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File 136312813701.png - (260.45KB , 700x700 , ITQ8.png )
68983 No. 68983 ID: 064752

VII has hit 1000+ posts, so time for a new ITQ!

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No. 68986 ID: 1f8505

Question to all characters: if you had 24 hours to live, what would you do?
No. 68987 ID: d6ef5d

I like it that my first impulse was to peer in close and make sure her lips were still blue.
No. 68988 ID: 1f8505
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"Nina, listen. Listen. You can't let these guys fluster you. If you do, you'll get angry and end up wrecking a designer blouse. Trust me on this."
No. 68989 ID: a19d72

yeah just look at slinkoboy
No. 68991 ID: cf49fc
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To all characters: Which one of you deserves this?
No. 69004 ID: 25312f
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But... But Sarah, I don't even wear designer blouses! I knitted this sweater myself!
No. 69005 ID: 593f45
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>Getting mad at extra-dimensional brain voices
>Listening to them at all
>Caring whether someone sees your torso

Bleh hehehe...
No. 69006 ID: cf49fc

If it's any consolation, I left you because I was disgusted by your treatment at the hands of the other voices.

Why DID you jump into a tangent universe by the way? It seemed like your reality got less and less coherent and then suddenly it was all different, and yet eerily similar.
No. 69008 ID: f2c20c

Good. I like seeing your torso.
No. 69010 ID: 6a14ae


>Rynh has learned how to imply implications

The greatest shitstorm of our time is rapidly approaching.

We will all be consumed in the fire of raging implications and insults.
No. 69015 ID: ad90ae

Kairosa, what happens if you turn your cloak inside out?
No. 69017 ID: c4e5c2
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>Pilon, have you occasionally diced up parts of your ears in spices or fried them? Ever get a little experimental with them? Like dip them in olive oil, sprinkle a bunch of kosher salt not only for salting but also texture, then grill them?
I like them where they are, so not often. But I have. They are similar to bacon with all of the fat and oil, although still taste different in ways I can't quite describe.

>What kind of clones are we talking anyways?
Typically they are made at an adult age, with memories attached.

>What about neumono cloning?
Is Rokoa's discussion on it. If it were successful, I imagine that we would treat them as hivemates, since unless their empathy becomes incorrect in the process, they would fit in. But with how it goes, there's a good chance the empathy 'cloning' would go wrong.
No. 69026 ID: 11a38f

ysabel, did you manage to recover your top from the lake there?
No. 69031 ID: 8c2b1a
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I would sit in my cell all day, then when they came to execute me, I would destroy the guards and escape, killing the guard captain and local authority figures on my way out!

Then, for lunch, I would eat a carrot!
No. 69032 ID: 6a14ae


>A Carrot
>Not TWO Carrots


No. 69033 ID: 78c6ea


Don't ask Rynh. It was Gnoll's idea. Ran out of ideas for Oldrynh, got bored, is the reason. It happens to the best of storytellers. Sometimes you just get backed in a corner and a reboot is the fun thing to do.
No. 69038 ID: 753403
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The mistake is with your question, in that you are presuming I do not live under the mindset of 'in twenty-four hours, I will be dead,' normally.

To answer your question would be to make a selection from a large variety of different contexts. The answer could range from relaxing by a heater, waiting for my time, to being trapped in a cage, thinking of a last-ditch solution to fight my captors and desperately try to evade my doom.
No. 69046 ID: cff2a9
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>Ysabel, how delicious are those berries?
They're REALLY good. I'm not sure if I'd have eaten them if I knew my mouth would be dyed blue, but since it's already like this, I don't see why I couldn't keep eating them, though, perhaps with a little more moderation so I don't need to keep bleaching the bathroom sink or ruining perfectly good dinnerware.

>if you had 24 hours to live, what would you do?
I'd either spend it with my mom, or head to this small village nearby that I haven't had a chance to go to yet, and see if there's anything interesting around there. I guess I'd call my old friends up as well.
No. 69047 ID: 63e9fe


No. 69048 ID: 15c312


No. 69049 ID: d6ef5d

Well, be careful where you put those lips, then. A kiss (or anything else) is gonna leave indelible evidence behind.
No. 69051 ID: 9ddf68

here's one for Rokoa

you're like 200 something years old right? and Kappi is in his 20s or 30s right? so does that make you a cougar?
No. 69054 ID: 57a559

My god you could make an entire dubstep album with those
No. 69055 ID: cf49fc

Yeah, I could just stare into her eyes all day too.
No. 69056 ID: d1efde

Wow, that is some strong dye. On the up side, you'll never need to worry about wearing lip gloss again. Well, provided you really like the color blue anyway.
No. 69061 ID: d6ef5d

178 and 28 respectively, actually, as of asteroidquest (with a possible margin of error of ±1 depending on what month they were actually born, and what month it is now).

And no, that doesn't make her a cougar.

What makes her a cougar is her tendency to rip her enemies apart with her bare hands and eat their faces.
No. 69080 ID: afd9ad

Polo, or other neumono: what happens to the survivors when a hive is almost but not quite completely wiped out? Do they usually stay as a mini-hive, if those are a thing, or do they tend to just drift apart and become rogues? And would other hives see them the same way as rogues, or is there a difference?
No. 69083 ID: c4e5c2
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>you're like 200 something years old right? and Kappi is in his 20s or 30s right? so does that make you a cougar?
No. I don't aim for guys any more, let alone be selective about it. Kappi came to me, so if we labeled him off of a single event, he'd be closer to whatever the opposite of a cougar is.

The common link between the guys after me so far is that they have all been so tiny.

>what happens to the survivors when a hive is almost but not quite completely wiped out? Do they usually stay as a mini-hive, if those are a thing, or do they tend to just drift apart and become rogues?
Either of the above. Depends on the hive, circumstances, et cetera.

>And would other hives see them the same way as rogues, or is there a difference?
If they drift apart, not a difference at all. Nothin' wrong with a minihive, though.
No. 69086 ID: d6ef5d

>minihive, or drift apart
Or get assimilated by a bigger hive (what Polo and Rakae considered when they thought they were sole Sealock survivors).

>The common link between the guys after me so far is that they have all been so tiny.
So... we can throw out the theory that you and Pilon ever hooked up, then?
No. 69090 ID: 735f4f

Hey Rokoa I had this crazy dream last night were Kappi managed to knock you up after your little fling. So your angry redneck parents wandered down from the hills and you had a shotgun wedding. Your half of the wedding all shark teeth as far as the eye could see. Then it was just you and him on the porch with you in a apron and kids everywhere.

So anyways um is that even still a possibility and if so what would your kids look like.
No. 69094 ID: d6ef5d

Conception doesn't happen accidentally in neumono. The females store away the genetic material to be used when they choose to. (It's discussed in more detail in Lago's draw thread, if you're interested).

So, yes- kids could happen. But not by accident. And the only shotguns involved would probably be if and when the warhive decided to actually follow through and go on that asteroid-rogue genocide they threatened.
No. 69096 ID: 735f4f

Oh I remember that. Just was a very odd dream and the first one I have ever had about a quest. What I was curious about was,

1. Do neumono lose the ability to reproduce after a certain age.
2. If not have you ever considered having children again.
3. If you did end up with a tiny guy like Kappi what would your children look like.
4. And finally would there be a problem if the size difference was reversed? Like do you have Caesarean section's or such?
No. 69098 ID: 997ce7


Hahahaha no. It's been confirmed. Repeatedly. Pilon didn't go after Rokoa. Their hive made them have babies because eugenics.
No. 69099 ID: d6ef5d

>would there be a problem if the size difference was reversed?
Can't say I haven't amused myself imagining Polo x Pilon babies (Itty bitty neumono- friggin gigantic ears).

Er. I'm pretty sure we've received no such explicit confirmation. The closest we got was Pilon saying such a pairing wouldn't count as incest, not that it had or had not happened.
No. 69104 ID: c4e5c2
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>Or get assimilated by a bigger hive (what Polo and Rakae considered when they thought they were sole Sealock survivors).
Gonna assume they were talking about an ultrahive. Trying to become real hivemates without being born or raised by the hive isn't some trivial thing to decide.

>What would your kids look like, with Kappi?
Probably more like me, unless Kappi turns out to have some strength and manages to kick my ass in the gene department.

>Do neumono lose the ability to reproduce after a certain age.
No, but when age starts showing, birth is a damn bigger deal with more complications. Harder to push our, as it's been put, womb formed into a pod outward to act like an egg.

The size of the kid at birth is based off the female, so kids between Kappi and I will turn out a lot bigger than if Kappi were the girl. Their rate of growth evens out between the two parents, but still based off the birth size, so the girl still has got more impact on the end size.

Childbirth is still pushing a damn bowling ball out, but we have it better than some species. Least it's not a bawling, squirming bowling ball. The only real control we have is whether or not to get impregnated. After that, who knows if it's too damn big anyway and we need a C-section. Also, the pod sometimes doesn't shape right. Not like it forms a wonky oval, though that can happen to. More like... it crystallizes too soon, too late, or both in certain areas. Those spots come in the form of tiny hooks, spikes, barbs, whatever. That is a bitch and the I know the moment it starts to push, that I am going to bleed.

Millions or billions of years of evolution and not a single goddamn species can get it right. Cept for Pomi. Small eggs. A complication is one in a million.

Haven't planned on having kids again. Could happen. Kappi's gotta shape up if he wants anything to do with it.

And I'm not talking about me and Pilon.
No. 69111 ID: 6808dd
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>if you had 24 hours to live, what would you do?

paris: "i .... i guess i would try to find my gentleman to say goodbye ... and i would tell him how i really feel ... i don't think i even really care what happens after that. but i wouldn't want to die without telling him i love him."

paris: "kill my boss."
No. 69113 ID: d6ef5d

Hey, Polo, wanna talk guns? Why the overwhelming preference for conventional ballistics over laser or energy based weapons? (We know they exist, but I think in all your adventures we've seen, what, two laser rifles?). Is there some kind of drawback or tradeoff that makes them less desirable? Are they just much more costly to produce or harder to maintain without a significant improvement in function?
No. 69115 ID: 78c6ea


No. 69119 ID: 57a559

All quest characters
Do you have any particular kinky fetishes? Maybe ones people won't expect of you?
No. 69122 ID: b0d1a8
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No. 69124 ID: cf49fc

Good lord, really? But doesn't that cause upper back problems?
No. 69126 ID: 57a559

you know what a fetish even is? That these vines are sexual?
No. 69127 ID: 3fcb55


I'm sure it's not trivial, but it seems like the effort would be made, particularly for valuable individuals like Polo. Speaking of Polo, and on the subject of kids, if Polo was a dude would you have kids with him? Or, hm, well, your universe probably has lesbian science baby technology by now, so maybe that's not such an issue. And still on the subject of kids, how does inheritance normally work for neumono? When your greatgreatgreatuncle/dad kicks it, do you get his stuff, or is it divvied up to whoever in the hive needs and/or is seen to deserve it?

Also, does Pilon's group count as a minihive? And do hives ever just circumstantially develop in such a way that they're almost identical empathy-wise, so that when they meet they just go "man, fuck it" and just merge wholesale?

Finally, as a fighter, can you tell us if there are any neumono martial arts? Not like just training to fight, but like whole philosophical body/mind discipline systems. Secret kung fu monk hives seem like they would have been a thing. Heck, Polo's silence ability seems like something some hidden neumono ninja clan might have had at some point.

No. 69128 ID: 997ce7

I assumed the vines themselves were replying. They're furries.
No. 69134 ID: cf49fc

No. 69139 ID: c4e5c2
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>Why the overwhelming preference for conventional ballistics over laser or energy based weapons?
Kinetics are marginally more reliable. Not enough to matter on a macro scale, but when it comes to myself, I will take what fraction of a percent I can get to make sure the gun does fire when I need to.

Otherwise, it is more to deal with what is familiar than what is than not. Pros and cons exist, but they are relatively minor.
No. 69140 ID: c4e5c2
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>If Polo was a dude would you have kids with him?

>And still on the subject of kids, how does inheritance normally work for neumono?
The dying one can say who goes to what, but by default, it goes to the hive.

>Also, does Pilon's group count as a minihive?

>And do hives ever just circumstantially develop in such a way that they're almost identical empathy-wise, so that when they meet they just go "man, fuck it" and just merge wholesale?
Has it ever happened? Yes. Does it happen in most people's lifetimes? No.

>Finally, as a fighter, can you tell us if there are any neumono martial arts?
Yes, some get all philosophical more than others. Hivemembers tend to get similar martial arts as each other. My warhives wasn't philosophical about it. Our fighting style revolved around killing or disabling the enemy. That is it, and that is how non-ceremonial hives tend to be.
No. 69156 ID: 47b55a

I don't know if this was asked already or not, nut here goes. What were the neumono's reaction to meeting humans like what did they think of them and did they set off anything with your whole empathy link/sense thing you have going on?
No. 69159 ID: 9ddf68

on this topic, humans were the first to develop space travel right? how did ALL the races react when humanity first meet them. And I'm not sure if this has been asked before or not but how do all the races get along with each other in general and if that has been answered then how well did all the races get along from first contact and how has it chanced to now if at all?
No. 69178 ID: 9ddf68

Athena Tannis

I know it is late as hell for this question but what was your First impression on Rene and what happened after he got away? I mean it was your first mission right so did they give you some leeway or did you get your head chewed off for letting him get away?

and for a more up to date question, Ellen how did you get arrested anyways? did the guards just swarm you with troops, did one of the Scarlet Knights get you, or did you simple drink to much and pass out so all the guards had to do was hall you back to the station.
No. 69181 ID: beeca1

Rokoa, if you knew the pregnancy wouldn't have any complications, would you have male Polo's kids?

And if you were a male, would you impregnate Polo?

And has anyone tried to make a telefrag weapon that teleports different bits of the target to different places? It'd probably be energy-expensive and the size of heavy artillery, but it seems useful against spaceships and the like.
No. 69183 ID: d6ef5d

...okay, the insistent hypothetical impregnation questions are starting to get creepy.
No. 69186 ID: beeca1

But how else are we meant to write our genderbending slashfics

Also, one last one: Would the CAI be willing to impregnate a collection of random head-voices?
No. 69189 ID: cff2a9

by just doing so.
No. 69195 ID: c4e5c2
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>Rokoa, if you knew the pregnancy wouldn't have any complications, would you have male Polo's kids?
>And if you were a male, would you impregnate Polo?
I answered this. No. None of those circumstances change anything.

>What were the neumono's reaction to meeting humans like what did they think of them and did they set off anything with your whole empathy link/sense thing you have going on?
We didn't care. Thought they, humans and belenos, were capable of magic, and given us, they may as well have been.

Course, then they all started shoving neumonos from different hives together in the same room and expected us not to tear each other apart. Gave us a bad rep when we did, but they trained us to tolerate one another. We just needed a push, in the end. Then they tried to tame us and the whole planet, but there were only so many of them, so they had us do a lot of the work bringing tribals into the fold to see how we'd fare. Belenos treated it as one big experiment, while humans just kept a tight ship running around their own towns, spread thin and all. For the rest of the 98% of the planet that they had us try to tame... you know how good we are at upper management. Every hive pissed every other hive off with their methods of doing so, and when the humans let us loose and turned their back, 'trained' hives would schism from one another. With alien weaponry. There were wars for decades before ultrahives were deemed remotely stable.

I hear well trained neumono that went off-planet were more or less well received pretty quick, while tribal neumono were seen as shitty for a long time.

And that is as much detail as I care to know or go into.

>how did ALL the races react when humanity first meet them?
Belenos and humans got along amazingly well. Pomi thought their gods were pissed right the fuck off. Heef also thought their gods were pissed right the fuck off too, although humans found it less cute, because unlike the Pomi, they appeased dieties by mass sacrificing. Pomi just made a lot of cute little trinkets to hang on the walls and all that.

Yich eaters couldn't care less. Mikliks were about as uplifted as neumono. They grew up from the dirt, and spent their lives rolling in it until the human-belenos exploratory barrage came around.

> And I'm not sure if this has been asked before or not but how do all the races get along with each other in general and if that has been answered then how well did all the races get along from first contact and how has it chanced to now if at all?
Not including the space boonies, every species has been adjusted thoroughly to each other whether they like it or not. Sure there's mikliks who hate neumono, humans who want to abandon those stupid aliens, and yich eaters who hate everyone, but typically the hate is faction to faction more than it is species to species.

>And has anyone tried to make a telefrag weapon that teleports different bits of the target to different places?
I'm sure people have tried, but if that's been weaponized to any effect then I've missed out.
No. 69196 ID: 9ddf68

Well you were around during first contact right? what did you first think of them? this goes to Polo and Pilon as well

and for a random question that has been bothering me for a while. What about yich eaters, what can they do really? From what i gathered Belenos are smart, Pomi can eat just about anything, Heef are strong, Mikliks are quick, and neumono have a deadpool like regeneration, but Yich eaters, no one seems to have a damn clue what they can do and all we've seen of them is just them standing around doing nothing but just starring at things. I mean how are they in a fight because I know that green force form the trading hub has at least one yich eater in it and do they have any weird abilities like neumono's regeneration or how millik are basically plant people?
No. 69197 ID: d6ef5d

>Well you were around during first contact right? what did you first think of them? this goes to Polo and Pilon as well
Rokoa and Pilon were around, yes. Polo wouldn't even be born for another 33 years.

Actually, Rokoa and Pilon are the only (still living) characters we know to be old enough to predate first contact (the red Queen would have, but she's dead). Though it's possible some of the other warhivers we met did too, or the head Salikai does.
No. 69200 ID: 78c6ea

Don't mind these trolls Rokoa. Trolls actually have a second mechanism for reproduction that hinges on hating one another instead of loving, so they naturally project that on everyone else they meet. A fascinating species, but not pleasant to be around.
No. 69210 ID: 997ce7

What is neumono graffiti like? Specifically public-bathroom graffiti.

Also, did anyone find a way to have empathy work over long-distance communication such as cell phones?

I thought of this after dire circumstances forced me to actually use a public restroom. For some reason the graffiti reminded me of a neumono hive mind, and I began wondering how they would handle "call X for a good time" and associated cliches.
No. 69211 ID: d6ef5d

>Also, did anyone find a way to have empathy work over long-distance communication such as cell phones?
The salikai and/or Korli's science hive did. Although they're using it to broadcast four stripes rather than using it as an empathy telephone.

...and honestly, the danger of a predator using the network to cause widespread harm will probably prevent the tech from ever being used to build a widespread long range empathy communication network.
No. 69212 ID: 997ce7

I honestly don't think predators are anywhere near that common. That's like saying human bot flies would logically worldwide stop people from... shaking hands or some shit, I guess.
No. 69213 ID: d6ef5d

Bot flies are non-lethal, slow to progress, and treatable. We're talking about aggressive, hostile mind control through communication channels. It would be more like suddenly discovering insanity or zombie-ism was internet transmissible.

And them being uncommon doesn't matter. These things are so dangerous, that on a planet full of insane monsters, the neumono simply call them predators. If there was a worldwide empathy communication network and even one got in there, we wouldn't measure the damage in individuals. We'd measure it in hives.

Honestly, the small nicety of long range empathy communication is nowhere near worth the disproportionately large risk of a predator abusing it.
No. 69214 ID: 997ce7

They're not just uncommon, they're near extinct. I'm fairly sure Polo thought they were at first.
No. 69216 ID: 759d37

Jehral: If you could get any one person to do any one thing, just for asking, without any drawbacks or payback, what would it be, and from who?
No. 69226 ID: 78c6ea
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Have you heard THE PULSE??
No. 69227 ID: 2595b0

to any neumono who knows: what would happen if a neumono's severed arm was held against a different neumono's open stump?
No. 69228 ID: d6ef5d

There was some discussion of neumono grafting in Lago's draw thread >>/draw/17811 (although the people who brought it up weren't asking about arms at the time, if you know what I mean).
No. 69230 ID: c4e5c2
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>Well you were around during first contact right? what did you first think of them?
I was alive, same as Pilon. We weren't contacted till well after we heard rumors and stuff about them. Just 'by the way, there's aliens.' Heard rumors. Then we saw them. The wind was taken out of the sails for any sort of great impression. Didn't think much of them either way. Polo wasn't born till way after.

>What about yich eaters, what can they do really? From what i gathered Belenos are smart, Pomi can eat just about anything, Heef are strong, Mikliks are quick, and neumono have a deadpool like regeneration
Crawl around and be creepy about it. That's it. If nature decided everything has to have some plus about it, then Yich Eaters got the short end of the stick with their strong point being weird.

