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1071850 No. 1071850 ID: ed041d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Clark IV, a world under fire.

The Interstellar Transit Authority currently holds the planet under martial law. The planet has seen a turbulent past century, guerilla fighters have been holding it hard and there has been no progress in taking hold.

Mercenary companies have been brought in to step in as a force multiplier, but they are beholden to no one but whoever pays the most.

Corporate entities have also begun to set their eyes on the planet below.

It is hell.
670 posts and 230 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1097114 ID: 63709c

Looks like he's set up to barrage you as cover to close distance and spike.
So how about this? Beat him to the punch with your own charge. Boost up and shield slam him like a snowboarder. Even if he can spike through the shield he'll only hit your legs. Then he'll be open for smg to the face.
No. 1097115 ID: 1effd3

"Quick question, how will this be any fun for you when I haven't even reloaded yet?"
No. 1097117 ID: eb0a9c

Freak him out.

Cut comms, mash the controls, and shoot blindly around him. While he's distracted, boost up wildly - then change tactics and burst-fire straight to his legs.
No. 1097121 ID: fd7f7d

So many possible one-liners... "Oh this isn't hell?" "Perhaps in a few decades." "Ain't gettin' paid enough to die." Still, gotta go with this. "Sorry - too busy impressing your employers." Looks like he's mostly got explosives. Get too close for him to use those without blowing himself up. Just watch out for that right arm of his - whatever it is it's not a hand.
No. 1097122 ID: b3eab7

"So, is there an assassination mission on me yet, or are you doing this pro bono?"

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1096749 No. 1096749 ID: 4591f8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

[NSFW possibly]

You seem to be in a quest.
56 posts and 23 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1097098 ID: 4591f8
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???: "Can I please have my hat back?"

You give him his hat back.


You ask your host for his name.

???: "My name is Treachery. What's yours?"

No. 1097100 ID: 812e4b

No. 1097102 ID: b60ac5

Bowling Ball Head
No. 1097108 ID: 861ceb

maybe the hawk thing was some kind of devine irony. Oh and speaking of hawks, your child is awake it seems. Make sure they get some soup as well.
No. 1097120 ID: 6914c1

"Mom My but i have been called Little My as a nickname"
Moomin troll's for the win

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1093054 No. 1093054 ID: 9ea24b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Anime is real.

Discussion: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html

Setting enforced SFW. Will update every other day with at least two pictures and vague colors based on the outcome of a unanimous patron poll.
383 posts and 86 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1097066 ID: 2f41db

C, but gently.
Tell them how since youve got here every action youve taken has been focused on putting right the damage caused.
You did the textiles course with the sole goal of being able to heal the most heavily injured.
Not for fun.
Not for the prize.
To fix people.
Trying this on anyone is the last thing you want to do, but if it can result in cleaner healed wounds everyone benefits. Even long after you and the others have left this place.
They know gun better than you, but even you could tell if he was given the choice between a more solid healing or the best stitching you could do, hed take the risk.
Not just for himself, but for the others who will benefit.
Let it be known that the time turner is held in reserve so if anything goes wrong it can be reversed.
No. 1097095 ID: f52a0b

Well, if Pinch doesn't want to take the risk, we can't just do B without her consent. I'd jump straight into the hand on stove technique if it was just us, but it's her body too.

But Timewinder is too existentially valuable to use in anything but an emergency. Luckily no one actually knows about it either, since Pinch is a sneaky devil about it. Let's not mention it at all.

C. I wouldn't completely dismiss their claims that normal homunculi have been the ones getting hurt, but Kentaro has also been the one testing and pioneering ways to repair the damage.

And they're not wrong to be worried about their friend. If something goes wrong, we could ruin Gun's torso and compromise his body permanently. We should at least stitch him conscious and get his informed consent before attempt any procedure.

If Mushi wanted, we could also test with an attempt to reattach his hand. There's still a risk of losing it, so don't pressure him.
No. 1097097 ID: f52a0b

Even better, one of 'us' had their teeth cut off after biting the other on the face. Now we worked together and stopped a deranged serial killer from another town. It's a hell of a best we're doing here.
No. 1097118 ID: 9ea24b
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>Strong C
You don’t want to wait until after Gun wakes up to ask for his permission because that’ll take a long time and you likewise won’t be able to remove any side effects with Timewinder because you’re pretty sure a long time is more than a day. Since you’ve decided not to use the spell, you’ll keep the fact that you have it a secret.

You: Both Pinch and Kentaro have gotten hurt, remember? Pinch stuck Kentaro with her pincers and then got them cut off in retaliation. No one expected all of this to happen, especially not for there to be weapons that caused catastrophic injuries. I’ve been trying to minimize damage and help fix people this whole time! Everyone benefits if I do this experiment, and I’ll be super careful.

Mushi: Okay, that’s all true, but those injuries aren’t on the same scale as ours and even if you have been trying to help it doesn’t give you permission to experiment on us. If you’re not willing to test the stove on yourself first, I’m going to ask for Gun back so I can sew him together and put him to bed.

You: What? C’mon Mushi, you know Gun would take the risk if it meant he could fight again.

Mushi: Maybe, but he can’t tell us right now, can he? Doing something like this would just be wrong. Give me Gun or I’ll push the button and call the Creator here to fix everything.

