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370874 No. 370874 ID: 09a2fd

Discussion thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/356325.html
224 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 373797 ID: 09a2fd
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"Oh my God. Rasha. Rasha! She's-"

She feels Rasha shaking her.

"Rina! Rina! What's wrong? Rina, snap out of it!" Rina's vision fades away. Everything is back to normal. She feels an overwhelming relief swell inside of her, tears streaming down her face.

"Rina, what's wrong? She's fine! It's okay!" Rina slowly turns and gazes at Rasha. She embraces him, sobbing. Rasha comforts her by wrapping his arms around her as well. He pats her on the back gently.

"I'm sorry, Rasha. I just...it's nothing."

"Don't worry about it, Rina. Are you sure you're alright?"
No. 373799 ID: e3f578

There were tentacles under the bed. I'm going to place a bet that keeping her here is going to be bad if she isn't already dead.
Is that medical thing beeping and keeping track of her heartbeat? Try speaking to her.
No. 373816 ID: cdb8cb

Harry is saying that if you... stare at anyone long enough they get sucked into that monster world? Why would that make him happy? Well, just in case avoid eye contact with your bf unless he gets really annoying about the monsters aren't real thing.
No. 373827 ID: 1854db

>part of that world
>everyone disappeared, the nurse we talked to experienced it too

Yep, alternate dimension thing going on. And everyone we see here is going to be there too. I think the vision you saw there was Glade in the alternate dimension. Um. Hard to say what happens when you die in the other world.

Better check under the bed regardless.
No. 374015 ID: a2853b

So Harry is crazy sane, maybe.
I hope he's wrong.
But it matches a lot of what the Dark Ones said.

In any case it seems if we want our loved one to make it out alive, we need to either keep them with us at all times, or get them all away from us. How frustrating.
No. 374039 ID: bccf7b

Inform Rasha that it's a vision -- you had others since the accident. Tell him that having him there helped.
No. 374295 ID: 09a2fd
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> Inform Rasha that it's a vision -- you had others since the accident. Tell him that having him there helped.

"It was a vision...and a very horrible one...but I'm glad you're here. You helped me calm down..." Rina says.

"I'm here for you, Rina. If you need anything just ask me."

> Better check under the bed regardless.

Rina takes a quick peek under the bed, feeling her heart pounding against her chest. There appears to be nothing but dust and a strange-looking flashlight. Rina doesn't know if she should take it.

> There were tentacles under the bed. I'm going to place a bet that keeping her here is going to be bad if she isn't already dead. Is that medical thing beeping and keeping track of her heartbeat? Try speaking to her.

The machine keeps track of her vitals and beeps softly with a steady rhythm. She is alive, thank goodness. Before Rina can speak, Glade slowly pries her eyes open. Upon seeing Rina, she makes a weak smile.

"R-Rina?" The vixen is overjoyed and goes to her, kneeling by her side. "Am I really still alive?"
No. 374296 ID: 453e62

is the strange flashlight ON?
No. 374297 ID: f72f26

tell her yes, and that she's in a hospital now.

if she seems calm enough explain the situation. and the visions
No. 374313 ID: bccf7b

Gentle squee-hugs are now mandatory. Hugs for everyone, as hugs fix EVERYTHING.
No. 374321 ID: 1854db

Ask her why she asks that. Did she have a nightmare? Where she woke up here and was attacked?

Also yeah we should take the strange flashlight.
No. 374338 ID: 4bdd79

>strange-looking flashlight
Retrieve and examine this "flashlight".
No. 374349 ID: 7bafbb

Hugs while we still can!
Then flashlight.
No. 374377 ID: 09a2fd
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> Gentle squee-hugs are now mandatory. Hugs for everyone, as hugs fix EVERYTHING.

> tell her yes, and that she's in a hospital now. if she seems calm enough explain the situation. and the visions

Rina gives Glade a big hug.

"Yes, yes, you're alive! I'm so happy you're okay."

"Wh-what happened? The last thing I remember is...you finding me in the forest...It was so terrible. I was in so much pain."

Rina explains what happened right up to waking up in the hospital.

