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1087619 No. 1087619 ID: 6290ec hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

If we open our minds to the existence of other universes, there's no limit to the possibilities that we could experience in the world of boning.
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No. 1103977 ID: dbb67d

No. 1103980 ID: 072480

C, B
Maybe Cekachii's embarrassment is getting to her. Z
No. 1103987 ID: d30ef0

This. Maybe the vents are not cold right? ...are they?
No. 1103994 ID: 0480e2

No. 1104005 ID: 7a406e

Z C just don't think about the noise levels and what moving your head is going to do in this moment!

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1074204 No. 1074204 ID: 0b594e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Rumors abound of the city.
They say it just appeared one day.
They say no one has ever seen its top.
They say it is a place of mystic secrets and wild pleasures.

But before we can get to that...
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No. 1103996 ID: 6c233e
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Martah: "Ah ha ha ha ha, what a silly question! Anyone can be anywhere right?"

shaggy shon: "Huh?"

spiky shon: "Sure sure, but we need to put away these linens."

Martah: "dghhtdkh uh, but uh, there's a mess! If you go in you could step on something, uh, sharp. Or gross."

spiky shon: "So who's cleaning it up?"

Martah: "Uh, Sinni?"

spiky shon: "Why's he here?"

Martah: "He was delivering... milk?"
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No. 1104000 ID: 273c18

Uhh. You should've stuck with one explanation...

Oh well, one of them caught on to what's really happening. You already said who's in there so there'll be trouble unless you get them to keep quiet, and the only good way to do that is bribery. Offer body mods in exchange for their silence.
No. 1104001 ID: 4ee17d

When in doubt, bribe your way out.
No. 1104002 ID: 037fcc

Well, it was always going to be real difficult to explain away NOISES. Sinni owes you for this, I don't think running interference was part of the deal. I guess the only thing for it is to resort to hushed, conspiratorial whispers and let them in on the deal, see if we can get them interested in our services. If they want something from us, they're less likely to act against us. Note that this is leading towards you becoming the hush-hush secret affairs people, so...I guess decide how comfortable you are with that, haha, and steer accordingly. Seems likely a powerful position, but also one that can turn on you in an instant.
No. 1104003 ID: 9bbb0e

Yes indeed.

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1095767 No. 1095767 ID: e25c20 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This is the continuation of the second chapter of the Chasing Shadows and Hunting Rats.

Chapter 1


Chapter 2 part 1


Discussion Thread

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No. 1103896 ID: e1219d

>>1103872 He's right - these are doctors. Plus they *already* healed our people. Why do they need a loyalty test if they helped us? Say Abdle and Gramleza - perhaps your opinions would be worthwhile?
No. 1103928 ID: 02bcda
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) mr. Yakbeet deserves a proper burial.

B) Hold the pieces of mr. Yakbeet in your hands.

C) Use the soul of the Happy Snail to cheer you all up.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1103950 ID: c5529d

B. we'll keep his remains, if I remember correctly, he's a toy, we might be able to get him fixed. If not, his remains can be used for something better. His death will not be in vain

also, D. We'll next need to formulate a plan, but one thing we need to do first is alert anybody out of the castle what is going on. If they are ready I'm thinking we should send a rat spy to search out Gram, and tell her what happened so she can be prepared. Then, after that, the spy should search out Victorio the archer and Executor who is on their way back and let them too know about what happened so they can be prepared too.

We could actually try to probably send 2 rat spies, one to gram, and one to Victorio and executor if possible. We should tell the rats to stay away from going along the direction of the river where the cat went if they can help it, and stay under cover as much as they can so they don't get spotted by her. Once they reach their destinations, they should stay with the person(s) they sent the messages to for protection.

the message the spies should give to our fighters is to have Gram, the archer, and executor to meet up, and sneak back to the castle at midnight tomorrow when we confront the cat.
Once close to midnight comes, they should get into hiding positions we tell them to go, and wait further instructions from the lesser demons (us).

