Mmf. Dio's up. He awakes with that fuzzy, content feeling you get on the weekends, when you sleep in. Wait.
Here in The Poorly Drawn Adventures of McStick, or TPDAMS, or Teepee Dams, you are McStick's brain. I am sure you knew this, being his brain and all. You are his thoughts, his feelings, his conscience, his logic. But you already knew this. I am merely a talking pie chart. I am merely an illusion. *wavy screen*
(please be gentle, it's my first time) (also, it might be a little slow in coming, but I'll try to post more than once a day) This is Lurker. Lurker lives in Silent Hill. It's kinda weird... And it's not just the fog, either.
Yes there are champions of light, who do noble deeds, and save the world. But who gets things done? Who brings progress? Not the good guys. Say what you will but evil is what keeps everything moving. Without it, no one would feel obligated to change. Slavery, coercion, bribery, murder, all these things are considered evil. But really you sir, are getting yourself into the family business.
Huh? What Wh- Where am I? I look around. There are lots of people in dark red robes bowing to me, and chanting something that sounds like gibberish. There's a naked person laying on a large block of stone. She isn't moving. The room I'm in is finely decorated. It has a lot of tapestries with symbols on them I don't recognize. I look at my hands. My hands are green and clawed and I'm holding a knife. Why am I holding a knife? Why am I here? Where is "here"? What am I? Who am I? I'm Torus. Why is my name Torus? It sounds weird. I don't remember having a name of any sort before. ... I am incredibly confused. I have no fucking clue what to do.
How did this little bastard sneak up on me like that? I can't let him go back to his boss telling him that I have the stone. "I know you have, can smell it on you, girl! Give to me now!" I'd better think of something...
Book 1: Book 2: Book 3: Sky approaches her new task with trepidation.
>F-Fuck.... I didn't think... He'd be so strong... >I still have my Stone though... So long as I have the Red Tincture I can still win...
"Well, we're almost there." Gerard says, looking over his shoulder at the seven of us. "I want you to remember that we need to stay together and focused. We're going to need to kill every last demon in this town, and leave not a single one behind. Some may have possessed people. Give these poor people mercy. Ain't no saving them now." I tie my hair into a tight bun. "Should you meet Rosie's esteemed sibling, you are to escort him away from the premises immediately, do not let him from your sight." the walls of the town are visible now. A darkness looms over the area even though the sun hangs in the sky at noon.
"N.....N......N....." The girl looks up at Cecil. She stares at him with blank eye. Her mouth is bound and there is a fresh cut on her neck. >Is that really Nari's mom?
Select a route.
>[[ ]] >"It just looked like that when you woke up?" "I'm not going to sleep with it, anymore, Kitty. From now on, if I'm getting any rest, you take it." >"Well... all right."
The Arena is best described as large. Arenas are retooled from the days before the Treaty of Gears, originally used for sports such as soccer, football, and baseball. Now they work to serve as areas where MCUs, Cores, and Gearheads can fight without holding back, and are easily ten times their original size. the common size of an Arena is two miles by two miles, and the actual pit is a mile and a half round. They are big places, and typically, house a small bussiness district in the outer ring to trundle more money out of spectator pockets. As I enter and show the information desk my badge, they point me to the way to the Unders, where mechs are kept and where pilots, referees, and bracket masters meet before each match. I doubt I would have any interest in the tourist traps here, so I proceed to the underground, only to bump into Antoine. He looks genuinely surprised, then pleased. "Anthony! Haha, most greenhorns show up at the last minute. I'm glad to see the bravery from yesterday morning wasn't a passing thing. I really look forward to your match. It's nice to see new blood enter this arena. You know we haven't seen new blood in over half a year? Appalling." he leads me down into the locker area.
"What's your favorite color, Pa?"
Huh. What's this thing?
Diometricus Phrale Eregiorium puts down his pencil and checks over his answers. He's almost entirely sure this is all okay but he doesn't want to be that guy who goes up first to turn in their test. He's in Magic of The Material 4 and is itchy for the class to be over.
Oh man, this is so boring. It's just miles of dirt road, stinky goblins and stinky oxen. If only something exciting would happen... There's a big cloud of smoke up the road, looks like it's coming this way.
Oh man... after last night, I can't remember anything. I can't even remember what I look like. Am I slender or voluptuous?
They keep getting closer. I can hear them shuffling through the underbrush. If we run, we'll be seen for sure, but if we're caught under the blanket, they'll have the drop on us...
Oh, hey! Good to see you again. How's it going? Still doing the head-voices thing? That's cool.
Thread 1: Thread 2: Thread 3: Thread 4: Thread 5:
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY Your mission is to get Ed Pastry to draw some delicious furry tits before Valentines Day is over and he gets bored.
Welcome to Mana Game, hosted by MaGun Games! You are one of the lucky few to make it to the last stage! The rules are simple, get eight silver keys and you win. Good luck ^_^
As Spikesby and his group prepare to leave Moriga's den, Pete and Ariadne approach Spikesby.
So when we last saw them, Nimi and Ika had been accosted by a bunch of funny little soldier dudes. With metal cat ears. "God, Rachel, your stories are awful." "Shut it!" Suddenly...