>Don't mind these trolls Rokoa.
What trolls? Just a buncha questions, some weirder than others.

>What is neumono graffiti like? Specifically public-bathroom graffiti.
Like this one. These days its pretty mundane stuff, but it didn't used to be like that. Like I said before, aliens trained hives to not rip each other apart, so they lived alright on other planets, but that didn't mean there weren't hostilities. So bathrooms or shared workspaces with other hives got them to write some nasty shit about each other. Either rumor spreading or just plain 'fuck this hive.' I hear it got so bad in some places that hives had segregated bathrooms.

Now, the only way you can tell the difference between neumono graffiti and an alien's is that our handwriting is huge.

>Also, did anyone find a way to have empathy work over long-distance communication such as cell phones?
If that ever became discovered or public, they never let the asteroid see it.

>To any neumono who knows: what would happen if a neumono's severed arm was held against a different neumono's open stump?
They'd try to heal over each other, and you might get some stick between them, but they wouldn't fuse together. A neumono will reject another neumono. They'd probably just end up with healed stumps tied to each other. At worst, one might try to take over the other, but that would take a huge regeneration strength gap.
No. 69233 ID: bf0685

curiosity strikes.... what about say god/s & dieties of each species, what was the more common views say before humanity "uplifted" species.

also music, what variations compaired to each other did each species have?
No. 69239 ID: 8f5752

ysabels mom: do your.... um, generous assets ever get in the way of your job?
No. 69242 ID: beeca1

What would happen to those two twins you fought way back in the first thread if you swapped their bits? Would they still reject or what, even if they were identical twins?

And if they would reject, then what mechanism is used to tell whether or not to fuse? If you had tried to reattach your leg/bone when it got blown off, would it have worked?
No. 69243 ID: 450660


Maybe I'm bad at reading, but how DID you guys end up on the Asteroid? Hive leaving the homeworld go awry or something?
No. 69245 ID: d6ef5d

She answered that sometime a ways back, I think. They crashed about 2 years out. Partially because of the rush repair job to kick them off the homeworld.
No. 69247 ID: 8f5752

can we keep this thread from becoming 'inside the neumono'? please?
No. 69248 ID: 9ddf68

Hey sevener (or do you prefer Anya) what's it like being an admen compared to being a contestant? I mean we have seen what it's like for the contestants starting off as a blob, quickly finding out that you have to kill or get to the exit first to survive, but all we really know about the administration is if you don't do your job you don't go to the next level or something, what is the ultamate goal of the administration? Also how early do you get to access your logs and what where you like when you first heard yours? And other then the logs when was the first time you heard about Alison and what was your first thoughts when you heard about her? And last on I swear, what did you expect your first meeting with her to be like.
No. 69251 ID: 2a8a2a

So apparently a fairly small chunk of neumono brain can (primitively) feel and weakly project empathy. Does the neural distribution mostly stay out of the extremities, or is the whole ear eating thing suddenly a lot more disturbing?
No. 69274 ID: 450660


Must have missed that one. Thanks!
No. 69278 ID: c4e5c2
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>What would happen to those two twins you fought way back in the first thread if you swapped their bits?
They'd reject. Regeneration can tell the difference between each other regardless.

>curiosity strikes.... what about say god/s & dieties of each species, what was the more common views say before humanity "uplifted" species.
Pomi were real religious. Belenos too, but they simply believed, they didn't have moral codes tied in tight with religion. Yich Eaters had nothin, Heef believed their planet was their diety, even in separate cultures. I dunno what the wide range of it nowadays is, but I think religion is more or less on the back burner.
Polo got this one for neumono.

>Maybe I'm bad at reading, but how DID you guys end up on the Asteroid?
Yeah, answered this one, but it was about 2 years after we left off, cause our ship wasn't fixed too well and we didn't notice.

>Does the neural distribution mostly stay out of the extremities, or is the whole ear eating thing suddenly a lot more disturbing?
Yeah, generally. Course, if the core of the body is constantly getting stabbed and torn up and stuff, then it could start moving to some extremities or whererever isn't getting injured so much. Answered that in too much detail some other time again, but the short answer's yes.
No. 69279 ID: c4e5c2
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>Hey sevener (or do you prefer Anya) what's it like being an admen compared to being a contestant?
It's Sevener. And yeahhh I have a feeling the Naga's gonna ask all this stuff, and more, after we're done with each other. I'd only answer it here if I'd answer it to her, so hold your horses. On, say, every single question you asked. Cept the last couple.

>And other then the logs when was the first time you heard about Alison and what was your first thoughts when you heard about her?
I only heard about her from the logs first! Paid some attention after her after that, but the question's moot, cause the logs painted my first picture of her and skewed everything past the first.

>What did you expect your first meeting with her to be like.
Short and to the point. I expected that cause that's what I was gonna make happen.
No. 69281 ID: 9ddf68

eh, sorry didn't really mean to jump any spoilers. I just thought since we had Radmen for a while now and these questions never really came up, I just thought they were safe to ask since no one has seemed to have asked them yet, but now that I think about it Radmen does seem like he's holding things to himself so that could be why no one has asked him yet. So asking another question here for ya Sevener hoping this one isn't a spoiler either but What is your opinion on the Corrupter and his group and when did you first hear of them.
No. 69283 ID: 8b09a4

>regeneration rejection

It sounds like the development of decent immunosuppressants would be the holy grail for neumono medicine.
No. 69284 ID: d6ef5d

Assuming they'd want to transplant parts. Get much past the surface and surgery doubles as brain surgery, for them. Getting pieces of someone else's memories or personality dumped into yourself hardly seems worth not having to wait as long for an arm to grow back.

What decides if and when rejection comes into play anyways? We already know neumono transplantation is possible- both in harmless, if silly looking, skin grafts, and the more squicky deeper tissue memory/personality varieties. (Polo's experience, and Korli's ITQ).

Why, it almost sounds like you're assuming she's going to win. :V After all, if you do, she's hardly going to be in a situation to ask any of that.
No. 69287 ID: 9ddf68

Here's a question I had when rereading Unnatural Selection for any character that can answer it. Did the lollipop syndicate actually exist before Guardsmen made them up or did Alison and company actually create them that night. I'm asking because we know it is possible to create something in world B if you believe hard enough and I find it harder to believe that a criminal origination, no matter how small, would call itself the Lollipop syndicate instead of Alison and company mentioning them then having whatever old mob was there looking for who just hit one of there factories then the media also looking for this syndicate trying to get a scoop and in the process the Lollipop syndicate is born.

So in short Did Alison create the Lollipop syndicate or where they already around? and if the latter why in God's name did they call themselves the Lollipop syndicate?
No. 69311 ID: 153d9d

So I'm throwing this out to any character; were there any artistic works or philosophies that have greatly influenced how you consider the world around you?

I'm pretty sure it was the latter as it is unlikely for a group to name themselves solely on the existence of hard-boiled candy attached to sticks, why the individuals in a CAI are considered as a separate unit for content creation purposes is another question...
No. 69318 ID: c4e5c2
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>Why, it almost sounds like you're assuming she's going to win. :V After all, if you do, she's hardly going to be in a situation to ask any of that.
Like hell. Like her 'hardly going to be in a situation' to ask that is going to stop her.

>Sevener hoping this one isn't a spoiler either but What is your opinion on the Corrupter and his group and when did you first hear of them.
A darn shame, cause this one's included. The naga'll find a way to ask me this one too.

>So in short Did Alison create the Lollipop syndicate or where they already around? and if the latter why in God's name did they call themselves the Lollipop syndicate?
Doubt it, they probably existed, and they didn't call themselves that. Quick history. Belenosian lollipops weren't regulated well, and it turns out the largest distributors included an addictive substance. They tasted far better than it had any business to, but between the addiction and unhealthy ingredients, it fucked people up years down the line. Meanwhile, that syndicate had a reputation for getting buddy buddy with people and organizations, then backstabbing them a long ways down the line. So people started calling them the Lollipop Syndicate. So much so that the 'Lollipop Syndicate' got a bigger name than their real name, the Pajop Syndicate. So they started calling themselves the Lollipop to ride the reputation. They don't go around calling each other Princess Sugartooth or whatever, it doesn't go that deep.

But it isn't even uncommon. The news eats up nicknames like that, and that anchor girl robot on the news will constantly give nicknames to certain syndicates under the seldom chance a crime is even reported. And since the news is so damn averse to talking about crimes, crime lords consider it a fuckhuge accomplishment to get mentioned on the news at all, so they'll take whatever name is given to them. Lotta silly aliases out there.
No. 69319 ID: c4e5c2
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>What decides if and when rejection comes into play anyways?
It's all up to our regeneration. First, it tries to assimilate foreign objects if it can. For instance, Polo's skin and fur grafts from Pilon were absorbed and eventually changed back to Polo's natural fur color and all that. If neumono A can't assimilate the object, maybe because a skin graft from neumono B is just so weird to A's regeneration, or because it's a steel bar lodged in A's hand, then it tries to reject and push it out. It's very rare for a neumono to reject another neumono's flesh though if it's put on right and isn't rotten or anything. If the regeneration can't push it out or assimilate, such as say, a metal plate covering an amputation, it'll then try to heal around it and, failing that, it'll just cover up any open wounds and wait for the blockage to go away.

But once we get into odd middle ground like trying to assimilate neumono flesh that isn't quite fresh, or an amputation block that only partially covers the wound, it'll be hard to predict what our regeneration can assimilate and what it'll try to heal around.
No. 69321 ID: d6ef5d

...I am rather amused Sevener expects that even death won't prevent Alison from harassing her.
No. 69327 ID: 9ddf68

Hey sevener if you beat Alison are you going to absorb her or no.
No. 69337 ID: 29c085

Unnamed kigavi in Fish: please elaborate on how the kigavi reproductive process even works. For science. And compatibility checks science.
No. 69351 ID: 3dd384

Wordblood, do you have a breath weapon? If so, how does it look?

Saulanna, what colors are your clothes? It's unclear from the medium whether they're colored or just different shades of gray.
If they're just white/gray/black, what colors do you think you'd like to wear?
No. 69352 ID: d6ef5d

>breath weapon?

Speaking of weapons- hey Healer, what's your weapon? I don't think we've ever actually seen you do an attack on-panel. (If you never picked one, may I suggest prehensile ribbons from your bows? :V ).
No. 69353 ID: d6ae01
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>Please elaborate on how the kigavi reproductive process even works. For science.
It's pretty simple! And pretty normal. Two kigavi get together and go at it for a while just like anything else and it feels good and later you might get a baby kigavi.

I guess we do get to pick which side we wanna be on~
No. 69355 ID: f2c20c

Which... side? Do you mean lying down on your sides?
No. 69359 ID: 29c085

That or picking which "side" they wanna be, like, I dunno, maybe they can change genders or something.
No. 69360 ID: dba375

Well, Saz certainly has more than one... side...
No. 69368 ID: b33427

Hey, Saz! How do you feel about that kigavi using you wearing a strap-on beak in her (or his) thoughts about kigavi reproduction instead of an actual kigavi? And the impossible amstvane/kigavi offspring? (Which is also equally impossibly adorable.)

Also, how common are inter-species sexual encouters in your universe? Ever thought about engaging in some yourself?
No. 69381 ID: 742f6a
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"Why would my breath be a weapon? I am an Aide, and my Element isn't harmful to most creatures. Quite the opposite. I do breathe this mist, now, if I choose to. However, it actually promotes life, and I can only imagine that it will become more beneficent, if anything. I'm not a fighter. I am not a total noncombatant, as some could be, but I'm certainly no match for a true warrior deva."
No. 69387 ID: 78c6ea
File 136418722687.jpg - (100.71KB , 1014x654 , so many holes to dig.jpg )


I can think of one scenario.
No. 69413 ID: 001618

to any and all who want to answer

If you ran the world what would it be like?
No. 69414 ID: 2430cc

Breath weapons just considered are a dragony thing, I suppose. I could see you having some variant of the mist used for defensive purposes, considering your non-offensive nature. Like one that overwhelms the targets with random words and racing thoughts, immobilizing them and knocking them out.

Hey Kairosa, is time travel a thing at all for Creation? Maybe a carefully preplanned causality loop?
No. 69510 ID: efa215

Polo, you make everyone think you are a serious sort of dame, but we know your poker face is but the mask atop a torso that conceals a true prankster's heart. Possibly several of them.

Will you tell us the story of your finest ruse? Your most trickstery gambit?
No. 69511 ID: 7217c1
File 136449384493.png - (15.29KB , 700x600 , itq2.png )

>Which... side? Do you mean lying down on your sides?
You can do it on your side if you want, I guess~

>That or picking which "side" they wanna be, like, I dunno, maybe they can change genders or something.
That's not quite it, silly!

>Well, Saz certainly has more than one... side...
I know~
No. 69512 ID: 7217c1
File 136449388168.png - (18.83KB , 700x600 , itq3.png )

>Hey, Saz! How do you feel about that kigavi using you wearing a strap-on beak in her (or his) thoughts about kigavi reproduction instead of an actual kigavi? And the impossible amstvane/kigavi offspring? (Which is also equally impossibly adorable.)

>Also, how common are inter-species sexual encouters in your universe?
N-not that uncommon... I guess...

>Ever thought about engaging in some yourself?
I, uh... um... I don't wanna say.
No. 69514 ID: f2c20c

Then... males of your species have two dicks?
No. 69515 ID: dba375

Slinko has had to draw many pictures to demonstrate this.
No. 69520 ID: 450660

Thanks to >>69510, my new secret desire is to see Polo gush over something like she once did coffee cake. That was just too precious.

Polo, is there something that is super dear to you or that you just absolutely adored? We desire cute faces again~
No. 69521 ID: 18e2a3

Aww, come on Saz, you can tell us. Yes or no?
No. 69558 ID: 6c7813
File 136470077931.png - (41.34KB , 800x600 , ILUVCOOKIES.png )

No. 69560 ID: 153d9d

Mazra, what is the strangest group of individuals you've come across before finding us? Also, is there some set limit to manifestations of things, if resources aren't an issue then do people have to periodically reaffirm the existence of things so they don't degrade? And are there any notable regions/polities in the Afterlife?
No. 69577 ID: 735f4f

Hey have a question for the horrifying Rokoa brain dart clones. So whats it like as a horrible brain dart clone?
No. 69629 ID: b7169d

Saz, why not enlighten us about Beyond 131.

Is it like a TV series? Cartoon? Has it got Cool Transforming Mecha models that one can paint and do neat things with?
No. 69642 ID: c4e5c2
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>Will you tell us the story of your finest ruse? Your most trickstery gambit?
I replaced my father's 'fine, extraplanetary wine' with apple juice and ran away so I wouldn't give it away via empathy. I did not get away with it, as I eventually came back thinking 'please Polo don't think about how I dumped all his wine down the garbage and replaced it with apple juice.' However, up until that point, my father did not have the slightest suspicion that I gave him apple juice.

You asked for my finest ruse and most tricksery gambit. That's it. It is difficult to pull off anything except an exceedingly crude trick on a hivemate and have a chance of getting away with it. By the time I had silence and could pull off anything like that with any competency, I had grown up. But at least I got my dad to stop thinking it was important to impress aliens by drinking wine. I did get punished, though. Not being in an ultrahive meant that getting alien based food and goods was difficult, so already expensive wine became a fortune to get.

>Polo, is there something that is super dear to you or that you just absolutely adored?
Yes, it was coffee cake, if we are not counting individuals such as hivemates.

>We desire cute faces again~
I cannot make those when I am asked to.
No. 69643 ID: d6ef5d

You know, if you really didn't want to get in trouble, what you should have done was poured the wine into another container, not the garbage, before filling the bottle with apple juice. Then you could have come back giggling, with far less fear of retribution.
No. 69644 ID: a1cc16

So, no pranks as an adult? Does your culture not have a traditional trickery holiday? Or just goofing about between friends and comrades? You must have had a few temptations to pull pranks the last few months, especially with people thinking you're dead.

On a more sensitive subject... we know tribals are superstitious about you, and your ability seems to make normal modern neumono nervous, or annoyed. Even some abnormal neumono, sometimes. Among people who think you're dead, but know you "had" the ability, have there been any more intolerant grumblings in the media? Do you foresee any trouble once it gets public that you are alive? I don't know if neumono have any of the sort of fundamentalists who rise up about things like this. If there are, I'm sure there were problems with jammers, when they were made?
No. 69645 ID: cff2a9

Ketza Rottel: Are you, in fact, a chocobo?
No. 69662 ID: 0130a0

Hey Polo, if that moton egg mission ways back ago went successfully, as in not running into predators or the war hive, how different do you think your life would be at this point if it went towards that direction? Are you "happy" at how the way things went back then? Would you and Rikek have become more than just friends? :V
No. 69669 ID: d6ef5d

I would assume, given the circumstances, that her odd sense of humor has been more restricted to verbal quips. Which tend to be harder to retell out of context.
No. 69671 ID: beeca1

>more than just friends

Out of curiosity, you said Korli's hive didn't have much of a concept of boyfriends. How common is that sort of thing?

Also, on an unrelated note, do neumono have pets?
No. 69672 ID: d6ef5d

Common. It's not just the science hive, neumono mostly don't have the same concept of pairing off the way we do. Pilon talks about it back here:

No. 69674 ID: beeca1

Then I suppose my question is: Polo, does your hive have that concept, since you knew what it was, or is that just another alien thing that neumono are aware of but don't have?
No. 69682 ID: 52d91f

Maolla, what do you do for fun, aside from sex? Any hobbies?

More generally, are there any common Scellor games or other recreational activities that don't involve sex?
No. 69697 ID: c4e5c2
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>So whats it like as a horrible brain dart clone?
Waiting. Waiting to feel my body live while I feel my mind die.
No. 69698 ID: c4e5c2
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>You know, if you really didn't want to get in trouble, what you should have done was poured the wine into another container, not the garbage, before filling the bottle with apple juice. Then you could have come back giggling, with far less fear of retribution.
Yes, and with my 8 year old brain, I only realized this in hindsight.

>So, no pranks as an adult? Does your culture not have a traditional trickery holiday?
We do not, again because of empathy.

>Or just goofing about between friends and comrades?
We have those, though not for structured holidays. At least not widespread ones, holidays are on a hive to hive basis. So far, the only widespread ones are either involving ultrahive forming, or alien holidays.

>You must have had a few temptations to pull pranks the last few months, especially with people thinking you're dead.
No, I have been preparing to do everything within my power to fight and sabotage the salikai, not giggling while replacing hivemate's ketchup with hot sauce.

>Hey Polo, if that moton egg mission ways back ago went successfully, as in not running into predators or the war hive, how different do you think your life would be at this point if it went towards that direction? Are you "happy" at how the way things went back then? Would you and Rikek have become more than just friends?
... it would be completely different. Though I suppose Rokoa's hive would still have been so aggressive as to nuke my home, so we would still have joined an ultrahive. Nevertheless, I would have come back to a nice, modest homecoming and given them the moton egg. We would gain hunter prestige, and I would continue training, if more casually, and gradually ramp up to more dangerous missions that the ultrahive would then have for me. I honestly do not even know what my talents would be used for without the ultrahive, although we did have more enemies aside from Rokoa's hive, so I am sure something.

Rikek would still have been smashed up if we are counting everything up until Rakae's helicopter was shot down. We would take care of him for the week or say he would have needed to fully recover. I do not believe he would have been so keen after that to continue seeing the wilds, and so it would have worked out quite well for him that we joined the ultrahive. Well, after we come back to our hive and quickly evacuate again, since I believe it was the next day or the day after in which we were nuked. Yes, I do believe Rikek would liked to have huddled in the ultrahive nexus and eventually leave the planet, though perhaps we would have more chatting beforehand. As it was, I had little time for him, but even if that was not the case, I do not think we would have been more than friends.

Am I happy? I don't know. I did not particularly aspire to become a renowned war hero. It may have been even worse if I did, since I would not have liked being considered dead, so perhaps that is a slight plus, or at least not a bad negative. I would not have met Rokoa, she would not have somehow been a source of grief months after she is not even on the same planet, and I would not have had to endure weeks of being fueled by anger at her leading up to a stupid duel. I would not have had shrapnel going through me, shot in the head, lost an ear, amongst other things.

I would have met Pilon, though, but perhaps I look more fondly on him due to him being the closest thing I had to a sanity beacon in the midst of that flagship.

