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File 131109411878.png - (10.51KB , 591x420 , Untitled.png )
328044 No. 328044 ID: 146bca

Hooded figure: "What is it?"

???: It's a seerstone.

Hooded figure: THIS is a seerstone? I expected something a bit more flamboyant.

???: Being a Technomage isn't about being flashy. How many times do I gotta tell you?
68 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 328758 ID: 146bca
File 131121555268.png - (20.80KB , 703x837 , combo.png )

Robert: (The desk didn't have any information in it, but I found a laser pistol. It probably belongs to Arkos. I don't know much about guns, but it seems pretty standard. No visible modifications.

And let's check behind the painting to find...wow, that's a stereotype for ya.)
No. 328763 ID: 35e1a0

hmm... can you bypass this lock as well or do you need to enter the combination somehow?
No. 328770 ID: 35e1a0

sure, go for it.
No. 328774 ID: 146bca
File 131121786256.png - (10.46KB , 703x420 , safe.png )

Robert: (The lock is a thirty-two bit combination lock. And it's manufactured by Yuugcorp., meaning the door is likely double-bolted. Telekinesis spell won't work on the bolts this time. It's made of steel, but maybe I can change that...)

Mystery vision: (The Ianami base their locks around the facts of the object they're locking up. In this case, the safe itself.

This safe is thirty two bit.
This safe has a Y on it, the twenty fifth letter of the human alphabet.
This safe is double bolted.
This safe is made of steel, a combination of Carbon (6) and Iron (25).

You all have a feeling these visions may come back in the future...)
No. 328777 ID: 35e1a0

hmm... try to shift the carbon up to neon and the iron down to chromium. should make it porous and weak.
No. 328814 ID: 6e44d2

Pros and cons... Well, the trouble here is that we're operating under a false dichotomy. The fact is, you can do anything. You can be a good guy and bend or even break laws on occasion. You
can be absolutely villainous and manipulative while following the letter of the law. What matters here is your personality. I suppose I just need to get to know you better to know the optimal approach for you to take. You seem intelligent and capable, so that's a good start. You also don't seem too bothered by the prospect of breaking the law. Tell me, how do you feel about subjugating others for personal gain? Also, it's worth noting that the best villains are the ones who do their thing while looking like heroes.

As for this safe... This looks like a tricky puzzle. Why'd you make a point of telling us what it's made of? Can you manipulate elements like that? I thought you could only do stuff with fire and ice, as well as illusion magic.
No. 328934 ID: 146bca
File 131124691822.png - (11.89KB , 703x420 , crackin\'.png )


Robert: (Alright, I'm giving it a shot. It will definitely make the metal weaker, but I don't know what you're trying to do, here. But be aware that if we break the door, Arkos is gonna know someone's been here.)


Robert: (Subjugation for personal gain? Well, I don't like it, but I've done it before. When I was young, there was a bully who thought he was better at magic than me. I caught him in a compromising position, and threatened to reveal the evidence if he didn't stop bothering me. So it was for a good cause.

As for the safe, you just told me what steel is made from. I told you it was made of steel because I thought you'd have an idea of how to deal with it. But I did say I know some basic level Transmutations. Manipulating one element into becoming another is tricky at my Transmutation skill level, but I think I can do it. Just give me a few minutes.)
No. 328940 ID: 1ae77f

no no, try a combination of 25, 6, and 25.
No. 328944 ID: 146bca
File 131125295829.png - (13.70KB , 703x420 , crackin\'2.png )


Robert: (I'm in the middle of casting a spell, but alright.

25, 6, 25. Hey, I heard one of the tumblers fall into place, but I don't think that was the right combination. And the lock didn't reset. Maybe there are four tumblers? I think you're on to something.)
No. 328948 ID: 1ae77f

maybe there's a 32 in there somewhere. or a two.
No. 328955 ID: 146bca
File 131125822832.png - (12.11KB , 703x420 , crackin\'2.png )

Robert: (32, 2, 25, 25? Three tumblers were caught. We're getting close.)
No. 328958 ID: 35e1a0

32 2 25 26
No. 328959 ID: 35e1a0

or 32 2 25 6 26
No. 328964 ID: 146bca
File 131126201127.png - (9.62KB , 703x420 , open.png )

Robert: (It reset after I input a fourth number, last time. There are only four numbers to this combination. Let's see...)


Robert: (Three hits, no dice. Wrong number.)


Robert: (6 and 26 are the atomic numbers of Carbon and Iron, respectively. If you combine the two to make Steel, then maybe if you combine the two numbers...

