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98517 No. 98517 ID: 392d01

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No. 100049 ID: c0f3bf

When you're... finished, you should probably apologize and promise not to do that again.

...Unless he is now totally into that. Ascertain that.
No. 100061 ID: 67f351

He obviously has an erection, so everything is awwwright.

God, I hate you people.
No. 100064 ID: b8a3d1

"You people"?
No. 100066 ID: 8898f4
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Oh okay we continue.
We keep fucking Buster real rough untill my king is done.
Buster curls up in the corner.

'Sorry Buster it wont happen again.'

He doesnt respond..!
No. 100067 ID: 488063

Whatever you do, don't hug him.
Let him have some alone time.
Keep an eye out, though.
No. 100069 ID: c0f3bf

Yeah, stay around the entrance or he might bolt.
No. 100070 ID: 2829c3

Stay there, don't touch him or say anything. Wait until he says something.
No. 100071 ID: 915b46

you broke him you dumbass!
No. 100072 ID: 059c31

Grey... you have done a very bad thing... I am disappoint.

Why did you even bother to kill that other man if you were just going to force Buster anyway?
No. 100074 ID: 2829c3

Also, see if he's bleeding or something.
No. 100075 ID: 8ce2bf

Maybe he does want it to happen again?
No. 100077 ID: 8898f4
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Yeah I feel pretty bad
It felt good though. Like I could feel my king's thrusts too and stuff and he shivered when he was ejaculated inside of.
Anyway Ill stay here until he says something.
No. 100078 ID: b082e5

Maybe you shouldn't do it again like that if Buster hates it so much. From now on it should be you in the middle, Grey. A Grey Sandwich.
No. 100080 ID: c0f3bf

Ask him if it would be better if you were the sandwich. Or open faced sandwich.
No. 100084 ID: b082e5

Tell him you feel bad about making him do that and you won't do it again.
No. 100085 ID: 2829c3

Don't say anything. Wait.
No. 100086 ID: 8898f4
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'Buster I feel real bad about making you do that. I will never do it again. Would you still like to just do it with me?'

Buster looks up.

'Will it make you feel better?'
No. 100091 ID: c0f3bf

Right now?
No. 100092 ID: 2829c3

Hug him. Say sweet things in his ear.
No. 100093 ID: 9d07d9

Ah, is there any problem sex won't solve?
No. 100095 ID: c0f3bf

Actually no, sex will solve this problem. Just no more gay sex.
No. 100096 ID: 2829c3

Oh and sit down beside him.
No. 100098 ID: 059c31

When you eat poisoned food, it tastes good at first, then only you feel bad later.

If you eat poison for a long time you don't feel as bad... but you are still eating poison, it never stops being poison. The poison never becomes good. You just kill off the parts that know it was poison.

Do you understand Grey?

I wonder if you haven't lost his trust still. If you didn't try to kill off the part of him you actually liked.
No. 100102 ID: 8898f4
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I give him a big hug!
What is sweet things to say?
Maybe this

'I love you Buster.'
'I love you too Grey'
No. 100104 ID: af3e6d

This can only end well.
No. 100106 ID: 8ce2bf

No. 100107 ID: c0f3bf

Goddamn your king is sexy. Group hug?
No. 100108 ID: f44349

Uh oh.
I think maybe Yellow might not like this revelation.
No. 100110 ID: 059c31

Hey its the King in Yellow... Looks like you have a hard choice here Grey.
No. 100114 ID: 8898f4
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'Hello king whats up'
'Yes hello I am leaving you!'
'You are a traitor but I wont kill you because youre so hot. Anyway I realized youre not that nice to fuck anymore now youre an adult. I want tight holes you know? So farewell, traitor!'

Oh no!
No. 100115 ID: 66e906

"I love you both."

Group hug.
No. 100116 ID: b082e5

Oops, Yellow heard you. Tell him you love him too.
No. 100117 ID: af3e6d

This quest just becomes more and more of an abomination. I love it.
No. 100118 ID: 197650

offer your ass as tighter hole.
No. 100119 ID: 059c31

Seems like your king wasn't very nice after all, and after everything you did for him!
No. 100120 ID: 8ce2bf

Make sure to take Buster with you, you know what Yellow would do to him if he stayed here!
No. 100121 ID: 766b92

I dont think you love him, not necessarily. You DO care for him though, which is why you felt guilty. Not mentioning the betrayal.

I'm a believer that sex is something that has to be good to all parties, and he doesn' digs males, so, better not push him on that front.