Even Raito looks surprised at this ultimatum and Kage gets up from the chair to block Mushi’s path to the button. The green-haired boy puts up his fists.

Raito: Everyone calm down, let’s not fight. Kench, it’d be best if you gave us Gun.

Mushi: Um, but please prep him for sewing with your pincer before you hand him over.
No. 1097119 ID: 9ea24b
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You scowl at Raito and prepare to tell him and Mushi to fuck off, but you’re interrupted.

Rattus: Kench, they think–

Rattus: We think–

Rattus: I think that you should listen to my friend Raito.

You: Your friend?!

Rattus: Yes, he has been a good audience to my stories and helped me understand the Creator better. He’s an intelligent young fellow.

Rattus: I like him!

Raito: Oh thank you Rattus, I’m honored you consider me a friend. I know you’re a very responsible and moral individual, just like our Creator.
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1089578 No. 1089578 ID: 521475 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Despite some of you being complete strangers, you've all been seated together at a restaurant in Nexus, due to the law against dining alone after sundown. Some guy tried to sell you a memory crystal containing a treasure map.
A pretty lady at another table (who turned out to be dragon-blooded) bought him a drink (which turned out to contain yozi venom) and then, while he was dying, grabbed the crystal and ran off. Might want to be out of town before her employer realizes that one of you actually managed to boot it up first, and got a pretty good look at the map.
Site's over a thousand miles away, but most of that would be river travel, and there's an underground manse, so it should be easy enough to zero in on with geomantic surveying tools even if the map, or your memory or navigational skills, end up a few miles off-target.
If somebody's willing to pay for yozi venom (which is not cheap!) to cover it up, gotta be something seriously valuable out there.

Destination is ~800 mi southeast of Nexus as the crow flies, and half that far north-northeast of the ruins of Denandsor, right in the middle of rocky uplands between the headwaters of the Rolling River and a minor tributary of the Grey River.
So, you could take a more direct route up the Grey, but then face a longer trek overland,
or start by going up the Yellow past Great Forks and then turn south along the Rolling.
Or try something more complicated, to take advantage of esoteric travel options and/or throw off potential pursuit.

Houserule hub: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10VAUEYEqWYWcQ9gz4bk9uok8OkAIYl1cy50KEw2y75o
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No. 1096873 ID: cfc7cc

It's an iron circle necromancy spell, "Hungry Creeping Shadow." Agents of the Mask of Winters sometimes use it to stop riots by silencing visible leaders. Gives up the chase if you can evade it for an hour, or when touched by fire. If it already grabbed the target, fire usually won't save them, and it only goes after one person per casting anyway. Immune to ordinary weapons.

After Cold, Woe, and the lizardfolk are through the door and it's closed behind them, G'ruk runs a finger along the seams, and stone flows like wax to seal it shut. The rest of them keep moving down the dark tunnel: sixty feet north, ten feet east, then, halfway down a flight of stairs which descend 20' over the course of 30' horizontally they abruptly stop. The lizardman with the blue scars indicates a small hole in the north wall.
>"It will come through here. How fast can you have a torch lit?"

Easy enough to loop a rope around one of the pillars to the north, but the muck continues, though gradually less deep.

Northern passage continues almost another hundred feet, ending with a wrecked marble statue - late shogunate style, probably the eastern goddess of war but it's difficult to be sure with the head missing - and a pair of doors to the east and west. There are tracks in the muck. Recent, human-sized, leading back and forth between those doors, but not toward the way you came in.
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No. 1096880 ID: 0b12aa

rolled 1, 2, 5, 10, 4, 5, 10, 4, 3, 8 = 52

Woe will try to light a torch as fast as she can. I assume this is Dex + Survival, but I'll just roll 10 dice in case there's something I don't know. If it is Dex + Survival, then only count the first 5.
No. 1096975 ID: 474d8e

rolled 7, 5, 8, 3, 1, 6, 3, 1, 5 = 39

Shaking his head at how Woe stands behind him, he unsheathes his Daiklaive & turns to G'ruk. The solid disc of his Zenith aspect shining upon his brow

"I do serve the one most high, he has turned his face from creation for far too long. I endeavour to return things to their former glory & send darkness scurrying back from whence it came. One day i hope to follow them to bring light to their dark realms"

(Charisma + Presence to inspire G'Ruk 4 dice + 5 for StoryTeller discretion, spent 1 mote to cause Zenith Caste Mark to show at 8-10 anima flare)
No. 1097012 ID: 0e6df4

rolled 6, 4, 10, 4, 8, 4, 5, 7, 9, 6, 5, 1, 4, 7, 9, 2, 1, 1, 3, 8, 4, 9, 3, 9, 5, 5, 1, 8, 6, 10 = 164

Spinel directs her familiar to examine the fissure, cautiously. Is this a seam or opening connected to a secret passage?

(Perception 4 + Awareness 3 + While Undetected +3)
No. 1097116 ID: debc59

"Hey, man, don't blame me for not coming prepared with a magic weapon. Blame the monster for being so inconsiderate that he's immune to regular weapons!"

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1096162 No. 1096162 ID: 3f89df hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Quick ENF One-Shot to get back in the rhythm of posting updates.

