Chop is most displeased. The Chieftain has told me that some puny, weakling recruits would be sent to Chop's Dojo to become less puny, less weak, beginning this day. And now, the sun has rose, and Chop's eyes see nothing! Where are these so called warriors to be?
This is a short quest to get used to my new toy. Graphic style will probably change as I get used to my pad >You wake up face flat on the cold icy floor. Your breath is white like small clouds... You don't know where you are or what happened. -___
Previously, Before the Storm
((First thread can be found here: )) ((Discussion is in #redsands at Rizon on IRC.)) For the first time in my life, I feel at home. It's a strange feeling, a strange, inexplicable emotion. Just knowing that these people can look past your past, they can see you for who you are. A comfortable, gentle feeling of being welcome. A few days have passed since me and Rose had that night together, and since then, I've not left the town for long. I work cleaning the bar, with Buster. He's shown me some interesting ways to move and act in combat to keep from being such an obvious target, and he's told me some tales of his own adventures. One thing keeps bothering me. My memories have a gap in them. I remember emerging from the Vault, and finding the White book - but between those events, there's a fog. A lack of memory. An emptiness. Part of me wants to find out what happened. But another part of me wants to leave that behind. I'm scared of what I can't remember, and what I can. Blood. Lots of blood. What if I'm no better than the Jesters? The average bandits that attack once in a while, only to be beaten back by the Claws? What if... Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Once the world was beautiful. Once, the world held splendor, magic, and vistas that caught one's breath. But that was before the source of Magic was corrupted by unknown sources, and a great Calamity shook the land. And now, the world is mostly desert, dead forests... And forsaken cities. The world is dying, a horrible cancer eating at its heart for the past 200 years. And that cancer has many tumors. Bandits roam the land, tearing the survivors apart. Mutated beasts roam the sands and the forests. Corrupted machines work to purge the world of man. Half-man, half-beasts roam the land, unknowable agents of calamity or help. In this diseased land, are you man or woman?
Welcome back, you sons of bitches! Last time we briefed Black Company was pushing into Zangano territory. In case you've somehow forgotten, they initiated aggressions by attacking and decimating one of our troop transport convoys. So far, they have been slow to respond to our attacks. However, this will change, as the Zangano military is rising into high alert. Expect reinforcements to be more frequent and more swift, and positions more heavily guarded. Previous thread: Information thread: By the way, let me finish sending information before you interrupt my transmission, you little fucks.
Previous thread:
This is where it gets confusing...
Discussion thread:
Emily flies in front of you. >"My Lord! My Lord!" "Yes Emily?" >"It's the holidays! The big Festival Day!" "And?" >"Everyone is giving gifts to one another!" "Emily we need to train." >"But we already did my Lord!" "We did?" >"Yeah! You probably don't remember it because it was so boring but everyone got a level or two. Now we can have some fun for Festival Day!" Well if she says so.. Maybe it would be nice to raise some moral. Though honestly there are other things you could be doing.
Здравствуйте! I am great Soviet hero! I am defending Stalingrad from fascist Germans!
. It was a cold day, and soon to grow colder as the sun would set behind a veil of fog and cloud. Our story, however, takes place under the lifeless rock, where the sun neither rises nor falls. It is there that a kobold, at just the right age for a kobold mid-life crisis, would finish her work of hitting rocks all day. It was what she did today, yesterday, and, as probability would dictate, the next day.
If you are in blind darkness with no place to rest your hands, look to the east again and the shimmering hearths of the grass people will guide you home. If you are home and in tears, do not despair in defeat. Embrace your loved ones and arm your children. -From the final peepings of the Prophet Jerem.
Hmm.. That girl was interesting. As she leaves your castle you can feel an almost invisible force return to you. A sort of consciousness perhaps? Anyway almost all the Rust Monsters are gone now. You wonder as to how they even got there in the first place..
Hey guys, how are you all doing today/tonight? This is my first thread in any imageboard, so if I make some mistakes or seem ignorant in certain areas, please forgive me. I am also somewhat busy with other tasks, so please be patient if I don't update every half hour. I'm kinda nervous about this and I really hope I can make it all the way through, but I hope you all enjoy Rina Quest and its universe!
So here we are. Out in the middle of nowhere, freezing our asses off. "Where is that old fart? He was supposed to be here an hour ago." "He said he forgot something and would meet us out here. He'd better not have forgotten that too." We could wait inside, but it might be trapped or collapsing or a haunted pit of demon hate, so we probably want to know about any surprises before going in. "Is that him? I hear a rider, but I also hear something else." I can hear it, too. It's definitely a horse and some kind of weird cackling and whooping... Oh gods, damn it all.
When lands slip into to darkness, tormented by plague and blight The paladins will always stand to pull them to the light The goddess watches over us until the job is done And those who die in battle die as martyrs for her son
> "Calibrating new Electronic Intelligence enhancement." > "Installation complete. Say hello." [6]Kn33s0cks: Hi there!
The Elders said that this is where he had made his final stand.
There's a small group of women outside your castle.. They're talking amongst themselves and examining the still mostly destroyed court. Around them you can see the remains of your floatation ring. Everyone once in a while they pound on the door. It's been ten minutes now, they're not going away.
--still looking at that gem?" "It's giving off a faint... something. Can't you feel it?" "Faint Evocation, fire. Careful with it, will you? It'd be terrible if that went off in your eye."
The PoisonWorld: Daztrenian CHOOSE YOUR PINKSKIN! level 1 level 2 discussion
The unfortunate story of a young hare. Stay a while and this tale I'll share. But if I may say once more... This tale may be somthing... Something Gore... Last time we did this it put me in a two week depression. I reserve the right to stop at any moment. That being said I hope we can all enjoy it. NOW 100% Ear sex free! ^~^
"Oh my gosh, Shabin!" >"What." "It's halloween!" >"And?" "It's horrible, I've totally forgotten! I don't have a costume prepared at all!" >"That looks like a pretty good one, to me." "Shaaabin! Ohgosh what should I dress up as?!"
It is a typical day as Overlord. One of your minions kneels before you, as she should, and makes a request. >"M-my lord... Uhm... A few of the girls and I were uh wondering if maybe we can celebrate that human holiday.. Halloween... It seems to be quite popular and we can even go to the human world as we are and get candy... Please?" Hmm.... Normally this one would never even ask such a thing. Time to kill her before this 'asking for things' spreads to the others.
Thread 1 (Chapters 1-2): Thread (Chapters 2-4): Discussion thread: Wizards in Meigara are powerful individuals, able to bend the laws of space and time at their will. In past ages, they became a threat to reality itself, almost destroying the world in their struggle for power, fighting among themselves, using Meigara and its people as their personal battlefield After a rather truculent battle in which almost a continent was erased from existence and half of the wizards population died, they decided that they had to control the number and the power of the existing wizards if they wanted to stay alive. Thus, the Magic Guild was born, the living wizards swore to work only for clients allowed by the guild, and never seeking their own goals. To become a wizard, one would have to pass a deadly test that only the most courageous and wise ones would pass.
