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131865 No. 131865 ID: a7c3fb

"Is this it?"
42 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 132499 ID: c32d51

No. 132501 ID: 632862

Run. Trap it. Hit the button.
No. 132506 ID: d56ac0

ignore the ominous figure looming above you and hit that button, soldier!
No. 132510 ID: e828f5

Soldier, there's a friendly at your 7 o'clock, three floors up. Your choice what to do regarding him
No. 132512 ID: f2b2b3
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"You voices aren't very old, are you?"

When I get to the door, I can already hear the beast realize I'm missing. It's already on its way, and will be here in seconds.

>ominous figure
>a friendly

"I saw no one?"

I pound on the VAULT BUTTON. At first, it doesn't even move. After several more tries, I manage to force it down.

Nothing happens.

I try several more times, before I hear the grinding of gears.


But that thing is nearly here!
No. 132514 ID: 15f6d6

There is a figure leaping to your right. If right goes generally away from the monster, then run that way as fast as you can.
No. 132515 ID: 632862

Same figure, 3 o clock.
No. 132523 ID: e3f578

I don't suppose you have a grenade attachment to your rifle? Shooting a grenade at it is better than by just taking the chance the doors will open by the time it gets to you.
No. 132533 ID: f2b2b3
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>a figure
>same figure

"No time! Son of a bitch is here!"

It's prying the doors open. I can't outrun it. I have to stop it, somehow!

>a grenade attachment

"I barely have any 5.56mm left, much less anything else!"

I fire into it, regardless. Maybe it'll stagger it enough to get its grip away from the VAULT DOORS.

It's slowing, at least. Just a bit more and -
No. 132539 ID: c32d51

Aim for the legs. Wherever it bends its "knee".
No. 132542 ID: 15f6d6

Shoot the fingers, the bit that is holding on to the door.
No. 132544 ID: f2b2b3
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It's darting at me with one of its heads! I won't be able to dodge in time!

All I can think of is its horrid smell and monstrous expression, and the memory of my wife and son.
No. 132545 ID: e828f5

Shove the barrel of the gun down it's throat.
No. 132548 ID: f2b2b3
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Something rockets through its head, and it bursts like a melon.

Its various maws roar in pain as what remains retracts back into the VAULT.
No. 132549 ID: e828f5

Cheer, point gun at savior (just in case)
No. 132552 ID: c32d51

Lucky bastard. I suggest you evac, soldier.
No. 132555 ID: c32d51

And tell Dom that there are still Locust down there.
No. 132560 ID: f2b2b3
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The VAULT closes. I'm safe, unless it can figure out a way to get out, or smash its way through. That should be a good while from now, if ever, but I don't want to take any chances.

>Cheer, point gun at savior (just in case)

"I still don't see anyone."

I'm not sure where the shot came from. I lower my voice, all the same.

"Just because he saved me doesn't make it a friendly."

>Lucky bastard. I suggest you evac, soldier.

"No doubt. I should. I still have a mission to do, and I can't delay, regardless of what just happened."

>Dom... Locust


I leave the Artifactum's grand hall, and head back outside.
No. 132570 ID: c32d51

What was your original mission? And who sent you?
No. 132572 ID: e828f5

To note, you are most likely the only one that can hear us. However, in order to hear you, you do not need to speak out loud. As long as you think in a coherent sentence, we should be able to communicate effectively. This will keep you from talking to yourself and giving away your position, or the fact that you've got outside information.
No. 132574 ID: 30b6e7

Find the head; burn it before it recombines into a tiny menace.
No. 132575 ID: c32d51

Right, no need to explain to every passerby that you're talking to magic crystal. And no, you arn't going insane. Not yet, at least.
No. 132584 ID: f2b2b3
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No. 132586 ID: f2b2b3
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I waste no time in making my way to the jeeps. It looks like I'll be the only one using them.

I'm glad you voices have questions. I have some of my own, as soon as I can get the hell out of here and on the road.

You prepare your questions, and I'll prepare mine.
No. 132595 ID: e828f5

Okay well... get in the jeep. you're being watched, I believe it's by the person that saved you from the beast. If I had to guess, I'd say it's at your 5 o'clock. But to note, this may be a woman, and you DO owe him/her. Assuming you aren't fired upon... offer a ride?
No. 132597 ID: 15f6d6

Why did you need to retrieve the item in the first place? Also, what is the general political/geographic/etc. layout of your country and the nearby countries?
No. 132604 ID: c32d51

Keep your head DOWN. She ( probably she) is dangerous and is in the woods with a gun.I Might just be paranoid, but you just escaped from a hell-beast that killed all of your friends. Safest to just get out.
No. 132605 ID: f2b2b3
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I start up the jeep and head down the highway, away from the burning, ruined city of HIGH PEAK.