Glade lowers her eyelids, reflecting on everything Rina just told her.

"I know it's hard to believe. We're in serious danger. The dark creatures aren't letting up, and I've been getting really fucked up visions."

"Me too," Glade said. "Violent ones. It's like something is trying to lower my spirits...trying to make me go crazy. And I've been hearing those same scary voices again. I can't remember what they were saying."
No. 374378 ID: 09a2fd
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> Retrieve and examine this "flashlight".

Rina suddenly remembers the weird flashlight under the bed.

She takes it and examines it.

"That's a UV flashlight. Wonder what it's doing here," Rasha speaks up.

"A UV flashlight?" Rina says to herself.

"Yeah. Black light. Things fluoresce under it, like invisible ink, petroleum jelly, antifreeze."

Rina cannot take it, as her inventory is full.
No. 374398 ID: 1854db

Hand the marker over to your boyfriend.

Also whoops we forgot about the scalpel. Probably should've put that back in the box we took it from...
No. 374399 ID: 453e62

don;t store it, turn it on and use it, look around with it.
No. 374417 ID: e3f578

But Rasha's inventory isn't full! Companions are pack mules! And your hand counts too.
No. 374422 ID: 7bafbb

> "Yeah. Black light. Things fluoresce under it, like invisible ink, petroleum jelly, antifreeze."

This will not be comforting.
No. 374433 ID: 7bafbb

> This will not be comforting.

According to science, blood does not glow under UV.
No. 374463 ID: 0d7a83

I think you have to spray something onto blood before it shows up.
No. 374464 ID: 365adf


That would be Luminol.
No. 374468 ID: bccf7b

Inventory is full? Pffft. You have a man with pockets (and a cute one at that). Consider your inventory thus expanded!
No. 374473 ID: f72f26

yes, promote Rasha to pack mule
No. 374474 ID: e79d6a


Rasha is now Lydia.

"I am sworn to carry your burdens..."
No. 374594 ID: 09a2fd
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> turn it on and use it, look around with it.

Well, the flashlight works, but Rina sees nothing show up around the room.
No. 374595 ID: 09a2fd
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> Hand the marker over to your boyfriend.

Rina walks over to Rasha, who is looking at her weirdly.

"Rasha, do you think you can carry this marker for me?"

The marker is transferred to Rasha's inventory, which already consists of a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, a keychain with a couple keys, and a cellphone.

"Well, sure. Are you going to take the flashlight? You really think we should be stealing from the hospital?"

"I...uh...won't be stealing it. I'll put it back somewhere, I promise."

"Okay then. I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish though. I don't think we can get Glade out of here either. She's hooked up to more than one IV."
No. 374632 ID: a2853b

Then we can sit and wait, I think.
Try having him call some of his bros to come up and provide backup, because someone attacked his girl and her best friend and nearly killed them.
No. 374633 ID: f72f26

well, I think it will soon to be time to do research on these accurances, do any of you have access to a laptop?
No. 374681 ID: cdb8cb



Watch where you're pointing that damn thing!
No. 374709 ID: 1854db

Ask Glade if the doctors said how long she'd have to stay at the hospital.
No. 374966 ID: 09a2fd
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> Try having him call some of his bros to come up and provide backup, because someone attacked his girl and her best friend and nearly killed them.

"Do you have any friends that can come over to provide backup?"

Rasha laughs. "What, you think I'm a part of some big crime syndicate? Besides, every friend I have at the moment is either out of town or just wouldn't want to use their time for something like that."

> well, I think it will soon to be time to do research on these accurances, do any of you have access to a laptop?

As far as Rina knows there's no laptop or computers that's available for personal use around.

> Ask Glade if the doctors said how long she'd have to stay at the hospital.

Rina approaches Glade and asks, "Glade, do you know how long you have to stay?"

Glade tenses her brow, trying to think.

