Prince Evening Song
> "I think I'm starting a meathead zoo. You idiots just keep showing up, practically begging to be captured."
A lithe woman with a suspect bulge in her crotch stares down JACK, apparently berating him.
> "Honestly, did you really think you were going to sneak in to a highly guarded /d/eviant freighter in a shipping crate you climbed into in plain daylight, boy? Although, I suppose I should be thanking you. Now that you and your idiot friend are both here, there's no one left to disrupt our business in the city."
JACK steals a glance around. He's in a large metal chamber full of crates, probably the hold of the ship he saw on the horizon earlier. There are rafters running along the ceiling. From one of them hangs a tied and bound TROJAN MAN, who looks extremely upset.