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115831 No. 115831 ID: 036c03

>>>2242560 hours after take-off
>>>Fuel is down to 0%
>>>Prepare for Crash-Landing
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No. 119395 ID: 24fe4e

With an immature human taking something between 15 to 20 years to fully grow and learn everything it needs.

Hmn, what can you tell us about the bolt spirits, while we're still traveling?

Hmn, creative urge, and means to act on them. Capable of language, understanding, thought. They're right, in a way, you are 'human'. But maybe a different kind of human.

Heh, thisis getting awfully introspective. We hope we're not a bother.
No. 119417 ID: b5bdd0


Humans are born of humans. They are binary self-replicating entities, in that two humans of complementary type (male and female) may come together and produce a new human, who possesses a combination of the basic traits of the two originators. The new human may also carry some new minor tweaks that have never been seen before, due to random fluctuations during the creation process.

That 'bond' thing you mentioned, and the ritual to create more people at the birthing machine, seem to be derivatives of this replication process. Humans need neither machine nor priest for it to work, however. That shouldn't be so surprising though, given that they came before either of those things.
No. 119608 ID: a85626

Binary self replicating... jeez we can't explain anything, can we?

Organic is a kind of machine composed of many smaller machines. These tiny machines, called "cells" contain of a certain amount of fluid surrounded a protective membrane. Inside a cell are even smaller machines, called "proteins" which operate the cell. The cells in turn play a part in operating the body of cells, or just the "body".

There is also a storage medium called "DNA" from which the proteins are derived. Proteins and DNA can only operate in a neutral pH saline solution, so any organics you encounter will likely be quite wet and squishy. They are not as amorphous as you might imagine though, having a highly developed structure, and even rigid material called "bone" that are exuded by the cells to protect them and give the overall body a rigid structure.

I don't know how similar you are to "organics", or how similar we are. It would take a microscope and some chemical analysis to determine that. None of which you have time for, so please forgive the ramblings of a likely broken machine god, and instead pay attention to your surroundings.
No. 119627 ID: 82e991

The important question is, do you have dangly bits beneath your undergarments?
No. 119920 ID: 07f3bf
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Despite what the other voices say, you are a human yourself. You are just enhanced.

>Oh... Enhanced...

We have memory of humans. What they are, what they look like. No specific events.

>Hm. That's useful, of course.

As for where humans come from... They reproduce sexually, if that means anything to you. Um, females become impregnated by males, and the females eventually give birth to an immature form of human. It is very small, and requires constant attention by the parents to develop and grow.

With an immature human taking something between 15 to 20 years to fully grow and learn everything it needs.

>That sounds nothing like me and also pretty silly.

Hmn, what can you tell us about the bolt spirits, while we're still traveling?

>Not much. I just know that they were fed up with themselves and the world and made a new one with gods.

Hmn, creative urge, and means to act on them. Capable of language, understanding, thought. They're right, in a way, you are 'human'. But maybe a different kind of human.

>So... You don'T REALLY know what a human is, then?

Heh, thisis getting awfully introspective. We hope we're not a bother.

Humans are born of humans. They are binary self-replicating entities, in that two humans of complementary type (male and female) may come together and produce a new human, who possesses a combination of the basic traits of the two originators. The new human may also carry some new minor tweaks that have never been seen before, due to random fluctuations during the creation process.

That 'bond' thing you mentioned, and the ritual to create more people at the birthing machine, seem to be derivatives of this replication process. Humans need neither machine nor priest for it to work, however. That shouldn't be so surprising though, given that they came before either of those things.

Binary self replicating... jeez we can't explain anything, can we?

Organic is a kind of machine composed of many smaller machines. These tiny machines, called "cells" contain of a certain amount of fluid surrounded a protective membrane. Inside a cell are even smaller machines, called "proteins" which operate the cell. The cells in turn play a part in operating the body of cells, or just the "body".

There is also a storage medium called "DNA" from which the proteins are derived. Proteins and DNA can only operate in a neutral pH saline solution, so any organics you encounter will likely be quite wet and squishy. They are not as amorphous as you might imagine though, having a highly developed structure, and even rigid material called "bone" that are exuded by the cells to protect them and give the overall body a rigid structure.

I don't know how similar you are to "organics", or how similar we are. It would take a microscope and some chemical analysis to determine that.

>Ow ow OW! Alright, I'll never ask such questions again.

None of which you have time for, so please forgive the ramblings of a likely broken machine god, and instead pay attention to your surroundings.

>Seems we've reached a resting place for the avatars of the Travel-God. I've been here before, but I don't think this path will lead anywhere close to Picitaku.

The important question is, do you have dangly bits beneath your undergarments?

>You mean those round things on my chest? I always wondered what they're for. I mean they're pretty useless, get in the way all the time and sometimes they hurt.

["Core A.I.? Please get on the train. I'll have to go look for RU25A. Make yourself comfortable."]