32, 2, 25, 32. Yes! It's open! I see a couple of data pads, and a few huge stacks of credits.)
No. 328967 ID: 35e1a0

check the datapads. can't take the money lawfully.
No. 328986 ID: cd63e9

check the data pads. i'm assuming your the ethical sort so I don't have to tell you not to take the money.
No. 329015 ID: 1ae77f

I support not being greedy.
No. 329017 ID: 146bca
File 131127243610.png - (14.03KB , 506x447 , Page1.png )

Robert: (The larger datapad is a list of finance reports. The smaller one is a journal.)
No. 329018 ID: 146bca
File 131127246852.png - (13.42KB , 506x447 , Page2.png )

Robert: (Oh dear...)
No. 329025 ID: cd63e9

balls. well at least we know there plan now. though i'm worried about the guy they have changing in that cargo container. it sounsd like these things are immune to energy weapons, and he could well be turning into one. so if he gets out it could be very bad.
No. 329028 ID: 6621b3

holy crap! he even says 'karak' when typing!

uhh. I mean, holy crap! they're experimenting on the poor miner!

pocket the datapad, close the safe, put the paiting back on the wall. check the filing cabinet.
No. 329031 ID: 35e1a0

take the pad, close the safe and turn the wheel back to what it was on. put the painting back and let's leave. after closing the door make sure the bolt reengages. then head back towards the cargo container. invisible of course.
No. 329034 ID: 6e44d2

Well! Well well well well well... This sounds like exactly the sort of chemical compound that would interest the black market. Hell, the mainstream market, too. This might turn into a revolutionary pharmaceutical, if you handle it properly. It could also make you filthy, filthy rich. I mean, gigantic gains in physical strength without major drawbacks? That's tremendous! If I were you, I'd steal copies of the doctor's research notes. From here, you have a few options:

1. Retrieve samples of the chemical and send them to a doctor you trust and would like to have as a business partner, so that you can synthesize the brain-friendly version. Also, sabotage the foreman's plans. Do this more quickly than the doctor can develop hers and begin selling it before they have the chance to. Go into business mass-producing the stuff.

2. Retrieve samples and send them to the proper authorities, along with the doctor's notes. The doctor and the foreman will be arrested. If you can find records of the right correspondences, you can have the corrupt businessman buyers arrested, too. You'll get quite a bit of recognition for shutting down a big illegal research program like this one.
No. 329035 ID: 6621b3

oh, also consider jamming the safe mechanism so he thinks it's broken instead of discovering our tampering, and also consider rigging the pistol not to fire.
No. 329037 ID: 146bca
File 131127559930.png - (8.70KB , 703x420 , leaving.png )


Robert: (This is true. The question is, what should we do about it?)


Robert: (Of course he does. He's Ianami. They don't use syllables in their native langage, so they make sounds like 'karak' and kaerk' to denote the end of a sentence. I guess it carried over to speaking other languages.)


Robert: (Done, done, and done.)


Robert: (Or, if we want to go the profitable route, we could try partnering up with Arkos. We would have to get him to sign a contract. Of course, this journal is enough to send him up the river if he gets cute.)


Robert: (That requires technical expertise that I unfortunately don't have. I rely mostly on magic.)
No. 329038 ID: eba49f

It would be hella suspicious for a guild techmage to suddenly come into possession of large sums of money and/or a company.
No. 329041 ID: b2ad88

I won't say anything if you decide to pocket a sample of the prototype, but I am very averse to becoming an alien steroid-selling crime boss. those guys never meet a good end.

anyway, what next? I can think of visiting the mines to look at the creatures or wherever a lab might be located to steal a sample or two.
No. 329042 ID: 146bca
File 131127714019.png - (11.65KB , 705x427 , Inventory.png )


Robert: (Duly noted. Let me check and make sure I got everything. Reality Breaker, the datapad, my Techmage license...yep. It's all here.

In any case, if we decide to partner with him, sabotage him and steal the research, or take him in, in all cases, we're going to have to find out where the good doctor works on the compound. We need to find her, and follow her back to her lab. Or we could just go to the mines, ignore what they're doing entirely, and take care of those things.)
No. 329054 ID: 6e44d2

Track the good doctor. Also, what's a reality breaker?
No. 329062 ID: 146bca
File 131128166087.png - (8.98KB , 703x420 , cargo.png )


Robert: (Let's just say it's something really important, and I can not, under any circumstances, lose it. (OOC: See discussion thread for details.)

I'm back at the cargo container. I don't see the doctor. Arkos isn't here, either. Ot seems ominously quiet, compared to before. I wonder why.)
No. 329064 ID: 35e1a0

because i see a hole in it near the bottom. meaning the xodian escaped! fuck!
No. 329069 ID: c46404

inspect yon hole.
No. 329071 ID: 6e44d2

Carefully. While invisible.
No. 329072 ID: 146bca
File 131128265288.png - (7.02KB , 697x344 , breakout.png )


Robert: (Right.)


