongue before grabbing the tops of the door in order to brace herself.

She swings up as wide as possible before launching a bright golden kick straight up through the door, aiming to make a hole big enough for herself.

Mechanically: Full Excellency Iron Fist Sledgehammer Punch kick with the Fierce Blow called shot.

16+2+3+ stunt dice with a -1 external penalty for +12L damage ×2
No. 1104588 ID: 21171d

rolled 2, 9, 1, 6, 6, 3, 3, 6, 6, 4, 1, 4, 9, 1, 8, 10, 3, 10, 8, 2, 4, 8, 10, 5, 4, 2, 7, 3, 8, 5, 6, 8, 6, 1, 1, 9, 6, 6, 3, 8, 7, 10, 7, 6, 1, 2, 5, 3, 7, 1 = 261

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1087619 No. 1087619 ID: 6290ec hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

If we open our minds to the existence of other universes, there's no limit to the possibilities that we could experience in the world of boning.
1319 posts and 163 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1104357 ID: b1c103

D, c
No. 1104360 ID: d30887

You're a water dragon and that's four box of water. Do the four box.
No. 1104379 ID: 9ff3a9

C. I mean, water IS a lubricant, and you're probably a water dragon, right? Could you not manipulate some of the nearby water from the fish tanks, perhaps?
No. 1104499 ID: ebae20

C, b
No. 1104586 ID: 124485

Do this one

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1099846 No. 1099846 ID: 10bc9b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[nsfw/R18. content warnings: blood/gore/graphic violence, body horror, themes of suicide and dysphoria]
[disthread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/143113.html ]


[UNIDENTIFIED USER] "Omigod. Did that actually work?"
[UNIDENTIFIED USER] "Omigod. Omigod. Did I just put a bunch of dead people in my eyeball. Oh, shit. Ohhhh. Fuck!"
470 posts and 83 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1104538 ID: 3ab697

i want dez back. i want dez back. i want dez back. thank you for the tea but i want dez back
No. 1104542 ID: cbdb24

Haha SWOON Dez stick with her pleas
Wait what's going on whered we go
Oh I do NOT like this everyone SCATTER
No. 1104544 ID: 13fe8b

On the subject of secret of humanity: it's about vulnerability and the implications thereof. Users love and fear and rage and suffer. Users are alive, and so they cannot escape death.

Bit by bit. Inevitably. They


We saw it with Vittorio: without his oss, he sat in his car, alternating between staring at nothing and banging his head against the wheel. He's dead, or on the verge of it.

We're different. Calm. We can act scared, sure, act surprised and awed and loving. But it is an act, make no mistake. We can drop it, we can plan and discuss matters over tea as the world goes to hell.

We should be terrified of Vittorio. He's ready and willing to kill Dez, kill us. We aren't. We can look at him and see a loser or speculate on his fuckability even as he uses a quick as a meat shield.

This is indicative of our relationship with the world. We will never care about Dez as they care about themselves. We will never care about Veil as Glaive cares about her. We will never care about Glaive as she cares about us, regardless of the exact emotional cocktail here.

We love humans like humans like flowers: uncaring if they die in our hands.
No. 1104582 ID: 45a538

Sugar please. And thank you. It's been hectic.
I'm afraid we can't stay long though. I'm worried about our sweet, beautiful, and oh so brave disaster, Dez.
No. 1104583 ID: 2de599

Hiii, Delve hivemind, love what you've done with the place. Cool atmosphere. Very unsettling. But, um, sorry... I feel like this whole supremacy-of-the-machine thing is not really our vibe? No offense. Having to deal with memory loss and Glaive's cryptic nonsense is a pain, sure, but we were having fun with the rest of it. Why change a good thing, etc. If it's all the same to you, could you just fix us up and send us on our way?

(Also, ouch. Getting pulled out like that was painful. Hopefully Dez didn't get any permanent brain damage. Though, I have to say... Dez dying in Veil's arms definitely increases our chances of eventually getting somewhere. Not by a lot, but everyone knows dying dramatically in someone's arms is sooo romantic. Go team!)

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1102569 No. 1102569 ID: 7b2ea9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

A Quest about Being out of Place

Reality shudders,
and where nothing had been,
there are now two Agents.
83 posts and 34 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1104565 ID: 459afd

Play it coy, like "well if we were we couldn't tell you could we? Wink"

Ask if he's asking because he's seen something strange
No. 1104567 ID: 0db8d3

He's asking because of the Suit and Tie get up, Gladi's glasses, and your earpiece.
It SCREAMS X-files/Men in Black.