>Is he talking about the avatar?
No. 119921 ID: 632862

Yes, the avatar's true name is 'train'.

Hey, so you still have sexual characteristics. What about between your legs?
No. 119922 ID: 6834bc

Yes, the large avatar before you is also known as a "train".
No. 119923 ID: 555121

>>119921 .. Well, we call it train, at least.

Hey guys. No need to gratuitously de-mistify her world, ok?

And well. We know what is a human. We know when we see one. But explain a human? Hah! Easier to explain a God.
No. 119926 ID: 07f3bf
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Yes, the avatar's true name is 'train'.

Well, we call it train, at least.

Hey guys. No need to gratuitously de-mistify her world, ok?

>I'm not going to call the avatar of the Travel-God by his name. I'm not a god, so I have to be respectful.

And well. We know what is a human. We know when we see one. But explain a human? Hah! Easier to explain a God.

>Hmm... Who would've thought it could be so complicated. I mean it's easy enough to tell a demon apart from a person.

Hey, so you still have sexual characteristics. What about between your legs?

>Alright. Enough talk about my body. With respect, Little Machine God, what is between my legs is my business and mine alone.
No. 119929 ID: 6834bc

Zilee, you are cute when you blush like that.

That's sort of a redundant question - we crashed on it. Again, our most profound apologies, Zilee. As soon as we've been to OIT and seen what they want, we will be right back to helping you rebuild.
It is our duty to right this wrong, even if we don't have the power to bring them back.
No. 119930 ID: 11cd68

>Zilee, you are cute when you blush like that.

I'm not sure if we should be able to make this comment.
... I think we are pretty badly damaged.
No. 119931 ID: 6834bc

The damage gives us an excuse, if anyone asks.
No. 119932 ID: 11cd68

Indeed, deceit unit-654.
No. 119934 ID: 632862

Hmm, an interesting reaction. I guess you do have a lot in common with humans.
No. 119936 ID: 11cd68

Oh, I have something!
Ask the demon, whether we are an AI or an AGI.
No. 119943 ID: a85626


It's OK we already know it's a USB port.
No. 119975 ID: 07f3bf
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Hmm, an interesting reaction. I guess you do have a lot in common with humans.

>Yeah, well, I can'T imagine anything being particularly fond of discussing their peeing-organ-thingies.

Zilee, you are cute when you blush like that.

>Ah? If you say so...

It's OK we already know it's a USB port.

>It's a what? It's not a port.

I'm not sure if we should be able to make this comment.
... I think we are pretty badly damaged.

>Do you feel ill? Because... You'Re being very confusing right now.

Oh, I have something!
Ask the demon, whether we are an AI or an AGI.

>I'll ask him once he'S found his partner and returned to us.

New topic then. How did your village get destroyed? Was it related to the wreck you found us in?
That's sort of a redundant question - we crashed on it. Again, our most profound apologies, Zilee. As soon as we've been to OIT and seen what they want, we will be right back to helping you rebuild.
It is our duty to right this wrong, even if we don't have the power to bring them back.

>I'm glad you see it like that.

And do board the avatar of the Travel-God?

>He doesn't open. That usually means they're asleep. Riloan told me that. If they'Re sleeping you have to open them yourself. They don't mind.

We are curious as to what this demon wishes of us.

>I thought he wants to take us to the OIT-thingamabob.
No. 120006 ID: 445c48

What's between your legs is used for more than just peeing, lass. We'll tell you when you're older.
No. 120111 ID: a85626

We were aloft for 2242560 hours. That is approximately 256 years, considering 7 years is accurate for you. A decade being 10 years, 256 years is 25.6 decades. "several decades" is anywhere between 3 and 7 decades, but a good deal less than 25.6 decades. If we were a product of this OIT organization, the demon would have specified "2 centuries" or "dozens of decades" which is more accurate to account for our earliest chronological record.

Speculation: demons that can speak may also have the capability to lie. We are headed into a death trap.
No. 120131 ID: 632862

It is in humans. She just said she didn't have a "port" though so uh... maybe it's only used for peeing now?
No. 120132 ID: 632862

He said they were trying to get their assets in order for several decades, and that's not their entire existance.
No. 120850 ID: db7fa7
File 126478012563.png - (108.12KB , 650x500 , 63.png )

We were aloft for 2242560 hours. That is approximately 256 years, considering 7 years is accurate for you. A decade being 10 years, 256 years is 25.6 decades. "several decades" is anywhere between 3 and 7 decades, but a good deal less than 25.6 decades. If we were a product of this OIT organization, the demon would have specified "2 centuries" or "dozens of decades" which is more accurate to account for our earliest chronological record.

Speculation: demons that can speak may also have the capability to lie. We are headed into a death trap.

He said they were trying to get their assets in order for several decades, and that's not their entire existance.

>I'll still be wary of any death traps.

What's between your legs is used for more than just peeing, lass. We'll tell you when you're older.

