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270905 No. 270905 ID: f604d6

I've read the report. I don't know what to make of it. On one hand, shit worked like it was supposed to: we detected the portal the moment it started forming, the team got there on time and as far as I can tell the portal was properly covered. Now that the team has a jeep available and some weapons, things should only improve for us.
On the other hand, the "attack" was a joke in itself and a brat is hardly indicative of the worst we might face. I was hoping to find out if 7,62x51 works on the line demon. It'd take a weight off of logistics if it did. It'll cost a fortune if we need crazy HEAP 20-mil shit, not to mention 120-mil shells - especially in quantity.

Well, I'll let you back to the team. I'm sure you have all kinds of great ideas and theories you want to share with them.
269 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 272874 ID: b4b33c

Lets see the Robo and Blademaster
No. 272875 ID: 99433a

Swords are a no. These are competent demons now. What's BOPE? Sounds promising. If the robot breaks do we have to pay for it?
No. 272876 ID: c71597

Blademaster can fuck off. Also what kind of Robot? And we will take the BOPE dude, will be a welcome addition to the team.

They are Brazilian special police. A mix between police and special forces, they're very good at urban combat as they train to operate in Favellas and take down cartells there. They have some very strict training and standards for recruits. They people they bring in tend to end up coming with them in a bodybag in quite a few cases as well, so he should be a useful guy to have around.
No. 272881 ID: b28ada


And what do we do when someone competent clad in Demon II's armor trundles through a portal and shouts "COME AT ME BRO"? In fact, depending on how good they are with a sword, they might be useful in Close-Quarters. So long as the blademaster is comfortable watching the base most of the time, its probably alright. Besides, they're probably lower budget than some prototype combat android (inb4 its a gynoid).

We also need to see about Esasmus, and how the hunt has gone. It's kinda on us if the demons cause much property damage.
No. 272882 ID: 99433a

Naw, we're TESTING the robot. That means they pay us.
No. 272893 ID: e8ce75

The BOPE fellow sounds good.
No. 272897 ID: a41aaf

>armor that defeats continous fire from medium calibre rifles
Yeah, a sword isn't going to help you there. A guy with a pneumatic hammer, maybe.
No. 272901 ID: f604d6
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Well, you have to vote. I'm not going to start guessing and I don't do telepathy, and it takes some work to arrange transportation so I'd prefer to be sure so I don't have to do return mail.
No. 272905 ID: 28e94e

Definitely the BOPE guy, we really need another competent soldier right now. The robot is too risky to be worth it, and this "blademaster" guy is only good as a meatshield.

Is Esasmus back yet?
No. 272906 ID: c71597

Then we're going to introduce the demon to a stridsfordon 90 with its 40 calibre bofors cannon, armed with depleted uranium shells.

BOPE dude and the robot. If we're lucky it might have sexual functions in built so we can somehow pry away our mechanic from the demon.
No. 272909 ID: 15b51b

Order antimateriel rifles and ammunition, a .50 cal BMG for the jeep, grenades, body armor, and maybe some NVGs if you can find a good deal.

I vote Robutt.
No. 272913 ID: 1854db

Robot. Unless the sword the dude's using is magical or monofilament he'll be useless. And with prior experience I'm guessing neither of those things exist here.

Also we don't really need another soldier do we? ALSO I kinda want to hire someone we know won't join in on raping the prisoners.
No. 272914 ID: 28e94e

- We don't have any of that.

- If we want an armored vehicle, there's much better and cheaper models.

- If we want an autocannon, there's much better and cheaper models (for this kind of work at least).

- It's 40 millimeter.

- 40mm DU shells don't even exist, and if they did they'd be useless because 40mm is a fairly low-pressure round.

- No.
No. 272919 ID: 6a5a08

Soldier and Robot. The robot should have built in weapons (and highly experimental weaponry is always fun), and we need someone with experience, so BOPE.

