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File 125482486553.png - (21.49KB , 800x600 , SkylineNight.png )
58593 No. 58593 ID: a3b36a

Life is hard.

People are mean, and nobody will give you any break.

Everyone will kick you when you're down, if given the chance.

Not so long ago, this kinda things were what I went by. I believed it and nobody could tell me otherwise.
171 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 78918 ID: 5a9e00

Hug kitty
Save demon
No. 78919 ID: 5d5878

If that kitty comes at you, swing dat bat!
No. 78920 ID: 43d730

IF you're going to bloody well sit there until it attacks, then at the very least get the Slugger up into a defensive position for when you inevitably end up with a pounce-to-the-face.
No. 78921 ID: a3b36a
File 125860367594.png - (63.60KB , 800x600 , Hot.png )

Oh god...

Oh god... What do I do?

Oh god... that kitten...

>"TAMEKA! Get a move on, you stupid girl!"

Oh god...
No. 78922 ID: 34470e

Threaten to hurt it if it doesn't stand down.
No. 78924 ID: 632862

SNAP OUT OF IT! You can't help the kitten if you just stand there gawking!
No. 78925 ID: 5d5878

Get a grip, girl. That thing is dangerous, be ready to swing.
No. 78927 ID: 8b7db1

Shout "Who wants some-a this? Bonk!", then CHARGE!
No. 78928 ID: a3b36a
File 125860533847.png - (19.82KB , 800x600 , Something.png )

"H-h-hey... stop it."

It's something, at least. Not exactly the sort of thing to strike fear into the hearts of badguys, though... I just... I just have to keep it up.
No. 78939 ID: a3b36a
File 12586082429.gif - (80.66KB , 800x600 , Charging.gif )

Well, at least I got its attention.


It doesn't sound happy at all.
No. 78944 ID: 34470e

Translation: You're fucked.
No. 78947 ID: 476456

Are you just going to take that bullshit from some fire breathing monstrosity?
No. 78952 ID: 632862

Get ready to dodge in case that thing can breathe fire.
No. 79018 ID: 4553b2

Its charging its laser! Get out of the alleyway entrance before it fills with flame!
No. 79157 ID: e0499d

we have a magic weapon... And this is the first demon we're dealing with. Just Homerun it.
No. 79223 ID: 43d730

Jam the Slugger down its throat.
No. 85327 ID: a3b36a
File 125988418538.png - (138.75KB , 800x600 , FireIsPretty.png )

Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!
No. 85330 ID: a3b36a
File 12598843372.png - (63.38KB , 800x600 , Meow.png )

...I thought I was gonna DIE...
No. 85331 ID: 632862

Ambush it as it comes around the corner.
No. 85334 ID: 43d730

Hope it has a cooldown time.
If it looks to be chargin its lazor again, take the opportunity to lay on the beatdown and strafe.
No. 85359 ID: a3b36a
File 125988967179.png - (47.29KB , 800x600 , Traditional joke.png )


Right. Once it comes around the corner, I'll just...

...it's right behind me, isn't it? Of course. Anything else would be too easy, wouldn't it.
No. 85360 ID: 632862

Spin around and smash it.
No. 85367 ID: e27275

pray it grows tentacles
because while its raping you it will let its guard down and you can kill it
No. 85404 ID: a3b36a
File 125989438620.png - (103.26KB , 800x600 , BONK.png )

"Bad kitty! Back off!"

...was that too cheesy? Too late now.
No. 85406 ID: 632862

That seems effective. Do it some more.
No. 85462 ID: a3b36a
File 125989807412.png - (112.37KB , 800x600 , BOINK.png )

I follow up on my first swing. Might as well press my advantage, right?
No. 85469 ID: a3b36a
File 125989822777.png - (60.47KB , 800x600 , Ow.png )


"AAAAAIIIIIEEEEEE!" Holy crap it just swatted me like a bug oh god pain...
No. 85475 ID: 34470e

Pain is normal in the magical girl genre. Just run away for a while until you get a huge epiphany. Then beat the shit out of the cat.
No. 85479 ID: 43d730

Circle while hitting, change direction unpredictably.
No. 85483 ID: dda9dd

Try to avoid hitting a wall.
No. 85510 ID: a3b36a
File 125989989950.png - (49.12KB , 800x600 , Bouncey.png )

>Pain is normal in the magical girl genre.

Ow. Ow. Ow ow. Owowowow.