Archer and executor should also be told to be careful about protecting the goblin prince if he decided to come. With the cat out and making moves, she would definitely want to kidnap someone as important as him if she spots them on the way back to the castle, especially now that we have her crow ally hostage, she would probably want to kidnap him too. For now, instead of taking the goblin prince directly to the castle, they should wait and keep hidden.

I was wondering if we can give the rats a portion of the potion for themselves, and
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No. 1103995 ID: 477903

So let me get this straight, the cat stole coins from us, killed guards, and most likely kidnapped Gram and finally cut mr. Yakbeet in half, this thief needs to go down! She fucked around and now it is the time to find out why curiosity will kill the cat! As for suggestion C) it is strange, like it doesn't fit with the two other ones. Maybe this is just me overthinking things but what do we got to lose at this point. I suggest the odd option C), may gods have mercy on our souls for the suggestion to release that thing.
No. 1103998 ID: 6c233e

B) was he ever alive?

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1093931 No. 1093931 ID: 9f8647 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A brief prequel to Lazy Fairy where nothing important happens.

Lazy Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy

Art & Writing by Donut: https://questden.org/wiki/Donut
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No. 1103983 ID: 833743
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Sure enough, Ellie is determined to pay you back for earlier. She asks you to swap cards- and you turn it right around on her with the King.

“Come at the King, you best not miss!” you declare, flipping the card over to Ellie’s dismay. “The King dares you to… plunder and pillage Rocio’s panty drawer!”

“Pan-ty raid! Pan-ty raid!” the circle chants.

“Oh, no!” Ellie wails.

Ellie’s glow has faded more than a little as she got drunk. She’s a focus-oriented fairy, unlike Landi, whose glow is powered by being a social butterfly. A good, solid task like this should restore Ellie’s glow to a nice and healthy shine. Still, it’s on you to keep an eye on her as she takes a detour to the sorority house and make sure Drunk Ellie makes it to and back safely.

“Don’t you want to clear your head with a good ol’ homework assignment?” you ask. “It’ll be like extra credit for the party. Look how excited everyone is for you!”

Ellie’s glow brightens up immediately. If you position yourself as the Teacher, of course she’d be the Teacher’s Pet.

“I’ll go with her and make sure things don’t get too crazy,” you tell Landi, who nods, grateful not to have to leave the party. You’re a little disappointed you’re missing out on the fun too, but you knew what you signed up for when you took the deal to get Ellie along in the first place.
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No. 1103988 ID: 6b8094

You take the black & white one. Ellie takes the monkey!
No. 1103989 ID: cf3f73

Honestly, I don't think Vivi has any strong feelings on the various styles of undergarment, aside from writing a few off as too colorful.

Therefore, I propose that Vivi selects the pair with a horse character, because she subconsciously remembers Landi talking about trojan horses earlier.

As for Ellie, since she's not swapping her current pair for these, you don't have to consider your bodyguard role in this. Vivi still lacks strong opinions on most of the undies. If she takes the horse for herself though, then perhaps Ellie can have the monkey to match having animal prints?
No. 1103990 ID: 55bda4

Vivi: horse
Ellie: Monke

Consider: what if Vivi or Ellie wears the panties on their head? Ellie cause she drunk enough, Vivi because it’s fun
No. 1103997 ID: 6c233e

cute hearts for Ellie, fancy stars for Vivi
And of course they go on the head. Where else do you wear extra panties?

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1099443 No. 1099443 ID: 65be43 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

There is a most likely chance for this quest to go in the NSFW direction. The whole concept is that this will be a wrestling tournament against all sorts of strange fighters from different worlds.
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No. 1103681 ID: 6c233e

Okay, the important thing to figure out here is weather this is somehow real or just an illusion.
Rush the colossus and kick it in the shin.
No. 1103730 ID: cffa33

Dont just blindly attack. That might be a trap too.
No. 1103779 ID: cd8b22

If this is an illusionist type fighter, the big monster is probably a trick to distract you while the real attack gets set up
No. 1103992 ID: bf043e

No. 1103993 ID: 820b82
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Choose how you want for the fight to continue.

