Hi! I'm Panty-Panda, and ME is my first real quest. If you have any questions about the characters, setting, finer details, me, or want to see me draw things, then I guess you can probably ask here.
Quest: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/630823.html Any questions, theories, feedback or comments go here.
This is probably a little early to start a discussion thread, but here we are. Discussion Thread for the 8-12 quest, found here: http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/602607.html What the hell is happening in this? Why the hell is Clive a ball of weird? Discuss.
Lucid gave me permission to make a discussion thread for his awesome new Quest "shipwrecked" He'll be happy to answer any questions about Eilin the ploverlor, the quest or the setting! or anything else for that matter so ask away!
criticism, theories,...maybe hate... and other stuff enter the tower and accept your fate!
I just realized I never made a dis for this so here it is Discuss ways to win Imogen the throne of the world and maybe a boyfriend!! WIKI: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Council_of_Wizards
A place for talking about the titled quest, puzzling over what may or may not be true, and maybe even getting it right sometimes. You can also ask questions regarding our rather violent protagonist, the magic system, come up with new spells, or simply point out an interesting fact you happened to take note of. Enjoy.
It is that time of year for the fourth time. For those who are unaware of ____ Day, it is a ""day"" in which people post quest characters with a focus on the Day's body part until people get tired of it. In this case, crotches. While the main guidelines are any submissions to the thread must be both crotch and quest related, the spirit of past Days has been to submit content that is about as tasteful as can be. Given the subject, that can only be so tasteful, but nonetheless, this means outright sexual acts (or depictions of extreme natures) are discouraged and will be moved to the fanart thread. For informational purposes, the current record for Crotch Day is 47 crotches, from 2011. Past event days: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Crotch_Day http://tgchan.org/wiki/Chest_Day http://tgchan.org/wiki/Thigh_Day http://tgchan.org/wiki/Ass_Day
This is the Dungeon Game Game discussion thread. http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/620897.html is the relevant quest. Questions about the stat and skill systems may be asked here, as well as things like imfo about known items and spells and other meta questions /questions for me personally /other relevant questions.
Hallo, this will be the QuestDis for Old Quest!
Being a dragon is tough work! Discuss the best ways to gather a treasure hoard, how to spend your upgrades, if you should rule or destroy towns, and what the best way to cook a knight is. And everything else dragon related.
Turn 1 Thread - http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/395339.html Stats Character: Erica Gender: Female Age: 19 Color: Blue Current Life: 9 Max Life: 11 Spells/Cycle: 3 Land Cap: 10 Erica needs a deck built for duels. You are limited to common and uncommon blue cards from the Mercadian Masques and Invasion Blocks, as well as Magic Core Sets 2010 and forward. Select wisely, as Erica only gets five different spells (four castings of each) to start with. Feel free to use Gatherer (gatherer.wizards.com) or www.magiccards.info to discuss your picks. Any questions about the combat system or the game in general are also to be asked here.
A new discussion thread for all TWO of my quests... hopefully. I think I fixed some of the mechanics issues in Stars. Oh well, we'll see. Anyway, this will be the new discussion place for both Beyond the Stars and Breaking Reality. And to start us off, some mechanics changes for Beyond the Stars! Or rather, a complete semi-walkthrough of the basic mechanics. We'll be using Grey as an example, since he's, well, the main character. Grey Strength-2/Finesse-2/Will-4/Personality-4 Powers: Mapping-A semi-passive ability. Your mind will always "map" an area out as you explore, enabling you to basically keep a mental image of the area. In short, you don't get lost if you've been there before. You may focus your attention on this ability to pinpoint the locations of specific people, enemies or objects, although it goes without saying that you can't do much of anything else while focused. This ability relies on Empathy(Basic)- This is the most basic and least taxing of the ability called "Empathy". You can touch an object or person to get a vague feeling from them, usually whatever is most strongly associated with the object/person touched. Pushing this ability is possible, allowing you to pull up pictures conversations or even an entire memory, but doing this too often leads to insanity and death. This ability relies on Personality. There. The basics. All you need to know about Grey. All nice and bundled up in simple stats. Makes it easier on me as well. Anyway, for the most part, the base stats are self-explanatory. The follow, roughly, the same parameter and have the same uses as the ones from BR. Unlike BR, however, is that you can't increase or decrease these through experience. Instead, you'll be given "down time" between missions, and you can, if you choose, spend that time working at increasing an ability. This only works up to a Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Here, feel free to ask questions, discuss the character, or provide input on the logistics of the quest.
Hi, this is the discussion thread for Minion Quest. Minion quest is a collaboration between myself and my friend, Skrakar. Skrakar is in charge of the story, and general idea of the quest, really. I just do the art. Generally, updates won't be four posts long. Consider that for special occasions. Anyway, hope you guys like it, and continue to read it.