"I...think they said at least a couple weeks. My arm's not broken. I have a badly bruised bone they have to treat every day...I know we're in danger. I've felt some horrible aura around...and the voices keep coming back...but I think it's best I stay and let the doctors take care of me."
No. 374988 ID: e3f578

Oh man, I hope her parents will help carry the bill too. If this place doesn't sink into chaos.
Well, bright side to that is no debt will likely accrue if we get attacked early enough. Ask her if she has an arm sling anywhere, and if the doctor suggested procedures or anything for when she does want to get up and go to the bathroom. In case of attack, we do need to be prepared to leave in a jiffy.
No. 374990 ID: a2fa74

>requires weeks of daily treatment in a hospital
>bruised bone

Those two things don't belong together. At all.
That doesn't even require expert medical attention save for diagnosis.

Ask her what kind of treatment they're giving her.
No. 375008 ID: a2853b

probably mean something along the lines of a fracture

I'm going to the dis thread and get to he bottom of this medical tomfoolery.
No. 375011 ID: a2853b

>bruised bone
I figured it out.
Whether or not she knew what she was saying, it exists.
No. 375025 ID: 09a2fd
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"Daily treatment? On a bruised bone? Glade, you sure you said that right?"

"I don't think I did. Sorry, I'm kinda slow...I think they said I have to treat it every day with an ice pack and rest. They said they would give me painkillers too."

"You mind if I take a look?" Glade nods weakly. Rina unfurls the covers to reveal they've already loosely placed a special ice pack on Glade's arm.

"After they give me the medication, I think I can leave with you."
No. 375026 ID: 09a2fd
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Harry appears at the doorway, looking flustered.

"...can I come in?"
No. 375028 ID: e3f578

Hold back Rasha's obvious clenched fist. It's obvious he could handle him in a fight... probably. And everyone in the hospital has tiny inventory spaces unless you're a higher level doctor, nurse, or visitor, so he likely can't hide a scalpel crazy people in a hospital tend to grab a hold of.

Just don't get close. Just hold a friendly hand up if he tries to, to signify he should back off a little politely.
No. 375031 ID: 1854db

Yeah, and... hmm, ask him if he knows anything about the darkness.
No. 375039 ID: 2eac65

"Oh, hey, good to see you're stil up and about. How'd you get out?"
No. 375045 ID: 6e44d2

Don't forget about your scalpel.

Ask him what's up.
No. 375070 ID: a2853b

Ask him if the nurse know he's out again.
No. 375212 ID: 09a2fd
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Harry lets himself in and shuts the door behind him. Rasha takes initiative and grabs Harry roughly by the collar and slams him into the wall.

"Hey! Who the fuck do you think you are? Don't try anything stupid!"

"Rasha! Settle down! It's fine." Rina says, approaching the two. Rasha is not letting him go.

> Ask him if the nurse know he's out again.

"Harry, what are you doing? Does your nurse know you're out again?"

Harry fumbles for words, his eyes moving rapidly.

"No. No, she doesn't know. Th-that's the thing, you see. She's gone. Everyone is gone except for us. It's happening. I know it's happening."

> Yeah, and... hmm, ask him if he knows anything about the darkness.

"What do you mean? Do you know what's going on? Do you know anything about the darkness?"

"The darkness?!" Harry spouts out. Rasha tightens his grip on him. Harry's worried look slowly turns into a meek smile. "I think I've heard about that. The Darkness. I-I think it was the...yes...it was contained in the box those men brought to us. It was labeled the Vessel. The Darkness within waited for the time it would be let out..."

"What the hell are you talking about? You shitting me? Rina, this guy's an absolute nutjob," Rasha says fiercely.
No. 375213 ID: 453e62

"no, i had the box, not sure wear it went. it was found while we were geocaching and i guess i touched it first. is why it wants me dead i guess, i am the one that let it out, so i can get rid of it.
No. 375221 ID: 6e44d2

We really don't want Rasha to think we're crazy.

"Rasha, honey, I think he's harmless. Let's walk him back to his room, okay?"

