Jade Puff
im planning on doing All the quests in a way that at least feels natural if i can, with appropriate time passing between events happening and people knowing about them ect, so no case of one dragon soul leading to the Dragonborn dlc, it will be quite a while before you get to that.
As for gwens morality i totally leave that open to you, im just extrapolating it from whats happened to her so far, so maybe you go all queen of the night on me or maybe you go full on nun, what ever :)
As for this here picky is concept for various news papers that will turn up in the game, it always having bothered me a little that the skyrim equivalent of the black horse courier wasnt a thing.
Highland times and Plains Courier are local news type things.
Storms voice and Imperial Herald are propaganda for the stormcloacks and imperials respectively.
Herald of the nine concerns itself on temple matters mostly.
The light of Truth is a thalmor propaganda newsletter.
Dibbelas delights is almost flat out pornography (the equivalent of Britain Sunday sport) thats almost single handily responsible for reducing the public image of dibella worship to sex cult staus, the church is very keen to find out who prints and sells the damn thing, but no one ever admits to buying it..
(On that note while sex is a part of the cult its only one facet, they spend just as much time painting, singing and writing as they do having sex, something gwen often points out to no avail.)
The Wildman is skyrims source of all things wired and supernatural, on earth this would be either a spoof or some kind of insane conspiracy theory paper, however in skyrim its a good, if eccentric, source of news on strange happenings throught the region.