"Come visit the crown jewel of the Scorpius Cluster, Paradiso Prime! Located directly on the moon of the scenic Scorpii-18-ß, Paradiso Prime has been rated the number one vacation spot in the galaxy for over twelve consecutive decades. Whether you're looking to relax on our beautiful beaches, take part in the hottest nightlife in all of Scorpius, or enjoy some of the finest dining the galaxy has to offer, Paradiso Prime is the one place when your vacation never ends!" -Paradiso Foundation Official Travel Guide to the Stars This is the discussion thread for Paradiso Prime. Comments, questions, concerns, and critique are all welcome!
I guess I'll stick this here for this thing that I'm attempting. Hopefully I'll keep focused on this quest long enough for it to be used xD
Break out those thesauruses and get ready to change the world. Make plans or ask questions if something's unclear or you know, do whatever. Learn of the power of words together.
Throwing this up here for anyone who wants to know what the hell im doing with this quest.. Basicaly im doing a Vote's style quest instead of a pick and choose, right now were in the intro desciding Gwen's life prior to reaching skyrim, alongwith exactly how she gets there and in what state. for those intrested i can also tell yuo what the other options would have lead too, and were the points of no return where.
This is the place where you can work out ideas without cluttering the main quest, or just post ideas you have and ask question. Go nuts.
well might as well do this, i mean everyone else is. idk if you guys have some Questions, Critiscisms or some sort of vague death threat in an ancient long dead language then post them here.
As confusing conduct and conflicting information may become a problem in the future, this thread has come to pass in order to help those otherwise bewildered by events in and out of quest. I, Ghostwriter, will establish the stone-set rules of the Quest, and answer questions here occasionally, while readers may discuss their theories on choices and information, and possibly make debates on how they canonically draw the heroes and surroundings, to avoid possible artistic conflict in the future. I will establish quest rules here and answer questions in a moment. I'm just opening the thread up.
With Nem's Quest hitting the 500 post mark and some of the suggestions asking for background I felt it was time to give space to ask questions about Nem's world and also give room for critiquing. I'm quite interested in feedback, but if you have any questions about Nem's Quest please feel free to drop them here. I can't answer all the questions when spoilers are involved, but I'll do my best.
So is it recommended to start discussion threads for quests? Here's one for question asking and such if it's the case based on the stoic little mandragora.
One week only! Send questions to your favorite quest characters! Can include any of my quests, (Panty Raid, Suitors, Shackles, and To Guard and To Protect).
where doing it man where MAKING THIS HAPEN
So I found a thing for animating things and wanted to test it out. If anyone's got animating chops and would like to give me some pointers I'd be much obliged! Any other talk about the quest is welcome too, of course :P
Here's the OOC discussions and character stats. First thing is first, when the quest starts upgrading Kyle is done through skill points. Whenever you guys are awarded a skill point or enough "creativity" points for bonus skill points you can put them into the skill tree. You can't go lower into the skill tree until the current box is filled up on points, to start some boxes you have to fill up other multiple boxes, and you can jump around from tree to tree in the tinker tree or even into another major skill trees like the Melee or magic tree, but there's a set number of skill points you earn through the quest and no resets or take backs so be careful. The only extra points you earn beyond that are by having Kyle see/learn something "NEW" and "RELEVANT" in his off time (creativity points stay in the current tree) which will be supplied by you in this OOC as links to articles for things for him to read or pictures/shows/movies/etc for him to watch. example say you switch over to the martial/melee tree and one of you links to a movie that has never been seen. When kyle has downtime and if he has never seen it a point will be added, once per downtime, and every so many points equals a skill point. As for normal skill points, you will earn them at set times in the quest at my discretion. Now that I explained advancement I must also explain an important rule in this quest. You as the players aren't in control of Kyle, you control his skills, make suggestions to his friends and family to help push him in a direction, and possibly communicate with him through some means, but you don't have any sort of control over what he does and without proper guidance in any direction he could very possibly die ending the quest. Good or bad doesn't matter but as you're influencing Kyle's companions you're also indirectly Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Discussion for Suitors Quest. Any feedback, comments, concerns, questions and anything not in the main thread~
Hello I have made you a quest. I hope that you like it. Theories and criticisms both encouraged. Also extravagant praise. Or uh, pretty much anything.
A discussion area for strategies, feedback, thoughts, questions and the occasional hint for the dating sim quest! Talk about the current status of the quest, future predictions, which girl is your favorite, etc.
For feedback, questions, concerns, anything related to the quest that is not the quest itself. Thank you for reading~
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene! So let's dress up people from quests like House Haunter, Static on the Vine and Bolo Quest.