While we're headed there, peek in the other rooms along the way. If you keep seeing an absence of people, you know he's telling the truth and you can point it out to Rasha then. Also, don't lose visual contact with Rina. Leave the door open and don't wander too far from the room before you point out that things actually are fucked up again.
No. 375231 ID: e3f578

Tell Rasha that would understand if he was there with you and Glade last night. Just say that you just call The Darkness whatever the hell did that damage last night and killed all your friends. If he's a nutjob, then both him, you, and Glade are nutjobs. And what is the probability that you all three have similar explanation of the events around them if you are all actually nutjobs? Very low I think. Tell Rasha to think, all three of you speak of voices whispering similar thing. Well, you don't have the voices, but they're telling Glade and Harry about you. We've never even met Harry before, I think, how does he know anything about us?

That goddamn darkmness thing wrecked a house, a forest, killed all your friends and possessed a friendly stranger. It wasn't no fucking hurricane or standard weather phenomenon, but then it would follow the patterns of normal heavy wind science. I bet any news channel didn't report a single goddamn expectation of wind stuff that night.
No. 375238 ID: cdb8cb

There's no need to be alarmed yet Rasha. This guy is clearly out of his gourd. But I'm afraid he might be right. What happened, what killed all those people, and took this guy's ear, I saw it, it talked to me, and it recognized the box... and then stole the box. I could be crazy too, but he knew about the box and I haven't even told him yet. If it was all in my head, then how could he know about the box??
No. 375246 ID: 1854db

Wait, shit, if we're in the other world now doesn't that make it likely that there's something under the bed now? Check under there.

Tell him the Vessel was opened... and that it wants to kill you to gain its freedom. And jeez, your boyfriend is a bit overprotective.

Maybe we should start from the top, and go through the details of what we experienced and what the Darkness and Light said.

OH and I bet this guy was drawing those symbols with the marker. Ask him about that.
No. 375271 ID: 09a2fd
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> Tell Rasha that would understand if he was there with you and Glade last night. Just say that you just call The Darkness whatever the hell did that damage last night and killed all your friends. If he's a nutjob, then both him, you, and Glade are nutjobs. And what is the probability that you all three have similar explanation of the events around them if you are all actually nutjobs? Very low I think. Tell Rasha to think, all three of you speak of voices whispering similar thing. Well, you don't have the voices, but they're telling Glade and Harry about you. We've never even met Harry before, I think, how does he know anything about us?

"Rasha, calm down! You'd understand if you would have witnessed everything I went through last night! Whatever this thing is, it killed my friends on that trip. If Harry here is a nutjob, then so am I and so is Glade!" Rasha is taken aback by Rina's outburst.

"Alright, Rina, look, I'm sorry for being harsh okay? I'll let him go." Rasha carefully lowers Harry and steps back. Harry runs his hands across his shirt as if wiping something off. He looks at Rina and smiles creepily.

> "no, i had the box, not sure wear it went. it was found while we were geocaching and i guess i touched it first. is why it wants me dead i guess, i am the one that let it out, so i can get rid of it.

"Harry, I think I had that box you mentioned. I was on a geocaching trip with my friends, you see. When I woke up I had no memory of what happened before then, but all my friends were dead. I found the box in the pocket of one of the corpses. It had weird markings on it and such."

Harry nods in understanding and responds, "Yes. Yes, the box indeed had markings. They thought it was special. They used it in the ritual. The ritual, yes. I'm having a hard time remembering myself. My God, it f-felt like so long ago. I'm feverish. I don't know what is real...but this...oh, this feels very VERY real." He leans against the wall, mumbling feverishly.

> Wait, shit, if we're in the other world now doesn't that make it likely that there's something under the bed now? Check under there.

Rina quickly throws herself down and looks under the bed. There is still nothing there.

> OH and I bet this guy was drawing those symbols with the marker. Ask him about that.

Rina lifts herself back up and says to Harry, "I saw some symbols drawn with a marker in a couple areas throughout the hospital. You wouldn't happen to be the one who did that, would you?"

"M-me? I don't remember. I think I did. I think so. I..." He cuts off and starts to shiver. "I don't like being here."
No. 375285 ID: e9a59d

Shine the UV light on him.
Just to check.
No. 375307 ID: 1854db

Do not shine UV lights at anyone's faces. It damages eyes. Also don't shine it for very long at anyone who is a friend, as it causes sunburns.

