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76819 No. 76819 ID: 9e964e

The village of Byron.

Built by Lord Byron the Absolute, with the sole objective to support his new jailhouse- because he needed more space to bury his political disaffected.

At some point during the construction, demons.
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No. 91587 ID: 632862

So we could either sell the halberd and maybe buy an oil lamp, and suffer a bit of karma loss for it, or buy a room for the night and take that free one that Miss K offered us.

I'm thinking we should take up Miss K on her offer... which means you can't buy anything right now unless you want to sleep outside. Go back to the kids. One of them actually had something they wanted you to do.
No. 91886 ID: 442eed
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>The Scam Called Fiat Money
I'm telling you. Its insane. You say something is worth just because you trust someone saying its worth something. I call bullshit -- silver is worth because is rare, because is hard to get, because costs lives, and because coins can be slagged into bare metal to make candelabra and shifter-killing arrows. You cant make silver from nowhere, while all you need to do is to write 'IOU a life' in a piece of parchment and start wrecking. I dont know what kind of king or conman tricked you, but thats what I know; things are worth because of what they are, what they are used for, and the craft that went into making it. Things dont have value because I told you so.

Yet, as I said. This crazy system is the rule, so I'm gonna have to play along if I'm supposed to do this crawl.

>tools, skills
Well, my main skill is fighting, really. I can use the doctor's bag to mend any specially nasty wound, some pans and pots to try to cook stuff...
I could use the locksmith gear to work the simpler mechanisms instead of just bashing everything I see, I'm not a complete retard.
And I don't know much about rock climbing, really. If the dungeon is as vertical as Manuel implies, I might end up needing it anyway. And a few featherfalls.

>buy buy buy
Or I could get a set of five torches for two silvers. I wonder why there's this big price difference; maybe oil lasts longer?

Well, if I dont get some lightning to go in right now, I wont be paying for anything but lodging today. I just wish there was more to do than just wait for tomorrow... I thought dungeonvilles would have more errands.
I don't know. Wait or go? What to buy? Really could use some tips. What your previous experience says?
No. 91890 ID: 6faa8c

>gold is useless

Electrical engineers and astronauts want a word with you.
No. 91892 ID: 119b5c

Well actually...In my experience, adventurers didn't show up with empty pockets. However, you might want to choose, do we adventure into the dungeon again soon, or do we make mischief in the town?
No. 91916 ID: 632862

Oh, I missed the torches. Yes, buy a set of 5. You'll have money left over for a night at the inn just in case we can't find any loot in the dungeon.
No. 92089 ID: 445c48

> I'm not a complete retard.
I'm not so sure about that.
No. 92099 ID: 107da3

...Things have the value of that which is accepted. Saying worth is worth is an incredible insight into your lack of understanding.

Let's pretend everyone gained a million silver pieces. My, my. It's suddenly worthless.

How about a priceless, one-of-a-kind beautiful painting? Funny, that. Nothing but color and pictures. But if suddenly everyone could have one for nothing... and similarly it has no value except that which people choose to attach.


I said for anything he might do.
No. 92187 ID: 445c48

Clearly he's going to need to go into space and nuke the site from orbit.

It's the only way to be sure.
No. 92380 ID: 8e7062

>On the topic of money.

It works, but not always. What my other friend is trying to explain to you is the concept of "inflation", when something that is considered of worth decreases in worth due to an overabundance of it.

Usually, the governement or banks or authority figures in general are those who can afford messing around the idea of creating "paper money" and "credit", as they already have considerable wealth to back the idea up and the authority/respect to do so.

>Buying stuff.

Sheez, stuff's expensive around here. Guess that's to be expected, though. Boom towns are usually a bit on the high costs side.

Annoying as it is, you don't really have enough silver to buy all the things you might conceivably need. Or even a FEW of the things you might conceivably need.

At a somewhat low-cost approach, I would've adviced buying the oil lamp and oil coupled with a rope (less chance of accidentally burning your rope that way), a featherfall charm for emergencies, a waterskin and some rations (which he doesn't appear to sell).

As is, I suggest you buy a set of torches, and save your silver for lodging and food later, as well as possible future developments, such as possibly getting an oil lamp from the VERY GRACIOUS Miss K tomorrow and needing to buy oil. And pray that you find something that'll be worth a few silvers.

Alternatively, conserve your silver and try to 'care' more and find things you could earn silver for in a more legal manner than selling off the halberd.