It would seem it is prudent for me to allow you mortals a place to discuss how to best use your newfound godly powers. Given that every encounter might as well be a puzzle and there is much to discuss concerning our hero, it would be the fashionable thing to let your kind... mingle together. Your quest can be easily relocated by following this link to your mortal 'net': http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/599742.html May your gods-in-peer help you, and please don't mess this up.
You can discuss my quest Frillsby & Gallsby here in this thread that I have made for discussion about my quest Frillsby & Gallsby. I'll be trying to update at least once each day Tuesday-Friday. I can be super slow though so I might miss some days, especially if I'm doing fanart or something.
I figured I can do this and garner some feedback while I self-mutilate studying for exams. Please tell me how much you liked/like the following quests and want to see them continued. A 0-5 number and maybe some explanation would go a long way. Please don't assign the same number to more than one quest in your post (unless it's a 0). Lahamu- Here there be dreeegons. I think this quest is unfocused and sandboxy, and that hurts me because I am not strong in this area of storytelling. Survivors- This one is kind of ridiculous and stupid. What is the direction exactly? What are the goals? Sammy's Adventure- The plot is probably too complicated and it seems to be getting more confusing. This is bad for a quest. Karen's Heart- Disgusting "porn" and a serious survival horror plot with an overly complex magic system was pretty much a terrible idea in every way. I have two new quest ideas, but I want to end at least two of the above quests first. If there is no interest in some of the above, I can abandon them with no regrets. Also, feel free to discuss all my dumb quests here, especially where there may be some intersection or you want to call me an idiot.
I find it way too easy to work on unoriginal stuff. I've been cultivating an original idea I had for months and then poof! the interest fades and I dont want to work on it anymore....some stops feeling right about it. yet two days ago I had an idea based off something and bam Im already drawing it =I I'm not sure what to do because I cant seem to be content either way
Rocco is an average highschooler who lives a happy life together with his twin sister Ricci - until she suddenly disappears to a private all girl highschool without saying anything! Determined not to give up on her Rocco takes on the guise of a girl and enrolls as well. Will he be able to restore their relationship while he lives the life of a girl at the prestigious Beaton Maidens Academy without being discovered? Read and participate every day, only on /quest/ !
Hey, it's that quest where the girl shoots a lot. Direct all your Slaughter Quest related stuff here!
Because why not have a board where you can ask questions? And get more questions
So here's a discussion thread. Go nuts.
So yeah, I've decided to finally open this thread, even when I don't think it's going to be used much, but it's nice to have it here, in case people want to discuss or ask something about the quest. Also this is my first Quest, and it hasn't been too long since I started drawing either. So I'd thank some feedback. What people like about the quest, what they dislike. What can I do to improve. <- important. Also, if this thing doesn't end in catastrophe, and I decide to make more quests, this'll be the thread for them too.
Come and gather around, for it is time for a tale of kingdoms won and lost in an instant. Welcome one and all to the discussion thread regarding the 26th quadrennial King's Blade Tournament.
Post songs/music videos that you'd think would fit into a quest, or good 'fertilizer' for quest ideas. I'll start with The Shins - The Rifle's Spiral; Top-notch animated music video, lyrics that might fit a main character, and cool music in itself. www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyqWjl7GkCE You could just think of a quest about magicians and occultism now.
Since there's been a fair bit of chatter about the background of Pan's world, I thought a discussion thread might be in order. Pan is more Internet savvy than Nem so I may occasionally decide to let her answer things.
Is it ok if I start a quest idea thread? Once I'm in a better place Ill post my own but I figure it'd be a good place to throw your ideas down and have them rated or given suggestions on them.
General purpose discussion thread for Dreams and Decay. Discussion, constructive criticism, art, and other random shenanigans go here.
Sup folks. I'll be linking this in my Twitter. So, hey long time readers! Everyone else, welcome to the discussion of Bloodline Protector. So, I fucked up. I really fucked up. Bloodline protector was a quest, for those not in the know, that I ran on 4chan's /tg/ You can read it here: suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Bloodline%20Protector ) . It was based on a loose reboot of Hat Quest, which you can find easily within the wiki, which was probably... I think the fourth quest I ever ran. BPQ was born from my own displeasure on how the concept of Princess Guard was going and the fact that I wanted to return to Avalon. Also, I hadn't run a strong quest since the old days of Holy Grail War Seattle, and I wanted to return to that as well. So I did. And for about 20ish threads, i did okay. Not great, not amazing, but okay. I had fun. I like to think my readers had fun. But I made a lot of mistakes, starting with the Seducers. After that was the far too poorly-done plot that elbowed in. Then the character change. The errors and mistakes all piled on each other, until they all came to a solid head at the ending. Quest endings are hard to pull off properly. But it's no excuse for what happened there, and I deeply regret it. And I want another shot. I was too focused on weekly runs. I was too focused on bombastic reactions. Too tightly centralized on things people didn't actually like. My excitement, my impatience, my shortsightedness killed the quest, just as it always has. So this is first an apology. Second, it's a promise. I want to give my setting the treatment it deserves. This isn't about clearing my good name (I never had one), or making myself seem cool. It's about good writing and strong decisions, which I think are the core of a solid quest. Thusly, lay into me. Tell me what I can fix. Tell me what i missed. Tell m Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
shit lets make some quests quest found here: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/580656.html well idk what to tell you friends but its my first ever quest and its about upper paleolithic stuff. Also it has hyenas. Cool.