Not liking other quest. Started interesting, now it's just a pain. It has gone on hiatus. May finish it later. For now, I do this. AQ #1: AQ #2: you're reading it
Greetings, everyone! Still recently formed Chaos God here. Life has been fairly quiet as far as my job goes, at least on Muo's side of things. It's cool, I gave her some time off, but she's playing it small. Hardly enough to be worth my time, so we're going to give her a mission elsewhere. I'm pretty bored of her hanging around the slime caves all the time. Let's give her a little more to go with though then "HEY CAUSE CHAOS SOMEPLACE", hm? Let's choose an area she'll focus on.
Since I was a dumbass and let the last thread get way too big- [Quest Wiki: ] [Previous thread: ] >>337800 >>337801 >>337826 I decide to seek out Big first. He's had the night to mull over things-and I find myself idly wondering if he's planning to leave once we get back to Istanbul-he's been a bit more quiet than usual, these last few days. And with the excuse of needing to learn about Spirit Animals and how they are bound, I can spend some time talking with him, and maybe better sense why he's been acting aloof. Doesn't take me too long to find him-watching as Helmi fights Tuomo and Veiko in yet another of the families endless string of sparring matches. At my approach he waits placidly for me to speak. "So. You had the night." >[Big]"That I did." ...That way, huh? Alright. "As it happens I need some advice on a topic you're well versed." >[Big]"You finally want to learn how to shoot properly?" Don't acknowledge it, just keep rolling- Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Revolution... Evolution... Change in shape and form... The nuclear fires bathed the land and claimed it as its own. Twisted and mangled, those to witness would never recognize... Not only the wasteland, but what remains of its inhabitants and their way of life... But war... War never changes...
It's been a day since you received Silva's letter. It seemed to be in some kind of code but Styx was able to translate. It basically reads. >I'm sorry for what I did. I am wounded. Please help me. I am at Torral. Rose and Styx say it's best to just ignore her. To let her die in Torral.
"Shit." Damn that hurts.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck Guard: "Where is he?" Soldier: "Up the mountain! Up the mountain!" Lieutenant: "Don't let him get away!"
>in a dark dimension, fantastical compared to our own, a world lies in peril a dark warlock threatens. and now this world's fate will be determined by the actions of a single filthy moronic grubby gnoll. so it falls upon you! the wise spirits, ancient ancestors, benevolent angels, vile demons, mischievous ghosts and other incorporeal guides to protect this poor pathetic creature on her path to infinite glory! previous thread
Hey everyone! Recently formed Chaos God here, but you can still call me Tom. Or the Devourer or Duke or whatever. But down below in the mortal lands, I'm best known as the Chaos God. And gods get prayers, yup. Mortals give us attention, and we give them all sorts of divine favors and gifts and... man, we're attention whores aren't we? I'll own up to that! I was told from the other gods there were people who actually would pray to me and be my subjects, but all I thought was 'haha come on you guys you're just making me feel special, who would actually want to be under someone called the Chaos God?' But get this! There's actually people who said oh hey look, a shrine to the embodiment of Chaos, I think I'll just go ahead and be his devout servant! That couldn't possibly end badly!" And that's the point. I can only think up so many things for so many people, so I'd like some help!
>"So that's it? That's the end of the Lich King?" Ears asks. "Only the end of being the Lich King, but now we're the same. I'm not the Lich King, and I'm not the construct." >"Then?" "I am Chee." I feel like I can take on the known universe. Which is good, because I may have to.
Okay. I said it would be a short break Pick your character for the rest of this encounter. Toby: We finish what we started Ninje: What the hell is going on Note. selecting Ninje dose not lock her in as your target interest.
Hello my name is Princess Sha'lo I was traveling to school but then I saw some goblins they were all evil and ugly oh no They're coming from that direction too!11 What should I do
Where am I..? This seems to be a box. Why would I be in a box?
"As you know, the tenth year will be your most harrowing time of your lives. Half of you will probably die. And the surviving half will be put through the hardest test of their lives. There will be no more supervision, no more of your peers protecting you or saving you from a mistake. No more practice, no more lessons. If you feel you need to train more, do it on your own time. Because when the final test comes, you only get one chance at success. One chance at life. " -Varius Makag, Patriarchal Guard and Tenth Year Instructor
... It's dark, but that's nothing new... Has been dark, for the past... I don't know how many years. Seems even my internal clock lost track after awhile. Doesn't really matter anymore. Never really cared for keeping track of all that anyway. All I know is that I am Hated. Have always been, never known anything else. Maybe it's because things tend to die when they make me angry. Maybe it's because I am what I am. Who knows. Who cares. All I know, is that those five asses calling themselves the Children of Light drained me of all the sparks I'd gathered over the years, chained me to the floor under some crypt and left me here to rot next to some guardian beast with orders to kill me if I got too rowdy. So, I decided I'd be a good boy, not cause any trouble and wait till I got the chance to get out of here. The chance has come. I don't know why, but some of my power is back. Not a lot, barely even a flicker compared to what I used to be. But it's enough to deal with this beasty standing over me, and to free myself from these chains. All that left is to do the deed. Then it's time for revenge. Time to hunt down those five "heroes" and rip their hearts from their bodies. They want to make me the hated one. Fine. I'll be hated, and I'll hate right back. ((I'm saying this right off the bat, I can't draw anything with my abysmal skills, so this will primarily be text, unless I find an interesting picture that fits the situation))
>"Oh Gods." "You... you guys saw that, right? He didn't give me any other choice... I... I..." >"Shit. Shit shit shit shit." >"Calm down, you'll wake the others." >"That's it. We're dead." >"Don't say that. no one else has to die here, we just have to... we have to think this through." >"Lin and Faer are Paladins. When they find out about this-" >"Lin and Faer are never going to find out about this, understand?" "Oh gods, all this blood. How am I going to wash off all this blood?" >"Well, they're going to be pretty fucking suspicious when they wake up tomorrow and find... this!" >"This wouldn't have happened if you had just listened to me from the start!" "Guys... guys, please... stop talking, I need... I just need a minute to think... I..."
You float across the dining table, watching your minions eat Styx's surprisingly good cooking. You float over to Alice who's simply staring into her food bowl. She teeters back and forth on the verge of passing out.
Hey, how's everyone doing? I'd like you all to meet one of my good friends. He's trying to find someone to rent out one of the nearby apartments. Would any of you be interested in buying a place? He can show you around, if you like.
