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File 126024345385.png - (31.49KB , 947x638 , 1.png )
88035 No. 88035 ID: c9673e

Hi! My name is Nails! And I'm nailed to the wall!
Please help me!
48 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 88159 ID: c9673e
File 126026103648.png - (46.80KB , 947x638 , 16.png )

Ah, yes. There is a key in the... blood...
Let me get it.

I have no idea. It appears to be a clock of some sort though and there are numerous cracks arising from within and around the clock. There is also a small circular indentation below the clock.
Maybe something goes there?
No. 88160 ID: c50a92

Oh, yeah, about that circular thing. It was an eye earlier, back when you were going batshit. It was kind of... watching you. Seems to be full of blood now, so no reason to worry.

Anyway, try putting that round thing you found in there, then see if there's anything you could do with that key.
No. 88161 ID: c9673e
File 126026173759.png - (52.15KB , 947x638 , 17.png )

For some reason, this thought came echoing back to me, though I had never heard it spoke before.

I had not noticed that hole before now.
...but I'm too short to reach it anyway.
No. 88162 ID: 34470e

No, YOU made that hole.
No. 88163 ID: 277821

There sure is a lot of blood coming out of that box, you might wanna open it.
No. 88164 ID: c9673e
File 126026313947.png - (51.70KB , 947x638 , 18.png )

I put the circular... whatever it is into the indent but I don't see any kind of reaction from the clock...
. . .
ha. th e c lo ck rea ds...
ni ne < th ir ty thr ee. .
an d u nde r se ven.
ha. haha.
a lo ng wa y to g o...
No. 88165 ID: 34470e

Quit going crazy or I'll give you a spanking!
No. 88167 ID: c9673e
File 126026462642.png - (63.96KB , 947x638 , 19.png )

I... hear another voice.
Unlike yours. And it frightens me.

For although your voice is near,
it's voice is even closer.

When I said I didn't remember what was happening to me and what I was doing... I lied.

What am I!? I hate this body! A constantly shifting mass of useless flesh! And what of my thoughts? They aren't even my own. Or are they?
And what's with this box!? And people watching me? What the fuck is going on!?

This room... is getting to me.
I must find a way out.
No. 88169 ID: 34470e

Awwwwwww, now you made me feel bad. Look, do you think you can bear with it a little while longer? We need you to open the box.
No. 88173 ID: c9673e
File 126026678795.png - (64.33KB , 947x638 , 20.png )


The Box! The God damned Box!
The fucking thing is taunting me!
Even the Voices can see the fucking thing!
And they all say, "Open the box, Nails!"
...Should I open the box? Surely with the crowbar I would be able to. But I fear whats inside. I just want to leave... that's all I want.

But... I am tired.
I shall give you voices time to think. I do not think I am in complete control of myself at the moment and cannot myself make a sound judgement.
Voice, please help me.
Think deep about all that I have said and you have seen. And ask any questions you would like to ask me or say anything you would like to speak to me about.

For I am sure when I awake from my sleep
your voices will come echoing back to me.
They always do.
No. 88174 ID: 34470e

It's alright. If you're too scared to open the box them don't. Try using the key in the door.
No. 88176 ID: c50a92

Go ahead and try the key on the door. I doubt it'll work, but it's worth a shot.

As for the box... well, I have a feeling that, whatever's happening, whoever's fucking with you, they probably won't let you leave until you open that thing. If you're feeling up to it, then go ahead and open it. Don't be afraid; you'll be fine. We'll make sure of that, Nails.
No. 88416 ID: 632862

Use the key on the door.
No. 88535 ID: 51d0f5

>Hi! My name is Nails! And I'm nailed to the wall!
No. 88578 ID: c9673e
File 126031943089.png - (59.02KB , 1000x700 , 22.png )

...I dreamed.
I dreamed of a world long gone.
Filled with all kinds of wondrous flora and fauna.
But there was one animal that stood over all of them.
They could manipulate anything and everything they wanted to.
They built shelters that rose into the sky and beyond. They built bridges that crossed into other worlds. Time and space was not but inferior concepts to these beings as they had overcome all limitations of their physical selves, save but one: Death.

They had mastered everything that life entailed, but they knew nothing of the afterlife.
And they ached for the knowledge that was gained when they would inevitably die.
Where would they go?

I have the same dream every time I close my eyes to sleep.
No. 88585 ID: c9673e
File 126032004980.png - (62.31KB , 1000x700 , 23.png )

Ah. I feel much better after having slept.
As you can imagine it was rather hard sleeping when I was nailed to the wall.


Anyway, I slept on top of the box.
You know, so that if anything was inside, it wouldn't get out.

I must have been out for a long time because
...I've got a little something to worry about besides the box now.
No. 88586 ID: 632862

Are you nailed to the box now?
No. 88597 ID: c9673e
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It would seem that the entire room is now flooded with blood seeping from the box and the blood level is still rising.
Oh, and my left arm is stuck in the wall. I can't seem to pull it out.

...If I don't get out of this room quickly I'm going to start to lose my calm composure and start FREAKING THE FUCK OUT!
! !
Voices, help!
I'm gonna drown!
No. 88602 ID: 632862

First, grab the disc and put it over the eye again.
No. 88603 ID: b71223

try adjusting the angle at which you pull to pull your arm out and don't freak out. think calm soothing thoughts like kittens.
No. 88604 ID: 34470e

Um, shit. Uh, see if you can get the thing that's floating on the blood.
No. 88606 ID: 51d0f5

No. 88614 ID: c9673e
File 126032180877.png - (52.73KB , 947x638 , 25.png )

Looking at the door I realize that there is no keyhole. Or knob. Why didn't I notice that before? I thought there was a doorknob there...