So I do not know about happy. If you asked me, if I had the choice to have Rakae's helicopter not shot down and instead we were able to get the moton egg and get out, and nothing else changed... then I would ask it to be shot down. Because the salikai would still exist, and my contentness is irrelevant. If, however, the salikai did not exist, then perhaps... I don't know. I believe I would keep Rakae's helicopter intact, and fly on out.

I may remember the mission with almost a sense of accomplishment and fondness, but those are born from being glad it is over. I would not want to go through it again.

>Polo, does your hive have [the concept of boyfriends]?
We are aware of it, but do not practice it. I, and others, sometimes use it in jokes, but that is about it. Even within the hive, we do have frequent mates that we do spend more time with than others. While virtually every interhive relation is positive, they are not necessarily equal, and it may appear two people are couples at times. But we do not have a formal concept of marriage or weddings, nor is it rare for two people to enjoy each other's company the most yet reproduce with others. That said, it may not be common either, as we are no longer a warhive that only breeds the best physical individuals. We consider empathic bonding to be more important now. Even moreso now that we are in a ultrahive, not in the warlands as non-ultrahive territory is sometimes called. Ridiculous that Rokoa would call us a cuddlehive, when it was her hive's action that contributed best to making us even more into one.
No. 69699 ID: 498c77
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> Maolla, what do you do for fun, aside from sex? Any hobbies?

I play guitar, actually! Not often, really, but still. I'm not very good at it, and I have to cheat and use telekinesis to make the chords. Don't need a pick, though. What else... I have a library of games and movies and such in my netslice, but everyone does.

It's not exactly a hobby, I think, but I do do stuff related to my job. I keep subscriptions to technology journals. Physics and such, as well. Maths. I am an engineer, after all. Sometimes I try a little tinkering project, but not that often. I have secondary skills, too; I'm a decent pilot, I still practice how to fight, I'm pretty good with weapons and military equipment. They all need a bit of practice, for upkeep. Again, not sure if you'd count them as hobbies. That's about it, for me.

>More generally, are there any common Scellor games or other recreational activities that don't involve sex?

There's a lot of things that everyone does, but if you're asking after stuff that's uniquely scellor? And not just practicing skills, in one way or another? Not a lot. Some people are big into keeping pets, either from the homeworld, or bioartificials, or weird blend things. There's a small number of people who are interested in uncovering the past and trying to resurrect and maintain old things, like pre-undermind musical instruments and arts & crafts and such, but they all stay home if they're that interested.

Aside those, most people either do things that everyone does, like video games and music and drugs or whatever, or it's keeping skills up, like practicing psychic powers or martial arts or that kind of thing.
No. 69703 ID: 52d91f

To the Scellor, what was First Contact like?
No. 69704 ID: d6ef5d

>we are no longer a warhive
So... at some time in the past, your hive would have been considered a warhive? That's news, although not altogether surprising in retrospect, I suppose. How long ago would that have been?
No. 69707 ID: 9ddf68

hey Maolla, did you ever fight in a war in a past life and if so what is the one battle that stands out most of all of any of your past lives and why? If you were never in a war that you can remember then what is the most interesting thing that has happened in one of you past lives that you can remember?
No. 69713 ID: 450660


>Cute Faces
Good enough :D
No. 69719 ID: d6ae01
File 136512116999.png - (137.60KB , 545x491 , ITQ.png )

Depends who's asking...
No. 69724 ID: 8f5752

ysabel, whats your favorite food?
No. 69755 ID: a5db7a

With all the potential hundrends of thousands or even millions of species, cultures, languages and upbringings across infinite worlds, universes and galaxies, do any of you ever think, that maybe, theres a place out there where all peoples, cultures and every type of life exist together in the same space? A setting where you exist, but as someone who makes different decisions and different ideals? Sorry if this question is to big, but I doubt I could think of any single person to ask it.
No. 69756 ID: 735f4f

Hey have a question for the Science hive queen if there is one. So what the hell were you thinking? I understand the whole science for its own sake and no moral qualms about research. But you are giving your racial enemies the ability to mind rape your own people.

I am guessing it all started out as a way to defend against this sort of thing but how did it get to where it is now?
No. 69772 ID: c4e5c2
File 136530052818.png - (11.32KB , 700x700 , poloitq44.png )

>So... at some time in the past, your hive would have been considered a warhive? That's news, although not altogether surprising in retrospect, I suppose.
A warhive in technicality, and only called as such if we absolutely had to categorize ourselves. We did not fit cleanly into just a 'warhive', 'science hive', 'recreational hive' and so forth description. In short, our wars were very underwhelming as far as war hives go.
>How long ago would that have been?
A few months. We were out in the sticks with the other warhives before the nukes got us to join an ultrahive.

>Do neumono have pets?
Yes. Mostly pets from other planets. The only pre-contact pets any hives had were more for livestock or other practical uses, and to this day we do not see them as pets frequently.

Aliens sometimes purchase what we do have for pets of their own, on occasion. Some species have some members that are docile enough that can be pets if trained, but buyers of these exotic pets do so at their own risk.
No. 69773 ID: c4e5c2
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> Science hive queen if there is one. So what the hell were you thinking? I understand the whole science for its own sake and no moral qualms about research. But you are giving your racial enemies the ability to mind rape your own people.
Yeah uh we don't have a queen. I mean, not any more.

Annnnnd we don't like to talk much about how the topic of 'oh geez how did we get into this mess what even happened'.
No. 69775 ID: f2c20c

Polokoa: Have you ever had any kids?

Polokoa-universe Pilon: Are you the father of any of them?
No. 69779 ID: 78c6ea


Polokoa is the mother and the father of all her kids.
No. 69780 ID: 943463

No. 69782 ID: bef086

how many incestuous couplings away from a gold chocobo are you?
No. 69785 ID: f661d0
File 136535442571.png - (85.37KB , 450x500 , altpilon.png )

>Polokoa: Have you ever had any kids?
>Polokoa-universe Pilon: Are you the father of any of them?

Polokoa can't actually have children any more. The whole "infinitely improbable abomination against nature" situation gets in the way. She gets a little upset when people talk about it, which is why I've intercepted this question myself. However, she does have genetic children on both sides through various means, some of which I have been involved with. But no more than the rest of the consorts.
No. 69787 ID: f2c20c

Dang man, why are you all cybernetic? Can't you just regrow it?
No. 69788 ID: 78c6ea


You should be asking how he's cybernetic, because he ought to be growing all over those implants and fucking them up.

Of course the answer is always Polokoa.
No. 69789 ID: bdb3f8

It's the postapocalyptic cyberfuture. These things just happen.
No. 69792 ID: 78c6ea

Bodec: care to describe the tearful reunion when your core meets up with your partner's core?
No. 69797 ID: 119d7c

(am I allowed to ask two questions before one of mine gets answered? If not, disregard this post. I'm still learning the ins and outs here.)

Saru-601, you are really adorable for a cyborg. Did you get to choose the chassis you wanted when you had to get a new body, or was it chosen for you?
No. 69798 ID: d6ef5d

Ah. Technical status. I thought you might have been talking what your hive was like in the good (bad) old days before it evolved into what it is today.

Yeah... can't say I'm at all surprised by that.

Whoo boy. I am suddenly afraid for the alts of pretty much everyone Polo ever met.

Nah, there's no one question at a time per person rule. I mean, it would be rude to spam the thread, but you're nowhere near that.
No. 69811 ID: 119d7c

(oh, ok. Thank you!)
No. 69816 ID: 431b3a

So Rynh, how do the various races respond to your obvious half-draconic side? Anything unusual or strange in the way most of them act towards you once they know it? Is it mostly not a big deal or just some curious to most of them?
No. 69819 ID: 8b9215

To any neumono who have survived having your head removed, what was it like? The whole experience from realizing it to being fully healed again.
No. 69824 ID: c4e5c2
File 136545272986.png - (12.15KB , 700x700 , lukratsaITQ6.png )

>To any neumono who have survived having your head removed, what was it like? The whole experience from realizing it to being fully healed again.
Had my head blown off a couple times. Which is more than most, but it's still been a problem. Neumono or not, heavy fire turrets and personnel-seeking mini-missiles like to target heads when possible. Especially neumono, in fact. Which is why I was asked at some point in my military career to create...

Lukratsa rozu Steelnaut's Guide to Having Your Head Blown Off. I don't actually have this video on me, but on second thought, that's probably for the best.

First advice? Don't. Wear triple-plated armor over your head, cause it's got triple the necessities compared to any other part of your body. Probably more. Hell, better to go naked under the neck than have everything but the helmet. Even distracts the enemy. Ignore prissy alien 'out of uniform and slash or wartime indecency' fines.

Course, 'don't lose your head' is a whole other can of worms, so this guide doesn't worry about many details therein.

If you do find your head is coming off, then, well, you've got a 0.6% chance that you are going to remain in your head. Every once in while there is so much brain in your head that you will actually become that charred puff of smoke flying off to traumatize fellow teammates and basically not make use of the fact that you are neumono, and can continue almost-not-really functioning without your head. You are fucked, if this is the case.

For the remaining 99.4% of you, like many beginnings to emergencies, the most important thing to not do is panic. Which, I will be honest, is probably also the hardest thing to do. Because you're just walking along thinking about how that cloud looks like a funny face, then boom. You hear one half of an explosion before it goes to silence. The only sounds after that are your mind's constructs of static and a messy rendition of the other half of the explosion, only because your mind believes there should still be continuing sound thereafter. But there isn't, you are now deaf. You are also blind, can't taste things, and can't smell things. Like any species, when one sense becomes a missing sense, the other senses heighten. In this case, 4 senses go away and you're left with feel. Which skyrockets.

And what do you feel? A missing head, that's what, that's all you can feel, possibly other small issues such as 'you are also on fire' or 'my foot is also missing' or some such thing depending on how your head went out. Either way, this diagram is about your head missing at the least, so by definition, the sense of feel is not good. But still! If you are half a champ you will not give half a fuck, and you will immediately begin thinking about how to best solve this.

First! Things to do regardless. Do not scream! First off, it's a waste of air. Air is now limited, and you will need all you have. If you fell off a plane on a deserted island with only a backpack of supplies, then if the first thing you do is to dump that backpack in the ocean, you are a moron. Don't scream. Secondly, you would push your windpipe. Which is open. If you have teammates around, having you, a hivemate, have his or her head blown off is just as traumatizing to them as it is to you, believe it or not. That image does not go away, and you don't need to make it worse by trying to scream and make your neck do disgusting internal acrobatics.

Now, that is assuming you have teammates! If you do not, and are in the middle of enemies with no available allies, then you are completely fucked anyway. Won't hurt to scream. Hell, make it worse on your enemies, do scream. If you have grenades or other detonation devices, this would be a good chance to activate them and then give the nearest enemy a good hug. Presuming you are not operating in a jammer and you can find them, otherwise just flail around and wait to go out like a champ. Which you are, because you were intelligent enough to use your brain and make an intelligent decision on whether or not to try and scream.

If you do have teammates, good. You might live. Hopefully they, unlike you, still have functioning heads. It's hard to tell if you're in a jammer, and you'll just have to make an educated guess on what the situation was before your head was blown off. Otherwise, empathy will tell you. Don't scream, keep your air. Make it clear you are alive and in need of help. If you just lay down and look like a corpse, you are a lesser priority if allies need to get the fuck out. If you stand, then they know you are still living and can be saved.

Don't worry about any international hand signs for 'please help my head is gone.' You need not worry about that because you are, in fact, already making the international sign for 'help my head is gone'. Your head is actually fucking gone and that is pretty much a better signal than silly hand gestures could ever hope to be. No need to act like a clown about it. Just stand around and hope for the best, cause really, what else are you gonna do, fire your gun? You'll probably just hit your allies. Unless you're not in a jammer. Then go with the empathic flow, that's cool. Also traumatizes your enemies.

If all goes well, you will feel people pick you up rather invasively and just start carrying you around. It might also feel they are looting your body. That's because where you're going, you won't need your stuff. Which is the hospital. Presumably. You can really only hope you're being taken to the hospital anyway. You'll know if you're in good hands if, with your 5x sense of feel, you feel a tube getting shoved forcibly down that wind pipe you hopefully haven't tried to use since a chunk of your body went missing. You may also feel such things as getting blasted with a fire hose, but it does make you not on fire if that was the case, so that is usually a good thing. Other feelings may include being clamps being applied to your neck in case a tube is not immediately available, or being stripped down to your fur to search for any other nasty wounds. Just remember, don't bother fighting it unless you know for a fact you're in enemy hands, cause all you're fighting for is your dignity. And believe me, the only way losing your head is dignified is if it leads up to going out with a bang, but with allies around, that's not going to happen. So just try to ignore your lack of dignity, which let me keep being honest, is probably up there with 'don't panic.' Just remember that as bad as it could be and is, you can always keep it from being worse. Best thing for that is to resist the urge, and you will get it after a couple minutes, to puke.

Do not ever fucking puke.

After the first hour of medical treatment or so, it gets better. Your neck just tingles instead of burning, you're probably on a nice hospital bed, maybe some hivemates are cuddled around you. If so, this means a pillow has been put in place of your head and you are under covers, and it just looks better and less frightful to hivemates. If this is not the case, fire your doctor.

Eventually your head will start coming back up, but oddly enough, the sense of feel is pretty dim around then. Only starts coming up once it's about near done, just before the fur finally takes its place. Again, fire you're doctor if he or she fails to loosely cover your face up, cause your face... well, half-regrown faces are only used in horror movies. There's actually not much to say about regrowth, cause the first hour or so makes the next couple of recovery weeks practically trivial. After about a day, your body does put priority on breathing again, and you may be able to eat as short as 4 days later, although your teeth are... well, not impressive.
No. 69827 ID: 735f4f

Thank you Lukratsa that is a very informative guide.

So when the head grows back its it all tiny at first sort of like that one guy in Beetlejuice? Or does it sort of grow upwards and fill in or what.
No. 69828 ID: d6ef5d

Hmm. Surprised there's nothing in there about not bleeding to death. You'd think stopping that would be a concern.
No. 69833 ID: b3dd38

IIRC, Neumono tend to stop bleeding pretty quickly, although they also bleed rapidly until that happens.
No. 69838 ID: 450660


Suddenly I am most informed of a topic I, as a currently non-neumono entity, hope to never experience. Still. Pretty awesome.

You just skyrocketed right up the "absolute badass" scale to somewhere around 11, because having your head blown off multiple times? That's really freakin' badass.
No. 69862 ID: a18d07
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I have looked. I have tested and trialled uncountable universes. I have examined and re-examined the constraints making up trillions of realities, each with subtle differences, each with perhaps the single decision of a worthless unimportant insect as their sole defining characteristic.

I have had plenty of time. There is a threshold. Before it, mass is danger. Mass is an approach to death. A danger of fracture, of rending, of becoming many instead of one. But I continued. My body is my mind and a civilisation. I am immortal. Reality is what I wish it to be now. By all accounts, I am a god. I make and I remake and I tear and mend and sculpt and try to find the answer. Why. Why did Truth fall from my dearest friend to my greatest threat. No longer an issue. It could not fight back when I consumed it. Why did realities fade into nothingness. Why do so many universes start so promisingly and end so abruptly. Why. Why. With each step closer to my answers I feel my sanity fading. Becoming something. Something other.

My entities in my worlds, necessary for my research, grow ever louder. It becomes distracting. The noise. There is too much noise. Wrong. It's the wrong noise. I must begin again. New variables. I will consume my worlds and begin again. Two with minor flaws. I will select the best to begin again with. There is not much time. My universe may be next to die.
No. 69863 ID: fc6725

Oh, uh.

That was you?

Well, no wonder you're having trouble finding the universe where it all works out. I kinda nicked that one while you weren't paying attention.
No. 69864 ID: 5bf190

Rokoa: What are your personal spiritual beliefs, if any?

Niiam: Are there any strange benefits or side-effects to empathic cloning, like "twin telepathy" between the clones and original, or sharing dreams more easily?
No. 69866 ID: e4d867

Uh, thank you for your time.

Hmmm....what should I ask next? Oh! Muschio, do you have a gentlemen's guide to, uh, being a gentleman? I'd love to hear how its really done.
No. 69869 ID: 509e51

Dompag: We know that you like ladies, don't like dudes, and don't like dude-ladies.

How do you feel about people who are female, but more... conceptually so, than literally biologically so? Like say, spirits, robots, extradimensional hologram lifeforms, sentient hivemind swamps, those sorts of things?
No. 69873 ID: 5bf190
File 136562032430.png - (59.08KB , 500x500 , DS.png )


Noise, noise. Too much from outside, too much from you, boy. Whine and complain, go ahead, when it's so easy, so simple. We all understood. Are you deaf? Are you stupid, or lazy? Tell yourself the difference between noise and music, and then do something about it.

Then you'll understand, like we do.

No. 69874 ID: 282719
File 136562319431.jpg - (32.33KB , 388x284 , bigmike1.jpg )


>DS is a doobie
No. 69875 ID: 509e51
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You can't see the other side of his head, so how do you know?

No. 69877 ID: cd1119

I think the problem here is that he is observing the available universes, which seem to exist without forethought or harmony aside from the physical laws themselves. A titan such as yourself defines reality as you see fit, according to your nature. You're a notch above that one in terms of your relation to reality, so don't be too hard on him.

Unless I'm totally wrong, of course.
No. 69881 ID: 7003a8

Congrads! You've got the position now by dint of the fact that we are wizards and you damn well can't tell us otherwise. :3c
No. 69902 ID: beeca1

Do neumono have an equivalent to blowing kisses? Sticking their tongues out at each other?
No. 69905 ID: 67e8b2

Shiia from Will of the Undermind: What happens when the Scellor conquer a country and/or species?
No. 69914 ID: d6ef5d

Hey Kappi, how have things been at the trade hub for you? Have the other neumono at base (or anyone else) started to treat you any differently since you, well, voluntarily hooked up with a terrifying avatar of death?
No. 69918 ID: 847265
File 136579299698.png - (9.10KB , 450x500 , shiia.png )

>What happens when the Scellor conquer a country and/or species?

It's not possible to say, given such a vague question.

Racism is an internal problem for many species, but between different species, you cannot make generalizations. A race of nomadic solar-powered space fleas who live on the backs of asteroid-eating star whales has to be dealt with differently from the semiautonomous crystalline silica-shapers born from the radioactive lava of a sentient planet. We as a species make war mainly for the sake of psykonium and land, and how we deal with the species who have what we want has to depend what they want and need and in what manner they were getting in our way to begin with. It varies too much to make many broad statements, even before you allow for different cultures within a species.

However, interstellar law is very clear; you can't deliberately push a species to extinction, and you have to make reasonable effort to leave them enough of a population to survive for the indefinite future. You also have to allow a species to maintain a settlement on its home world.

Usually it's not the whole species we're at war with, anyway, or even a particular government, but with interest groups pushing for war within it, for various reasons. Mining corporations, say, or colonial efforts. With enough pressure, the rest of their species that doesn't care so much will often give up, eventually, and withdraw support. It depends on population, as well. A species that's spread across multiple worlds with a highly developed infrastructure is almost impossible to suppress completely, so generally we would just throw our weight around enough to get them to let us do what we want. It's very difficult to govern an alien population, in any case. Not that it hasn't happened, of course.

Countries, again, depend on what species or blend thereof they're composed from.