>"Hey, hey! You aren't going anywhere, Fen!"
Previous Chapters: GP:115 Guardian Skills: Regain Mana 5, Heavy Slash 5, Flash Step 5, Struggle 5, Change Gender 5, Minor Psionics 20, Cloak Object 10 15 20, Shadow Shield 0, Summon Ombra 110, Shadow Ball 25, and Limit Break 1 90, Limit Break 2(healing) 100. -------------------------------------------- M-my father...? No... It can't be.. "I uhm... I..." "Haha it's okay miss. Is Minerva here?" "Uhm.. She's uh... Out." "Ah okay. Are you her daughter? "Y-yes." "Of course, you have her same looks. Except the eyes, that is very unique." This can't be him...
It's been a long time. A long time since there was anything to see. Or touch. And the voices are going, now, too. Falling away into the silence. One remains, and the quiet sound seems unnaturally loud in the Void. They say that you can't take it with you. But no one believes that. So...
"Wait, wait, wait a second! You said... you said you would take down gods, because they turned their back on mortals? But when that mad lich was ruining the world, you wouldn't do anything! Isn't that what you hate?!"
"Don't shoot it," says Eulinda. "It's just flying around." "Bonus points if you shoot it in the head," says Random. "Bonus points for a headshot." "Everyone be quiet," says Wendat. "You're messing up my aim." Turn 1.
This is Stan. He is an man.
>"How bright she glows, twenty times transfixed in active-matrix liquid crystal. I tap each image and they flicker to life in turn: searching, talking, working, passing into and out of view. While I slept, it was bliss to dream that our game was finally won, and that for every five steps I took, she had made four rather than the six to which I am so very accustomed. Now, awake and aware, it is less a bliss to see otherwise."
Instruments of Destruction
Tomorrow is the big day. All of his whole life he's just wanted to be right one time. Just once. Tomorrow will be that day.
O spirits of the, uh, the special spring. I pray for you to watch me on my great journey to uh...journey. Up the mountain. Give me blessings.
I'm awake! While asleep, Winston has found and brought me the book about properly changing phylacteries. It's complex, but it's the easier half. The difficult part... is breaking the barrier between Tom and the Lich. I guess if Tom sucked his soul though we wouldn't even need to change phylacteries. When I think about it, he wouldn't be able to resurrect with his soul trapped inside Tom. It increases my choice though, whether or not I want to have such a lich's soul. I'll just have to keep looking for a way to break or bypass that barrier.
[Wiki] MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 2010 Okay-got through Bulgaria no issue-well, no issue we couldn't handle-and the same goes for Romania-we hardly had to shoot at anything, really. We skirt through the Ukraine oh so briefly-then trekked through Poland. We kept moving North, reaching that tiny bit of Russian land sandwiched between Lithuania and Poland. That... was where things hit a bit of a snag. Big Crazy, a Native American Mercenary with a Texan drawl sits next to me in the car, a Cadillac Escalade claimed from the dead member of an assassin pair after my life a few days ago-Big Crazy being the other. Having no reason past the professional to kill me, and with that reason's removal on Olga's death a hatred of one Galileo Savoy was put in place-as a man who was perfectly willing to make us kill eachother just to avoid personal inconvenience. I find myself wishing I was driving the Right Laine, the Vanduras I named after myself that is back in Istanbul under Camella's care. It would be nice to have that... and all my body armor and other munitions with me, right about now. Least I have: -My recently refurbished Matebas, Italian Revolvers with an excessive amount of customization and a fair bit of magic, complete with three loads of... rather overly potent rounds. Each is holstered at my hip on opposed sides -My Mosin Nagant M28/30 of Finnish make, titled Keihäs-a blood-drinking rifle with a fiendishly sharp bayonet, and a penchent for finding ways to hurt things. It's in the back, next to my minifridge and cooking utensils. -A Buntline Special in .44 Magnum, one that I know to be magical like my Matebas and Keihäs yet still untested, strapped to my right leg. -A pair of holdout Judges in 3" .410 bore, lo Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
I am migrating this from 4chan's /tg/. I'll post the first few updates and let you know when to begin. There is a noise outside. Your stomach gnaws away at itself. Food is a distant memory. It has been years. Centuries, maybe. You refuse to die from it. Hunger and silence are all you know. There is a noise outside. Hunger and silence, hunger and silence. You think you are awake. It's hard to tell, after so long. You've been in this room for as long as your hunger-wracked mind can remember. You've propped yourself up against the wall. You know all the stones in the wall, all the iron in the door opposite you. Every nuance of the shiny blade that burns you if you touch it. Every pebble on the ground. All the gold discs and the red transparent rocks. You counted them, once. You're not sure if numbers work the same now, it's been a while. You moved more then, you only propped yourself against the wall some of the time. There is a noise outside. Hunger and silence, hunger and silence. The silence is gone. Hunger and hunger and hunger. Hunger stirs in you. Your barely-open eyes register flickering light under the door opposite you. There are voices outside. Footsteps. Prey. Flesh. Food. The hunger bids you to move. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Bad End Quest - Part 2 Party mode unlocked!
This is a "re-vamp" of Ink Quest. Background of the quest will be explained gradually throughout, so I encourage new readers to ask Muriel questions about anything that you do not understand. It will resume roughly where it left off.
Tread 1: Discussion thread: Many decades ago, deep in the mountains of Loirri, within the Valley of the Ambush, a tribe of nomad Gorks decided to settle down and form a small village, using the large web of natural caverns of the nearest mountain as their homes. Gorks are violent and belligerent beings, worshippers of many of the evil gods of Meigara. So they were very pleased to find a strange creature, agonizing in one of the deepest chasm of the valley. Even after it was obvious that the creature was young, they were impressed by its voracity. It would practically eat anything. So they captured it and dug a pit in the cave they used as shrine and threw the creature inside. For many years, they threw their sacrifices into the pit, as well with any traitor or dissident to the tribe, to be devoured by the monster, as they simply called it. The creature had nothing to say about it, of course; any escape attempt was quickly and violently stopped. It was a miserable existence, but it was the only existence the creature knew. And at least they kept it well fed.
it is said the old gods are fickle, and their judgment upon the lives of mortals may as well be left to chance . . .
And then boom! He went right out the window! Didn't even catch his pants till he was on the road! Oh wait hold on I think I got all my souls I'll call you later! Hello. I'm the new mage, and you're the advice! See, about forty minutes ago I was just minding my own business, rollin' in my grave, doin a little jig, when suddenly I'm gettin' pulled out of my party coffin while some crazy cloaked bird lich thinger is going 'ARISE, MY NEWEST MINION' and said I'm going to be a mage for him. And I'm just sittin there, casting my Undead Gaze of Wotaryootockingabowt at him, and then he said you guys would come and help me soon. And that soon is now. Except for the part where I don't wanna be a mage. I wanna be the lich! The king of liches! Or at least the Duke of Liches, or maybe the Duke of Party Coffins so I got an excuse to go back under. Actually, I don't know. I've been put in a lich's tower with full access! What do you guys wanna do?
