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175349 No. 175349 ID: e44fad

The story so far (in point form because writing summary makes for difficult times):

>RACHEL PUZZLE and her mother, ELLA PUZZLE, were kidnapped and brought to the palace. Rachel is informed that she has been kidnapped for a royal wedding.
>FUBAR, the Fae Lord of Jinx steals the Teardrop of Infinite Psyche (aka GION) and delivers it to Rachel.
>With Gion's help, Rachel escapes the palace and manages to avoid a wedding with the sadistic LORD BLACKHEATH.
>Rachel meets PRINCE ADRIAN, who offers his help; and "kidnaps" PRINCESS NADIA, a blind and mute Princess who bears more than a passing resemblance to herself.
>Princess Nadia is also looking to escape the palace, which is run by the (most likely evil) HIGH PRINCE JONATHAN. She is followed by an entourage of ninja maids in the form of NINA and DANIELLA.
>The group escapes to a small village where Gion attempts to sweet talk CORA, a horse.
Gion is found by a STABLEBOY and returned to Princess Nadia.
>Princess Nadia gets royally pissed off with Gion and goes for a walk, accompanied by Nina and Daniella.
>Rachel does some shopping and acquires a SWORD, DAGGER and HERBS for making BLACK HAIR DYE.
>Ella Puzzle is brutally attacked at the inn and subsequently suffers from post traumatic stress disorder.
>Rachel rescues her mother by fast-talking the guards. An unknown person casts a spell on the guards, turning their hair red.
>The group flees the village and heads for >CARTA FOREST. Nina kills the guards.
>The group camps in Carta Forest.
>Daniella eats hair dye and is violently ill.

ALTERNATIVELY! You can read the original thread at http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/164105.html
47 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 175989 ID: 1f16e5
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(Muffled) GEEZ. It's cold!

(Muffled) ...AA...AAAA...AAAH...

(Muffled) Yeah, I've got you...

(Muffled) Aaaaaa...aaaaah...aaaaaaaahhh...

(Muffled) ...ks like some sorta... Nymph...

(Muffled) WAaaa...aaaaa....

(Muffled) ...hand... through its torso... but... frozen...
No. 175996 ID: 1ac39d

try to get us to shore. it should weaken if it's out of the water or something. maybe get one of the maids to help pull you to shore.
No. 176026 ID: 1f16e5
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(Muffled) ...okay...

>"Sure thing."

(Muffled) ...ba... aaah...

(Muffled) Nnngh~! I... freez... arm off!

(Muffled) n.... frie...~!
No. 176029 ID: 1ac39d

freezing arm make water dirty forever!
No. 176073 ID: 79b9fa
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>"I have you, Miss Puzzle!"
>"Augh! She's freezing my arm!"


(Muffled) HURTS! ;_;


[From here on out, reception for Gion is somewhat fuzzy.]
>"Are you ...right, ...s Puz..e?"
>"Yeah... Wait... I ... my arm!"
>"Fro... ... arm ...se ....... pay for washing!"

*Gion's reception is a bit fuzzy at the moment*

(Muffled) Gion... hear ...e? Th... ice... on my...
No. 176075 ID: 701a19

She did something to us. Capture her!
No. 176078 ID: 79b9fa
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[Reception still very fuzzy.]

>"...ella... et... her!"


>"No! N...!"
>"Co... ...ere!"

Catch... er... how? Da...lla... throwing...
No. 176081 ID: 1ac39d

we dunno, never seen one before. switch hand you holding us with and get near a fire.
No. 176084 ID: 1ac39d

i think nadia knows some healing magic, not sure. call her over and see what she got
No. 176086 ID: 1ac39d

it doesnt want the water to get dirty, maybe you can threaten it with 'unfreeze my arm or i'll... PEE IN THE WATER!' don't have to actually do it, just act like you are.
No. 176264 ID: 1f16e5
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[Fuzzy reception]
..an't... cha... ...ands...


>"Nadia! Com... I... help...~!"
>"*I... help...*"
>"He... hol... y...and ...er... fire..."

[Sudden spike in sound sharpness]

The fire's melting the ice a little, but it keeps reforming. I've melted some of the ice between my hand and you, I think, but it's still pretty thick.