I say we look outside. Also say that last time you got sent to the Other World it ended with you being almost strangled to death and then likely sent back to where you were when the transition happened. So when the transition ends, you three will be here but our new buddy will be in his room. Unless the transition happened when you were walking in the hallway and you didn't notice.

Ask your new crazy buddy if it's possible to destroy the Darkness. Or hurt it directly.
No. 375350 ID: cdb8cb

Rasha hug Harry
No. 375493 ID: 09a2fd
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> Also say that last time you got sent to the Other World it ended with you being almost strangled to death and then likely sent back to where you were when the transition happened. So when the transition ends, you three will be here but our new buddy will be in his room. Unless the transition happened when you were walking in the hallway and you didn't notice.

Rina mentions this experience to Harry. Harry nods in understanding.

"Yes, yes! That's what happens. It's because what happens now is irrelevant to the true dimension until we are cut off from this one. When that happens, it seeps into reality!"

> Ask your new crazy buddy if it's possible to destroy the Darkness. Or hurt it directly.

"Harry, is it possible to destroy the Darkness or hurt it?"

"Destroy it? No. No, you can't destroy them. Hurting it though...yes...you can do that, but only to an extent. You can weaken them. You can disable them...but not forever."

> I say we look outside.

First, Rina looks through the nearby window. The outside is covered by a weird black smog.
No. 375494 ID: 09a2fd
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Before she can turn and look out into the hallway, there are a couple gentle knocks on the door.

"Harry? Are you in there? How do you keep escaping? Let's go back to your room now." A deep female voice comes from behind the door.

"Oh my God. Oh no. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I did it. Please don't hurt me!" Harry steps back and starts to tremble. He kneels down and grabs his head, shaking it vigorously. "I won't leave anymore! Just don't hurt me!"
No. 375521 ID: 1854db

Could be anyone out there. Probably the Darkness, so get a grip on your scalpel.

Before the door opens, ask why he's afraid. Is it just a nurse that he doesn't like?
No. 375793 ID: 09a2fd
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> Could be anyone out there. Probably the Darkness, so get a grip on your scalpel.

Rina cautiously arms her scalpel.

> Before the door opens, ask why he's afraid. Is it just a nurse that he doesn't like?

"Harry, what's the matter? Is that just a nurse you don't like?"

"I...did something bad. Now she's after me!"
No. 375794 ID: 09a2fd
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No. 375795 ID: 1a99f0

Holy fuck there's a thing in the room. Kill it. Kill it dead.
No. 375798 ID: f72f26

kill it! kill it dead, with the nearest blunt object!
No. 375799 ID: 1854db

Nasty-looking hook. Might have to call the Light again.

If you're really quick on your feet I'd say Grab the sheet off the bed and throw it on her to tangle her up. Then you and your boyfriend can disarm and restrain her. Possibly do some experimentation with a method of 'hurting' the Darkness.
No. 375804 ID: 453e62

call the light.
No. 375808 ID: 3f91de

It's behind you, do a sweep kick to knock it off it's feet.
No. 376023 ID: 09a2fd
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> kill it! kill it dead, with the nearest blunt object!

Rina sees no blunt object in sight that would prove an effective weapon!

> call the light.

Rina beckons the Light. This time it actually seems to acknowledge her as she calls out within her mind.

"We come, Rina." Rina's vision turns bright again, and she can see particles of white sparks sizzling from the creature's head. It begins to lift up its sickle, but immediately drops it as Rina continues to assault its core with the incomprehensible attack the Light is executing.

"Rasha! Throw the covers on it!" Rina commands.
No. 376024 ID: 09a2fd
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Rasha wastes no time.

"Sorry, Glade, I need this," he says as he wrests the blanket away from her and throws it heftily over the creature.
No. 376025 ID: 09a2fd
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Rasha then tackles it, pinning it to the floor.

"Goddamn this thing is strong!" he says and he struggles to keep himself on top of it. The blanket ripples violently as the creature bucks and kicks beneath him.

"Is this the thing that attacked us...before?" Glade asks.

