Lady Star Whisper
Very well, I shall proceed with caution. It is rather suspicious for a woman to be travelling alone, let alone while carrying so many wares. At the least she is capable of something unforeseen.
"Do you know where the others who live here went?"
"Hm? No, no, I don't. Zey came to buy somezings, zen left again. Do you lose track of zem often? I have a little set of bells that ring whenever one of ze ozer bells rings. Zen you can find zem always."
"I'll consider it. Could you tell me what it was they were interested in? What they purchased?"
"Well, only because you have such a cute face. Zer was an elven lady who asked for old elven trinkets, zen zere was a goblin lady who wanted a little make-up set, zen zere was a very big gnoll gentleman who wanted a beautiful curved knife, zen zer was a big lady like you who wanted wonderful pearl necklace, zen zere was a little catfolk-halfling lady who spend a long long time going zrough my zings until she finally settled on a magical wand zat makes you impossible to be seen with ze naked eye. Zer were also two kobolds but zey did not buy anyzing. If you would like to see what your friends are doing often, zen perhaps you would like zis little crystal ball. You will be able to see zem wherever zey go wizin a certain distance."