Discussion thread for >>592193 because I probably have a habit of leaving too much out and getting to OOC. Alsohi.
Now that shit's actually starting to happen and the world is expanding a bit and people are asking questions, I figured we may use a discussion thread, where we can talk about sentient worms, insane flesh eating gods, little midget techno-hitlers in roaming gun fortresses, and the bureaucratic and economic logistics of maintaining a school of magic. Wiki page for 7 EASY! Steps is here: http://tgchan.org/wiki/7_EASY!_Steps_to_Achieving_Divine_Godhood
It seems like a few people actually dig this, so imma put this here for people to talk or give pointers or whatever you do.
There's some stuff to discuss. I guess you can do that if you want. I already made this nice image just for this discussion thread and everything...
Here's where you can say stuff about that quest with the head snakes.
A place for discussion relating to the text quest Bastion of Innocence.
Due to some recurring complaints/demands, neumono and all other assorted Lagotrope quests will now have their own ITQ. To keep things clean, I'll be moving all isolated neumono posts/questions from ITQ 10 into this thread (although posts that involve both lago and non-lago questions will remain in ITQ, so there will still be some juxtaposition on this front. This is largely an experiment, and depending how it goes, either this will have sequels, or everything will merge back to normal in ITQ 11. Current main ITQ: >>80766 Previous ITQs: >>76582 >>68983 >>50332 >>343117 >>338649 Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Nobody still made a questdis thread about this, so I decided to fuck the police and make one. Okay, so I really like this quest, but what are we meant to do in it? Is there an end objective, or is it just nonsense until everyone gets bored of it? Personally I think it is a lot of fun, but we need some direction.
So I kind of want to start a second quest like thing, or maybe just a short story, or an irc rpg. Not sure yet. /Probably/ not going to run it /here/ but I find this place insightful at times. I have a few different ideas though and kind of want to know what you think of them. I am not so much looking for a up/down vote as thoughts/criticisms but if all you can say "I like [don't] like it" that's still useful. Idea 1) MC wakes up in hospital bed, very confused, doesn't understand speech, has to relearn how to use her body. It takes a while IC but she relearns English, gets her body coordinated, learns who her parents are, and fairly soon is living life as an normal 9-year old. Do some motage, choices about who to befriend, ect, and now she's smart and athletic freshmen in highschool. Weird* things start happening in her neighbourhood, with her body, and she eventually pieces together that she is actually a Alien Shape Shifting Criminal, and the (fairly evil) Space Police are finaly tracking her down. (not so much for her, but for what she stole), and she probably killed the actual [MC Name] in the "accident" that lead to her being in the hospital. Only..she likes being [MC Name] a lot better then then being a ruthless criminal that plays at being a gentlemen. And she loves her parents, but she really does need to figure out what to do with the McGuffen she stole.. Idea 2) Six seventeen year-olds, are plucked from Our Earth (TM) to be Heros of Light (tm). Theres lots of drama and two die, and people have sex, and ect. But eventually they work out a sort of working set of relationships and defeat the Dark Lord (tm) with the power of Love, and Magic Swords, and are sent back to earth. And here is where my story starts. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
a quest about very fashionable pirates for sure http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/582629.html idk, say things here? shrug i'll answer?
The third thread to Alien Quest from the wiki is inaccessible, as well as the discussion page. I checked Google and tried the Internet Wayback Machine but it had nothing on the url. Is there any way I can view the rest of the quest or failing that, contact the author? http://tgchan.org/wiki/Alien_Quest
I need some help, when I first came to this board I had the intent to continue a quest I was doing on /tg/. I wasn't sure how I was going to recap it so I sat on it. Somewhere around thbe time I was asking for help I decided to upgrade the visuals because people were having a hard time on /tg/ telling what things were, then while working with this other person I decided to do an animation on a part that may or may not have happened later in the quest but I wanted to see it regardless. Well afer that I just lost interest in the quest because of recap problems and decided to jump into something I might really like and started an animated quest with the intent of mimicking 16bit rpgs. Well I burnt out on that and now Im not sure what to do. I want to keep drawing and run a quest and interact with people but Im just not sure what to do. I constantly fight with depression and a lack of will to do things so its extremely hard to keep up. I can get started no problem....every other day I can think up neat ideas that sound awesome to me and Id love to get onto paper but the follow through is the hard part. Im just not sure how or what to do at this point and id love to have a back and forth with you guys maybe just to talk about things.