>you're being watched
>offer a ride.

Undoubtedly. I can't afford any more mistakes or loose ends, though. Even if they asked, they'd be on their own.

>you are most likely the only one that can hear us. However, in order to hear you, you do not need to speak out loud.

You can hear my thoughts? That's completely unacceptable.

>What was your original mission? And who sent you?
>Why did you need to retrieve the item in the first place?

Do you honestly think I'd tell you? I'm on a classified mission, and I have no idea who you people - if there are more than one of you - there are. You could be working with the Western Coalition, for all I know.

However, the fact that you need to ask tells me that you can't read my memories. I'll have to be careful what I'm thinking.

You did help me out a little in a scrape, though. It's obvious I'm after this: Keoradine's Second Tear.

You can apparently see me, and things I can't. That will complicate things, when my mission is nearing completion.

>what is the general political/geographic/etc. layout of your country and the nearby countries?

You don't know? This is basic information. Either you're talking me up, or you really do have no idea what's going on. I have a map. hold on...
No. 132619 ID: e3f578

Dude, we are in the jewel. We are a magical object that holds the impulsive and random nature of people as well as their wisdom, we work for the person who holds us. It's been that way since... bah, you wouldn't believe what we've been through and traveling through space and timed and possibly being refined into a nice sexy jewel rather than an orb.
No. 132621 ID: 30b6e7

Put the jewel up your nose! CLOSER TO THE BRAIN!
No. 132625 ID: e828f5

You do realize the implications of us being able to understand your thoughts. It means that if, say, you couldn't help but get a certain thought in your head, we'd probably hear it too.

No. 132629 ID: c32d51

And we saved your ass. You owe us, and will probably continually owe us for the rest of the time we're with you. Might as well be open about it, we will find out eventually.
No. 132639 ID: 15f6d6

You don't owe us anything really, you owe the mysterious person who actually saved you.

I'm just interested in knowing what's going on. Any basic information that has nothing to do with your mission directly would still be extremely helpful. We really don't have any idea about what is going on in your world.
No. 132641 ID: f2b2b3
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All right. This is only a map of the world, so I can't show many details.

I'll mark where we are, now. High Peak is, of course, the largest city on the continent of Gaeten. It's being razed by the Coalition. The Western Coalition is composed of nations from the Northlands, much of East Taesen and some of South Taesen.

They've committed crimes against humanity that I would not think possible of any soldier.

There are TGC sympathizers, but they lack the influence of the Coalition. No one will move to intervene because of the economic stranglehold the Emerants have on the Southern Climate. Or they wouldn't, I should say. My country is as good as gone, now.

If you have any more questions about locations, feel free to ask, but I don't see why this shouldn't be general knowledge to you.

You act like you know nothing about Kalian, or... ha!... even Nahala!
No. 132646 ID: 135d9a

Here's a hint: We don't. At all.
No. 132650 ID: abd8f5

Nothing bad can possibly come from listening to us.

It's not like madness reverberates from every pore of our being, drawing your mind into a self-enclosed shell as your soul is corrupted through our majesty, leaving you a lifeless husk of no will of your own for us to control as we see fit.

And surely we would have no ulterior motives after finally being freed from our timeless slumber, with the sounds of life and the smells of flesh and bone around us, simply waiting to be subjugated under our timeless wisdom and might.

That would be silly. Now, what's your name? If you don't give us one, I will henceforth refer to you as Steve.
No. 132651 ID: c32d51

We've been taking a nap for a very long time. We really have gotten out of touch.

What year is this?
No. 132652 ID: e828f5

Pardon me but did you possibly remember where we've been spending the last ump-teen hundred years? Not a lot of political talk around the water cooler with the flesh beast that ate your friends. Besides the issue of time, our consciouses travel to many dimensions, so it should be no surprise that yours isn't particularly well known. In a way, you could say that we might as well not have existed prior to your picking us up.

No. 132655 ID: 34470e

Who's Kalian? Who's Nahala? Is this a map of the entire world? If it is, it's not the planet we're used to.
No. 132658 ID: 82e991

Describe the situation that led up to the war, if you will. Also, do you have a more detailed map of the immediate surroundings?
No. 132659 ID: c32d51

Definitely not that..