[ Previous thread: ] It took five days for me to lead Arkus and the Premen followers back to the Drazken Clan, laden with what we salvaged. Upon our return, the camp burst into greater levels of activity, as the makers swarmed about under the leadership of the four makers that returned with me. Igloos start to swell as support beams and scaffolds begin to see use, and the village walls swell with stone. Some simple huts are made with the few pieces of preserved wood that were salvageable, the hides from the tents now used solely as insulation. Our salvage run of the ruins has brought significant change to the village, and it could be some time before the totality of that is reflected. Mingsk seems to have cemented his leadership rather firmly in my absence, all the shamans now treating him with respect. I also find several rubies waiting for me with the shamans, perhaps a half pound in total, some eight gems in all, which Arkus stores carefully along with the strange stone from the forest. Even better, Mingsk has been working to teach the budding magic-based language to the shamans, and their contributions have seen much of Premen shamanic magic integrated into the language, greatly increasing it's viability. Thanks to Mingsk's monopoly on power amongst the shaman, as well as the help of Oggroth The Mountain, Lorgk had enough support to keep the suitors completely in hand, and the tribe has swelled in my absence. Evidently even more suitors arrived some time ago, and several were accepted. Only some twenty suitors are left, the rest having either been accepted or already left. Fekk has joined the shamans at Mingsk's insistence, and has demonstrated considerable change, now working under Mingsk, if somewhat begrudgingly, but much less unwilling than I would have expected. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
You are RONALD E. SNEPP, a burgeoning digital artist who recently discovered TGchan, an imageboard where people create their own "quests" for fun and enjoyment. You want to join these folks in this in creating a Quest about someone creating a Quest, thinking you'll be clever and meta and other pretentious words. What do you do first?
Last Savegames: >>/questarch/1109
"This is wrong."
<- Hello, dear reader. This is my first quest. I have decided to call it "MintQuest". I hope you will enjoy it. The little guy on the left explaining what's going on is kind of my avatar, you could say. He won't take any part in the quest. To begin, simply read the very small insight of Mint's life and you will be good to post after the next picture which will set us up inside of her school. Enjoy yourself, for I know I will.
This is punishment duty.
>"C-Cecil I need you to take N-Nari to a inn okay? Just get her someplace where she can be alone for a while..." "Are you okay Alex?" >"I'm fine... Just go." Cecil leaves with Nari. She holds his hand tightly and leans on him as they walk >Not good not good not good! >Mya why didn't we leave sooner!?
Thread 1: Thread 2: Thread 3: Thread 4:
I exit her dream. Rojo looks so peaceful. You know, I can't help but wonder why Mary Shaw is only targeting me and not her or anyone else.
Garret "Garth" Redwick has come to Funkytown to make a new start in life. His goal? Fuck one female of each of the furred species present. With his endeavours successful so far /quest/ fears something bad may be around the corner, or that supernatural forces may be involved! Wiki and links to previous threads: Tags: flirting, dating, sexing, loving, hating, playing Commitment Level: Minimum/Average. It is required to have read previous threads, but no attention to detail is needed to get involved.
....... Oh, did it work? I hope it worked. I got everything right with the candles and the circle, didn't I? I know father saud this was a silly reason to summon Legion, but I really, really need it! I mean, if I fail this then I'm stuck being a... uh... something I don't want to be. I've studied too hard to give up now, after all. And my brother is already graduated even though he's three years my junior! I can't believe I resorting to such drastic measures as this... But it's my only chance! I mean, it's not like you cost anything, right? And dad doesn;t have to know or anything...
don can't breathe there's a bag on his head and he's tied up he can't breathe he's in a car he's buckled in it's bumpy there are voices coming from the front seat. three. "Spirits it's cold out here. My nipples could cut glass, I shit you not." "Then maybe you thoud put on thome clotheth, both. You're dithtracting me." "And get stains all over them? You're fucking nuts. Eyes on the road. I know where you're looking." laughter."You're thuch a friggin' fairy, both." "We far enough out yet?" "Yeah, yeah we are. Stop the car here. Let's go have a talk with our new friend."
((Previous threads found in ARCHIVE. Discussion in irc, at #rubyquest. This will be the last thread for this quest!)) I help Asala up as Ysl brushes herself off and we all look around. I almost forget we're atop a massive creature. The ground and the grass is soft and moist, and the area is free of the scent of rot. It's refreshing after all that time in the swamp. There's a vague feeling of motion, reminding me of my situation. Ahead of me is a large, somewhat badly kept castle, and to either side, small villages made of huts. I have inscribed my armor with Bless, and I have three bottles of size 3 courage. My ring, pendant, and charm are untouched by runes at the moment, and my short sword hangs at my hip. Ysl is armed with her God Hands, which is what she calls the steel mitts on her arms, and Asala has Heal-inscribed armor and Freedom. What should be my course of action?
"Get out of this room!" Gazzene: "But Lady Sanya, we are worri-" "LEAVE ME ALONE AND GET THE *hic* FUCK OUT!" > Short-term Quest: FUKKEN REST > Long-term Quest: GET DA STONES OR SUMTHNG > Ultimate Goal: STRING DAT MOTHAFUKKER > Current Party: Murdelp, Kobold Archer Gezzono, Elementalist Tonberry Gazzene, Cleric/Mage Tonberry Amina, Talyxian > Inventory: KNIFE GREEN POTION EMPTY POTION PILLS STRENGTH GLOVE > Gold: 2150
I wake up. My back hurts. I don't get how I was able to sleep in this lump. Morning, guidance spirits.
((First two threads found in ARCHIVE third thread on its way there Discussion and answers in #rubyquest on irc Also, the OP image for thread 1 is a useful reference, so please, keep it in a tab or window or what have you while reading. Thank you!)) --------------------------------- The danger of going through a mountain pass is not very apparent. With a compass, it's hard to get lost, even. Only a dwarf could really tell you, make you aware, that on either side of you stant millions of tons of rock that are likely to fall in your general direction at any moment. All it takes is one mistake. There are old pathfinders, and there are bold pathfinders, but there are no old, bold pathfinders, he tells me. The only more dangerous job is clearing out gas low in the mines, where the walls and floor aren't even smoothed and the ceiling could easily collapse and you could be engulfed in flames or die of suffocation or worse. Needless to say, dwarves are very grim and pious people. According to him, we're making good time, easily halfway through the mountains. He tells me it's almost over, and that the worst (an accident that claimed five orcs) is over with. There's been no sign of Ysl, but we are finding signs of passage here and there. It has been a week and a half since we last spoke.
