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148510 No. 148510 ID: e31d52

((Previous threads found in ARCHIVE. Discussion in irc, at #rubyquest. This will be the last thread for this quest!))

I help Asala up as Ysl brushes herself off and we all look around. I almost forget we're atop a massive creature. The ground and the grass is soft and moist, and the area is free of the scent of rot. It's refreshing after all that time in the swamp. There's a vague feeling of motion, reminding me of my situation.

Ahead of me is a large, somewhat badly kept castle, and to either side, small villages made of huts. I have inscribed my armor with Bless, and I have three bottles of size 3 courage. My ring, pendant, and charm are untouched by runes at the moment, and my short sword hangs at my hip.

Ysl is armed with her God Hands, which is what she calls the steel mitts on her arms, and Asala has Heal-inscribed armor and Freedom.

What should be my course of action?
12 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 148666 ID: 632862

It's drawing strength from Zasz. Probably using the arm it slammed against the ground.

Think inscribing Wounds on the ground would help? We don't want to kill the castle instantly, since that would result in a very nasty fall.
No. 148668 ID: 34470e

Maybe you can pick it up and throw it off.
No. 148670 ID: e31d52

Screaming, I grab hold of the beast in the groin, then lift it, slowly, over my head.

The girls stop and stare as I scream and hurl it over the edge, panting, and then laughing, falling onto my posterior.
No. 148676 ID: c0f3bf

You'd better go inside.
No. 148712 ID: 1ac39d

also, drop the sword now, just in case it causes your strength to shoot through the roof for a little bit then causes you to crash and burn.
No. 148919 ID: e31d52

I put down the sword and sigh, the strength leaving my body. The effect doesn't make me 'crash', it's just returning to normal. I erase the runes from the blade, looking on.

"A straight line." Ysl states. "The design, I mean. Parts of the building have been shuffled and moved about, slowly..."
She turns to me.
"If what you say is true, it may be that the real Achilles has been assisting us, changing the interior of the castle. But there's also the chance that this is a trap."
Asala thinks for a moment. "We are already on the opponent's home soil. There's not much point in worry over traps anymore. We'll run into them no matter which way we go..."
No. 148939 ID: c0f3bf

Hey, do they have charms? Charms that you could inscribe to give them the ability to levitate? Because if so, you might want to do that, especially if you finish this up by reducing this entire place to dust.
No. 148941 ID: 632862

You're thinking of Pendants. And no.

Is there any other path? I'd say just go for it, but stay alert.
No. 149035 ID: e31d52
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We enter the halls, carefully, led by the soft light of the jars of glowing water.

I turn around to see a man exit one of the side halls, then lean against a wall. The hall is so small, it's really only one man wide.
"I said leave. There's nothing but hell for you past here." he says calmly, turning to stand behind us.
There's a flash of heat, then he is in front of us. "I warn you now," he states, his hands glowing, "I was one of the Four Heroes. Sworn to Fire and its purging light.

A pulsing organ like the other Crying Knights pulsates in his chest.

"Leave now, or there will be nothing for your friends to bury!"
No. 149041 ID: c0f3bf

Crap. This could be difficult.

Ask him why he, one sworn to purging fire, is corrupting and defiling the world.
No. 149047 ID: e31d52

"I said was." he replies. "Now I awnser to the call of the flames of change and transmutation." he stands, unmoving. "Choose. Leave now, or die."
No. 149051 ID: c0f3bf

Drink some more water, if he can teleport, you're going to need slow time.
No. 149059 ID: c0f3bf

Oh, you might as well say that you're willing to go through hell to bring countless innocents out of it too.
No. 149065 ID: e31d52

"I am willing to go through hell to bring countless innocents out of it too." I say softly.