I've chosen to make a discussion thread for all of my quests. Any questions, critique, arguments, art, and conversation can go here. I'll probably mostly be using it to store some stats as not to clog up the quests themselves too often. Quests I run/ran: Llakcuf Arena, Dragon's Trial, Huge Badass Quest, And more to come. Please Get Excite.
A place for questions, either about the quest in general or to the characters specifically.
Just thought id throw this up here, mostly to keep track of were the characters been and what theve found, hopefully it will make my amateurish attempts at a quest a little easier to keep track of :P This is a layout of the parts of the ship weve seen so far. dotted lines are assumed walls, black squares are doors and the black areas are places with no light.
the quest: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/581196.html hey hello this is my first quest! you can talk about it or ask me things i guess.
hello tgchan! this is the discussion thread for my first ever quest, far it's a quest about a very scared girly how i'm running the quest? i draw the background in each scene (or at least try to). any items or objects that look potentially interactive, you can suggest interacting with. (example: the laptop on that shelf in back of her or the picture frame on that shelf in front of her) you can find it here: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/583593.html also ask me stuff! (if you want to)
Hey awesome peoples from TGchan! i'm just making this to get feedback, critizisms, advice, questions, comments and whatnot from people, i plan to read over the sticky at the top and wiki to sort of bolster my knowledge of the unique form of storytelling that is the Quest. but straight from the source is usually best!
I figured we could bring the discussion over here.
SO HEY. if there were to like, hypothetically be some kind of goofy crossover dating sim quest featuring tgchan quest characters, who would u like 2 romance (please include what quest they're from when u name characters bc i am clueless and not very well read)
so that sure is a quest eh and it sure is here http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/581983.html idk, discuss? or crit? or ask stuff? or ask the characters stuff and ill reply with drawings? i dont fucking know what im doing (go pick who dyra [the white one] will contact, all, dan, or bianca?)
discuss the 3d german robots quest here. working in 3d can be fun, but there are sometimes bugs.
i figured we'd need this eventually and since it's a collaboration i didn't want to lump it in with my normal disthread! this thread is also the best way to talk directly to cryptidriot, the writer of a doll's circus and the creator of the characters and concept (i just draw the pretty pictures!)
...in which discussion for a quest where we play a magic hobo girl with bad teeth may take place. Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?searchall=Manglemouth (Thread II you'll have to get from Fuuka)
For those quests you hate, like the one with that guy and the vodka.
You wonderful two or three people that can stomach my lazy coloring can talk about the quest here.
Any pointers or discussion about my first quest can go here. Many thanks to the 0 to 2 people that will actually want to say something here!
First thread of ??? http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/572264.html
Might as well make a thread here, too! Feedback, comments, concerns, criticisms for Dreams of Heroism. Discussion thread for : http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/574421.html
Hello! I am Pan! I'm very new to the tgchan boards and just began to start my new story LIMBO. I have the story planned out, but concerning the whole mechanics of tgchan, I'm very new and any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Comments, concerns, critiques, anything! Story can be found here: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/573454.html
There is a great shortage of thighs around here. Alison counts she is mostly thigh if you think about it.
http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/521087.html Something Ive been putting together for a while: a story of madness, insomnia and hopefully suspense. Criticisms, concerns, comments and conjecture are all welcome.
Ask away about the setting, Astral's life, or terminologies used. Astral will answer all questions in character. She'll also answer questions from the main thread when they pop up.
It's that time again. Previous ITQ threads, newest to oldest: >>68983 >>50332 >>343117 >>338649 >>327658 >>319591 >>313335 >>1754
The discussion for a quest about whelps. Whelps are (or will) be explained several updates in. If you've got any specific questions about what's already happened, ask away.
