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359263 No. 359263 ID: 4bc7e6

The unfortunate story of a young hare.
Stay a while and this tale I'll share.
But if I may say once more...
This tale may be somthing... Something Gore...

Last time we did this it put me in a two week depression. I reserve the right to stop at any moment. That being said I hope we can all enjoy it.

NOW 100% Ear sex free! ^~^
68 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 361849 ID: 4bc7e6
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-HaHa! Funny... Naw I'm just kiding there's no such thing...

-Your story's suck comrade.

-Either way. It's getting late, we should get going... Besides. Don't you owe me a favor Blake?

-hehe... Yeah...

Damn I forgot about that... I'm kinda worried... But then again, what's the worst that could happen right?
No. 361852 ID: 1854db

Doesn't have to be anything sexual. You could give him a massage. It'd be kindof awkward to do that sort of stuff with someone you barely remember, anyway.
No. 361861 ID: 35e1a0

yes, make sure he understands that you are getting to re-know him. and you are not comfortable with being to 'together' right now.
No. 361877 ID: cfa804

You might wish to inform him that no matter what past you might have shared, to you you've essentially just met, and while you do seem to be getting along with him quite well, you'd probably not rush things.
No. 361905 ID: a9c3df

Man, you guys are keen to speak for Blake. He's looked pretty damn comfortable with Rover so far. I agree with >>361852, but it's still up to Blake.
And uh, as a really late reply to >>361111, Blake already told Rover he woke up covered in blood at the same time he told him he had amnesia, so go ahead and cross that off the metaphorical list of things to do.

Blake, how's the headache? You could always use that as an excuse. Not tonight honey, I have a headache. Personally I'd find that pretty funny.
No. 362233 ID: 78b9fc

No. 362667 ID: c9b053

This but include a hug. When in doubpt always hug!
No. 362678 ID: 528bf9

insect the bird and necklass.
No. 362770 ID: 4bc7e6
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I do feel comfortable with Rover... But I just meet him two hours ago. Even though I remember bits and pieces of my past with him, I just can't shake the felling that he's a stranger to me.
And my headache's pretty much gone. I think all I needed was some food or water.

-Rover listen... I hope you didn't have your heath set on anything, cause... Well I just meet you... And I

-It's okay Blake. You really can't remember and I respect that.

-I'm trying to, I want to remember you, I really do.


-I can still repay you somehow. I could give you a massage or what ever.

-I've got some new clothes to try on, how about you tell me how they look?

No. 362771 ID: 4bc7e6
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-Oh crype! I forgot the wine at the cafe. Wait here I'll go get it.

>Rover dashes off to fetch his wine...

... I think I noticed a tattoo on him just now... nah must of been a shadow...
No. 362775 ID: 1854db

Where? I don't see it.
No. 362791 ID: 4bc7e6
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Never mind I'm sure it was just my imagination. Not like it's a place you get those anyways.

>You take the bird from your coat pocket...

It's a robin. It's definitely dead... Its eyes are gouged out, its legs broken, wings are tied in a knot, Its upper beak is torn off, its head's nearly on backwards and some holes are punched into its chest... I... I can't help but feel some kind of creepy importance from it. It think I'm gonna keep it for now.

>The bird is stored in your coat pocket. You retrieve the necklace.

This is a pretty thing... It's shiny and blue... It think it's a metal but it kinda looks like a gem. I can't take my eyes off it, I just want to stare at it forever... I wonder if Rover will like it? Maybe I should give it to him as a gift...

I feel great! Like if for the first time ever, things are looking up for me... I'm not worried or bothered... Things a going really
No. 362792 ID: 4bc7e6
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>It's perfectly dark... No matter how hard you look you simply cannot see anything...

What's going on? Are we in a tunnel? Why are the lights off?!
No. 362803 ID: 78b9fc


The last thing you saw was the gem. Perhaps it turned off your eyes.
No. 362824 ID: 1854db

Dangit. Make your way back to the food cab to join Rover.
No. 362829 ID: cfa804

I bet it's not anything to do with Rover's Halloween story.
No. 362831 ID: 4bc7e6
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W-w-what!? No that's not possible! Right?!

No! I-its nothing like that! It was j-j-just a h-horror story... H-he said so him s-self...

O-okay... Yeah maybe it's light over t-there...

>You slide along the wall until you reach the door leading out...

*Tck Tchk!*

I-it's locked! The door is locked? W-w-w...

-Hello? Why are all the lights out? Is any one there?

Someone's here? I've never heard that voice before...
No. 362832 ID: 1854db

Ask who it is.
No. 362845 ID: 4bc7e6
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-H-h-Who's there?

-I'm Ships Who are you?

Ships? Odd name for a girl...

-I'm Blake. Any idea why the power went out?

-It is a black out? Good, I thought I went blind... Man its dark

>The lights blur your vision as they come back on... The girl is sitting on the ground across the hall...

Man she's pink! Pink hair, eyes, clothes... Wait is that a human? It's kinda creepy looking...

-Ahh there we go, well it was nice seeing you but I need to get back to my grandmother

-yeah me to... Well not my grand mother but... Ah you understand!
No. 362849 ID: 528bf9

what time is it!?
No. 362850 ID: 797925

Well we're waiting for Blake, so be polite and bid her farewell I guess.

When Blake gets here, recount your tale of woe and darkness. Do you still have the gem necklace?
No. 362851 ID: 797925

oh this too, let's make sure nothing weird happened time-wise and we didn't black out or anything
No. 362856 ID: 1854db

You mean Rover.