"Maybe. It looks different this time, and very warped," Rina replies. Harry is at the other side of the room trembling with utter fear.

"Hey! What in the fuck is this thing, and what should I do?!" Rasha exclaims.
No. 376026 ID: f72f26

everyone other than Rasha, kick it till it stops moving
No. 376028 ID: 453e62

apply the sickle's pointy tip to it's skull. it's a dead body being animated by evil.
No. 376029 ID: cdb8cb

Not evil. Dark.
No. 376034 ID: 79586b

Time to play community curb stomp. Remember to go for the the joints (if only someone were wearing a good pair of boots.)
No. 376115 ID: 1854db

We have to kill it, it's the only way to expel the Darkness.

Though this is a good opportunity for experimentation and examination. We can get information from this, and that is very very valuable. Ask the kid what he knows about harming the Darkness. We should try to do that now that we have one restrained.
No. 376139 ID: bccf7b

Looks to have been a nurse, but why she had a sickle, I don't know.

The only option I would say is to kill it. Looks like a few more good blows to the head will stop it thrashing about (and possibly make all of this go away).

What we must also confirm is thus: is the darkness contained, and this ... thing will disappear when it "ends", or will it remain when everyone else returns?
No. 376363 ID: d4c3c5

Repeated blows would be a good idea, but with no blunt objects, that would mean everyone closing in. Is that truly safe?
No. 376372 ID: 09a2fd
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> kick it till it stops moving

Rina and Glade stomp the creature with all their might multiple times, but it does not seem to do anything but make it angrier!

> Ask the kid what he knows about harming the Darkness. We should try to do that now that we have one restrained.

"Harry! What can we do to harm the Darkness?!" Harry gazes at Rina, fumbling with words.

"I-it has her...it has her! You can't hurt it while it's inside h-her. You have to kill her! Hurry!"
No. 376373 ID: 09a2fd
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> apply the sickle's pointy tip to it's skull. it's a dead body being animated by evil.

Rina takes the sickle...
No. 376374 ID: 09a2fd
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...and with a mighty swing, pierces it into the creature with a sickening "THOCK!"
No. 376375 ID: 09a2fd
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The creature is immobile. The three stand up, looking down at the still figure, speechless for a while.

"Good one, Rina. What in the hell was that? Is this one of those things you've been talking about? I don't think the hospital staff will appreciate this."
No. 376376 ID: e3f578

The state of the body alone will make everyone question more than what Rina did and more on how the fuck it happened, and the blame will fall on no one because people would then be aware of the batshit crazy stuff. Probably.

Look at the body, see how twisted it is. The more twisted and impossible to do with ordinary human hands it looks, the better your chances of people believing fucked up shit is happening. We have a total of four witnesses and three of them have no history of mental illnesses... right? None of you have also been caught by the law using hallucinogens either? We're good if not.
No. 376381 ID: f72f26

now is the time to feel badass,

you kicked that monster ass, and have to witness friends to vouch for you.

ask how Glade is feeling, she seems pretty healthy
No. 376386 ID: 0d7a83

haha Glades face is priceless.
You should congratulate everyone for acting like this is regular everyday shit.
They all get an A on the Zombie Apocalypse test.
No. 376394 ID: 1854db

Well, from what we've gathered, what originates in the Other World stays in the Other World. The hospital staff probably won't notice anything wrong aside from someone going missing. There won't be a corpse, I'm betting... but I could be wrong! Oh, and did you tell anyone about the weird growth that appeared on your neck during your first trip to the Other World? It could be something to check every now and then now that we're in it again. A sign perhaps that the world's about to revert?

Keep the sickle, it's a better weapon than the scalpel. Hey, we have a scalpel, maybe we can do a dissection of the mutant. FOR SCIENCE!

And yeah tell your boyfriend that it is kindof like what you fought before, but the things before weren't mutated at all, just... mutilated.
No. 376410 ID: 09a2fd
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> ask how Glade is feeling, she seems pretty healthy

"Glade, are you feeling okay?" Rina asks. Glade does not respond and just stares at the corpse in a daze, her mouth slightly ajar.

> Look at the body, see how twisted it is.