As much fun as it would be to watch "blademaster" charge in and get shot like an idiot, it would be a waste of food and space. Maybe if we lose someone and need a replacement we can give him a call.
No. 272922 ID: 31ce47

Robutt, definatly Robutt. Hopefully it will be programmed to only follow the Skalfak's orders, so we'll have another "person" who will follow orders.
No. 272924 ID: d71dc2

Do we have to choose only one?

God, I tempted to vote for the former BOPE member, but we got so many maniacs already... Probably bad luck.
Also, he'll get into with Skalfak, trying to prove he got bigger balls ar somesuch.

Voting ROBOT. Send it in, Smeth.
No. 272932 ID: f604d6
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Just to make it clear, you can vote to get all 7 guys out of 3, if you feel like coming up with imaginary guys. It's not mutually exclusive. I just don't want to send back guys just because were too busy shoving dicks in your mouth to say something.

About the robodroid or whatever it is technically, you do not pay for it and you do not get paid. You simply help an acquaintance of the agency to get some field-testing done, because my boss told me to tell you to. And before you ask, no, I do not know anything details about the thing.

And a third point, it might take some time to get ye guys mailed to you, so you don't have to go around asking if they're there yet. Because that would bug me, that would bug me, that would bug me - and everyone else.

Fourth, the weather forecast shows signs of weather and no portals. For now.
No. 272938 ID: 99433a

Yeah, but tracking down the ones who slipped through is hella important.
No. 272944 ID: f604d6
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Actually it is not important to track down the ones who slipped through.

Not anymore.
No. 272950 ID: 99433a

You get a raise.
No. 272951 ID: c71597

They came to you instead?
No. 272954 ID: 99433a

Esasmus is a sniper. He apparently did his job VERY well.
No. 272956 ID: f604d6
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A "raise" you say?

I can hardly wait for the base extension and its showers to be completed!
No. 272958 ID: a9ba96


So I assume you've had a nice afternoon of head-hunting, eh Esasmus?

How many of the demon bastards did you manage to take out?
No. 272960 ID: c71597

So where is the pile of demon corpses and the loot?
No. 272961 ID: f7166d

I just want the fucking robot. Parse that however you choose.
No. 272964 ID: c71597

We also need the BOPE guy. That will mean some skillsets we're going to find useful.
No. 272966 ID: 701a19

Dump the bodies in the doc's lab and their equipment in the armory, then you can arrange a dinner with prisoner 2 on our tab. She obviously can't leave, of course, but I'm sure you can work something out.
Your prowess should be up to going to bed happy and waking up even happier, right?

We'll send along word for the others to keep out of the way.
No. 272973 ID: c71597

Nope, prisoner stays in holding. And the rule about not fucking demons still holds. He can get some funds for luxury prostitues though. Or just leave to hit the bars and see what he can pick up, whichever he feels more like.
No. 272988 ID: 28e94e

I say you should get that demon girl for your awesome performance.
No. 273003 ID: 2ea108

Yes to robodroid. Yes to BOPE. Yes to Blademaster. He sounds like he'll either die promptly or prove useful at a critical point and we're kind of low on warm bodies at the moment.

Nice job, Esasmus.

How competently did Thor and Van Buttfuck perform in that whole affair? Obviously competently enough to pull Skalfak's fat out of the fire once she got K.O.'d, but what happened?
No. 273013 ID: b28ada


Well, so long as we're not responsible for maintenance costs, the Robot is probably okay. And the BOPE guy sounds cool. However, with no idea how and when the Demons will strike next, and with no good intelligence on their thinking, since our prisoners haven't given out anything useful, and our "demon expert" hasn't exactly advised us on anything, right or wrong, we should leave open areas of alternative tactics. Worst comes to worst, we've got a guy who can sit around in the base and watch the prisoners.