Smile and say "I can neither confirm nor deny that, citizen."
Is a famous phrase used by the CIA. Just as good a yes without inadvertantly collapsing yourselves.
No. 1104570 ID: fe8b29

"Why do you ask? Have you seen anything weird lately?"
No. 1104580 ID: 2f41db

No. Just cute. Dammit.
No. 1104581 ID: 2f41db

Oh, you are inspectors, just focused on more the fundamental mechanisms of reality.
Maybe just say "you might very well think that, but i couldn't possibly comment." Or something like that.
Then, casually ask seen anything weird, you guys excluded.
I mean, no offense, but you are kinda weird.

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1098850 No. 1098850 ID: c1a22b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Henry the wolf and Jess the fox get married and settle into domestic life

Discussion thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html

NSFW, warning for anything that might happen in an abusive relationship. Will update every other day.
586 posts and 134 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1104556 ID: 23cf5d

It was Jess, they're his friends, end of story.
Not -now- you've had a terrible day.
No. 1104562 ID: 0752f5

Only two people are trannies and one of them is my "Husband" so no hormones or surgery yet atleast please play nice with them i cant deal with this right now
Do we have the energy for that and not just be teary eyed as our womanly relationships are falling apart as we did not even dare touching the doorknob how we never would dare doing anything giving discomfort to anyone else even to help
No. 1104568 ID: 9b76c6

Avoid clashing with Mahan for now. Make a joke about not everyone needing to dress boringly, and that you're gonna go ask Jess what's up. Go talk to Jess.
No. 1104574 ID: e61200

Say "My husband." with the biggest dung-eating grin in history, followed by a raspberry.

and/or explain the situation.

"Look, Jess lied about to me about not feeling like a man anymore, but confessed it a couple days ago. We are figuring things out as we go, and Jess was friends with these guys since forever, regardless of gender stuff, so... give them a chance, will ya?
No. 1104579 ID: 0db8d3

They're Jess's friends, Mahan.
(Pull him aside and quietly say)
Speaking of which-
I love you bro, but I swear to Christ if you cause a goddamn scene today were gonna be boxing in the backyard, ok?

Oh and Victor, have you never heard of swingin'?

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1087342 No. 1087342 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Another experimental one shot.

*Art style may change at a moments notice or even with in the same update.
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No. 1104400 ID: 28d19c

What if answers first, then violence?
No. 1104406 ID: 273c18

Maybe you should instead apply first aid to yourself. You've still got glass sticking out of you.
No. 1104422 ID: 2f41db

First order of business.
Thank that sweet goat man.
Its got to be good to have someone who you can rely on after so much has happened.
Let him know.

Check your mobility afterwards.
Dont want any surprises if you have to move.
No. 1104426 ID: 6c233e

Yeah patch yourself up and calm down before confronting the wolf. He is no doubt going to try and get a rise out of you. Become unflappable.
No. 1104571 ID: 6d1968

Makes ya wonder if George would do the same.

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1102658 No. 1102658 ID: 1effd3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


From frost and dust, opportunities lie amongst the ruins.
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No. 1104527 ID: 861ceb

the battery core might be useful but from what was readable from the plaque it sounds like while it can hold a nice charge it's just going to dump it all at once the same if you just zapped the machine yourself... though if you do need a larger charge than your normal zap then it could be useful.
No. 1104530 ID: 2f41db

I think youre right.
Just remember about the potential feedback zaps this time.
If you zap yourself too often youll do yourself a mischief
No. 1104537 ID: 311939

I think its implied the acutal displays are missing, its only thier info cards
No. 1104545 ID: 0db8d3

Yeah but I'm pretty sure the methods these people used and the methods is and Silv use are fundamentally different. Its almost like these people were writing code in assembly, but it's and Silv are writing in Python with ChatGpt open. Their way was more powerful, but we can do more with way, way less.
Earlier, we made a magic artifact by shoving a rune and some void goop together. Something automated the change.
The way I see it, the flawed, broken battery is just raw material and a ball of concepts. The item itself should be less important than the concepts represented by it's existence, theoretically at least. I dunno if it'll work, but I think it's worth a rune to find out.
No. 1104566 ID: c00d2a

Yeah, looks like the panel needs power to run the activation process. If we find the generator and stick a marshlight in it, the normal power system should ensure it doesn't let too much power throigh and overload. Follow where the tubes and wires go.

