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74344 No. 74344 ID: 426169

high in the mountains over the Sun Kingdom
288 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 82508 ID: 632862

Let go of the spear, grab his weapon arm with both hands and twist it painfully. Then knee him in the groin repeatedly. Really let him have it. Focus Chi into it for good measure.
No. 82518 ID: 107da3


Kick him in the nuts.
No. 82522 ID: 426169
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"A-tut tut."
Goddamnit how does he move so fast?
No. 82524 ID: 426169
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"You're beginning to bore me. Perhaps I should finish up. You humans are all so weak, so boring."
He's.... He's in range. If I can just get him to be still for a second...
No. 82535 ID: 632862

He's having trouble deciding on how to attack, but is waiting for you to make the first move. You can see the black aura as much as we can, correct? Attack when he seems to want to strike you from all angles at once.
No. 82543 ID: 426169
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"So, human, any last wo-"

"Y- you... Such eyes."
No. 82544 ID: 34470e

Back away a bit cautiously and see what he does next.
No. 82545 ID: e7666f

Keep that defensive stance up, too.
No. 82546 ID: 632862

He's distracted. Press the attack! Aim to lop off the hand he uses to hold the knife.
No. 82548 ID: 426169
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"W-where does a boy get eyes like that?"
No. 82549 ID: e7666f

Training (Stab him through whatever seems appropriate) under people that want to kill you.
No. 82551 ID: 632862

Give the pudao a quick counter-clockwise spin in front of you before bringing it forward in a slash. Keep your eyes on him. Be ready to dodge if he is still capable of attacking.
No. 82553 ID: 426169
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"By training under people who want me dead."
No. 82554 ID: 34470e

Perform a small kata to signify your victory.
No. 82555 ID: 426169
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Now is not a time for training.

"Please, young master, don't kill me. I'll let the boy go."
No. 82557 ID: 34470e

Make him release the boy. Tell him to run away from here. There's something I want you to do.
No. 82560 ID: 426169
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"Release the boy."
"Y-yes young master."

"Adventures suck! I'm going home."

Now what did you want to ask him?"
No. 82561 ID: 34470e

Ask him what he wants to eat besides humans. You're going to get him food. PROPER food.
No. 82563 ID: 426169
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"Ask him what he likes to eat."
"We're going to feed him!"
"We certainly are not!"
"Oh come on it'll be awesome! Our own goblin pet."
"Oh for cryi-"
"Hey, I'm nobody's pet."
No. 82565 ID: 34470e

That wasn't exactly what I had in mind
Fine. He's not our pet. But you still have to help him with his dinner. After all, you DID let his "food" escape.
No. 82570 ID: 426169
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"Well fine, he's not our pet. But you did ruin his dinner, Mu."
"What?! I resc-"
"It's your responsibility, Mu."
"Why you little-"
"What would master Kubai say, eh Mu?"
"You'll pay for this, Toad."
"Ho goblin, what do you eat besides humans?"
"Uh, rabbits and the like. Whatever I can catch, basically."
"Mu, we're going to catch some rabbits for this poor man."
"... Fine."
"You're very strange for a human."
No. 82571 ID: 34470e

Now go out and find him some wascally wabbits!
No. 82572 ID: 426169
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No. 82576 ID: af3e6d

Circle of life and all that, it's this or humans. If the rabbit's lucky, in its next life it may be a toad.
No. 82597 ID: 426169
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"All right, Toad, spill the beans. What did you have in mind? I need to be up to speed before going back in there."
No. 82605 ID: 34470e

What's there to spill? I meant exactly what I said. We help him with his dinner. That way, rumors will start of your greatness. Rumors that will evolve into tales, which will in turn evolve into legends.
No. 82701 ID: 426169
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"Lemme get this straight. You want me to return to the home of the monster that tried to eat me and that stupid peasant boy, whom I fought and wounded, and go cook him dinner. Just to get in his good graces, and hope that he chats up a lot of travellers who can spread rumours. About me. Is that what you're saying?"
No. 82703 ID: 476456