Nadia's doing something with the Nymph. I don't know what. I can't unclench my fist and I can't really fell my arm either...
No. 176269 ID: 1ac39d

just stay near the fire to keep your arm from freezing off and wait and see what Nadia is doing. perhaps she is paying it with something?
No. 176378 ID: 1f16e5
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The ice reforms as soon as it melts... At least the Nymph's wailing seems to have stopped. Oh, the princess is waving me over...

[Reception is monentarily fuzzy.]


>"So...y... zle..."


[Reception strong again.]

>"*And what else do you want to say?*"
>"'nk you for th' earring, Princess Nadia..."
>"Good girl."

I still can't feel my arm, but the ice is off. You're... really cold still, though.
No. 176381 ID: 1ac39d

okay then, let's both get warmed up. and next time we stop by a brook, check to see if anything is in it first.
No. 176387 ID: 701a19

Say this:
"There are rules to this.
First, never take anything that can talk or glow. It never ends well.
Second, you're supposed to chase people out of the water or take their clothes, then demand payment before they can finish or dress.
Third, if you take something that people value as a memento, you're supposed to barter for its return.
Forth, people who have lots of shinies can give you more of them than people who don't have many of them.
There are a few more, but I don't remember them right now.

The rules are important, because if you make somebody mad enough they might come back and dump wagonloads of dung in the water, or dam up the tributaries so it dries up, or other horrible things.

Now, would you kindly unfreeze my arm, please?
No. 176390 ID: 1f16e5

I've never seen a water nymph before, actually. It looks kind of cute, in a transparent-made-of-water kind of way. Nadia is patting it on the head.

Yeah, I'll go warm my arm over the fire.

I'm not sure it'll understand all that, but I guess I can talk to it later when my arm is warm.

*Fire crackling*

No. 176400 ID: 1ac39d

hmmm. we may have seen things like her before, not in real life but in drawings some people have made. does she just look like a kid made of liquid?
No. 176409 ID: 701a19

No, you need to see if the Nymph can unfreeze your arm. If it was normal ice then thawing your arm like this would lead to gangrene and amputation, but this is magic ice so we can't be sure what will happen.

You need to be quick about this; go now.
No. 176431 ID: 1ac39d

did you not read? nadia gave it an earring so it removed the ice, it's just numb from being cold now.
No. 176613 ID: 1f16e5

Yeah, she looks about maybe 4 years old and sorta transparent. If you squint, you can see her. She's got one earring in her right ear, but it really kinda looks like it's floating in midair/water...

(is midwater even a word?!)

Yeah, the ice is off. My arm's just numb from the cold. Mum's rubbing it right now. It kinda hurts.
No. 176615 ID: 1ac39d

it will for a while. if after it warms up you can feel your fingers then you are going to be okay. if not then you are going to need healing magic or something cause something important got frozen.
No. 176627 ID: 1f16e5
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Water Nymphs are a curious type of water-based creature. There are several types of these creatures - most of which can be found in the Kingdom of Kai due to the Writer's close relationship with the sea... As expected of a country with such a strong tie to the water elements, there are very few fire-based creatures to be found in Kai.

Water Nymphs are not so much fey creatures as they are elemental creatures, though they are quite a bit more intelligent than water elementals. Unlike their elementalic cousins, Water Nymphs tend to be sentient.

There are several types of these creatures, in types spanning over five groupings, depending on the body of water they inhabit.

Nixies (aka Water Nymphs) are commonly found in ponds and stagnant swamps. They resemble attractive men and women with a slight bluish tinge to their skin. Nixies vary in temperament, and have close ties with another rather dangerous creature, the Rulsulkia, which drowns men and women in ponds. An identification guide on these can be found on page 223.

Riverswells (aka River Nymphs) are humanoid creatures that grow out of well-loved rivers. They are the second most common liquid creature throughout the Kingdoms (the first being mermaids). They resemble men and women of varying ages made entirely out of water. The majority of Riverswells are female, although there are very few male riverswells. Female Riverswells tend to grow out of calmer waters, while heavy rapids tend to spawn the more masculine riverswells, though there are very few exceptions (The very rapid Lorraine River, for example, is inhabited by a female riverswell). In sub-chapter 3 of this book, I have identified various riverswell origins and discussed their habits and "culture".

Fallbrides (aka waterfall women) are similar creatures grown from waterfalls...