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1104505 No. 1104505 ID: 6c233e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Winter's grip will not soon loose, the driving snow and biting wind bind all to burrow and hole.

Previous chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1080954.html
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No. 1104513 ID: 67e615

Chop-chop, time is of the essence no room for lollygagging your family needs the food rent or the grim reaper going to evict them from life. Get up and start looking for solutions or you will become the problem. Also cool world building story that was told.
No. 1104525 ID: d30887

We can claim to renounce consumption, but the truth is our mere existence prostrates before it. Your bodies consume every day. You will never know if the mushroom you roasted had a soul, nor will you know if the gravel beneath your feet feels the yoke of your oppression. You will never be absolutely sure if the people under your wing or stomping on you with your boot are individual entities and not machines pretending to wear the skin of a soul. And so you must fight for those you best believe are 'real'.

Embrace the violence. Enjoy its splendor. But do not love it. It will never love you.

Time to scavenge.
No. 1104531 ID: 83fc38

let's check if those weapons are done being forged
No. 1104543 ID: d58817

Is the body other than our own? That bears investigation first and foremost, I should think. Otherwise, yes, we must be out and about, to see what the camp's business is.

How could we return with food? Would we take from our new friends, the ones we risk our lives with, and steal away in the night to head for home with a stuffed pack?
No. 1104559 ID: ac88c0

boy, i sure am glad fungal beasts neither think nor feel! hey, has anyone ever tried domesticating them? we've got bigger things on the list, right now, but filing that away for later — what if we could bring back not just food, but a way to guarantee food for generations? pay a little more attention to the fungi, maybe, next time we run into them.

anyway, lift that cloak and peek at who's snuggling.

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1019446 No. 1019446 ID: 7a1a17 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Unofficial Discussion thread - https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/129715.html
Wiki - https://questden.org/wiki/The_Family_Business
Family Tradition Chapter 1 - https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/372338.html

"Pushing the speech forward? You know I just gave one like right before you invaded right? People are going to start getting ideas. Conspiracy nuts will be coming after me. After you for this."

"We anticipate zis. In fact, we are 'oping for it. Ze sooner we identify problem cases in your city, ze sooner we can form plans that isolate zem from ze populace with minimal damage."
344 posts and 182 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1103007 ID: 19ea25

Looks like you are playing the role of the minder today. Because otherwise things will get so much worse much faster if they truly believe a mimic is here.. or worse still if there actually is a mimic. You'll need to get them away to start searching.
No. 1103010 ID: 90b21b

Go get Sergei. Go get Vidian. She has her own doppelganger tricks and can do complex magics to prove her identity while axing the imposter with them.
No. 1104547 ID: 7a1a17
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Granted, Touched do sometimes talk about things that don't exist, or attach incorrect labels to things, but the typical strategy when working with them is assume they are correct until proven otherwise. Fewer people get eaten that way. I inform my new headache that I have other Rezan companions that may help.

"Well then go get them, why are you still standing here? Go get them, I will follow before the mimic can eat us all!"

See what I mean? I head back out to the passenger car.

"Sergei! Ser-oh lo lo lo, why iz a crowd forming 'ere?"

:nusergei:"Ah Nuunette, well Vidian was listening to a lecture on pipes and steam pressure, when she pointed out one sounded off, the engineer opened up a compartment and well..."
No. 1104549 ID: 7a1a17
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The Touched pushes past me and into the maintenance tunnel.

"Mmmm yes, that's not Matrin. That's his minder. Looks like the mimic stuff him in here for later."

:nusergei:"Mimic? Oh, you mean a voraklat?"

"A vora-what?"

:nusergei:"Something from the Rezan homeland. They disguise who they are based on their last meal. Smarter ones are known to store corpses if they need to switch diguises."
No. 1104551 ID: 7a1a17
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"Ah lo lo lo lolololooo! Sergei! Why does your homeland suck so much?!"

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1103827 No. 1103827 ID: 5926c4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

NSFW! A short post-valentines quest about love life in the afterlife... and getting the author used to using a new tablet.
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No. 1104486 ID: f2fd2c

sadly, stealing a gift for an angel, though Deeply funny, is a bad idea.
Oh how countless Forms can be, perhaps something generally spiny, but not quite sharp. The idea of danger, but not Dangerous
No. 1104487 ID: 273c18

Wait how does The Unwanted have a liege/spouse/owner, wouldn't that mean someone wants them?
Oh I get it, your appearance reflects your mental state. If you're upset your beauty leans towards monstrous and lean.