>"I will not relinquish full knowledge of where the Unopened Vault is, to your kind."
>Okay, we made it to the Tigerfolk city. Nari said she was feeling really sick so I left her outside. it's pitch dark here and no one seems to be outside. There's no guards so I don't think there's a curfew mya. >Where's Cecil though?
I yawn. The morning sun shines brightly upon me through the window. I wonder what I should get for breakfast. Good morning, spirits.
Six: "Great sages of old, I call upon you again, a great sorrow has descended upon us. Their is fear and turmoil in the air along with rage and fury. Your presence is needed, please aide the one you see most fit to behold your blessing."
Special AI interface "Legion" installing... Installed. Please enjoy the GILB-certified Legion decisivity module, installed by Dr. Delarosa. Now examining vital statistics. Name: Anthony Sire Age: 18 Specialties: N/A Abilities: N/A Goal: To participate in a Gearhead Match against elder sibling Sarah and acheive victory. Thought link-up starting.... Now. Ugh, they aren't kidding about the sting. I hope this was worth the money. That job at Carl's is not something I want to repeat. Let me see here, what was the command to get you folks going... Oh, I'll remember sooner or later. My name is Anthony, and I'm 18. Today is the day I've decided to enter the wonderful world of the League. Mom's angry as hell but, hey, I have to have some talent. I mean, my sister got to be a Cog in a year and a half! So I need to decide... Entertainment circuit, or Military?
>"I can't even count them all. It's covered up with people." "Explains where everyone was, I guess." We've made our way down to ground level. So far it doesn't look like we've been seen or heard, despite blowing a vault door open. I'm not certain how to proceed. These people could be hostile. If there were only a few of them, I'd take a chance and meet with one of them. But it's not like we stumbled upon a big mob of people innocently having lunch together. "The hell is that thing?" >"Tesseracting Acasion Vessel. TAV. Or, an acasiate. Ships that fly without actually flying." How 'bout it, voices?
Hello? Guide voices? Are you there? I need your help.
This place is vast and dark, shinning spheres hum and glisten in their own reflected light, suspended in the space above the table. 'Black' is waiting, he has been waiting for a while, the last game has been over for some time and it is time to begin once again. Yellow: *finally arrives* " I apologize" Black:"Punctuality is king and my time means everything, let us begin." White: *deals silently* Black: "I went to some expense to allow you come here and play against me twice, I assure you that I plan to enjoy this game." Yellow: "You will lose, you always lost." Black:"But this time the stakes are higher, if you lose here, all your past gains were meaningless, at this table, I have the experience, I..." Yellow: *places a card on the table* "This is my first card." Black: "You play first card, I chose the field, lets play something familiar yes?"
Chapter 13 Archives: Recap: Coralina is a girl who accidentally broke the world, and is now doing her best to fix it. She now works for Vresch, the demon who broke the world, and has become a Level 3 Conjurer (by the Sorcerer's Guild's standards). She is currently seeking the political backing of some group in the city, so that she may stage a coup against Rastin. She has given Hope her own tiny itty bitty body, and is bringing it with her to visit the next organization. The current plans for today involve visiting the Secluded, and then visiting Nihilism Tech. Cora has already visited FurReality, the Transcendants, and the Sorcerer's Guild. Tomorrow she has an appointment with Arcanitech. She has yet to visit the Bleeding Hearts, Church of Life, Experientialists, Men's Club, Neotis Weaponry Association, Retirement Association, and Technotics. Any or all of these may be optional.
You are a Soul Grave, a siege golem crafted by the powers of one of the high mages with the mass of dead gathered from a battlefield. You stand some fifteen feet tall and weigh over fifteen thousand pounds of thickened, hardened metals and alloys, although at the time of your creation, only crude bronze and a few bits of iron where available for your construction, so you are far from invulnerable in your current state. You are a powerful weapon of war, a siege breaking shock-trooper designed to tear down defenses and slaughter the inhabitants. Your right arm ends in a grand claw, it's three wicked blades each five feet long and wickedly edged. You left arm is far more weighty, ending in an over-sized forearm with a massive fist, designed to burst through braced doors or batter down walls. Each of your shoulders holds a powerful mid range mortar, a prepared shot ready in each for immediate use. And even further, you possess powerful magics that draw upon the essence of the souls entombed within you, allowing you to spread otherworldly fire called 'Soulfire' that ravenously consumes all it touches in a great cone from your mouth, at the cost of forever burning away some of the souls which sustain you. Your body needs feul to work. You must consume a minimum of five pounds of metal a day, with additional metals being needed if damages are received until such time you are whole again. Further, you can grow new mortars, given enough time and available subsistence. You require a certain minimum number of souls to continue functioning (twelve minimum), and currently you possess fifteen. One soul is extinguished every month of activity, and three souls are consumed every time you breathe Soulfire. ....And now you are reawakened, after being put into a hibernating slumber after the last exchange between you home of Mosmordre and Castiliathen, while mages repaired damages from a previous battle. Only Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>Gods alive... I hate hangovers... >I sense you've returned voices. I've been tinkering with the new Orb Alex built for me and it seemed to drive you away. It's been a week since we saved Nari, that's the Dark Elf girls name. I've been able to heal most of her wounds but it's a slow process due to my lack of healing spells. >We've made it to northern inn and have rented two rooms. Alex sleeps in one of them while Nari takes the other. Normally I sleep outside but I felt really ill today. Alex is outside right now and Nari is in her room. She doesn't talk much but I like to think she's having a better life with us then the settlement she used to live in. >So far my curse has stayed the same with no major changes both physical and mental. I pray it stays that way. >There is something we must figure out...