Oh, and could you tell us where we're going as well, Steve?
No. 132662 ID: c32d51

I don't think that water-cooler liked us. He was too serious for my tastes.
No. 132665 ID: abd8f5

You know, I didn't really want to say anything considering that the fleshbeast was always lurking around somewhere, but I'm pretty sure the water cooler was cheating on her.

Not that I can blame him, really. I mean, did you see the mortars on that stone wall? That wall really had it going on.
No. 132677 ID: c32d51

Damn right. I really didnt think he had the balls to cheat on ole' Flesh-Beast, though. Did you remember what she did when Squirrel cheated on her? Must have took decades to get all the blood off the walls.
No. 132678 ID: f2b2b3
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>do you have a more detailed map of the immediate surroundings?

Not on me, no. I could alter this map, but I'm not going to do it while I'm driving. There are five countries within Gaeten: the Ten Generation Confederacy, Qer, North Poilen, Kergas, and Cerea. We're the only country under attack right now, but I personally think that's about to change.

>Describe the situation that led up to the war, if you will

Not asking for much, are you? It can't really be nailed down to a single event. The Coalition had been pushing for us to relinquish our rights to the Northlands' Green Isles. To me, it seemed more like it was a front for trying to undermine our economy. They know most of our trade to the Sunrisen Empire comes from the diamond mines there. I'm not much of a politician, but I think it was a round-about way of hitting the Empire's economy. Those two have been at it for a long time. Eventually, they blockaded the Green Isles, some fire was exchanged, and eventually, things just escalated into outright conflict.

My name is Jack Silver. Everyone calls me Burns, though. You can probably guess why.

You're... dimensional? You've been asleep? Yeah, you'll have to excuse me, but I get the impression even you aren't completely sure. Whatever you are, you don't seem to know anything about anything, except somehow, basic language and weaponry, and simple mechanics. Some of you don't seem to have any sense at all. Bizarre.

>the mission
>you owe us
All right, fine. Look, even I'm not completely sure. I'm meant to pick up KEORADINE'S SECOND TEAR... you, you might say, and get it - you - out of the country. It wasn't my business to know why. I'm heading Southeast, to jump the border into either Qer or North Poilen.

>Who's Kalian? Who's Nahala? Is this a map of the entire world? If it is, it's not the planet we're used to.

Planet? What's a planet? And how can you not know? Kalian is the world - our world. It's the map I showed you.

As for Nahala, it's... well, it's everything. The infinite lands and sky, it's called. It's the many worlds of a single land. Our world and all others - the worlds beyond the Expanse. It's the universe. Maybe it's what you call a planet?
No. 132682 ID: abd8f5

Hah, yeah... Good times.

So, Steve, explain in depth everything you can about the war, important people, and the current state of world affairs.

Also, your name, unless it really is Steve. Which would be a most unsettling coincidence and certainly not a sign of some form of parasitic bonding that will allow us to easily rip information from your feeble mind when the time comes for our return to glory.

...Or maybe I'll just call you Steve anyway. You do strike me as a Steve. Or maybe a Frederick.
No. 132685 ID: 34470e

>except somehow, basic language and weaponry, and simple mechanics.
We know much more than that. Please don't underestimate us.

>It's the universe. Maybe it's what you call a planet?
No, a planet is another word for world. A world is in a solar system, which is in a galaxy, which is in the universe.

Huh. We're usually called The Orb of Infinite Psyche.
No. 132687 ID: e828f5

My how things change. Well unlike some people, I desire to keep things simple. After all, while we're all motivated by self-interest, we generally cannot directly affect the world around us, instead only being able to exist in the minds of whoever possesses us. Therefore, it behooves us to help you. So tell us, Soldier, what is it exactly that you desire? What are your objectives, your aims, your goals? Was the mission ONLY to get us out of the country? If so, there are two reasons I can think of for that... The first being that we are incredibly valuable and whoever orders you didn't want your enemies getting ahold of us... Or, perhaps, because being inside your nation weakens it. Perhaps it has something to do with the flesh beast.
No. 132688 ID: c32d51

OK, Steve. Just 'cause we dont know your dimension as well as you do dosen't mean we dont have feelings, you know. I liked it better when we were an orb. (i like steve better)
No. 132689 ID: abd8f5

OR we could totally disregard my current questions as they were all answered by your response just now.

