Tomorrow is the big day. All of his whole life he's just wanted to be right one time. Just once. Tomorrow will be that day.
Fall over backwards onto the sandwich.
fGhost makes a noise that pretty much sounds like he wants you to eat the food. Lawyer waits five minutes to eat the food. It feels like forever. Weh.
Devour the delicious donut, haven proven your superior will power. Become the best lawyer dog.
forget the donut is there and go for lunchbreak
>>335429 It is time for donut devouring!
go over the case in a discreet professional manner (pee on your briefcase)
>>335435 This.
Why are you eating doughnuts when you could be eating roast beef? As in meat.
Lawyer finally snatches the donut. GLORIOUS. fGhost cheers.
Excellent! Now proceed to next the lawyery thing to do: bark at the briefcase. MAKE IT REVEAL IT'S SECRETS
Storm into the courtroom and yell, "OBJECTION!!"
bark @ prosecution
run in circles
>>335820 Bark at everything and run in circles and then run in circles into the courtroom and bark OBJECTION even though your trial hasn't even started yet what are you doing.
Burst into the court room and do all the previously suggester. And when I say "burst into" I mean "scratch and whimper at the door until they let you in".
Run in circles to advice fGhost and Arby's Sandwich you know your business.
fGhost and Arby's Sandwich begin walking somewhere. Lawyer runs around them in circles during the transition.
>>335937 Go up to the courtroom and scratch on the door while wimpering loudly.
>>335952 Yes. Once you're inside pee on the first person you find. Show your authority.
Roll around.
>>335959 this
>>335937 Claim your territory. Pee on the corners of the building.
>>335952 That.
>>335952 do it to it
The three of them make it to THE DOOR. Lawyer paws and whimpers at the door. Maybe someone will come and open it. Lawyer does not have hands.
omigosh omigosh FGHOST HAS HANDS Romp around in excitement while he opens the door then rush past him.
>>336209 Bonus points if you can trip him up.
>>336207 BARK AT IT
Rejoice at the sight of fghost's hands
Bark at the door and put unattractive scratch marks on it.
Poop infront of the door then run in circles.
Don't poop. Just no. Run in circles, keep scratching, bark and whimper loudly. Every dog knows this is the only way to get a door opened.
fGhost opens the door. Arby's Sandwich goes on ahead. You thank fGhost by sitting near him and wagging happily.
Get in there and object to everything
Burst into the room, look in the audience for someone with a hat and steal it. Run around in circles gnawing at it.
LICK HIM! Then let's go in.
>>338598 Run through the doors and bark out a loud Objection!
Lawyer goes inside. Arby's Sandwich is ever professional and begins to set up at the desk for the case. Lawyer barks at things. vGhost and Prosecutor Cat have arrived. They won't go down easy. fGhost and vGhost exchange sneers.
>>338890 A cat! Chase the cat!
dont blink first
stare at the cat, HARD. if it so much as TWITCHES you chase the shit out of it.
Chase that cat. Chase it! Chase it! Chase it!
You chase the cat to the courtroom. Arby's Sandwich, fGhost and Lawyer prepare for the case. A Clockwork Seal arrives and gives Lawyer some notes. It was then that Lawyer Dog knew it was time. It was time to be right for once.
YES. SERIOUS THE FUCK UP. Organize your notes and review them. And peruse the other relevant papers. What's this case about?
Be right for once with all your heart.
>>338926 Lick the microphone, and then it's time, time to be right for once. Wait until the prosecutor cat goes up and meows, that's when you will bark out an Objection for the entire world to hear!
Lawyer Dog is Right About Everything. [ The End ]
>>338952 Glorious.
>>338952 Prosecutor Cat had better deal with it.