Lucky Breeze
Hey, now you're being hard on yourselves. If you didn't have supreme merit, we wouldn't even...
Hrm... you don't know, do you? John really hasn't been telling you much.
How about storytime, humans.
It starts billions of years ago, when everything started with a bang. You all know about the big bang, making the universe, yadda yadda yadda.
Now most of the planets made were just clumps of space dust or rocks or whatever. But the universe is a big place, and every so often, there'd be a place that can support life. Ok. You know all this. Moving on.
So a couple billion years later, one race, that's the Qal, finally achieve if not world peace then at least a general agreement, and turn their minds skyward. They take off, cruise around for a while, looking and discovering, until they meet the Shirm.
Now the Shirm are kind of expansionist people, much like humanity is right now, and there's a bit of an interstellar war, bad shit going down, until after around a century the Qal and the Shirm say "Fuck it" and form an Alliance... I'm pretty damn sure it was more compliacted than that, but I'm a receptionist, not a historian.
Now let's go to another planet, a new planet that hadn't really been advancing as fast as the Qal and the Shirm. They watched it and sheltered it, looking to see if there was a race that was resourceful and strong and adaptive enough to be the dominant life forms. And there were. They were the Delter, and as soon as they achieved peace within themselves, and had truly advanced to the next level of civilization, we were ready to welcome them with open arms.
Because that's what the Alliance does. They look for the best species, the ones that can rise above the morass and the harsh conditions and whatever adversity the universe throws at them, and we make contact with them and adapt them into the fold. Everyone benefits.
Of course, finding them is like finding a needle in a near-infinite haystack, but when we do, it's a wonderful thing.
And you were next. You have potential, humans, you really do. If you weren't some of the most astounding testaments to the Universe's wonders we would have kept going. But we stayed with you, and watched you, and awaited the day you were ready. And you were so close. So close to becoming one of the greatest races of the Alliance.
Something went wrong.