[Dissertation continues to discuss other creatures like Ice Queens and Latchswells. Feel free to ask questions and Rachel will "turn" to the corresponding page.]
No. 176658 ID: 701a19

More information on Fallbrides, Ice Queens, Fay creatures, and anything you might encounter along your route.
No. 176683 ID: 1ac39d

yes, things of the woodland would be good.
No. 176950 ID: 1f16e5

Fallbrides are Water Nymphs that live in waterfalls. They are an extremely rare exclusively female race, resembling semi-translucent young women wearing rainbow-coloured bridal outfits - the waterfall acts as the "veil" and "train" for the fall bride. Fall brides can be dangerous - many a young man has fallen to his death attempting to reach one. They tend to be jealous of other females, and it is recommended that women steer clear of these creatures. Further information can be found in...

Ice Queens and their male counterparts, Frost Kings, are an interesting breed of creature. They resemble ice-blue coloured regal men and women dressed in furry capes, although the stronger creatures can appear as regular men and women, though still dressed regally. They have a tendency to keep "collections" of frozen bodies and are not to be trifled with, although if one holds their respect, one can learn much from these powerful ice spirits. Ice Queens and their kin are not common in the warmer Southern climes and are more commonly found in Nothern Icy kingdoms such as Sarehain.

Latchswells are leech-like water creatures that grow from blood spilled on battlefields. They have short lifespans and are generally feral. However, they can be tamed and are considered the best teachers of the martial arts - if they are tamed at all. They tend to feed on hatred.

Fae creatures have their own chapter, but a rough summary states that they number exactly three thousand three hundred and thirty two. Fae cannot propogate normally and can only propogate through stealing children of other creatures - animals, humans or even spirits - though they prefer to kidnap humanoid creatures. The process of turning into a fae is almost certainly maddening and the child is then imbued with a fae soul, of which there are only 3332. There are only two fae who can propogate normally - the King and Queen, who produce Princes and Princesses. The commonfolk fae are ruled over by Lords and Ladies who are in turn ruled over by the Princesses and Princes.

[Rachel cannot predict the future and thus cannot tell who they might run into in the future.]

There are several chapters on things of the woodland. Rachel particularly remembers Dryads being similar to Water Nymphs in terms of how they grow and propogate.
No. 176958 ID: 1ac39d

okay, dryads and perhaps an overview of forest creatures.
No. 177054 ID: 1f16e5

Dryads come in both male and female forms. They tend to be fairly peacable creatures, though they can be provoked to anger if any trees and plants within their imeediate vicinity are harmed. Dryads are slow to speak and often resemble very elderly gentlemen and women. They are holders of very powerful earth/water elemental spells and highly intelligent, though not always wise.

Unicorns are attracted to virginal women. As creatures of ultimate purity, the ground where they walk tends to be overabundant in growth. Unicorns can purify poisons. They are extremely difficult to catch, but can be bred with regular horses to produce Quick Greys, one of the fastest horse breeds around.

Blipmoles are adorable rodent-like creatures with basic magical abilities. They are blind, and use a very basic earth-moving spell to burrow through the ground. They can be trained and make excellent pets.
No. 177069 ID: 1ac39d

okay then, sounds like as long as we don't chop any trees down we should be good.
No. 177925 ID: ba49c9
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[From now on, Gion will be able to access Rachel's mental library to reference information on flora and fauna. Just type. "OPEN BOOK" when Rachel is using Gion.]
No. 177926 ID: 1ac39d

No. 177929 ID: ba49c9

Yeah, I can move my fingers.

I'll go talk to the Water Nymph now.

>"Uhm, Princess Nadia, can I talk to the uh..."
>"*Her name is Breakfast.*"
>"Breakfast then."
>"*I will interpret for you. You lack the ??? ability for speaking with it. Your training in magic is lacking.*"


>"Okay. Can you tell Breakfast that her tolls need to have rules?"
>"*Of course. Your rules..."
>"Erm. Yes.. Okay. Breakfast should never take anything that can talk or glow. She should let others who come near her stream know of her existence so that they can pay necessary tolls. If she takes something that people prize well, she should let others barter for it."
>"*I think that she will only understand the first, but I will relay the rest to her.*"

Princess Nadia is glowing slightly in the darkness.
No. 178435 ID: 1f16e5
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>"I'm sorry... Mama didn't tell me the rules. You... already paid so... you can drink water here and stuff."
>"I suppose that's good enough. What can you tell us about our surroundings?"