>"Haven't you had enough, yet?" "I can still feel my fingers. I know my own limit." Hey, voices. I can tell, I can kind of pick up when you're here, or you're not here, even when you're not talking. It's weird. As soon as I got done bandaging up my damned hand, my first stop was the local tavern. I'm not drunk yet. I can tell. I can tell my own limit. I'm not drunk yet, but I've had a few. You know? >"Are you going to ask around for this information you were wanting?" "Drinking." >"Of course."
[Alright, here I go, something simple. First time here, so if this fails it will at least serve as practice. I'll be taking it slow, so maybe 1-2 a day.] You wake up in a small room. You are a humble sheep of moderate intelligence with a fondness for FRESH GRASS. What will you do today?
"Hey." "Hm?" "Tell me another story." [continued]
"Morning Star." "No shit." "Hey, I AM the son of a high druidess." "Hah!" "Destined to lead my community to a new era of prosperity -- no less!" "Heheheheheheheheheh!" "'After the loss of their leader'. Which is not very impressive, as usually succession only happens after death."
((First thread found in ARCHIVE Second thread on its way there Discussion and answers in #rubyquest on irc Also, the OP image for thread 1 is a useful reference, so please, keep it in a tab or window or what have you while reading. Thank you!)) ________________________ It's bright. Too bright. I... I can't see. All I can feel is someone holding my hand, pulling me... I follow her, into a cave, or something. Darkness. The dark doesn't hurt. The dark is welcoming. And now I can see the girl, floating before me. Lines and runes siphon off her and into the land and air around her, Earth and Air seemingly forming the land as I look... or maintaining it. I can't tell. She is looking at me. Expectant. Silent.
Thread 1: Thread 2: Thread 3:
The apprentice has stripped back the carpet and moved his bed and closet out of the way and put the laundry and pizza boxes somewhere out of the way. He needs a lot of space for the summons. He also needs a summoning glyph about three levels more complex than he's used to, and he's had to leaf through his textbooks multiple times to make sure he's gotten it right. Technically, he shouldn't be doing this sort of thing until next semester, but he's always been a good ritualist. It isn't that difficult.
Preamble: This is my first attempt at the whole quest running thing and I don't expect things to run smoothly at all. But one never learns what one never tries. What to expect in short: a WH40k setting which does not fiddle about canon and some roughly scribbled art to go along with the occasional writing. About writing: It's going to be a bumpy ride, and i don't mean the fun kind of bumby ride. Hopefully improves over time. About artwork: I'm happy if I occasionally find something which resembles a human face. Art wont be the plowing horse of this story. About setting: The story is kept within reasonable bounds, all happening to a rather small group of rather unimportant people in a tiny portion of the big, big universe. Enough of this, let's begin.
Garret "Garth" Redwick has just moved into small Funkytown to start a new life. His goal? Fuck all the bitches. Recommended dedication: Minimum/Average. It is required for participants to have read the previous threads, but no great attention to detail is needed to be involved.
"Did you really think you could beat me in a fair fight -----?" >"For a second there, yeah, I kin-" "shut up. You made the same mistake your father made all those years ago." >"It was worth it just to be able to do some damage to you" "...." CONTINUED
Awesome job Nincada! OH WOW! You're evolving!
I'm bored.
"hm...It's been a while, hasn't it?"
>Chapter 4 start
Please choose a party member. Murdelp - with Gazzene Gezzono - with Lenk
"Is this it?"
>"Ello, sir. Quite th'weather, eh? Looks like it's pouring. Where to?" Yes, where to? What is the name of the town I'm going to?
I could be a farmer or a miller or a shopkeeper and live a life that's nice and safe and quiet... and boring. I'm going to live a life with some excitement.
>Empty Space - Ex MNCROME Chaos Zone >Two Years after the launch of the RedMoon SNC Weapon Lgt Frigate Sable. Scavenger Vessel >Sir, We found another one >Great, pull it into the ship
Now initializing. Creating digital display... Loading blank vox... Calibrating birtual laws... Populating vox... Randomizing inhabitants... Applying artificial intelligence... Rendering birtual space... Finalizing... Done.
[Please be forewarned that the art style of Aberration will be subject to change without warning, as I am A) now using SAI for it and B) still have not settled on anything I have found to be properly comfortable with]
>I recommend starting a new thread for a new chapter(s). oh ok
>I knew he loved us. Daddy always loved us and this proves it. He remembered our birthdy and got us this. This doesn't prove a thing... >Oh come on, why would he get us something so lovely if he didn't love us? To shut us up.. >Oh you're always so negative. Hi Alimentor my name's.... I forgot my name again. It's May. >Right! My name's May and today's my birthday!
Once, after my exile, when I lived alone in the woods near Iniziare Citta, I witnessed a man stalking through the forest. His eyes were moist with tears, focused on some distant thing beyond his mind, a deadly stare with no present recipient. He wore upon his tired frame tattered old clothes all stained with a wash of crimson ripples, and his boots were worn through to nearly nothing. Across his throat he bore a scar like a collar, a defiant band standing against the force of death itself. And in his arms he carried a weapon like an axe, and this bit of glimmering steel which caught the light as a zephyr's hair shone high above his ragged countenance, the only item on his person fresh and clean. And I asked the man, "What are you doing in these woods?" And he replied simply, "Hunting bears."