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1101551 No. 1101551 ID: 86847c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Adult content 18+

First thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/860238.html
Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Moot_Point
Previous chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1073931.html
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No. 1103956 ID: 81705d
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Caleb laughs and hefts Kol in one arm, slinging him over his shoulder. He announces, “I’m gonna go fuck seven kinds of stupid into this mouse here! You lot are welcome to join in.” Before turning his scarred back and heading below-decks.
No. 1103958 ID: 787444

A few voyeurs can't hurt! Good ol' Mice Fuckin to Chill and Plan Heists to
No. 1103961 ID: cb76eb

Sounds like a show!
No. 1103978 ID: c8380b

Nemo might take him up on the offer. He hasn't been with the mice for a while. Also Caleb is hotter than he expected.
No. 1103991 ID: cfbe63

Haven't had all 3 mice have fun with Caleb yet, by all means go for it.

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1102232 No. 1102232 ID: b57653 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Your name is Speedrun. You are an autistic lesbian. You've just transferred to a new school even though you are an 18 year old in her senior year.

Because your name is Speedrun you are obsessed with speedrunning, and now that you're starting a new school you've decided to attempt your greatest speedrun challenge yet: romance!

Just remember: if you fail to score a highschool sweetheart in record time, you'll be alone forever!

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No. 1103973 ID: 4c750c

We should probably apologize for the collisions earlier. Also make sure not to address Sunny by name until she introduces herself. Otherwise things might be a little weird.
No. 1103975 ID: d58817

You should tell her that you're staring at her because she's the prettiest lesbian you've seen all day.
No. 1103981 ID: 2f41db

This three!
Remember to wink.
Thats what makes words flirty.
No. 1103984 ID: fe12b4

he wasn't a robot, he was a biologically engineered supersoldier project
No. 1103985 ID: fe12b4

he wasn't a robot, he was a biologically engineered supersoldier project

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1102658 No. 1102658 ID: 1effd3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]


From frost and dust, opportunities lie amongst the ruins.
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No. 1103812 ID: d30887

I've been thinking about Toxin + Ore. Thinking about it a lot.
No. 1103813 ID: 2f41db

What is our current carried count?

Oh, and we can invert a few tremors if we need to.
Ice is an advanced on and we dont know what happens with ice tremor or ice breeze yet.
Not sur on the former but the latter sound a good candidate for a cone of arctic air.
No. 1103816 ID: 0db8d3

That's fantastic!

I wanna see Primal combined with something. Perhaps Life, Nature, or Potion?
No. 1103821 ID: 9bbb0e

Maybe we can find another bag in one of these, or a storage container for our stuff back home.
No. 1103979 ID: 56db77

so I'm a bit curious as to what happens if you combine a primal with eldritch

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1102569 No. 1102569 ID: 7b2ea9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

A Quest about Being out of Place

Reality shudders,
and where nothing had been,
there are now two Agents.
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No. 1103919 ID: 7b7513

Check your pockets for some cigarettes.
No. 1103924 ID: 273c18

...maybe they don't sell them here? We can't see all the shelves.
No. 1103926 ID: 63709c

Hopefully it isn't cigs or tissues but instead a wad of cash. Then you can buy him cigs and get lots of snacks!
No. 1103949 ID: 273c18

Oh that could be useful. The bathroom might be for paying customers only or something...
No. 1103972 ID: 4c750c

Hmm… if he’s hiding info, and he’s jittery from withdrawals, we might be able to get some info out of him if we collapse “pack of tissues” pocket. If we can land the cigarettes, we can bribe him into telling us what’s really going on here. Info first, then give cigarettes.

