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92605 No. 92605 ID: 15f6d6

Book 1: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/530357.html
Book 2: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/51545.html

Spikesby Biteface has an important decision to make.
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No. 120913 ID: 62489a
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I suggest taking the path marked in yellow, going around the slums in the quickest path to the water tower. Going through the slums might result in getting harassed or worse by the poor folk or gangs or something like this. If taking this route gets us too close to Ipslaw, we can take the route in green, though this route would leave us trapped/easily surrounded if some hostile force in the slums were to attack us.

Does our new companion know anything about the slums and university in particular? Perhaps there's a School Book Depository over on the turnpike we can shoot from.
No. 120916 ID: 67c611
File 126480020946.png - (11.16KB , 628x482 , Max_Range.png )

We want Sniper to be able to attack at her maximum comfortable range to minimize travel and chance of detection. Draw or communicate this. Pic related
No. 120930 ID: 15f6d6
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Spikesby decides that they should head toward the watertower (the yellow path). They rested up and cleaned themselves, had a restful nap and now night has fallen. They head as stealthily as possible toward the first alley, but there are people waiting for them.

It looks like an Ophian with a sword, a Ravian with some kind of assault rifle, and a Golem.

Isenore needs a target! What should Spikesby do?

The Ophian and the Ravian both start chanting "Ipslaw... Ipslaw" over and over as they take aim and prepare to fight.
No. 120933 ID: 498c52

shoot the guy with the gun first, then the golem. The ophian will probably move up to engage and spikesby can defend against that.
No. 120935 ID: 9e9b47

Spikesby, attack the Ravian with the gun. Isenore, shoot the Golem.
No. 120938 ID: 62489a

Get her to shoot the ravian with the assault rifle and try to run to the side a bit to draw out either the guy with the sword or the golem and get him out of the way of the sniper's line of fire. Have the gaur shoot the golem next and spikesby can handle the guy with the sword on his own.
No. 120940 ID: 498c52

Shoot the Golem with a HE round, shockwave and shrapnel should either injure or kill the Ravian and Spikesby can take the Ophian.
No. 120942 ID: 67c611

Put one round into the big blue thing.
No. 120971 ID: 15f6d6
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Spikesby goes for the Ravian! He's blocking its line of fire to Isenore, but it manages to put some bullets into him before she fires.

There is an enormous explosion. The Ravian is thrown to the ground and seems dead. The Ophian is uninjured, and the Golem looks mostly unharmed, even though it was a direct hit.

Spikesby approaches and the Ophian attacks! It's feeble weapon snaps against his magically hardened skin. He slinks quickly away behind the Golem.

The Golem swings and Spikesby barely manages to duck it's vicious attack.

New plan?
No. 120974 ID: 9e9b47


Shoot Golem with armor-piercing bullet! Spikesby, stay far away from the Golem and keep an eye on that Ophian.
No. 120976 ID: d9faf1

Spikesby, do you know any weak points on Golems?
Maybe they have notes in their head we can destroy, or something?

If you don't better distract the Golem while the Sniper rushes to a vantage point
No. 120977 ID: 62489a

NEW PLAN IS ORIGINAL PLAN. Retreat a bit, let the gour hit it with an armor piercing round and then go for the dude with the sword.
No. 120985 ID: cfad4e

Spikesby: Attack the Golem. Hopefully your magic blades can hurt it.

Isenore: Shoot the Golem in the eye.
No. 120990 ID: 498c52

AP round into the golem, Spikesby needs to keep it distracted, then we can kill the ophian.
No. 121006 ID: 67c611

Dance with the hunter. Get it's attention and turn it around with it's back to Sniper. Try to stay out of its melee range.
No. 121016 ID: bffa2a

Dance Spikesby, dance. Keep their attention and make sure the Ravina's dead if you can. AP round the Golem.
No. 121034 ID: 15f6d6
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Spikesby dances around the Golem, trying his hardest not to be hit. It isn't fast, but there is no way he could block those massively powerful attacks.

There is an earth-shattering kaboom. This looks a lot more effective.

The Ophian has been looting his comrade, but Spikesby makes short work of him. He peppers Spikesby's arm with a few more bullets, but Spikesby isn't too concerned.

Isenore hurries into the alley. They have made a significant amount of noise and light, and they can hear more things moving out of hiding and into the square. Should they try to skirt around the slums, or just go straight through to the water tower.