-NSFW for lots of nudity (And possible sexual themes/sex? You guys better not get freaky with an anthropomorphic version of myself. )
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No. 1097079 ID: 861ceb

well, with your shirt all torn up you need to find somewhere where you'd blend in. Head towards the strip club where no one will give you a second glance while you try and find something to cover yourself up with. Hell maybe you'll get lucky and be able to nab some of the striper's clothes when they toss their clothes to the side.
No. 1097094 ID: 355e44

Does anyone still get physical newspapers in your neighborhood? That would be an easy fix for your shirt problem.
No. 1097099 ID: 3d8568

wear your shirt backwards! the perfect crime! will cover up your breasts (but inconveniently reveal your crotch since the backside was drafty, probably revealing your butt)

And yeah maybe look for some newspaper, but also remember that you left a key somewhere in the yard. Hopefully mr or ms angry squirrel you just pissed off isn't there waiting for you later, wherever it is... not that you remember right now!
No. 1097106 ID: 38f06c

Maintenece: Shirt backwards, get a newspaper. Also, think you can use the morning dew on the grass as liquid to stick some leaves on your private parts?

What do: got a trampoline? If not, steal borrow one from a neighbor, and drag it under the open window. Then, bounce bounce bounce higher and higher until you can reach and climb in the window. Dont worry, its totally not because we wanna see your breasts bounce or anything

god of ENF, Plz make worm derklord bounce so high, that she overshoots how high she bounces, ends up in the sky, and fall into a moving pickup truck full of pillows that will drive her farther from her home
No. 1097110 ID: 2f41db

Lick leaf.
Slap on nipple.
Instant shame free existance.

That was a particularly nasty squirrel.
Remember where he is though.
Four would be all youd need to fashion an emergency furkini.
If you could find acorns, youd be able to do it without skinning them.
Just negotiate and hire them to hang on to the relevant areas until youre home free.

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1086689 No. 1086689 ID: 2eb1da hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

NSFW for nudity and possible lewdness
Chapter 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/823974.html
Chapter 2: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1059064.html
Chapter 3: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1068906.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Calliope
122 posts and 35 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1097068 ID: dd3fe0

Hmmm. I'll do my best. I'm not an angel, so I'm not super powerful. But you could think of me like a wizard, I guess? Well, wizard student. I'm still learning what I can do! Is there anything neat you've learned recently?
No. 1097069 ID: 355e44

That's the best you can do. Anything more would be a promise you can't keep.
No. 1097071 ID: 04adf0

Tell him not yet, but when he is an adult, you will meet again to fulfill that promise.
No. 1097072 ID: c8ca48

Hey as long as I'll be remembered, I'll never really go away, yeah? Such is life!
No. 1097109 ID: 7c151e


A child who lives what I can assume is a very wealthy neighborhood, but this tended to be the causation of his loneliness Is this what Carter's childhood consisted of? If so, I may be worried what may have happened to the real Carter. Speaking of him, quickly glance at adult Carter before turning back to his child-self.

As for the promise, for the sake of the child and Carter. Promise that you'll do then speak with him after this. Also, take a look at the drawings that Carter made, I can only assume they're just the monsters that appear in the card game he likes.

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1070092 No. 1070092 ID: 770f88 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

An Elimination Style Quest (Like Danganronpa)
Nsfw: Nudity, Blood and Gore, Intense themes.
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No. 1097090 ID: 3f89df
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Quickly skimming the calendar, it seems that Magicli writes it in two-week increments, most likely to keep us on our toes. A couple of dates catch my attention. When I focus on a particular day, one of Magicli's voices echoes. "It is currently Tuesday 9:45 Am, the upcoming dates are:

Week 1:
Tuesday 12:00 am

Magicli Q&A and meet and Greet:
Meet your new Teachers and Fellow students after our onboarding process. Ask any of us burning questions that may be on your mind, and we'll answer them with 100% accuracy and Truthfulness unless we deem your question to be a threat to the school, faculty, or students.

Tuesday 3:30 pm
Magical History:
Learn more about Magic and its ties to theology, how the goddesses affect certain types of Magic, the racial differences between their spawns, and how this affects their Magic; this will be as much a history lesson as a theology lesson.