>Suggested conversation topic.

-Ask what kind of troubles adventurers usually run into, beyond the sharp drops.
-How long the torches last, compared to the oil lantern.
-Speaking of sharp ears, what's their baker up to?
No. 92455 ID: 15f6d6

Buy some torches and at least go look around the dungeon. That is why your here, and now you have an opportunity to explore in a more prepared manner. Hopefully you can get some money, and incrementally equip yourself as you delve.
No. 92847 ID: fe99ea
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>Electrical engineers and astronauts
Elecmeat astrolabes? What?
Oh, it wasn' for me.

>my experience, adventurers, empty pockets
Point in case.

>buy torch, save for lodging
Seems like a good plan.
No. 92848 ID: fe99ea
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>Karl Marx for Medievals
>worth, painting, million silver pieces
Thats... reasonable, in theory, but is one that doesn't reaches much farther than that. As silver keeps showing up as time goes, more people will simply come to exist to want the silver. Maybe from faraway lands, surely from being born, or the silver getting acessible to farmers and...
Hmmn. I guess the chance that, someday, there will be more silver than people is rather far-fetched but possible... would everyone be rich, then? I wonder if we would just start making coinage out of something else... like gold, alum, or whatever. Not iron. Steel?
Paper just sounds wrong. Being able to just write coinage its... at least we know there is a limited amount of silver in the land. Not so much with paper.

>government, bank, authority/respect
>backed, honesty, willingness
Only a king has the luxury of choice in that level, for sure... the common people can just bow down, if the king suddenly decide grass is worth its weight in gold, and only another king can say otherwise.
In the end, it all sums up to trusting those kings have our best interests when controlling the global cashflow. Thats hardly a happy thought.
No. 92849 ID: fe99ea
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Manuel: "Are ye gonna be mulling around all day, boy?"
"Oh! Sorry. Uhmn, I have a few questions."
Manuel: "All ears here."
No. 92850 ID: fe99ea
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"Anything else I should be wary of, about the dungeon? Besides falling?"
Manuel: "Aye, lad. The lord's old defenses are always on, ye'll need be car'ful with the summons. There be traps deeper in, put by the demons... And of course, the big darkness that'll eatcha if you let it close."

I'm gonna need aloooot of torches...
No. 92851 ID: fe99ea
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"How long does a torch lasts?"
Manuel: ".. between a third and a half a prayer, maybe."
".... sure. And a lamp?"
Manuel: "A flask can last ye a full prayer and some more."
No. 92852 ID: fe99ea
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"Allright, I give. What's a 'prayer'?"
Manuel: "Heh. Well, at ev'ry prayer the church toils their bell. thats once at sunrise, once at midnight, and five times in between."

... oh. Crap. Whoops.

"Oh, hmmn... so, its like, three hours?..."
Manuel: "In city folk language, yesh."
No. 92853 ID: fe99ea
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"What's the deal with mr. Baker?"
Manuel: "Benjamin? He gone nutter again?"
"I don't know, the kids were saying he wasn't well yesterday."
Manuel: "Heh, that's-- ... heey, I know yer type, yer just af--"
No. 92855 ID: a87583
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Manuel: "Heh, that's-- ... heey, I know yer type, yer just af--"
"Fuck you. Straight answer, please, no lecture."
Manuel: "...That's how ye want it?"
"That's how it's gonna be."
No. 92856 ID: a87583
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Manuel: "Then TAKE A DICK IN TH'ARSE, Y'BUGGER. He was a well-married, good man, but th' last thing he needed was a gaggle of bloody tossers to cause all sortsa shite with him 'fore these moods made a dog's dinner outta his life. 'Cause of sheep-shaggers like you, his life nowadays is all about being in and outta these fuckin' kicks where he rambles on and on about bread and bakeries like a madman -- and this has been going on fer over six fuckin' months! Poor Niece's heart is simply torn in two and always a day away from simply stopping altogether, thanks to-- to-- -- you GODDAMN TWATS. SOD OFF."

This post was made possible by MrQ. Thanks x3
No. 92857 ID: a87583
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.... I could've handled that better, yes....

>torches and lamps
Actually, both have its problems. Lamps use oil, can spill, torches are dangerous and useful for obvious reasons...
But I think I can carry five of those oil flasks per pocket. I hope that answers your question.

I told you; silver has value, but everything is expensive. Food, maybe, is the only thing in these lands that isn' eye-gougingly pricey. I bet I could have gotten better deals in a bigger city, but not much better than these.

