Untamed Spirit Puff
Well good that you had fun, but I'd rather not have a repeat of any of that.
"There, see? Nary a scratch on 'im so shut it!"
"Iagn. The hells is going on?"
"Oh Veni. Long story, okay startin form the beginning. Um a big hole came up under those barraks we were ready to sleep in? Remember that?"
"Well according to 'Kellach' here, that hole was some sort of ambush tactic being used by, uh. What were they called again?"
"The Gormoamhi!"
"Wait, you're daoine."
"Well aren't you the sharp one? Yes, I'm Daoine! What's it to ye?"
"It's just I've never heard of your clan leaving your island. Let alone the hills. Why are you here?"
"Oh finally one of ye remember."
"Okay now I'm lost. Veni, how'd do you know them?"
"Remember Iagn, our family had a brief trade deal with them. We gave them some of our weapons and helped them carve out some territory from the Coinin. They gave us the Coinin prisoners in return? Father told you it was the day you were born! Remember?"
"No. Well we did. You had some of the best land on the Northern isles, why are you here?"
"The Coinin happened. Bastards held a grudge fer a long time after that. They mustered other clans ta help them with the promise of a cut of the land. They overran us and tossed us off the isles..."
"Sorry to hear that happened."
"Ah spare me yer pity! We got a bigger problem! The Gormoamhi took yer womenfolk, just like the abominations took my sister! We're gettin' em back!"
"Yeah what he said. That fuzzy thing waving at ya's the natives down here. Can't understand a word they're sayin, but they're keen to help. Kellach never would have found us if it weren't for them."
Gods, this is a lot to swallow at once. The attack, that dream, Kellach's story. Wait.
"What, what?"
"My family was planning to come to your territory! They are planning a campaign and were going to move south from there!"
"Well...they'll be in fer a nasty surprise when they land."
"YOU! DO THAT THING! THAT THING THAT MAKES YOU SWITCH! GYOJI IS WITHT THEM! Gods, I thought she'd be safer surrounded by them, but that dream, this must be what that creature was talking about! Just hurry!