"Look at the bright side, Lady Sanya. At least you won't be seeing me peep on you for awhile. Heh." "This is no laughing matter, Gezzono!" > Short-term Quest: Recover Bite's memories > Long-term Quest: Find other stones > Ultimate Goal: Find Father > Current Party: Murdelp, Kobold Archer Gezzono, Elementalist Tonberry Gazzene, Cleric/Mage Tonberry Amina, Talyxian Bite, Catboy > Inventory: KNIFE GREEN POTION EMPTY POTION PILLS STRENGTH GLOVE
>Hey SparklyBall! Long time nosee! Sevi just get out of niceshower! >It's been amonth since Sevi lost you! Sevi is sorry but lot happen since Sevi lost SparklyBall! irc://
Select race >Anonymous >Ascii >Afro
I fly on in. The uh, Pony starts talking. "What the hell? I guess we should take them with us. Let me go over what you told me, Red. So basically, whatever is in charge of the mist is coming from down below the clouds under us, and whatever is in charge of the Mantas is above the mist on top of us, and once we go either of those directions, the Mantas won't be able to follow us?" >"C-correct." Somethings coming out of the explosion fire! Oh. Oh shit. "CROOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW!" So I guess the real question is: Up or Down.
((First thread found in ARCHIVE Discussion and awnsers in #rubyquest on irc Also, the OP image for thread 1 is a useful reference, so please, keep it in a tab or window or what have you while reading. Thank you!)) ---------------- Evening, Legion. No, I'm not going to tell you about the past hour. Don't bother asking. The Queen has offered me transportation back, in return for my... service. I exit the hive and return to the grunk on the surface to find my mount has intentionally broken the surface of it, feasting on the goop within. Looking closer, I can see twitching animals within, slowly dying in the weak acid. I approach my mount, and it sidles down, allowing me to ri-OH GOD I WILL NEVER GET USED TO THIIIS! The thing takes long, leaping bounds, exulting in its own incredible speed through the forest, to drop me off where I was picked up. The hut is in sight. It is nearly morning. Jai is tending the fire, looking up at the stars.
In Oren's dream he goes to the fair with his parents, and loses them in the push and jostle. He stumbles around the crowds of people he does not know, looking for them, wondering whether he should cry or not. Eventually he reaches the tents and stalls where people have set up businesses selling unhealthy, overpriced foods. This, he vaguely recalls, is where he knew he would find mom and dad. He still can't.
>>>2242560 hours after take-off >>>Fuel is down to 0% >>>Prepare for Crash-Landing
Tonight is my night for guard at the cave. The night is dark and cold. Dmim and Kurb are guard too. No animal come in tonight. In the late night. The late, late night.
chapter thrityseven CURRENT PARTY me my girlfriendfuschio falto father)brother)
Book 1: Book 2: Spikesby Biteface has an important decision to make.
I am a 29 year old male. I am an ezilot, so I've got fur, a tail, and a mane, which are all nearly fireproof. Along with normal color, I see in infrared, so I can tell how hot something is. I am light bronze in color, and thankfully less shiny. Oh. And I am a blood mage. It is 9:34 AM. I'm starting to get hungry and I'm so bored and restless I could cry. So what's my name again?
In times we may fall, as we all tend to do. My daddy taught me that. You just have to carry through. A very beautiful woman used to live here once.
Something happens. She is awake. There is a light in the darkness.
"When I was but a boy, my family was murdered, my throne was stolen from me, and I was chased from the Kingdom that was once to be mine, knowing my other option was a drawn-out and painful public execution. I was thrown out into the world, awash in a sea of blood. A lifetime of service and this is how the people thanked my family for it.
Life is hard. People are mean, and nobody will give you any break. Everyone will kick you when you're down, if given the chance. Not so long ago, this kinda things were what I went by. I believed it and nobody could tell me otherwise.
Thread 1: Thread 2:
Di... did it work? Well, I may as well introduce myself. My name is Antares. I am the son of Hattori and Ella Delarosa. My father and his friends managed to save the world from the machinations of Clown. Now Xom is in power in Coyote's place, and while... unpredictable, he's better than the last. The reason I beg your assistance, legion, is because of the task my father has sent me upon. My mother, you see... is dying. It is a slow death, but my father knows it to be preventable. However, the chemical he needs cannot be found in the old world, so he hired this boat and crew, and sent me to find it in the New World. I am alone in my mission. I have no magical items, just my skill with runes, and no allies. Father says he expects I shall succeed. I... am not quite so sure...
"Bullshit! Complete and utter bullshit!" > Short-term Quest: --- > Long-term Quest: --- > Ultimate Goal: Find Father (?) > Current Party: Murdelp > Inventory: KNIFE GREEN POTION EMPTY POTION PILLS STRENGTH GLOVE
You know.... We've been trough this. I want to do the proper thing. I want to be the good guy. I want to do what is right. But this guy...
Man, I'm so high right now. Wait, what was my name again? The first bit The second Bit Okay, guys. We've been crawling through this tiny hole for like, forever. Forever. Seriously. Now we're in this huge room, and there's like, this big beehive with these glowy blue balls and like, little cages and uh... I honestly have no idea. There's lots of screaming here.
((Previous threads found in ARCHIVE. Thread discussion and Shiitake pulling apart my plot from accidental remarks in #rubyquest. HAY GUIS THE WIKI NEEDS PLOT UPDATAN. Don't worry if you mess up, I'll correct you!)) I stand now before the stones that block the way into the Weird. Trik is here. "Removing them would be very bad." she states firmly. "Oh. Uhm. Magic do weird thing in Weird. Advise you travel light." The others have decided to support me by sweeping the area near the Praetor for Mongrels. I shall descend alone. I know enough about the Weird to surmise that magical items may behave oddly there. Should I leave anything behind before I enter?
