Ginger Soft
Arcanitech - Might be a good candidate for support.
Bleeding Hearts - Sounds too wishy-washy. Get on their good side, but not a support candidate.
Church of Life - Another to get on their good side of. Not sure if support candidate or not.
Experientialists - Sounds slightly hedonistic. Be careful. Perhaps get on their good side.
FurReality - ... If this is what I think it is, you might need to watch your back for either more 'feral' sorts, or more amourous sorts. If you get on their good side, though, they'd probably stick with you. Not really your main support, though.
Men's Club - Title says it all. They probably won't listen to you because you are the little girl.
Neotis Weaponry Association - Get on these guy's good side. Perhaps drop 'plans' to make weapon carrying more acceptable. ...but be careful, as suggested.
Nihilism Tech - Remi Visit~! :3 Might get on their good side. Potentially support candidate.
Retirement Association - While you aren't elderly, perhaps if you go and show them some respect, they'd support you. ...but not a backing candidate.
Sorcerer's Guild - This one has promise, considering you're a summoner. Logically, it'd make sense to come from here. Or, you could get their support easily. Get on good terms to learn more magic stuff.
Technotics - Always handy to be friends with research-oriented people. They might be a good one for support.
The Secluded - I'm sure getting Rastin out of power would make them feel more safe. Visit these guys. Get on their good side. Probably not good for main backing
Transcendants - Maybe visit, but follow advice and don't touch anything. Probably not for us, but it'd be good to get on their good side.
I'd reccommend Arcanitech or the Sorcerer's guild for main backing, but getting on as many groups' good sides as you can is probably a good strategy. Only one that might be actively hostile is the Men's Club.