Make sure doc has the bodies to autopsy before you head out for R&R.
No. 273017 ID: b28ada


Err, I meant the upper paragraph that this was an argument for hiring the Blademaster.
No. 273021 ID: 2ea108

Yeah, cough up the goods, Van Dildo. Give us some useful information or you are FIRED
No. 273165 ID: f604d6
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It seems best I just send everyone. If you don't find any use for someone you can just have them do chores.

Or shove them through a portal if you can or whatever suits your fancy.
No. 273234 ID: 2ea108

Is that - is that coolant? That doesn't look like a delicious snack at all.
No. 273243 ID: 99433a

...You are snorting coolant.
No. 273245 ID: 1854db

Are you a robot or is that just a weird name for a brand of cola?

And sure I *guess* you can send everyone...
No. 273249 ID: f5e4b4


You guys are missing the other word, -aine. Giving that he's snorting it, it would be fair to assume that the rest of the word is coc-

No. 273251 ID: 28e94e

Smeth: Stop snorting massive amounts of cocaine
No. 273311 ID: a032e7

Smeth: Show your true face
No. 273317 ID: c71597

Shoving through portals sounds quite fun.
No. 273332 ID: 5a24b5

>Smeth: Show your troll face
No. 273381 ID: f604d6
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If you want, I could probably recruit a troll for the team.
No. 273383 ID: 9bc746

...if I could I would throttle you now --
wait, trolls exist?

Smeth, stop mindfucking around, send in the recruits and give us frags + body armour.

Also, being secret agent man and all that, how could we make some money? Are we allowed to sell our demonic loot or would your superios be pissed?
No. 273385 ID: 5f0943

Do you mean the big mean monstery kind of troll?

Or the kind that makes it's living sending people into frothing berserker-rages through logical fallacies and bullshit?
No. 273389 ID: 1854db

What? Please inform us of the available non-human races.
No. 273390 ID: 28e94e

He's almost certainly referring to the internet variety.
No. 273396 ID: f604d6
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Yes, let me send you the recruits with my MAGICAL TELEPORTER and the equipment with ye STAR TREK REPLICATOR in the blink of an eye. Only total noobs need the real world to transfer items and personnel, am I right?

Yes, you can sell anything you want. Just don't shoot yourself in the dick trying to hoard some pocket change.

I mean the tall, chaotic neutral kind of troll that can be big mean and monstery as well as send people into frothing berserker-rages through logical fallacies and bullshit, or go into a frothing berserker-rage and spout logical fallacies and bullshit.

As for other "available" non-human races, there are, well, Afrikans, dogs and polar bears. And before you ask, no, you cannot have a polar bear unless one volunteers - and none have, so far.
No. 273397 ID: 1963d1

Well despite the fact that our team is pretty much already made up entirely of unorganized fucktards, I see no reason why we shouldn't introduce someone who will make them even more unorganized and fucktarded.

Get that troll.
No. 273405 ID: 9bc746

Yes. The troll will be the final addition to our troops.
If it's some pale, skinny virgin, he can be our computer expert or something.
No. 273413 ID: f604d6
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My sources tell me there is one Doctor Tarp N., PhD, who is interested in being hired. Demands monthly payment in, and I quote, "20 candelas of magnets and 5 tungsten carbides".
No. 273421 ID: 28e94e

wtf kind of toxic materials are you eating now

Jesus Christ
No. 273424 ID: f604d6
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These are glowsticks, they're non-toxic and I'm not eating them.

On a related note, have you come up with some great plan yet? It's OK if you haven't, I'm just curious.
No. 273426 ID: b28ada


What's the phd in? Let's check credentials before we start paying out esoteric materials requests.
No. 273431 ID: 6140e3

you must be kinda bored, huh.