Perfect tide. Perfect breeze. Perfect temperature. Perfect shade.
((Previous thread found in ARCHIVE. Thread discussion and Shiitake pulling apart my plot from accidental remarks in #rubyquest. HAY GUIS THE WIKI NEEDS PLOT UPDATAN. Don't worry if you mess up, I'll correct you!)) "But... but those mongrels..." "Don't care." I mumble, cleaning the wound with care. "She'll steal all your money, Hattori!" she manages as a desperate plea. "If money is all she desires then she can have it. Life is more important than petty gold or grudges." Raven watches me as I work impassively, as the others rise to watch me work, carefully picking out bone shards and ruined peices of dead flesh with care and a pair of tweezers. "Either help me or go back to bead. You are in my way." Lighting from above and behind me, perfect for surgical operations, shines upon my work in progress. I don't know what it's from, but right now, I do not care. A life is in danger. Right now, nothing else matters!
You are a pokeball. Yes, this is where they really come from. But suddenly you are sentient or something. What now?
You bought a random used game for the Playdo 64, the best system evah! It turns out to be Zendikar Quest. You fire it up, and notice that there are several options. You can make a new character, either a Goblin, Vampire, Elf, Kor, Human, or Merfolk. (I tried this on 4chan but I don't feel like digging out the characters we made for it) Oh, and pic isn't unrelated due to lack of drawskills.
<Theta][Sigma>FFFF <Theta][Sigma>TOO MUCH POKEQUETS
I'm so bored...
You are a slime. Why are you a slime? You don't know. You just started thinking, if you can call it that. There are other slimes here. You are slightly larger one. There are exits to the East and West.
I don't know what's happening. I don't even know what we're saying. It's just words. Just words. Something's broken. I wonder if it matters anymore. Perhaps the sum of our actions will end up a terrible shout.
Post-nuclear Post-apocolyptic Mayhem.
These are the journeys of Mu, a wandering warrior monk. With the aid of his trusty Devil Toad he has embarked on a quest to master the Demon Arts and become a Dragon of legend such the world has never seen. Mu was travelling towards the Whispering Valley, when he came across a tea house besieged by rowdy town guards. The undisciplined men-at-arms were harassing a lady employed at the tea house. Mu intervened, and was gravely wounded in the following fight.
((Thread 1: Thread 2: Thread 3: Thread 4: Discussion and Shiitake managing to pick apart my entire plot in #rubyquest on IRC. Item functions found in previous threads and soon the wiki page.)) With the knowledge of Coyote's madness and the betrayal of Shi, we move towards our goal of recovering Raven's faith. Myself and Ella are truly together, and, barring a medical examination in the near future determining otherwise, having children. Several new additions to the party have come forth, but with the gain of allies, comes the loss of some of my most useful items. But right now the most important thing is the matter of an undead at the window to my bath. "Can this wait until after my bath is finished?" I ask, as Ella slides behind me and picks up her spear. The creature blinks, then laughs aloud. "Sure, sure. Take yer time." it says, laughing. It passes one hand in front of its face and vanishes from sight.
at least... I saved them... >Alanniss: you just gave them more time...
Imani's village has been stricken with a terrible plague. He, alone, has remained unaffected. No magic or medicine has been able to cure the affliction. Imani can no longer stand to watch his friends suffer. The legends spoke of beings from beyond antiquity, dragons whose power transcended the bounds of mere mortals. Perhaps such a creature could be persuaded to save Imani's village. In spite of his youth, or perhaps because of it, Imani climbs out of his home in the bottom of the world. If he wants a dragon to save his village, he'll need to find one.
E2M3 Revelations
You know there are cultural differences and the like.
[ For Quest Discussion please come to #tgchan on ] Bubble Bucket, Chapter 10. Listing of previous chapters:
>"No... You can't be...."
((Previous threads here until archival catches up: Thread 1: Thread 2: Thread 3: ((Not archived)) )) ... ... ... Hurts. For the first time in a long time, I feel pain. Fire throughout my body, in my mind, in a soul I never believed to exist. Burning and purging and turning everything to ash. The fire is not like the cold embrace of Death. Where it is soft, the fire is harsh. Where it is clean, the fire scars and scorches. Where it is quiet, the fire bubbles, crackles, and snaps. And then the fire is blown away. The smoke that choked my lungs is gone from them. The stinging in my eyes vanishes. And a presence vanishes, unseen until its departure. My eyes remain closed, but I can still hear. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
... > Short-term Quest: --- > Long-term Quest: --- > Ultimate Goal: ??? > Current Party: ??? > Inventory: ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Six: The groups have been set. The choices have been made. It is only a matter of time before the final straw is set. Now the problem is... who shall make the next move? Make your choice mystics, for it is only you that can save this world in the end.
