Sweety Blossom
Nestling yourself in between two rivers is great and all, but think about this;
If YOU managed to cross it (You being goblins), I don't think larger and more well-off races will have trouble crossing it (AKA Your Enemies).
You've been playing on hardmode from the start. You have no resources and no groundwork for a village let alone a citadel. Your enemies are all hiding out in well-defended pinnacles of the technological times, stocked full of natural resources to last them for many years to come.
In any case, a cliff by the sea, a hill overlooking a very large lowland, mountains, a patch of solid ground poking out of less forgivable terrain (Swamps, Marshes, Permafrost, etc.), an island are the best places for a citadel, or underground itself are the best places for a citadel.
Another thing to note is that while extreme weather is very hard to work around, once you get settled in and work it out of the way it becomes a serious detriment to your enemies.