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File 126110619469.jpg - (98.50KB , 800x500 , trapquest_208.jpg )
93667 No. 93667 ID: 8c2522

at least... I saved them...

>Alanniss: you just gave them more time...
361 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 106675 ID: 6bd2fd

Yeah, I was wondering that.
No. 106677 ID: 632862

OH! Collect those parts, and put them all together. We're looking to reassemble one of the people in the paintings on the level below.
No. 106679 ID: 8dc9d5

Go for it, I wanna see where this leads.
No. 106693 ID: 8f4081
File 126283941185.jpg - (193.21KB , 800x500 , trapquest_302.jpg )

They seem to combine fine...

the jewel doesnt work on these bases anymore
No. 106698 ID: 445c48

Hug Statue
No. 106700 ID: 632862

I guess you could try putting it on the one down below, since it works. I hope the bloody circle doesn't fuck it all up though.
No. 106702 ID: 6faa8c

I hope that bunny girl is herbivourous
No. 106719 ID: 4f8e95

i get it, place statue on island, activate rune on island.
No. 106722 ID: 8f4081
File 126284027285.jpg - (223.88KB , 800x500 , trapquest_303.jpg )


...this seems promissing...
No. 106737 ID: 4f8e95

be ready for a killer tail to strike you.
No. 106739 ID: 8f4081
File 126284057423.jpg - (154.90KB , 800x500 , trapquest_304.jpg )

>Spirit: well meet adventurer...

>Spirit: The door to the next floor is open, please continue to the next room...
No. 106743 ID: 8dc9d5

Hug spirit.
No. 106747 ID: 4f8e95

eye'm smartest.

hug statue, greet knight in the left of picture.
No. 106752 ID: 6faa8c

We need both spirits.
No. 106753 ID: 632862

Thank her, and ask if there's any chance of retrieving the small hero from his fall into the pit.
No. 106762 ID: 8f4081
File 126284114966.jpg - (159.19KB , 800x500 , trapquest_305.jpg )

>Spirit: you dont need to thank me, since the Master trapped me in this grotesque game of his, this is my only purpose...

>Spirit: dont worry about the knight, he is somewhere else, Master Separated us, to make us suffer...

>Spirit: Unfortunatelly, i dont know where this hole leads, i have heard from wandering souls that down there is the domain of the father, but i cant seem to make sense out of that...
No. 106763 ID: 4f8e95

i dont see how we could bring the knight. maybe he is in another room or we need another summon circle.

hmm.considering the green shape, we need another circle.
No. 106765 ID: 445c48

We think it's that tentacle guy. He's a pretty cool guy.
No. 106769 ID: 4f8e95

go to the other room. ask her what is her tale.

also i dont trust her. why wasnt she lolified and mindwiped?
No. 106770 ID: 6faa8c

Promise to try and bring them together.

He's stopped the bullshit, so now we do. Let's fix what he has broken!
No. 106771 ID: 8dc9d5

Even if we need to do something, we should still take a few seconds to hug the spirit. Fred needs more hugs in his diet.
No. 106802 ID: 8f4081
File 126284187074.jpg - (160.50KB , 800x500 , trapquest_306.jpg )

<STOP asking for hugs, i dont hug, never>

I could try and release you and the knight from your statue priosions, but first, your life energy, it got a special glow, what where you before getting trapped?

>Spirit: me and the knight where minor gods of nature, after the Master ascended to godhood, he tested his powers with us...

oh, so minor gods, that sounds useful... would you like to see a trick?
No. 106805 ID: 445c48

First let the kobold hug the statue. I'm sure she gives hugs.
No. 106810 ID: 4f8e95

DONT test her. realize this tower was build by a GOD and that she is a GODLING.

add her to the party.
No. 106812 ID: 632862

Okay, try out this trick.