He said they were trying to get their assets in order for several decades, and that's not their entire existance.

>Humans must be hella weird. Gotta be terrible to pee over a piece of metal in your crotch.
>Dammit! Now you got me imagining that! Cut it out, or I'll stop talking to you.

>I can tell that this door hasn't been opened for quite a while. This avatar has been sleeping for a long time.
No. 120852 ID: 4c5c1c

Wake the machine god! Leave without that fucker!
No. 120883 ID: c42be6

Do you have any idea where the Travel-God will take you? If you know of somewhere to get to, this might be your chance to escape. I'm still curious as to what the OIT are up to, and running without a destination in mind isn't a good idea, so I wouldn't recommend it, but it certainly is an option. Assuming you can even wake the Travel-God. If you can't, then we've got nothing to do but wait.
No. 121017 ID: a85626


Yeah, you just uh, verify that next time you see a human. Let us know how it went.
No. 121286 ID: a85626
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Also, for the benefit of anyone who may be confused about whether or not you have a piece of metal to pee over,
No. 121288 ID: a85626
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No. 122391 ID: 445c48

That wasn't exactly what we meant. It was a euphemism. There isn't a literal usb port. We'll continue this line of discussion later, quick, loot everything.
No. 122509 ID: 0e759d

What? Don't be silly.
Of course there's a literal USB port.
You do raise a good point about worrying later and looting now, however.
No. 123198 ID: b5bdd0


Jeeze, she's seven, dude.

"It's called a USB line; I'll show you later."
No. 125039 ID: 96ad85
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>If you want me to leave without him, why even disturb this avatar of the Travel God? I mean, I don't even know where I'm gonna end up. I find the very idea of 'looting' a god abhorrent and could we PLEASE move away from that topic with the ports? It's giving me the creeps.

>Wait, something moved in here. Let me adjust my eye.

>... Oh my...
No. 125040 ID: 03110c

No. 125066 ID: 96ad85
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>Shoot first, ask questions later.

No. 125090 ID: 96ad85
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No. 125097 ID: 03110c

Dodge and shoot again! Kill it!
No. 125103 ID: 96ad85
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>Where is my gun?!
No. 125107 ID: a85626


I'll have you know young lady that USB is a very important specification to establish communication between devices and a host controller, intended to make it fundamentally easier to connect external devices to PCs by replacing the multitude of connectors at the back of PCs, addressing the usability issues of existing interfaces, and to simplify software configuration of all devices connected to USB, as well as to permit greater bandwidth for external devices.
No. 125114 ID: 445c48

OK enough of the euphemisms this isn't the time for this.

Say "Hello, sorry about that, I'm rather jumpy."
No. 125118 ID: 96ad85
File 126531695939.png - (116.81KB , 650x500 , 68.png )

I'll have you know young lady that USB is a very important specification to establish communication between devices and a host controller, intended to make it fundamentally easier to connect external devices to PCs by replacing the multitude of connectors at the back of PCs, addressing the usability issues of existing interfaces, and to simplify software configuration of all devices connected to USB, as well as to permit greater bandwidth for external devices.

>Not! the! time!

Say "Hello, sorry about that, I'm rather jumpy."

>"Uh, uh.. Hello. Sorry about that. I'm rather jumpy."


>I'm hesitant to kick it. The avatar of the Travel God might get angry at me.
No. 125124 ID: 7857d9

Is it asking who you are? Try giving it your name, and asking it if it has one.
No. 125142 ID: 96ad85

Is it asking who you are? Try giving it your name, and asking it if it has one.

>"I'm Zilee. Do you have a name?"

>Oh gods, I think it's eating my arms.
No. 125145 ID: 96ad85
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>Ugh See?!
No. 125148 ID: bbdfae

Have you got any secondary/backup weapons?

Alternately, try to tear free and run away.
No. 125150 ID: 03110c

Uh ... better take a hike, man.
No. 125151 ID: 632862

If you can't break free, try shouting for help. OIT-Retrieval-Unit-25-B may be nearby.
No. 125160 ID: 96ad85
File 126532091262.png - (132.80KB , 650x500 , 70.png )

Have you got any secondary/backup weapons?

>Usually my arms are quite enough for dealingwith demons. But this thing is tough!

Alternately, try to tear free and run away.

>Ghrugh, do I look like I'm not trying?!

If you can't break free, try shouting for help. OIT-Retrieval-Unit-25-B may be nearby.

No. 125162 ID: 96ad85
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>Too bright! Too bright!
No. 125163 ID: bbdfae

If all else fails, forehead bash in its eye. Or if you happen to have installed facial weaponry, use those instead. Mouth darts, toungeblade, eye laser, that sort of thing.
No. 125555 ID: 00b14e

Nobody has tongueblades these days. They use that for advanced poison testing, and the standard location for blades is the eyebrows. I thought everyone knew that.
No. 125652 ID: bbdfae

What can I say? I'm living in the past.
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