Conquest is a last resort, of course, and holding other species as conquered subjects makes the galactic community uneasy. Diplomacy and trade are much better.
No. 69920 ID: 67e8b2
File 136580672564.gif - (99.24KB , 576x745 , 5626.gif )

It sounds to me that under most circumstances where you cannot exile or eject a native population from a territory you wish to claim, you will eventually depopulate the area of native inhabitants through other means - namely, by ensuring their rate of death outstrips their rate of birth, either through birth suppression or blood fiestas. Is this about right?
No. 69921 ID: 9ddf68

how are Scellor viewed in general by the other races of the universe. I mean we kinda got an idea of how others see them in Battle quest but I'm not to sure how cannon that quest actually is so I'm not putting to much stock into it and if Battle quest does hold any weight then that little description given about the Scellor left out that some other races see them as "aggressively expansionist and have no fear of death" or is that just a Tozol thing?
Also how do the Scellor view other intelligent species.
No. 69925 ID: c4e5c2
File 136581606376.png - (13.50KB , 700x700 , bodecITQ1.png )

>Bodec: care to describe the tearful reunion when your core meets up with your partner's core?
Tearful? My friend was Felix's bodyguard, but I would not call him a partner. My partner during my first fight with Unity was little more than an acquaintance, of whom I wonder if it was a bad idea to attempt to work with. While we got along well, there would be no tears.
No. 69926 ID: c4e5c2
File 136581611592.png - (9.83KB , 700x700 , rokoaITQ36.png )

>What are your personal spiritual beliefs, if any?
None, and not a damn thing I've ever seen proved sacred.
No. 69927 ID: c4e5c2
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>Are there any strange benefits or side-effects to empathic cloning, like "twin telepathy" between the clones and original, or sharing dreams more easily?
Dream sharing is more common. Otherwise, while our empathic signatures could be considered twins, there have been no directly remarkable effects.
No. 69928 ID: c4e5c2
File 136581618424.png - (11.12KB , 700x700 , KappiITQ12.png )

>Do neumono have an equivalent to blowing kisses? Sticking their tongues out at each other?
Wellll, on a whole? Maybe modern neumono do it just because it got picked up, but we didn't have any widespread body language messages like that. Inside a hive though, then absolutely, I guess. I wouldn't know, but I've heard. Some really off the wall habits, so some hive probably had both blowing kisses and sticking tongues out, probably multiple times for multiple hives, each time meaning a different things. I have no idea what the first one would mean though. We don't really kiss. Some modern neumono have blown kisses, it's just done for the message and not to be taken literally... like a figure of body speech, or like, say, how Polo was called a 'son of a bitch.' I mean, she's a girl, and... yeah.

So, uh, not on a wide scale, but hives sometimes do make body language that wouldn't mean anything to other hives.

>Hey Kappi, how have things been at the trade hub for you? Have the other neumono at base (or anyone else) started to treat you any differently since you, well, voluntarily hooked up with a terrifying avatar of death?
I'm mostly left alone by other neumono, now!

.... I was left alone anyway, actually. But now they actually actively avoid me if they know about me and Rokoa.

Any alien who cared has either also avoided me or mentioned that they were expecting something... more.
No. 69929 ID: c4e5c2
File 136581621539.png - (11.27KB , 700x700 , lukratsaITQ7.png )

>Surprised there's nothing in there about not bleeding to death
Oh, yeah, that takes care of itself. The arteries snap shut if the head comes clean off or if detects it's spewing out blood everywhere.

>So when the head grows back its it all tiny at first sort of like that one guy in Beetlejuice? Or does it sort of grow upwards and fill in or what.
Grows up to its mass first with nerves and all that, then starts filling in the more special bits like tastebuds and eyes.
No. 69931 ID: d6ef5d

...oh my gods, Niam 1 and Niam 2 together are adorable. XD

So... what's it like, interacting with yourself? How do the two of you get on? Is it really frustrating, or weird, or surprisingly easy to get used to and convenient?
No. 69934 ID: fedc54

so, did you two decide if having sex with your own clone is just masturbation yet?
No. 69939 ID: 2f4b71

>terrifying faceless flesh lump
That'll be why the sheet is recommended, then.
No. 69941 ID: 3dd384

Given Sensation's earlier ( >>>/questarch/169013 ) adventures ( >>>/questarch/223643 ), I think Ophidian's insinuating that he has the potential for being a Titan, if only he was willing to think like one.
No. 69943 ID: f2c20c

That second one was never Sensation.

Cirr is just being a dick and trying to tie all his quests together even though it doesn't make any sense to, and this in fact harms his continuity and integrity.
No. 69947 ID: a18d07

As everyone knows, the continuity and canonicity of random ITQ entries for completed and abandoned quests alike are important because
No. 69952 ID: f2c20c

The fact that I care about the characters involved makes it important for me. Don't just dismiss my feelings offhand.
No. 69957 ID: cee89f

It's been said that attacking a Scellor is basically trying to attack every Scellor in existence at once because of the Undermind, but what about defending against it? Maolla could have the Undermind assist in her attack on the space doobie, but how typical is that? Have Scellor encountered species with enough psychic power to defend themselves against the scellor to any significant degree?

How is such law enforced? Say a species wiped another out in violation of those laws, what would be done and by whom?

What color is the sky on the Scellor homeworld?
No. 69995 ID: 7d661f

>None, and not a damn thing I've ever seen proved sacred.

Interesting. Ever had any previous spiritual beliefs, then? Or any spiritual assumptions, at least? No shade of any of the superstition that the tribals show Polo, say? No funny-in-retrospect stories about seeing advanced tech and aliens for the first time, those weird demon ghost monsters and with their giant metal birds and their pointy-bang-hurt sticks?

It seems that, despite the cultural inbreeding the hive system trends to engendering, your species has adapted really well, really quickly, and for individuals it's astonishing. Culture shock is a big deal for other species, and often individuals not exposed to certain learning at certain times in youth will never easily grasp some skills. I'd assume it has something to do with you lot regrowing your brains all the time.

Also, to any neumono Polo has met but who is not her because she may or may not be sensitive about this... does Polo look, er, young? If you covered that world-weary/serious/businesslike/pouty face of hers, what age would you assume she is?
No. 70026 ID: f2c20c

I feel like trying to cheat.

Liz: Hey, who was it that corrupted Claire? Also, is there any way to get you back in action faster than the normal reincarnation cycle? And who gets the Vessel's power now that you're dead?
No. 70054 ID: 70fe92

Hmm. I know I just asked Muschio this, but..........I think Story Seeker is more handsome. No offence Muschio! So uh, whats your guide to being a gentleman Story? You had to learn it somehow.........handsome. (I fail at gushing like a idiot........)
No. 70081 ID: c4e5c2
File 136640138207.png - (12.32KB , 700x700 , rokoaITQ37.png )

>Ever had any previous spiritual beliefs, then? Or any spiritual assumptions, at least? No shade of any of the superstition that the tribals show Polo, say? No funny-in-retrospect stories about seeing advanced tech and aliens for the first time, those weird demon ghost monsters and with their giant metal birds and their pointy-bang-hurt sticks?

First time we saw 'pointy bang hurt sticks' was from other neumono tribes who had direct alien contact. Got told aliens landed eventually, well before we noticed any 'giant metal birds' in the sky.

It all happened to us in the unfunniest manner possible.

>It seems that, despite the cultural inbreeding the hive system trends to engendering, your species has adapted really well, really quickly, and for individuals it's astonishing. Culture shock is a big deal for other species, and often individuals not exposed to certain learning at certain times in youth will never easily grasp some skills. I'd assume it has something to do with you lot regrowing your brains all the time.
Maybe that's it. What's probably more it is that a lot of us didn't mesh well with the influx of technology. And then they died, or went into hiding. So all most aliens hear about and see are the hives that could adapt, but it doesn't mean we all adapted.

Plus, aliens had programs to get us used to steadily increasing amount of technology. They didn't all just shove rock bashers on a spaceship and have them watch their once flat planet turn out to be round, all as they start floating around in zero G.
No. 70082 ID: c4e5c2
File 136640149494.png - (132.54KB , 700x700 , StorySeeker1.png )

>So uh, whats your guide to being a gentleman Story? You had to learn it somehow.
It was a fine blend of being ostracized from my kobold home well before I learned common, and a nice bit of luck in finding a human explorer that was willing to speak with me! She handed me some fine books, teaching me how to speak common and read.

And in those books, were the dashing sort of characters, and I said, 'that should be me. I should be that person!' So that is how I became a gentleman. Pretending to be something I'm not! Some might say that means I am a fake, and a pretender, which was true for awhile. But, eventually I pretended so constantly that I fooled even myself, and so I can say that I have become what I pretended to be at heart and that it is pretend no longer! I am more 'Story Seeker' than that old, distant 'yapper' fellow.

Until I enter the kobold village, anyway, where they refuse to call me anything but 'that yappy one'.
No. 70083 ID: 9ddf68

so story, have the other kobolt's views in the village change at all since you've started working for the lich or is it about the same as before you started?
No. 70084 ID: d6ef5d

...so good to see you smiling again.

>nice human explorer
You seduced her, right? :V
No. 70087 ID: 57a559

Who was your first seduction, SS? Or I guess time, a lady could've seduced you for all I know. Kobolds are known for their innocence, so one that knows the workings as well as you do is rare. Than again, that may be just the dog kobolds.
Was this seduction before or after your gentleman persona transformation? Were you friends with Sili and Reed by then? How did they react to your new persona?

And you were ostracized? What? Why? You were far from as different from them as you are now. You always had that gentleman in you, you were just missing parts, but the parts you were born with already annoyed your village! You sure you actually had a real transformation at all?
No. 70089 ID: 943463

In the last time through the time loop, you had a somewhat rushed conversation with Morgana, née Miss Drake. We got the summary, but the details would be nice. No, not *those* details, but there's a long conversation between her "Oh whatever" and whatever might have come afterward.
No. 70091 ID: beeca1

To anyone who cares to answer:

Have you ever tried shuffling barefoot across a carpet at high speed? It is far more fun than it should be.

...Now I want to see baby neumono racing in this fashion and tripping over their giant ears.
No. 70092 ID: 9ddf68


our getting so much static cling that all of there fur stands up
No. 70093 ID: beeca1


It is why they suddenly trip over their ears
No. 70094 ID: 450660


Those huge spatulapendages aren't helping, either! Massive, uncoordinated semiconductors.
No. 70095 ID: 960bea

Oh Story, you may not believe it, but you ARE a gentleman, more so then any I have ever known. Plus that smile........its like you wooed me without even meeting me!..........I'm ok with this.
No. 70096 ID: 960bea

..........I know I should stop acting like this, but Story is the most charming person I have ever seen. That smile always makes my day. keep it up sexy!
No. 70097 ID: 9fa9cb
File 136643442349.png - (91.45KB , 800x600 , pyramus.png )

That's cute.
No. 70098 ID: cae393

Yo Axe guy from Oren, where did you learn your style?
Why are you such a weird looking dude?
How much are they paying you to fight two badasses in the sewers?
No. 70099 ID: c6319f

Yo Axe guy from Oren, what's your favourite sexual position?
Also, what's your favourite musical instrument?
No. 70100 ID: 0a3546
File 136644350249.png - (9.71KB , 800x600 , axe.png )

Waani blademaster. Knew my pa.
Genetics. Head's big and Ma says I got weird bones.
Not much, but that's okay, because I like fighting, and I like killing cops.
I like it when I don't got to do much work.
I know four songs on the banjo.
No. 70108 ID: c4e5c2
File 136650346942.png - (103.63KB , 700x700 , StorySeeker2.png )

>Human explorer: You seduced her, right? :V
I did not! There were attempts, but perhaps my early attempts at common could hardly be called amicable. I believe, rather, she found my advances amusing, yet not condescendingly so. Nonetheless, she was quite a linguist herself, able to deflect my advances so elegantly.

>So story, have the other kobold's views in the village change at all since you've started working for the lich or is it about the same as before you started?
Yes! Instead of simply rolling their eyes while they walk away from me, now they shuffle away hurriedly and actively avoid trying to have anything to do with me!

>You sure you actually had a real transformation at all?
It is possible I exaggerated, talking as though I transformed into a completely unrecognizable form! That may not have been the case, as Yapper may have simply spewed the first words that came to mind while Story Seeker spews words after thinking about them. Perhaps a brash disregard for positions of authority may have been a consistent feature!

>Who was your first seduction, or a time a lady could've seduced you?
There have been a couple kobolds that would give me the time of day, which in all honesty, for better or worse, is all one needs to get an invitation into their tent. Otherwise.. no one! It was not until I found out that I was missing the stories needed to be a bard, that I built up enough nerve to go into such places as the goblin and lizard home dens.

>Oh Story, you may not believe it, but you ARE a gentleman
Why thank you, but after I pretended for long enough, I believed it myself!
No. 70109 ID: 1f8505


Still hoping to get an answer to this question.
No. 70110 ID: 943463

Just realized I linked this to the wrong post. Fixing that.
No. 70111 ID: 57a559

>There have been a couple kobolds that would give me the time of day, which in all honesty, for better or worse, is all one needs to get an invitation into their tent.
You don't even know her name do you? Is this some unscrupulous backstory you want to hide about your first time? Your first love or intense heartbeatings... wait, I just thought of something. If it's that simple, they were looking for a father!

Oh my god you might have a little one somewhere. You actually might have made your first a mother. Oh god you're a dad. Probably.
No. 70112 ID: ec06d0

>Oh my god you might have a little one somewhere
Bolds, It wouldn't surprise me if Chee had kids.
No. 70113 ID: d6ef5d

>no seduction
Well, there's always hope for the future, I suppose.

>I pretended for long enough, I believed it myself!
I gentleman, therefore I am.

...yes I verbed gentleman. Sue me.
No. 70116 ID: f2c20c

It is apparently canon that Chee never becomes a mother.


Chee: Do you even like boys?
No. 70117 ID: beeca1

Does Chee even know what sex/noserubbing is?
No. 70121 ID: ea0dd4

This person has a point, do you have any little ones?...........(Squeeeeee!) So cute!
No. 70122 ID: ea0dd4

Oh! Story! It just occurred to me that we'll get to the surface towns eventually, do you think we could maybe get a mental picture of that nice human lady who taught you gentlemanlyness? That way, if we ever see her, we can let you know and you call tell her all about your adventures and progress!
No. 70243 ID: c4e5c2
File 136695492944.png - (151.60KB , 700x700 , StorySeeker3.png )

>Oh god you're a dad. Probably.
Improbable! While I hardly handled myself responsibly, if I were a father, then the mothers would have made me gather more food for more mouths to feed.

>You don't even know her name do you? Is this some unscrupulous backstory you want to hide about your first time?
I certainly do know her name! We live in a bit of a fishbowl, it would be a challenge to not know the names of every kobold in the village. I would not say that I would want to hide the story, but there is not much to say about it, to be honest. It is inadequate for any tale that aspires to be remotely entertaining.

>In the last time through the time loop, you had a somewhat rushed conversation with Morgana, née Miss Drake. We got the summary, but the details would be nice. No, not *those* details, but there's a long conversation between her "Oh whatever" and whatever might have come afterward.
Ah, yes. To be honest, it was more of a one sided conversation. Which is fine, as I am a fine listener! She told me about many of her trials inside of the caves, constantly having to deal with people giving her too much food, people giving her too little food, always too little gold, and generally asking too many questions. Which she always hated throwing her wei- which she always hated trying to speak too big, as she felt that sometime she would gain the ire of someone who could see her illusion! Ultimately, it was her releasing pent up complaints and mild anger at me for the length of the conversation, and while constructive, I would not say that that would be the makings of a good story either.

>Oh! Story! It just occurred to me that we'll get to the surface towns eventually, do you think we could maybe get a mental picture of that nice human lady who taught you gentlemanlyness? That way, if we ever see her, we can let you know and you call tell her all about your adventures and progress!
Yes! Eventually. Later. I have already decided that should I traverse the surface, I will pay her a visit! Zirkala has implied I may do just that in the near future, so I will do this in due time.
No. 70244 ID: c4e5c2
File 136695502129.png - (13.45KB , 700x700 , CheeITQ6.png )

>Chee: Do you even like boys?
Sure! Fraga is really helpful and Klabin is super nice and even Chop has a sweet side once you get past him wanting to punch everything.

>Does Chee even know what sex/noserubbing is?
Yes! That's when two people cuddle in bed during the night. It's nice and warm.
No. 70245 ID: 9ddf68

I have a question for Tom, Since you're only the temporary god of chaos until chee dies and regains her memories of her ascension into godhood and takes your place, how do you think that is going to mess with everyone who has come to see you as the god of chaos?
No. 70248 ID: 943463

>Ah, yes. To be honest, it was more of a one sided conversation. Which is fine, as I am a fine listener! She told me about many of her trials inside of the caves, constantly having to deal with people giving her too much food, people giving her too little food, always too little gold, and generally asking too many questions. Which she always hated throwing her wei- which she always hated trying to speak too big, as she felt that sometime she would gain the ire of someone who could see her illusion! Ultimately, it was her releasing pent up complaints and mild anger at me for the length of the conversation, and while constructive, I would not say that that would be the makings of a good story either.

How do you get from *there* to where that conversation ended?
No. 70251 ID: 57a559

Unless the mothers were boning a lot of kobolds and can't figure out who the father is!
That happens sometimes. Unless it's obvious who bones who in your little village, and whether it's exclusive for a time.
Did you ever get the feeling that one of the girls did want you as a Dad though? Little subtle hints that she desperately wants a child? What I'm asking is that were there some girls exclusively doing so for the sake of babymaking?
No. 70274 ID: 52d91f

Hey Maolla, is Heimogena sex considered "worth it" to any Scellor you're familiar with? I mean, given that you have to get a new body afterwards and everything.
No. 70281 ID: e28d99

Good to hear story! And congrats on getting through that pesky timeloop buisness! I got no more questions for you Story, so take care, and keep up that amazing smile!
No. 70294 ID: 57a559

Hey non-canon Polo that had experimental sex with Viln, this is an extremely dirty and private question but I can't help but want to ask it.

Did you let Viln finish? How exactly? Oral, Hands, or did you actually try to continue and finish normally after your hypothesis was proven false? Was it messy?

And how different is your present situation from the canon "Didn't have sex with Viln" universe? Are you currently being hunted down with a broken foot?
No. 70537 ID: 52d91f

What are all of you doing for Mother's Day?
No. 70538 ID: d6ef5d

Silly! If you expect commission-verse Polo to put in an appearance, you're obviously going to have to pay her to do so. That's just how she works.
No. 70542 ID: c3663c
File 136838256359.png - (60.48KB , 700x700 , StorySeeker4.png )

>How do you get from *there* to where that conversation ended?
Why, just as it looked, from point A to point B! She merely wrapped up a troublesome worry of food and such matters, when I asked if she liked me. I assume we are talking about the same conversation!
No. 70543 ID: c3663c
File 136838259052.png - (7.51KB , 427x576 , poloitq45.png )

No. 70544 ID: c3663c
File 136838366839.png - (100.30KB , 700x700 , TomITQ6.png )

>Since you're only the temporary god of chaos until chee dies and regains her memories of her ascension into godhood and takes your place, how do you think that is going to mess with everyone who has come to see you as the god of chaos?

Not much. I mean, the chaos god by then would have just flipped over to someone new at the length of a kobold's lifespan, so it's not shattering news that gods can be replaced. Plus, amulets like the one Muo wears will change from my mug to Chee's mug. They'll think it's a joke I'm doing. Then it'll get old, and then they'll realize I don't have the attention span to be Chee for very long, so then they'll realize I'm gone and then I don't know! They'll probably get used to not having me around. Come to think, I'm not sure where I'll be going. Maybe I'll be in the background. Like, I'll be to Chee what Minci currently is to m... no, no, that is not an analogy I want to go too far into.

The point is, is that if I just one day up and disappear, it won't mess with everyone much.

Which is why just before she dies, I'm going to shout out to all my followers 'oh no a mean kobold is trying to subdue me and take my power to take over the world, all while acting stupidly nice and vehemently denying she has any hidden agenda of fear and tyranny!' Or something like that. It'll be great.
No. 70545 ID: 943463

OK, now I'm a bit confused about the order of the conversation. You asked if she liked you, and her response seemed positive but not the type to immediately precede the non-verbal activities later, hence wondering about the conversation inbetween. You said she ranted at you for a while; was that before or after you asked if she liked you? If it was before, my original question still applies, and if it was after, how'd you go from that rant to...
No. 70546 ID: 9ddf68

not sure this has been ask or not but here it is anyway

Polo I know your hive stopped looking into the silent program after only two people (not including you) showed any signs of promise and it probably fell even less into use after the invention of jammers but after seeing your success with the whole war hive and all the worms that came with that whole deal did the ultra hive ever try to bring the silent program back at all after seeing how useful just one hunter (seeing how you weren't really a solder back then, at least not officially) with the silent ability was or did they just shelf it again to be forgeten? and has anyone else tried to become a silent like you, as in one or more people try to train themselves to become silent either because they feel it would be useful or maybe even because they are just fans trying to imitate you, I mean Biles said he tried going silent once upon a time but said it didn't really work out for him.
No. 70548 ID: d6ef5d

Well hey, gods are kind of outside the normal flow of time, right? And you have all of history right up to the moment of Chee's death to mess around with.

You know, that's almost exactly the same expression as...
No. 70549 ID: 27d984

I think Polo is a lady who likes to keep private private. Should have asked Viln.

