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309505 No. 309505 ID: fe245e

Previous Chapters: http://quest.lv/wiki/Guardian_Quest

Guardian Skills:
Regain Mana 5, Heavy Slash 5, Flash Step 7, Struggle 5, Change Gender 5, Minor Psionics 20, Cloak Object 10 15 20, Shadow Shield 0, and Limit Break 1 90, Limit Break 2(healing) 100.

This is... 'Cool'. Very cool.
To be holding my father's amulet. The thing that guided him through all his adventures.
Heh. From your constant yammering I can assume my brother has done something foolish with a girl.
Men his age are always so ignorant to the feelings of women. We are complex creatures, as difficult to navigate as the darkest of forests.
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No. 315639 ID: 835a2d

Are you surprised? His warrior form is a lady. :V
No. 315640 ID: 7bfeb5

Your mom is a badass. Cool.

Anyway, I guess we'll probably have to tell her too....
No, probably not. Carry on.
No. 315647 ID: 00d3d5

Hug her!
Tell her you keep making a mess out of everything by doing the right thing at the right time for the right reasons, and you'll tell her all about it over tea.

Send this message to Mimi: "My mom beat up Regulus."
No. 315649 ID: 00d3d5

OH! Also! Tell her that you have a friend who needs lessons in how to fight, and you'd love it if she would teach them.
No. 315650 ID: 40cb26

I have a hunch that your mother is a total badass. She kicked Regulus' ass. Maybe we should just give her the damn sword, haha! If we had gotten here before Regulus I would say to run off and hide, but now you can just relax here for a bit. Best to sit down and talk about everything that has happened since you left. Then ask how the hell she did kicked his ass so handily.

But be aware that someone still might follow you from recognizing you in Central. But if not this is the safest place to be because clearly you weren't here.
No. 315652 ID: 2c4379

You just had to say it didn't you.

*Grabs tinfoil hat*
No. 315653 ID: 28e94e

...Holy shit.
No. 315666 ID: 566d38

funny how everyone said "holy shit, his mom's a badass." the first thing that ran through my head was actually "holy shit, his mom's a MILF."

...so, Art, mind telling us a bit about your mother? I didn't know you were born to not just one but two people who could solo a captain general.
No. 315671 ID: 251a14
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What is a milf?
Anyway uhm.. Well she's not from around here, she came from a country far in the north with her parents a while back. Uhm.... She met my dad a year or so before I was born and... Well that's it. She doesn't really tell me much about the past.

"Mom, that was the captain general... how the heck did you beat him?"

"I have my ways. I don't like it when people threaten my son."

Artemis shudders as he feels the room get heavy with a dark aura.

"That really was the captain general? It seems quite a bit has been happening since you left. Care to fill me in over a cup of tea?"

"Uh, yeah... Sure."

Artemis sits down with his mother and explains everything that had happened over the past few weeks.

"That is terrible. It's a good thing we never moved into the kingdom isn't it? It's also a good thing that I managed to get them to leave your father's blade behind. It seems you have a lot on your shoulders Artemis."

"More then you know.."

"Maybe. If it helps though you're doing the right thing and I'm proud of you."

Artemis smiles.

That does help actually.

"Thanks mom. I really just wanted to make sure you were safe.."

"Oh don't worry, I can take care of myself well enough. Why don't you stay the night? It's been a while since you've been by."

"Sorry ma, I really should get going."

"Oh well is there anything else I can do for you?"
No. 315678 ID: 2c4379

No. 315679 ID: 234c26

Could ask her if she knows of any other half-siblings you've got. Mention that you met your half-dark-elven sister and she seems pretty cool, and from what you know of your dad you'd guess that you have at least six other half-siblings.
No. 315680 ID: 00d3d5

Ombra, we're seeing a HUGE pair of eyes behind Art's mom. Make-dragons-look-like-geckos huge. Are you seeing this?

"Actually, yea. My best friend, Saisai, needs to learn how to fight properly, but more than that she needs somebody to nurture her and help work out the problems her terrible home life caused. Will you help her?"
No. 315683 ID: 2c4379

You know what would've been funny?

Had Artemis lost that very first duel and never become a Knight, he would've ran back to his mother crying, who would have proceeded to critically fuck up the King's shit for making her child cry.

Would seeing that douchebag and the even greater douchebag that is his captain general get beaten up have been awesome? Y / N
No. 315686 ID: 40cb26

Well since she got the whole story, ask her for some advice on what to do now. You need time to learn soul magic, but war is raging and with the king after your blade you're going to end up with friends being held hostage. And if there is an emergency where someone you need kept safe and can't do it yourself ask for permission to send them her way. Also ask if there is anything left here that she or your dad had that might help protect you.