So, aside from that fleshbeast that we've been forced to share musty, ancient living space with, are there other kinds of things like that out here? Or was that the first time you've heard of something like that, let alone seen one?
No. 132695 ID: c32d51

Oh, I'd also like to point out, Steve, that you are stuck with us, so you better get used to what we "say". We do try to help most of the time.

Except when we tell you to hug sombody else or read notes. Then we are just trying to piss you off.
No. 132698 ID: a85626


A planet is a spherical land mass. As far as we know pretty much every land mass large enough will crunch into the shape of a sphere from its own gravity. They're really really really big spheres though, so you wouldn't be able to tell the curvature just under your feet.

If you do some math and calculate how high the horizon would be, but instead the actual horizon is just a bit lower than that, then you're probably standing on a giant sphere, a planet. That's the sort of thing people with sextants and long robes do though, not so much soldier types.

Whether you are on a planet or not will only be important if you get very, very high off the ground, or if you travel very, very far along the earth. So don't worry about it for now. On our "planet" you would have to walk for about 14 days directly west without stopping, before you'd notice any effect (the morning would come one hour earlier).
No. 132699 ID: f2b2b3
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>Steve Steve Steve

I told you. Just call me Burns.

I'm beginning to get the impression I should just ignore half of what you voices say.

>No, a planet is another word for world. A world is in a solar system, which is in a galaxy, which is in the universe.

That may be the weirdest thing I've ever heard. I don't know what half of those things are. It's strange that you group worlds like that. Maybe there is a "solar system" somewhere beyond the Expanse. There are legends of people escaping the Expanse, or coming in from it, from other worlds.

>we are incredibly valuable and whoever orders you didn't want your enemies getting ahold of us

I can see that. But to be honest, our command has fallen apart since the war turned, a little over a year ago. I think they don't even know what I've got, and were just carrying out emergency orders that were written down ages ago.

>are there other kinds of things like that out here?

Trying not to think about it, honestly. But no. I've never seen anything like that. Mechanized armor... even large animals? But nothing... nothing like that. Dear god, I pray it doesn't get out.

>What do you desire?

I just want to get this mission over with, and get back to my wife and kid. I'm usually not so serious about everything. But I'm an old soldier, and certain things just come with that.

I'll listen to you voices, for now. I hope I don't come across as being an asshole, but I am a soldier, after all. I have to do this.

I have to.
No. 132704 ID: 34470e

If you have to, we'll help you.

And we've seen even larger animals than that thing. Like Blue Whales.
No. 132709 ID: abd8f5

Well then, on with the mission.

...Is what I'd like to say, but there's really nothing to do until we reach the next destination, is there? Being limited to imparting information through this medium, without any means of acting on our own, is rather perplexing.

I don't suppose this car has a radio, and that any good music would be on in war times? I could go for something relaxing. Maybe Jazz, or some Reggae. Although, seeing as we have no ears, this raises a problem.

...Who's up for 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall?
No. 132711 ID: f2b2b3
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>spherical land mass
>large sphere

Unbelievable. What's in between your worlds? What - No, look... I can't keep all this up. I'm going to distract myself.

I should focus on my mission.

I'll just... explain a little about our... my universe.

Forgive me if it makes no sense to you, because I can't think of how to explain something that I've always thought was just basic knowledge.

I know enough about physics and science and have heard enough to know scientists have always been baffled by how Nahala even exists. It's one of the great mysteries of the universe.

The Expanse is a sort of contorted space. Nothing is there but kilometers of ocean and strange marine life.

Tamar's Folly lies in the Expanse, but no one lives there. It's a nightmarish place. When you journey too far in, you go insane. If you go further, you're supposed to be torn apart by warped reality, which is why our arrays have never returned from there.

>If you have to, we'll help you.

Yeah. Yeah... thanks. I'm just so tired. It's so dark. No city lights. No night light, tonight.
No. 132712 ID: c32d51

Goddamn this is a long drive.

Are we there yet?
(Oh, right. Years=Revolutions around sun. No planet= no revolutions.)
No. 132714 ID: c32d51

Sure. You can start.
No. 132715 ID: f2b2b3
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>the year

What difference would it -

No. 132716 ID: abd8f5

Well, this is simple enough.

All you need to do is split a black hole in half, and fold it in on itself.

That should solve all your spatial warp issues!

