Lilac Braided Cloud
>How about that little hole in the wall back from our prison room? Can we squeeze through there and then move between the walls?
These water drains are tight fits, but I can wriggle through them. I'll crawl in the one in the first room and check it out.
They appear to be linked. At their junction there was another chute that links them with the walls on the upper floors I think, and another on each side that leads further down.
It appears that I'm back at the weeping room.
>If not, perhaps you should look for a weapon.
The gear they took from me would most likely be in the storage hold. I'm not entirely sure where that is in relation to my current location though.
>Your primary goal now is to put some distance between the cells and you or to kill the witness.
I have no idea what the witness looks like, so I wouldn't know who to find. I can hear some commotion from the room with the Nedynvor in it. They're probably already down here looking for me.
>Incidentally, why have the Engsami not killed us yet? They don't seem the prisoner taking types.
They, however, are the slave trading, ransoming types. Problem with me is, they're trying to ransom me back to the Lazuhreks. Which is a negotiation they'll be at for a while, since I haven't been back to the forest for years...