Hmm, well, I'm partial to scales.

>how to get it
Well, they're going to want to use it openly. If you stole it, then whoever you stole it from would easily find out where it went and try to get it back, which isn't a great result. Seems like you have to buy it or trade for it.
No. 1104489 ID: 2f41db

Effort is key.
Angels, being all soppy and junk, really believe that thing about the effort you put in to doing something. Maybe seeing that is one of their weird powers.

So, boss, the harder you work the better.
We need a horn then.
Which is ironic as we normally give people the horn, not find them.
Can we find a demon with a big head and horns and just uh, arrange a donation .
Hang on. What about a woven reed horn.
If you get the reeds from the edge of the river lethe and gilter out all the forgetfulness magic, there might be some residual mana to tap for the enchantment.
No. 1104535 ID: 56db77

Hang on do you know any other angels? Or at least know of any who would be willing to talk/trade with you? Cause the item your thinking or sounds more like a divine/blessing type thing than a demon type thing. Alternatively are there other powers you could reach out to? Are fae a thing in your reality?
No. 1104546 ID: d30887

Well, I'd like to see you swell with sexual fluids until the pressure causes you to orgasm, and do it again and again for the rest of the quest.

>What to get
Rather than an actual horn of plenty (gods get kind of pissed if you create an infinite exploit that takes power from their domain and gives mortals basic universal welfare), you could come up with a pair of magic items. A wastebasket that digests anything you put into it, which gets connected to hydroponics mini-farm that re-grows that same item in a smaller form. So, if you throw a chocolate cake in the bin, the bin eats it, keeps some energy for itself and the farm, and then creates a small clone of the chocolate cake.
This way, you don't have to worry about delivering future gifts! You can just give Havel a present via magic teleporter and it'll even be in fun size!

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1088718 No. 1088718 ID: 7a1a17 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This will be a NSFW quest! Expect nudity, violence, gore, sexual intercourse, confusing story lore, cryptic bullshit, borked updates, and stupid names
Discussion - https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/129715.html
Wiki - https://questden.org/wiki/The_Family_Business (I swear I'll actually do something to this page. Someday...)

Pain. Dizziness. Nausea. Loss of Appetite. A typical morning for me.
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No. 1103563 ID: 7a1a17
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"Wherever they are, they are likely dead. I could not even save the worst men of the clan. I am ashamed."

:iagn2:"Poor Shokzali. You did good."

"The Consort praises me...I haven't felt this happy in a long time..."

So I caught almost nothing of what she said. Lots of big Gormy words that I never learned. But I did catch that there are only 4 including her and Loquui. Which means there's just Big-Boob Muamta and Naqzamti.

>"So where is Muamta now?"
>"Where is Naqzamti now?"
>Give new orders
No. 1103569 ID: 90b21b

Okay ask her if she knows a Sizzala and tell her that she's not in a good place right now. Get her riled up for crusades and adventures and all the sex interludes.
No. 1104435 ID: 6a9bde

Support wonder if they make only more of themself or if the females can birth other species
No. 1104512 ID: fd2dfa
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Sizzala? Is that someone you know? Is Sizzala related to them? Actually I don't want to know. I feel like that's going to start a lecture.

:iagn2:"Shokzali. Do you know a Sizzala?" That got a reaction from her, the woman's face turns sour.

"SIZZALA?! That insane witch-bitch? She still lives?! Of course. All the mistresses dead and gone and the craziest magic-hungry father-obsessed stain on Gulseeque is still out there!"

"Sizzala nearly bit the face off Jomaka for talking to Old-Odd-Tok. She is not correct in the head? How could she survive?"

"Magic Loquui. The Mother Goddess was playing a terrible trick on us all when she was born. No woman has such power like her, and I think it burned her brain when she had no meat left."

Well, I didn't catch all that, but Sizzala has gotten both girls quite upset. Not at each other thankfully, it actually seems to have united them in mutual hatred.

:iagn2:"Well forget Sizzala. You are not in a good place."