...I think I've skidded to a stop... Ow....
No. 85523 ID: 34470e

34 bounces! A NEW RECORD! But seriously, how damaged are you?
No. 85524 ID: 4553b2

If you can move, start doing it. Go go go. You can bandage up later.
No. 85581 ID: a3b36a
File 125990255518.gif - (12.16KB , 800x600 , Round2.gif )

I'm... I'm up... I'll probably be hurting tomorrow... but I'm up. ...and it is too, it looks like.
No. 85589 ID: e3f578

It's going to frog blast your goddamn vent core. Get the hell out of the way. No seriously, those flashes make it look like it's charging up a wallop.
No. 85590 ID: 632862

It's about to breathe fire again. Dodge it.
No. 85780 ID: a3b36a
File 125991337761.png - (25.14KB , 800x600 , Put me in coach.png )

>It's going to frog blast your goddamn vent core.
>It's about to breathe fire again.
No. 85781 ID: a3b36a
File 125991347918.png - (79.28KB , 800x600 , Im Ready to Play.png )

>No seriously, those flashes make it look like it's charging up a wallop.

The fires in other parts of it look like they're dimming...
No. 85782 ID: 632862

Did your strike weaken it? Hey, your bat is glowing. I think it charged up from hitting him.

If he's about to breathe on you, try blocking it instead of dodging. Perhaps your weapon can absorb his energy and use it against him!
No. 85783 ID: a3b36a
File 125991365224.png - (59.53KB , 800x600 , Today.png )

>Get the hell out of the way.
>Dodge it.

>"TAMEKA! Get the hell outta there!"

...does what it would normally do.

No. 85784 ID: a3b36a
File 125991369616.png - (98.99KB , 800x600 , Look at Me.png )

...I've only got one shot at this...
No. 85793 ID: a3b36a
File 125991397813.png - (32.63KB , 800x600 , I can be.png )

Don't choke.
No. 85795 ID: a3b36a
File 125991442655.png - (63.51KB , 800x600 , Center field.png )

No. 85805 ID: 632862

So is it dead or what?
No. 85821 ID: 9cece1

I hope it grew tentacles.
No. 85827 ID: 51d0f5

How's it hangin?
No. 85866 ID: a3b36a
File 125996421132.png - (41.20KB , 800x600 , Even Longer Walk Back.png )

>"That was entirely too reckless, Tameka!"

"...sorry, 'beka..."

>"Look at you! You can barely even walk! What were you thinking??"

"...sorry 'beka..."

>"And look at your outfit! Do you know how much it takes to make one of those?

"...sorry, 'beka..."

>"Let alone how much it takes to RUIN one like you just did?"

"...sorry, 'beka..."

>"What would you have done if that didn't work??"

"...sorry 'beka..."

>"Can't catch all those demons if you're dead!"

"...sorry 'beka..."

>"But still..."
No. 85867 ID: 43d730

Take kitten.
Keep kitten warm and safe.
Assuming it's not dead or still possessed.
We can at least correct this injustice.
No. 85871 ID: a3b36a
File 125996462361.png - (19.42KB , 800x600 , Rebeka.png )

>"You did a good job tonight. Especially considering it was your first time out."

"...sor-- ...huh?"

>"Good job. It's time to go home, and get some rest. Since you didn't get brutally slaughtered... maybe we can get you an actual battle outfit, instead of that ratty ol' thing we gave you. No sense in wasting effort on someone who'd fail on their first outing, right?"

"Um... thanks? I think?" What an odd way to compliment someone...

>"So... let's get started. Repeat after me..."

No. 85881 ID: a3b36a
File 125996558291.png - (18.45KB , 800x600 , Dressup gaems.png )

>Ancient Spirits from beyond the veil!
>I, the sealbreaker, am doing my part of the contract. You must do yours.
>Upon this form, a new armor make.
>One better for my task at hand.
No. 85987 ID: b2d40e
File 125997112818.png - (97.14KB , 800x600 , Littlestpowerarmour.png )

I hope you've been eating your veggies, young lady.
No. 85988 ID: 445c48

Where's the beaky helmet?
No. 85997 ID: ab04d4
File 125997196044.png - (27.66KB , 800x600 , 125996558291.png )

God I need to get a tablet.

Totally improbably armor that is a cheap ripoff of pretty every anime that has ever had armor.
No. 86000 ID: 9e9b47
File 125997200091.png - (92.02KB , 800x600 , CANVAS.png )


Here I colored it for you
No. 86050 ID: 4553b2
File 125997733583.png - (108.54KB , 800x600 , RoadWarriorTameka.png )

Take special note of the bike safety gear for maximum not hurting.
No. 86065 ID: 51d0f5
File 125998024722.png - (16.99KB , 800x600 , flying_suit.png )

No. 86095 ID: 445c48
File 125998633455.gif - (6.86KB , 100x128 , FlyingSuit.gif )

No. 86105 ID: f21281
File 125999067776.jpg - (136.17KB , 800x600 , idunnolol.jpg )

No. 86111 ID: 7d87d9
File 125999213978.png - (6.32KB , 320x276 , Xcomguy.png )


Better come with a Heavy Plasma or at least a Laser Rifle or we got ripped off!
No. 86128 ID: a3b36a
File 126000521876.png - (40.81KB , 800x600 , Hurrrrrrr.png )


>"Um... At... at least it looks... um... very... protective?"


