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374340 No. 374340 ID: d6af4f

. It was a cold day, and soon to grow colder as the sun would set behind a veil of fog and cloud. Our story, however, takes place under the lifeless rock, where the sun neither rises nor falls. It is there that a kobold, at just the right age for a kobold mid-life crisis, would finish her work of hitting rocks all day. It was what she did today, yesterday, and, as probability would dictate, the next day.
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No. 374692 ID: cf49fc

Don't let this overplayed story halt your resolve. SHOVE HER!
No. 374693 ID: d6af4f
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Shabin reached out, and the direct interaction alone made her visible to this old, future Chee!

>"Shabin?! What?! You're young again?! Not a ghost, I can feel you... um..."

Old, future Chee looked down the stairs, as though she knew of Shabin's intent!

>"Shabin, I don't know what's going on, but, uh... if you're not dead, can you promise me that if you're alive, you'll go to the dwarves? Like you always wanted, like you always talked about?"
No. 374695 ID: d6af4f
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.... "Yeah. Yeah, I promise, Chee."
No. 374697 ID: d6af4f
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It was a dream, she told herself, and she knew it was true. But it was a promise, nevertheless, as she shoved her best friend down the stairs like it was old times. Dream or not, she knew that the this event is far from impossible to happen in reality.

>"Thank you, Shabin."
No. 374701 ID: c2c011

Nobody sane should look that happy while being pushed down some stairs. Anyway, guess we will have to show up to the dorfs and show them what mining is really about. Then take a break to show them how drinking is done and then lastly how a drunken berserker rage armed with pick axes is properly done.
No. 374702 ID: 453e62

now time for the middle door.
No. 374704 ID: 437934


...and this all may as well be purely the product of Shabin's mind. good grief, lady, you have a twisted sense of friendship.

so are we done here or what?
No. 374706 ID: d6af4f
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The thoughts floated in her brain, and she felt a need to mutter to herself, to say it was alright.
"Cheelop's training to be a battle healer. She's gotta take hits. So I help train her by pushing her down the stairs and watching her heal herself. This is nothing new, we do this often."

Shabin turned to face the dwarf, to challenge him to mining, drinking and just about everything. She was in little mood, and it was just as well, she had no chance for such a thing before she was whisked away to the main room. There was no decision making of course, this time, and so she entered the present.
No. 374707 ID: d6af4f
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What saw her now was the least imposing sight, a funny little animal creature on its hind legs, with the eyes of some kind of horrible insect!

>"Hey, Shabin. I'm the ghost of christmas present. Which is a little weird, because I'm not dead, but I've been put up to this anyway. Probably Tom, that bastard."

It mutters to itself, not minding that Shabin did not know that Tom was, in fact, the very demon of collosal height, given a name more befitting to one with a manly physique. Nor did Shabin know why this creature and the demons spoke to her as though they have already met! They did, of course, but that was neither here nor there.
No. 374711 ID: 5ef398

Ears has insectoid eyes? Huh. Never noticed.

Also, pull on his ears and/or slug him. He loves being pestered, trust me. Why, Tom screws with him all the time, and they're "best" "friends". :I
No. 374714 ID: 1854db

Be nice to Ears. Err. Don't be physically mean to him, anyway.

Tell him you have no idea what he's talking about, and that he should get to the point.
No. 374715 ID: c2c011

Knock out his front teeth and then ask what the fuck he wants and why you should give a fuck.
No. 374723 ID: 437934

just don't imagine his eyeslits are sideways jaws that will expand into a gruesome pair of giant, tooth-lined maws that lead to the darkest abyss that would turn you mad to even look at.
No. 374730 ID: e3f578

this is the part where you have to have to party with yourself, if you know what I mean. You already got the lesson, sorta, so really the only thing left to do is do whatever you've possibly wanted to do to your self in the third person, if you could. You know, things like dance, put down some drinks, have a cool fight with each other, maybe just make out a little, you know, the stuff everyone would do with a clone.
No. 374734 ID: 5ef398


>maybe just make out a little
Nice try kiddo, nice try.
No. 374736 ID: e3f578

Hey man, I'm just listing all the stuff everyone would do with a clone
No. 374738 ID: d6af4f
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Thoughts of partying with herself occurred, of course. After all, this was the closest she would ever come to being able to converse with herself! Yet she was not so enthused. In truth, she felt little desire to do exactly that. Perhaps she did not love herself as much as she should. It was this thought that somehow brought a motion oddly familiar to her.


"That felt good.
>"Why?! You just met me! You ripped off my ear, even! Augh!"
"What. Your ear is fine. Don't be so protective. I'm going to call you Ears."
>"... let's view the present."
No. 374739 ID: d6af4f
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The vision swirled and materialized until she looked around to find herself... in her own room!

"I'm in my room."
"Where I am currently."
No. 374741 ID: 1854db

Sneak a peek at what Chee is making. Angrily.
No. 374742 ID: e3f578

I said you didn't have to converse with yourself. In fact, if there's a little self-loathing involved, fighting yourself is one of the bigger, bestest things to do with yourself.