Wednesday 12:00 am
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No. 1097091 ID: 3f89df
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"So, the thing I've discovered about Senuia is..." Wilabo's ear twitches, and when she hears Alex and me come down the hall, she turns around and smiles. "Oh! Heya! It's Super Bunny Gal and Dangerous Bull Man; How's it been, peeps?"
Iceli doesn't really say much; just waiting for a response.
I take the initiative:
No. 1097092 ID: 3f89df
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"Not great, Posini has been most definitely stalking me. Lately, I saw him four times yesterday, and last night he tried to stab me and sliced a little of my neck; thankfully, he didn't brush any of the arteries."
Wilabo's ears lower. "Oh, I heard about that; it happened in the casino, right? Posini got angry that you won the poker game and attempted to slice you for it. Are you hurt?"
I rub my neck, where a dull pain still exists. "A little bit; my Magic has been helping in the healing process, but it still stings from time to time."
"That's good, I haven't really seen posini at all, just when we all entred this school, and from even today, I don't know what he's really like, but from what I heard he's dangerous."
Iceli chimes in
"Do you think he's a serial killer? Or one of those other badguys? You the one who strips his victims bare after killing them, takes out their organs, and uses them for his potions? He does wear an mask all the time."
"Maybe, maybe or! Maybe he takes off their skin cleans their skulls, and then use them as a mask, his mask seemed very, bone-like, and his name would be the Bone-Wearer."
*Cough* They look right over to me; it seems they got their attention again.
"Iceli and Wialbo, me and Alex were wondering if you wanted to go the gym with us?"
Iceli stomps her feet in excitement. "Sure! I haven't really gone to the Gym that much, but I'm always ready to try new things!"
Wilabo hesitates a bit "I
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No. 1097093 ID: 3f89df
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"So Wilabo, how's it been living with Iceli?"
"Oh, it's been good, I've learned a lot more about her, that's for sure."
Iceli adds on:
"And we've been doing some other things as well besides anime, like games! Such as-"
Wilabo immediately begins fluttering her arms back and forth in front of Iceli's mouth, her face blush red. "Oh Uhmm Iceli! All that stuff's too dull, and they don't want to hear about it. Let's talk about ummm.... The magical rankings! Yeah!"
I think letting my imagination run wild was Wilabo's first mistake; her second mistake was being Wilabo, I think I get a decent idea of what those two are doing, and as much as I want to press them on it, I think allowing you to give suggestions on what should I say to tease her.

What should I ask Wilabo or Iceli during our walk, Beans? Having more information on them would be suitable for getting a good scope on them, both friendly and for any future plans.
No. 1097107 ID: a6d0a5

Eh, give her a break, as funny as teasing is, i think its time we got serious. Talking about the magical ranking is a good stepping stone. Talk about any concerns you might have on your ranking, and how its partly why you want to go to the gym, to train your magical abilities with your physical strength together and come up with some good combinations.

From there, you can talk about what kinds of magical abilities everyone has, and agree to keep each others' a secret within this friend group. Tell them you'd like to know so that we can come up with some fun training exercises and regimes based off of what abilities everyone has

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978305 No. 978305 ID: 2bd15b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

chapter 1 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/757996.html
chapter 2 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/777113.html
Discussion thread https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/107070.htm
Chapter 4 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/929115.html
Draw thread, where you can ask me to draw certain things

wiki https://tgchan.org/wiki/Root_and_Branches
1327 posts and 367 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1096696 ID: 355e44

*to Corax; you have a minute, I can't guarantee more.*
*Hopkins slows and then crosses to retrieve the cup of coffee*
I almost forgot, can't let it get cold. I wanted to ask as well, how certain is the tribunal that this Happy is in that room? Do you have a suspect in mind? Because all there seems to be so far is motives with no evidence.
No. 1096716 ID: e46b34
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No. 1096720 ID: 569817

You are all trying my patience.

Four five six seven eight nine.
No. 1096877 ID: 355e44

Corax is, uh, trying something a little unorthodox. If we just give him a minute, I think he's just about done.
No. 1097104 ID: b60ac5
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1089327 No. 1089327 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


These are the voyages of the starship The Shed Scale. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly come where no one has come before!

It’s a small thrust for you… but a huge plunge for Sakkilian kind!

Wiki and previous threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Starlight_Afterglow
150 posts and 46 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1097059 ID: 273c18

>IOD made everyone sterile
Ahh. That's what we detected in the scans, isn't it? Why did it disappear though? We need to do research. Scan people on the station to find people with the same "virus"(probably everyone), and then do various things to them that you'd do if they were hired as crewmembers, testing them again after each one. Did *all* of our alien crewmates get fertility treatments? It's also possible the solution has to do with our food, or sanitation, or... I don't know. At any rate, finding out the exact antidote will make it easier to complete this request.
Might also be neat to do some more in depth research to find out how the sterility works? Like, how does it interfere with the reproductive process exactly?
No. 1097060 ID: eb0a9c

>Mass-genocide through sterilization
Bastards. Not the population control part, the extermination of all cultures outside of the IOD for the crime of merely existing part.
...Wait. Could it be? Could they be trying to exterminate all life other than themselves because they are also biologically doomed?

>5 Sakkilians as breeders
You'll ask around. Many of your colonists wanted back into cold sleep, or to find their prospects elsewhere. You can spare a dozen volunteers.
However, it would be more viable to purchase Wronkir genetic material and start cloning right away. With their engineering crews, you could temporarily increase the yield of your cloning facilities and get everyone's kids in a couple days.
No. 1097065 ID: 8c95eb

>everyone is sterile
It's a form of population control, to make sure that nobody can gain the numbers needed to attempt to overthrow the IOD.

>need breeders
You'd better explain exactly how things work, so that she knows what she wants.

Explain the accelerated pregnancy process that allows birth within one day. And also explain the process of rapidly growing a child into an adult while implanting memories of their entire lives.