>"It's... ah... unique. Yes. Unique. Um... That's a good word for it. Yes."

No. 86130 ID: 34470e

Can you even walk in that?
No. 86131 ID: a3b36a
File 126000567065.png - (14.59KB , 800x600 , Durrrrrr.png )

"Ancient spirits from beyond the veil!
What the HELL is this shit?
What is goin' through your punk-ass crazy minds?
You BEST be thinkin' twice about this!"
No. 86132 ID: 757b49

Besides the spess mahreen armor, those looked serious enough to me. The composite just got excessive. And the combined color scheme was terribad. And I don't even know where the glowing nipples came from.
No. 86134 ID: 4553b2

I was being serious with this one. Although it might need more girly bits.
No. 86135 ID: 757b49
File 126000763074.png - (27.45KB , 800x600 , tameka.png )

I don't know if this is "in theme" but I think it's pretty, anyway.
No. 86141 ID: 679536
File 126001976194.png - (54.48KB , 800x600 , Serioussuggestion.png )

These armors are not very cheap, little girl, but I see why you would prefer something lighter.

How about this? I have traded this a while ago for some indigestion pills and the seller's eternal gratitude.
No. 86164 ID: af3e6d

I love how angry she looks.
No. 86236 ID: f21281

Oh pfft, fine. Don't go with a more modern take on the genre.

Fine, one frilly "OMG SUCH A PRETTY PRINCESS" suit coming up sometime somewhere.
No. 86285 ID: 51d0f5
File 126005557314.png - (96.47KB , 500x500 , stay_classical.png )

There's no school like oldschool.
No. 86592 ID: 445c48
File 126008614672.gif - (29.30KB , 800x128 , PersonalArmour.gif )

Use Personal Armor, purple's a girly color, just slap on some shiny bitz and gubbinz and you're in business.
No. 87496 ID: 7d87d9

I'd say its blueish incolor.

And in the Amiga Version its Slate Gray
No. 87583 ID: 445c48

Definitely a blueish purple.

And pssh, Amiga.
No. 88166 ID: c0f3bf
File 126026367737.png - (11.73KB , 800x600 , Strongestarmor.png )

This will make you invincible barring heroic sacrifices.
No. 90533 ID: 4553b2
File 126065070553.png - (19.70KB , 800x600 , The Very Best.png )

The greatest warrior wears an outfit similar to this one. You should wear it proudly.
No. 90561 ID: 4553b2
File 126065333076.png - (108.46KB , 800x600 , Rave Warrior.png )

But more seriously, rave warrior. Mostly in reds and pinks because Tameka is the first girl, which means she is leader, and leader is always red. Because da red ones go fastah.
No. 90609 ID: 5aa60d
File 126065616427.png - (17.62KB , 800x600 , BatTameka.png )

decided to half ass this one
No. 90627 ID: b9af96
File 126065832675.png - (47.64KB , 800x778 , best costume.png )

No, we need something appropriately intimidating.
No. 90628 ID: 445c48

Needs to be more girly. Make it pink, toss some sparkly gems on, and bam.
No. 91816 ID: a3b36a
File 126083664986.png - (103.58KB , 800x600 , PlayedWithSAI.png )

This is... better. I can actually move in this, and it SURE as hell feels safer than running around in whatever the hell they gave me before.



>"Good. Then let's get you home. It's late. I'll explain how to put everything away as we go."

Ugh... Gonna be a long walk home. I'd better hurry. I think I can hear sirens.
No. 91819 ID: 43d730

Anything left of the kitten?
No. 91835 ID: 5d5878

>sergal arwing helmet
No. 91846 ID: 8d4c3c

Glorious. Just as the forefathers predicted.
No. 91850 ID: 43d730

Needs more ribbons.
Add those later.
No. 92148 ID: a3b36a
File 126084682022.png - (94.28KB , 800x600 , CuteFilename.png )

Eventually, I get home. Rebeka decides to enter via a different route, as she is, after all, the largest roach I've ever seen. I think I'm safely back. Nobody seems to be back. All I've got to do is get to my room and--

>"Welcome back, Tam."

Fffffffffffffffuck. Rod's home and still awake.

>"What took you so long? It's past dark. You know the streets aren't safe at night."