"That's good. Because you're about to go through it!" he roars, and the walls of the hallway explode out, and he crosses his arms and floats in the air, fire burning from his eye sockets as wings of smoke and ash erupt from his back.
No. 149066 ID: c0f3bf

His weak point is his chest. he can teleport, so you need slow time, and that should help stop fire from hurting you as much too.He might not expect you to levitate up to him, so try that.
No. 149153 ID: 632862

We've dealt with fire before. I assume Ysl is resistant to fire as well due to her heritage...

Heck, she might be the best match here. Hand her some Courage water, but move to assist.
No. 149250 ID: e31d52

I toss the water to Ysl, who catches it with ease.

"You are mine, former Hero." she says, stepping forth. "Can I trust you to abide by championing?"
"Certainly." he replies, smiling.


Hello, Legion. I take a defensive stance with my God Hands. We circle one another.
No. 149255 ID: 632862

Test his defenses. Try to see how quickly he resorts to teleportation.
No. 149258 ID: e31d52

I charge him, and he blocks the blow, businesslike. Punch after punch and kick after kick fail to make their way through his defenses.
"You're quite good." he says quietly. "But not good enough."

A single blow slips under my gaurd, launching me impossibly high into the air. Before I can position myself, he appears behind me, and I feel the impact in my lower back, sending me flying in an arc.
The ground before me glows...


... And Ysl vanishes into the molten earth.
I draw my blade, snarling.
"You have no right to fight me now. You have lost. Go home."
No. 149261 ID: 632862

"What did you do with her? Why are you even giving us this chance? Why follow Achilles, if you have that much free will?"
No. 149263 ID: e31d52

>"What did you do with her? Why are you even giving us this chance? Why follow Achilles, if you have that much free will?"

I see the magma pit Ysl fell into bubble.

He sighs.
"You would never understand my reasoning." he replies. "Now leave."
No. 149266 ID: 632862

"Do you know his past? How he got his second eye? I think I understand this situation better than you do. Destruction isn't his true nature. The one you know as Achilles is two people. One of them deserves to die. The other can yet be saved.

You're in the way of this goal. If there's any scrap of justice left in you, you'll stand aside."
No. 149271 ID: e31d52

>"Do you know his past? How he got his second eye? I think I understand this situation better than you do. Destruction isn't his true nature. The one you know as Achilles is two people. One of them deserves to die. The other can yet be saved.
>You're in the way of this goal. If there's any scrap of justice left in you, you'll stand aside."

His eyes flash with rage, and he picks me up with both hands, slamming me to the floor.
"What do you know of Justice, you little boy?" he roars. "For a hundred years, I served the good of the people, a hundred god damned years, and when my love is possessed, they do nothing to save her! They drowned her! They sent me away on a fool's errand and drowned her!"

"I've warned you enough." he says, raising his fist, as it begins to glow.
No. 149279 ID: 632862

"And Achilles is possessed by Virulent. Yet you won't let me save HIM?"

I'd suggest you attempt to catch his fist or start a manly wrestling contest but he beat Ysl pretty easily and she's a lot stronger than you so... Just try not to die if he winds up actually punching you in the face.
No. 149284 ID: e31d52

>"And Achilles is possessed by Virulent. Yet you won't let me save HIM?"

His fist rockets at my face as if he hadn't heard me.

Only for a scaled fist to slam into the side of his face.

"Dragons can fly." Ysl states, running after his tumbling body. As soon as he rises, her other fist slams into his belly. "The can breathe fire." a kick sends him flying to one side. "But there's one thing dragons cannot do." She picks him up, tossing him into the air.
"Dragons don't burn." the body lands on her raised fist, the organ squelching oddly, his body fallen to one side.
No. 149286 ID: 632862

Ah, that went about as well as I expected it to.

It's a pity he couldn't be persuaded to stop fighting us, but I bet his mind is conditioned to ignore anything that might snap him out of it.

Go over and check to see if he's dead yet. Maybe you can kill the parasite without killing him?
No. 149331 ID: e31d52

He is not dead. I'm surprised.
But he's barely alive at all.
"Kill me. Let me go to her."