And if she wants the children to be rapidly grown into adults, then you'll need to update you capsules to implant memories of her race's culture, so that the children won't be alienated from their own parents by getting only Sakkilian culture implanted into them.
No. 1097067 ID: 273c18

...wait, if we've powered down the ship, do we still have our prisoner contained and the drones cared for? What about the cyborg, how long can she go without a charging station?
No. 1097103 ID: 2a82d3

Accept the deal, on condition that you vet who you will send over. You will need to do a roll call of willing volunteers, and evaluate their fertility, eagerness, and likelihood of romantic attachment. That last one isn't necessarily wrong, but resources are tight enough that you wouldn't want to lose your crew to anything, even this. Of course, discussing logistics can want after the signing. You don't want this contract declared null and void from dissatisfaction during the "signing" ;)

If there's any highborn that prefers a live-in partner, they will need to wait about a week for them. Ostensibly, this is to clear their work schedule and settle their duties. In truth, you'll need time to spin up the cryopods to make Breeders, or replacements for any crew that retires here. You can guarantee they'll be the most fertile among your crew, at least.

Ask about the child-rearing practices for her kind. With one of your own to care of during shore leave, you might as well help with hers while you're at it.

> “Be it from some biological agent or electronic wave, all I know is that every last person here cannot conceive a child no longer.
Hand off a copy of Vex's viral analysis as show of both good faith and interest in her colony's problems. It might prove misleading or outdated, but it's aid nonetheless.

Whatever the means, your species has been proven "naturally" resistant to IOD methods of control. All the more reason none of your kind be in their hands, least they use them to circumvent the means.

>No, there has to be some other reason.
Twice you've made clear how close you are to the High Magister. It'd be quite dim of him if he didn't realize what would happen if he left you to your own devices here.

He did recog
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1073931 No. 1073931 ID: 706b74 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Adult content 18+

First thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/860238.html
Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Moot_Point
Previous chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1049539.html
957 posts and 174 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1096979 ID: 8a1605
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Casey takes the angel by the hand and leads them to a platform, where she lays back and spreads her legs. “Come on, then. Why don't you show me what you can do? Just you and me.”

The Creator smiles and steps forward, angling themselves down and pushing inside her. They both gasp as the bird fits inside, snugly filling her pussy. They rock back and forth experimentally before setting a comfortable pace. “Ooh, you feel so good!”

No. 1096981 ID: 273c18

That looks like a kissable neck.
No. 1097025 ID: fa3034

Show us the rhythm of life, oh creator
No. 1097070 ID: 8a1605
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Kol and Gabe sit up and continue making out, their breath hot on each other’s necks. Their legs tangle together as they grind against one another: their cocks slowly stiffening as their bodies recover.

“Hah, you really missed us, huh?” Kol pants.

His partner nods and swallows from all the heavy breathing. “Mmm-hmm. After everything that happened yesterday, I really wanted to be with you and Case.”

“Mmm, we missed you too.” Kol replies and locks lips with the Sender again.

Their kissing is interrupted as someone wraps a hand around their shafts and squeezes them together. They pair open their eyes and find Allayane grinning back at them. “You guys are really cute together. I just thought I’d give you a hand.”

No. 1097101 ID: fa3034

Playing a bit with that hot and cold feeling, eh?

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1078544 No. 1078544 ID: 7ae8e6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This is an NSFW Quest about sex, robots, and identity.

Welcome to the world.
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No. 1097035 ID: 83c988

AHN is hecking cute, as always, though this is a bit of a mood change. Fish for information, gently and flirtly, and get HAX to bring up AHN's stats and check for anything suspicious, like a spike in energy or odd mood. Remember, there is the hacker C45I3 (CASEY) about, and considering AHN knows you have the chip, that might be why they're so important, and you to them.

Better a bit paranoid than hacked. Try for some handholding though.
No. 1097036 ID: bfe862

"Seems like someone important to you?"
No. 1097037 ID: 15ff12

Sure then. Let's go.
No. 1097052 ID: 3572a3

this sounds like AHN models are also a once per sector thing, if there were many agreement would not be so easy
No. 1097054 ID: 26801d

yeah, let's go see what she's excited about

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1093728 No. 1093728 ID: 127310 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

An experimental philosophical debate (combat) simulator with RPG elements. Will likely contain blood and gore. Will introduce more mechanics as time goes on.

Provide feedback at https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/142424.html
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No. 1097039 ID: 127310
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>Head right, and pray that it's the Minister.
>If it's not the minister then it should at least be someone you can question. stalk the hummer.

You head carefully into the room on the right.

In this room is the hummer, a lady musing over some marks on the wall and making a cheerful noise while doing so.

Her black and red attire tells you that she works for the Hazard Association, which is like this organisation dedicated to categorising and ranking different hazards. Although it’s not officially affiliated with the government, it is generally respected by the government and community alike.
No. 1097040 ID: 127310
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“Oh, hey.” she says “I was wondering when you’d get here.”

You ask her your burning question.

“No, no, I haven’t seen the Minister. He’s actually why I’m here though. Since he disappeared, we need to re-evaluate the catacombs’ hazard level.”

You can see that she’s carrying a clipboard with some notes scribbled on it.

