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322665 No. 322665 ID: 651982

>"A necromancer? You had her go out and fight a god damn necromancer?!
533 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 324711 ID: c2c011

Sling bullet to the balls. You can heal him afterwards and it's unlikely to be fatal.
No. 324712 ID: 1854db

If we're using the sling, try a location not likely to be lethal first. Just to estimate how much damage you'll be doing.
No. 324715 ID: c811c4
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>tire him out
>kick in the back of the knees

Alright, that's a lot of advice, thank you! I'll start with trying to knock him down so I can hit vulnerable spots!
No. 324716 ID: c811c4
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Um... he didn't even budge.
No. 324718 ID: c811c4
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No. 324719 ID: c811c4
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I-I'm not done yet, I'll try the sling!
No. 324721 ID: c811c4
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>"The small one's aim is exceptional, but the strength has no effect. The rock eater must be rubbing off on this tiny kobold, as it does not seem like the it knows when to quit! I suggest it learns."
No. 324725 ID: 453e62

god damn, okay yeah he is tough shit. grab the wizard hat and make sure the other one isn't on year head then help shabin up.
No. 324726 ID: c2c011

Sling shot to the balls!
No. 324727 ID: e3f578

Boy, when I said tire him out I meant by making him throw punches and dodging them. Use the flow of battle, leave an opening (as in your face while standing completely still) then dodge at the last second while looking at what joints move such and heels, toes, and arms then attack there with the only thing that seems to be working, your sling. But then again, fuck offense, let him throwing his weight around be his own undoing. Your expending too much energy, make HIM expend the energy.

In fact, yeah just let him do all the attacking and you do all the dodging. No more offense for you. Lead his punches into walls, lure him by taunting the motherfucker, do not try to hit him at all. Try "The bigger the are, the harder they fall." Or "Ha, are you not up to chop to take me down without surrender?" or "Of course a chump like you would find surrender an option!" We'll apologize for these insults after battle, excusing ourselves by saying it was an attempt to get in his big head, which wouldn't be hard at all!
No. 324728 ID: 49afbc

"it"? how rude. he doesn't even consider you a person! that's it, this one MUST be taught a lesson, one way or another. and you'll be the one to do it, Chee.
No. 324738 ID: 7aedd2

set fire to his shiny head
No. 324739 ID: 07416a

Keep hitting the same spot.
No. 324741 ID: 3c585f

trying to beat up chop is a poor choice. it's kind of like trying to free run before you can walk. i suggest leaving while you're still able to without assistance, especially given all he had to do to put your lights out last time.

that said, give shabin a hand.
No. 324744 ID: 1854db

Ugh. I think we should stop fighting. I think he's immune to pain, since well... you kinda knocked off some skin and made him start bleeding. Tell him you give up, obviously you can't beat him, then heal up everyone (including him).

Ask why Shabin was fighting him in the first place.
No. 324773 ID: 7c418e


Any more sling stones? Try the back of his knee again. Or his tailbone (just above his butt-crack, dead center.)
No. 324781 ID: 0d095c
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Tell him the only reason he's so strong? Is because one of his parents fucked a human. Then him in the Funnybone.
No. 324786 ID: 5aac32

Just help out Shabin, get your wizard hat back, and don't bother fighting Chop anymore.
No. 324788 ID: f8be40

I just would like to say that I'm downvoting giving up with all my might, because the road of giving up is not one anyone should want to take, ever.

row, row, fight the power.
No. 324789 ID: 062a10

...Yeah this is why I had second thoughts when I was typing out "Holy crap, you're probably good at everything! Dojo time!"

Oh well, we COULD set him on fire but then that would be cheating.
No. 324798 ID: 2256da

Throw a rock at his throat. If he actually can deflect things off of his throat muscle then holyshit surrender.
No. 324809 ID: c811c4
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>"Nice show, runt."

"I'm not done yet!"

>"Yeah, you are. That's a monster you're going up against. He took on a dozen others before I went to fight him. No way to tire him, and as you can see, he's faster than he looks. He's harder to dodge than lobbed fireballs from a hundred meters away."

>"The rock eater is correct! You have shown your mettle, and are welcome to practice here. There is much for to learn in melee combat, and it will not be nearly so easy as this magic you perform! But endure the dojo regularly, and we will make a pint sized war machine out of the kitten yet."

No. 324812 ID: c811c4
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I have to try, despite being so outmatched!