>???: "My lord! My lord are you awake!?"
I wonder how liches do it. It's only been half a day, and I'm already lonely. I don't think I could be one of those lone tower-dwelling liches forever, but I want to fight with everything I can. They say to fight fire with fire, some say to fight fire with water, but with my healing, I have fire and water. Keeping souls in constructs is actually pretty hard, it's no wonder most necromancers aren't capable of this and just settle for animated remains! So, I just keep regular animated remains for the time being, but I think I can put souls into constructs with a little more practice. I don't really like all the creepy looking tapestries and wall engravings, so I'm having my undead minions rework the place to make it more homely. It's in my power to hold around 100 minions at once so far, but they're a bit weak. And the tower is so huge, it may take awhile! Oh, and I let Shabin and Tae know I was alright, but I should talk to them more and settle on a meeting point.
Hello everyone! It's been around six days since that strange dream. I haven't asked Shabin about it, it might be touchy. I mean, she told me she's never been outside? Anyways, while we've been traveling, I've practiced my soul magic! I can now send souls, both talent and advice, to anyone in close range. But, if I have a good connection with someone, I think I can send it from anywhere! So, I can talk to Shabin and Fraga at any time, and most likely Tae too, but we haven't talked a whole lot so I'm not sure. Also maybe Voxol, Chop, and Kradis, but I'm not confident about it.
This stinks. The chief just bit the big one. We ran out of food two days ago, gettin' sieged in this dungeon or barracks or somethin'. Only bout a dozen of us left, and with no leader it's a dozen ones, not one dozen. Everyone's on edge and we're right ready to kill one another. And the siege? Harpies. God damned harpies. We're a buncha gnolls getting our ass handed to us by a buncha girly screechin' birds. Hit a new damn low. This stinks hard.
Previous thread: RAGNARODE steps out of the mirror.
I would not mind the darkness if there was a small speckle of food...
[ Wiki ]'s_tower
previous thread discussion >It appears our heroes are in trouble again, but what is the real danger this time? the hostile world? or each other?
Hooded figure: "What is it?" ???: It's a seerstone. Hooded figure: THIS is a seerstone? I expected something a bit more flamboyant. ???: Being a Technomage isn't about being flashy. How many times do I gotta tell you?
It's been pretty quiet in the few days since the dwarves attacked our home. I've stuck around since everyone seemed to want me to train a bit more, but I think I'm getting as good as I can at such a rate. Oh, I'm still improving at everything, but it's not happening at such a huge rate. I don't think my skills at healing and marksmanship will get much better without spending a whole lot of time. Shabin is also hitting a cap, I think. I've been letting her borrow the souls as well, too, and it has shown. It really does seem to help us with our abilities even when we don't have the souls, but they always do give us an extra burst when available.
This has got to be the most boring waiting room I've ever seen. No magazines, cheesy elevator music, and even worse, no hot secretary to ogle over! Seriously,this had better be worth the money....
Bad End Quest - Round One. This is Bad End Quest! How fast can you get to a bad end?
Thread 1: >>85235 Now exiting dormant state due to arrival on Wur. Hey. After you said you were going dormant, your device said it too, and then I guess you did. Now that we've landed it said it was reactivating. You there?
[Wiki: ] Hello, everyone! It's been a few days since we last talked, but things have been pretty calm. There's no word on my possible banishment, but it's been on our minds. Kradis has been teaching me the basics of surviving outdoors, and I've been at Chop's dojo a lot, either practicing majic with the other healers or fighting a bit too. Fraga taught me how to throw a fireball, too! I can't make a very strong one yet, but it is nice to be able to get warmed up, also to put out fires. After all, the cardinal rule of pyromancy is to never summon a fire you can't put out! Fraga says that I should work on my concentration in order to use some advanced spells, so I've been hard at work for it.
"Do not compare us with the Fey or the Humans. We are Rezan! We are separate as we are superior. The Fey of the Westerlands beseech magic and use it to shape their world. Those of the Eastalands merge with magic, and uses it as a beast uses its limbs. The Humans scorn magic and use science to bend the world to their will We bind magic, and force it to serve our every whim. With it, we have achieved levels of science humans have only dreamt of! Do not compare us with the other race It is an insult to even consider us with the same standards." -Efer Kanis Chazo, patriarch of the 4th ruling family of Rezan
Artemis groans and opens his eyes. His entire body aches all over, especially his left arm. He turns over to his good arm and looks around. The first thing he notices is that it's night already. The second thing he notices is a girl sitting in front of him holding his blade. "Rair myl jhoji si shadi ci shalaer..."
>"A necromancer? You had her go out and fight a god damn necromancer?!
#tgchan will hold Beyond discussion for now. Turn 0.
This is an explodahead. He is very bored. Even exploding his head doesn't amuse him anymore. That distrubed the other Explodaheads so much that they exiled him. Which just kinda made it even more boring. Bored Explodahead is Bored! OH dear!
[My first adventure! ] [My Second quest! ] How did I end up in this situation...?
Kaustinen's Pretty Short, Unamusing Quest to Attain Alcoholic Beverages, Punch People He Hates and Escape Some Sort of Surreal Alternate Dimension
Hello! My name is Cheelop, but most people just call me Chee. After my first home was destroyed, I had to wander the land for a very long time. But now, I've found a nice new home with nice new kobolds! I can't do much, but I try to gather what food I can. In fact, I think I can smell dinner cooking now!
Thread 1: Thread 2: Thread 3: Thread 4: Thread 5: Thread 6: Thread 7:
Stepping out of the rain, I enter the flower shop. It's clean enough, I suppose. A sort of retro feel surrounds it. A mousy lady with large glasses and a smile stands behind the counter. The owner knows my face, and calls out to me before I can speak. "Ah, Evid! It's your anniversary, isn't it? I''ve got the usual bouquet ready in the back. I'll only be a few moments." She ducks into the back room, leaving me standing there. I would say it was rude of her to hold a one-sided conversation, but I don't like talking much, so it's win-win for me. There's.. Something up against the wall to my left. It's hard to focus on it, so I don't. I'm just here for the flowers, after all. I can't miss my anniversary. Not again.
Previous Chapters: GP:23 Guardian Skills: Regain Mana 5, Heavy Slash 5, Flash Step 5, Struggle 5, Change Gender 5, Minor Psionics 20, Cloak Object 10 15 20, Shadow Shield 0, Summon Ombra 110, Shadow Ball 25, and Limit Break 1 90, Limit Break 2(healing) 100. ---------------------------------------------
>"...Do you have that on file?" >"No, but I can copy it for you." >"That's okay, just make a note that we need to send and email to the club president." >Rocco: "Hey- uh- Hello." >Rachel: "Ah- Welcome back, Rosho."