Though, that does bring up an interesting question. What is the common attitude to extraspecies flings in Polo's hive? Or her own personal opinion. Or Rokoa's. Or neumono in general, though I'd assume it varies from hive to hive and from hive neumono to jammerborn neumono. Science hivers would probably do it for science, no problem. Would there be a difference if it's totally alien aliens, versus homeworld non-neumono? Would Polo face any sort of condemnation if she did have relationships with Viln? Are there any old stories, legends or dirty jokes from pre-contact days, about relationships with voklit, or indeed with arkots or salikai or whatever? Every species produces deviants.

The xenoanthropology, it calls to me.

So this pack of war hive neumono walk into a bar and demand drinks. They've just come back from a huge victory and have dropped by an ultrahive outpost to celebrate. The place is pretty far out in the sticks and the neumono who live there are pretty scared of them, but glad to have something interesting happening, so they let the group have booze for cheap. After a few hours telling stories and getting drunk one of the war hive notices a jar on the shelf above the bar, full of money, and a note on it written "TASKS MONEY".

She asks what that's about, and the bartender says: "Well, we have a sort of ongoing bet here in this bar, no-one's won it yet. You put 100z in the jar, then if you complete three tasks, you get to keep all the money in the jar." So the war hiver asks what the three tasks are, and the bartender says "Well, first you have to drink a whole bottle of our homemade 150 proof snakebite water. Then, you have to go out into the forest and find this tribe of voklit that lives there, they make these little statues of their chiefs, you have to steal one and bring it back here. Finally, you have to go to the overseer's house, he hates being stuck out here and he refuses to have anything to do with us. You have to persuade him to have sex with you and keep at it until he's as satisfied as can be, so he stops complaining for a while."

So then the leader of the war hive squad, this huge white lady with a mad grin, she bangs her hand on the table and shouts "I'll do it!!" Everyone's already pretty drunk so they cheer her on while the barkeep brings out the bottle of snakebite, and amazingly, she drinks the whole thing. Everyone's applauding while they pull her to her feet and point her in the direction of the forest and shove her off, half expecting her to keel over after three steps, but she makes it out into the trees. So they settle in to wait, and after a while everyone realizes they sent one sauced-up soldier to piss off a whole tribe of voklit, and if anything happens to her the war hive will be pretty upset. So there's a tension in the air and everyone goes quiet, at which they realize they can hear noises coming from the forest. They all go up on the roof to look out over the trees. There's shouting, a few gunshots, after a while there's even a column of smoke, underlit by the glow of a huge fire, or even several of them. At one point, there's an explosion, and more shouting, curses and exclamations, like a battle's taking place. Eventually, it all goes quiet. The warhivers who stayed behind are looking grim, the neumono who live in the outpost are sweating, when finally they feel the lady's empathy coming back. They all run downstairs and out to the edge of the forest, just in time to see her walk out. She's limping, she's bleeding, her fur is matted and stained and burned in a few places, her tail is kinked like it's been broken, and half her clothes have been torn apart. She's totally empty-handed, and people get confused, because her empathy feels triumphant.

She sees them, totters over, and shouts: "Right!! Where's this overseer with the statues!?"

No. 70550 ID: 57a559

So your face got stuck that way
I'm sorry about your horrific injury
>Should have asked Viln
I totally should have because now other Polo is probably just going to block communications at that point.

Really, the best I could probably ask Viln is if Voklit sex is messy and what his favorite place to finish is. Face, mouth, etc.

So... Viln, willing to answer that personal question of taste? Could be either canon or the non-canon Viln if it's phrased like that. All Vilns ever, even a robo-Viln. Or evil Viln. Or evil Polo. Or lady Viln.
No. 70551 ID: 57a559

wait i totally could ask you a non-embarrassing question
How is your foot in that universe? You didn't answer that. Just show it to me because I'm not sure if you can speak until your face muscles regenerate.
No. 70558 ID: a00410

aahhaaa haahahaha!.............heh..

Okay, that was good.
No. 70560 ID: d6ef5d


Polo, how was it your exploits ended up wildly known and publicized, anyways? And why? I mean, initially the only people in the know were literally underground, or members of the warhive, who were confined to their ship and shuttled offworld reasonably quickly. Your own hive and the ultrahive wouldn't even have known they had an infiltrator aboard until it was all over! (They would have learned either when picking up Rakae and co, or when capturing and boarding the warship). At some point someone made the decision to make an account public, when the details could have been pretty easily covered up in the public record (ie, no one outside of your hive or the ultrahive leadership would had to have known you were ever there). The ghost didn't need to be made a hero, but she was.

Also still would interested in hearing from the Niam(s). Dunno if the question got missed, or if they aren't feeling chatty, or if the answer veers too close to spoilers we're not supposed to know yet (or if the subsequent tasteless questions turned them away).
No. 70568 ID: 5d5cf8


I think Polo and her kind are more meant to be a deterrent than to be actually used. Their unique ability is specifically for use against other neumono, and the best case scenario given the post-contact ideal of everyone working together for hugs and friendship is that no-one'll try anything at all. Making her public is the sociopolitical military equivalent of pointing at their eyes and then pointing at everyone else. And if, after the current Polo Quest, the whole salikai thing went/will go public, the presence of experts like Polo is also a comfort to everyone as well as a subtle threat.
No. 70569 ID: cf49fc

One of the classic Ur-joke of yore, and pulled of rather well. I give it a technical score of 8 out of 10.
No. 70638 ID: 735f4f

Hey Polo or whoever wants to answer how does it feel having a tame predator around? From what we know these are the things neumono nightmares are made of.

Also are there any predator horror movies out there? It would be set in a small college town. And then one day the jammer goes down and young coeds start disappearing. The hero is kissing his girlfriend at makeout rock and suddenly she tries to strangle him! And out of the woods a horrible predator appears with its pack of scantily clad zombies.

That's how it would probably end up if it was made by humans anyway. But am guessing the neumono film industry is probably not that big yet.
No. 70644 ID: 35edd4

Science hivers:
Why don't neumono weapons use collimating optics (as in red dot or holo gunsights)?
No. 70666 ID: 7eb072

Polo, is there any study done on the long-term effects of your silence ability, or are YOU the study on said effects? Are there any plausible theories about it? Do you, if you don't mind me asking, have any worries about any side-effects, like maybe if you spend too long being silent at a stretch you might deharmonize with your own hive? Or that you might go crazy like the needle trick makes people, and it just takes longer?

Also I hope you've been keeping up with your therapist, even besides all these questions. Practicality demands you take care of your mental health, so I can't imagine a well-disciplined soldier like you hasn't been doing so.

Polo's therapist: What do you think about Polo's displacement of her traumas onto Rokoa? She was getting on well enough with her by the end of the period in which they last met, but over time she seems to be recreating her as an adversary-ideal figure to represent everything she hates and fears, and the least reminder of her seems to cause a disproportional amount of stress. Is this a thing in neumono psychology? Neumono Queens seem to become representative figures of their hive, a sort of ideal that their hivemates focus on as representative of their common ideals. Could Rokoa have become a sort of inverted example of this, a sort of antagonistic anti-Queen, for Polo?

Or is this some sort of freudian elektra complex thing and Polo wants to eleminate Rokoa as an antagonistic mother-figure so she can take possession of her metaphorical father? I mean, Polo is relatively lacking in maternal qualities, so that might be a problem for her self image, especially if she's contrasting herself against Rokoa. And she is a sniper by trade, showed a lot of obsession with mastering her use of guns.... phallic objects, you know...

No. 70668 ID: d6ef5d

...isn't therapy is one of those things neumono are bad at? Real mental illness makes you different from the hive, and that's painful for the hive that wants to ignore or deny or withdraw from that. Until you end up going rogue. And then the hive doesn't exactly have an interest in helping the crazy person anymore.

I mean, mental illness is kind of an isolating thing to begin with, but the way they're set up, it's only exacerbated by a sort of built in ostracization.

(Granted, I'm going off Rokoa's explanation as to why the hives don't see rogues coming or try to help them, and the explanation that crazy people tend to be rogue. In more modern hives, or less severe cases, I suppose it might work out better...)
No. 70669 ID: bf54a8

problem is polo is silent. so no one ever really FEELS her problems.
No. 70679 ID: c3663c
File 136866368647.png - (84.10KB , 700x700 , StorySeeker5.png )

>OK, now I'm a bit confused about the order of the conversation. You asked if she liked you, and her response seemed positive but not the type to immediately precede the non-verbal activities later
Ah, you mean after my question was posed? The ranting largely took place prior to the question of if she liked me. Then I asked for a private discussion, to which, as you may be aware, Morgana asked Clunker to leave.

Now, Morgana may appear uncaring with her words, but I have come to learn that small, deadpan phrases such as 'You're nice.' and even 'Oh, whatever.' to dismiss any problems she could have of me being a kobold, are about as addectionate as she can get. I cannot say that the conversation that followed was much to be shared, aside from mild prodding on my part for her to elaborate on her feelings. They were much the same, dismissive forms of speech that I believe are misleading to what she actually thinks. In any case, I cannot divulge much due to gentlemanly tendencies, but once I felt the time was right, she allowed a hug. And once a hug was allowed, she allowed cuddle like motions to ensue, and once cuddle like motions were allowed... I believe you are seeing where I am going! While I might understand the confusion as to how Point A went to Point B, I assure you that the details are anything but underwhelming.
No. 70681 ID: c3663c
File 136866379692.png - (12.99KB , 700x700 , NiamITQ2.png )

>So... what's it like, interacting with yourself? How do the two of you get on? Is it really frustrating, or weird, or surprisingly easy to get used to and convenient?
This question was simply missed. It is weird, but we get along. I, the clone, am still held at arms length hivewise considering the strangeness, but I was treated fine by them. Plus, despite the memory deprecation, I can help the original Niam with his research.

>Why don't neumono weapons use collimating optics (as in red dot or holo gunsights)?
We have some. Weapons seldom do have such things, but they do exist. Polo, herself, has opted not to use weapons that paint a bright red point on her targets.
No. 70682 ID: c3663c
File 136866383958.png - (8.71KB , 700x700 , poloITQ46.png )

>How is your foot in that universe?
It sucks in every universe because there is only one. Mine.

>What is the state of the silent program?
There is more talk of bringing it back in more formality, and our hive is used as a case study of this, given we are the only known successful one. A lot of hives have expressed that they would not bother, as our hive wasted a great deal of time for nothing, and are not positive the benefits outweigh the detriments. It was, after all, largely me being in the right place at the right time to do what I did.

>Polo, how was it your exploits ended up wildly known and publicized, anyways?
I did have to debrief a small number of people of everything that went on, given the salikai were still a threat. Naturally, word got around to science departments to deal with that. Past that, neumono management does not have a flattering reputation. Korli also does not strike me has having tight lips, and I do not know everyone who she debriefed.

>How does it feel having a tame predator around? From what we know these are the things neumono nightmares are made of.
In my case, it was a tense relationship that eventually turned to comfort. For others, the novelty wears off quickly once Three Stripes starts acting like... Three Stripes.

>But am guessing the neumono film industry is probably not that big yet.
It's big enough, but it's also early enough to be comparable to early alien attempts. Campy, cheesy, bad. Unfortunately for us, aliens already have it down to a science, and so our standards are too high for ourselves. B-movies have sometimes been nicknamed Neumono grade movies. The good part is though is that in general, hives that make movies do not take it remotely seriously, and the movie itself reflects a fact that they had far too much fun making it, so it works well. For those who are into awful, awful movies, anyways.

With Three Stripes tamed, it is entirely possible he will show up in movies should he manage to prove himself harmless.

>Also I hope you've been keeping up with your therapist
I have been with my hive. That is as close as neumono get to therapists. Therapists as aliens know it are more for rogues.

>Polo, is there any study done on the long-term effects of your silence ability, or are YOU the study on said effects?
I am the case study, yes. So far, the only issue that I have noticed has been keeping everyone at some length, including my own hive, at times. It is not bad, however, we still care for each other, and I am by no means ostracized. I am not particularly worried about it. Even if it happens, it has proven to be worth it, in the end.
No. 70688 ID: d6ef5d

>not bother, a great deal of time for nothing
I suppose from a big picture strategic standpoint, it would be considerably cheaper and easier to research better jammers- smaller, less fragile, lighter, and that only block outgoing empathy, than it would be to duplicate your training on a wide scale.

>keeping everyone at some length
I would say you've actually improved, there. You've gotten a lot better with choosing when to keep your silence off, and not letting it become an issue that sets allies against you.

What about your peers? The other two that can do silence (not as well). Do they notice the same thing? Or actually, how do you get on with them? There's no disappointment or resentment that they can't do it as well as you can, right?

>movie star Three Stripes
>in terriblebad B-movies
...oh my gods. I want to see that so bad. There's a game he would enjoy playing. It'll be hilarious.
No. 70698 ID: 7eb072
File 136869052258.jpg - (73.39KB , 476x484 , frans-hals-descartes.jpg )

No therapists? That's a little odd. I'd have expected some of the aliens that gave you all these guns and tanks to say "hey guys you need someone to talk to your dudes after they kill people the first couple of times", but I guess neumono are different. Though it's probable that therapists might help reduce rogue rates. And I'm sure there are xenopsychologists of some sort around, studying the various ways the species goes mad. Mad!!! Or some sort of social science hive. Bet THAT's a fun hive to live in, sarcasm.

Any xenoresearchers or similar alien professionals want to comment on Polo's mental condition? Or hivemates of hers who have adopted a similar functional role? I don't want to ask her herself because it's rude to imply to a lady that some part of her psyche wants to eliminate other females and keep all the dicks to herself through an elaborate and dubious metaphor about firearms and a giant psychotic enemy combatant with big tits.

P.S. Polo do you like girls or guys best or both or neither and which part of the body do you consider most erotic?
No. 70708 ID: cd0e60


So neumono-made movies are bad, in general, but are there maybe movies produced by aliens with neumono actors, maybe trying to profit on the neumono market?

For that matter, how does the economy work, for neumono? Given the hive structure, I assume that most neumono hive communities worked by reciprocal economies, e.g. "I do something for you and eventually someone will do something for me", with a possible option on a more communistic approach where valuables are kept by elders/leaders and distributed as needed. And inter-hive trade would likely be paranoid bartering with strict customs, if it existed at all, I expect. Did aliens try to introduce currency and capitalism when they arrived? That sort of thing goes badly, historically, at least for a time. Slaves, cash crops, taxes, young women using currency as body decoration, that sort of thing. Though I doubt neumono gender dynamics are the same. Given that the ladies can decide whether they have kids or not, I'd see males as the more likely to be traded or captured by raids for breeding purposes. Even if incest doesn't cause problems as quickly for you guys, interbreeding has other benefits. I can see something like a trade in males for one-night-stands, then the females going home and raising the kids in their own hive. I know different hives don't trust each other, but in other species primitive tribes can be in a state of nigh war with each other and still engage in forms of goods and service trade, albeit more likely to be formal and ritualized the more suspicious they are of each other.

So, if your hivemates are all the therapy you have, I hope you at least set aside some dedicated time for unraveling your thoughts after your first mission, instead of just going on with your life as normal and expecting all the happy thoughts to bury everything?
No. 70758 ID: e717cd
File 136899629383.png - (317.35KB , 750x625 , itqpolokoacon.png )

>It sucks in every universe because there is only one. Mine.

If you're not going to leave behind the timeline primacy chauvinism, you can forget about your invitation.
No. 70760 ID: 78c6ea
File 136899848942.jpg - (505.92KB , 1280x960 , 2secondslater.jpg )

No. 70764 ID: cee89f


what are the coordinates for the universe that's held in?
No. 70768 ID: bf54a8

i have to admit, that house-wife looking rokoa is kinda freaking me out, in a good way.
No. 70769 ID: cf49fc

Don't be ridiculous, that's not a housewife outfit, that's a maid outfit.

...this raises further, more disturbing questions.
No. 70770 ID: 01254d


Is it odd that I can perfectly see a Housewife Rokoa but find it utterly and completely inconceivable for a housewife Polo?
No. 70771 ID: cff2a9

Rokoa has housewife-y traits that polo lacks, like emotions, and huge hips, and children.
No. 70772 ID: 01254d


I'm just going to go ahead and make the unspoken addition of "and absolutely batshit insane." at the end of that, spoken.
No. 70773 ID: f2c20c

No, maid outfits are black and white.
No. 70775 ID: dc38f3


Rokoa would make for a typical dominant Greek wife with a bitch for a spouse.

Polo would sire serial killers.
No. 70776 ID: cee89f


... Also, I see a pirate Rokoa and a ninja Polo.


Not always, especially if trying to fit into the color scheme of a workplace, or when using non-traditional outfits. The outfit itself suggests she lives in the candy house from Hansel and Grettle while the red and blue suggests she works for Spiderman.
No. 70777 ID: 57a559

She can make coffee cake out of salikai. It's one mean coffee cake, rivals Polo's mom even. Rokoa can be the best housewife. She's even killed one of her husbands! Grand scale housewife!

All she needs now is to have an affair and get drunk.
No. 70778 ID: 2f4b71

>Dirndl Rokoa
I think my brain just broke.
No. 70779 ID: d6ef5d

Never change.

I love the fact that Samurai Rokoa has her ears tied back in a ponytail.

And that officer Polo is now a recurring character.

...and that the Polos are just calmly sitting down and comparing notes while the Rokoas crazy it up.
No. 70781 ID: 2f4b71

>officer Polo
Who probably inexplicably encounters terrorists every Christmas.
Salikai with a German accent: "Now I haf a sniper rifle. Ho. Ho. Ho."
No. 70782 ID: cee89f

And serial killers on Halloween.
No. 70784 ID: c20108

I like how all the Rokoa are ducking it out with each other, and completely ignoring Polokoa.

On a scale of Tozol to Goku, where would you fit Polokoa?
No. 70787 ID: cf49fc

I'd say at least a Vegeta on the power scale. Potentially a Piccolo, although that relies upon abusing Plot Armor.
No. 70800 ID: c20108

I want you to explain how you managed to rate Piccolo as stronger than Vegeta.
No. 70801 ID: cf49fc

Because Vegeta was a single-plot arc villain, whereas Piccolo is the Demon King. And nothing will ever change that.
No. 70806 ID: c3663c
File 136927238352.png - (10.47KB , 700x700 , poloITQ47.png )

>What about your peers? The other two that can do silence (not as well). Do they notice the same thing? Or actually, how do you get on with them?
We get along fine as hivemates who trained together, although we have done little personl verbal communication.
>There's no disappointment or resentment that they can't do it as well as you can, right?
No. They have expressed relief that I have proven it is possible. Until that point, it was no small concern that we were spending years of our lives trying to do something impossible.

>More on therapists
Therapists have found a niche for rogues. The concept is a mismatch for those in a hive, but rogues supposedly can be helped with normal therapy.

>Polo do you like girls or guys best or both or neither and which part of the body do you consider most erotic?
Eroticism and sexual preferences have been the last things on my mind, and will remain that way for the foreseeable future.

>So, if your hivemates are all the therapy you have, I hope you at least set aside some dedicated time for unraveling your thoughts after your first mission, instead of just going on with your life as normal and expecting all the happy thoughts to bury everything?
I have only been silent while on the edges of the building, but while in the center of my hive's quarters, I could drop the silence. That is all the therapy I need, or could have. I would not expect the happy thoughts to bury everything, but it would not matter, because I did not intend to 'bury' anything.
No. 70808 ID: c3663c
File 136927263496.png - (12.47KB , 750x750 , pilonITQ17.png )

>Are there maybe movies produced by aliens with neumono actors, maybe trying to profit on the neumono market?
I'll take this one, if you don't mind. It wasn't uncommon for alien moves to hire neumono actors, depending on the character they wanted. Of course, they were minor roles at first, often just side characters, sidekicks at most. Acting, admittedly, isn't our strong point, but some of us had a knack for it. Lukratsa, for starters. She's taken on roles more serious than the campy Polo show.

>How does the economy work?
For post contact, as you can probably guess, things eventually became based off of paper or digitized paper bills, and it eventually worked.

Precontact is harder to pinpoint. There are recorded uses of money as we know it today, although the currency was generally exotic materials. Interhive trading was not common at all, so usually it was just big hives that would use money. I mean, abnormally huge ones, not just larger than average.

Interhive trading was rare enough, and was usually done only because two different hives had access to different resources, but needed all kinds. Plus, when neither felt it worth conquering the other. That trade was usually done with bartering for goods, so interhive currency was doubly rare.