Ysl nods to me.
Asala looks... noncomittal.
No. 149347 ID: c0f3bf

Tell him he's a goddamn coward. He's turning his back on the principles he used to embrace. Fuck the gods. Fuck the demons. He doesn't have to follow them, he has free will. Tell him that the land is horribly ruined, and both of you know that the only way to restore it is if heroes can fight back their own bitter hatreds and breathe new life into the land. He used to be one of those heroes once. He's been causing the same strife and pain he endured to countless people just like him, all just trying to stay alive and protect those they care about. He used to be one of those that protected them. Remind him that he can still turn this around.
No. 149356 ID: e31d52

He smiles.
"I'm too weak now. I can only speak... without the creature, I cannot move. But I can redeem myself. A blessed, healing pendant... prepare one. You will need it to face Tyka. Her condition is... not permanent. I know it can be changed. Do this... and you will have a chance. I'm sorry I cannot help you further, but such is the way things are."
No. 149359 ID: 34470e

Salute him.
No. 149361 ID: 632862

I wonder if he can recover with Achilles' help? Perhaps he still wants to die, even after that speech.
No. 149368 ID: e31d52

"Achilles can still help you."
"Maybe he can. There's a lot I need to do in this world... I'll be safe. I can still access Pyrofuego, so I'll be fine. Get going... and keep my advice in mind. One more thing... In my left pocket..."

Ysl reaches in, pulling out a long dagger.
"It can set anything on fire. Use it wisely."
No. 149371 ID: c0f3bf

Can Asala inscribe healing on his armor?
No. 149377 ID: 632862

I think his body is beyond natural healing as far as being able to restore function in concerned. He's gonna be fine... Wait.

Ask him where the goblins are. We need to make sure they aren't in any danger before we confront Virulent. Plus that will really make Ysl happy.

Finally, try putting Blessing and Healing on your pendant to see what it does exactly.
No. 149385 ID: e31d52


Runeword: Happier Days

The pendant changes, glowing white brightly. It feels light, and yet... heavy, at the same time. I'm uncertain what it does, but it feels like a function of time is involved in the healing.

>Ask him where the goblins are

"Where are the goblins?"
"Straight down." he says, then smiles, a part of the floor melting away, until there's a clear tunnel. "You might want to get dressed first."

Ysl blushes, her face red and steaming.
"My coat." he says. Ysl takes it even as the man laughs, putting it on.

"I'll... I'll be back momentarily." she says, jumping into the hole.
No. 149423 ID: c0f3bf

Look down the hole, make sure Ysl isn't getting into trouble.
No. 149427 ID: e31d52

I see a dungeon floor, but there doesn't seem to be any activity.

Ysl leaps out when I stop looking, doffing the coat and laying it atop the man.
She gives me a look and sighs.
"You've already seen it anyway."
Asala blinks, then sighs. We move on, into the next area.

"I've been waiting for you!" calls a familiar voice. "Two warnings were not enough, it seems. It looks like it is time for me to get serious."
No. 149431 ID: c0f3bf

Tell her that you have to restore everyone to their senses, including Achilles and her. No force in the universe is going to stop you.
No. 149432 ID: e31d52

"I have to get everyone back to normal. No one is going to stop me."

Two massive boulders flank Tyka as she floats down.

"You can't be serious. You think you can save the Weeping Legion, myself, and restore Achille's sanity?" she giggles, then laughs, then drops the boulders in her fits of chortling.
No. 149434 ID: c0f3bf

Say no, that's why you're going to fix her and Achilles first, then let them heal the rest. Tell her that her condition is not as strong as the rest, it can be reverted much easier. She doesn't have to be an ass anymore.
No. 149437 ID: e31d52

"No. Just you and Achilles."