Hmm. Interesting. That window doesn't look normal.
No. 362858 ID: 797925

...yeah, I have no idea how I keep swapping the names around, but I've managed to catch myself and correct it first. Until then. :V
No. 362861 ID: 4bc7e6
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-Well see yah I guess...
Yeah I've still got the necklace. Right here in my pocket.

-Wait what time is it?

Eleven forty... Midnight? Man time flies I've gotta go!



she keeps falling?

-what is it?!
No. 362863 ID: 797925

Well don't just stand there, go check it out and help (and be prepared for the worst)!
No. 362866 ID: 4bc7e6
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>You run up to the door window and peer out into the darkness...

-Fuck me with the moon... This can't be real...

>The train thumps along the empty path...

D-d-d-did R-rover tell us W-what happens N-next?
W-we're gonna make it out right? Guys?!
No. 362875 ID: 797925

Well strictly speaking what he said happens next is that everyone on the train is never seen again. Let's go looking for him.

Ask Ships if she'd look around the rest of the train with you for other people. Better to be with someone else.
No. 362943 ID: 528bf9

well get you out alive. Right guys? Weve see worst.
First thing youve gotta do calm down.
Then find as manny meatshil... Other survivors, and gather info on your location.
Also. Do not be the funny guy or youll die first.
No. 363032 ID: 78b9fc

The creepy human already qualifies as the funny guy. Girl. Keep her alive and you should be OK

Check the other side of the train car! Perhaps it hasn't been decoupled.
No. 363050 ID: 4bc7e6
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Okay I'll try to be the serious guy.

-Ships, help me look for survivors.

-What's going on!?

-Hell if I know! Now come on.

>The boxcart is robbed from the train on both sides and the doors are locked... There are two rooms in the hall. There are three people inside the rooms... A mother, her child and someone else in the neighboring room.

Ship's getting frustrated at the door. She's trying to force the lock.
The mother's busy calming her daughter, even though she seems more shooken up herself.
And the other girl is very fidgety and quiet.
No. 363095 ID: 797925

Great... um, I guess let's ask them some questions. What they remember, what year they think it is, how long they've been here, etc. – just to see if they give weird answers or something. You know something's wrong if we were in 1784 but someone else says it's 1778!
No. 363150 ID: dc4a44

talk to joan first
No. 363198 ID: c9b053

what are those buttons on the wall?
No. 364333 ID: 4bc7e6
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>The girl look very shooken...


>The girl whispers in imperial as I approach... I can't understand what she's saying... Does anyone of you speak imperial?


-oh! Hi...

-Do you know what's going on?

-N-no... I'm... I'm really scared...

-It's okay. I'm sure we'll be fine. What's your name?


Heh... You lot know more than you let on don't you?

-Do you know what year it is? How long have you been here?

-1799... I've only just left my room after the blackout...

1799? Somethings very wrong here!
No. 364334 ID: 453e62

god damn time travel.
No. 364337 ID: 1854db

Better ask everyone what year it is. Also, uh... I really suck at this but here's a rough translation:
(via google translate. Ugh.)
>Robbins, on the eve of all hallows crying. Eye will be rewarded for blood. Hell road has been paved gold. King of kings ... need food ...

Pretty spooky.
No. 364349 ID: dc4a44

yay! we're all fucked.
get everyone together.
No. 364370 ID: 4bc7e6
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Buttons? What butt...


>A heavier crimson fog rolls in as the elevator doors slide open with a horrid creak...
No. 364372 ID: 4bc7e6
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-What the fu-Aeck!


>The tendril quickly wraps its self about Ships's leg and hurls her into the air before violently slamming her to the ground

No. 364373 ID: 4bc7e6
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>Ships is pulled into the abyssal elevator just as the doors grind shut!

-AAhh!*Grrck!* AaaHH!AAAAhhhAHhhh!!!

>Horrid snapping and crunching is hear echoing throughout the hall... The wails just barely cover the chorus of scream coming from the other who bare witness...
No. 364374 ID: 510737

No. 364375 ID: a2fa74

An elevator on a train? Preposterous.
You're dreaming, Blake.
You aren't controlling this, but you can.
If you convince yourself she is unharmed, she will be so.

[Attempt to disbelieve that just happened.]
No. 364376 ID: 510737

No. 364397 ID: 453e62

punch open them doors and follow her down! or some other way or something, point is follow that girl!
No. 364422 ID: 78b9fc

Blake, run!
No. 364433 ID: 54de36


I'm going to have to agree on this point, this all seems pretty freaky, and I don't mean in the obvious way. Calm down, focus, and if need be give yourself a pinch to make sure.

Admittedly, you're still probably a nice guy and go in after her fire ablazing, but take this situation with a grain of salt and a sense of skepticism.
No. 364449 ID: 1854db

Um, why do we want to run in there? She's DEAD. There's nothing we can do except get our asses killed by whatever kind of huge monster is in there.

I suggest we make sure everyone gets into the passenger compartment. It should be safe there, right?
No. 364549 ID: 4bc7e6
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>You run up to the doors as fast as you can and pry at them to open...

Your right, this is crazy! All of this is insane! I don't believe it! I wont!

>As you pull the sliding doors open, waist deep pools of blood rush out into the halls...

I don't believe it! I don't believe it!

>You open the steel doors and light rushes in...

No. 364550 ID: 4bc7e6
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BlakeQuest Chapter end
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