I think a solid plan amidst all the sexual hijinks going on at base would be to fit the frontliners with the body armor and frags, get a second jeep so we can carry more people to the battle, buy some smoke and flashbangs as well to disorient the demons coming through who DO seem to know what they are doing, capture and collect all their gear, sell demon's gear for extra cash.
Is there anyone that DOES know how much money we have left or is it really not that big of an issue?
No. 273439 ID: 99433a

We're sorta stuck in a reactionary role and there IS a long list of things we've been trying to get done... We've got potential new hires to vet, we've planned out a series of purchases and we STILL have gotten absolutely no information from the captives other than "Cannot keep up with Ka's sexual appetites."

Until they arrive, could you just trot our the red tart and let us interview her directly? We'd also like to question our "expert." Our influence on the team seems... Difficult to enforce, so I doubt we can get Ka pried off her boytoys cock long enough for us to get any answers out of him. Speaking of which, is she actually doing any WORK?

Oh, and to add to the list of purchases: Get Lick some fucking hearing aids.
No. 273441 ID: 28e94e

No. 273454 ID: 99433a

Oh, also, ditch Thor. All he has is a machinegun and he molested Skalfak.
No. 273461 ID: 9bc746

No. 273473 ID: c71597

Can we shoot him?
No. 273475 ID: f604d6
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I have interrogated both prisoners.

Two things have become obvious:
One, the old books and legends are either obsolete or they were always pure fiction.
Two, these two fockers know nothing. Their world is their respektive little shit towns, the strongest bullies are their respektive local autorities and the only higher autority they know is Satan, with nothing in between - as far as they know.
No. 273478 ID: 28e94e

That's actually pretty damn close to the biblical description, if somewhat more modern.
No. 273479 ID: d9f9ef

maybe we should try just talking too them maybe over tea?
You know what they say, you attract more flies with honey than with...sex.
No. 273482 ID: 99433a

Thank you. Unfortunately, this is bad news for everyone, especially you. You just turned from an extremely knowledgeable and potentially highly useful academic into the possessor a, uh... Historical fiction degree. Given the circumstances- and especially the budget- I'm afraid we can't afford to keep you. Rather, we don't even know if we can afford to keep you. I'd love to give you a generous consultancy fee, but, again...

If you'd like to stay pro bono I'd love to have you. I see you're enjoying the fringe benefits, you can continue with that. We certainty can't seem to stop any of you. If you do so, could try making a profit off of it? We'll offer you 100% of the net profits after the current situation is resolved.
No. 273483 ID: b28ada


Keep Thor. He's still a kid, but he was one of the ones who helped recover Skalfak in the first place, and his weapon skills are needed for a squad support role.

Peons, as suspected. Probing attacks, meant to test our responses, and get us to lower our guard. Obviously, while the present distractions to multiple members of the team... I feel kinda sorry for them. They were either forced or tricked into crossing over.

I wonder... are they okay hanging out in human land? Perhaps they could make good zealots missionaries. Tell their fellow demons how humanity is alright, and its much more fun to work with the humans than conquer them. Or perhaps have them spread word of how badass humanity is. I mean, we're holding off an invasion of this entire city with less than a dozen people. Granted, we haven't faced that many demons, but there are a whole shitton of people in the world over here.
No. 273485 ID: c71597

So they're useless then. Kill them or sell them into slavery.
No. 273486 ID: f604d6
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Not peons. Just civilians.

"Stop squirming."

They say they weren't doing any work. Just school.

"You're not getting away."

Like some sort of joke high school where the bullies hang out and teachers do little more than talk to themselves and scrawl shit on the bleckboard.

"Resistance is futile."

From their descriptions alone you'd think they were thrown through just because the bullies happened to be holding them and came across a portal by chance.

"Stop focking fighting or it goes right in the ass."

Which would mean they didn't even make their own portals. Which raises even more questions regarding the seemingly organized attack.

"I know you feel this."
No. 273487 ID: 6140e3

So they are essentially just anime demon kids who fell through the wrong portal at the wrong time.