Nothing Nothing but a vague awareness of self... One moment you didn't exist, now you do... Knowledge begins to flow, pouring in, it hurts you. Murmuring... a voice? "C~~ ~o~ ~~~r ~~" The nothingness gives way to conspicuous something, definitely something, pity you haven't a clue what that something is. A brown being stands before you in a oblong space, other objects you can't make out are present, everything is fuzzy. Bubbles rise periodically in your vision, every thing is tinted blue. Nothing makes sense, anchor-less knowledge floats in your consciousness. Nothing makes sense... Nothing... The brown thing is still murmuring, you could concentrate on the voice, or try to make sense of what is going on, you don't even know what "you" are.
Well, uh... first, let's just get this out of the way. The village that hired me to deal with their goblin issue is now on fire. That's uh, that's usually a pretty bad thing, but I think this would be a good time to weigh the positives and the negatives of this particular scenario. The negative is, uh, obviously the fact that I've accidentally set this village on fire. The positive is uh... well, I'm almost completely certain that the goblin they wanted gone has burned to death with... everyone else. I clearly won't be getting paid for it, due to the aforementioned death of everyone in the village, but, uh, that goblin was a pest, and doing good deeds is a reward in and of itself, right?
Previous Chapters: GP:90 Guardian Skills: Regain Mana 5, Heavy Slash 5, Flash Step 7, Struggle 5, Change Gender 5, Minor Psionics 20, Cloak Object 10 15 20, Shadow Shield 0, and Limit Break 1 90, Limit Break 2(healing) 100. --------------------------------------------- This is... 'Cool'. Very cool. To be holding my father's amulet. The thing that guided him through all his adventures. Heh. From your constant yammering I can assume my brother has done something foolish with a girl. Men his age are always so ignorant to the feelings of women. We are complex creatures, as difficult to navigate as the darkest of forests.
Finnish Mosin Nagant M28/30 (7.62/53mmR, 7.62x54 I live in Istanbul, 2nd largest city in the world, a place that has a rather impressive tourism bureau-if you listened to them, sounds like a nice place to live. It is, if you're a predator-not so much for the regular shits. Thing is, Istanbul happens to be the host to the largest black market and collection of criminal syndicates in the world. One may ask how this could go unnoticed, as statistics put them far below south africa and central america. That would be for a very simple reason: Istanbul, like Jerusalem, the Vatican and Alexandria-other places I'm sure, but I only know local-is an ancient place-and happens to be one of the biggest hubs of the supernatural world, a crossing point for creatures and Outsiders from the other side of reality to slip in. Yes, I am in fact being serious-trolls, ogres, faeries, werewolves, vampires, shinso and western-even certain polytheism's gods exist as supernatural rulers-DEFINITELY not the sort of beings you want to get on the radar of. And, monsters as some may be, all are just as moved by the thought of personal profit and gain as any human-sweet to see how similar we are, isn't it? So, that first-classs black market and underworld of crime? Yup, magic infested. That strife of humans who largely have no idea this exists and power hungry beings from another kind of existence trying to preserve what they have-oh, it can create quite a mess. Between keeping the general human populace in the dark (cleaning up witnesses, putting down the overly public), keeping the peace (rogue individuals, wanted criminals, official bounties, mundane mercurial work), and everyone looking after themselves first (kidnappings, robberies, assassinations) there is a wealth of work to be had if one has the stomach to do the morally gray, and do it amongst the nightmares of their childhood made flesh. I am one such person Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
It was very very dark around Poor lost Rose. This of course is not a strange thing for an adventurer or miner. Unfortunately Rose is neither a miner or an adventurer. Not that being stuck in a dark place of which you know not is good for adventures or miners. Of course none of this is a problem for beings that see in the dark. Pity Rose isn't one of them either. It's even worse considering the hole Rose fell through sealed itself. Far far worse is the fact Rose is of the race of Conemen, the smallest race in Elcon. They don't even have arms. Just a miserably weak telekinetic power. Oh dear! Rose was at this stage quite frightened, whatever will Rose do?
Alright, here's the situation. A rival faction in Central America known as Zangano started a conflict with us by attacking one of our troop transport convoys. We, the Black Company, controller of most of North America, retaliated with an attack on one of their bases, one of their broadcast stations, and a nearby air base. The broadcast station takeover was a disaster. The enemy did not suffer a single casualty and all of our forces were killed or captured, and the prisoners were relocated to a POW camp in the mountains. In light of the severe lack of manpower, the Black Company is opening a second division. They will operate independently with different officers in command.
>"Yes?" >"Good morning, I have a package for you." >"Oh, that must be what the kids ordered." >"Ha, my son is also ordering things online.. Please sign here. ...Thank you, and here you go." >"Thank you very much." >"Have a good day." >"You too."
Hello, Collective of the Infinity Circuit. I have called upon you for help, as you have gained a reputation as problem solvers. And I have a problem.
The City of Smile town. A happy place filled with happy people. I was born here, spent some of my greatest years here.
Some people say that the best stories are the ones with a good ending. Others say that it doesn't matter what's written in the last page, it's what you've read to get there. But for me, the best stories are the ones that are still being written, dancing from mouth to mouth like a licentious maid. So let's begin a new story, one not even I know how it ends.
>SPARKLYBALL! >OHMYGODS SEVI FINIALLYFOUND YOU! >Sevi missed you soso much! Sevi knew youwere around! >oh sparklyball, lotsandlots has happened! >Sevi not know where to begin!
Previous Chapters: GP:0 Guardian Skills: Regain Mana 5, Heavy Slash 5, Flash Step 7, Struggle 5, Change Gender 5, Minor Psionics 20, Shadow Shield 0, and Limit Break 1 90, Limit Break 2(healing) 100. --------------------------------------------- That night Artemis had a dream. In it a blue orb is slowing being torn apart by a vicious whirlwind. He does not know what it means but it makes him wake up in a cold sweat.
I read a book once about ancient san-rose history. It was about the old cuddle bee civilization. I'll try to summarize it for you guys. ---------------------------------------------- One ancient day, near days after the great war between the cajun republic and Diosay, a mountain glowed with the brightness of many sunflowers. Attracted to this brightness was the king of the cuddle bees, who took upon himself a quest to seek out the top of this mountain. After many long journeys and battles galore, king finally made his last trek to the top of the glorius sunflower mountain, which he had named during his journey. Atop was a strange figure adourned in black and awe-striking to look at.
