Glitter Wish
Which was a mistake, we should attack the hated exclusively, when the last hated falls we should use special ops to fabricate fake evidence against the loved to make them hated and declare a "righteous war" against them, have ourselves a propaganda department, and blackmail/strongarm smaller nations into peacefully submitting (under a secret threat of conquest if they don't, and a requisite that they keep secret our true dealings and spin it as a peaceful merger for the good of their people).
This, btw, makes me somewhat concerned about randomly killing heroes. We should try to focus on monsters for at least a little while.
Here is our official story: "The overlord <name> was a ruthless conquerer, and he was my father. He made some contingencies against death which fortunately failed, the result was me. I was born of him, with neither his memory nor his personality. I reject my father and will strive for a better world for all". If someone wants to know why we ping evil on some spells, well we are born of a really evil overlord via magic not normal reproduction and his taint remains on our soul.
(what WAS our name?) Anyways, we should take a new first name but keep the old name, and start spreading it around that we are his son.
We should aim at conquering some areas ASAP, levying REASONABLE taxes, and demonstrating our "commitment to law, order, and goodness" (pfft, hahahah!)
>See through clothes
As cool as that will be I would like to remind you all that we had a harem, and all our female servants currently shower with us in a collective bathing facility, completely nude. And we can afford to be see through lingerie. See through armor only means that other people get to look at our women.