Oh yeah... Art, what's your moms name?
No. 315687 ID: 35e1a0

make sure you explain eistia is a good kid and while it was wrong of your dad to sleep around like that you are glad to of met her.
No. 315689 ID: 223884

For some reason I have the terrible feeling that Regulus might-MIGHT-and this is just a possibility-is using Art's mom as a puppet or something. Those ominous angry eyes behind her speak terrible things to me, but we can't be completely sure.

Hm, try asking something only your mom would know, like "how so and so is" or something about your past.
No. 315691 ID: 2c4379

Just start badmouthing the king. If it were something controlled by Regulus it'd start frothing at the mouth.
No. 315692 ID: 835a2d

>What is a milf?
He basically meant your mother is very very attractive.
No. 315694 ID: f4eed5

If there was any doubt that this is your mother, the timing of that dark aura got rid of it. Those eyes we saw and the fact she even managed to produce an aura of doom like that leaves us with a few questions though...

If you haven't already, tell her you have a girlfriend and invite her to come meet/mortally embarrass you in front of her.
No. 315702 ID: 251a14
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"Well... Did my father leave anything else behind?"

"Oh! I was cleaning out last week and I found something in one of his bags for you."

She goes to the cupboard and pulls out a piece of paper.

"This scroll will teach you a spell, no idea which one it is though. It's supposed to be a really valuable artifact."

Artemis takes it and puts it away.

"Thanks mom. Oh.. I uhm... I have a girlfriend. So come by the Dark Elf forest sometime so I can introduce you."

She smiles.

"You've grown up so fast. Okay, I'll be sure to do just that."

"Hey, why don't you just come back with me? You can help me and my friend train."

"I'm sorry, I can't. The tiger and cat folk have been taking over smaller human settlements and honestly I'm the only defense this place has. I can't just leave them alone for such a long time."

She hugs Artemis.

"But I'll be here whenever you need me, okay?"

No. 315703 ID: 251a14
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Artemis takes the dragon shrines back to the elf forest. He walks to Eistia's Village and enters Morgan's Shop.
Morgan sits up when she sees him.

"Artemis! Apple told me what happened, are you okay? Is your mom okay?"

"Heh, yes Morgan she's fine. She actually fought Regulus."

Artemis tells Morgan what happened and what his mom did.

"Wow... She's so strong. I can see where you got your strength from."

"Ahaha well Ombra helped out as well."

"Saisai came by, she was worried but didn't know where your hometown is."

"What'd you tell her?"

"Just to wait. She's in Eistia's place now."
No. 315706 ID: 835a2d

Might as well tell Saisai everything's good. Maybe brag a little about your mom? :3c
No. 315710 ID: 0d095c

...Artemis, you can see that pair of eyes behind her, right?

I'm beginning to doubt her humanity. She's probably a Dragon, or a Terminator, or a Dark Wizard or summat. ARM THYSELF. SHE MAY BE A CLOAKED FOX PERSON.
No. 315711 ID: 0d095c

Goddammit too slow.
No. 315718 ID: 2c4379

Y'all ignorants.

She is obviously a God.
No. 315722 ID: 40cb26

Hey you worried her so apologize and give her a damn kiss. Hurry to Mimi's chest and let them know you're ok. Then try to read that scroll, ask Morgan to help you with it if you need any.
No. 315723 ID: 00d3d5

Hug Morgan, then go find Saisai and hug her too.
No. 315724 ID: 2c4379

Oh yeah, go see Saisai.
No. 315726 ID: bfee60
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>read Morgan, hug scroll.

fixed it for you.


yeah, she's probably a terminator. Artemis should confront her about it the next time so she tells us what she is already. there's wars being fought, dragons being slain, and almost-genocides happening left and right, and the woman who beats up Regulus without taking a scratch is just sitting home and cleaning her house.

pic related; it's Artie's mom.
No. 315736 ID: 251a14
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She's my mom, there's no doubt about it!

"Well I might as well let her know everything is okay.. I'll be right back okay?"


He hugs her and heads off to Eistia's place. Inside he sees Saisai fast asleep on the ground with Oscar in her arms.

I knew I should've gotten her one of those
No. 315739 ID: 40cb26

Aww. Let's not wake her up just yet. Go see your new and improved sister. Be warned it is a big difference.
No. 315741 ID: 00d3d5

I have to agree. You need to check out your sister's body.
You can cuddle with Saisai after that - yes, you can, it's not betraying Morgan to comfort a friend.
No. 315744 ID: 40cb26

Well... sit next to her and wake her easy. That'll help her from flipping out one way or another.

Remember this is what Ombra talked about. You need to be close and comforting to your friends. She was worried about you after all.

