Orange Evening Rose
********' Focus
***' Stealth
*** Attack
* Defense
* Forever Alone
Focus2 : Recover Shape energy, disables abilities for a full turn.
Attack : **, + damage, normal chance to critically damage.
Defense : **, - damage, normal chance to avoid damage.
Stealth : Reduce detection, - Attack2, - Defense2, - Move.
Shape is used as action-improving energy and can be considered a health bar (You will be impaired if shape reaches 0, some attacks exclusively damage Shape).
Phenotypics make up a little more than half the known population of Lans, they're pretty common !
To your knowledge the toilet is a water-less microbial composting type, like most; plus its on a train that moves and wouldn't lead to a subterrania, though you never did actually inspect where it goes. You ponder the possibility of ruling a mole peoples .. might you be truly accepted as their queen ?
You're on the Edison grounds, the main court is directly ahead. There is a Talin-like (Human) behind the door ..
.. Holding her head ?