"What the -" Rina starts as she unfurls the covers. The body doesn't look nearly as mangled as it did before.

"Jesus. Rina cover that back up," Rasha says.

> And yeah tell your boyfriend that it is kindof like what you fought before, but the things before weren't mutated at all, just... mutilated.

"This is...well, almost the same thing I've been fighting before, except this one's a lot more...mutated. The Darkness...it possessed people, but I think it has to kill them first in order to do so."
No. 376413 ID: 09a2fd
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Before Rina can continue, people suddenly burst into the room: a police officer, Janice, and a male feline doctor.

Janice clasps a palm over her mouth, her eyes widened in shock as she views the corpse.

"Holy shit," the doctor blurts out. "I knew we shouldn't have kept you here. I knew this would've happened. My God, how could you have done this?!" he whirled at Harry, who is eying him in confusion.

"Hey! Hold on a minute!" Rina calls out, but the doctor remains adamant.

"Officer, get him out of here. It's not safe to keep him here any longer. They said he had become a lot more well-behaved...but this..." the doctor commands.

"Way ahead of you. Get over here, fleabag." The police officer assaults Harry, roughly putting his hands behind his back.

"Oh my God! No! No! Don't take me out of here! Please! I promise I won't do it again! RINA! Rina, tell him I didn't mean to do it! Tell him she made me do it!!"

Rina doesn't know what to say. "Hey! He didn't do this! Hold on, I can explain!"

The doctor whirls at Rina.

"Don't support this guy! Don't you realize he's mentally insane? He was once kept as a patient in the sanitarium in the nearby forest, but they had to transfer him here temporarily because of an incident. You shouldn't even be near him! He is a murderer!" the doctor explains.
No. 376415 ID: d4c3c5

Sanitarium in the forest?
Thickening plot.
No. 376424 ID: a2fa74

Point to the doc
"YOU! This person I stabbed needs medical attention. Your job, get to it!"
Point to the cop
"YOU! Two sane witnesses say the crazy guy didn't do it; let him go and get a proper medical team here NOW. Besides that..."
Pull the sheet off of her
"...SHE attacked US! She came after us with THIS sickle, and all of us working TOGETHER couldn't keep her restrained. I stabbed her because it was the only way to keep her from harming anybody."
Sit down and take a deep breath
"Doc, do what you can for her. I don't know what she was on to make her go nuts on us like that, but I don't want her to die."
No. 376427 ID: e79d6a


Don't speak to the officer. 5th Amendment and all that.
No. 376429 ID: a2fa74

Honestly, compare the odds of this ever going to trial versus the odds of splitting the party resulting in death.
IF we survive, this MIGHT go to trial.
IF we let them take him, he WILL die.

Small risk of small loss versus near-certain serious loss? I've gotta disagree with you.
No. 376445 ID: 1b0f2f

If you let them take Harry away he'll likely be killed or worse. If you go with Harry and they figure you know he didn't do it, then they can lock you all away in a futile attempt to cover it up. Separate you can't all be taken out at once, but together you can't be picked off one by one. Hm...
No. 376447 ID: 32e092

This. As loud as necessary to get everyone to STFU, stop what they're doing, and LISTEN.
No. 376451 ID: a2fa74

THREE! THREE sane witnesses!
No. 376498 ID: 09a2fd
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> This. As loud as necessary to get everyone to STFU, stop what they're doing, and LISTEN.

"Goddamnit, everyone stop!!" Everyone stops what they are doing and puts their eyes on Rina. "He didn't do anything! This person was attacking us and I'm the one who put her down! Harry had nothing to do with this shit! I have two witnesses here who can vouch for me here! Rasha? Glade?" Rina gazes at the two, and they just look around nervously. "Guys!?"

"Yeah, I suppose that's what happened," Rasha says. Glade just nods. She seems to have a rather bitter expression on her face.


The police officer keeps his grip on Harry and points on Rina with a look of realization.

"You're Rina Foxhart, right? You were the survivor of that incident that's all over the news? The chief has been wanting to see you and ask you a few questions. I think you should come with me along with this guy. Everyone's confused and scared over what's going on. We'd love to know some facts, especially from your end."