Hey, Sister, I had an idea for some income for the base.
Get Ka, Esasmus, the squirt machinegunner, yourself and those demon kids and make some sexy videos, set up a pay website and make it bi-lingual for Japan and America. Fuckin' weeaboo kids and 40 year old basement dwellers in both countries will pay top dollar for this shit, mos def.
No. 273489 ID: d9f9ef

Could be that only the guppies get sucked into portals, while the bigger ones don't need to enter through a portal to influence this world.
Also you missed
"You set us up the bomb?"
No. 273493 ID: d9f9ef

Are you proposing smut films? That is incredibly stupid.

What you do is you start with pin-up poster you release for free. Then open a subscription process that allows for less clothed images and then make the ultimatum that when we have *this many* subscribers we will release sexy stuff. Each time you get a good number of additional subscribers you release more sexy stuff.
No. 273495 ID: 99433a

Yes! This! Also, it's TOPICAL since a demon invasion might be a big fucking deal?
No. 273503 ID: f604d6

Now is a quest discus. Knock out self.

No. 273507 ID: f604d6
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Ka and Lick want to show off something they've made and we need to plan ahead so we don't run out of funds or otherwise shoot ourselves in the dick. We've got a lot of mail order stuff and recruits en route and I don't want to get surprised by a portal attack again.
No. 273509 ID: c71597

Well then lets see what they have. I bet it's something that blows up spectacularly.
No. 273511 ID: f604d6
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"It's basic'ly jist a regular high-power spud gun, but for ammo I use seefore onna rope. It's technic'ly a miniature line charge, jist about hundred feet of bomb-onna-rope. Regular line charges is used to clear a hole through a mine field, or shoot it down a street and blow the buildings on both sides half to hell.

Or we kin pop it inna portal and make ravioli of anythang onna other side.

This here thang is jist a prototype though. I figger I oughta make a proper one, with 350 feet of boomrope. Need a vehicule fer that, though. And rockits. And more 'splosives."
No. 273516 ID: 28e94e

That actually sounds like a very useful little project. It'd certainly help if they decide to use human wave tactics to neutralize our anti-armor weapons.

No. 273517 ID: 15b51b


No. 273520 ID: 99433a


No. 273521 ID: 15b51b

No. 273525 ID: f604d6
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"I was jist thinkin' I don't need to set up no bomb around the portal, I kin jist shoot a bunch of link'd bricks a seefore with this. Jist set th'pressure lower. Cud arrange the bricks in a loop or net with detcord.

Save time an' effort.

I kin shoot a squealer with this here thang, but it might be even better to send a remote control air-a-plane, cud stick cam'ras onnit an' stuff. I think Ka's workin' on exactly that kinda thang."
No. 273526 ID: c71597

No. 273529 ID: b28ada




Alright, we're working on monetary schemes at this moment, which may also keep certain members from being distracted by their other distractions (Or possibly taking advantage of such an issue), but we really need someone to total up how much has been spent, and how much remained. There has to be someone not doing enough to be able to track some receits and do some basic math...
No. 273531 ID: 99433a

In other words, hire an accountant. We don't need to see the thing, just put him in a corner with a calculator and a stack of bills. Or give him the bills and send him back his office. Whatever.
No. 273537 ID: f604d6
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"No... it... just ignore that.

Anyway, I can make RC vehicles with on-board cameras and I could make automatic turrets if I had some miniature computers and IR optics - and the guns."
No. 273538 ID: b28ada


Sorry, until we figure out exactly what the cash reserves are, no new purchases. So don't squander what you've got left. Like on phallic objects that double as visual puns.

Your ability to produce sentry guns is noted, however. Once the money situation is calculated, we'll see if we can manage that. It's be a pretty good investment, assuming they don't get wrecked often.
No. 273541 ID: 28e94e

The thought of chasing around an army of demons with a flying dildo-cam is just too hilarious to pass up.
No. 273542 ID: f6360f

We should hire a half-dozen interns. In this economy, we shouldn't have any trouble getting people, and we can assign them to all kinds of tasks up to and including ones which might get them killed without feeling bad about it at all because they're interns and it's expected.
No. 273543 ID: f604d6
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But we're still not prepared for a serious attack.