Isenore thinks that if they skirt around, it might be faster but the chance of running into more guards is far, far greater.
No. 121036 ID: 62489a

Let's go through the slums then. See if we can avoid conflicts in there.
No. 121038 ID: bffa2a

Slum it out, you're good at carving out any rabble that comes along and we're less likely to run into things like golems.
No. 121039 ID: 498c52

Let's go straight through.
No. 121041 ID: d9faf1

Take whichever way seems to be less dangerous encounter-wise
No. 121052 ID: cfad4e

Don't skirt around, then. Go the way with less guards.
No. 121074 ID: 15f6d6
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They walk though the strangely silent slums.

Spikesby can clearly hear more monsters and mind-controlled citizens, their growls and moans increasing in volume as they approach the water tower.

It's going to be bad. They're going to be completely exposed when they climb up the ladder.

Spikesby is doing great at avoiding everything now, and the cover of night will certainly help, but a plan would be great.
No. 121082 ID: 67c611

Spikesby make a fuckton of noise and get everyone's attention while Sniper climbs the tower. Do your best to avoid injury while running for your life.

Maybe a better distraction would be a song and dance routine if you think that is less likely to get you shot.

Or approaching Target and pretending you have a message or something.

[need some input from other peeps]
No. 121084 ID: 9e9b47


You should run through the slums first. These guys can't hurt you much and you could draw their fire, and lose them later. Have Isenore go and stealthily make her way to the ladder.
No. 121085 ID: 62489a

Have the gour fire a high explosive round at something in the distance. Hopefully this will distract people as they go help whatever victims are around or try to figure out what caused the blast.

This does not however give a very good plan for escape. Only the gour should be going up the water tower, as well. Spikesby can stay at the bottom and fend off attackers.
No. 121113 ID: 15f6d6
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Isenore starts off by firing a HE round into the far wall, then they start to hurry the rest of the way to the tower.

Spikesby decides to distract as many creatures as he can so that Isenore can sneak up without anyone noticing.

At first it isn't so bad. It's only mind controlled guys and they can't do much.

But he sees the magical creatures coming. This is ... extremely bad.

>"Lovlies, my lovelies! Someone is resisting Iplsaw! Someone doesn't want to feel the beauty of his love. Go! Go and kill! Kill any who would not willingly bask in my love!"

No. 121114 ID: bffa2a

I guess you'll just have to draw them out and have a big old slum brawl while the gour sneaks up the tower. Hopefully he will kill the wizard and free the mind controlled citizens before you get injured too badly.
No. 121116 ID: 62489a

Dammit, if only we could have gotten FlailsBreaker's little buddy to come with us and play with these guys. Let's try to pick them off one by one.
No. 121120 ID: 9e9b47


Wak a lot at him, make a rude gesture with your claws. Run.
No. 121127 ID: 67c611

Run, run, run, run like hell.
No. 121149 ID: 15f6d6
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It is far, far too late to run, but Spikesby tries his best!

The magical creatures soon overtake him! Something gouges him through the head. More bullets riddle his body. A gash opens his neck, and another his side.

Something is chewing at his legs, he can barely stand but he fights on! Just a little longer!

There is an enormous explosion.

And everything stops.
No. 121152 ID: 34470e

Look around to see what happened before you pass out
No. 121153 ID: 67c611

Collapse. Hopefully you will live through this. Maybe not.
No. 121157 ID: 8399bd

Spikesby, use your avoid death maneuver! Also, try to disengage yourself from the mob, but keep an eye on 'em
No. 121177 ID: 62489a

Wak pitifully at them like a wounded puppy. Draw a peace sign in the ground.
No. 121178 ID: 15f6d6
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Spikesby can't see anything. He hears explosions all around him. Something massive screams.

Somebody is carrying him. He hurts all over.

Spikesby has reached an understanding with Isenore. His feeble, dying whispers and vague twitches of gestures can be interpreted by her, and she can get the general idea of what he's trying to convey.

"So, what's up now? You... aren't lookin' too hot there, guy. I don't wanna stay here. It looks like if there is anybody left alive, they're either hiding or something. Whatever happened with Ipslaw's power didn't release anybody when he died. They all fell down. I think their brains are fried. This whole thing is depressing.

Where to? I want you not to die and all, seein' as how you helped me out of that pickle back there.

No. 121180 ID: 9e9b47


Tell her you're worried about her. She looks too thin. Tell her she can leave you here, you'll bury under the sand. She should go back and get food.
No. 121183 ID: 62489a

Tell her to get some food and blankets. You'll be fine. You just need rest and food.
No. 121187 ID: 67c611

This very well may be the end for you. Ask her to set you down somewhere quiet and maybe get some food and water. Give a silent prayer for help to one of the wizards, then close your eyes and rest.
No. 121197 ID: bffa2a

You need to get to lord of marvels tower. Message. The power of your magic compels you to not die before you give the message. Compels. Compels.
No. 121200 ID: 8399bd

I agree with finding food and getting rest. Finding shelter would awesome if it is at all possible.