>Did aliens try to introduce currency and capitalism when they arrived? That sort of thing goes badly, historically, at least for a time.
Yes, and agreed, to an extent, but I can hardly blame them. We were more than happy to fight amongst ourselves with or without the concept of money. There just wasn't any way to instantly get multiple hives to get along with each other, and similarly, there just isn't a single ultrahive that stabilized without massive amounts of blood. It wasn't money in neumono hands that caused such grief, it was the introduction of advanced weaponry and the concept of upper management. I admit that's just the surface and an arguable oversimplification, but without getting into in-depth history of contact, I would say money was the least of the upsets.
No. 70810 ID: 627e41

>That is all the therapy I need

But Polo that's not true, you are still clearly hung up on a bunch of things that are still there and haven't gone away, even after doing what you said. I mean look at the thing with Katzati, you freaked out when she put her hand on your head and then you had to actually physically take steps to readjust yourself so that it didn't cause problems any more, and you can't do that and things like that in your hive or with a therapist? Just identifying problems and coming up with things to do, little exercises, to resolve them permanently?

From what I can tell Polo your happy hive brain bath just switches off whatever makes you FEEL bad while leaving the things that are actually bad in place and just not noticed until you leave the hive or go silent, and then they can make you feel bad again, they don't go away, they might even get worse. And if enough of those things build up it's likely that you'll go rogue when you could have prevented it! You need help, Polo. Mental health. You got brain problems. You want to keep up with this sanity thing that's so popular, right? I mean you're not exactly miss neurotypical to begin with, the only other people in your universe who listen to voices in their heads are Three Stripes, a mutant AI and a belonosian who may or may not have drowned one too many brain cells in space booze.

And come on Polo we know full well the kind of perv thoughts you have had and will continue to have in the probable future, we have seen what happens behind that adorable frowny face of yours. Mostly around particularly large and curvy women. Coincidence??? Probably. Talk to someone about your parents. Talk to someone about everything that troubles you. Pull up all that subconscious junk, it's spring cleaning time! Power through the discomfort, Polo! No pain, no gain, no brain!


Pilon, you are a reasonable gentleman. How do you feel about the state of neumono mental healthcare, in general?
No. 70813 ID: 19b3c3

>although we have done little personal verbal communication.
The question of how well one could actually know every individual in a hive of around 1000 people had occurred to me. Kind of surprising you haven't talked much with / don't know well the people you trained with on the same project for ten years, though.

Um. You're making a lot of assumptions about how intra-hive empathy actually works. It hasn't exactly been covered in a lot of detail, and we've never really got to experience through it firsthand in quest, but I'm pretty sure it's been made clear that the hive can do a lot more than temporarily cover up or adjust attitude- it can actually affect change and have long term influences on a mind. Not to mention you're completely overlooking the potential positive therapeutic value of direct mind to mind communication with caring individuals set up almost exactly as the patient was pre-trauma in favor of Freudian psychobabble. I mean, you're providing someone with the template for recovery and the emotional support to do so (from hundreds of individuals) simultaneously!

...you also seem to be forgetting that Polo going silent wouldn't cut her off from her hive, or any positive effects of her hive's empathy, at all. It would just cut them off from her.

And really, being momentarily (unpleasantly) reminded of a card carrying psychopath you spent time with by someone who bears a passing resemblance miming her actions hardly makes one a head case. That's a simple conditioned response, and something that can be overcome without intensive therapy. (In fact, Polo immediately began conditioning against it, when she realized it was a problem).

And I wouldn't be overly concerned with Polo going rogue. From what little we've seen of her hivemates, the common traits seems to be a practical mindset, a remarkable determination and drive, and a surprising willingness to (and success with) reach(ing) out to and work(ing) with others. Aside from her quirky sense of humor, slightly private nature, and more than average willingness to place herself in harm's way, Polo fits in. And we haven't seen a fundamental shift in her core values.

(Unlike with Pilon, or even Rokoa, where you can start to track the ways in which their fundamental mindset diverg(ed/es) from that of their hive).

P-pilon, did you trip and smoosh your face? It's foreshortened to almost nothing! a_a
No. 70828 ID: 88072b

Q. For Polo & Rokoa
Do you two see yourself as chaos versus order?
Polo as order, Rokoa as chaos, of course.
No. 70829 ID: 051cc4

Personally, I think they both personify both chaos and order, from different directions. Polo acts using chaotic methods (stealth, sabotage, treachery if it's practical) for orderly ends (the good of her hive and by extension her ultrahive). Rokoa exhibits order-type behaviour (honor code, loyalty, keeping her word and following orders unless higher loyalties demand) but is ultimately a force of chaos and mayhem.
No. 70835 ID: 051cc4
File 136943937770.png - (72.20KB , 500x500 , polokoaitqshestheboss.png )


With my suit in full action mode, I figure I can beat any single opponent I could reasonably expect to face fairly. Probably several of them, majority of cases. No-one's defeated me in a one-on-one fight yet, and I don't expect anyone to.

Just so long as no-one figures out that they can shoot this glowing crystal on my chest to temporarily stun me and make me vulnerable to specific types of damage. That could get me, but they'd need to do it, like, four or five times in one fight.

That seems unlikely.
No. 70837 ID: 735f4f

Man the glowing crystal lobby is way to powerful. They manage to get there stuff everywhere.
No. 70842 ID: bf54a8

luckily only HEROS can think to do that. so you are only in danger if you turn evil.
No. 70843 ID: cf49fc

Wouldn't it make more sense to fight WITHOUT the suit, since it allows you to be stunned?
No. 70846 ID: 59c57c

If that crystal is that important why is it on the outside of the suit?
No. 70847 ID: bf54a8

it's the rulez
No. 70852 ID: 3dd384

>glowing crystal on chest
did they buy that shit from the space doobies? just curious
No. 70857 ID: 59fc47


it's boring if they don't stand a chance.
No. 70887 ID: f29aa1

I want to share my insights on which members of "Team Neurotic" represents what psychosis.

>Yellow = Guilt
>Pink = Stress
>Black = Sloth
>Blue = Apathy
>Red = Hate
No. 70894 ID: cee89f

What kinds of damage would that make you vulnerable to? Say, thermal detonators, electric charges, sonic cannons, battlecrap, acid?
No. 70897 ID: 2f4b71

An attack from one specific sword/gun/arrow/pike/howitzer, likely encrusted with similar looking bling, used by one specific but arbitrary wielder.
No. 70898 ID: e3b5c6

That's not a type of damage!
No. 70899 ID: 82b704

Love beams
No. 70900 ID: 19b3c3

>What kinds of damage would that make you vulnerable to?
It's random, of course, and the pool of possible weaknesses that are rolled from vary depending on the value of her Chimera Meter, Polo Pressure, and Rokoa Rage. All there of which are completely invisible to an opponent.

She's not a lunatic EX boss for nothing.
No. 70901 ID: 014538
File 136966958677.png - (143.19KB , 300x486 , Ma-ti has heart.png )


No. 70917 ID: cee89f

Emotional beams affect a person independently of physical armor and everyone knows it!! =P

... Then again, maybe Bioarmor is psychic too. I dunno, I haven't gotten through Asteroid Quest.

That's a type of weapon, not damage.

... I like it.

Polokoa! Who would win in a fight: You with full Polo Pressure or you with full Rokoa Rage?
No. 70936 ID: f29aa1

>Polokoa! Who would win in a fight: You with full Polo Pressure or you with full Rokoa Rage?

Anon, your question directly implies the existence of TWO Polokoa!

Why would you ever ask for this?!
No. 70937 ID: beeca1

Battle in the Center of the Mind, of course.
No. 70992 ID: 44cc74

So Sarah- I notice you have some... generous tracts of land on your person. I was curious: is the hunt for fitting support garments difficult?
No. 70996 ID: 9dba7d

No. 70997 ID: 735f4f

Hey Jehral are you going to take all that taunting lying down? In the penis chart thread at that.
No. 71014 ID: 735f4f

Hey have a question for Giant. So whats your story? We know a bit about Three Stripes and what he has been up to but we have never talked to you.

What did you first think when He showed up? And why did you take him in? Also how do you feel about all the sheep and strange neumono getting his help lately?
No. 71017 ID: 5e84ec

A question for all characters:

What is your favourite alcoholic beverage?
No. 71040 ID: 25312f
File 137005157310.png - (69.89KB , 390x306 , Nino happy.png )

Awww, man, Dude! You haven't lived until you've been to a Toontown party! Especially when Pinkie Pie's running the bar!

She did this one thing the one time? With, like, cake-flavored vodka and strawberry juice. And then that was my new favorite drink. Then she put hot sauce in it? MAN! That was one crazy-ass party.

So... yeah, I think that's my favorite drink. Pinkie's Flame-berry Cake Surprise!
No. 71045 ID: cf49fc

Don't care how old he is or how hard he drinks. He STILL looks like he's ten. Do you have Slow Growth Syndrome or something Nino?
No. 71049 ID: 25312f
File 137007571606.png - (117.88KB , 512x512 , Disneyquest90.png )

No, I don't think so. My parents are short, so.... I'm pretty short. And people say my face is cute.

Man, I don't get it. Have you guys SEEN Baby Herman? Dude's like 40!

You're just jelly 'cuz I'm pretty.
No. 71055 ID: 34cbef
File 137011843537.png - (10.75KB , 360x318 , regi.png )

guess i can chat it up with some folks.
An avalice slammer, it's a three quarter cup drink similar to a large shot. It has wine, yuga fruit, 2 ice cubes, cherry flavored seltzer, and a generous amount of blue goose vodka.

You don't drink it by itself though, it comes in a long streak of drinks known as the seventh pantheon. When I went to technical school on vorudai mox I used to be the craziest party girl.
No. 71057 ID: cee89f

Don't worry, it's just hypothetical, like asking what it would be like to make out with your genderbent self.


Then again, maybe even the hypothetical would be too much for the universe...

No. 71058 ID: 19b3c3

>Two Polokoas
Someone has already forgotten about the incident with the time travel and Argotilian spiderbears.
No. 71061 ID: beeca1

Quiet, Anon.
No. 71062 ID: cee89f

How could I forget? I never knew. =p

No. 71063 ID: d38f67
File 137012392821.png - (9.01KB , 700x700 , PilonITQ18.png )

>P-pilon, did you trip and smoosh your face? It's foreshortened to almost nothing! a_a
What? Noooo.

>How do you feel about the state of neumono mental healthcare, in general?
Rogues are not treated as trash, and so to a rogue, it is excellent comparatively to pre contact. Overall, though... to be honest, it's hard to say! It is miles ahead for everyone, but I'm reluctant to say that it's because there are more outlets of therapy and consciousness for the individual's mind. Rather, what has done us wonders isn't that the aliens have forms of therapy or such concepts, but it's that because of their technology, we don't have to worry about having food on the table tommorrow or the day after, or suddenly running into a sadistic predator we can do nothing about. So, our mental healthcare has simply skyrocketed if by sheer virtue of spilling over from our improved quality of life.
No. 71064 ID: d38f67
File 137012399269.png - (10.99KB , 700x700 , poloITQ48.png )

>For Polo & Rokoa: Do you two see yourself as chaos versus order?
No. I see us as me either fighting or tolerating an enemy.
No. 71065 ID: d38f67
File 137012400945.png - (12.23KB , 632x668 , rokoaITQ38.png )

>For Polo & Rokoa: Do you two see yourself as chaos versus order?
Nah. We don't try to spread chaos. We just don't understand each other. She's funny.

>What is your favourite alcoholic beverage?
No. 71066 ID: d38f67
File 137012402121.png - (13.44KB , 700x700 , GiantITQ1.png )

>What did you first think when Three Stripes showed up? And why did you take him in?
I was skeptical. But not many non-neumono are friendly. I let him stay because of that.

>Also how do you feel about all the sheep and strange neumono getting his help lately?
I do not like it. But it also is not much different than Salikai who let us stay in our home and send us the food. As long as Three Stripes does not forget my hive, who took him in, I will not mind.
No. 71069 ID: 735f4f

So Giant what type of hive do you have? We have seen war hives and science hives so far but yours just seems to cuddle all day. Did you get used to conserving energy due to a unreliable food source? Or have you always been that way.

Also did you always live in the caves below the spire? Or did you move in later.
No. 71071 ID: 19b3c3

Crown's heirloom Moton-feather crown and the story behind it suggest they used to hang out closer to the top of the spire, or at least that they did a few generations ago.

Sometimes it's hard to pick one word to describe a hive. And pretty much all neumono hives cuddle. Neumono are natural cuddlers. :V

...actually, hey, how are sleeping arrangements handled in more modern hives? Do people still routinely sleep together in big cuddle groups, or have they adopted individual beds?
No. 71081 ID: 5bdf8a
File 137016263267.png - (128.51KB , 600x600 , polokoakorliitq.png )

Excuse me, but I think I'm better suited to answer some of these questions.

>Wouldn't it make more sense to fight WITHOUT the suit

Unfortunately, the major downside of the neurosuit, among others, is that it doesn't come off! With a competent managing system, it can be persuaded to retreat into narrow bands or small patches that can be hidden under clothes, if you're willing to forego its advantages. But, once it's on, it never comes off completely. It entangles itself with the host's nervous system, hence the name; so it's not just on the user, it's in the user, much moreso than the original bioarmor. The best we've got so far is restricting it to certain body parts, like I have with my hand. Being able to form delicate manipulators and tools is very useful, but I have to chop half my arm off if I want it removed.

Somehow, I still hear people complain in front of me about how much trouble it is to upgrade their computers.

>If that crystal is that important why is it on the outside of the suit?

The "crystal" is actually a cover on top of the central node for the computer built into the suit. There are smaller nodes spread around, on and in the user's body, but for peak processing power there needs to be a main hub for the armor's systems. There are redundant backups, and it can regenerate when damaged, but that damage will cause a mild overload of the nervous system and knock out some functions until it's repaired. Technically, the crystal itself is something like a tiny vent, converting any excess heat or other energy into harmless light. There was talk about lasers in commitee, but that's not my department.

>What kinds of damage would that make you vulnerable to?

It's very rude to ask someone their elemental damage vulnerability! Or even to talk about it, really. Don't you think it'd be impolite for us to go up to humans or pomi and talk about how we have all this bludgeoning and piercing resist that they don't? The government requires signs put in place - warning: fire elemental hazard, or warning: may deal peanut damage - and adults can just be responsible for judging their own safety from there. You don't talk about it.

>Who would win in a fight: [Polokoa] with full Polo Pressure or with full Rokoa Rage?

Technically Polokoa with either of those would have gone into her "double overdrive", and there would be no difference. I assume you mean her in Polo-dominant mode versus her in Rokoa-dominant mode. It's an interesting question, actually; we've done studies on what actually happens when her internal structure shifts. Different parts of her doubled nervous system working in different ways with itself, focusing or dividing attention... In any case, I'm not a fighter myself, but it seems like it would be conditional. The Polo talent set is for sneaking and shooting from afar, while Rokoa's dominates in messier close combat conditions. If we're assuming a hand-to-hand melee with no ranged weapons, the Rokoa mode would win.

Of course, that's assuming we leave out the use of... that. The... beam.

We don't talk about the beam.
No. 71094 ID: 2f4b71

>crystal chest laser.
No. 71098 ID: c23ab0


It's Polokoa's friend and amazing inventor super scientist, Q!

(Qorli, that is.)
No. 71107 ID: f29aa1

>We have seen war hives and science hives so far but yours just seems to cuddle all day.

They are a Survival Hive.

The whole Neumono homeworld is really a giant game of Alpha Centari.
No. 71110 ID: cf49fc

Ecology Hive is best.
No. 71115 ID: b9d767

>The whole Neumono homeworld is really a giant game of Alpha Centari.

Suddenly everything makes so much sense.
No. 71118 ID: cee89f

...Doubled nervous system?... How does that work? Did Polo and Rokoa's nervous systems regrow after their fusion and entwine like some kind of rope made of nerve cells?

*wistful gaze into the sky* Ah, laser crystal... best thing to involve lasers since Stone-laser vision.
No. 71161 ID: 01531c

>..Doubled nervous system?... How does that work?

You just reminded me of a relevant excerpt from a novella I recently read.

Sarasti was with us only in spirit. His place at the head of the table remained empty. "Tell them," he said.
>"We have to get out of h—"
"From the beginning."
>Cunningham swallowed and started again. "Those frayed motor nerves I couldn't figure out, those pointless cross-connections—they're logic gates. Scramblers time-share. Their sensory and motor plexii double as associative neurons during idle time, so every part of the system can be used for cognition when it isn't otherwise engaged. Nothing like it ever evolved on Earth. It means they can do a great deal of processing without a lot of dedicated associative mass, even for an individual."
"So peripheral nerves can think?" Bates frowned. "Can they remember?"
>"Certainly. At least, I don't see why not." Cunningham pulled a cigarette from his pocket.
"So when they tore that scrambler apart—"
>"Not civil war. Data dump. Passing information about us, most likely."

Source: Blindsight, authors note:
No. 71162 ID: 1572c1

"You must construct additional Pilons!"
No. 71167 ID: cee89f

...huh. Neat. I thought of the Krogan's secondary nervous systems, honestly, but this is neat too =3

... is that how it's pronounced?
No. 71168 ID: bf54a8

it's how i pronounce it.
No. 71180 ID: 06e3f1

I don't know; honestly, I've not yet seen that character in-story, but that's how the name looked to me, and I had to make the joke.
No. 71234 ID: 735f4f

Hey have a question for "Horns" So how did you end up working with three stripes? Before he showed up what were you working on with the ultrahive?

Also Three stripes says you taste horrible so you can stop worrying.
No. 71235 ID: 9073b3

ysabel and sarah- since you two are so close, do you share clothes?
No. 71236 ID: d38f67
File 137049365223.png - (11.76KB , 700x700 , MunickITQ1.png )

I'm a belenosian researcher of neumono homeworld lifeforms.

Or I'm studying to be one, anyways. I'm new and inexperienced, but the ultrahive bosses apparently thought I, because I'm new and inexperienced, should be the first to go in to speak directly to Three Stripes. Polo had to assure us that he, and the hive, was safe to approach. It was a test for both of us, me for what I'd put on the line, them for... well, to show they wouldn't attack me. I hear it was a nervewracking experience just to shuffle all of them into where they are now, after Polo and Rakae showed them to the escape zone.

Anyways, I guess I'm just lucky to have the opportunity. I'm the envy of my colleagues, but that's only because that huge neumono didn't rip my head off.
No. 71237 ID: 19b3c3

Ouch. They stuck you in there because you were the outsider, the low man on the totem pole, and the student who would jump at any terrible opportunity? Nice to see that even in the future, grad students are treated like dirt.

Dick move, on their part. If they were really worried about heads being ripped off, at least neumono can grow theirs back.
No. 71238 ID: bf54a8

to be fair, they were probably also worried that three stripes would control and eat them.
No. 71240 ID: 735f4f

Ah the old throw in a undergrad and if he gets brutally mauled then no loss policy. Well luckily you came through it ok and you are now at the forefront of a brand new field. Make sure to pretend this job is a death sentence so they don't replace you until you get your first paper written. Then you can be the genius that helped pioneer whatever this ends up being.

Also have you learned anything interesting from Three stripes blood samples yet? It might help you out if you could help teach him and his adopted hive some modern language. He seems pretty smart just lacking in any sort of formal education.
No. 71242 ID: 9ddf68

so how well does this job pay... or did they hit with that unpaid intern crap?
No. 71933 ID: d38f67
File 137056252231.png - (10.99KB , 700x700 , MunickITQ2.png )

>If they were really worried about heads being ripped off, at least neumono can grow theirs back.
Neumono have a much bigger chance of getting their head ripped off, in their defense. The tribe in there wouldn't automatically think the worst of off world aliens, oddly.

As for why any of the other belenos or anyone sent me in there... that is where the lowest totem pole standing bit me.

>Also have you learned anything interesting from Three stripes blood samples yet?
No, we're studying what makes neumono meat so special that predators need them specifically in their diet to be healthy. We're hoping to come up with something synthetic to make for a decent substitute. It isn't a big deal, since ears are not an issue to remove for neumono.

>He seems pretty smart just lacking in any sort of formal education.
We plan on it, eventually, but plan on shifting the whole tribe that way too. The problem with predators is that they can only handle so much language. Once they have too many words, they'll start forgetting some. In other words, if we taught Three Stripes our language alone, he would lose non-empathic communication abilities with his... friends, or whatever that tribe is to him.