You should be careful about your King wanting to do more of that to Buster though. Idunno. Maybe he was just jealous of Buster? ...
No. 100122 ID: 2829c3

Let him go, proclame Buster your new King.
No. 100124 ID: c0f3bf

Let go of Buster, stand up in front of king, ask him what exactly it is that is bothering him? You both fucked Buster, why is he calling you a traitor?
No. 100125 ID: f44349

Such cruel words!
I think he is jealous and angry probably!
Give him a big hug- no a GROUP HUG!- and explain that you love both of them and stuff.
No. 100127 ID: 8898f4
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Maybe he IS jealous??!

'Wait! You can fuck my asshole and Buster can do my front!'
'Yeah but I can also just fuck Buster or maybe a little puppy. Thats tighter.'
'You are so mean! I worked real hard for you!'
'Yeah but you werent really part of us anyway because youre so young. So bye Im going to finish the mission and take all the money for myself.'
'What about Surla?'
'She will come help and maybe I will fuck her?'

..! So mean!
No. 100128 ID: 059c31

Guys... GGOUP HUG is 'not' the answer...
No. 100130 ID: 197650

break his leg
No. 100131 ID: 766b92

Huh. So thats it?

Kill him.
No. 100132 ID: 51d0f5

Reload from save before everything got all weird.
No. 100133 ID: 8898f4
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'WWWWAAAHAAAAIITTT!!!! We both fucked Buster so why is problem?!'
'You said you love him.'
'You are jealous?'
'Yeah maybe? But maybe of you? Anyway Im going to kill someone and get the money for all of us and live in huge luxury and fuck many puppies.'
No. 100134 ID: b8a3d1

He is a traitor. He used you. He never loved you. Never cared about you. Used you up and tossed you out.

Are you both vicious? Violent? Evil? Perhaps.
But the difference between you and Yellow is that you have a goddamn spine. You know your friends from your enemies. You know loyalty, brotherhood, trust. Yellow doesn't care about any of that. He is cruel. Heartless.

One day you may have to destroy him. But for now, you must know that he is not your ally.
In truth he never was.
No. 100135 ID: c0f3bf

You know what to do. Stand up, go up to him, and give him the BEST SEX EVER. Rip his clothes off if you have to, but you're sure as hell not going to let him call you a bad lay!
No. 100136 ID: 059c31

I am not sure if we are capable of taking him, he is much more experienced, and if she losses both Buster and Grey will die.
No. 100139 ID: 8ce2bf

I think maybe Yellow is not so great after all!! You could run off with Buster maybe?
No. 100140 ID: 2829c3

Kill him. He must not get away with the vial.
No. 100143 ID: f44349

Definitely jealous.
Stop him!
Maybe not a group hug, just a regular one.
Tell him that you still love him more than anything, you just care about Buster like a hurt little puppy.
No. 100144 ID: 197650

You have the element of surprise, knock him unconcious and chain him up in the cave.
Then have sex with Buster in front of him over and over and over.
No. 100147 ID: 059c31

Why do you care about Yellow? Was it because you thought he cared about you? It seems that he just wanted you when you were young, now he doesn't care anymore.
No. 100148 ID: 766b92

Yeah, that might work, tell him you were trying to say something sweet to Buster.

Hw knows you aren' too good at words.
No. 100149 ID: c0f3bf

He's only being such a jerk because he's hurt. Tell him he's being pretty stupid over an inconsequential thing, then rape him and remind him why you are his queen.
No. 100150 ID: b082e5

Tell him you love him too.
No. 100152 ID: 766b92

The vial!!!

He still have it, so he still likes you!! Hold back all violent impulses!!
No. 100155 ID: 8898f4
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Yeah I thought he was the only one who liked me! All the other brothers and sister ignored me because I was babby!
No! I cant let him go?!
I tackle him into the snow!

'NO! I will give you the BEST SEX!!'
No. 100158 ID: c0f3bf

Hold off all violent impulses! Except for violently sexual and sexually violent impulses! Go for those!
No. 100159 ID: 51d0f5

you have to prove that you can fright back
No. 100162 ID: 915b46

No. 100163 ID: 766b92

Remember, and tell him that.