"I know, I was focused on getting my students away safe. I don't know where to go from here."
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No. 1104536 ID: d30887

Okay, so Sizzala was pretty messed up, but she managed to be the sanest member of her gang. Became the head matriarch of a whole clan and everything.
And now said clan is brainwashed to serve the Yishic upstart who wants you, Venian, and everyone in the three main clans dead.
Regale them about your ambitions of a Crusade against the Yish - which includes beating Sizzala and Guk into the dirt. Goddess wills it and all that.

And then go find more girls to plow. Orgy for every time they introduce another member, and they'll be addicted to converting the whole clan.

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1099443 No. 1099443 ID: 65be43 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

There is a most likely chance for this quest to go in the NSFW direction. The whole concept is that this will be a wrestling tournament against all sorts of strange fighters from different worlds.
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No. 1104276 ID: 6c233e

Dream punch it in the shin so it falls over, then you can punch its head.
No. 1104346 ID: 98b1a4

Time to take down this big pushover, first go for the legs and then for the head.
No. 1104352 ID: 18d203

Go for the head first, we don't know how many charges this thing has.
No. 1104520 ID: 67e615
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Choose how you want for the fight to continue.
No. 1104534 ID: 6c233e

"Why don't you do some fighting yourself? Lazybones"

Bait an attack and then flare up to blind them, so you can dodge and counter-attack.

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1093728 No. 1093728 ID: 127310 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

An experimental philosophical debate (combat) simulator with RPG elements. Will likely contain blood and gore. Will introduce more mechanics as time goes on.

Provide feedback at https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/142424.html
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No. 1104496 ID: 127310
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>Keep untying the minister so one of you can drop on the king.
>our duty as a public servant is first and foremost to the minister! we should untie him first and then all three of us can defeat the (quite illegitimate) king!
>Untying the minister ought to be our first priority as a servant of the state. However, as soon as we manage to untie him, we should rush to Mary's aid. Looking a bit too close to the ledge for comfort, there.

You get to untying the Minister.

By the time he’s almost free (but still bound securely), you can see the pair of combatants tumble over the wall of the pit out of the corner of your eye. Damn!

Mary grabs a loose piece of cord. The King grabs her leg. All four of you can see that if she continues to hold on for much longer, the link to the ceiling will snap. For a brief moment, she engages your psychic field.

Something isn’t right. My arguments with the King… He seemed to indicate that the people he sent to the pit already intended to go there. Get the Minister out of here, and come find me if you also want to get to the bottom of this.

And then she’s gone.

You finish untying the Minister and get him to safety. You then get on with the “Okay, Mister Minister, let’s get you home” but he cuts you off. “If you’re going down there, I’m coming with you. Don’t try to stop me. Besides, I need my glasses back.”

You could carry the Minister all the way back to the Lower House if you really wanted. You consider that the Minister only wants to come with you out of guilt or embarrassment over not being useful thus far.
No. 1104500 ID: 7d2440

Attempt to convince the minister to exit the catacombs and return to safety. Once again, we are a servant of the state, and thus our mission is of the utmost importance.

However, as a servant of the state, we also have a responsibility to safeguard its citizens, and Mary is (presumably) a citizen of Southshoals. If we are able to convince the minister to head back, we should do our utmost to assist her. In the case that we are utterly unable to, defer our next course of action to the minister's authority.
No. 1104501 ID: 6c233e

Pull down the rope and secure it to the edge of the pit. If it reaches the bottom then fine, you'll go down and help. If not then the minister will have to admit you need more rope before you can proceed. You cannot allow the minister in the pit without a secure egress.
No. 1104502 ID: 273c18

Only allow him to come if he's useful.
No. 1104526 ID: de6ddc

I think we might need the Minister’s help. The spatiotemporal anomaly is still down here, and based on argument weirdness, probably down there. Think of it this way. Remember our point from our negotiation with the king? If the Minister can finish what he set out to do here in the first place, then he has no further business here, and we don’t have to risk disturbing the mole people any further. Two birds with one stone type deal. If we can safely ensure the completion of the Minister’s mission, at the very least we know we won’t have to save him from this hole AGAIN the next time he comes down.

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1074204 No. 1074204 ID: 0b594e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Rumors abound of the city.
They say it just appeared one day.
They say no one has ever seen its top.
They say it is a place of mystic secrets and wild pleasures.