>How well does this job pay... or did they hit with that unpaid intern crap?
Oh, no, it pays well. Very well. Normally it'd just be okay, but there's a lot of Danger pay, and that's not just because I showed up in front of Three Stripes and the huge one. Neumono homeplanet is still a bit rocky, so higher pay is expected by offworlders to come over out in the boonies, decades since contact or not.
No. 71935 ID: d38f67
File 137056363386.png - (10.85KB , 700x700 , PilonITQ19.png )

>Pilon pronunciation
It is pronounced the same as 'pylon.'

>How are sleeping arrangements handled in more modern hives? Do people still routinely sleep together in big cuddle groups, or have they adopted individual beds?
As usual, it varies, but often they all sleep together in big groups. Sometimes just in clusters together in cases of big hives. They often do lots of things together that isn't just sleeping, actually. They may all take the same bus to work, go shopping in big groups, that kind of stuff. There's been encouragement for them to mingle with society as individuals, but that's an uphill battle best saved for rogues.
No. 71939 ID: d38f67
File 137056676765.png - (13.54KB , 700x700 , GiantITQ2.png )

>So Giant what type of hive do you have? We have seen war hives and science hives so far but yours just seems to cuddle all day. Did you get used to conserving energy due to a unreliable food source?

I am 31, and have lived under the salikai my life. I have only heard of the time when my hive was above the spire. Mas owns the Moton feather crown. Her mother has told me that life above was far harder, but far more rewarding. I asked her if she would go back if she could, with all of us. She did not know. There was little death under the salikai. But, there was strict population limits, there was little life to begin with.

We are a hunter hive, to survive. Even cuddling is to maintian body warmth and energy. Even under salikai, we have to hunt for additional food, and while death is rare, carelessness will result in awful injuries. When I was 16, I was given the salikai food that made me big. Food and survival depends much on the one who is given the special food, so becoming queen followed soon.
No. 71940 ID: 57a559

How are live conversation translators coming along? You could use those and gather the language data from this little hive to communicate with Three Stripes better. I suppose it matters how complex the giant's hive language is I suppose.

Oh my god, after re-listening to the snake eater song I forgot to ask something important about it with Polo when we had that conversation. What did you think of The Boss reveal that transpired at the end? Did you have a significant reaction? Like did it make you sad? How did you like the theme song? Or the crazy boss fights with the BEEEEEES and the bugging eyeballs parrotman and the weird river and that fire spaceman and the electric general and big mech battle. I figure you would have liked the fight with The End a lot. How do you like Naked Snake? EVA? Ocelot? Or any of the other characters?
No. 71944 ID: 735f4f

So Horns who came up with the idea to have Three stripes act as a neumono psychologist? Was it just the best way to get test subjects? The old free health care in the form of a untested dangerous experimental trial run by a giant person eating monster that lives with a tribe of savages?

Man your department must have the best Pr director.
No. 71947 ID: 19b3c3

...and we have another entry for the timeline! She's a year younger than Ben, and 5 older than Korli.
No. 71950 ID: f29aa1

>Pilon pronunciation
>It is pronounced the same as 'pylon.'

All this time I pronounced it as "pill-own", pronounced similar to "pillow" in consideration of his enormous comfy ears.
No. 71951 ID: 74f81a


I thought it was "peel-on", myself.

Pilon: How old have the jokes gotten? Have you had "yes pylon ha ha let's move on" written on the front of your underwear?

On a somewhat related subject, do you have to be naked to put on bioarmor, or is underwear ok? If ok, does it try slip in under to bond, or is it just designed to avoid the underwear areas to begin with?
No. 71952 ID: 2f4b71

I was guessing pih-lohn.
No. 71953 ID: beeca1

I believe the bioarmor's bit been answered. You have to be naked, it doesn't avoid your crotch or chest, and it has slits if you need to use those bits.
No. 71955 ID: 05392a


...they have slits for breast-feeding? wow, them neumono must be really good with Batman logic.
No. 71959 ID: f2c20c

I thought it was flaps, not slits.
No. 71960 ID: d38f67
File 137065010771.png - (11.83KB , 700x700 , PilonITQ20.png )

>How old have the jokes gotten? Have you had "yes pylon ha ha let's move on" written on the front of your underwear?
A bit old, but not old enough to have me writing things on my underwear.

>On a somewhat related subject, do you have to be naked to put on bioarmor, or is underwear ok? If ok, does it try slip in under to bond, or is it just designed to avoid the underwear areas to begin with?
Bio armor can technically be put on over any amount of clothes, but the more surface contact it has with skin, the more effective the bio armor will be. So, most of the time, people wear just a little underwear. The kind that would either be specifically made for bio armor users, or for skimpy photoshoots that you would never see in public. The idea is so that we can wear bioarmor feeling naked, but not looking naked. Bioarmor can detect shapes it tries to bond to, so it will be able to bypass fur, but it won't try to bypass clothing.

As mentioned, you can be clothed, it just is more effective the less you wear under it. The only slits that are around, though, are just the weakly bonded sections that can be opened like flaps. Those are less protective, too, so they're kept to a minimum. Some, I hear, don't have them at all, and going to the bathroom can be an ordeal in itself if there are no measures taken. As for flaps for breasts, I've never heard of those - and not just because I'm a guy. Bioarmor wasn't meant to be worn where breastfeeding would take place, plus, since those flaps can be less protection, making such a core, commonly aimed for section of the body weaker is not a popular choice.
No. 71961 ID: d38f67
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>How are live conversation translators coming along? You could use those and gather the language data from this little hive to communicate with Three Stripes better. I suppose it matters how complex the giant's hive language is I suppose.
They're coming. Their language is simple and blunt. We're hoping to get that hive to learn some of our own language, so that we can teach Three Stripes some of our language without him forgetting the hive's. We are trying to settle them in as slowly as possible, which is not saying much, but that prospect is awhile away.

>So Horns who came up with the idea to have Three stripes act as a neumono psychologist?
Uh... well, we got something that can permanently change the psyche of neumono. I'm not sure who wouldn't have thought of that.

And as thought, we also did gather possible test subjects with the promise of it being free in the form of untested experiments. Of course, we did brief them on everything, there were no surprises. We would communicate the idea with Three Stripes, and once we feel he is both willing and understanding of the issue, then the neumono would enter. While we said we would attempt to maintain their safety and take precautions to do so, we do prefer to keep our distance from Three Stripes and his hive, and so could not guarantee it.

At least this far in, we have sufficient evidence that Three Stripes doesn't just eat the subjects, although there is concern that we are running some kind of conspiracy and that we only show the three or so occurences that he did not bite their hides off, and are hiding the 30 that he did. That is the business between PR and the associates of the subjects, as the subjects themselves are usually so desperate that they are willing to take the risk.
No. 71963 ID: 19b3c3

I'm sure you can't be the only person with a neumono name that sounds like something in english. (Just lookit Polo!) There are only so many sounds, it's kind of bound to happen.

PR can't be that much a problem yet, can it? The whole thing is probably under a great deal of security and secrecy. You've got a (theoretically, but not really) dangerous mind control hazard, and a non-person regularly visiting and involved in the project.

...which would only help any theories about a conspiracy. Although the only people who should know to doubt in the first place would have security clearance and access to the extensive documentation and recordings I'm sure you're taking.
No. 71964 ID: 735f4f

What you need is a well known nature show guy to do a special on Three stripes. Have him go "crickey" and get hassled by the hive while Three stripes looks cute and snuggles people all day.

Also is this the first live predator that anyone has had to study? Figure you have had a chance with some dead ones but they probably all made there ways to some hunters trophy room.

Out of all the other species we have seen on the Neumono home world the Predators seem to be the most closely related to them. How similar are they genetically?

I mostly ask because people want to see cute predator neumono babies eventually. Although to be honest Three stripes seems pretty clueless on the matter so far.
No. 71968 ID: f2c20c

I think Three Stripes is quite aware of how sex works, he just doesn't seem to think/talk about it much.
No. 71972 ID: c92b22


So, people do wear underwear under bioarmor, but if you did wear none at all, it would be very slightly stronger? Only on and around the underwear area, I'd assume, but people do get hit there, and there are still muscles and tendons and things for strengthening in such places. But if you didn't wear underwear there, perhaps the bioarmor would mold itself rather too closely, and that could get embarrassing. Though you could wear clothes over the suit, too. Very interesting.

Say, Pilon, can you answer the questions on interspecies relationships? Which of the other intelligent species is most attractive to neumono, would you say?
No. 71979 ID: 19b3c3

It's all but certain that he knows. He made it pretty clear they bred their captive neumono in the spire (>>/questarch/399842), and we asked him point blank how predator reproduction works.

>he just doesn't seem to think/talk about it much.
...which, to be fair, is a perfectly reasonable response to being badgered about it by (some of) us. :I

Jess and Itcher already covered the interspecies stuff. If you want a Pilon specific answer:
>As usual, it varies.

Yes. We've all seen the draw porn thread. Now could we stop linking it every time this comes up?
No. 71982 ID: c23ab0


> it would be very slightly stronger? Only on and around the underwear area, I'd assume, but people do get hit there, and there are still muscles and tendons and things for strengthening in such place
> bionic penis

No. 72092 ID: 450660


First we should imagine what it must feel like to have something bond to the nerves and epidermis of your genitals / erogenous zones.
No. 72107 ID: e3aff6

@Wordblood: What is your opinion on recursive acronyms?
No. 72118 ID: 57a559

Anyone that's still alive that saw Zane bitchslap the techleech with her discontinued weapon(including Zane herself if she'll answer), if you somehow make it out alive, what is the likely hood that you'll petition for the re-establishment of the manufacture of that weapon and ammo? And furthering that line of research into weapons that are super effective against the leeches?
No. 72119 ID: cee89f

Also for Wordblood: Does a Deva's personality change when their purpose changes and how drastically? Like if Kairosa turned into a healing deva, would her hunger go away, lessen, or stay the same?
No. 72125 ID: c23ab0

@Wordblood: What is your opinion on recursive WIYOORW?
No. 72127 ID: a10e9b

Wordblood, what's your opinion on making a new word for a new idea for the express purpose of making it a new devas Element?
No. 72129 ID: cee89f

...... what's that mean?
No. 72131 ID: 325550

It means he's asking Wormblood: What is your opinion on recursive WIYOORW?
No. 72132 ID: cee89f

Yes, but what does that acronym stand for?
No. 72136 ID: beeca1


No. 72138 ID: 01531c

It's a classic joke, a recursive acronym, where the last word is a nonsense word that just so happens to spell the acronym.

W.I.Y.O.O.R.W. = What Is Your Opinion On Recursive What Is Your Opinion On Recursive What Is Your Opinion On Recursive What Is Your Opinion On Recursive What Is Your Opinion On Recursive It's infinite, and that's the joke.
No. 72139 ID: 01531c

That's a good question.

They probably have overly-large and fatty-shielded appendages to counter the threat of blood-flow restriction.
No. 72146 ID: c23ab0

fatty-fat-fat shielded
No. 72176 ID: beeca1

Except limbs don't fall asleep because of lack of blood. If that were true, necrosis would be far more prevalent.

It happens because pressure to an area, for example, pushes a nerve against a bone, or otherwise makes a limb unable to communicate with the brain. The falling asleep is lack of sensory feedback.

Given neumono nervous system, then you'd basically lose part of your brain temporarily if it does happen to neumono. That or your limb would develop its own fragmentary consciousness until it regained communication with the rest of the body.
No. 72177 ID: beeca1

That said, if both neumono limbs falling asleep and the fragmentary consciousness thing are true, I wonder what happens if a neumono forces a limb to fall asleep during masturbation.
No. 72182 ID: 01531c

A question to any scientists: Do Belenosian or Neumono suffer inbreeding problems?

This is funny; spellcheck thinks Belenosian is "Belorussian" and Neumono is "Monotone"
No. 72184 ID: 19b3c3

>do Neumono suffer inbreeding problems?
According to an earlier Pilon answer, no. It would take several generations of deliberately setting it up before it became a problem.
No. 72216 ID: 1766db

Alien hand syndrome?
No. 72220 ID: d38f67
File 137123352323.png - (10.70KB , 700x700 , MunickITQ4.png )

>PR can't be that much a problem yet, can it? The whole thing is probably under a great deal of security and secrecy.
Well, from the public, yeah, but we do have to convince upper echelon to let us do this.

>Also is this the first live predator that anyone has had to study?
Uh, it's the first one that the government itself has endorsed and studied. They've been captured and studied by freelance alien game hunters before, so we don't quite have to start off from scratch, but that data does kind of have to be double checked since it's documentation is more from a hobbyist than, you know, real scientific methods.

>Out of all the other species we have seen on the Neumono home world the Predators seem to be the most closely related to them. How similar are they genetically?
In some ways they are nearly identical, in some ways they are wildly different.

>I mostly ask because people want to see cute predator neumono babies eventually. Although to be honest Three stripes seems pretty clueless on the matter so far.
We don't actually know for certain if predator-neumono babies are possible. Some scientists think it might be, other's don't. It's not like we're going to push Three Stripes to find that out, though.
No. 72221 ID: d38f67
File 137123363127.png - (10.51KB , 700x700 , PilonITQ21.png )

>Say, Pilon, can you answer the questions on interspecies relationships?
As usual, it vari-
Well, it does. It's weird to older hives, but neumono that are born and accustomed around aliens have limited reservations against alien relationships.

>Which of the other intelligent species is most attractive to neumono, would you say?
As a loose rule, a fur coat is pretty important to us, so I believe the belenos would win that contest.

>So, people do wear underwear under bioarmor, but if you did wear none at all, it would be very slightly stronger?
Slightly, yes, since the bioarmor would be able to feed more energy into your body with the additional surface area.

But I hear the experience is like dropping your genitals in battery acid, depending on the percentage. So most people just wear protective cups down there, both to still give protection, and to avoid having the bio armor take rather revealing shapes. Along with, again, avoiding the pain.

>Do Belenosian or Neumono suffer inbreeding problems?
I'm no scientist, but belenos do, I hear. As for neumono, my answer was remembered by

Yes and yes, but that does need a lot of pressure around a whole area to block all of our nerves from communicating with the rest of the body.

If it does happen though, then it's a good way to find out what getting the limb cut off would be like mentally. Plus, the limb sometimes does move on its own as a result, while the effect to the rest of the body is a little like being drunk and dumber. It has been done for recreation before, since it's quite harmless and passes the time.
No. 72222 ID: 57a559

So, making your arms go to sleep is kinda like chocking yourself to get high for humans, but less dangerous?
And predator cloning, how is that going along? Was I correct in the assessment that the tame gene that 3S might have is very valuable for husbandry/cloning? Would you adopt a predator puppy?
No. 72223 ID: 19b3c3

>tame gene
...I don't think it's so much one gene that makes him 'tame' so much as he had a relatively non-violent and gentle disposition to begin with, and events led him to decide to stop trying to control new neumono (heck, he probably never even met a sapient neumono before Polo and co stumbled into his caves. He would have been raised with a tamed population). Temperament and personal decisions can be influenced by genetics, but it's hardly deterministic.

(Well, unless you're cloning memories too, but even that's no sure thing).
No. 72225 ID: 735f4f

Hey Munick we have seen some questionable historical simulations of the Belenosian home world and I was wondering how accurate they were. Was from back in the Color coded emperor era pre hyperspace.

Also curious what its like there now. We know you and the humans have got along well so is everything a gleaming futuristic wonderland now? Or still mile high smog?
No. 72226 ID: 57a559

In animal husbandry you can tame generally hostile species by excessively breeding together tame ones. Which is how that one white black fox that was really mean to humans have certain ones now very friendly and dog like. With future tech, you can probably do husbandry though cloning. And I don't mean standard sci-fi cloning, like, our earth cloning, which means its more of a genetic descendant than an actual copy. It's just far more genetically related to one parent than the other.

Like, we just need one predator female (probably from a collector), if the reproduction phase is less like a neumono and more like other mammals, than we simply steal an ovary egg, wipe it because the mother won't probably be as genetically tame as 3 Stripes and thus ruin the batch of puppies by generally making them less tame, which makes the children take more after the father. At least I think that's how our real cloning kinda works. And how husbandry would work with cloning. It's just a guess, it could be far from truth.
No. 72231 ID: 735f4f

While the Salikai hive might have cloning down pretty good that's because they have no ethics to speak of. If they eventually want to restore the predator population its probably best to start out the natural way.

Wonder what predator courtship is like in the wild? Do they have the same level of sexual dimorphism that neumono do? If so a female would be huge. Do they have pair bonding's or do they stay solo? Maybe the mother gives the children there first set of breeding neumono when they reach a certain age.

Hey three stripes where did you get your first set of neumono "friends". And before Silent came along had you ever seen many non predator neumono? Also if you saw a girl you really liked how would you go about impressing her?
No. 72232 ID: 57a559

i thought it was only neumono that were hard to clone and only clonable through unethical means
explained here >>68968
there's just a lot more research on belonos and humans, they're a thing. Predator cloning obviously hasn't been researched yet but I was talking about an entirely different brand of cloning than the one most commonly discussed.

Single parent breeding of mammals is cloning too. We clone sheep that way, clone other animals, even dogs and cats. That's what I'm talking about doing with 3S. Not the weird copy scifi cloning.
No. 72233 ID: 19b3c3

Actually, not all the cloning they're doing is horribly unethical. Niam II described the process that created him as placing a surgically removed sample inside a 'blank' he grew into. (So the Rokoa dart process without the preparatory mind breaking torture, or a second host mind to consume and overwrite).

...assuming of course they're growing the 'blanks' from tissue samples and they're not chemically brainwashing neumono to produce them.

It might be somewhat premature to worry about cloning to sustain the predator population anyways. We don't even know what their lifespan is (...or how old Three Stripes is now). Especially since Three Stripes is gonna be one of the first with access to modern healthcare (which doubled the neumono life expectancy up to around 200).
No. 72244 ID: 735f4f

Yeah I am just assuming that if they manage to complete a experiment without torturing a orphan along the way then a Salikai wanders out and throws someone into a vat of acid while cackling wildly.

I know Korli said they don't like to talk about how they got into the mess with the Salikai but it would be interesting to hear that story.
No. 72412 ID: 01531c

I heard this is the thread for asking characters about in-universe stuff.

I have a Question for Mark (Julia Quest)
>Mark: We all make mistakes, my biggest one was believing the lies of my creator.
So is Mark one of The Fallen?
No. 72473 ID: 735f4f

Have a question for The Creator. So where did your people originally come from? Do you have a home planet and if so what is it like there? Did you work together with others of your kind or are you Solitary creatures?
No. 72474 ID: cee89f

For Kairosa: How long is your tongue?
No. 72475 ID: cf49fc

Obviously as long as Scalene's tail.
No. 72500 ID: cee89f

... who?
No. 72541 ID: 73e072

The protagonist of This Is A Story. Who has gained a certain reputation as summed up here:
No. 72542 ID: 34cbef
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... Yes. It is an odd sensation to have an outsider ask me things. My real name is Mephistopheles and If we are to continue any real conversations about this topic I must say that I'm the keeper of lies so dependent on my mood the validity of my answers will be questionable.
No. 72544 ID: 735f4f

So Mark why help Harold out? You seem to want to expand his church and make him more popular. Also whats it like dealing with the crazy bunnies.
No. 72546 ID: 34cbef
File 137176035561.png - (3.63KB , 231x152 , whiteboard.png )

I'm told by the author that I can't reveal too much, but I can say that it's not me helping harold. It's that I'm forcing him to be what I need him to be.

>whats it like dealing with the crazy bunnies

Too complacent, I find that they just aren't aggressive enough. When I worked their minds I was hoping they would be as violent as the Erinyes from when I used to be called Dionysos.
No. 72547 ID: 735f4f

So Mark is Harold a actual god then? Or is he more of a spirit, or totemic thing?

Also he seems like a pretty nice guy hanging out with Julia there. How does that work out with the whole devourer thing? One would think it would be hard to find converts for a church with the whole cannibalistic rape god part.
No. 72549 ID: 34cbef
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It depends on whatever you want to believe. Convincing people to believe a lie is what I was gifted with.