The Voices Orb, a powerful artifact used to give councel to powerful wizards. The Magic Book, holder of powerful spells and wisdom with these two artifacts, a new wizard has been born in the realm. now you must chose this new wizard skill, abilities and folowers: Points (12): Race(Must Pick 1): - Barbarian - Gnoll - Halfling - Human - High Elf - Klackon - Lizardmen - Nomad - Orc Three Point Races: - Beastmen - Dark Elf - Draconian - Dwarven - Troll
Pick Are you a Boy or a Girl
My name is Ori, and for these past twenty-three years I've wandered the land, offering my skills as a healer to any who would accept them. I walked through battlefields, the skies above me black with birds of carrion, I endured the scorching heat of plague pyres piled high with corpses, and I placed stillborns into tiny coffins, assembled hastily by grim-faced joiners. I've learned to treasure success and accept failure. I've learned when to persevere, and when to give up.
The story so far (in point form because writing summary makes for difficult times): >RACHEL PUZZLE and her mother, ELLA PUZZLE, were kidnapped and brought to the palace. Rachel is informed that she has been kidnapped for a royal wedding. >FUBAR, the Fae Lord of Jinx steals the Teardrop of Infinite Psyche (aka GION) and delivers it to Rachel. >With Gion's help, Rachel escapes the palace and manages to avoid a wedding with the sadistic LORD BLACKHEATH. >Rachel meets PRINCE ADRIAN, who offers his help; and "kidnaps" PRINCESS NADIA, a blind and mute Princess who bears more than a passing resemblance to herself. >Princess Nadia is also looking to escape the palace, which is run by the (most likely evil) HIGH PRINCE JONATHAN. She is followed by an entourage of ninja maids in the form of NINA and DANIELLA. >The group escapes to a small village where Gion attempts to sweet talk CORA, a horse. Gion is found by a STABLEBOY and returned to Princess Nadia. >Princess Nadia gets royally pissed off with Gion and goes for a walk, accompanied by Nina and Daniella. >Rachel does some shopping and acquires a SWORD, DAGGER and HERBS for making BLACK HAIR DYE. >Ella Puzzle is brutally attacked at the inn and subsequently suffers from post traumatic stress disorder. >Rachel rescues her mother by fast-talking the guards. An unknown person casts a spell on the guards, turning their hair red. >The group flees the village and heads for >CARTA FOREST. Nina kills the guards. >The group camps in Carta Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Previous Chapters Ombra Points:1,000 Abilities: Vanish OP 100, Flight 100, Mind Control (Minor) 200, Open/Close 100, Shadow Shield 10, Shadow Ball 100. ------------------------------------------ Well... This is interesting.
Previous Chapters: GP:30 Guardian Skills: Regain Mana 9, Heavy Slash 5, Flash Step 10, Struggle 5, Change Gender 10, Minor Psionics 23, Shadow Shield 0, and Limit Break 1 90, Limit Break 2(healing) 100. --------------------------------------------- Sable begins walking away from the house, his armor making soft clinking sounds with each step. He hears the door open behind him and pauses. For a moment he seems to turn back instead he simply looks over his shoulder and continues on his path.
>This adventure began over at It got it's start because LonelyWorld, the author, was under the impression the site was going to have a fairly lengthy downtime and wanted to keep questing, so, he started Wizard Adventure! >The suggestions that lead to each post will be greentext'd above the post's writing. >Please wait for all the previous posts to be posted before you give suggestions. My name is Zarasmata Lyffe I am an apprentice wizard, I conjure magic from my mind! but when my Mana runs out I will begin to die my current spells are: read magic I can also try to make up magic on the spot, but it will drain my mana a lot faster, and the spell might be unreliable It is my duty to warn the human king of the coming of the flame wraiths but this gate stands in my way, what can I do? (suggest actions for Zarasmata!)
The PoisonWorld: Daztrenian Announcer: "kill Pelendina Zane, it was simple task. How could you not understand?" a drop ship enters the toxic atmosphere Announcer: "Apperently it still wasn't simple enough." 7 Pods are ejected onto various locations on the world Announcer: "perhaps this will be simple enough: SURVIVE!" CHOOSE YOUR PINKSKIN! level 1 discussion
Previous Threads Discussion Thread
This is a test quest, this quest is a race, there were split opinions on whether this quest should exist, welp here it is as a trial, let us see how it goes signed -indigo
Wiki: First thread:
Thread one: Thread two:
--------------------------------------- "So.... You're still alive too hmm?" "Of course. Not for much longer though." "I can say the same. That.... Was a good fight. I didn't expect to lose." "Well neither did I. So... Is this your true form?" "In a way.. I don't have enough power to maintain my other form." She coughs. "Why me though? What have my people done to upset yours?" "Orders. Nothing personal. Though if I knew you were this cute I might've just left." "Heh". "Before we go.. Tell me your name."
[First thread:] [Second thread:] [Discussion and Voting:] Trust is a weird and wild thing. It shifts and moves, like a living thing. Case in point, this young woman here. We've adventured together for the past day or so... and I've given her no reason to dislike me. But she huddles in the corner like a frightened kitten, unwilling to approach me. She fell asleep an hour ago, curled in the corner, as far away from me as she could get. I still need to fix those pants. ... Well, either way, at my current amount of Luck, I can't really do anything but prepare the meat and make bags from the actually rather nice skin. All I need is eight hours of inactivity, so this should occupy my time. ...? What's this? A contact lens? It doesn't seem to be corrective... Just a colour. The colour of her eyes. Strange...
First thread: >FX: 7 >Current funds: 1700$ >Villainous Rank: B-List
In the distant future, scientists have created a wonderful creature called the "bastard!"These organisms are known to one of the major gospel community. However, the evil "company doctors" have begun to capture the "mixed" and brainwashing them to take over the civilization! A special "mixed " Benjee Rhodes and her faithful companion has been assigned a known "Star of the police force people"to save the "mixed" and defeat the evil "Doctor company!" However, should Benjee start?
Hello, my name is indigo, i need to go to the grocery store to grab some essentials... but first, i need to put my hair up, which of these should i use?
They say no news is good news. When things just stay the same, there's not much to worry about. I mean, what's so hard about keeping things the way they are?
... Oh, hello there. I'm not very creative. Could you help me out? You see, I'm trying to make a hilarious parody for April Fools day (+1), but I'm not very funny. I don't even know what joke to make here. So, if you could pick some kind of largish monstrous race or character from another quest (Or Scalene for consistency), and a gender (M/F/N/H if not a specific character... or a rule 63 of a character :3c), I'd be much obliged. We've got to start somewhere!
PREVIOUSLY ON QUEST TCG >"Phase it karen there is not way you dog beat me! Not with to pitiful to starter deck! Already your life points plows down to 1900! It is to over!" he sets down a card of traps. >"I finish my turn. Let'? s it sees what you gotten!"