I don't really have many clear shots to the spots everyone specified, the clearest one is to the same exact spot!
No. 324813 ID: c811c4
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No. 324814 ID: c811c4
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And that's the last thing I remember seeing, on my first visit to the dojo.
No. 324815 ID: 0d095c

...You've really got to learn sportsmanship, Chee. Oh well. At least you're... PROBABLY unkillable.
No. 324820 ID: 07416a

Hopefully he passed out on you.
No. 324823 ID: b6ca92

Hopefully he passed out and isn't dead.
If you weren't about to be banished before, you would be then, having killed off the strongest fighter they've got.
No. 324824 ID: 062a10

Oh god we killed Chee.
No. 324825 ID: e74e93

Dude you should have given up when he said you'd shown your mettle.
No. 324826 ID: f8be40

aww, where'd your agility go?
No. 324828 ID: 453e62

regular practice chee. regular practice from now on. learn from chop AND more magic.and you will be awesome.
No. 324832 ID: 7aedd2

A perfect end to a perfect day~
No. 324835 ID: 6a5a08

Chop must have cast Sleep again! Truly a mighty Muscle Wizard.
No. 324862 ID: 1854db

At least Chee got some more practice healing. Not that it matters, since it's so... talented at skill checks.
No. 324864 ID: c811c4
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Oh, no, he's perfectly fine.

I guess as the saying goes, hindsight is truesight~

I was scared and chop was really really fast.

But the day isn't entirely over yet!

People are pushing me to become so strong! Even though we're both tired, Shabin and I help each other train. Today was very productive. And because of all the help I'm getting from all my friends here, it hardly feels like I'm on the edge of getting banished. Or maybe that's because I'm getting punched very hard right now.

If I do get banished, then I hope that I'll have become strong enough to survive on my own. And maybe, just maybe, with everyone's help, that might just be possible.
No. 324865 ID: bccf7b

Chee, you may have no soul, but you just proved something:

Chop has no brain.

... That means you win forever xD
No. 324866 ID: f8be40


why not?
No. 324867 ID: 0d7a83

Bestest training ever.
No. 324874 ID: a9f501

You two need to READ IT AGAIN.
No. 324882 ID: 830984

You know, it would likely be more productive for both of you if you practice dodging while she practices punching. After all, punching a still target is quite different from punching a moving one.
No. 324900 ID: 7aedd2

Shabin clearly already cares for us, we should use the (supposed) Love Potion on someone like Chop or the Grand Wizard Guy
No. 324902 ID: 6a5a08

Or Necrobold
No. 324903 ID: 830984

Lets not find out what Chop's idea of love is.
No. 324915 ID: 5e8676

lets not use the potion now. we are not even sure if it works.

alas, this si wrong trainning. you should be at the dojo healing others and yourself OR at the magic academy smuggling magic scrolls for you to learn new magic.
No. 324922 ID: 1854db

Let's not suggest using the love potion on anyone before we get Chee's opinion. You guys know how easy it is for us to just tell them what to do. It'd be wrong to push Chee into that kind of relationship with anyone. It's their choice.
No. 324937 ID: b9bd4f

Yeah, we should wait for Chee to express an intrest in someone herself before going ahead with using the potion.
No. 324938 ID: 3c585f

here is a suggestion; last time someone told chee that they didn't exist, chee almost disappeared. how about drinking the potion and looking in a mirror?
No. 324939 ID: 9c538a

Cheelop, every Kobold seems surprised you don't have any girl or boy parts or anus. I don't think Kobolds are born like this. Plus you have a hat that necromancers used to track you. All the kobold bodies in your last home were turned into zombies by necromancers. Plus you have no soul, even though every kobold born has a soul. Plus when you lost track of us voices the other day, your body started to fall apart into pieces. In your head you hear the spirits of many people. I think you may be made out of many boy and girl kobolds by necromancers, not born from one kobold.

Whatever you are, you make the most adorable punching bag. <3
No. 324940 ID: 221021

...How would that work for Chee, anyway? I mean, with the genderless thing and all, I'm not sure how they would really get any kind of romantic love to work. What gender of person would they even go after, and how the heck would they respond to it? (Pronouns are hard) Speaking of which, would somebody like Shabin respond negatively to it because a lot of people have taken to using the female pronoun for simplicity? And if they got with somebody, what would they even do? Chee's topologically homeomorphic to a sphere!
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