<Theta][Sigma> now I have mental images of a dick chart for all the different quest character species. Throughout history, man has engaged in the contest of "whose is bigger." The words "I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours" have visited their share of backyards. Today, we bring you that same experience, quest-style: The Definitive /Quest/ Character Penis Chart. Now, technically, "penis" is a limited definition, so you can use "intromittent organ" if you want to. Claspers, gonopodia, hemipenes, aedeagi, etc. are equally welcome. With all the variety present here, it seems to me like a fascinating endeavour for science... And of course we can finally figure out whose is biggest. In this thread you can and should request for authors to contribute characters. You can also ask for info about why any of the chart entries are thusly shaped, or other relevant things. Authors don't need to consult with anyone to add on; just draw the thing on the chart with the name and species/race of the character. That's it! Do try to keep to the general style of a black outline with colourless shading. Otherwise, draw it as if it were an image in your quest! Known entrants: Anciu, Baod*, Eustice, Everett*, Glukmil*, Jehral, Narus, Ram, Ruzke*, Sekani**, Sul, Tiak, Epsilon* Completed: Anciu, Baod*, Narus, Ram, Ruzke*, Tiak *Drawn with permission from quest author, by someone else. **Permission granted but no designated artist. If you want to draw an entry for one of these, please contact the person who owns the character, to make sure you do it right. If you don't mind submitting one of your characters into this category, say so in this thread!
It is Chest day. This picture had context but I forgot it, but chests don't need context.
Where in I answer as many questions that may plague you about my quests without giving away too much I plan for spoilers and such while I ramble. The Quests in Question: Strange New World - http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/545842.html Afterlife - http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/555404.html
Discussion thread might become necessary now.
Discuss Ameriquest™ and Uhuhfuhsteve Gristleheimer®'s adventures in the Unified Subsidiaries of AmeriCorp© and beyond. Questions, comments, constructive criticism, and pointless flaming are welcome.
In an effort to try and add variety to the body part themed days, I'm starting Maid Day. Or Meido Day if you're an anime. Post characters in maid or butler outfits.
heh, i originally was gonna name it keeper quest but in the end I decide not to. But I'll still occasionally refer to it as keeper quest. But anyway, just a thread to talk about keep safe.
that's right, i'm starting this- probably gonna use it to keep track of the different worlds
I have returned to tgchan after a long bit of absence and since I recently reread the stuff that inspired the quest I did like over three years ago before losing all faith in my drawing ability, I kinda feel like trying to revive it. Do you guys think it's worth the trouble?
hmm... I guess i should make one :I Sooo its my first quest ever... i didnt much think of the plot... and basicly just come up with stuff on the fly :P If you have some questions you wanna ask please be my guest :)
I can't possibly be the only one who'd be VERY interested to meet Mudy's father. In fact, it's the clear number 1 of things I'm looking forward to in this whole Quest. I mean we're talking about a guy who seduced a fucking LORD OF DARKNESS AND THE INCARNATION OF ULTIMATE EVIL and apparently is the one from whom Mudy got his incredible charisma and silver tongue.
subtitle: "Slinkoboy runs a Cirr quest" This quest hopes to update every 1-2 days. I will lean towards daily, but I will skip a day if the quality of the quest would drop otherwise. The weekend will usually not have updates. A medium but constant speed is the basic idea. I hope you enjoy it!
Discussion for 5 Project. This is extremely convenient, I must say, as a majority of the replies in the original were theories.
For questions regarding the world and characters in Lykke Quest...
Hey guys. We're back now. Gonna get this going again, and if people still care or start caring or want to care or... basically if caring happens we'll keep updating as regularly as possible. Sorry about the abrupt hiatus, Cloid lost the pen for his tablet and things just spiraled out of control from there. For newcomers to our quest or returning patrons that don't remember, Chapter 0 of So You Want To Be A Baron was an experiment for us, and thus was unnamed until it was finished. Here is a link to: Chapter 0 - >>/questarch/346477 Chapter 1 - >>/quest/358076 Hope to see you all there. I'm sure Harold misses us.
A place to talk about Ragnarode's quests and art and stuff.
Do you like robots I like robots let's talk about robots thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/556495.html
If you have disconnected from an instance you may request to start a new instance or request access to an instance previously opened. Currently our servers are down for maintenance, if you are having issues with an instance that has not terminated properly please make a post here and a Grey Mage technician will be with you.
It is that time of year for the third time. Previously: >>65645 >>47810
The old thread got too big, Time for a new one for info, voting, and questions! Flag of the Unyielding Nations of Chlokosrodershrurisjulukuthraygis
Discussion/off-topic thread for Unraveled, will also double as a player's primer and manual and serve as a repository and reference for mechanics and rules. If you have questions about the mechanics, ask them here. It might not be obvious to me what all needs further explanations!
And lo, the quest didst accumulate two score and ten accounts from them that beheld it, and the author thereto crafted a forum for the respondents to commune amongst themselves and with his person without engorging the manuscript with their queries and comments. too WTF; don't understand Discussion for pixel quest here.
One of these, for this thing! Thoughts so far? Questions? Insistence that I update something else instead?
Have a discussion thread for Preiss. I hear these things are useful. Pretty much the usual stuff, comments, questions, criticisms, the answer to life the universe and everything. Y'know, That stuff.
