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30754 No. 30754 ID: 1afd58

427 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 72780 ID: 1afd58
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>wait for noise, be on guard

There is the sound of shouting, though it's heavily muted by the door, and the crackle of the strange fire bows firing.

Then silence.

What? I don't care.

>They all have bows.

It seems so. This worries me. I've drawn mine, but I'll have to make a choice between this bow and the axe. I can't readily wield both.
No. 72783 ID: f44349

Well, the bow is much faster.
And humans are fragile things. One shot would at the very least, incapacitate one, if it doesn't just outright kill them.
In addition these humans are probably more familiar with and therefore terrified of these kinds of weapons. You could threaten them much more easily than with the axe.
As long as it has plenty of ammo, the gun is probably the safest bet.
No. 72790 ID: 632862

The gun has no ammo.

Stick with the axe.
No. 72793 ID: 9d41ab

Axe. Wait a few minutes and then peek out the door. Hope there is air.
No. 73051 ID: 1afd58
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Well, the bow I'm carrying is the new one, from the upper room. It should have ammunition still.

I'm still holding the axe though, when the door opens. I see a hand toss one of those cylindrical things through the door.
No. 73053 ID: e0845d

Crap. Can you kick or hit it back at them? If not, just charge right through that open door - you don't want to be near that cylinder thing right now.
No. 73055 ID: 1afd58
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>something about something


The hallway. Three targets. Left one stunned by unexpected charge. Center down from injuries, and female. Right one aiming thing similar to my bow.

What now?
No. 73057 ID: 276781

If they don't start to say anything, you're going to have to act fast because there's no way to tell what they're thinking.

Think you could move fast enough to get the gun out of the right one's hand before he can fire and the left one regains his senses? If so, do that - then get the left one's gun away. And then the third one's gun, even though she's injured.

After all, there's no guarantee they'll shoot you - but no guarantee they won't.
No. 73062 ID: 1afd58
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>Can you move fast enough to get the gun out of his hand?

No. 73063 ID: 1afd58
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The others are beginning to react. A second strike, through his neck and into his chest, has removed this human from the fight.
No. 73064 ID: 43d730

Standing one next.
They might actually have been trying to recapture you... Has there been a report from the room behind you?
No. 73068 ID: 4553b2

Strong sideways sweep into the standing one.
No. 73187 ID: 1afd58
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>standing one

Armor is thicker than I thought. Axe is stuck.

Not anymore.
No. 73188 ID: 1afd58
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Delay might have cost me. He has his bow leveled at me. He seems to hesitate.

Kill him?
No. 73204 ID: d56ac0

Take him down, getting shot hurts like a bitch.
No. 73210 ID: 632862

Use the dead one as a shield and see if he wants to talk.
No. 73223 ID: e158f2

Say you didn't kill Lex, that might get his attention to something more diplomatic.
No. 73234 ID: 632862

If violence is unavoidable, only attack the head of the other guy. You need at least one intact suit and the helmets are probably interchangeable.
No. 73250 ID: e3f578

I hope the bolds are alright and that was a flash grenade. OR they were smart enough to get the fuck out of there.
No. 73558 ID: 1afd58
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>kill to the head.

I'll keep in mind just to attack his head if I can.

>kobolds, grenade

I don't know. The door closed behind me. There was a loud sound. I can hear frantic screaming in there.

>Body as shield
>Didn't kill Lex, diplomancy

I take the fallen warrior in hand. Uuf. He's heavier than I expected. He's gone completely limp. I grab his bow, readying it. The axe is not useful behind a human shield.

"I didn't kill Lex! Drop your crossbow!"

The standing human speaks. It sounds like Oudekirk. "Jesus! You just killed Jake! Oh god he's bleeding everywhere!"

The female human has readied her bow as well.