No matter what you said to Buster, its for him that you do all this craziness. Including risking your life in the missions. You do it for him, right?
No. 100165 ID: f44349

Tell him that you still love him more than anything, you just care about Buster like a hurt little puppy.
You just don't like seeing Buster so sad, that is all.
He is like a good friend I guess!
No. 100168 ID: 8898f4
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'King! King! I love you mor--'
'I told you, maggot...'
No. 100170 ID: 8898f4
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'...that if you hit me I KILL YOU!'
No. 100172 ID: 059c31

I don't think he loves you... If you have any training at all, I suggest you use it now to not die.
No. 100173 ID: 51d0f5

Say "You can't fire me! I quit!"

Stab yourself.
No. 100174 ID: b71223

oh... shi-
R-Run for your life!! FLEE! FLEE!
No. 100176 ID: 766b92

Time to defend yourself.

I personally he's just angry-- and we ARE dealing with a troupe of psychos. Think Kill Bill.

But that doesn' matters anymore, does it?
No. 100177 ID: 139c5b

You didn't hit him.
No. 100178 ID: c0f3bf

He said he'd be very angry, and you didn't even hit him!
No. 100179 ID: 766b92

Punch him if he tries to claw you.

"I will not LET you KILL ME! I LOVE you with all my life bit I WILL. NOT. DIE."
No. 100180 ID: bdb4f6

B-but we didn't hit you!
No. 100186 ID: 67f351

Rape him. He obviously likes it rough.
No. 100195 ID: 3b87aa

Fuck Yellow like he's a girl while holding his head down in the snow. That'll show him.
No. 100212 ID: fb839e

Punch him in the snout to establish dominance.
No. 100276 ID: 697b23

Good thing you're into S&M, huh? What better way to demonstrate your undying love than dying for your love?
No. 100345 ID: 915b46

Yeah and if he eats you, you can be with him FOREVER!
No. 100465 ID: d6a592

No. 100582 ID: f21281

Tell him that you're pregnant.

With his child.
No. 100594 ID: 3b87aa

Or at least until he takes a dump.
No. 100782 ID: 0a3ead
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Actually I kind of dont but I rape him anyway
I flip him over then rub him till he gets an erection.
He grabs my neck! Ow!
He squeezes real hard!
No. 100783 ID: 0a3ead
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I start to lose consciousness?

...Uh oh...!
No. 100784 ID: 0a3ead
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Happy holidays!

People raped: 1.5/1
People killed: 1/93
People eaten: 1/0
Kitchens build: 1/300
Your rank: Fat Tits

Thanks for playing..?!
No. 100785 ID: 059c31

I am not really sure how I feel about this end. This was an odd look at the other side to be sure.

At least there is some measure of... closure here. Thank you for that.
No. 100800 ID: af3e6d

Aww, we suck at this!
No. 100801 ID: badf27
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No. 100802 ID: 5a855d

Iiiii reeeeally thought someone like her would know the difference between rape time and punch time.

Eh well.
No. 100803 ID: 8b7db1

....well, glad that's over with. Who wants tacos?!?!

Sorry, this quest didn't do much for me.
It got... really weird, really quickly.
No. 100804 ID: e973f4

Yeeeeeah, I... I don't really know what to say about this one. At all.
No. 100806 ID: 5a855d

It started as a sweet story about a psycho's sex life, then her quest for a kitchen, then suddenly lots of rape she didn' actually enjoy, then death.

Its like a bad soap opera turned to eleven.
No. 100807 ID: bd57bb

>Its like a bad soap opera turned to eleven.
so it's like your typical reaver quest then?
No. 100808 ID: 5a855d

>so it's like your typical reaver quest then?

Nope, he usually uses good soaps.
No. 100811 ID: 9d07d9

Okay so is Buster going to join Muschio or Ridder's gang
No. 100823 ID: 46bcab

Well, this was kinda dumb.
No. 100829 ID: 9cf63d

Depends really, he might just strike out on his own (I mean I can't really see him going back to his life as a tavern cook anymore.) He doesn't really have any skills to become a soldier in Ridder's force.

I'm just wondering why anyone really expected their story to have a "feels good" ending (once we knew who they were anyway)? They were raised as mercenary sociopaths, it would be weirder if they 'did' get a good end.
No. 100835 ID: b082e5

The best thing we could've done is let Yellow go without a fuss, then run away with Buster.
No. 100876 ID: 059c31

I agree there, but everyone else suggested she try and stop Yellow from leaving or group hug or something.

You can't always have it both ways I say, and she was trying to have her cake and eat it too (not that Yellow wasn't some kind of creepy pedo anyhow it seems.)
No. 101365 ID: 8e18cd

Locking this thread to prevent further drama and to get it ready for archiving.
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