Table of the Gods Discussion... Go!
Discussion thread, for what ever might warrant discussion.
Ask me questions about the setting, characters, races, and other things here.
Professor Nobody Forum.
I'm not sure if anyone wants to, but if you have questions or I do or whatever, here you go.
I think we could do a thread on these, to maybe get people interested in quests they might not otherwise read. First, a blank template.
Lets all pet each other's egos and flatter the victims of our larceny.
is this a thing people would want i do not even know talk about sad eyeless children with me and also silly cat ladies
Discussion, criticism, etc.
So there's this ancient, crappy Windows-based Strip Poker game from 1994 that only lets you play one on one and has numerous other stupid limitations. Why do I bring this up then? Because you can make your own challengers! It takes a bit of work and some outside compiling but it's pretty simple in terms of materials. SO HERE IS THE PLAN: Make campy, dated strip poker entries for various Quest characters! This is fantastic and cannot possibly go wrong. DISCLAIMER: Since this is basically just a means of winning a bunch of sequential images you don't have to make it about stripping. You could make it about someone playing in a big sunny field. You could replace losing articles of clothing with hardcore sex acts. Hell you could make a linear adventure with on-image word bubbles in which you progress by winning poker hands and eventually reveal the mysterious endgame! GET THE PACKAGE HERE http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OXL71FS4 Included please find: The Strip Poker "shell" EXE which you load up characters with. Character files are in DLL form. One really low-quality "test" DLL has been included, for Nan. This was done in about ten minutes SO DON'T JUDGE ME MANNN. You'll also find a third item, a folder with instructions on how to make your own character DLL! Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Hello, all. I'm now accepting original stories, pitches and images for my new suspense/thriller/horror series of quests in homage to shows like the Alfred Hitchcock Hour, The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, Tales From The Crypt, Goosebumps and to a lesser extent Friday the 13th: The Series, that show with a family in a lighthouse that I forget the name of and The X-Files. All submitted work will be attributed to the author who will be accredited at the beginning of each episode. I'll not pretend I have any right or claim to the work and will not sell, falsely attribute or reproduce the work with the exception of expressed permission by you to feature it in my portfolio (which will accredit you as co-creator and link to your portfolio or contact information, should you leave any.) To avoid spoiling the plot, I ask that all who would like to share your material contact me by my provided email address with the subject line "Espooket" and then post here that you've done so that I may know to look. I'll be looking for material from several other websites as well. Thanks in advanced, and hope to see you in the twilight zone/the dark side/the crypt/the outer limits/the night gallery.
It's that time of the year again! IT'S ASSDAY! And I have many asses to show you Necro:"And now It's time to open the bar again!
If there's anything anyone wants to discuss/ ask, you know the drill
a new project i'm working on... in depth, i've got the prologue started but still working on the first 'scene'. also a quick request that there be no music links or reaction images from suggestors. i will provide music, to set the mood for the scene. This means that updates for the quest will have long breaks inbetween for drawing, writing, and music searching. I'm putting alot of effort into this one, and recycling alot of characters aswell. But look forward to it, it'll be something special from me.
So we know what's going on... sort of. First off... LINDA STATS! Name: Linda McCallahan Stat: Strength-2, Finesse-3,Will-1 Spirit: 1 Break Points: 5 Focus: Bullet Manifestations: Weapon Type 1- Anti-Tank Rifle And now, an explanation of what all that up there means. The basic stats affect basic things. How easily you can flip that car(Strength), how likely you'll hit that guy at the end of the street(Finesse), or how easily you impose you desires on others(Will). Normally, an average human would be considered a 1, and exceptional person a 2. Your not normal. For you, even a two let's you do some crazy shit. Exactly what will be up to your imaginations and how much insanity you start inflicting on poor reality. Spirit is how large you effect on reality is. The larger the number, the more likely it is reality will be told to shut up and go cry in a corner somewhere. It directly affect Break Point(the point you can spend to tell reality to shut up) and the strengths of your manifestations. Manifestations, in this case, being the weapons you can tell reality to kindly hand you, so you can make something else die. Linda is a weapon type, meaning she pulls weapons out of thin air, and she currently has a bullet as her focus, generally meaning that she pulls out guns. Other foci can be obtained later, opening up more weapons to use for the killing of things.
(Main quest thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/502951.html) As I said in the preamble, you're meant to know everything that Cocona knows. Now, that isn't very much at the moment, but it does include most of the background information on Ar Ciel, Metafalls, and her home in general. Since this isn't actually the case, here's a thread for discussing it. I'll answer questions, and I think so might tUnLYO - his name suggests a serious depth of Ar Tonelico knowledge. I would also like to assume that you know most of what *Ilya* knows, in particular anything to do with the grail war that she thinks Cocona should know. In-game, that can be considered off-screen conversations. The best infodump is a good wiki, though. So: Ar Tonelico: http://artonelico.wikia.com/wiki/The_Ar_tonelico_Wiki Cocona: http://artonelico.wikia.com/wiki/Cocona_Bartel Hymnos, the language of magic: http://conlang.wikia.com/wiki/Hymmnos Illyasviel: http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Illyasviel_von_Einzbern Questions?