This is not going well.
No. 73565 ID: e3f578

"Well isn't this fucking wonderful. I killed this guy cause he had a gun, not out of some twisted desire like a pissed off ogre getting tormented by Lex for I don't know how long. I love fighting, don't take me for a pansy, but sure as hell know what's practical. Drop your gun and nobody is gonna get a goddamn axe to the face."
No. 73566 ID: 476456

Rush the other masked man and slam him into the wall with the body.then turn and throw it at the woman, then finish the other masked man.
No. 73568 ID: 276781

They attacked you first, you did what your instincts told you to do. Aside from that, even if they weren't planning on outright killing you, they probably weren't going to help you -just take the food for themselves. Which is why they tossed a flashbang at you.

Now, they can help you, or things can get uglier. It's their choice.
No. 73569 ID: 7eda8b

Shoot the male human followed by the female.
No. 73573 ID: 476456

Oh right you have a gun, shoot them while holding up the body, guy first,then girl.
No. 73577 ID: 9e9b47

You didn't really give me a lot of choice, you were coming to kill me with guns after all. Do we have to keep fighting or are we all gonna die?
No. 73591 ID: 386b9e

"You're here to attack me!"
Keep the shield in place, get out your crossbow and fire if they attack.
No. 73602 ID: 1afd58
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>killed him due to threat, diplomancy

>Kill Oudekirk, then woman.

"I killed him because you are trying to kill me! Drop it! Both of you!"

Oudekirk obeys.

The female does not. I feel the heat from her missed shots, and the human I'm holding is now dead, if he wasn't before. The end of my bow sparks violently, I'm not sure if it is still operable.

I may have time for one quick action. If I don't do something soon, my escape from this place may end a lot sooner than I'd hoped.

I am currently uninjured. I am carrying four of those cylinders, a new bow that has not been fired, and damaged, longer bow that I took from the dead human. My axe is on the floor.

What should I do?
No. 73604 ID: 9891a9

Throw the body onto the woman, leaping after it to knock her gun away while she's dazed from the first impact.
No. 73645 ID: 4f736e

Go for a disarm. And by that I mean throw the body at her to tie her up for a moment, grab your axe, and chop her fucking arm off.
No. 73646 ID: 9e9b47


Try to knock her unconscious. Let's not kill any more of the humans than necessary. These suits are probably valuable.
No. 73647 ID: 15f6d6

No. 73736 ID: 197650

push the body into the female and disarm her.
No. 78337 ID: 1afd58
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>Throw body at woman, disarm her.

I shove the body towards the woman, while dropping my possibly disabled weapon.
No. 78338 ID: 1afd58
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I grab her wrist and her upper arm, and kick her elbow against its range. Her bones displace. She drops the weapon.
No. 78339 ID: 1afd58
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"Move and I kill you!"

The humans disobey, but in a tolerable sense. The man raises his arms in a gesture of what I assume is submission. The woman grips her elbow, wincing in pain.

I am in control of the situation. What next?
No. 78350 ID: 632862

Tell them you heard their plans over the radio. Berate them for thinking they could betray you and get away with it.
No. 78785 ID: 1afd58
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"You damned humans are so dumb. I heard your voices through the walls! You thought you could betray me!"

The male human speaks first. "That's not possible. I mean, there's vacuum between. You'd never be able to-"

The female interrupts. "Schuster did it, didn't he? YOU COST PRIVATE IRONS HIS LIFE, YOU BASTARD! IF I EVER FIND YOU, I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF!"

That last part appeared to be directed at the ceiling, as she shakes her fisted hand.
No. 78788 ID: c0f3bf

First, tell them they're still underestimating you, you were prepared for this since the start.
No. 78791 ID: 276781

There are probably cameras (devices that let someone see from a distance away) around. 'Schuster' is probably the owner of the voice that declared itself 'your own personal god'.
No. 78903 ID: dcc3f3

Inform them that you are the batman, and as such, you can hear in space.
No. 89418 ID: 1afd58
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>Still underestimating
"Humans are always thinking they're smarter than orcs. I could have beaten you even if I didn't know you were coming."