She stop laughing and looks me in the eyes, opening hers for the first time around me. They're bright red, like roses, or tulips. "Do you really think that, boy? That everything's gonna be okay after you save Achilles from Virulent?"
No. 149439 ID: c0f3bf

OBVIOUSLY NOT. There's so much work to be done it's going to border on centuries to repair it all. But it can be done, we know this for a fact. So no, things won't be perfect after defeating virulent, but if it can be done, you're going to keep working to make it happen.
No. 149441 ID: e31d52

"It'll be a start."
"It's pointless. I lost. And I was stronger than any psion the Anterans ever produced. What makes you think you have a chance, boy?" she asks, floating into my face.
No. 149447 ID: c0f3bf

Say "This." and put your pendant over her head.
No. 149448 ID: e31d52

I drape the pendant around her neck.
"Wha..." she drops to the ground, unconcious.
No. 149450 ID: c0f3bf

Maybe she's remembering something. Nudge her with your foot a bit. Hey, how are those boulders she dropped?
No. 149451 ID: e31d52
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There's a bright flash of light, and the pendant shatters.

"Wha... What?"
Her skin is no longer the same color as Achille's, and she sits up, holding her head.
No. 149454 ID: c0f3bf

Tell her what happened good sir.
No. 149464 ID: e31d52

She looks up at me. "The last thing I remember is a satellite..."
No. 149465 ID: c0f3bf

...Ask her if she knows what planet she's on.
No. 149466 ID: e31d52

"...No." she replies simply. "Where is Johnathan Tower? And where am I?"
No. 149469 ID: 632862

Hoo boy. We heard some stuff about her past before, right? Try bringing her up to speed.
No. 149472 ID: e31d52

I try to bring her up to speed, and she frowns.
"I managed to use Banish..." she says quietly, then scoffs. "Nova would be proud."
She rises, brushing off her dress. "I suppose I'm not on Earth then... You'll need my help to overcome Achille's... er, Virulent's power." she chuckles. "Are you prepared?"
No. 149478 ID: c0f3bf

Tell her you have been since long before you got here. Oh, and can she remember if there are any pendents around? Levitation would be really helpful...
No. 149484 ID: 632862

Runes you will need to fight Achilles:

Size 3 Blessing plus Death on boots, Blessing and Courage on armor, Death and Courage on your sword, Death on your ring, Courage on your charm. Don't put any runes on the magical fire dagger!

We still have one bottle of Courage water. That should be useful.
No. 149485 ID: 632862

Ah, Wounds should help on armor as well.

If you manage to take any extreme injuries that get delayed by Wounds, put Death on your armor after the battle.
No. 149487 ID: e31d52

I am enshrouded in a ghostly suit of plate, and the other myraid effects take place. I feel stranger than I did when I first activated this runeword...

"I've been ready, Tyka."
"Good to hear. I shall enter first, and occupy his energies. He will wish to slay me first, we go back quite some time. In that time, you will slay Virulent."

Sounds like a plan.

Oh... Oh damn. I forgot... which eye was Virulent?
No. 149491 ID: 632862

His original eye is his left eye. So Virulent is his right eye. That eye will be on your left.

I wonder if, after we stab/remove the bad eye, Achilles can create another body around it that we could feed to our sharky friend.
No. 149551 ID: e31d52


We enter together, Virulent sitting on his throne. Above the throne is a sword with a green gem in the hilt. Above that are a twin set of hammers, a large axe, a suit of armor, and the preserved head of an orc, a gnoll, and a kobold, although the kobold is far different from what I know.

Virulent cocks an eyebrow and smiles, sharp teeth shining in torchlight. He slouches to one side, his chin resting in his hand, a glass full of a red liquid in the other.
No. 149552 ID: c0f3bf

Flip him off. Drink courage.
No. 149554 ID: 632862

"Die, monster. You don't belong in this world!"
No. 149564 ID: e31d52

>"Die, monster. You don't belong in this world!"

I call out, pointing imperiously.
He chucks aside the glass and laughs, standing up.
"Let us see who has the stronger will! Who is in the right! For here, for now, is the place where 'right' and 'wrong' are decided!"