Robert: (At first glance, it does seem like he did escape, but upon further investigation, the metal is bent inwards. I don't care how strong you are, you can't punch through metal, and have it bend the opposite way you throw your fist.

He had help.)
No. 329074 ID: 35e1a0

PURPLE STUFF! check it out. but don't touch it!
No. 329075 ID: 6e44d2

Hey, so, Rob, why did you join the guild? Also, tell us about your life beforehand? And how old are you?
No. 329083 ID: 146bca
File 131128464876.png - (7.49KB , 697x344 , blood.png )

Robert: (Why did I join? Well actually, to spite my father. He's a member of the Confederate Marine Corps, and a soldier from a long line of soldiers. He had this mentality, "My father was a marine, and his father was a marine, and his father was a marine, and I'll be damned if my son isn't a marine!" He tried to instill this sense of military tradition into me, even from a young age. He felt it was my destiny to sign up, and fight for the Confederation.

I had other ideas. I was always into books, learning new things, and the only combat I actually appreciated involved the use of Magitech. Sure, he would try to give me lessons on how to be a good soldier, and how to use a gun, but I just let it flow through my ears. I told him that I didn't want to be a marine, that I wanted to go and do my own thing, but he was just so thick-headed, and wanting to set his plan for my life, make my decisions for me, that he just refused to listen.

He would always talk down to me, and badmouth me in front of everyone. 'He's a worthless son!' He said. 'He'll never be a real man! He'll never make anything of himself in life!' I got pretty sick of it, pretty quick.

I ran away when I was eleven, joining the Techmage Guild set up in town. I felt I had found my calling, having learned spells beyond my peers in a shorter amount of time. Even the guildmasters were impressed with my progress. I sometimes used my illusions to mess with people, and to play a joke or two. It made me feel powerful, something dad never did.

Of course, Dad found me one day, and decided to drag me back home. After I singed his eyebrows off, there was a custody battle between him and the guild. The guild had better lawyers, and he lost. And I was smiling at the time. My last vision of my father involved his glare, and him saying, 'You'll always be worthless.' That was seven years ago. I'm eighteen, since last month.)


Robert: (But back to the subject at hand. I don't need to touch it to tell you that is Xiodian blood. It seems to trail off, further into the camp.)
No. 329084 ID: 35e1a0

follow it.
No. 329089 ID: d39c0f

so you're the rebellious, authority-rejecting type then.

if there is nothing of further note about the hole, follow the trail. and try to do so relatively quickly.
No. 329177 ID: 146bca
File 131129519199.png - (8.42KB , 697x344 , trail.png )


Robert: (It's not like that. I don't mind authority, but when those in charge try to dictate every single detail of your life, from how you eat to what you wear to what you do with your life, that's where you gotta draw the line.

The trail ends here. There's a big pool of blood, but I don't see a corpse.)
No. 329187 ID: 146bca
File 131129610448.png - (9.89KB , 697x344 , ooohsun.png )

Robert: (The blood is really fresh. Do you think someone other than Galos was hurt here?)
No. 329190 ID: 35e1a0

No. 329195 ID: eba49f

We see a suspicious silhouette on the roof behind you and to your right. No visible weapon, but they could easily have one out of sight.
No. 329198 ID: 6e44d2

Also, you oughta' investigate that hut, where the blood trail ends, after dealing with that silhouetted guy.

Also also, I see greatness in you. You should set your ambitions very high. What are the most prestigious positions in the Technomage Guild? How do politics work in your time?
No. 329220 ID: 146bca
File 131130011297.png - (13.19KB , 697x344 , alert!.png )

No. 329222 ID: 146bca
File 131130014887.png - (12.42KB , 697x344 , !.png )

Robert: Oh, wow.
No. 329223 ID: 146bca
File 131130025884.png - (12.33KB , 697x344 , trail.png )

Robert: So that's Galos, I assume?


Robert: (Well it looks like we found out where the trail ends.)
No. 329225 ID: 35e1a0

lightning bolt to the kneecap. his right. should limit his mobility.
No. 329241 ID: 146bca
File 131130197591.jpg - (6.56KB , 320x240 , to_be_continued_back_to_the_future.jpg )

(Almost forgot.

For those who don't already know, discussion thread is here: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/350148.html
No. 329250 ID: cd63e9

open with lightning, but keep in mind it might not work. if the mutagen is how those monsters reproduce he might already have whatever let the one in the mine ignore a laser to the gut.
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