“I still haven’t seen everything here yet, so I can help you look if you want. Reckon the Association would get that kind of thing done faster than the pollies anyway.”
No. 1097041 ID: 127310
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You look at the wall she was inspecting before. The marks actually seem to be drawings. You didn’t know that mole people had it in them to draw. You didn’t think that they knew about most of the things they’ve drawn here.
No. 1097043 ID: 355e44

Compare notes, what has she seen out of the ordinary so far. And what does she make of this diagram.
No. 1097051 ID: 4c750c

An ally! Yay! Do we get to learn her name? Or shall she remain a nameless HA member in our eyes? As for game plans, we should definitely catch each other up on what we know. Being on the same page information-wise is the first step to successful collaboration~

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965999 No. 965999 ID: 6f7a5a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

The elven kingdoms are despised,
So much so that the Prismaticans damned their souls to create the "Harroctar".
The Harroctar are abominations that live only to hunt and kill elves.

Thye are hounds unleashed, nothing can control them,
for three hundred years they have slaughtered elves.
In three hundred years the elven kingdoms fell from the masters of the world to shadows.
Today the wrath of the slayers fall upon the Kingdom of Maerieyelle

Three would be survivors huddle in terror, having just watched friends and family torn to pieces.
aid them if you can, or let them perish and fade into memory
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No. 1090910 ID: 0d1c28
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The siren doesn't seem to want to be left behind. the cake trolley will have to do

it doesn't seem possible that the Harroctar could attack a city as large as Orisyelle Lord Xielphiane magic should have kept it hidden, and driven them away even if found.

why didn't the magic protect them?

in any case emergency rescue should be at the meeting fountain at the hidden spring outside of town.

Miss Dalvari scouts ahead leaving her friends to help the siren and the archer.

She reaches the study with the hidden passage.
The coast seems clear.
No. 1090913 ID: 9f8647

Grab the MEDICINE book and then wave the crew forward to join us. That book might come in handy for elf survival!
No. 1090924 ID: 2f41db


I dont think the room would look so well appointed with one of those monsters lurking within.

Grabbing the book is a fine idea.
It can double as an emergency sheild or thrown object, but hopefully it will not be needed for its improvised or intended purpose.

It is time to bring your friends forward.
However, your job does not end at the wave.

Quietly clear their path of any potential noise making collision obstacles like scattered furniture or dropped gear and other partyware discarded in panic.
Just place it safely at the hall side.
Also, spare a glance towards them as they move towards you.
Watch behind them specifically for beasts entering the corridor on random patrol.
Spotting them first could buy the precious seconds needed to take cover.
No. 1094560 ID: eb0a9c

Grab every book you can carry, starting with Medicine and Magic. This place is going up in smoke anyway.
No. 1097045 ID: d42605

Key Programmers: 11 Thing You're Forgetting To Do Car
Key programing near me

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1095767 No. 1095767 ID: e25c20 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This is the continuation of the second chapter of the Chasing Shadows and Hunting Rats.

Chapter 1


Chapter 2 part 1


Discussion Thread

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No. 1096995 ID: a632cf
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Tell the Druid to show you.

B) Don't show interest in what the Druid is saying.

C) Tell the Druid that you are not interested.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1096998 ID: 584276

No. 1097014 ID: 3e9b65

Have an idea of where this is going. Still, perhaps unexpected insights will show themselves. Wisdom can arrive from even the lowest of low places. Quite frankly this is far from the lowest of low. Props to druid for getting psychology out of Abdle without his usual... defensiveness.
No. 1097031 ID: c5529d

Curious. Lets check it out, but take what he says with a grain of salt. See what he shows us can apply to how you already rule, and we can mix some aspects he shows you with yours.
No. 1097042 ID: 27fceb

Let the Druid show what he is talking about.

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1096847 No. 1096847 ID: e1a09b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

In the Age Of Man, Y-O-A 304, humanity at large mastered the skies, and the world beyond. With the finest magical minds of the generation, we conquered the Void. By wrapping a vessel - a Shell - in magic and steel we were able to catapult out of a Chamber to distant worlds, and with proper preparation retrieve the Shells back to their Chambers with teleportation magic. While the costs were extreme, the resources and knowledge retrieved from such missions was incalculably valuable. Entire new worlds sat at our feet, untouched by the Spell Withering, and the Mana there was plentiful and fresh.

We entered the Void Age.
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No. 1096855 ID: eb0a9c

Check your equipment, then dash out the airdrop and flip the bird while you digistruct your ride to causally catch you while it forms
No. 1096858 ID: e00f12

Do A Flip!
No. 1096860 ID: bf1766

Double check; I'm assuming these things are pretty expensive. You can get complacent once you have a few runs under your belt. :P
No. 1096942 ID: 3ee96b

Don't forget to form a deep bond with your Voidslave in order to work together perfectly while piloting.

Pat your Voidslave in the head to get started. In other words, pat yourself in the head.
No. 1097034 ID: 812e4b

It's not jumping, it's falling... with style.

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1085846 No. 1085846 ID: 3f89df hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[NSFW] For Nudity, Sexual Themes and Gore.
A group of Bloodeians Kobolds worshiping the fallen draconic goddess Blood Mother attempt to rebuild their fallen home.