The female is grasping her arm and largely ignoring me.

Oudekirk lowers his hands slightly. "So... ok. What do you want to do now? I mean, there's only one usable vac suit. Well, one suit and the transport bag."

>remote viewing
Hm. Useful things.

>Schuster might be the voice.
Maybe. Names of enemies aren't important.

But I'm plainly not a batman. Besides, they are morons and weak as warriors.

Anyway, what now?
No. 89425 ID: c74fd7

get the suit and put it yourself, carry the kobolds and mariana in the bag, leave the humans here alone, without weapons
No. 90062 ID: 1afd58
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>get suit, take kobolds and fairy along

"Get out of that armor. I'm taking it."

Oudekirk hesitates, and then speaks slowly and cautiously. "Look, I know you're... tense. But you can't just take the suit and go. Where will you go? You don't know the airlock code for engineering and they won't let you in. We're going to have to work together to get you out of here."
No. 90069 ID: 5aa60d

"We already tried working together. That didnt turn out great did it?
Tell me the code and get out of the suit or die."
No. 90070 ID: 632862

Perhaps you could take the female's suit and use the dead guy's helmet with it.
No. 90071 ID: 9e9b47


Tell him to still take off his suit. You're taking it, and going with the female. Give the kobolds guns, and tell them to watch the human male.
No. 90076 ID: c0f3bf

Tell him you don't trust people that sound like they only want to help YOU.
No. 90178 ID: 1afd58
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>"We already tried working together. That didnt turn out great did it? Tell me the code and get out of the suit or die."

Oudekirk's voice has a tint of frustrated anger. "As opposed to what? Giving you the suit and code so that you can get into engineering and kill everyone there, while I starve to death over here? No."

>take female's suit, take dead guy's helmet

"We have more than one. I'll take her armor, and the dead human's helmet."

Oudekirk shakes his head, looking at the female, who doesn't seem to be paying attention to us. "Her suit is damaged. That goo that was in here burned through it in a couple places."

>take it anyway, kobolds get guns
>don't trust helpful people
"Take the armor off. I need it."

I also bang on the door where the kobolds are. Hopefully they'll come out.

Oudekirk hesitates, I'm not sure what he's waiting on. The female seems to be alternately trying to stand up or just crawl forward, but it's obvious that her arm is paining her.
No. 90218 ID: e3f578

Say your not willing to waste those with useful potential such as that. "I mean, look at who I'm working with. Boldings think this is a time for romance rather than survival half the time. The fairy I honestly don't think she takes this situation seriously, what with watching the boldlings like entertainment." Besides that point, his girlfriend was going to be left behind if he went back to engineering himself thanks to her suit being damaged. It'd also be a hell of a lot better if a person with some real combat talent and experience got over there and destroyed possible threats to the survivors.

We don't waste lives, we USE them.
No. 92169 ID: 1afd58
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>not waste people, better to have someone who is a warrior
"I'm not going to just let you starve. I might need you to help me get back to my home. Kobolds and fairies are only so useful. I can help fight for your group too."

Oudekirk doesn't move, but there's a lot of fear in his voice. "We... we don't need more fighting. The only thing threatening us at this point was hunger, really. Well, that, and the coolant leak, but we had that pretty much locked down. Besides, I mean, most of the people in engineering are military anyway."

The kobolds have rejoined me. They both look a little shaken from whatever that device the humans threw into the room did. Mariana is flying unsteadily and looks a bit dizzy.
No. 92621 ID: 1afd58
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>No suggestions

I hesitate a moment. I'm not sure where to go from here.

The kobold female is cowering behind Jrifdlib, who has his knife out and readied. Mariana still seems a bit off.

Oudekirk keeps speaking, gesticulating weakly. "I uh... I mean... Look I don't know a good solution. We're short suits no matter what, and short of tugging groups of people back and forth in the transport bag, I can't think of any way to get everyone over there."