Make it your Christmas present to yourself, and deal with that self-loathing. Let Chee get some revenge too as a gift to her, because you do appreciate her naive. SO wake yourself up with a punch after discussing this with Chee.
No. 374745 ID: c2c011

Knock Chee out, then go sleep in her bed. Stupid little bugger should be sleeping, not be up and do whatever stupid crap she's doing.
No. 374749 ID: 5ef398

Finally find out what Chee is doing!
No. 374753 ID: d6af4f
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>Punch yourself


Her fist went right through, and she didn't feel a thing! Yet that should have worked, all up to this point! Was it because she didn't expect it to work? Were the fates just toying with her, with inconsistencies?
>"Geez. I'm surprised you didn't just go look at what Chee's making."
"I really don't care. But fine, I'm taking that as a hint."
No. 374755 ID: d6af4f
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"A broken stick. She's getting me a broken stick. Great. Dumb kid."
No. 374757 ID: 1854db

Looks more like a broken pickaxe handle to me.
No. 374763 ID: e3f578

Aww, she's trying to make a pickaxe from the heart.
No. 374769 ID: d6af4f
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A broken pickaxe handle, of course! She thinks that maybe Chee was attempting to build her a new pickaxe.

"All I see is a broken stick. She'll have to be at this all night. I don't see the point in seeing this."
>"Hell, I don't know either. I hear it ties up in the future, though."
"Been there."
>"What, really? Are you going backwards? What kind of insane person does the future before the present? Er..."
"Yeah, if there's nothing more, then..."

Before Shabin could complete the sentence, Chee cuts her off!
>"Oh, Shabin, you're still asleep? I'll finish this tonight, but I need a break... you're such a heavy sleeper. It's a good thing, too..."
No. 374770 ID: d6af4f
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>"Otherwise I couldn't get away with this."
No. 374771 ID: d6af4f
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".... WHAT."

What a feeling, and what a revelation! She knew she had felt that odd warmth during the nights, but she had always passed it off as a good nights rest, yet it had always been Cheelop sneaking in snuggles behind her back!
No. 374772 ID: 5ef398

No. 374775 ID: 1854db

Well you've realized that you don't really like yourself that much, and here you have someone who does. And then in the future you die and leave her all alone.
No. 374786 ID: 5ef398

Ja. Even a cold-hearted jerk like you ought to be tearing up at this. Chee's the only person to care about you in the slightest since you left Clamp, and you've spent your entire time together ignoring her. Hell, she's the closest thing you've got to family in this place--annoying and little-sistery, maybe, but family all the same. Give a little kindness back, whydon'tcha?
No. 374790 ID: d6af4f
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... I'm really horrible, aren't I.
No. 374791 ID: d6af4f
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>"Whoa, geez, are you crying? Why a-"
"Shut it! Yeah, okay. I've seen enough. Get me out of here, Ears."
>"You know, my name actu-"
"Don't care. Out."
No. 374793 ID: d6af4f
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And so Shabin slept through the night, not waking up until the morning came, finding Chee facing away from her with her head pointed down...
No. 374794 ID: 5ef398

Prepare to find a pitifully-made but heartwarming pickaxe. Also, Chee looks like she could use a hug. Just sayin'.
No. 374796 ID: 3c585f

push her down the stairs.
No. 374797 ID: cdb8cb

Push her down the stairs.
No. 374800 ID: 5ef398

Also, Don't beat yourself up too much about being such a jerk--it won't help anything. Better to focus your attention on not being as bad a jerk in the future.

(Note that this doesn't mean you can't be a little bit snarky. We're not asking you to give your personality a complete overhaul. We're just saying you ought to take the edge off, is all. Be kinder to your friends.)
No. 374804 ID: 6a5a08

Hug her down the stairs.
No. 374808 ID: d6af4f
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"Chee, what are you doing?"
>"Shaaabin, I'm sorry! I was working so hard on your gift, but I couldn't do it! I found a spell, and it was supposed to imbue my secret present to make it all powerful, but it's a hard spell and I know I can do it but not on christmas day and--!"
"Chee, we're stepping outside. I want to show you something."
No. 374809 ID: d6af4f
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>"Oh, um, by the stairs? Um, Shabin, uh, what are we going to do by the stairway?"
"It's a su.. ah, hell with it."
No. 374810 ID: d6af4f
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>"Ahhh Shabiiiiinnnn!"
No. 374811 ID: d6af4f
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No. 374813 ID: d6af4f
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"I don't care if you couldn't imbue a pickaxe in time. You don't need to get me anything. Even though I'm always a jerk to you, you're always way too nice for me. You're my best friend."
>"Wh-what?! Do you mean that?! About being my best friend?"
"Yeah. Merry christmas, Chee."
>"M-Merry christmas, Shabin!"
No. 374814 ID: 7c31d2

No. 374815 ID: 6a5a08

Good End
No. 374817 ID: 5ef398

And God bwess us, evewy one! :3
No. 374818 ID: b3727b

I d'aaawwed :3
No. 374822 ID: 1e04fc

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