Wings tear from his back, blood spattering the throne as he flies up, taking the sword from the wall.
"A knight saw me as a blight upon this land! I killed her, and made her into one of my slaves! She doesn't even look human anymore!" he laughs. "Her 'god' was killed, and made into one as well."
"Not any longer, Virulent."

Virulent looks genuinely surprised.

Then he looks pleased.

"FANTASTIC! I'll just kill you. Again. But first..." he points at the jar of liquids. It shatters. He laughs, launching a bolt of red energy at Tyka, who catches it in her palms with a scream.
"I have grown ever stronger, Tyka, while you merely were my errand girl! You have no chance!"
Even though the lightning seems stopped by her hands, I see blood beggining to drip from her palms to the floor.
"Yes... YES! What a gift you bring me! To destroy an opponent twice is the greatest joy!"
No. 149571 ID: 632862

Advance! Is he within reach? Try to get him down to the ground if not. Ysl could throw you if necessary.
No. 149574 ID: c0f3bf

You can jump like a champion. Utilize it.
No. 149575 ID: e31d52

I leap towards him, swinging for his eye.

The zweihander, weilded easily in one muscular arm, knocks it away, rending a gash along his scalp.

But it's enough for his concentration to be interruped, and Tyka throws the stream of energy away while flying to one side, her dress flapping as she dodges. I'm knocked out of the air by a thrown breastplate, and he launches another assault, only for it to be stopped by a blue-silver wall of force held up one-handed by Tyka. The two are ten feet in the air, rotating around each other, the red energy scoring the walls and throne.
No. 149576 ID: c0f3bf

Get Ysl to throw you as hard as she can directly at Virulent. Aim again for the eye.
No. 149578 ID: c0f3bf

Or if you're spinning too much, just take him down.
No. 149579 ID: 632862

"Tell me about your family, Achilles! How your brethren didn't lift a finger to help them!"
No. 149580 ID: e31d52

I feel the thrust as I'm launched again, and this time he tries to stop me with his mind, failing, even as the power grips me.
"What?! Fine!" he binds my sword arm to my body, and I slam into him, taking him down to earth.
"ZAZ!" he roars, slapping the earth.

A huge pillar of flesh erupts from the ground and slams into me, knocking me into the air. "Enough playing!" he growls, lines of energy extending from his hand, the appendage holding me in place. "I'm going to slice you to peices, you little bastard!"
I can't move! I can't move!
Suddenly I smell burning flesh, and hear a distant roar of agony.
"NO! NO, YOU FOOL!" Ysl stares up at him, holding the fire dagger, standing over the hole of the appendage that writhes back into it. "THAT'S A SALAMANDER DAGGER! THAT FIRE-"
I kick off the wall and slam into Virulent, knocking him from the air again and to the ground, pulling free my sword.
No. 149581 ID: c0f3bf

Stab him in the right eye. Run across the ground, no leaping. This may be your only chance.
No. 149582 ID: 632862

Stab dat eye. The one on your left, of course.
No. 149584 ID: e31d52

I scream out, running across the space between us, Asala fighting off more tendrils of Zaz as I duck and dive between them in a roaring charge.

He throws the swiehander at me, and I leap, my feet kissing the flat of the blade as I use it for more airtime, my knees impacting the bastard's shoulders, sending him to the ground, my sword in the correct eye. I pull it out, and reach down to tear the eye out entirely, placing it into an airtight leather case.

I get up, wobbling from left to right as Tyka lands beside me. Asala supports me as she sits me on the throne. My sword tumbles from my hand to the floor.
No. 149585 ID: 632862

"Is everyone okay?"
No. 149586 ID: c0f3bf


Check on Achilles, is he sane?
No. 149587 ID: e31d52

"Is everyone okay?"
Tyka hides her hands.
"Yes." she says, and there's a chorus of agreement...

Including from across the room. The undamaged eye has moved to the center of his head, and his body is less angular now. His teeth look more omnivorous than carnivorous. He stands and takes a deep breath, then points to the earth. The smell of burning flesh stops.