Come to think of it, wake her now like that before seeing your sister.
No. 315747 ID: 1854db

Write a note.
No. 315752 ID: 35e1a0

think waking her up to tell her is a good idea. just gentle shake and tada.
No. 315835 ID: 03212a
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She looks adorable, I can't wake her up.
I'll just come back and check on her later when she's up, I do want to see my sister though.

As Artemis walks out Eistia's house the door opens. He sees a much older Eistia smiling at him.

"Greetings brother. It's good to see you."

"Woah! Eistia, you look so mature!"

She blushes.

"Thank you brother. It was thanks to your Mimic and Ombra that I was able to finally age."

She hands Artemis a small book.

"When you get a chance read this, it is a book on one of our more potent spells, the Soul Bond. It's a difficult spell to master and sadly there is only one way to see if you have done so."

"Wait, isn't this when you like pick a wife and stuff?"

"In a sense, yes."

"So in order to free Ombra and Master Soul Magic..."

"That is correct, you must perform a Soul Bind at least once"
No. 315836 ID: 835a2d


Aw hell, marriage?! You sure as hell aren't ready for that! You haven't even dated properly!


Aha! That's it. Ask our Morgan! Like seriously, right now! Leave os with sis, take a break from all this world-ending hootenany!
No. 315839 ID: 234c26

Well. Good thing you've got plenty of other Soul Magic to learn between now and then, eh?
No. 315841 ID: 35e1a0

wait.. at LEAST once? ask about the reasons more then two have been done? maybe it can be REALLY close friends?
No. 315859 ID: bfee60

Saisai need a soul bond. Artie needs a soul bond. there you go, something for you to think about.

it's not like any soul bonds are about to be performed in the very near future anyway.

...I can't really think of anything to do other than study and practice our new majick pawas.
No. 315861 ID: 40cb26

Well uh... does it really have to be ALL of the spells? Can you make sure that this is the last spell at least? I mean you will have some idea when everything else is just good enough?

To put it bluntly: how long can this be put off and can it be indefinite? Because you need to be damn sure about this. Fate might not rewrite itself around who you choose like with the light elf bind but I'm pretty sure it is something like "your spirits will be as one for all eternity" which isn't much better.

Is there at least some way to feel what it would be like before you go through with it?
No. 315862 ID: 1854db

At least once? You can do it more than once?
No. 315872 ID: 28e94e

For those of you who don't get the eye thing, that was the king watching us.

Just do this already.
No. 315901 ID: 234c26

Saisai needed a soul bond from someone with an immortal lifespan, so that she could become tied to them and gain the benefit of their huge numbers of time points. Soul binding her to Artemis would kind of completely miss the point.
No. 315909 ID: 00d3d5

Please remember that this is a book which he will have to read. Eistia giving him the book didn't stamp the spell into his brain.

No, she got time points from Aeryr. She'll need to bind with somebody, but it doesn't require time points.

He has a bunch of other spells to learn first. This isn't an immediate concern.

Art: If you need to soulbind to master Soul Magic then Saisai will almost certainly need to soul bind to master Time Magic. The simplest solution here is to double-bind with each other.
However, if you REALLY want to be with Morgan forever then you can soulbind with her, and then have Saisai soulbind with you. We know the light elf one makes you close forever but DOESN'T make you be in love or anything, so good friends works just fine.
No. 315968 ID: 1854db

I don't think there's any reason for Sasai to soul bind at all. There might be some kind of Time Magic equivalent but I kindof doubt it.
No. 315970 ID: 00d3d5

Yes, there IS a Time Magic equivalent. Masil told us all about it. If Art needs to master SoulBind to master Soul Magic, then Saisai almost certainly needs to master err... TimeBind? in order to master Time Magic.
No. 316252 ID: ab117e
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Y-yeah... I don't need to really do that right right now..
I still have time. It's not like Ombra is trying to kill me.

"Thanks Eistia. I'll be sure to study.. Also can you tell Saisai I'm not dead?"

"Will do"

She bows slightly and leaves.

Oh! Almost forgot.

Artemis opens the scroll.

=Artemis has gained the spell Nill. Allows him to switch an item of his for one of equal size that is being held by another person.=

Woah that was weird. It's like the spell was burned in my mind..

Anyway time to train some more, thanks for everything today guys.
No. 316253 ID: 40cb26

Oh neat. Always good to have utility, and this one could well save your ass. Be sure to collect useless items of various sizes. Most importantly one as big as your sword!
No. 316418 ID: b1f0e2

mmm... does the other person have to be willing? It would be hilarious to face someone with a wool wrapped wooden stick and swap it for his real sword. :P
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