>SparklyBall... Sevi hasa problem.... >Eversince Sevi hadnight with Fluffy Yon and tasted her nectar Sevi hasn't seen her... >Yon pushedhard Sevi off and pulled up underthings. Then she yell at Sevi and callher pervert and badgirl... Sevi not badgirl... >Yon leftSevi... Sevi tried to trapher in plant but Sevi tosad to do that.. CONTINUED
It was a long day, but now I am home, finally going to sleep. Ah..... I hope I have good dreams tonight.... SLEEP TIME There is only one statbar in this setting, which is a sliding bar, ranging from -25 [OBLIVION] to 25 [LUCID]. The higher the value, the more you can control the dream around you, but the closer you get to a full [LUCID] value, the higher the chance you will wake up. The closer you get to [OBLIVION], the more deeply asleep you are, and the more stable the dream becomes. However, as you get closer to the maximum [OBLIVION] score, your thought processes slow, until at max value you are no longer aware enough to remember the dream. So letting the value hit either extreme ends the dream. Any action taken will raise or lower the score on the statbar. Example to increase [LUCID]: Dismissing a perceived danger because it is a dream, attempting to instill order to that around you. In general, attempting to alter the flow of the dream increases [LUCID]. Example to increase [OBLIVION]: Treating that which you find in the dream as real, or otherwise going along with primal responses to stimuli. In general, following the course of a dream without attempting to alter it will increases [OBLIVION]. Starting value is 0 Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
//text-only ++++++++++ ELDRITCH: Fleshpuzzle Red (c) 1984 Quentin Software. ++++++++++ Welcome to ELDRITCH: Fleshpuzzle Red, by Quentin Software. This game is what's called a "text adventure", meaning that you input text commands into the computer to proceed. Common commands include LOOK (L), EXAMINE (X) USE (U), TAKE or GET (G or T), TRANSFORM (F), INVENTORY (I), FLAY (Y), and several more! If, at any time, you need to see this list again, enter COMMANDS. ++++++++++ You are in a bathroom stall at Jones and Jones Assoc. Your pants are around your ankles. You are sitting on the toilet. You have just taken a WICKED DUMP. >
>Mmm... Yon... You're sofluffy.. Sevi could just eat you up... Oh Yon... Seviwant to just... CONTINUED
>Hello SparrklyBall it's Sevi! Sevi need talk with Sparkly Ball. Sevi have bigbig problem at school. Sevineed to talk. Mommy said talking helps with badproblems and this is very bad badproblem. Can SparklyBall keep big secret? No telling Mommy k? Well heregoes....
>No... I'm to late.
((Thread 2: Thread 1: )) With the relevation that the reak Enemy is the once-thought dead god Coyote and the victory against his Sworn at Raven's Loft, we are now prepared to swear Jax under the Raven's name. Having discussed Coyote's motives and past, we now understand why he is killing the Raven and, in the process, the Seeran: Entertainment. The night hangs low on the encampment as we await the arrival of the Raven. I will now take this time to remind you of the known abilities of my magical items. The Hat: + The Hat may be used as a storage device for anything that could fit into the brim. The storage is infinite, and when reaching inside, you will always find what you are looking for, unless your terms are vague, like 'what I need to solve this'. ++As a collorary to this power, turning the hat inside out will dump all the contents of its storage. You can will the items to be expelled at normal speed or very, very high speed when commiting to the action. ++Things placed inside the hat are frozen in time, so living creatures, food, time-sensitive objects, and the like will last indefinitely. +You may reach through the hat, and out into real space wherever you can see. This is only limited by the acuity of your own sight, but only one such bridge may be made. In other words, you may not put both arms into the hat and have them pop up in different locations. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Thread 1:
>Hey Orb! I know it's been a while since I put you on but I really really REALLY need your help right now! >It's kinda complicated but here goes.
My name is Sellanie. I live in the heart of Brolmorik's Hammer, where the Great Hills rise and the flying waters crash upon the rocks. It is here I spend much of my day, amidst the hot waters and warm mists, surrounded by the heart of gorgeous nature. I am fortunate, for my husband is a well-respected man, and he is able to bring me everything a woman of my standing should need. I have food, shelter, and a powerful husband. I suppose there is nothing else a woman should need.
In the last episode, Mu was tutored by the mountain goblin Quan. After harsh trieals, Mu finally mastered the Demon Flash Step, a powerful technique for fast movement. All was not fun and roses, as Quan succumbed to the Demon Fury during the final test. Mu battled the demon with audacity, and was at death's door when the Mysterious Lady Min intervened. Afterwards, Lady Min beseeched Mu to come to her valley's aid, as it is besieged by a band of brigands. Mu agreed. This is their journey.
"Why is everything so dark..." I have established the following information, which shall be static all throughout: You are a <UNKNOWN> You are female. Your name is Sanya. Your age is 2,000 years old. Please select your skin color.
Welcome to The Game, hosted by WonDer Games! You are one of the lucky few to make it to the last stage! The rules are simple, get eight silver keys and you win. Good luck ^_^
Hrmm... nrgh... Time to get up and do... something.
Somewhere a hooded figure makes his way through the snow. He is feeling a little down. The weather is cold. His boss is not nice. He always thought that when its cold people got together. That dreamcrushed person is me, Grey.
...Eh. Morning, I guess. >Animated
FurReality >FurReality was initially founded as a group of cosplayers who enjoyed dressing up as natural animals and having sex with them, as well as drawing such things. They advocated the belief of letting anyone be who ever they want to, which attracted Naveen's interests. She commandeered the group, using their slogan to attract artists and actors of all kinds. They currently control the majority of the entertainment industry in Neotis.
"This is the last open grave in the county... I'm sorry doctor, but I'm afraid your restful slumber may have to be disturbed if this plague continues. But for now my friend, let your remains slumber in peace." *A howl resounds in the distance* "The wolves are active tonight... a bad omen. I'm sorry my friend, but I must cut our conversation short. Thank you for your time."
There is a sandwich here. Please suggest an action.
