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File 126224601484.png - (13.06KB , 418x610 , Dream.png )
102040 No. 102040 ID: cf68aa

>Mmm... Yon... You're sofluffy.. Sevi could just eat you up... Oh Yon... Seviwant to just...

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No. 102118 ID: 3b87aa

Slip a hand up her sweater and touch them. See if she's wearing a bra. At the same time, kiss her neck~
No. 102119 ID: c0f3bf

Kiss her neck, keep rubbing, but stay gentle, you want her to stay asleep as long as possible.
No. 102123 ID: cf68aa
File 126225305628.png - (20.57KB , 419x610 , grope.png )


>Sevi kiss Yonneck. She moves a bit more, Sevithink it tickles her.

>Sevi not know what bra is but allSevi canfeel is Yon's softsoft chest. Sevi rubs it veryvery carefully. Yon makes more noises.

>Sevi feel her own face getting hot.
No. 102127 ID: 3b87aa

Lick and suck at her neck. Can you feel a little bump somewhere on her chest, just where it gets soft? Pinch that gently.
No. 102134 ID: 66e906

Pull her shirt up. Gently. See if you can move her arms up and get it all the way off without waking her.
No. 102136 ID: cf68aa
File 126225400363.png - (20.21KB , 419x610 , grope.png )

>Sevi notthink she cando that.

>Sevi quickly form tounge and lickyon's neck. She moves and makes funnynoises again.

>Sevi find little thing on Yonchest. She pinch it veryvery gently.


>!? Sevi hurt Yon?
No. 102139 ID: 3b87aa

It's sensitive, so be careful. I don't think you hurt her though. Still, be careful.
No. 102140 ID: c0f3bf

No, she looks alright. Why don't you see if you can take off her pants?
No. 102142 ID: 6faa8c

Slow down a little and kiss Yon's lips. hold her tightly.
No. 102145 ID: 3b87aa

If she doesn't wake up after this, try to carefully slip a hand into her pants, between her legs~
No. 102146 ID: 66e906

You haven't hurt her, you're making her feel good! Keep it up. Meanwhile, slowly reach your other hand down to feel her ass cheek. Gently.
No. 102147 ID: 445c48

Slow down a little. And don't worry, you're not hurting her, you're making her feel very good.
No. 102148 ID: 697b23

Hey, how 'bout you actually look at the picture? Maybe you'd notice she's drawing blood.

Sevi, no biting Yon's neck. Or spiking or sucking really hard or... whatever.
No. 102149 ID: 445c48

By the way, is the orb touching her? I wonder if Yon can hear us. Hello Yon. Sevi likes you.
No. 102150 ID: 445c48

>Sevi quickly form tounge and lickyon's neck.

She's just licking
No. 102151 ID: 697b23

Assuming her tongue is red... and not spiky.

Sevi made soft tongue right?
No. 102153 ID: cf68aa
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>Feelgood? Sevi wwantto make Yon feelgood!

>Sevikeeplicking and see if she can pull down Yon's pants without yonwaking up. She's veryvery gentle and does it.


>Yon wear cuteunderthings
No. 102155 ID: 3b87aa

Rub her between her legs very gently...that should get a bit of nectar flowing.
No. 102158 ID: 445c48

Gently rub her crotch, through her underthings.

Gently rub your crotch.
No. 102160 ID: 22e654

Just a warning, girl nectar isn' the same as plant nectar...
No. 102163 ID: cf68aa
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>??? Sevi not know what crotch is.
No. 102165 ID: 6faa8c

It's the place directly between the legs and towards the front.
No. 102166 ID: 445c48
File 126225546475.png - (4.25KB , 276x138 , 126225478228.png )

Helpfully circled in purple. They are where the legs intersect, on the front.
No. 102168 ID: cf68aa
File 126225585053.png - (22.01KB , 419x610 , grope.png )



>Sevi movehand down there and make finers littlelonger. She rub there. veryvery soft and Sevi feel wetness.


>Yon keep making moreandmore noises.

>Sevi feelbad but can'tstop. Sevi neverdone this before.
No. 102171 ID: 3b87aa

Don't feel bad, she's liking it. Now taste your fingers.
No. 102172 ID: c0f3bf

Just do it gently, she seems like she's enjoying it.
No. 102176 ID: 445c48

Gentle. Taste your fingers. Don't forget to rub Sevi as well. Gently pull down her underthings.
No. 102178 ID: cf68aa
File 126225631742.png - (12.77KB , 395x397 , taste.png )


>SEvi taste finger...

>!!!! It like Nectar! SPARKLYBALL WAS RIGHT!
>Not Sevi nectar but realreal good!
No. 102184 ID: c0f3bf

Why don't you lick the source? Just be gentle, and maybe massage her chest again softly.
No. 102185 ID: 445c48

Gently rub until you get more nectar on your finger. Place finger in Yon's mouth. Then rub yourself. Then gently pull down Yon's underthings. Sparklyball will guide you from there.
No. 102187 ID: 3b87aa

This gentleman has things planned out.
No. 102189 ID: a3b36a

Whisper your confession of love in her ear as she sleeps and increase your attention on her nectar-place.
No. 102192 ID: 445c48

Do this while doing what I already said.
No. 102193 ID: cf68aa
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>Sevi go and pull down Yon's underthings very very carefully

>Sevi's heart is beating so fast!

No. 102195 ID: cf68aa
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>Wow... It's so... Sevi can'tthink right.. Sevi want to..

No. 102196 ID: cf68aa
File 126225752741.png - (13.80KB , 553x585 , end3.png )


"Huh..... Sevi...?"

No. 102198 ID: c0f3bf

Tell Yon not to worry, you know what you're doing~!
No. 102199 ID: 44ad00
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No. 102200 ID: cf68aa
File 126225770559.png - (8.97KB , 341x358 , end.png )

No. 102201 ID: 3b87aa

Called it.
No. 102205 ID: 445c48

This... this could be troublesome. We need to think of a way out of this.
No. 102207 ID: a3b36a

Okay... Sevi cuddled up to Yon to sleep, and Yon made happy noises. We were just trying to make Yon happy. One thing led to another and... well. Here we are.

That should be along the lines of our story. It's... pretty much true, right?
No. 102210 ID: 445c48

This might work. If it doesn't blame Sparklyball, let Yon hold Sparklyball, hear perverted voices.
No. 102213 ID: 381df9

Quickly grapple her. Pin her down, arms to her sides. She is going to start struggling, but don't worry, she's enjoying it. It might help if you put your feet where her head is and your head by her feet. Pull her panties down a bit further and instead of using your fingers, use your tongue. Be very gentile with that area. It's extremely sensitive. Just a little touch creates a lot of feeling. See if Yon will do the same for you. She might be too distracted by what you are doing.
No. 102215 ID: 381df9

[To remind you, in case you have forgotten, we are going the rape/vore/bad ending route. It's not rape if it is consensual. The best way to ensure rape is to not give Yon the option to say no. Even if she would normally be willing to have sex with us, if we don't give her a choice she will be more resistant to it. Thus, rape.]
No. 102216 ID: 22e654


Speak for yourself, paleface. I'm aiming for the delicious sweet lesbian forever ending :3

PlantxBunny yiffyiffyiff x3
No. 102217 ID: 445c48

Same here. Though, a little rape along the way to that is ok.
No. 102237 ID: 059c31

Wait... why would one just decide to choose the bad end, I mean simply by definition this is the end one should want to avoid.
No. 102244 ID: af3e6d

Because we can reload and try all the endings! Once you get all the different endings, you unlock stuff!
No. 102245 ID: c0f3bf

I thought eating her out counted as vore...?
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