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1076048 No. 1076048 ID: c4908b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You go by Vex. You are an ARMS DEALER by trade and you've been at this for a couple of years now.

At the moment, you're having a smoke to try and calm down the adrenaline rush from almost (successfully) being SET UP.

R18. nsfw/gore/body horror potential. heavy themes including self harm may be explored (but not explicitly). Toxic Yuri Guaranteed.
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No. 1103915 ID: 273c18

Bit of a hard choice between A and B. On the one hand, a new place means new SMELLS to smell! On the other hand, you just said you desire stability.
No. 1103953 ID: d30887

No. 1103962 ID: 6c233e

A) haven't you had enough of the grind? You have a home, a job, not safe but stable. It doesn't bring you happiness, does it?
No. 1103964 ID: 73a678

A's tempting just due to the sheer scale of it. Trying to find something out there, at the price of everything else? It could be a lot better...could be a lot worse. The ultimate gamble. Forget stability, though.

B is more what we're used to. Things are familiar, and you know the pitfalls and potentials, but likely you'll be stuck going only so far, and it'll be a lot harder because your obstacles are likely going to be familiar with YOU, too. Stability for all the good and ill. Near the opposite of A.

C sounds like a more 'safe' version of A...but with the potential of it all coming back around on you. And we're smart enough to know that you're never going to completely run away from your past, even if only in your own head.

Although thinking about it like that...yeah. A is very tempting, considering you might start out with more than you had, and you can see about making THAT stable. It can't get THAT much worse, can it?
No. 1103970 ID: 0db8d3

Wait... Is A even Possible?
That sounds like a childhood dream...
Do... Do you have an A?

Like a real adventure? Like the sort of thing we hear about in games, stories

... If so, that's hard to pass up.
Something so fanciful. So Romantic. Could you imagine? Just... Escape this life entirely... Step into something that's not... this... To not run but to rather go somewhere entirely beyond. A truly fresh start?

Honey, if you got that than HELL YES! Take that plunge!
No one alive could blame you. That's the sort of thing that dreams are made of. The sort of thing that truly only comes about once in a life time. You don't let that kind of thing go. not ever.

The rest of us though... We're stuck with givin' our best with what we got. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just... If someone offered you wings... wouldn't you want to fly?

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1098850 No. 1098850 ID: c1a22b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Henry the wolf and Jess the fox get married and settle into domestic life

Discussion thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html

NSFW, warning for anything that might happen in an abusive relationship. Will update every other day.
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No. 1103867 ID: 9b76c6

You're thinking too much about this. There's a hole in front of you where the penis goes in and children come out, that's all that matters.
No. 1103870 ID: 3937ba

Henry, you want to have not just kids, but a family, right? How much does it matter to you what sort of place Jess has in your kids' life? If Jess still wants kids, then that's potentially good, but not if it means a separation in seven to ten years--unless you're happy being a single dad trying to juggle a career in medicine with a large family. Can you trust Jess to be a parent with you? While Jess has claimed to still want kids, how well do you share a vision of what family life would be like?
No. 1103882 ID: f2320a


Not really A more a-ish but that ends up leaning B) want to make it work but expecting another out of nowhere freakout
I had not even considered that more secretly started taking Tes pills and starving to lose feminine curves and become rail thin while building muscles to lose tits and ass
No. 1103897 ID: f2320a

Possibility mentioning something like B) would get jess a kick in the ass instead of for weeks and weeks acting like nothing happened
No. 1103933 ID: 23cf5d

Unless Jess clarifies what he wants out of this aside from sex, if they're really feeling the same as the relation started or if they're saying that because they feel bad about the effort you put up.
Then proceed to assess if its deserving of an A.