"Please just take him away. I don't want him in this facility any longer," the doctor states firmly.

"Rina, I think you should go with him..." Janice says quietly, her voice trembling slightly.
No. 376504 ID: e3f578

"Of course."

Tell the officer your not sure what is going on yourself and that facts seem impossible. People have been attacking you, and from the sounds of it Harry has been going through what you went through and it started in that forest. Some disease or something there, maybe you're both carriers. Everyone's been acting strange around you, other people complaining of voices, other people, not you. It's not like anything you've heard about, it's like someone made a new disease that reflects the symptoms of the popular culture's version of schizophrenia around the infected victim.

Complain about the weird winds that night and its effects on the environment. Ask if the officers have come up with anything solid at all, not in a confrontational manner or insulting, but of concern. Specify you're not asking about details, you're asking if there are details. So many friends died that night. Harry said that his friends went geocaching too with whatever happened to him. Something to do with a similar box you found out there.

This is all discussed while your walking with him, don't do it in this room standing still, it'll make it look like you're resisting his request. If he tells you to save your explanation for the station, apologize. It was so awful that night and you just need to get it out.
No. 376528 ID: 453e62

everyone goes, need to stay in a tight group.
No. 376529 ID: f72f26

yes stick with Glade and Rasha, you can worry about harry later
No. 376530 ID: a2fa74

"I don't want to be alone right now. Is it ok if my boyfriend comes with me?

Er... doctor, why aren't you trying to help her? You haven't even looked at her!"
No. 376559 ID: 09a2fd
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> "I don't want to be alone right now. Is it ok if my boyfriend comes with me?

> yes stick with Glade and Rasha, you can worry about harry later

"Is it alright if Glade and Rasha could come too?" Rina asks. The policeman eyes the rabbit and wolf and shrugs very slightly.

"Don't see why not," he replies. Janice and the doctor are already in the back of the room examining the body.

"Get her to the morgue," the doctor says with a decisive tone. He notices the trio are preparing to leave and turns to them. "You're leaving? Make sure you talk to the receptionist so you can retrieve your items and to give him your addresses." Rina nods in understanding. Rina looks over at Rasha with a look of concern.

"Shit...I can't believe this. I think I forgot my address." Rasha raises up his hand.

"Don't worry about it. I'll just give him my address." Rina's eyes widen.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Let's get your guys' stuff and get the hell out of here." Rina grins and gives Rasha a quick peck on the cheek. Together they all head down to the first floor.
No. 376560 ID: 09a2fd
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Rina and Glade are directed to storage where they attain their belongings and clothes. As Glade puts hers on, she notices her cut sleeve.

"Oh my God...my favorite shirt!" Rina gulps and makes a nervous laugh.

"Yeah...I did that. Sorry, Glade, I had to in order to check out what was wrong with your arm." Glade lets out a frustrated grunt, turning her back at Rina. Rina just gazes at her, worried. She is not acting like herself.
No. 376562 ID: 09a2fd
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> Tell the officer your not sure what is going on yourself and that facts seem impossible. People have been attacking you, and from the sounds of it Harry has been going through what you went through and it started in that forest. Some disease or something there, maybe you're both carriers. Everyone's been acting strange around you, other people complaining of voices, other people, not you. It's not like anything you've heard about, it's like someone made a new disease that reflects the symptoms of the popular culture's version of schizophrenia around the infected victim.

After Rasha gives the receptionist his address, the group makes their way toward the exit. Rina turns to the policeman and starts to converse with him.

"I'm honestly not sure what's going on myself, but some really weird things have been going on in that forest. People have been attacking me and I'm not sure if this is some kind of weird epidemic or disease. Everyone seems to be complaining about voices and-"

The police officer curtly interrupts. "Listen, Ms. Foxhart, that sounds interesting and all, but please save your breath for the chief."

"Oh...sorry. I just have to let it out."

"Soon, Rina. Soon," Rasha says, giving her a light pat on the back.
No. 376563 ID: 09a2fd
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No. 376564 ID: 09a2fd
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