But before we can get to that...
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No. 1104186 ID: 273c18

Yeah we're interested in information about the world, like nearby civilizations and other points of interest. And also, considering we're in a geomancy-focused settlement why don't we ask about stone and metals? We do need building materials.
No. 1104187 ID: 7e292e

Good plan. Food stability is the big thing, but we also need information.
No. 1104193 ID: d30887

Our first priority should be claiming territory rights. Emphasize that your tribe was prosecuted to Hell and back because the outlying nations repeatedly claimed bites of your territory over generations until you were stuck in a land that was going to be 'legally' conquered and exterminated. You're not making that mistake this time. You want to buy the land you're settling on, make your ownership permanent and non-negotiable. No technicalities, no tolerance of hostile takeovers of land. From now on, your nation will always have housing for whoever lives within its boarders. Look to the wurm and claim you've got the power to make that a reality.
>Elder: How did you survive
Don't kill drifters on first contact. Simple rule, never broke it. One of these drifters came from another world, and they helped us talk to the giant from another world. We were saved pretty easily after that.
No. 1104447 ID: 273c18

Hmm, I wonder if there's merit in hiring a stone mage for the city.
No. 1104493 ID: 9bbb0e

We don't have much need of stonework on Jormun right now, but if we want to expand to the ground below it would be very helpful. Either stone buildings, or just ensuring good foundation for buildings.

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1104401 No. 1104401 ID: 28d19c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Possibly (probably) NSFW.

Donut’s OCs have put off their chores for WAY too long. Won’t you help them?

An excuse to draw my OCs (and a few borrowed ones) in unflattering outfits.

Takes place in the same multiverse of Questden Holiday Threads, where the crossovers totally happened but no one talks about it in their quests.

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No. 1104416 ID: d98cb8

I'm gonna have to go with Serah
No. 1104418 ID: b26ce2

I like the idea of a Dotti quest!
No. 1104420 ID: 9d12b8

Nacha obviously
the mask needs to be washed sooner or later
are there enough convenient objects around to obscure her face?
No. 1104425 ID: 6c233e

Ginerva would be fun

Or Serah
No. 1104456 ID: d30887


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978305 No. 978305 ID: 2bd15b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

chapter 1 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/757996.html
chapter 2 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/777113.html
Discussion thread https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/107070.htm
Chapter 4 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/929115.html
Draw thread, where you can ask me to draw certain things

wiki https://tgchan.org/wiki/Root_and_Branches
1409 posts and 393 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1104106 ID: 6c233e

Right behind you
No. 1104208 ID: 43b7b2
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No. 1104209 ID: 97089a

Player speaking, there's an error here. Corax didn't fire, because it would draw attention? So either someone else fired or this is a mistake.
No. 1104216 ID: 6c233e

Like, lets get out of here man!
No. 1104448 ID: a9349f

Run! I didn’t fire those shots, someone else has a gun in here!

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1102232 No. 1102232 ID: b57653 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Your name is Speedrun. You are an autistic lesbian. You've just transferred to a new school even though you are an 18 year old in her senior year.

Because your name is Speedrun you are obsessed with speedrunning, and now that you're starting a new school you've decided to attempt your greatest speedrun challenge yet: romance!

Just remember: if you fail to score a highschool sweetheart in record time, you'll be alone forever!

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No. 1104421 ID: 2f41db

Hold on.
Is... is this some rival lesbian attempting to beat your speedrun time?
Question her immediately!
No. 1104423 ID: d58817

Fire with fire. We're dragging his girlfriend out of the closet so we can get with her, we need to drag him out of the closet so he can leave her.

You know what gay boys like? Dicks. Casey's got a fine dick. Pull Casey's skirt up so he can be awakened to his true nature, and realize that there's no future for him and Sunny together.
No. 1104429 ID: 6c233e

This guy thinks he's Espio. Show him he's just a Charmy by letting Casey flirt with him.
No. 1104445 ID: 9b76c6

What's that supposed to be, Instant Transmission? Tell him that Super Sonic beats SS Goku any day of the week.
No. 1104446 ID: d30887

"Oh, you know. Your old biddy hired me to be your standard 'rival for affections'."
>What the heck does that mean
"Your family paid me to try to steal your girlfriend. And I'm gonna do it if you don't try harder to maintain your relationship. See, they want you to understand that as a prodigy, you're expected to pay back for all the investment and entitlement you've been given your whole life. If you can't hold a girlfriend with all your powers and money, then it means there's something very wrong with you and leaving it untreated could hurt your company in the long run. But for reals, you got a good girlfriend and imma make sure someone treats her right. Make sure it's you."

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