Princess Nadia glows...

>"There is a lot of magic here. That's why I like sleeping here."
>"Is it safe?"
>"It's safe for me?"
No. 178439 ID: 1ac39d

hmmm, ask if she knows where the magic is coming from or is it just everywhere?
No. 178546 ID: 1f16e5

>"Where is the magic coming from?"
>"The universe? I'm not sure... *Yaaawn* If you're close to me, I can protect you, for a fee."

Princess Nadia stops glowing for a moment.

>"*It seems that she has taken your rule about bartering to heart.*"
No. 178548 ID: 1ac39d

'heh, little sneak.'

you have any more jewels around? if so then you may want to give her one, don't think sleeping around someplace with a lot of raw magic without protection is a good idea.
No. 178854 ID: 1f16e5

>"I accept her agreement to protect us."
>"Then give a shiny!"

I'm not sure I have any more jewellery. I didn't manage to escape with it last time.

>"*I shall pay her, but first, I shall bargain.*"
>"What are you bargaining for?"
>"*??? of such magics that can be cast ??? speaking.*"
>"Oh, I see."

Nadia's given the Nymph another earring.

>"I'll protect you now! No nasty fae will take you 'cos you belong to me now!"
>"Say what?!"
No. 178863 ID: 1ac39d

i'm... not sure. it could of been a slip of the tongue or she thinks she actually does own you.
No. 179656 ID: 1f16e5

Hm. Well, I guess for this time, it's okay to be owned. Anyway, since we've paid Breakfast, I suppose we'll have to travel along her banks tonight.

Nina's serving the stew. She's given Mum a fairly big helping, but I think Mum needs it.
No. 179671 ID: 1ac39d

good to hear, hope she will stay stable long enough to get somewhere safe.

anyway, anything you want to do or ask us?
No. 304896 ID: f71df7

Yes, I do have a question. I have a lot of questions, but I think they can wait. I'm exhausted.

I've dyed Mum's hair, so that should help. Dyed my own while I was at it and offered some to the Princess, but she would have none of that. She said she liked herself just fine and that everything looked the same from her end anyway.

More seriously, though, what are your plans? What are you going to get out of this? I mean, once we get to any neighbouring kingdoms...
No. 304897 ID: f71df7

[Sorry for being away. I had a lot of RL stuff to deal with and also lost my net connexion.]
No. 304912 ID: 35e1a0

well. for now the plan is to negotiate. we have very little to work with so we need to bargain with promises and stuff.
No. 304938 ID: 252e1b


You mean us, personally? Well, first off we get a pretty entertaining adventure, and you get our advice and silly banter. Why, do you want more from us? I can teach you technical designs I guess, or we can talk philosophy or whatever you like.

If you can get somewhere safe, we can teach you how to build up the infrastructure you'll need to arm and armor an army the likes of which this world has never seen.

Or we could teach you to fly I suppose.
No. 304964 ID: f71df7

Well, I suppose that answers my questions. I guess... Well, you... take care. I'm out for the night.

Goodnight Gion.

We'll keep going tomorrow.
No. 304970 ID: 252e1b


I know I seemed flippant, talking about flying and all, but it's possible with the right machines.
No. 304971 ID: 35e1a0

good night rachel. sleep well.
No. 304974 ID: 00d3d5

[Oh, welcome back! We were worried about you!]
The first thing we need to do is get you someplace secure. Being under the protection of a fae is something, but I'd be more comfortable if you had solid walls. And possibly armed guards.
No. 305003 ID: f71df7
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Good night, Gion. Talk to you tomorrow...
No. 305005 ID: f71df7

Okay, that's a wrap for the latest chapter. I'm in a much better position to continue this quest than I was last year and now that I own a scanner, there might be some actual art. Though I wouldn't count on it - my art skills are... less than desirable.

Otherwise, thanks for sticking with me so long and I hope to present the rest of the story in a good way.

Achievements in this chapter:
>Received the blessing of a water sprite.
>Dyed almost everyone's hair.

Rapport achieved:
>Princess Nadia: 1+
>Rachel: 3
>Breakfast: 0
>Daniella: 2
>Nina: 2
>Ella: 0
No. 305008 ID: f71df7


I meant... Ella: 1
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