No. 82708 ID: dda9dd

Hey if you would prefer to kill him, I'm certainly not going to stop you. But as we have not yet met the Lady of the House it may be a good idea to get a look at just who's toes you may be treading.
No. 82837 ID: 426169
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"I wasn- You know what? Fine. I'm sure that Kubai would agree with you. If this goes bad I'm blaming you, y'hear?"
No. 82840 ID: 426169
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"Hello? I brought you your- oh."
"Well, aren't you full of surprises. I was sure you'd hightail it out of here the second you got outside. I keep misjudging you, human. That doesn't happen a lot."
No. 82874 ID: 34470e

We may need to tend to his wound as well.
No. 82957 ID: 426169
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"I, uh... if you do it like that you're going to scar."
"Not the first scar I have, human. What do you want?"
"Nothing, I just.... let me help."
"Nothing? Doesn't your kind always wants repayment for everything? "Pot of gold" this, "heal my sick wife" that. You beat me, I let the boy go. *sigh* And you show me kindness. Very well. I give as I am given. To do otherwise would not be proper. So, kid, what do you want?"
No. 82968 ID: 34470e

Just his gratitude. Anything more would be selfish.
No. 82975 ID: 426169
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"Just your gratitude. Anything more would be selfish."
"Now listen here, kid. I will not be indebted to a human. To refuse a boon from a mountain goblin would be most disrespectful. Either ask your boon or beat it."
No. 82982 ID: ab04d4

That he stop consuming sentient beings (because apparently there's more than just humans that are sentient in this world).
No. 82983 ID: 34470e

Maybe he could teach you how to be as quick as him.
No. 82986 ID: af3e6d

This is probably the right thing to do, but there's no real way to hold him to it, or for it to even be feasible.
This is more selfish, but also more reasonable. If one finds someone stronger than themselves, they should not despair. They should simply seek what makes them stronger.
No. 83116 ID: 632862

I have a feeling that a 'boon' would be something that would not affect the goblin. Him teaching us how to move that fast would be pretty awesome, and let us do more good in the world than if we had killed him/forced him to not eat people.
No. 83151 ID: 426169
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"I don't suppose there's any way for me to convince you to stop eating people?"
"No. The missus wouldn't hear of it for starters."
"Ah. ... Could you to teach me to be as quick as you?"
"What is your name, boy?"
"Mister Nothing, eh? Listen close then, "nobody". Only a precious few mortals can learn the Demon Arts, even fewer find willing teachers. Understand that this is no small thing you are asking of me. Is this truly what you wish?"
No. 83153 ID: a3b36a

Unless it would be considered some huge taboo in your culture, I'd say 'go for it'. It's another area to improve your life. Might check about potential downsides, though.
No. 83221 ID: 426169
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"It is. Teach me your skills, goblin."
"Hee hee. Very well, little no-one. I will teach you Demon Flash Step, even if it kills ya, hee hee!"
No. 83235 ID: 119b5c

Killing me is harder then you think. I will prepare for the worst. I hope you are ready for me goblin.
No. 83301 ID: f78140

"Thank you"
No. 83331 ID: dda9dd

Not the first time you have learned under such a master, I'll warrant it won't be the last either.
No. 83410 ID: 426169
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"You aren't the first such master I've had. I hope you are ready for me, goblin."
"Hee hee, this will be interesting. It's been decades since the last one."
No. 83414 ID: 426169
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"-since the last Dragon walked the Earth."
No. 83417 ID: 119b5c

Yeah. Thats right, fade to bla-
Wait, what was that last part?
No. 83421 ID: af3e6d

No. 83553 ID: e498d9


For some reason, I'm getting a 9Dragons-esque kinda feeling from this skill name.

When you're done training that skill, go run Heroic Episodes in Laozhu Village, and try to grind up a Blood Essence.
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