I have a wife and 2 kids. We're pretty happy together. But there's one big thing about our situation that I can't stand. Our race, and a few others, are under total oppression by our empire. We ALWAYS have been. That really rankles me, you know? The injustice of it all!
Previous Chapters: GP:30 Guardian Skills: Regain Mana 9, Heavy Slash 5, Flash Step 10, Struggle 5, Change Gender 10, Minor Psionics 23, Shadow Shield 0, and Limit Break 100. -------------------------------------------- Well... This seems like it's gonna be pretty easy. And all the people I want for my team are free. Right now it's gonna be Saisai, Kacey, How's that sound Guardians?
"Down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid. The detective must be a complete man and a common man and yet an unusual man. He must be, to use a rather weathered phrase, a man of honor. He talks as the man of his age talks, that is, with rude wit, a lively sense of the grotesque, a disgust for sham, and a contempt for pettiness." -RC "I don't even like the idea of thinking that there might be one chance in a hundred that you'd played me for a sucker... All we've got is the fact that maybe you love me and maybe I love you." -DH
Previous threads can be found here: >Recap: Coralina discovered the Orb of Infinite Psyche out in the wastelands in the middle of nowhere. Upon explaining her problems, the Orb decided to help her try and stop Lord Vresch from conquering the planet. However, upon meeting him, Lord Vresch offered Coralina the position of LEADER OF THE WORLD. >But then Rastin did a bunch of annoying shit and Cora got fed up with all this faffing about and not summoning demons and fucked off back to the wastelands to not faff about and not not summon demons.
I: II: /dis/: --- Exiled. I've been banished from our civilization. Trapped inside my brain by a virus that threatens the foundations of our society. Quarantined. Since I awoke on a slab I wondered who I once was and why this happened to me. Now the answer is staring me in the face.
(Theme music)
You are SLINKOBOY. You are enjoying a rousing game of ALPHA CENTAURI on your COMPY 486. >_
You know... Larry wasn't like this before. Everything was different back then when we were still on the force. Then that day happened...
Okay, shouldn't try to stand up so fast with a head injury. Lesson learned. Lets try that again.
So much money and I don't even know what to do with it all. Just sitting around until it runs out seems kind of boring if I do it for too long, so I think I should use it on something that will keep things interesting. I can't even think right now. There's so many options when you're stupid rich.
CHAPTER 2 The metal arm has a firm grasp on my scarf! A figure comes into the light from this room. A single glowing eye pierces the darkness, the rest of his form remains shrouded. "Do you truly seek this island's destruction Demon Girl? Answer quickly before I decide to just kill you here." >"Urk, y-yes!" I struggle against his grip. "Why would a Tanuki want to destroy Onigashima?" >"I come... from the land below. My clan... my village... have been ravaged by the demons pouring forth from this island." "And you came alone?" >"Y-yes." "Your goal is admirable. But you will fail. A single infiltrator cannot succeed where many have failed." >"Th-then I'll die trying!"
can't breathe
Somewhere someone does something yadda yadda...
over two thousand lives have been placed in my trust. I am their guardian and it is my duty to protect them all . . . I can only pray that I am worthy of such a task Discussion another Adventure featuring Pelendina Zane!
I am chosen. I travelled far across these lands, searching for the ultimate boon. Yet it soars out of my reach like an ill-formed simile...
Previous Threads Discussion Thread
[ First Thread ] [ Second Thread ] [ Third Thread ] [ Fourth Thread ] [ Fifth Thread ] [ Sixth Thread ] [ Seventh Thread ] [ Eighth Thread ] [ Ninth Thread ] [ Tenth Thread ] [ Eleventh Thread ] [ Discussion Thread 1 ] [ Discussion Thread 2 ] Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Previous Chapters: GP:247 --------------------------------------- "Sable, I understand you're on an important mission right now but I think -you- can understand why I refuse to let you spend the night in my city." "My memory is a little fuzzy, do tell." "You came barging into my city wounded and flirted with all the healers trying to take care of you." "I did no such thing." "Yes, yes you did. Not only that but you attempted to make a pass on me. I will never forget that for as long as I live. Now I ask you again Sable Dispo. Why should not simply kill you where you sit?" Well Guardian, glad to have you back. She refuses to give me the key to the inn. A little help here?
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Guardian Skills: Regain Mana 9, Heavy Slash 5, Flash Step 10, Struggle 5, Change Gender 10, Minor Psionics 23, and Limit Break 100. ----------------------------- Take this Sable.. The only blade capable of defeating a dragon.
Sourg has awoken. This day, as is with all days, Sourg must maintain and increase Sourg's standing amongst Sourg's kind and put the inferior species in their place. Sourg's kind live a harsh life as is befitting of the supreme people. They must constantly prove their worth and failure often results in death. And as is ever befitting the supreme people, Sourg hungers. Sourg's ambition is boundless and Sourg's hunger drives Sourg forward - and beyond. In time, all, even the supreme people, shall be beneath Sourg.
She steps closer the scalpel firmly clutched. >"Yes... there is something different about you. As if there's something inside you telling you what to do and what to say. A part they always tried to create and always failed to. I wonder... if I'd cut you open, would I find this part?" I take a step back. "All those other scientist couldn't find it after all this time. I don't think you'd succeed here and now. And even If you did it would be of no use for you. You'd still be damned to die down here when the monster gets you. We don't have time for all of this. My friend Isabell was poisoned and then kidnapped. We have to search her." She pauses her approach for a moment. >"... If they had'nt excluded ME, they wouldn't have failed... but of course you're right. The well-being of both of us is crucial for our survival. I never wanted to hurt you. Remember what I told you. I'm your friend. Friends don't kill each other. Now turn around. I have to take a look at your wound."
[Thread #1: >>/questarch/149732 ] [Wiki: ] The world of Ter. An insignificant world, a mere rock falling through the void. But the Golden Empire came to it, and shaped in it their image. Upon its surface, they seeded species of their own design, for their own plans and purposes. And into this world, they built their greatest weapon. The Resonance of the Empire.
Chapter VII When the Student is Ready This is the story of Tiffany Blake Kinsley. After travelling to Bardsey Island, Tiffany met with the council of elders. After receiving a worrying prophecy from the clan Seer, the elders admitted Tiffany's kinship, and gave her full membership in the clan. Now she must find a master willing to teach her. It's time to begin.
... I think that's been long enough. Now, that's nothing on you guys, seriously; it's great here. Just sort of floating around, bathing in the whole psychic collective semi-subconscious... thing. Just feeling that connection. But that's just it, you know? It's too nice. You could stay here forever, not do anything, like a drone. I want more. I'm gonna be somebody. Too many of us, we just grow quick, work for the good of the species, live comfortably, die, come back here and then go out again; even most sentients are happy to stay quiet. Half the people who know about us think we're a full-on hivemind! No, I'm going to do something big, be a player - I'm gonna spread my name right across the galaxy. No, three galaxies! But first I have to be born.
