Harmony Stone
Now we're passing Vresch's windtrap arrays. Giant pillars with small slits everywhere, designed to funnel the wind into a turbine. He has enough power to fuel the world five times over, according to his radio broadcasts. Its ridiculous, just how much ground they are spread over.
>Actually, legumes, but what the hell, why are we even talking about this.
I have no idea.
>the spider alternative is still there.
I suppose, but there's still the matter of finding either a spider or some of that mutagen, and I do not feel safe summoning up random mutagens.
>99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, you take one down pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall...
98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wall. 97 bottles of beer on the wall...