"Um... I... I can explain.."

crapcrapcrap... ummm... lessee...
No. 92161 ID: 4553b2

Shortstack invited you over for a bit. You lost track of time, is all.
No. 92166 ID: 445c48

Claim there was a cat that needed your help.

Bitchin' Armor, by the way. Reminds me of a Dragoon.
No. 115204 ID: 4fff27
File 126399546252.png - (26.28KB , 801x600 , Disappointment.png )

"Um... S-shortstack invited me over for a little bit. W-we kinda lost track of time."

>"Really? Because... that's kinda where I thought you would be."


>"...but when I called over there, they said you weren't there, and hadn't been all day."

Crap crap crap crap crap.

>"So. Where were you, Tameka?"

"Um... I... um... I..."
No. 115205 ID: 4fff27
File 126399753597.png - (15.67KB , 800x600 , Not Obvious At All.png )

"Um... I... um... I forgot something at school and I-"


>"... Tameka... what was that?"

"It... it wasn't anything. I had to get something I forgot at sch--"
"--ool so I could..."

Rod's looking rather expectant...

>"Tam... open your jacket, please."

...aw man...
No. 115206 ID: 8ecfd4

Open the jacket and admit to finding the cutest little kitty ever on the way over to Shortstack and you just couldn't leave it out to die and you're so sorry. Turn on the waterworks girl, you have to cry a fucking river here.

Maybe you should find a way to shorten the cap on your helmet. As it is, it leaves a rather big blind spot above you.
No. 115207 ID: 4fff27
File 126400175366.png - (26.72KB , 800x600 , Chest kitten.png )



"It... it needed my help."

>"You know our landlord doesn't like animals."

"But he doesn't keep people from having them! I can take care of it. I can hide it or something if he comes over. Maybe for just a bit until we find him a home?"

I nibble my lower lip a bit for greater effect. "Please?"

>"..." *sigh* "We can talk to mom about it. It's going to be your responsibility, you know. While it's here, and if we keep it."

Yes! "...I'll take care of it. I can take care of it." It kinda is my responsibility that it got in trouble anyways...

I head into my room for now so I can open the window for Rebeka.
No. 115208 ID: 8ecfd4

Good work there girl. And that kitten is just adorable, even more than usual. Now let Rebeka in and get ready for sleep and possibly very odd dreams.

You should also probably tell Rebeka about the pawn store where you bought the glorified doorstopper. That smily squinteyed elf looking fucker seemed to know alot more than he let on.
No. 115211 ID: c05c83

Shops like that are never there the second time, as a rule.
No. 115214 ID: 8ecfd4

Normally yes. But now we have a magical roach on our side. So all bets are off.
No. 115506 ID: 1622b9

young lady, we are not keeping the demon kitten, even if it is adorable! what if it eats your helper bug, or piss lava on the carpet?

good heavens, it could shred all doors in the house!
No. 115515 ID: 632862

Awww, the kitten got a new paint job! It looks great like that. Halloween-y.
No. 119793 ID: c2f461
File 126465127983.png - (144.46KB , 800x600 , LightsOutDebriefing.png )

I set the kitten on the bed, then go to let Rebeka in. I call out a goodnight and turn out the lights, taking a seat on my bed. Rebeka flits over as well.

>"It was a bit of a bumpy start, but now you know what sort of things these demons can do. And that was a somewhat simple one."

I look at the kitten by the light filtering in through the window, who has curled up at the foot of the bed.

"...why does it still look like that? Wasn't it white before?"

>"...well... Demons can sometimes leave behind a taint in things they have possessed. Even something as brief as what this little one endured. We'll have to keep an eye on it to make sure there aren't any other side effects."

Eep. And I just thought it might be neat to have a kitty.

""That little bracelet around your wrist is a focus for calling your armor and weapon back to you."

"I was wondering what happened to it." Certainly more convenient than having a big ol' suit of armor just sitting around taking up space.

>"You'd better get your rest. You have school tomorrow. Plus, tomorrow there will probably be more of... them."

"Right... Goodnight Rebeka."

>"Goodnight, Tameka. Pleasant dreams."
No. 119796 ID: c2f461
File 126465137422.png - (32.03KB , 800x600 , Episode 1 End.png )

I guess I should come up with a name for the kitten sometime...
No. 119798 ID: 34470e

Aga. It's Hindi for fire.
No. 119810 ID: 57aa53

i agree with the nawait we are not keeping a demon kitty.

its a wonder it didnt set fire to our bed already.

...Fireball. it matches the dodgeball theme + mockery of "snowball"
No. 119818 ID: 0e759d
File 126465326049.jpg - (27.78KB , 366x700 , Cat Mahjong Lesson 1.jpg )

The kitty should be name Jong. Mah Jong.
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