Miserable. Just miserable.
First thread: Second thread: Third thread: Fourth thread: Discussion thread:
Chapter 1 2 Chapter 3 Guardian Skills: Regain Mana 9, Heavy Slash 5, Flash Step 10, Struggle 5, Change Gender 10, Minor Psionics 23, and Limit Break 100. Guardians.... Life is good. Artemis leaves Morgan's shop, she waves goodbye to him and watches as he leaves. My first kiss... A cheek kiss sure but it still counts.
Welcome to Glukmil quest! In this quest actions are decided, if they have a reasonable chance of failing, on a d20 roll. Rolling under the related stat: BODY, MIND, or TALK, is a success. Hitpoints decrease by one per successful attack, unless the scale of the attack is stupidly large, which will do more. Thus, suggesting an action requires an action as well as a roll. You may suggest which stat to use, but you can't use an axe with TALK. Be reasonable. As GM, I get final say on which stat applies or if an action is possible. You can roll by typing 'dice 1d20' in the email field. Things like "walking" don't require rolls. Things like "Jumping across the twenty foot chasm" require rolls at a penalty which I will take off of your result. /quest/ is just a collection voices in Glukmil's head. The actions aren't necessarily always going to be followed.
Previous Chapters: Spikesby and his companions, Ria and the Adept Holizen, stand in the driving rain as lightning crashes over the jagged cliffs of Flails Breaker's domain. A fight is on. The Wizard Flare has left his domain to attack the Lord of Marvels, who is apparently preparing for war. Supposedly, Flails is an ally of the Lord of Marvels. Spikesby is here to either convince him that the Lord of Marvels is a traitor, or to kill the Wizard with the antithesis he possesses. But first, they must enter the castle. They explained the situation already to the guard, but its only reply has been "Mortals shall not enter. Leave, or I will strike you down." The options are limited. A plan is required.
[Thread #1: >>/questarch/181401 ] [Discussion: >>/questdis/326221 ] [Wiki: ] Re-establishing connection. Please stand by. Re-establishing connection. Please stand by. Re-estGH3J'@!//ERROR AT LINE 243 IN MODULE 'DroneConnect' ERROR: "todo: fill in error text here" Retrying... Re-establishing connection. Connection established.
I've been stuck here for days. Nobody's come to rescue me. I'd have thought at least six or seven princes would have showed up by now. Or, you know, one prince. Maybe a peasant who's secretly royalty or something. Nobody.
This is it. Weapons and equipment are procure on site... except for all the stuff I brought with me. I'll get out at the end of the dock and go from there. Time to sneak.
>in a dark dimension, fantastical compared to our own, a world lies in peril a dark warlock threatens. and now this world's fate will be determined by the actions of a single flithy moronic grubby gnoll. so it falls upon you! the wise spirits, ancient ancestors, benevolent angels, vile demons, mischievous ghosts and other incorporeal guides to protect this poor pathetic creature on her path to infinite glory! Good luck, you'll need it . . .
Systems reinitialising. Motor functions at 96%. Energy levels at 56%. Core intact. Pattern integrity at 98%. Make: TerraTrans Automata Series Model: Quad Mk. II Ident: Q2-4107 Directive: Operation of machinery in hazardous environment Where am I? I remember a spaceship. And a crash. Not much else. Where am I? All I see is dirt and rocks for miles... Can anyone hear me? I'm broadcasting on all legal frequencies. Please respond.
I've read the report. I don't know what to make of it. On one hand, shit worked like it was supposed to: we detected the portal the moment it started forming, the team got there on time and as far as I can tell the portal was properly covered. Now that the team has a jeep available and some weapons, things should only improve for us. On the other hand, the "attack" was a joke in itself and a brat is hardly indicative of the worst we might face. I was hoping to find out if 7,62x51 works on the line demon. It'd take a weight off of logistics if it did. It'll cost a fortune if we need crazy HEAP 20-mil shit, not to mention 120-mil shells - especially in quantity. Well, I'll let you back to the team. I'm sure you have all kinds of great ideas and theories you want to share with them.
[ First Thread ] [ Second Thread ] [ Third Thread ] [ Fourth Thread ] [ Fifth Thread ] [ Sixth Thread ] [ Seventh Thread ] [ Eighth Thread ] [ Ninth Thread ] [ Tenth Thread ] [ Discussion Thread 1 ] [ Discussion Thread 2] [ Wiki Page: ] Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Guardian Skills: Regain Mana 9, Heavy Slash 5, Flash Step 10, Struggle 5, Change Gender 10, and Limit Break 100. "But they've done nothing to us." >"Yet." ".... I don't know sire..."
One day, whilst digging about in the items of your past, you find an old game. Heh. You remember this one. If you recall correctly, you were pretty far in it. May as well play. You stick it in your computer and load it up. It's title screen appears and- oh damnit you lost your save data again? Ugh. New game you guess.
Greetins, Operator Falcon. This is the case file for the operative you requested. Some information was removed because you did not provide the required credentials. Hope its still useful. - Operator J. Sullivan The Reconnaissance Bureau
My favorite city is under threat. Threat of DEMONIC INVASION no less!
discussion thread
This is a Quest about a woman soldier named Myrrhine.
First thread: Discussion: ---'s over.
Your name is Aqua Feather Daisy, and you are a Wild Derp Pony. You are currently residing in the fields of IMAGINATION! What Do? [For extra fun, change your skin to Pony]
(With apologies to Gnome.)
the prequel discussion >and so we rejoin our heroes, as it appears in the maws of danger once again. will they find hope on this strange new world, or simply new horrors beyond the scope of imagination . . . only time will tell.
Select a route.
I have a problem So it's the holidays. It was obvious I was going to host a party - which I did. It was likely that some would pass out. It was probable that I would pass out - which I did. I expected the hangover - which I got. I knew it possible that someone would still be here when I regained consciousness. And although I usually suffer no shortage of girls during parties, sometimes things just happen - or fail to happen. This time I didn't get laid, but on the whole it's not a big loss. These things are historically likely. These things are normal. These things are acceptable. "Then what is the problem? Will you not tell us?" you ask. I, in turn, present you with another question...
Oh shitfuck. There's some kind of fucking hovertank sonofabitch rolling around. It keeps screeching some sort of alien phrase over and over again. Where the fuck did these things come from? It's good thing I have my trusty laser rifle. The whole city's fucked. Some sort of orbital bombardment ruined it. I don't know if anybody survived. Fuck. I am scared. I don't know what to do.