It feels like someone is puncturing my hand with something... That guy looking at me must be doing it from the other room!
It really fucking hurts!....!........
ohhhhhhh. ha. it fe els re a lly go od. ha.

yo u mea n th e Z y ph en i c al D is c ??
w hy wo uld I wan t tha t ? ?
No. 88621 ID: 632862

Punch the eye.
No. 88623 ID: 34470e

Hey you! Evil voice! Go the fuck away! You're scaring Nails!
No. 88635 ID: c50a92

Hey, as long as you're in batshit demon mode, could you try putting a few more holes in the wall in the direction of that eye? It'll drain out some of the blood, and you may be able to get to the fucker before he nails your arm to another wall.


...erm, failing that, grab the Zyphenical Disc and try to either cover the eye or gouge it out. That eye is starting to piss me off.
No. 88641 ID: c9673e
File 126032449938.png - (46.86KB , 947x638 , 26.png )

>>88645My mind opens to clear voices crashing through my inner one.
For whatever my inner voice had to say, the weight of these ones are much greater.

Punch the eye. This thing must be the one doing this to me. It must be what nailed me to the wall. It has to be. I will do more than punch it's eye. When I get out I will find it and torture it as it tortured I! And when it is weak and at Death's door, I shall devour it!...
Well, that was an... aggressive thing to say.

I notice that my backpack is actually missing along with all the items I thought I had, save for the four nails I have.
To make up for this, I'll take this... whatever it is, floating on top of the blood, as suggested.

Now, with that out of the way. How should I damage the eye?
Should I punch it? Kick it? Try to bite it?
Maybe I could make some use of these nails, hm?
Any way would be tremendously satisfying after all this.
No. 88650 ID: 34470e

Try using the Zyphenical Disc to cover the eye. If that does nothing, then just punch it.
No. 88655 ID: e0499d

wait... I meant nails... put nail in eye...
No. 88742 ID: c9673e
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I pull my arm back to make sure I hit the eye with all my strength.
Oh, I'm going to enjoy this.
No. 88751 ID: c9673e
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As soon as my fist slams into the eye, I hear a squishy sound as a multitude of veins in the eye pop in sprays of blood.

I can feel the grip on my left hand loosen a bit.
No. 88774 ID: c9673e
File 126033171411.png - (69.89KB , 947x638 , 29.png )

A shrill cry escapes the creature as I plunge my arm through it's eye.

It's grip goes limp and I pull my left hand out of the hole.
No. 88788 ID: 632862

Try smashing through the cracked wall.
No. 88791 ID: 34470e

I think the box has disappeared.
No. 88794 ID: 632862

Naw, it's under the level of blood now.
No. 88804 ID: c9673e
File 126033319851.png - (44.38KB , 947x638 , 30.png )

Ah, sweet revenge.
Oh, how it felt to plunge through it's eye!
I felt it's brain turn to mush through my might!
ha. I had no idea what strength I possessed. I feel as if I could knock a hole in anything.

Well, looks like I'm free now.
But what should I do?
Should I really try to break through the wall?
What about the door?
Can I drain the blood at all? And would I even want to?
No. 88810 ID: 34470e

Um, try breaking through the door.
No. 88812 ID: 632862

Well, alright. Give the door a shot.
No. 88862 ID: c9673e
File 12603357993.png - (48.43KB , 947x638 , 31.png )

With the success of destroying my captor in mind,
I focus all my energy into leaving this place.
As my fist connects with the door, I knock it off it's hinges and blood begins to filter through the doorway.

...I'm free.
No. 88864 ID: 34470e

And we didn't even have to open the box! Let's exit the room!
No. 88880 ID: 741901

This won't end well.
No. 88885 ID: c9673e
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No. 88894 ID: 34470e

No. 88896 ID: e024d0

Methinks those eyes of his, do distort in more ways than one.
No. 88899 ID: 632862

It seems as though Nails is hallucinating quite badly. The eye seems to have been real, though.
No. 88913 ID: e024d0

Consider his hand had a nail in it. It could very well be his own blood.
No. 88920 ID: c9673e
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...and that's enough for tonight.
Feel free to discuss about the quest.
Any feedback would also be greatly appreciated.
Do you like where this is going?
Would you change anything?
No. 88921 ID: 34470e

If I could give Nails a hug, I would.
No. 89396 ID: c9673e
File 126041313579.png - (38.82KB , 947x638 , Chapter 1 - End.png )

After giving it some thought, I think the story would flow better if I ended the chapter here.

Let me explain a few things.
Having never done a quest before, but quite intrigued by them, I decided to make my own.
This actually started out as sort of a joke:
A one shot where the main character dies horribly after opening the box. Nothing serious. This is why the character was poorly drawn in the opening post.
Shortly after my second post though, I changed my mind (who knows why.) and started making a real quest out of it.
I'm quite happy with how it turned out.
Thanks to everyone who took part so far.

Nails will most definitely return.
No. 89490 ID: 34470e

I'm glad you decided to continue this quest :D
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