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1100423 No. 1100423 ID: 89a43f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Moving Out is a horror roguelike quest about getting the hell out of the house. It will contain themes of dehumanization, abusive places, agoraphobia, isolation, and the upward struggle of recovery. Associated content warnings may include transformative body horror, gore, self harm, imprisonment, and unreality.
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No. 1103880 ID: 273c18

You're unarmed, so killing the rat without getting scratched seems unlikely. Shut the door and check a different room.
No. 1103884 ID: 037fcc

Will it attack unprovoked? Or can you just let it do its thing while you e.g. yoink a computer or w/e?
No. 1103899 ID: 56db77

Use hat to protect your hand and splat the rat
No. 1103904 ID: 0b207b

seconding this. is there any REASON to kill it, or can you guys just chill in the same room together? if they have historically been hostile, just leave. we can come back when/if we find something better to splat the rat with.
No. 1103920 ID: 8f9bc4

You've died so many times, you can take a few more. Focus on learning and testing things, without regard for your own survival. Increase your headgear ranking by wearing the rat as a hat.

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1099846 No. 1099846 ID: 10bc9b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[nsfw/R18. content warnings: blood/gore/graphic violence, body horror, themes of suicide and dysphoria]
[disthread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/143113.html ]


[UNIDENTIFIED USER] "Omigod. Did that actually work?"
[UNIDENTIFIED USER] "Omigod. Omigod. Did I just put a bunch of dead people in my eyeball. Oh, shit. Ohhhh. Fuck!"
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No. 1103826 ID: 3ab697

i want that twink obliterated. can one of you in the vit pit PLEASE boil him alive
No. 1103861 ID: 126f0a



No. 1103900 ID: 992af8

Actually, you know what? I'm jumping into Delve to get a vibe check from the inside. Their ominous calm and extraordinarily spooky aura have intrigued me too much. I won't stay long; one more percent shouldn't hurt too badly, right?
No. 1103901 ID: b2beca

>one more percent shouldn't hurt too badly, right?
Delve is much farther away from Dez than Veil and Vittorio are, though. I have a feeling that the damage caused by jumping between ossuaries might be directly proportional to the distance.
No. 1103902 ID: 0db8d3

Holy shit my virtual brain(let) is working!
I got Dis!
Someone tell Veil to lower aural sensitivity like NOW!


Do I need to Knock the mic physically into a speaker? Tap in and inject the waveform directly? Smack into the DJ's head aural skulldeck?

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1103827 No. 1103827 ID: 5926c4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

NSFW! A short post-valentines quest about love life in the afterlife... and getting the author used to using a new tablet.
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No. 1103850 ID: 2f41db


We're good at food down here so i presume the meal is sorted.
At the very least we'll gave a couple of mortal souls that are held by us that would know food.
And, we are sex demons...
So, no panic about the cooking and the fooking.

The tricky part is the new stuff.
What do angels like?
Halo polish?
Trumpets! Fuck yes!

Oh yeah.
Maybe we can tell them we appreciate them for the help and think a lot of them or some junk.
No. 1103855 ID: a671e8

Something sweet and very good sex after as an unspoken apology for the hurried present.
Do you have time to bake a cake? Flower, sugar, milk, eggs and yeast. If you want to be fancy condensed milk and lemon for a quick frosting.
He will probable notice the improvised nature of the present and may be too polite to comment on it. Divert his attention by making he lay while you do all the work. Make sure he well served by no other than yourself.
No. 1103863 ID: c8741f

WELP, good thing about love: 100 ways to express it, which is also a bad thing because you gotta choose quick.
Well, in honor of what they have done for you it should probably be some kind of food, their favorite or enough for all to have a feast?
Does Havel enjoy more personal things or things that also help others? I can't tell with angels...
No. 1103881 ID: a12e22

Oooh! Give the fellow your True Name! It will feed his sense of trust in you forever. You can even write it on a cake for the guy!