The story takes place in a custom world, with some elements and lore taken from Rimworld.
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No. 1097008 ID: 3f89df
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"Everyone deserves second chance-"
"Look what they've done to you; he says, putting his hand on my bandaged face; remember what they did to my father, what happened to Bardeibor, even at our recent trip to Viera's temple, you were sexually assaulted by them when I was in a meeting."
"It's fine Crocodile-"
"NO IT'S NOT, GREY. I'm sick of you dismissing yourself from what happens so as not to ruffle any feathers of the ones higher up the food chain."
He breathes and exhales. "If GoldScale doesn't get his money, we will lose everything, our land, our home, our pepole, nothing, he'll mark us as traitors, and we'll be run out where the insectoids will devour us, and yet you wish to throw away, our plans and for what?"
At first, my mind was blank, but then I remembered the message you told me, Muni, a way to explain my reasoning.
"Where laying the foundations for a new future, the way we've done before will just reveal itself to tragedy again and again; the way we've done is the same as GoldScale uses to oppress us; if we followed his way, we'd be repeating the cycle, however with what we lose in political bargaining, we make up for it with a special ingredient; Hope with that hope we've purchased their loyalty, and they'll produce more then if they where miserable, slaving away doing mindless tasks."
There's a great silence in the room while Crocodile turns his head to the ground. I hoped that I had finally made sense to him, yet in a moment, he looked up to me and tackled me, pinning me to the wall.
No. 1097009 ID: 3f89df
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"So is this is what it's all about? you know. I've trusted you , put you in charge of running the logistics of Bloodeia, and allowed you to sleep in my bed, sleep with me. Even though our relationship is frowned upon due to your status, yet you turn around and say that you are creating a libertarian populist uprising? All it took was for me to give you a tiny bit of power, and you immediately disregarded my word, my land

I'm dumbfounded, I trusted Crocodile; enough so with this information, Even though he works as hard as a labourer and doesn't seem to care much about his status, I was naive to think that uprooting the system in which his power originates wouldn't bug him, and now I'm here, pinned to the wall; my worst nightmares of our relationship come true across the cloudy skies of today; Even though we are far away from the capital, he still owns the right to execute, imprison, or do whatever he wishes with me, due to our class differences; I'm shaking, even war was less scary than this, maybe it was because it wasn't committed from someone I looked up too and love, Muni my mind is blank, and I need to say, something; anything, what should I do? What should I say?
No. 1097016 ID: c06b20

Like I said, you can do better than that idiot.
He has a solid argument... but it's powered by discrimination, mechanized with delusion, and built upon a foundation of privilege: the trifecta of most human tyrants.

This ties back to GoldScale, and Crocodile's servitude towards that dick. Even though you both hate that loan shark of a kobold tyrant, and for good reason, his foremost thoughts are of appeasing GoldScale rather than rebelling against him. Crocodile hasn't realized that by freeing our slaves, we have a new path to take should the colony be unsalvageable; just follow them. If we earn their trust then some will show us their ways and the methods they would attempt to use to escape slavery. Crocodile is so afraid of GoldScale's authority that he projects those fears onto the paranoia of you usurping his own.

Well, guess what, ya motherkiller: We're the Viceroys here. If Crocodile is dead-set in his authority-worshipping ways, then you need to find a way to force him to recognize us.

But for now, start with this:
"You are the one who lifted me up. And you did it because you were high - and alone.
If we are to survive, we can not do it alone. If we make all the colonists our slaves, Goldscale will grant them freedom - in exchange for their lies. They would claim our colony never existed, that we used them to mine some fictional gold vein in territory that allegedly belongs to GoldScale or other such atrocities, especially any we actually inflict on slaves, and then we would still lose everything."

...Also I am very sad to hear that you were sexually assaulted how soon can we arrest the prick who did that?
No. 1097021 ID: 355e44

What is he talking about? What uprising? They are still slaves for the time being, Crocodile is still just as much in charge. And if or when they earn their freedom they would either leave or continue to work under you.

You were just trying to give the workers the motivation they will need in these trying times. If Crocodile didn't want you to make decisions he should have been clear he wanted a mindless servant. Though that would change your relationship to a much colder one. No one can love a user.
No. 1097032 ID: 2f41db

You were looking to the future, grey mother.

Repeat the same system, recieve the same result.
Goldscale will never relinquish ownership of a profitable tribute giver.
Should we reach our tributes with spare resources, he will not kindly congratulate us with a warm smile.
He will squeeze harder.
You are not seen as people, nor subjects.
You are to be farmed.
We all know what happens to the muffalo that no longer gives wool or milk...

You seek to break that cycle.
Not just for them outside, but for you all too.
They may not be readily visible but you two are bound in chains.
To continue as you are, as goldscale expects you to, is to wait patiently at the butchers block.

As to the humans, i dont trust them completely either grey mother, but these here i dont think you can view as just any human.
They are outsiders.
Cast away by their own and removed from the positions that make other humans so untrustworthy.
You may see a difference in them robbed as they are of the authority of the throngnofbhumanity at their back...

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1096893 No. 1096893 ID: 79ad1e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Just another quest... Good Luck.
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No. 1096960 ID: 1effd3

[Run CD Installer]
No. 1096983 ID: e816ce

Presses Start
No. 1096989 ID: eb0a9c

Remove the typo in the game files or the AI will be dumb
No. 1096993 ID: 69fcac

Add typos to the game files to prevent the AI uprising
No. 1097011 ID: 3f89df

Add Silly Comments in the game's code that no one will see until people break open the game thirty years later.