"Gud evenning, vhee are invintingk hew for a merriment of masks und such celebrations so piqeuent dese autumn evenings."
this just in! horrible news, Quest author Lonely S. World's computer was complete consumed by a rogue virus! no files were seen to have escaped the carnage, death toll is expected be measured by the GIGABYTE! L. S. World had this to say World: "I assure you, everything is under control, all essential files (including those of CrashQuest) were safely evacuated in the early stages of the incident, and I expect to have a new computer up and running as early as tonight!" L. S. World will now answer any questions you may have regarding: Crashquest, LW fanarts, this incident, future projects, or anything else you can also use this place to discuss CrashQuest amongst yourselves, or make fanart requests
This is a thread for all my quest discussion, please keep it civil :<
Hello, all, and thanks for visiting The Good Son's discussion thread. This is my maiden voyage in the arena of QuestMastering, so a many self-congratulations and mazel toves all around. Feel free to educate me on the finer points of the arts fellow QM's, and I invite all to comment, commend or provide criticism.
Once upon a time, in a strange, distant land, there was a modest little island in the middle of the sea. On this modest little island was a modest little kingdom known as “Talefall.” Discussion thread for Talefall; Questions, comments, and critique welcome.
Discussion thread featuring a quick doodle of a Nelilan.
I have come to draw quest characters and sleep. AND I'M ALL OUT OF QUEST CHARACTERS. Previously, on FANART THREADS: >>480 >>1118 >>314015 >>316577 >>319035 >>328203 >>336257 >>341621 >>46018
Given estimated drone life expectancy, the potential elevated risk of many missions, and the threat of death lurking around every corner, a means has been provided to consider new options for drone generation, and to prolong the life of the current TG-CN supervised drone. If desired, further options can be presented.
So instead of updating vamp or squeakquest im making another spoopy quest
obviously my tiny quest is so damn important i need to make a thread about it instead of going to my computer and updating the thing.
I am pretty damn tired of seeing the TPD logo in the OP whenever we're talking about the eivrverse so here. New discussion thread time since it's unlikely it'd happen otherwise. So I'm nearly finished up with my big dumb MSPA thing, and I was wondering what you guys wanted next. We could follow Oren as he investigates his runaway fugitive and tries to not get whacked by Blejwas in Anchorturn. We could follow Dio as he learns the ropes of battlemagery and romance with a girl who may or may not be a mobster. Or there's always that Mystery from last time.
A place to discuss that quest with the weird reality-warping demons
"Weren't these smaller before" It's that time again! Chest day week time! Male chests, female chests, all are welcome! Whether DFC or BHT, this is the thread for them! Previous chest days: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/20186.html http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/39985.html http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/57288.html titty-mmm-bop-bop-tittays
Dear SZ, aka 4b96a7, why do you feel the need to necropost on quest threads from almost a MONTH ago? That's not kosher and drives currently-running shit all the way back to page 3. :(
Here's a thread for discussion of Puzzle Dungeon, so as not to clog up the main thread with any communication, coordination, questions, or comments. There is also an IRC channel at #PuzzleDungeon @ irc.rizon.net
For >>/quest/534227 and also for anyone else who wanted this.
Someone said that I should make a discussion thread for ShockQuest so yeah.
Discussion for Tgchan's greatest quest. Compelling story, deep characters and amazing art. Yep, that's Doolbag's Mission. I don't know if this thing is a one-shot or what, but if people like it enough, I'm more than happy to carry it over more chapters. It's fun to run. DAMN FUN. Also, I don't know if people realise the amount of freedom I am offering within the quest. Consider it 'non-linear.' There is only one objective: retrieve the sweet ass-boombox. Also general feedback/log. I really should unify this into a general 'Overlord's Quests' thread, but... y'know.
I should be updating but I am doing this instead for some reason (the reason is that some guy told me to).
Feel free to discuss anything related to the quest. Feedback, criticism and all doubts and questions are welcome
Last one hit 1000+ posts so here's the new one.
This is a /questdis/-before-/quest/ thing. The thing is, this would require a lot of people's participation, and I don't want to start it before I'm sure it will generate a large enough audience. Here is the basic premise: You choose one of the classes (listed below) and a name, and join the company as a soldier. You are sent on missions in the form of turn-based strategy, with a minimap given that you make your moves around.