He seems nervous, and he's basically babbling. What next?
No. 92623 ID: 632862

Hey. Is the woman reaching for the axe? That's not acceptable.
No. 92658 ID: 15f6d6

This is a horribly shitty situation with no real good situation. These people's knowledge might be essential to survival. We need to know that we can trust these assholes and they won't just backstab us, but that doesn't seem super likely.
No. 92676 ID: 1afd58
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>woman reaching for axe
No... she's reaching for the crossbo--

Shots ring out!
No. 92677 ID: 1afd58
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>bad situation, no good solution, might need to trust them.

Yeah... ugh... not looking likely. Her shot went through Oudekirk's forward leg, grazing him, and also grazed my side.

Most of my shots missed. I like this weapon. Still, one hit the female. She is likely dead.

I don't know what to do.
No. 92682 ID: 632862

Well shit, his suit is now damaged.

Now we have zero working suits. Ask him if he can call for someone to bring some extra suits over, or if there's any way to repair damaged ones.
No. 92751 ID: c0f3bf

Check your wound for more serious injury, you might not be able to feel it.
No. 92836 ID: 15f6d6

Ask him what the fuck just happened. It also might be product to move tot he room behind you.
No. 92838 ID: 15f6d6

These people are fucking retarded. Don't they realize that you will kill them if they don't cooperate? What the hell is their problem?!
No. 93977 ID: 1afd58
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>zero suit Ugluk, ask about repairs or extra suits.

"Oudekirk. How can we fix this armor and get back to engineering?"

Oudekirk covers his face and mutters vaguely. "Dead. They're dead and I'm dead. Oh God, we're all dead."

>check wound
Hrm. I remove my hand and look at it. The wound is like a combination of a slash and a burn. It's not bleeding much, but it's about a quarter of an inch deep and perhaps three inches long on my side. Nothing internal injured, but smells of burned meat.

Oudekirk's wound is bleeding a great deal more.

>what just happened, are they stupid?

"HEY! Pay attention, human! What is wrong with you damned people? Why can't you surrender to a superior opponent?"

Oudekirk makes no direct response. "God, Jake and Chief Wilson. What am I supposed to... Oh god we're all dead."
No. 93996 ID: 15f6d6

Tell him that nobody else is going to die as long as the humans stop trying to kill you.
No. 94088 ID: c88bbf

Get some pressure on his wound before he bleeds out. Tell him to snap out of it! We don't want to kill anybody, but they keep shooting at us! What are we supposed to do, stand there and die?
No. 94165 ID: 1afd58
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>no one has to die if they stop attacking
"No one else has to die if you damn idiots stop trying to kill your betters."

He keeps mumbling. That leg is looking bad.

>pressure on wound
I tell klildril to use the scrap of cloth I'm carrying (used to be a loincloth) to bandage him, but Mariana flies out before I can finish the sentence, and begins doing something, I suppose healing him. The blood flow seems to have stopped, but Oudekirk is still clutching at the wound.

That process looked less pleasant than what she did with me. He shook and twitched as she did whatever she did to him.

Still, she's flying more steadily again, and his leg seems to have healed. He's still just holding his head and muttering though.
No. 94170 ID: c88bbf

I think she drained him while healing him.

OK, so none of us actually knows how get the hell out of here. Except the guy having a breakdown in the corner. Err, get the kobold to go hug him. THat may make him calm down and let all of his emotions go at once.
No. 94176 ID: 15f6d6

I guess we just need to see if he'll calm down. Maybe give him some food and water or something. We need his knowledge.
No. 94254 ID: 1afd58
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>calm him down, kobold hug

Actually, I didn't have to order them. Despite some brief reservations, seeing Mariana tend to him seems to have made the kobolds sympathize with him, and they cautiously try to comfort him.

He holds them like they were children.