...Or, it might destroy your universe in every timeframe and standpoint in existence ever, simultaneously. You may wish to wear safety goggles.
No. 132717 ID: d56ac0

Don't swerve, swerving means ending up in a ditch. Slam the breaks if you must, but if you hit him it's his own damn fault for standing in the middle of the road.
No. 132718 ID: f2b2b3
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No. 132719 ID: a85626


If all we do is provide helpful advice, why would we be so closely guarded like that? Take us in proximity to those "emergency orders" if you can. We would be most interested in taking a peek at them. They might reveal a clue that only we would be able to recognize.
No. 132720 ID: c32d51

Full speed ahead!
No. 132721 ID: f2b2b3
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Too... late...


just reacted...
No. 132724 ID: f2b2b3
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I wake up, feeling pain coursing through my body. I feel blood pouring out of my body. Fractures everywhere. I can't move. I can barely breathe.
No. 132725 ID: c32d51

Well, shit. Survive a 20-foot ancient evil monstrosity, who killed all of your friends, retrive the psychic crystal, and, on the way home, get in a car wreck and die. Pathetic. Get the fuck up.
No. 132726 ID: f2b2b3
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Nasty spill you took there."
No. 132727 ID: a85626


Ugh sorry, but that was the only question you asked. I wanted to be as helpful as you've been to us.


Shit! Crystal healing powers activate!
No. 132728 ID: 8b7db1

Um... hold on? We would totally go for help if we had legs. Seriously.
No. 132734 ID: abd8f5

Well, fuck.

Can you hear me? Us? Them? Whatever the hell you call these voices?

Look, if you go dying on us, we'll be stuck in the bottom of a ditch for the rest of our timeless lives. So don't die. If you die, I'm going to kill you.

Wake up. Try to move, little by little. Start with trying to move your fingers and your toes. Work slowly from there, until you can get a feel for what's broken and what isn't.

As long as one of your arms is intact, you can probably administer some rudimentary first aid.

And don't waste your energy trying to talk to us. Focus on surviving. Focus on the pain, if you have to. Don't go to sleep, whatever you do.

Seriously, Steve. Wake up. You've got a mission to do, and I suggest you live long enough to do it.
No. 132735 ID: 8b7db1

In a tiny act of defiance, reach up to pinch out his cigarette. FUCK YOU, MYSTERIOUS DUDE. MAYBE NEXT TIME, DON'T STAND INT HE MIDDLE OF THE STREET.
No. 132737 ID: 8087f6

You better not die. You're the last of the TGC soldiers, you can't afford to die. It's not your right. Fight it. Fight to keep living. That's an order.
No. 132739 ID: c32d51

Get up, Steve. We have a mission to complete.
No. 132741 ID: 620bfb


No. 132742 ID: f2b2b3
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I'm... trying. Even your stone is... it's just resting in my palm.

>"You've got something that belongs to me, Mister Silver."

"Who... are you?"

He thinks for a moment, in between two breaths of smoke.

>"A religious man.
>"You know, Burns, if you'd wanted her Second Tear, all you had to do was ask. Now, here you are - "

"Dying. I'm... I'm dying."


I keep trying. My body is trashed. I can't believe this has happened.

>"I can see. I'm sorry, Jack. You did well. I'm legitimately sad to see it end this way.
>"Tell me, Burns... are you a religious man?"

What... what can I do?
No. 132743 ID: c32d51

This is right. Get up so we dont have to sit next to the empty cheetoes bag for a millenia.
No. 132745 ID: c32d51

Swallow us. He'll have to keep you alive.

As nasty as it is... Its a way out.
No. 132747 ID: 632862

I think then he'd just cut Burns open.
No. 132749 ID: 8b7db1

Ask if he's so sad to see you like this, why he's just fucking standing there.
No. 132750 ID: c32d51

He'll have to take us out of the car, first. Or we die anyway.
No. 132754 ID: e3f578

Tell him the jewel says screw off, we like you and won't do a single thing for him if he lets you die.
No. 132756 ID: abd8f5

The man outside seems to want us.

It's better than lying in a ditch for centuries.

I'm sorry, Steve. It looks like this is where we part ways. But don't feel bad. You did the best you could.

After all... you're only human.
No. 132757 ID: f2b2b3
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I was never a religious person. My wife was. She always attended church. Her smile... Oh god. Delia... I'm going to leave her alone. In all of this. Please, no. I have to survive this.