We can only hope our luck lasts.
No. 273555 ID: 701a19

Ok, enough of that. You've determined that they're harmless civilians who were in the wrong place at the wrong time, now hand her over to our sniper.

Murder? Slavery? Why are so many people here dead-set on trying to prove themselves more evil than demons?
No. 273560 ID: 2ea108

Holy shit, it's like everyone became competent at the exact same time.


Also, you really might as well just continue the sex. It's obvious you're all having fun with it, none of us are having much luck stopping you, it's fun to watch... Just, y'know, stay goal-oriented.

Don't kill the prisoners/captives/sex-toys, though.
No. 273676 ID: 9bc746


Ka, try to keep our expenses low for the moment. Construct the cheapest version of a reasonably functional remote-controlled flying camera you are able to. Good, work though. Seems like you're a proper wrench-wench after all.

We need a source of income.

If you are really opposed to sell demon-sextapes, I suggest this:

Have Doktor Vergewaltiger take blood and tissue samples and anatomical measurements of the prisoners and sell them to medical institutes in Nova Pori, maybe together with a video tape of his doings.

We should milk the fact we established first contact with a humanoid species.
No. 273710 ID: c71597

Because it's fun. And also because good and evil are abstract concepts without any absolutes to them, it's simply about perspective. Currently they're a drain on our time and resources, the demonic invasion is a real thing, and considering how they treat their own civilians it's likely that bad things would happen if they took over here. And so we need to do everything in our power to stop them. To do that we need among other things more funds and better discipline. One way to do that is to either sell the demons alive or dead. Then one of the things effecting discipline in a bad way is removed and we get additional funds. More manpower is also freed up to fight the demons since we don't have to use anyone to guard the prisoners.

But mainly because it's fun.

Put a stabliation thingie on the dong copter and an internal camera and then it's good to go.
No. 273727 ID: 3c87f5
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>source of income
>measurements of the prisoners
I like the way you're thinking and fully agree.
No. 273733 ID: 9bc746

Silly person. She would have to be pregnant for this. Silly perso-- oh wait.
No. 273756 ID: 492153

Did we just release demonic spawn onto the earth?
You bet we did!

Also hows that pin up idea working.
The porn industry is were the money is, just make sure that all videos are blessed by a priest that way wanking to them saves your soul instead of damning it.
No. 273767 ID: 701a19

While most morality falls into a mire of gray, there are absolutes and near-absolutes.
Beyond that, moral relativity doesn't excuse bad behavior, it simply provides for criteria of judgement that take into account the situation.

>Because it's fun.

That is not a justification.

>And also because good and evil are abstract concepts without any absolutes to them, it's simply about perspective.

That argument might hold some water if it had any connection to reality.

Lets go with a lax proof of your incorrectness here:
You cannot have a stable society that has no standards for behavior.
Standards for behavior must prohibit interactions which directly undermine the stability of society.
Actions which cause undue harm to others undermine the stability of society.
Rape, murder, dismemberment, torture, and imprisoning of individuals are actions which undermine the stability of society.
Actions which harm society can be permitted if it is to stop actions which cause greater harm to society.

TL;DR: The onus is on you to prove that society would suffer more harm if these two prisoners were NOT being raped than allowing our team to rape them.

Good luck with that.

>Currently they're a drain on our time and resources,

Because we have chosen to keep them captive. You don't get to take prisoners and then whine about having prisoners. Deal with it.

>the demonic invasion is a real thing,

Yes. It is a real thing which they are not party to; we have confirmed so beyond a reasonable doubt.

>and considering how they treat their own civilians it's likely that bad things would happen if they took over here.