Also, uses your avoid death maneuver please :<
No. 121201 ID: cfad4e

Tell her to protect you until you get better... and that if you don't get better, to give you a burial and bring your message to Lord of Marvels for you.
No. 121231 ID: 15f6d6
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Spikesby is fading in and out of consciousness. At first he wants to just lay down. He wants Isenore to lay him down...

He remembers, though, he wants to go to the Tower. It is where he is supposed to be going.

Everything is hazy.

Fuck if I'm leaving you to blee...

This shit tastes terrible.

Dammit. I ain't gonna find another ...

There are ripping sounds

...favorite coat...

There is a long silence

Hey! Hey! You dead? I'll be pretty fucking pissed if you are. I've been walking for days, you little shit. Your dying ass is heavy as fuck, too. Say something, you little fuck!
No. 121233 ID: 62489a

Wak cutely. Try to pet her with the blunt side of your blade affectionately.
No. 121234 ID: 476456

No. 121235 ID: 9ed20c

No. 121237 ID: cfad4e

"Have to tell... Lord of Marvels..."
No. 121240 ID: 8399bd

Thank her for staying with you, then tell her where you're heading.

Also, Wak.
No. 121246 ID: 632862

Looks like everyone forgot that Golden blood heals.
No. 121247 ID: 498c52

No. 121248 ID: cfad4e

>Looks like everyone forgot that Golden blood heals.
...I did forget that.

PS: Gesticulate at strange spectral hooded figure.
No. 121278 ID: 632862

There's something there. A hooded figure.
No. 121285 ID: 15f6d6
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Spikesby feels Master Blacksoul close by him... reaching out his hand.

"Ha! I knew you weren't dead. Just, ah, takin a nap, eh?

Yeah, Lord of Marvels's tower is just right up ahead. I don't know nothing about wizards and junk like that. Ah. What's up, what you lookin at? I- I musta got somethin' in my eye..."

Golden blood doesn't heal on its own. Glory is a transmuter, so she can heal with her blood.
No. 121289 ID: 62489a

Look fearfully towards Blacksoul.
No. 121290 ID: c0f3bf

Don't die.

Seriously though, don't die.
No. 121291 ID: cfad4e

Do not take his hand. Ignore the spectral figure. Focus on the physical.

Wak a thank you. Proceed to the tower... by which I mean continue to be carried.
No. 121292 ID: 632862

Ask him to avoid the image of Blacksoul.
No. 121303 ID: 8399bd

First, /hug

Second, Unleash your latent physic abilities and say hi to your former boss.
No. 121313 ID: 15f6d6
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Spikesby thinks about trying to communicate with the image of Blacksoul,but he'd rather focus on what is right in front of him. The image quickly fades away.

Spikesby thinks he would hug Isenore if he could move his arms.

They approach the tower.

A Golem opens the doors, letting bright light flood out from within.






"fuck if I know" whispers Isenore.
No. 121315 ID: 632862

A worm.
No. 121320 ID: 632862

Er wait. A maggot. Worms don't eat corpses, and maggots change into flies instead of dying of old age.
No. 121323 ID: 476456

No. 121326 ID: 631142

No. 121328 ID: 498c52

A Mashroom?
No. 121329 ID: 62489a

No. 121330 ID: bf1e7e


No. 121331 ID: 8399bd

I'm going to second maggot.
No. 121339 ID: c0f3bf

No. 121343 ID: cfad4e

A crow?
No. 121346 ID: bf1e7e


One of those dudes who puts makeup on dead people so that they look alive
No. 121351 ID: c42be6

Life? Everything eventually dies, leaving corpses, living is the opposite of the dead bodies, and once again, all life leads to death, but life itself will never die out.
No. 121356 ID: 498c52
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No. 121360 ID: 9ed20c

A cocoon fits the two, but the third..
No. 121363 ID: 15f6d6
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Spikesby guesses a bunch of stuff. Eventually, a horrid bell sounds.



No. 121364 ID: bf1e7e

You're a golem asking me some retarded riddle.
No. 121369 ID: bf1e7e

No. 121370 ID: 631142

silly golem, that was a good tip.

its a cherubin, or one of those lil angels with harps.

or with hornets.