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1096835 No. 1096835 ID: f846b3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Set forth on an adventure through the Woods of Saltlick!
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No. 1096982 ID: 26801d

stand still for a moment and see if they're still aware of you. perhaps they hunt by movement?
No. 1096984 ID: eb0a9c

Roll for intimidation.
No. 1096997 ID: cd10d0

Tell the Jawas these are not the droids they're looking for.
No. 1097002 ID: 4c750c

I think we need more info about the situation. Laying down your weapons seems a bit extreme for a conversation starter. A simple “Who goes there?” will suffice just fine. No sudden movements, but I’d suggest having a hand on the hilt of your bastard sword, just in case.
No. 1097010 ID: b256e4

If they are within throwing distance, throw rocks at them to make a sound at their location and see if they might friendly fire

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1096080 No. 1096080 ID: 08229c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous Threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Audit_Quest
Support the author: https://ko-fi.com/calalen

This is a NSFW chapter!

My name is Mary.

I own a dungeon.

Not by choice, mind you. I was forced into this when the previous owner placed a curse on me after I tried to audit him. Now I'm the ruler of this place.

I am currently very sick...

This was also not by choice. As I drift into a fevered dream there is but one thing on my mind...

Boobs. Literally. I can't breath.

Is this how I die....?
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No. 1096980 ID: 660f7a

Should add a gentlemen's club for relaxation or a sleazy sexy shop to work in for easy gold farming. Of course, it accrues corruption when working there.

Adventurers should be able to lewd the dungeon denizens, after completing quests, spending resources/gold or disabling/sacrificing normal services that would be provided.
No. 1096985 ID: 5b2941

hush, don't use the D-word. Wouldn't want Mary to realize she's sleeping and wake up, would we? Also, I doubt it; this is less Mary becoming lewder and more losing her inhibitions cause she doesn't have enough control to keep repressing herself while asleep.
No. 1096986 ID: ef6def

I like the gentleman's club idea. Why don't we turn "So You Think You Can Slime?" into a strip joint. The players can either enjoy the show and buy some minor health potions that cause a stacking alcohol debuff if imbibing too much too quickly or even a lap dance (perhaps even for some form of temp buff) or join in on a side quest pole dancing competition where they can get loot (or lewt) depending on how well they score.
No. 1096994 ID: 4beab8


We have the spa/cafe area. If Calculator felt like getting in on the fun, having her run some games of chance (maybe with a twist or two) could be fun. The spa could also offer special services for the right price. Just keep in mind that Mary said at the outset that she doesn't necessarily want this to be a straight up sex dungeon.
No. 1097005 ID: 0bd4f4

> Virtuous Defender: A flexible shield that affixes as a covering over an orifice. Useful for sealing portals or more personal entryways, it can only be removed via command word or great force.

Seems a bit too powerful and invalidating. Maybe make it a consumable instead so each one protects a single orifice once. Or you can only wear one at a time.

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1080954 No. 1080954 ID: 5ebd37 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

(Will contain gore violence and death)

This winter has been harsh.
The snows started in September, by mid October the woods were buried.
Now the new year has brought the worst storm yet, and the dim sun overhead reflects the waning hope of those huddled around fading hearths clutching empty bowls.
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No. 1096987 ID: 355e44
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Ah of course, the cotton. Sighing to yourself you slink back into the cabinet. Climbing up to push over the glass jar, the cotton balls slide out with a pleasant tumbling noise. You stuff a bunch under your cloak. It makes movement difficult, but you only need to carry them a short way.

Watching you stumble along, Lisel's snickers are punctuated by hisses of pain. You manage to get most of the puffballs up to the sink, where you dump the lot into the little pool. Then it's simply a matter of tossing them back down to splat on the floor.
No. 1096988 ID: 355e44
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While you wring the sodden cotton over Lisel's acid burns the chemist seems to be getting her spirit back. She takes off and carefully wipes her goggles, giving you your first look at her striking pink eyes. Noticing you staring, she quickly dons them again. Her cheeks lightly flushed she leans closer to you and murmurs "Mister Tem'rty, would you like to examine the body with me?"
No. 1096992 ID: 273c18

Oh I'm always up for examining bodies.
No. 1096996 ID: a632cf

Did she get an acid burn on her face, that is seriously dangerous. The first thing that you should do is clean her face with water and then you can examine her body.
No. 1097004 ID: d58817

First aid must be the first priority. Make sure that Lisel is safe and assess her mobility before anything else. After that, we might spend a moment to examine the corpse of the bat, but beware; having caused such a disturbance here, are we not liable to attract even greater attention?

Will nothing come to the aid of the fallen bat, or follow its alarm? How fastidious should we be in covering our tracks, to put the cotton jar back where it was, in order to try to prevent discovery of the entire rodent operation on the grounds. Lisel may be able to advise here.

I would think retreat, as soon as we've put things in order, should be the priority, so as to avoid any coming reprisal, but if Lisel thinks that's not necessary, in spite of her injury, then we might tarry a bit further, and extract with the rest of the group.

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