After a moment, he seems much calmer, though it's hard to read his emotions through that armor. He hasn't spoken.
No. 94301 ID: c0f3bf

Bask in the artistic joy.
No. 94415 ID: 15f6d6

I suppose you should just wait to see if he chills the hell out, and becomes willing to speak with you.
No. 95541 ID: 1afd58
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>bask in artistic joy

>wait a bit

A pause a moment.

After sitting with them for a time, he slowly speaks. "Ugluk... we have no working suits, and they basically can't be repaired. I don't know what to do. I have... I have my welding set on the upper floor, as well as that transport bag, but I can't cut through the door to engineering with it; I don't have enough fuel. The bag isn't really designed to support life; any living things in it would freeze to death long before they got anywhere, and it has no propulsion of its own anyway."

His voice is calm and even, but he sounds like he's simply doing his best to face the situation without panicking.

He pauses, and then continues. "How... How 'magical' is that axe? Can you cut through steel? Nano-reinforced steel? Otherwise we aren't going to get a hole more than a few inches wide in that door. Unless you can convince Schuster to let us through."
No. 95543 ID: 6faa8c

Didn't we slice open the door he's sitting next to?
No. 95557 ID: 632862

Collect the axe, and ask Mariana why it looked different this time when she healed that guy.
No. 96241 ID: 1afd58
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>didn't we slice open that door?
Yes. He's implied that the interdepartmental doors are different though. I don't know how.

>get the ask, why was healing different.
I pick up the axe. Oudekirk stands and tenses visibly as I come close. The kobolds stand also.

I ask Mariana quietly why it was different. She smiles slightly, and her eyes glow a light blue. "I needed to eat, and... you've been killing a lot of the people we meet, so I decided he wouldn't need much time. I'm full, and so is my ring. Don't worry about feeding me for a while~"

She seems vaguely cheery about it.
No. 97233 ID: 1afd58
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>no suggestions

I pause a moment. "I don't really have a good way out. The axe is sharp, I cut through a couple doors down here. I don't know if I can cut the other one. Maybe."

Oudekirk nods, and presses a switch on the front of his suit. The door on the ladder opens again.
No. 97235 ID: c0f3bf

Lead on. To weldings!
No. 97242 ID: 131526

Weldings then.
No. 97253 ID: 1afd58
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We move upstairs, and I tell him to try his device on the door. The device creates fire, like the crossbows, but shorter and more sustained. The metal melts like butter.

The brightness hurts my eyes.
No. 97255 ID: 1afd58
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The torch soon burns out, however. There's a hole, perhaps three inches wide, in the door. There is a visible reinforcement bar in the door, dark black metal that the torch didn't seem to even damage. A hallway is visible through the hole.

Should I attempt to use the axe to cut a larger opening?
No. 97256 ID: c0f3bf

Not till you move kobold out of the way.
No. 97257 ID: 131526

see if we can nick the BLACK METAL with it first.
No. 97283 ID: 632862

Use AXE on DOOR.
No. 97573 ID: 1afd58
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>move kobold out of the way

I tell Jrifdlib to go away for a bit. He complies.

>Black Metal
My axe doesn't even make a dent. It's like clubbing a heavy iron door with a stick. This frustrates me.

>axe the door

I work for a short time, hacking away all the covering on the door. The lattice of reinforcement bars is rather dense. The square spaces are about three or four inches across. The bars are somewhat unevenly spaced, for whatever reason.
No. 97621 ID: 131526

can the fairy get through?
No. 97653 ID: 1afd58
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Yeah, Mariana could get through easily. I call her over to me, and pose the idea.

She hesitates, and the nods. "Yes, I can go through for you, Ugluk. Or, I could shrink us and whatever things we want to bring that we can't fit through the bars, and we could all go through. Except your axe, because it wouldn't fit."