"Please," I beg him, "you... have to help me."

>"I know, Jack. But the way I help people... well, it's just not time, for your world. Soon. But not now. I'm so sorry, Jack."


I think I feel my arm move, but not of my volition. I'm going limp. My organs are shutting down.

"Can't you... please..."

My thoughts are only of my family. Delia. Johnny. I can't let them down like this.


He thinks for what seems like an eternity. Whatever he has considered, it seems to pain him.

He does not look as sinister as I might have thought. Out of the limited view, through my own tearing eyes, into the dark and under the brim of his ashen hat, I think I make out the glint of tearing eyes.

>"I don't want to do this to you, Burns. You're a good man, now."


I feel my breathing slow. Soon, it will stop, entirely.

I whisper my final words:

"Save them."
No. 132760 ID: abd8f5

...Final directive recognized.

Good night, Steve... no.

Jack Silver.

We will remember you.
No. 132765 ID: c32d51

Understood, Boss.
No. 132766 ID: 8087f6

That- that's not fair. There was nothing we could do.

... dammit. It's times like these I hate being merely an observer and adviser...
No. 132769 ID: 8087f6

Geez Veteran, quit deleting your posts. In response to your now deleted insinuation, I don't see this as railroading. It was excellent storytelling. And the fact that I'm this bothered by it is merely a testament to that fact.
No. 132770 ID: a85626


I'd rather sit next to the Cheetos bag for all eternity than go with this smug preacher. He better have a damn good explanation, lest the voices go silent forever.

Barring that though,

> Jack

> Jack

> Wake up, Jack
No. 132772 ID: c32d51

And i felt like an asshole when i posted it. Happy?
No. 132774 ID: 8087f6

No worries, happens to me a lot. But I felt it was pertinent enough to respond to as it may have been an unvoiced concern of someone else.
No. 132775 ID: e3f578

Man, I am shedding manly tears right now. I don't even have an appropriate manly tears image.

I don't think I want to sully this thread though with a response image. Just gotta say.

Manly tears.
No. 132776 ID: f2b2b3
File 126630394745.jpg - (196.59KB , 777x777 , 01-19.jpg )

>"I can hear them, Burns.
>"The voices in your head.
>"They want to see you live, as much as you do.

I feel a tear roll down my face, but the sensation soon fades.

>"I was going to just take back the Tear you stole from my guardian. But it seems you've made an impression on the real world.
>"I'll leave it with you, for a while.
>"If you wake up one day, it won't be because of me, or you. Remember that."
No. 132779 ID: c32d51

Anyway, i hate it when these quests, especially good ones, take me up past 2:00am. Love to see more, but too tired. Need sleep.
No. 132782 ID: f2b2b3
File 126630416864.jpg - (72.20KB , 777x777 , 01-20.jpg )

>"My master is making a new heaven, Burns. You'll meet your family, again.
>"But... maybe not when you want to, or how."

My vision fades.

The last thing I can make out is the red glint of a cigarette, as the drug is consumed.

>"I hope you'll forgive me.
>"I'm just a religious man.
>"See you around."

His words ring in my head, unwelcomed. I decide. I hate the sound of his voice.

I never wanted to die a soldier.

I wanted to live as a husband, and as a father.

But the voices always called me back.
No. 132783 ID: e3f578

Hey bro, fucking help him man. Don't be a dick. Apparently, what we say has weight so... don't be a dick. Call an ambulance or other emergency personnel and leave it be. Moving him's dangerous so let a professional do it.
No. 132848 ID: e828f5

Hmm... fascinating. I believe I understand. The Preacher knows about us. Not the simple understanding of what we are in their universe/dimension, but he actually says that we are "the real world," and that implies that he knows that this world, Jack's, ISN'T. What must it be like, I wonder, to be aware that all that you know and love are merely dreams of those that exist in reality? Still, Jack doesn't know, and as the Preacher says, since he's picked us up, he's made an impression on us, the real world. And because of that... I think we can save him.

The Preacher left us with Jack, and said that Jack may wake up someday, tho thru neither of their powers. But us, we can still act.

We can bring him back.

No. 132866 ID: 8ecfd4

Burns, you're not allowed to just lie down and fall asleep. Your wife and kid still need you. So stop lying there and philosophise and get on your feet.
No. 132915 ID: c32d51

Best time ive had on /quest/ in a while. Cant wait to see what happens next.
No. 132916 ID: c32d51

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