((Previous thread here: until it is archived.)) Good evening. It seems we are going to be spending some time together, Legion. In case you've forgotten, we have been tasked by the mysterious spider Anansi to retrieve a singing sword from a dragon known as Jerasp. In return, he would tell us the abilities that lie within the Cane, as he did with this Hat. The Hat: + The Hat may be used as a storage device for anything that could fit into the brim. The storage is infinite, and when reaching inside, you will always find what you are looking for, unless your terms are vague, like 'what I need to solve this'. ++As a collorary to this power, turning the hat inside out will dump all the contents of its storage. You can will the items to be expelled at normal speed or very, very high speed when commiting to the action. ++Things placed inside the hat are frozen in time, so living creatures, food, time-sensitive objects, and the like will last indefinitely. +You may reach through the hat, and out into real space wherever you can see. This is only limited by the acuity of your own sight, but only one such bridge may be made. In other words, you may not put both arms into the hat and have them pop up in different locations. ++Velocity is maintained between points using this power. Speedy thing goes in hat, speedy thing comes out hat. ++Objects pulled back out may either be placed into storage or retrieved immediately. Living tissue is locked in place if this power is used on, say, an arm. The same goes for anything pulled partially through. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
You know... It's not easy to be a vampire. To be forever young and popular... To never tire or hunger... To sparkle in the sun... You know how hard it is to find toner that matches my pale skin? I think vampires have the hardest time of all!
The village of Byron. Built by Lord Byron the Absolute, with the sole objective to support his new jailhouse- because he needed more space to bury his political disaffected. At some point during the construction, demons.
Having problems finding a specific chapter of your favorite quest? Don't want to dig through the archives finding where it begins? Or do you just want to kill an afternoon and don't know where to start? Well, thanks to the handy dandy Quest Wiki, you can archive binge with ease! Just about every quest has an article, and just about every article has links to the archived threads, making re-reading a breeze! If you find a quest without an article, or you find an article without links, we'd appreciate it if you took a few minutes to fill those in. Or go ask around at #tgchan on IRC if anyone has the know how to do that for you, if you aren't confident in your wiki skills.
Steve wakes up blearily. The sun is steadily streaming into his eyes. He doesn't know where he is, and he's confused what happened before passing out. He doesn't remember being outside...
Cold. Death is cold. When the body ceases functioning, the heart stops beating, ceasing the pumping of blood. Without the warmth of moving blood, the body chills, and the cells die quickly. Within minutes, the brain is beyond repair. Within days, it begins to rot. For all of man's great power, he still has yet to triumph over Death itself. He cannot and dares not, even with the great power of Life magic, to bring back the dead. For Death is cold, and the cold is deadly. Of course, laws are meant to be broken, aren't they? After all, my heart stopped beating hundreds of years ago. My name is Hattori Delarosa, and I am a Lich. My age is of no consequence, and neither is my backstory. Perhaps I shall tell you later. The reason I have summoned you, Legion, is for advice and guidance in this most important of heists. There is an incredibly powerful magical artifact, prophesized to be the end of me. I seek to destroy it and avert my fate... again. Will you help me, O noble voices from beyond time and space?
Chapter 12 For previous chapters: Chapters 1-3: Chapters 4-5: Chapters 6-7: Chapters 8-9: Chapters 10-11:
[ For Quest Discussion please come to #tgchan on ] Bubble Bucket, Chapter 07. Listing of previous chapters: Part I. There is a sense of righteous fury when I kill. A fire burns in my heart, and destroying the monstrosities only makes it burn hotter. In the heavy mist all sounds are muted, the bark of my pistol is swallowed as completely as the low moans of the monsters. All I hear in my earpiece is a static hum, but I am not alone. Soon, my pistol will mutter dry clicks instead of shouting bright fury, but Vengeance still burns in my heart, and my fire will not be so easily quenched. It would be nice if I had a plan, though.
In the last episode, Mu left the shelter of the temple to begin his one year journey throughout the lands. During this time he is to experience the real world and potentially earn a name for himself. Once on the road Mu encountered a vicious mountain goblin. To save the life of a foolish peasant boy, Mu battled the lesser demon and defeated him. Mu freed the boy and spared the goblins life, and was offered a boon for his kindness. Mu asked to be taught the Demon Flash Step technique. This is his training.
"Amina!" > Short-term Quest: Find Murdelp > Long-term Quest: --- > Ultimate Goal: Find Father > Current Party: Sanya Gezzono > Inventory: KNIFE GREEN POTION EMPTY POTION PILLS STRENGTH GLOVE GREEN SHARD
Everyone’s gone… They are everywhere… My last chance… the vents…
>E1M3 >Invisible Wounds
"I Wanna go on an ADVENTURE!"
I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. That's what happened to me. And just think, this is only possible because I was denied my position as King of a small province. Soon, I shall be King of this entire continent. With my loyal minions at my side, I celebrated my victory at Iniziare Citta, while omitting a few inconsequential details. I am the victor here, I shall be the one to write the history books. A celebration was had, and all together, my underlings and I shared a common moment of elation.
Hi! My name is Nails! And I'm nailed to the wall! Please help me!
...Mojo? Is that you, Mojo?
This one is about Oren Loper. In Oren's dream, they're burying him alive. He's in a casket but due to some dream logic, he can see through it. He's had the dream before, but the undertaker is new. The undertaker is saying: "Deus meus, ex toto corde poenitet me omnium meorum peccatorum". The gravedigger does not speak.
We had no idea what had happened. The world watched in shock as a wave of color and light moved across the planet. In it's wake people simply vanished at seeming random. Many of those left behind were shaken by the whole even but, managed to keep going about their to day to day lives. Those that were taken however were given a different fate. He was swallowed up by the wave. His motives unknown and far from home he was told to prepare for a journey to a new world unlike anything he knew. He had one half to gather supplies from the streets and small shops around him. No one but him seemed to move. Everyone else was simply frozen in place looking at the vast swirling chaos that is the wave.
E6M1 Face in the Sand