Oh, this is going to be hilarious! Dezidious is the name of the tail, right? I'm pretty sure the tail is the one called that.
No. 1103898 ID: 56db77

Ok you've definitely messed up but the situatiin is probably still salvageable. First things you're going to need to do are: 1) Calm down and think clearly, 2)Remember all you can about what your feiend does and doesn’t like, 3)Think of what sorts of things they wouldn't normally get you wantthis to be special after all.

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1083617 No. 1083617 ID: 6be2b4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

First time doing a quest, bear with me if I mess up. :)
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No. 1103684 ID: d30887

No. 1103688 ID: 25fb94

((I will wait until Tanna is paying attention. I have nothing to say to anyone else))

Fox Here. Tanna? You deserve some rest. And I still want to absolutely talk your ear off (and maybe flirt some!) once you get to a place of safety and can relax and are no longer urgently expecting something horrible to happen to you soon. The sooner you can get some of these forces around you to back off and get this stuff under control and can get some real rest and rejuvenation, the better!
No. 1103719 ID: 2f41db

...come on back to us tanna.
Dangerous, deep waters of the mind lay that way.

That's why its good you chose not to leave them.
You fell.
They helped you back up.
Simple as that.
Despite all the unknowns and unresolved things between you, their reaction was to help.
Their hearts are good.

Rest well slinky.
You've earned it.

We're listening.
Cant promise you'll get an answer.
Also, can't promise not to just float here spending all my effort trying to manifest a spectral hand so i can flip you off.
No. 1103883 ID: a12e22

God, this update is amazing.Thank you for this quest, Capitulize, you have gone above and beyond for it!

>Did everything stay consistent?

Funny, I have been meaning to ask who that other dog-folk, the one with black fur and pointed ears that captured Tanna, was and where had gone.

And I swear some of Mina's fur pattern is different.

How stupendously foreboding!
No. 1104004 ID: a671e8

Don't you like it? Tanna though it was cute.
I think it's time we have a little talk. Do you have a reason not want to talk beside shyness?

A festa acabou
A luz apagou
O povo sumiu
A noite esfriou

What now? The original objective of keeping Tanna alive seem to have being a success. What else should we take in consideration moving forward?

In case you can't explain...

To Mina:

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1084176 No. 1084176 ID: 0d1c28 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This is a NSFW clothing damage adventure!
the quest will contain nudity and violence and possibly some sexual content
Lewd suggestions are encouraged but not required.

celebrate your future, celebrate your doom and prolong your final moments

This quest is funded by Patreon,
if you'd like to see more consider sending a few coins!

Previous Threads

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No. 1103616 ID: 6b8094

Walk in with authority, as you do.
No. 1103618 ID: 280bb3

A, Carry yourself with authority. Whether or not they actively believe in the cause, you don't want to leave any openings for them to needle you with any concerns or doubts they may have. A firm opening will make only the more resolute in their disagreement willing to speak up.
No. 1103621 ID: 833743

A, swagger in
No. 1103648 ID: 83221b

I vote for A.
No. 1103800 ID: 322af8

A) We are far too powerful for any other action choice.

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1085319 No. 1085319 ID: 88065e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I inquire the Agricultural capital governor who is in seemingly paranoia after hearing about the attacks in the main galaxy:
"So the capital has activated an energy source displacement field to supress its signals through spectrums and is currently playing dead apart from the few emergency power supplies that keep everyone alive?"

The governor replies
"That is so, we are much safer like this until core systems send a military power to protect our frontier galaxy, we don't even have handguns on the planet because of gun controls... This is the same demilitarized situation in many surrounding systems, and there are dozens fertile planets out here we simply cannot lose until reinforcements arrive. Core worlds replicate their food, but the frontier galaxies require good organic nutrition for growth and vitality."

I request the governor:
"Please governor, I know you might feel paranoid but you're in the presence of your Super Star Empress, unmask yourself."