"I... Am free at last." he says with a smile. "I apologize for the trouble I have placed you and your friends in."
No. 149591 ID: 34470e

Hug Achilles.
No. 149592 ID: c0f3bf

Tell him that monsterous possession diverts all blame to Virulent. Crush the eye parts inside the bag.
No. 149593 ID: 34470e

Also tell him that none of it was his fault.
No. 149595 ID: 632862

"You can make up for it. I should warn you though... others might not understand. They may still blame you for what happened. You should be cautious in the coming days."
No. 149599 ID: e31d52

"Of course. I still have Zaz, after all, and all of the other minions... Though..." he raises his hand, then makes a fist suddenly. "I won't be needing the latter. Now... I had been thinking on you... four..." he says with surprise, eyeing Tyka. "And how to reward you all. But before I state what I believe you deserve, I will hear your wishes. You know the limits of my power. Please, speak."
No. 149600 ID: 632862

Ah! Wait, he shouldn't release the Crying Knights yet! We have to summon Jax to take care of them.
No. 149606 ID: c0f3bf

Ask him to stop acting like a king, for starters. It's condescending and unbelievably rude of him after all the horrible shit that you and your friends went through.

Ask him if anything can be done to repopulate the goblins.
No. 149609 ID: 632862

Wouldn't it be Ysl's request to try to repopulate the goblins? Asala would probably want to get her eyesight back if it's impossible to give her father a body again.

For Antares... Well, obviously we want the land to be repaired, and a boat so we can get back home to deliver the panacea.
No. 149611 ID: e31d52

He pauses.
"I know. It is a terrible thing that has happened to you... no, to everyone on this continent. I cannot possibly hope to ever simply be forgiven. But I can try to make things right again. Zaz has a great deal of biomass. More than what I need to repair the landscape. The rest..."

Ysl sighs.

"No. Don't."

"Hm? But there's only four of you. I can easily make mor-"
"I said don't bother. I've already accepted that Goblins are mostly dead as a race. But..." she stands beside me. "I'm more worried about standing alone. Don't make more goblins for my sake. Do it for the sake of Rgl, Sne, and Tyf."
He nods quietly.
"And you, Asala?"
"I lost my eyesight of my own volition." she says quietly. "But there is a small favour you could do for me. You see..." she leans close to Achilles and whispers.
"Ah. Ah, that is easy. I'll have it for you within a day."
"If I cannot return to my own time, and if you cannot leave well enough alone, I would like to have my... perfection removed."
"The perfection Nova granted you?"
"The same."
"Are you certain? You will..."
"Age? And be allowed to live out my life normally again?"
There's a long pause.
"Very well." he says, pointing at Tyka. Something... inperceptable changes.
"Thank you."
No. 149613 ID: 632862

What about Jai and Sal'an? Jai might want her body fixed a bit, and I'm sure Sal'an would love a body that allows him to forge metal again.

We need to go back to the Old World to deliver that panacea. Perhaps we can pick up our friends first...
No. 149619 ID: c0f3bf

Yeah, you're going to have to stop off to explain the situation to anyone who does know too, and give sharky his medicine.
No. 149621 ID: 632862

Oh. Can we... talk to Vorana before we go?

I have an idea I want to share with her. Please.
No. 149657 ID: 632862

Oh, let's also not forget to mention that former Hero whose name I managed to never catch. He needs repairs.
No. 149919 ID: e31d52

"I, uh, uhm... There's a lot of things I need done." I say bluntly. "And some of my friends..."
"Ah, yes. I will grant you transport between here and the ground, so you are free to travel between them. Zaz will take you. Once you are finished with your requests, I will end Zaz's life, and hopefully be able to begin repairing the damage done to this land. Does that sound alright?"
No. 149921 ID: 34470e

Won't ending Zaz's life make Jax pissed at us?
No. 149926 ID: e31d52

No... Zaz is constructed from a lot of trees as far as I understand. Besides, ending the lives of all those minions probably released a lot of souls for him to gather up anyway.
No. 149945 ID: c0f3bf

Shoo and his ilk need reverting, don't they?
No. 149953 ID: 632862

Well, sounds good to me.
No. 149969 ID: 34470e

Wait, do you have the bottle with the orb shard on you? If so, give it to Achilles.
No. 149994 ID: 632862

Hey, let's not forget that Vorana wants to find a method of creating new creatures without exploding the hosts' heads. Maybe Achilles can help!
No. 150203 ID: e31d52

No, it's back at camp.