No. 121372 ID: 34470e

An undertaker?
No. 121373 ID: 15f6d6
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No. 121388 ID: cfad4e


((Picture how that scene just went, guys. "Wak wak?" "NO." "Wak wak wak wak?" "NO." "Wak?" "NO." "Wak wak wak waaaaak?" "NO."))
No. 121441 ID: 15f6d6
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They enter the tower. The door slams shut with a sound like a ringing gong, and Spikesby and Isenore are plunged into a warm, velvety darkness.

"This shit is creepy"

Light appears, little flickers form strange arcane symbols in the air. The darkness slowly parts, revealing the Lord of Marvels.

"I see you, Spikesby Biteface. So, you have finally come to me. Your future spins uncertainly toward oblivion, your past is littered with pain and suffering.

Are you satisfied? Being tied to the whims of capricious beings such as my brethren? Subjected to untold cruelties?

Know, this fate is not set in stone. Journey into the Sea of Oblivion and speak to one of the creatures that lives there if you wish to be free of the Wizards' power forever."

"hey, I mean, not that you can really tell me, but what the fuck is he saying" whispers Isenore.
No. 121456 ID: cfad4e

Say "Nice hat! Wait, why would you want to help me do that?"
No. 121459 ID: 632862

Thank him profusely for the advice, and deliver the message you were sent to give.
No. 121460 ID: 476456

"Sure but uh..could i get some healing or..like a wheelchair or something."
No. 121467 ID: c0f3bf

Just nudge Isenore a bit.

Ask him if there's any particular place in the Sea of Oblivion. Kinda vague to reference it when it's literally everywhere surrounding you.
No. 121472 ID: 8399bd

Admire his freaking boss wizarding hat.

Oh, and I guess deliver the message.
No. 121478 ID: 917cac

Although he may know already with his crazy destiny reading abilities. We should deliver the message about the Sea of Oblivion.
No. 121523 ID: 498c52

Can we go there without dying? What will happen?
No. 121538 ID: 15f6d6
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Spikesby delivers the message and compliments his hat.

"These things are known to me, although Soulfire is incapable of comprehending the extent of my power."

Spikesby asks why he would help and where he should go in the Sea of Oblivion.

"You spin out strands of destiny that travel vast distances through multifarious probabilities. I do not wish to see such a long-suffering and kind-hearted creature such as yourself tied to several of the cruel fates that await you should you remain a Wizard's thrall. Simply travel into the Sea of Oblivion until you meet with one of the Progenitors, the creatures that rule there. They will assist you."

Spikesby points out that he's pretty sure he will die if he goes there.

"I did not say the way would be easy, but worse fates await should you remain here. Now, you should go. Some of your friends wait patiently for you, and others are in grave danger."

Spikesby feels cool waves of magic washing over him as some of his wounds begin to knit.

His eyes close, and the darkness overtakes him.

The Lord of Marvels turns to Isenore.

"Your heart is doomed. The one you will love will never return your sentiments."

"What the fuck?"says Isenore before she, too, is swallowed by the blackness.

Spikesby is free to do as he chooses. He was theoretically going to Morriga's to meet up with Heartsbane and Sky, but he can go anywhere he wants. Reply with where Spikesby and Isenore should go.
No. 121543 ID: 9e9b47


To Morriga's!
No. 121550 ID: 632862

Go to Morriga's. It's only a little out of the way, due to the shape of the Sea of Oblivion.
No. 121551 ID: bb1955

We are collecting our party members before the foray into certain death. To Morriga's!
No. 121560 ID: 8399bd

I'd say split up, tell Isenore about Sky,hell, everything and see if she's willing to go it alone. Then travel into the warm, inviting Sea of Olivion.
No. 121561 ID: 498c52

Morriga's of course
No. 121567 ID: 62489a

Morriga's is a good idea.
No. 121571 ID: 9891a9

No reason to forego our allies. To Morriga.
No. 121720 ID: d9faf1

Go to Morriga, gather our allies (and help them if they are in danger), see if you can get a glance at Morriga (I'm curious), and then - onward to the Sea of Oblivion!


Judging by his outfit, the Lord of Marvels is definitely a Time Lord.
No. 121742 ID: bffa2a

I'm pretty sure our non-magical companions will die as soon as they step in to the sea of Oblivion guys and we we're warned of the fate we'll have if we remain in wizard control any longer. Might even kill them ourselves if compelled.

To the sea.
No. 121898 ID: c2c011

Morrigas. And maybe a detour to Blacksoul. If we could sell our trip as a scouting expedition thingy we might get some aid from him for our companions and ourselves.

I really don't trust that lord of marvels character. Something really seems off with him, he knows a bit too much about what goes on in the ocean of oblivion and I never trust people who give out doom and gloom prophecies unless you follow their exact instructions.
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