"As you wish"
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No. 1100894 ID: b303e9
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>Shadow: Scorch and stun --
>Gene-Angel (1) evades

:Nebarian Mind Games
:Trystanian Mind Lock
:Saluris Primean Hook Twist
>Gene-Angel (2) stumbles and counter-attacks
No. 1100895 ID: b303e9
File 173356658182.png - (3.23MB , 2560x1440 , self_mutilate.png )

>Gene-Angel (2)
No. 1101047 ID: e8c40b

Ignore the injured Gene-Angel for now and focus on the remaining one. Have primer use Saluris Primean Hook Twist to try and catch it's blades and you try to flank it.
No. 1103576 ID: e59245
File 173921225959.png - (4.10MB , 2560x1440 , primean.png )

Hook Twist fails
No. 1103790 ID: 5f9994

Project a hologram of you charging towards the Gene-Angel to bait it to attack it and exploit that opening.

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1071850 No. 1071850 ID: ed041d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Clark IV, a world under fire.

The Interstellar Transit Authority currently holds the planet under martial law. The planet has seen a turbulent past century, guerilla fighters have been holding it hard and there has been no progress in taking hold.

Mercenary companies have been brought in to step in as a force multiplier, but they are beholden to no one but whoever pays the most.

Corporate entities have also begun to set their eyes on the planet below.

It is hell.
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No. 1103717 ID: 273c18

Oh maybe that's it. Instead of commanding movements, try sending more general commands. Maybe you can tell it to move to a specific spot somehow, and let the mech do all the fine details?
No. 1103764 ID: 6d1406
File 173954243813.png - (46.71KB , 635x337 , Mech273.png )


You decide to stop trying to puppet the Mech as you would others, and instead tell it to just go... forward.

You feel a sudden shift as the Mech rights itself and begins speeding forward, you can suddenly feel even more of it now, the hollows of its construction become very familiar sensations.

It's working so far, any other commands?
No. 1103765 ID: 273c18

Neat. Now try getting it to move in a specific path, like a curvy line or strafing. If there are targets set up you can see if it can attack.
Also something like telling it to pick up a rock off the ground.
No. 1103773 ID: 8f9bc4

OK good news: you figured it out!
bad news: this thing seems to be intelligent, to some degree.
Congratulations! You got a new working partner!
No. 1103783 ID: 6c233e

Picture something in your mind, like a dance move or fancy pose. See how well it can match. Something that wouldn't be preprogrammed in a military machine.

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1096080 No. 1096080 ID: 08229c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous Threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Audit_Quest
Support the author: https://ko-fi.com/calalen

This is a NSFW chapter!

My name is Mary.

I own a dungeon.

Not by choice, mind you. I was forced into this when the previous owner placed a curse on me after I tried to audit him. Now I'm the ruler of this place.

I am currently very sick...

This was also not by choice. As I drift into a fevered dream there is but one thing on my mind...

Boobs. Literally. I can't breath.

Is this how I die....?
340 posts and 96 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1103310 ID: baee29

No. 1103312 ID: 660f7a

Snap your fingers and command her like a puppy. Trust me, she'll grow a tail just to wag it whenever you order her around.
No. 1103375 ID: e5e504

This should work.
But first, better wisper to her that the saveword is BANANA.
No. 1103383 ID: dc4bad

I think she might be caught in a disbelief loop, she might need something external to jumpstart the ol' thought processes again and let her know this is for real.

something lewd but not super harmful (just in case). hmm...

Hand holding, interlocked fingers.
just move slowly so as not to startle her.
No. 1103755 ID: b4c241

Feeling a bit overwhelmed, is she? No problem, I've got a nice idea that'll give her time to process things.

She must have been having fantasies for a while, hasn't she? I'll bet she's dreamed up all sorts of erotic contraptions she'd like to use on Mary. My proposal is this: she can design a machine for us to try, and after we're done with this dungeon run, we'll let her use it for... let's say 3 minutes for each star they give us in their review.

Does that sound appealing? Dungeoneer will have time to react at her own pace with a generous amount of anticipation, and you'll get something to look forward to later without having it distract you now. Putting it on your schedule would help get those nagging thoughts out of the way, I think.