By the way, what are you exactly, Fred? You don't seem to be human.
No. 106814 ID: 8dc9d5

Like I said, a severe deficiency of hugs. You'll need to hug just a little at a time, first, or you may suffer injury of death from shock. Just pace yourself when you hug, and eventually you'll be able to hug like normal.
No. 106819 ID: 8f4081
File 126284237955.jpg - (218.77KB , 800x500 , trapquest_307.jpg )

you see, I'm an aspect of a god myself, a vengeful god, and we do not like this Master person as much as you must not like him for imprisioning you and separating from your loved one... look at the card...

I took a shape acording to this realm laws, but I'm not powerless... keep looking at the card...

I just need to reach this Master person inside his pathetic little tower, and i can take all his power for myself... and you will help me with that... did you have a good look at this card?

its called eternal imprisionment...

>Spirit: wha-
No. 106823 ID: 4f8e95

so, the divine FBI is looking for the equivalent of that australian dude that kidnapped a gurl for 10+ years.


No. 106825 ID: 445c48

I'm not liking where this is going. Don't do it.

Also what the zog is up with your hat.
No. 106827 ID: 8f4081
File 126284257675.jpg - (191.44KB , 800x500 , trapquest_308.jpg )

No. 106829 ID: e75a2f

Fred is apparently a badass.

No. 106834 ID: 4f8e95

you, sir, is a magnifient bastard.

No. 106837 ID: 8f4081
File 126284296415.jpg - (212.41KB , 800x500 , trapquest_310.jpg )

>Ji: what did you do to her?!

My hat? its the proud Dragon Queen of the Ember Lands, she lost a bet to me, and now I own her soul...

I didnt killed the Spirit, she is now part of me... it will take me a while to use her...

No. 106839 ID: e75a2f

Can she and the knight at least have a happy ending when you find him?

I like happy endings.
No. 106844 ID: 4f8e95

of all hells, they would be together with him.

we need to complete the set.

also, im cheering for him to die now. ironically he will be someone's little pet if that happens.
No. 106846 ID: 445c48

Yes. Please.
Hug Ji, say you set her free. Unless she could she what you did, in which case don't say anything.
No. 106848 ID: 8f4081
File 126284332167.jpg - (217.52KB , 800x500 , trapquest_311.jpg )

I dont need this anymore...

happy ending, eh? I'll tell you what, when the time comes, i'll bet with them... for now... to the next room of this stupid place...
No. 106849 ID: 8dc9d5

I agree with you.
I want him to get caught in a trap. Quite a bit, really.
No. 106850 ID: 4f8e95

ohbuy, that is NOT sexy kobolt spanking.

inspect the floor of pit trap the hard way.
No. 106853 ID: 8dc9d5

No. 106854 ID: 445c48

Reach out and save her. You can still use her. The traps aren't suddenly going to cease, and you can toss her into anything you aren't particularly sure is a trap.

And throwing her into an obvious trap is more fun than toss her into a bottomless pit.
No. 106855 ID: e75a2f

Oh come on, just because the master of the tower is a cunt doesn't mean you have to take it out on everyone else.

Show a little love.
No. 106858 ID: 632862

Guys, we already know the pit doesn't lead to death.

Fred may be pretty evil but he's also really powerful. If we want to take one character through the traps instead of rerolling a lot, it's Fred that will do it.
No. 106860 ID: 8dc9d5

I'm fine with lots of rerolling...
No. 106862 ID: 4f8e95

the pit leads to what all traps lead. a lolification/trapification/mindwipification spell.

on one hand, making him lose now is a mighty fine idea. on the other, i know he may succeed, but doesnt deserve to.

he should fail, right after releasing the knight.
No. 106864 ID: 8dc9d5

He should lose a bet with the knight and princess.
No. 106873 ID: 4f8e95

he may be the type that cheats.
No. 106875 ID: 8dc9d5

I know...
But I can still hope.
No. 106969 ID: c7aa19

You're pretty cocky for a guy that looks like Orko.
No. 108924 ID: d9faf1

Quest: Continue.
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