She pauses, smiling. "If I go through myself, I'm going to be on my own in there, no magic stone like you had with Jrifdlib. What do you want me to look for?"
No. 97659 ID: c0f3bf

Oh right, forgot about the shrinking. Both you and the human, leave the kobolds to keep an eye on things.
No. 97698 ID: 632862

"keep an eye on things" meaning "furiously noserub for the entire time we're gone" of course.

But yeah, let's shrink.
No. 97869 ID: 131526

And our dakka. Don't fergit da dakka
No. 101290 ID: 1afd58
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>shrink, Kobolds keep an eye on things.
>shrink, Kobolds noserub.

I tell Jrifdlib that he's my lieutenant for the moment, and to keep Klildril and himself safe while I'm gone. He agrees and seems marginally proud.

We shrink, and head through the grate. I have to leave my magical axe.

>don't forget dakka
The repeating crossbow? I didn't forget.

We travel down a short, L-shaped hallway. We come to another door, labeled "Engineering". Oudekirk points out a panel on the wall; his voice has a rather excited tone.

"Can you get this open? I don't have a screwdriver, but you are stronger than me. If we can open this, I might be able to open the door. I don't know if you have any tools hidden on your person, but you are carrying... grenades, I guess. They might work in a pinch, if I can use the handles to unscrew the bolts."

What do you think?
No. 101292 ID: da3716

Sounds like a horrible explosion waiting to happen.
No. 101496 ID: 1afd58
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"Can't they set fire? Break things?"

Oudekirk pauses. "Err... yes. But I'm not going to make them do that. How do you even know what a grenade is?"

I don't answer. We use the end of a handle to unscrew the panel. Behind the panel is another wall, metal, and some weird things that look like vines or cords. Oudekirk seems like he expected to find this.

"Ok, I need a laser cutter. Your gun could work, but I'd have to remove the firing assembly and lower the power... eh, it wouldn't work like a gun anymore. Also I need electricity. The gun's powerpack isn't enough. Do you have... I dunno, an EMP grenade? Or can your fairy make lightning?"

Mariana breaks in immediately. "I'm not *his fairy*! He's *my orc*!"

Regardless, should I hand over my weapon? From what I've seen, I could probably overpower Oudekirk hand to hand.
No. 101498 ID: c0f3bf

Ask Mariana if she could make lightning before you go handing your gun over.
No. 101512 ID: b082e5

I believe you do have an EMP grenade. It's the one that says static discharge on it.
No. 101578 ID: 1afd58
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>ask if Mariana can make lightning, hand over gun.
>static discharge = EMP

Mariana says she can make the power I need, but that it is draining and she'd prefer if I let Oudekirk use the grenade.

Oudekirk takes the weapon, and fools with it a bit, flipping switches and popping parts out. After a time, he has crafted a smaller device from pieces of the gun, and cuts three of the ropes inside the wall. He then stops.

"Well, the gun won't work anymore, but we don't need it. Ok, so uh... Miss Fairy? Can you... er... do whatever you can do?"

Should I use the grenade or Mariana's magic?
No. 101579 ID: c0f3bf

No. 101595 ID: b082e5

Use the grenade.
No. 101605 ID: 1afd58
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I hand Oudekirk the grenade labeled "Static Discharge".

"Use this. Mariana is not going to do it."

He nods, takes the weapon, and removes the top, as well as a few other components. He moves slowly and gingerly, as though he's not terribly comfortable with what he's doing.

He pulls a ring out of the cap, and then holds a brass portion of the weapon to one of the rope ends.
No. 101608 ID: 1afd58
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A brilliant light blinds me momentarily, and all I can see is a flash of lightning, and sparking traces of fire!
No. 101610 ID: c0f3bf

Take a small step backwards.
No. 101611 ID: 1afd58
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As my eyes readjust, I realize that the door has opened. The way into Engineering is clear. Other humans are there, looking at me in mixed surprise and terror. Suddenly, I wish I had my axe.
No. 101613 ID: 1afd58
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