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1055221 No. 1055221 ID: 1015ea hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Life is dull.
There’s no other way around it.
You’ve worked hard - you’ve contributed to society. But at the end of the day, all you come back to is that same old TV in your livingroom.

An acrid scent lingers in your hovel. You’d say its the same sight you’ve known for years now, but the truth is that the bits of plaster in the back seem to be peeling off more and more every day.

At least you still had your television set.

You had set the damn thing up a while back - a radio transceiver, typically made for logistical workers hauling goods over long distances. Jury-rigging a spare set to act as a television antennae was difficult, but it was better than nothing.
Still, the microphone dangled off the side, the cord twisting and untwisting as you try to navigate to the mildly interesting soap opera you caught the tail-end of last night.
Turning the knob, a picture starts to form, blanketed under a layer of static. For once, it doesn’t sound like a pre-recorded show.
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No. 1103172 ID: 24bc66
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The most pertinent plan is to investigate what’s in the small room first. Messing with electricity in a low-light environment sounds like a bad idea.

“Davey, I think it’s time to use one of the flares. Search the control room.”
He leans away from the flare as it bursts to life, temporarily rendering the screen white. Moments later, it calms, fizzing with blazing intensity as Davey sheepishly places it onto a table nearby.

“Agh… it’s so red in here… my eyes kinda hurt…”

Of course, since your television can’t pick up any colours from Davey’s camera, it’s still black and white.
Uncovered by the flare’s light, more of the room takes shape - control panels, dust and debris, untouched for who knows how long.
Across the room, rows of lockers loom, casting shadows against the walls.

“O-ok, time to get going! These flares won’t last forever!”

Davey begins to search the room, leaving the camera on a table as you catch him scurrying around in the back.
An issue occurs to you as Davey searches the control room for supplies. Even if he was able to find supplies to bridge across the gap from before, how would he build it, and how would he carry it over? He’s far from the most physically proficient mouseman around, from his escapades earlier in the day. Bridging across the gap alone may prove difficult.
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No. 1103174 ID: 24bc66
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Soon, Davey returns with the dimming flare, its once-bright flare now dwindled down to a fainter glow.

Davey arranges his findings in a haphazard pile, mulling it over as the flare light begins to dim further. Outside of old rotten paper that’s not even good for kindling, it’s a bit of a meager pile.

- A metal pole
- What appears to be three pieces of rusted metal sheeting about as tall as Davey
- A box of nails (no hammer)
- A hand-cranked drill
- A saw
- The key (not for the big door or lockers, for something smaller)

“Seems like there used to be some construction work down here, Rory. But it’s a little strange - I couldn’t really figure out what these control panels do, and I’ve cleared out the shelves.

Overall, it proves disappointing, but Davey had only searched through the closest area around him. The lockers remain unopened, though it would take some effort to pry open.

The flare dims around Davey as he sits, thinking.

Looks like there’s a few options from what to do from here:

- Continue searching the control room, expending another flare in the process.
- Head down the dumbwaiter to look for more possible routes forward.
- Think of a plan for bridging the gap despite Davey’s physical limitations, using the materials he’s discovered and what could be lying around in his house. (You will be given a chance to decide if he should go ahead with the plan or not after deliberation.)
No. 1103500 ID: 3df1ab

Let's try this dumbwaiter.
No. 1103502 ID: 6c233e

None of this looks like enough to deal with the gap, so dumbwaiter.

Although, it was hard to gauge the width of the pit from our view. Does the table look like it would be long enough to bridge? Also, are the shelves attached to the wall, or is it a freestanding unit?
No. 1103734 ID: 5e1281

It's going to have to be the dumbwaiter.

Unless you want to use the metal pole as an impromptu hammer to nail the sheets together and bridge the gap. Unlikely to succeed, but it's an option.

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