"I shall handle the old hero. Bring back the others you mention, or a representative. I'll see what I can do."
"Shall I return with you?" Tyka asks. "I feel a need to apologize..."
No. 150229 ID: 701a19

Now you just need to Get Asala into your Jai+Ysl harem, then get home and heal your mom.
No. 150236 ID: e31d52
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Over the next few weeks, Achilles lands Zaz in the center of the swamps, and holds daily 'court'. He is, indeed, very kingly, and it seems ingrained in his very nature. I ask him about this, and he states that he was the leader of his people, powerful among them beyond measure. The stress and panic of the disaster, he says, created a sort of wild psionic interference, and that stopped him from saving his family. The lack of care his once-loyal subjects showed did not help, either.

Nevertheless, he is happy to help anyone who comes forth with worries. Shoo and his people were restored to their former humanity, and no further, given the whole of the Gardens to cultivate and rebuild within. Haggar recieves Virulent's eye, eating it happily, and commenting only that he feels smarter. The land has begun its restoration, and the souls that plagued it are now on their way, thanks to the efforts of Jax. Pryyhh, the Hero, works as Head Marshal under Achilles, while Tyka is his head advisor. Rance and his men and woman have asked and recieved the status of being his army, with Rance as the general thereof. Together with Shoo's men and women, they are building a new city in the Gardens, calling it Avalon.

Achilles and Vorana have met, and while Achilles could not find a simple resolution, he decided that he could transmute the bodies of the dead whose souls have moved on, and she could take these as hosts instead. Jai had her genetic taint removed. Harumda recieved a human body to his liking, a fair giant of a man, easily seven feet tall, dark, with handsome features and short black hair. Asala is happy with this development. As for myself, I merely asked for a boat home, and was granted one.
Although Achilles was so grateful, he ordered a grand galleon full of capable men and woman for my trip home. Sal'an was given a new body, his soul transferred inside with the help of his goddess. He is hard at work reclaiming the fallen fortress of his clan.

I returned with Jai and Ysl, to a happy welcome. The other goblins stayed behind, with another forty created by Achilles for them. They are naming their tribe after her.

My father was happy to see me, and we have settled our differences. My mother is alive and well, though my father is getting on in years. Myself and the ladies are the proud owners of a secluded cabin, where we live, work, and play (so to speak).

Time passed.

Jai and myself soon became married, Ysl happy to be my and Jai's mistress, and although the wedding was somewhat chaotic, my father and Shi were able to settle their differences long enough to celebrate.

Our honeymoon was visiting Achilles and seeing the progress that had been made in three years. And it was incredible. Where once was endless swamp is now a wild patchwork of plains, woods, and hills, spotted by settlments and small towns, Avalon the only one worthy of being called a city. We met Asala and Harumda, who were happily together, and had a young child who was named Durandal.

And during that time on the other continent, I concieved my daughter, Rosie Lejeanne, with Jai. We returned home, and now, we are a happy family. I will always look back to these days with happiness, Legion, and I must say, you were worth the effort to summon by many leagues. I named my daughter in your honour, for without you, I would not be alive, let alone a father. Someday, I hope to speak with you again, but now, I am held with the sad task of dismissing you once more.

Goodbye, Legion. And may all your days be filled with wonder.
No. 150256 ID: c0f3bf

You too you magnificent bastard.
No. 150273 ID: 632862

Goddamn it, he didn't let me talk to Vorana!
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