First: Can you prove this claim? Prisoner 1 thought he was protecting his home, which requires that he believes it to be worth protecting. Prisoner 2 believed it was some sort of athletic competition, and that level of naivety and innocence suggests that their world is far from a brutal nightmare. That both prisoners completely lack martial skills would support this assumption.

Second: Can you provide any logical argument suggesting that treating the prisoners this was will prevent an invasion?

>And so we need to do everything in our power to stop them.

Again, how does that in any way, shape, or form justify this sort of abuse?

>To do that we need among other things more funds and better discipline.

Better discipline can be accomplished by not encouraging bad behavior, and punishing violators.

>One way to do that is to either sell the demons alive or dead.

Slave trade! Take a shot!
Again, what have these prisoners done to justify such an action? There are far better ways to turn a profit on the demons. The talkshow circuit and as guests for televangelists.

>Then one of the things effecting discipline in a bad way is removed and we get additional funds.

Your 'solution' shows a fundamental lack of respect for society and any sense of proper behavior. You argue that a demonic invasion is bad because of how horrible life would be under their rule, but you do so while engaging in what are out-and-out war crimes. Against civilians, no less.

>More manpower is also freed up to fight the demons since we don't have to use anyone to guard the prisoners.

That's a non-issue; there are plenty of researchers would would pay to examine these demons first-hand, and that pay would be more than enough to hire a proper guard.

Heh, let me go one step further; lets assume, for the sake of argument, that the demons sent incompetent civilians in first so they could obtain footage of humans doing horrible things to demons in order to obtain popular support for an invasion.

For supporting evidence?
Prisoner 1 thought he was defending his home, so he clearly believes humans are a threat.
Prisoner 2 was unable to recognize that our team was human, suggesting that there is a sharp lack of information on humans among demon civilians.
The portals work using a mechanism we do not understand, and it is possible that transmitting data either does not require a portal or is accomplished by burst transmissions when a portal is open. This second possibility seems likely, as it would fit the sequence of events:
Portal 1: Prisoner 1 sent here as bait with a monitoring device.
Portal 2: Prisoner 2 sent here as bait with a monitoring device, recordings of Prisoner 1's rape and other mistreatment send back.
Portal 3: Assault squad sent in to 'rescue' Prisoners 1&2, recordings of continued rape and mistreatment of Prisoners 1&2 sent back.

I would expect that Portal 4 will either be an attempt at a covert scouting force with a mission of recovering the 'rescue' squad or a full-on invasion force.

Oh, hey, Smeth, is your face red?
No. 273966 ID: c71597

You make the assumption that I'm after a stable society here. I'm not. Or that I thought it was a good idea to take prisoners. Which I didn't, I wanted to shoot them right away.

And I could make arguments against the rest. But that's not fun right now. And so I will state what I said before. Because it's fun, which might not be a justification to you. But to me it's all the justification I need.
No. 274005 ID: f604d6
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No. 274024 ID: e75a2f


Science would probably pay more in the short term than the porn industry. Part of the reason the porn industry is so rich is because of the SHEER VOLUME OF PORN that exists, and we don't have a sheer volume of porn to produce; That is, unless you like watching the same handful of actors in the same place bang it over and over and over. Also, whacking it to demons may be a bit disconcerting for some people. Remember that nobody else really knows they exist, and stirring up a huge giant panic because some catholic auto-mechanic down in Louisianna gets caught beating it to satan.

Then we might have to deal with the church, the pope, the government, local police forces (If it catches on we're more or less holding slaves), etc. Drawing attention to ourselves in bulk like that just doesn't seem like a great idea.

Scientists, though, those guys know how to keep a tight lip. Plus, I'd personally rather have the public find out about these guys in a credible scientific journal or academic paper; it makes us look like researchers and not underground slave traders.

Public Image, ladies and gentlemen. If you want to make money, you're going to have to go public. If you go public, you have a public image to uphold and maintain. If you want to make lots of money, it's best to have a good public image, not a bad one.
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