Didn' you hear, he has food, just not on the shelves. I can see from here the usual adventurer edibles; dried meat, nut bags, an apple's bushel, tasteless grain biscuits... he's well-equipped on that front. I think he said a few days worth of food is five silvers.
No. 92858 ID: 041c9a
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".... any idea of ... what they did to him? ...."
Manuel: ".... damned if I know. They were just out from that cave. But talking about the matter jus' helps the poor sod into 'nother tantrum."
No. 92862 ID: 632862

Buy a stack of torches for 2 silver, then go talk to the kids and see what they wanted you to do.
No. 92922 ID: fbcb2a


Buy the greenest of them. No, I didnĀ“t forgot.
No. 92976 ID: e024d0

Lamp and Oil I say, Oil has so many extra uses it isn't even funny.
No. 93002 ID: 445c48

Damn right. We need to have a whole horde of tamed monsters. We can start with the poring. Bitches love porings.
No. 93007 ID: b08879

We will need to sell off the halberd to buy those. Do we want to?
No. 93008 ID: e024d0

I suppose torches will do for now then.
No. 93295 ID: 1349ad

>Handled better.

Yes. I suppose you could have. Regardless, apologies from getting you yelled at. I had no idea it was a sensitive issue.

Let's not go off on too many tangents anymore. I bet having to stand around and wait from answers from a man who takes a lot of time to think about things is annoying Manuel. Shopkeeper or no, no doubt he's got better things to do than stand around and wait for you all day.


Ah, I forgot that comment. Let's see, then...I suggest you buy five torches, and fork over three silvers for a room for the day and breakfast tomorrow, and one more for some of Benjamin's casserole right now. That'll spend all your silver, but what can y'do?

As of now, you have two options, as I see 'em. #1 is delving briefly into the dungeon and trying to find stuff to earn a few silvers to get more gear, so you can move more safely into the rest of the dungeon. Financially risky, considering how previous crawlers would've picked the area clean and the demons are all further in...Then again, you could be lucky.

Still, I'll be honest with you. Entering that dungeon right now is gambling at best. Option #2 is digging around in town for potential work to earn more silver to get more gear, etc. Which will not be easy. As Manuel said, y'gotta care, and convincing these people you DO care won't be that easy, even if you do. Do you?

>Conversation topics.

-Apologize for being so blunt. You had no idea other crawlers were the reason behind Benjamin's oddity. Promise not to bug the poor baker about it. (Indeed, why cause more heartache for yourself and these people?)

-You can't promise anything, but perhaps you can look into the issue somehow while you're delving. Who -were- these crawlers six months ago?
No. 93319 ID: 2cbe3e


Tell this guy to go off and fuck his own mother. It's not like you were super rude.
No. 93385 ID: f91e71
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"About the crawlers mr. Baker met, can you -Of. Course. Let. Me. Live. Trough this with a lession learned and nomorequestionseverasked-- ahahahahahahahahahaaaaaahhhh.... aaahhhhhhh....."
No. 93386 ID: 1349ad


I think you're missing the point. Player wasn't yelled at because he acted rude (although he was a bit blunt and unsympathic), but for what he IS: a crawler. Manuel appears to have some antipathy towards them for something a previous group has done to Benjamin (and perhaps other, unmentioned past encounters), who I'm guessing is Manuel's cook, baker or somesuch. This has upset both the life of Benjamin and Benjamin's niece, something Manuel clearly seems to have taken seriously.

The polite, and smart, thing to do would at least be to remain civil, even if you don't particularly care for their situation and how it came about, lest you antagonize the shopkeep. Manuel clearly won't accept being "'nother pussy commoner", and having the decency of treating him and the others in town like people, rather than stepping stones to glory and riches, doesn't cost all that much, does it?
No. 93387 ID: f91e71
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I guess that also overrules apologies. Time to cut my losses.

"... okay, I'll stop wasting your time. Stack of torches."
Manuel: "Allright."
"And the room. I'm paying in advance."
Manuel: "Hrrrmnhmn."
"And... set me up some of that casserole."
Manuel: ".... anything else?"
"... an apple for dessert. The greenest."
No. 93389 ID: f91e71
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Manuel: "Here you go. Thanks yer patronage, come back, when yer finished leave the bowl n' the dough on th' counter."
"I will."

Trade: 6 silver for 5 Torches and services
No. 93390 ID: f91e71
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So. Dungeon it is; I agree that we met enough new people for a day. If I cross with the kids I'll talk to them.
And I still have the halberd, gonna leave it at the door.

>care, convincing, even if you do. You do?
Seriously, I dont know. I'm just meeting them for the first time. Its not like I'd cry over their funeral or invite to my sister's wedding. All in all, they seem pretty good people though.
I guess that makes me a not-hero. Heh.
Likewise, I'm sure I'm just another crawler to them. Its not like they'll start telling their life stories to anyone they cross; would you?
I guess you were wrong on that count. Life doesn' follows dramatic rules, nor is like a game at all.

Healing: Player gets +1 HP

Player acquires Green Apple
Warning: Inventory is full

Mmn, this IS some pretty mean casserole. Never thought fish and chicken could go so well together.
No. 93411 ID: 2cbe3e

To the dungeon! Back to the grindstone!
No. 93423 ID: 1349ad

>Telling life stories.

Mmm. Depends. It's sometimes easier to lay your troubles on a complete stranger than those you know best.

Regardless, you're probably right. You're not as much a 'stranger' as another crawler.

>Not-much-caring, not-hero.

Sounds like a pretty reasonable stance. "Hero" is a pretty nebulous term anyway. Means something different to everyone.

>Green apples.

Out of morbid curiosity, IS it at all possible to train those cute jellies? Though I can't see what use one will be in a dungeon.

Also, may I call your attention to your right? There appears to be activity on Miss K's roof, and a man's carrying somethin' stewin'.
No. 93529 ID: f91e71
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>train those cute jellies
Well, most monsters are at least half-intelligent. But to tell the truth, you have been telling me to lure and capture one; I thought you knew what you were asking.
I admit I'm curious about it.

>attention, right
Yeah, its pretty active here, huh? I dont know the person with a pot, but I think we've seen who 's on that roof before.

"Miss Kay! Hello, what's up?"

Not one of my cleverest moments, but who cares?

Miss K: "Ah, Greenie! Just me, setting up a new dish!"
"Do you need some help with that?" :D
Miss K: "Oh, you silly! You keep that chin up and you're sure to find a good wife!"
No. 93530 ID: 632862

A new dish? What? She can't possibly be receiving any satellite transmissions with that. Maybe she's an amateur astronomer or something.
No. 93784 ID: f91e71
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>transmission, sattelite
Sawha? What are you talking about? Aren't she just cooking?

Nevermind, I'm finished. Time to go anyway.

"Well, good luck up there, Miss K."
Miss K: "Good luck for you too, Green!"
No. 93786 ID: 6834bc

Player, remember the whole 'transcending time and space' thing?
To put it shortly and bluntly, 'satellite' stuff is a new form of 'magic' from the future. Or a different world, or distant past, or whatever - it's called 'technology'.
Anyway, it's... out-of-place enough in this world or time that it seems weird for Miss K to be muckin' about with it. But it's probably not important, anyway.
...Back to business, I guess.
No. 93790 ID: 1349ad

>Dish, satellite?

Well, she could be setting up a device that we're familiar with. One that's meant to receive signals from the sky. Er. But enough about that, you have a dungeon to get to.
No. 93794 ID: 191b86
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>transcending time and space
>satellite, magic, future, technology
Hey, I know about technology.
Millions of years ago, man discovered heavy thing cracks heads. Thousands of years ago, he discovered sharp things crack heads better. Tens of years ago, a smith used a hammer and anvil as tools, to turn a shapeless piece of metal into a fairly deent tool to crack heads. THIS is technology.
Whatever she is doing magic, period.

Yeah, shes too normal for something like that.

Allright, I'm stalling.
No. 93795 ID: 191b86
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It's... I feel like I'm looking at an abyss here, ominous and all. Like innocence lost. Nietzschian quotes, all that poser crap.

Like something's about to change, forever.
No. 93796 ID: 19da69
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"Is this how a point of no return feels like?"
No. 93797 ID: 5d5878

What?! No savescumming?! You cruel bastard!
No. 93834 ID: 119b5c

No pain, No game.
No. 94044 ID: e024d0

Ironman mode+
Joke Monsters+
Cthangband/Zangband Monsters+
No. 94112 ID: 107da3


+DOOM: The Roguelike
No. 94126 ID: f98e0b

No. 95181 ID: 06eb5b

Next chapter.
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