The rest of that question is based on perspective, do you believe in something that you know you shouldn't believe in? Many civilized people believe that in order to be accepted you need to dominate your peers or become a lackey of someone doing this. I think I heard a term social click being used when I was young.
No. 72550 ID: 735f4f

True enough people are pretty stupid sometimes. Well good luck fighting your dad or whatever. He is a horrible asshole at times.
No. 72551 ID: 735f4f

Oh one other thing Mark. How did you end up with your current form? Its rather cute and cuddly.

Also could you maybe prance through a field of flowers or something equally as cute for us? That or something not cute at all if that's more what you are into.
No. 72553 ID: 34cbef
File 137176702622.png - (8.92KB , 199x120 , whiteboard.png )

I don't usually take requests... but okay.
No. 72554 ID: 735f4f

Awww so cute. Thank you very much Mark.
No. 72555 ID: 591152

red: wtf was the deal with your powers anyhow?
red crystals? how did that work?

also did you just throw your spine?
No. 72556 ID: ccf689

Red One: How did you appear in this world?
Did you manage learn the language?
No. 72557 ID: 382278

Neumono: instead of headaches, do you get full-body-aches?
No. 72559 ID: da7aaa
File 137177330042.png - (86.02KB , 600x600 , redanswers.png )

>red: wtf was the deal with your powers anyhow?
>red crystals? how did that work?
>also did you just throw your spine?
It is a manifestation of my spirit, myself, yes. Living here teaches you such things..

>Red One: How did you appear in this world?
>Did you manage learn the language?
I don't remember the day particularly well. It was like any other day.
My mother and I were looking for mushrooms in a forest until...
a shift of sort happened. Last time I saw her. I hope she has overcome any grief...
But as I said, living here teaches you things.
Language just kinda of slithered unto my tongue and mind. I have trouble speaking my native language these days.

>If you could make all of one kind of thing go away, what would it be?
My deathcurse, of course! Too bad it is too late now...

>What is your favourite alcoholic beverage?
Alcohol? Ah, I think you mean...
I have tried to avoid such drinks as they tend to make me woozy, foolish and weak.
Tempting things, yes.

>Question to all characters: if you had 24 hours to live, what would you do?
I vanquished.
No. 72562 ID: 9ddf68

Red did you plan on killing the general guy or was that a 'in the moment' kind of thing?

also your opinion on the kid who helped you out. Like him, hate him, think he's going to go far, be lucky if he last the week, what?

and if you can answer this, is the big red guy you sent the kid to rescue a guy or a girl?
No. 72564 ID: d38f67
File 137179053956.png - (12.40KB , 700x700 , MunickITQ5.png )

>How accurate are the records of belenosian past?
There's... a lot of speculation. Some of the tech we supposedly had just seem like magic. Buuuut, there's apparently evidence to back it up. Artifacts and written records, mostly, that do paint a pretty convincing picture. Otherwise, the leading alternative theory is that ancient belenos were the greatest pranksters, and everyone wrote down consistent records of ridiculous things and left them lying around in a time capsule to make one big prank 10 millenia later.
There's a whole lot of speculation, and some of the tech we had some ten millenia ago just seemed like magic to us now. It's been met with a great deal of scrutinization, but there are scraps of artifacts to back certain things up.

>What is it like now?
Uh... it's smoggy. The smog now is only somewhat harmful, but it's going to take either thousands of years for it to go away on its own, or a few decades of terraforming to suck it up and launch it into space.

>And predator cloning, how is that going along?
We're focusing on Three Stripes as a case study before we're even thinking of cloning him.

>Wonder what predator courtship is like in the wild? Do they have the same level of sexual dimorphism that neumono do? If so a female would be huge. Do they have pair bonding's or do they stay solo? Maybe the mother gives the children there first set of breeding neumono when they reach a certain age.
Pretty much no external difference between males and females. Speaking of speculation, here's a lot. They usually stay solo. It's been told there have been mothers that pass on herds of neumono to the offspring, but there's more evidence of mothers simply teaching them to get their own.
No. 72565 ID: d38f67
File 137179056992.png - (9.31KB , 700x700 , PilonITQ22.png )

>So, making your arms go to sleep is kinda like chocking yourself to get high for humans, but less dangerous?
I guess so, yes. I don't think it's quite as pleasurable though, and that's even after you get used to it. It's certainly an acquired taste.

>Neumono: instead of headaches, do you get full-body-aches?
Only in extreme cases, but usually we get those kinds of aches in a random wide section of the body, such as the torso, or both legs, or so forth.
No. 72576 ID: 19b3c3

So how common is it on the Belenos homeworld to accidentally dig up some piece of forgotten but still dangerous tech? Forget silly myths about paving over ancient burial grounds- your construction crews run the very real risk of stumbling over a buried, half broken and pissed off war machine.

...actually, come to think of it, construction, archeology, reverse engineering and disaster response must overlap in interesting ways.
No. 72597 ID: f29090
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We are not sure exactly what it is that lead to our kind's existence, but most Creators believe there was once a Master Creator who saw an empty universe with no purpose. It created stars and planets, then filled those planets with natural life. It found its purpose in the act of creation.

It used the last of its energy to create us, its Ultimate Creation. It knew we would continue its goal of filling the universe with life. Some of us believe that the Master Creator made us incapable of manipulating natural life so it would always be there for us to appreciate.

Our first memory was a planet full of life, far away from where we find ourselves now. We consumed. We created. We found our purpose.

We have met other Creators, but we do not stay around them for extended periods of time. We share knowledge and experiences, then we go separate ways.
No. 72600 ID: 735f4f

Hey Rikora how did you end up with Kallan if you think he is so weak anyway?

Oh and Rokoa ends up just fine in the end. You should be very proud.

Also What is the best way to compliment a fine woman like yourself on the quality of her behind. Because looking at you makes me want to take you somewhere nice and do things to you until you can't walk for days.

Sorry if that got weird.
No. 72682 ID: d26e0c

Polo: We know you're a sniper, and a general-purpose infiltrator, but how far do your talents extend beyond combat and wartime? For example, are you trained in security systems and the avoiding thereof, picking locks, avoiding scanners, disabling alarms, that sort of thing? We know you're a climber, at least. If you ever turned to a life of crime, do you think you'd become a thief-type, or go whole hog and become a hitwoman? I'd ask if you think you could rob a museum but I don't think your planet has the centuries of high culture needed to produce super-valuable art objects. On the other side of that question, what do you think you'd do if somehow your world was miraculously put to peace and there was no call for military services any more?
No. 72713 ID: d38f67
File 137204883092.png - (12.00KB , 700x700 , MunickITQ6.png )

>So how common is it on the Belenos homeworld to accidentally dig up some piece of forgotten but still dangerous tech?
Not common enough to constantly worry about it, but common enough that it hardly makes the news when it does happen. Unfortunately 'dangerous' means 'explosive' and the first reaction most robots have, oddly, upon being dug up is 'I've been found out, I must explode.'

Still, archeology and land surveying involve some extensive safety operations often manned by people who have little to lose.
No. 72714 ID: d38f67
File 137204885983.png - (17.52KB , 700x700 , RikoraITQ1.png )

>Hey Rikora how did you end up with Kallan if you think he is so weak anyway?
Weak, but cunning.

>Also what is the best way to compliment a fine woman like yourself on the quality of her behind.
If you want to say I have a good behind then you say I have a good behind.
No. 72715 ID: d38f67
File 137204887837.png - (10.40KB , 700x700 , poloITQ49.png )

>We know you're a sniper, and a general-purpose infiltrator, but how far do your talents extend beyond combat and wartime?
... not very.

>For example, are you trained in security systems and the avoiding thereof, picking locks, avoiding scanners, disabling alarms, that sort of thing?
Many technical things like that were skimmed over, and I could hardly do such things. After realizing the likelihood of, say, needing to hotwire a forklift, I took crashcourses and mentorships on things such as those. I expect much of the Salikai's technology will not follow the same schematics as many things I trained on, so I cannot have much faith in everything that go beyond the basics.

>If you ever turned to a life of crime, do you think you'd become a thief-type, or go whole hog and become a hitwoman?
I have not given it thought.

>I'd ask if you think you could rob a museum but I don't think your planet has the centuries of high culture needed to produce super-valuable art objects.
We do, now. Plenty of aliens have excavated old sites and taken valuable belongings, although most of these things are worth more as collector's items rather than of monetary value. Nonetheless, some hives did take a liking to valuable gems. It might be possible to rob a museum, but only if I can get a fully detailed analysis of blueprints and security systems.

>On the other side of that question, what do you think you'd do if somehow your world was miraculously put to peace and there was no call for military services any more?
I would assume police officers and bounty hunters would still be required. There could be something there, although bounty hunting would involve constantly behind away from my hive, and I do not know if I have a proper stature for being an officer.

If either of those did not work out, or your hypothetical also included those types of careers in no longer existing, then I do not know. However, with my last mission, I have plenty of support and funds to pursue an education in another viable, peaceful career.
No. 72716 ID: 19b3c3

Please, even if universal peace broke out, you've got options even before reeducation. You could go back to hunting missions (like your first one was supposed to be). Or heck, just compete professionally as a sharpshooter.

Or become an explorer? You end up doing enough of that, anyways.
No. 72772 ID: d1d627

This one's actually for either Humility or Modesty, of Humble Quest: What's the current Pantheon look like right now, as far as membership?
No. 72775 ID: 1f8505
File 137213311970.png - (56.19KB , 391x644 , sarah_displeased.png )


I buy my br- my SUPPORT at clothing stores just like every one else, thank you very much. I just have to... do a little hunting for ones that fit...
No. 72835 ID: 01531c


They have cheap "morphing" bras now, where they take a bra lined with some substance, make a plaster mold of your boobs, and force the bra to conform to the plaster mold before treating it for stiffness!

This has allowed for specialty clothing stores that stock general-size bras with more variety of style.
No. 72838 ID: 01531c

Polokoa Brain-Dart
No. 72843 ID: a0e7ae


Did you... press submit at the wrong time?
No. 72850 ID: 933f92
File 137221981724.png - (312.49KB , 684x502 , ModestyExplains.png )

"Current is a bad word. Humility persists as there is always faith for him, but because of this constant, his view of time is skewed. Powerful followers who act as his avatars, like me, are also unhinged. The most prominent Gods are the following: Law and the Clown, who stand opposed as the forces of Law and Chaos, and Raven, Anansi, and Coyote, who are each an aspect of the Tricksters, who are sometimes worshiped as one entity. My lord maintains solid relations with all of them, of course!"
No. 72857 ID: 3bb45f
File 137222537943.gif - (248.88KB , 591x427 , coyoteguardian.gif )


fuck this Humility guy. let's ditch him and serve Coyote instead.
No. 72865 ID: 9ddf68

so fairy, what's your name and how did you get into the whole working for the god of humility thing?
No. 72875 ID: f05efa


Her name is modesty and she was created by humility to serve as an agent of his will.
No. 72884 ID: c23ab0


>implying we're not already serving Coyote and he's just messing with his own creation for laughs
No. 72892 ID: cf49fc

Screw working for the lame god Hypocrisy or whatever his name is, let's go serve Law. Law sounds like a total bro!
No. 72898 ID: 01531c

>the lame god Hypocrisy
That sounds like a legitimate member of a demonic Anti-Pantheon.
No. 72904 ID: cf49fc

What? Fine, we can also have the desolate god Acedia and the vast god Hyperbole.
No. 73205 ID: 3dd384

Okay, question for anyone involved in Polokoa's trainwreck of a worldline. What exactly does her autarchy look like right now? Structurally, achievements-wise, &c?
No. 73207 ID: 19b3c3

Any asteroid denizen:

Where is the asteroid anyways? In a nice stable orbit around a star? Around a planet? In an asteroid belt? Drifting someone between systems?

I ask out of curiosity for well, the viability of anything staying alive there, long term. Although stellar distances and time tables being what they are, even if that rock is moving towards unavoidable death, it likely isn't your problem.
No. 73220 ID: 6c71bc
File 137299792951.png - (105.93KB , 500x500 , itqthreestripes.png )

>Okay, question for anyone involved in Polokoa's trainwreck of a worldline.
>What exactly does her autarchy look like right now? Structurally, achievements-wise, &c?

Ok so Three Stripes is not great at this but Three Stripes will try to turn things he knows into things you know.

So Double who isn't Silent and Toothy but used to be does not tell everyone what to do herself, she gets the metal voices who live in the walls to tell everyone what to do and they take care of all the things like where things are and where they go and how much food there is and where to make things happen and what things they should be that happen and it is all very complicated and Three Stripes is happy he doesn't have to do it because it is hard and boring.

The metal voices know a lot but they are not allowed to decide everything so what they do is they go around the world every day and pick people who will make all the decisions just for that day and the metal voices tell them everything they need to know to do that and tell them when they are being stupid. Three Stripes was picked once and the metal voices asked how many places should be made for babies to learn things in and Three Stripes said there should be lots but it wasn't just Three Stripes saying so it was a lot of people and then at the end of the day the metal voices collect all the decisions and pick the ones that most of the people liked and then the people who did the choosing get some money but Three Stripes isn't good with money and spent it playing games with little paper squares and then Three Stripes got more money somehow.

When Double is not busy she goes around surprising everyone and checking that they are doing things the way she likes but she does not like doing that Three Stripes thinks, she likes to do other things that are more fun but also sort of dangerous. Three Stripes isn't sure what would happen if Double was gone though because some people only do things they're told because she might surprise them.
No. 73221 ID: 19b3c3

>Three Stripes explains how government by random inspection and random CAI character hopping works
>And how he accidentally got rich gambling
Can't stop laughing.
No. 73226 ID: 735f4f

Wait Three Stripes are you even old enough to be gambling? Or drinking for that matter. Also nice hat.
No. 73227 ID: f0357f

It's a pretty good method of government, for a Neumono.
The whole 'one-hive-empathy' solves most of the low-order governance hiccups, leaving high-order governance pretty free of bearacratic hiccups, so the CAI can do a fine job of just selecting figureheads and watching for miscommunication.
No. 73228 ID: bf54a8

he's plenty old enough, it's just his head has a much much larger empathy emitter system and that crowds out the thinking meat a little
No. 73238 ID: 19b3c3

Governance aside, I just hope there's a bikini-ed Giant hanging out somewhere on that beach.
No. 73241 ID: d38f67
File 137305753275.png - (9.65KB , 700x700 , poloITQ50.png )

>Please, even if universal peace broke out, you've got options even before reeducation. You could go back to hunting missions (like your first one was supposed to be). Or heck, just compete professionally as a sharpshooter. Or become an explorer? You end up doing enough of that, anyways.

Sharpshooting competitions is plausible, but I have trained to shoot well under extreme situations, not under a controlled environment in which I may take a leisurely amount of time to set up a shot. Plus, I question how feasible that alone is as an occupation unless I am one of the best in the known universe.

Most places needing exploring are caves, and I do not think I would go into more caves for its own sake. If I did, then it would be frontier planets that few people care about, as the neumono planet is quickly becoming thoroughly mapped. If that was the case, then the same issue would come up that I would have to take leave of my hive for long periods at a time.

Hunting missions would work, perhaps. Although this home planet is becoming tamed, it is plausible that there will be a wildlife issue now and again.
No. 73242 ID: d38f67
File 137305754565.png - (10.48KB , 700x700 , ItcherITQ6.png )

>Where is the asteroid anyways? In a nice stable orbit around a star? Around a planet? In an asteroid belt? Drifting someone between systems?

In an asteroid belt in a nice stable orbit around the sun of this solar system. There's 7 planets, but there's no native life in a single one. Only reason anyone comes around here is because those 7 planets are rich in materials, so there's some large scale mining operations that go on. Too bad it's so far from the law's reach, so as a result, that brought down a whole lot of pirates as much as it brought legitimate corporations looking to make a buck off raw materials.

Far as the asteroid belt itself goes, it's dense, but there's no real danger of a huge asteroid smacking us. Stable enough. We just get nasty hail from smaller meteorites.
No. 73259 ID: 6c71bc

Rikora: With the benefit of ITQ omniscience, can you tell us what you think of how Rokoa's life has gone and the sort of person she became, up to the point we've seen so far?

Also, where did you get your clothes? They're your size, so it seems unlikely you just took them off someone. Did someone in your own hive make them, or did you get them in a trade, or what? Was your hive wealthier in the past? What sort of hive were (are?) you?
No. 73260 ID: 933f92

Hey Viktor, do you ever get tired of being so gosh darned massive?
No. 73268 ID: 885ee8
File 137309760234.png - (150.31KB , 720x900 , itq3.png )

There's the small tasks, and the big ones. I would devour The Singer, and Mother Oasis, and everyone who ever hurt Ivet, and whoever else I pleased until I finally stopped being hungry. I would make it rain until the seabeds filled again. I would learn exactly what I am. Belive it or not, these are the small things. They're small because I understand them, and I understand a lot less than I wish I did.

That's my answer, then. I would understand everything. Having someone to share my secrets with has been such a boon to me. I would be that person for everyone. I would learn every secret in the universe. I would make sure everyone knew that nothing they did was hidden from my sight. I wouldn't judge them for their secrets, I would just keep them.

Once I had them all? I can't tell you what I'd do next, because I don't have that understanding. That's the point. If I had them all, I would know how to answer the question for the big things. Right now I can only keep learning and give you the answers I understand.

Before I got my mass-altering power, I did find it occasionally inconvenient. Squeezing that much mass into smaller shapes was pretty uncomfortable. My natural form doesn't fit in Ivet's house anymore, so I'm glad I got that power before I ever tried to sleep there. I would also exhaust myself trying to match the way I walked with the way people who weren't extra massive walked, trying to get the weight of my motions to look right. It felt very unnatural. Not being able to fly in any forms that were discrete was also no fun, as well as having to jet water out of my body while swimming just to stay up.

Now that I have that power, though, none of that is a problem. Honestly, I'd like to get bigger. I use the half-giant barbarian form in public because it's as big as I can get while still fitting in doors and not looking too out-of-place. It's about as tall as I was when I started, if I would stand up straight. Being smaller than that feels unnatural.
No. 73269 ID: 885ee8
File 137309779083.png - (89.84KB , 720x900 , itq4.png )

You'd think it would be tentacles, wouldn't you? I mean, I don't have a problem with them, but they're not the thing that gets me going, they're like a bonus. Ever since I was a little girl, I've loved nature. But, learning to be a druid and talking to other druids, I've decided that I don't think I love it for the same reason most people do. I look out at the natural world, and I see...I dunno, it's a spectrum. On the one end, you have the little things, the things that stand no chance. Then you have the big scary things, the things that nobody can touch, on the other end. Your commoners and terrasques, your untrained goblin warriors and your epic adventurers. I used to think that was kind of hot, to be on that high end, and I had a thing for domination and stuff, but that was only hitting some of the buttons coincidentally. Like with Davin, we decide I'm in charge, then we bang, then I go about my business and he goes on being an asshole. The spectrum is still in place. What's so sexy to me is not when it works right. What's so sexy to me is when that whole spectrum, that whole natural order, breaks.

It does that sometimes in nature, too. Have you ever heard of the monster called the Gray Render? Huge, scary, toothy beast, massive claws, right? Aggressive, bloody, the kind of dangerous that you have to hire an adventuring party to handle. Except, every once in a while, one'll just pick another creature and bond with it. Someone small and helpless, usually a child. That was my first sexual fantasy. It's hot because it's not a decision to change how things work, it's genuine, it's sweet. No domination required. That's how it is with Viktor.

Me, honestly? I'm pretty far down there. I mean, I died in what, two attacks? I even mostly healed from one of them before the second one finished me. But me, with Viktor? I literally cannot even be stopped by death. I'm on top. I like being on top. I broke the spectrum. And Viktor, he does that whole schtick from the other direction. He's this massive, indomitable, man-devouring, terrifying monster. But, with me? I mean, have you seen how this guy treats little me? So, that's hot. He's always been stronger than me, but he started out weaker than he is now, you know. He's getting stronger and stronger. He told me he thought he might be part god. I think it's important to him to figure out who he is and what he wants to do with himself. At least, I know that journey of self-discovery was important to me, and honestly I've still got some work to do in that department. I want to help him do that, because I love him, and I want him to be happy and successful. But, also? A little bit of me in the back of my head wants to help him because...if he's right? If he's a god? Fuck, the spectrum goes all the way up. So, that's hot too.
No. 73270 ID: b8ceae

What would it take to get you to forgive Jen?
Do you know any spells to sober somebody up, or to cure a hangover?

You know what your afterlife is going to be, so would you rate that better or worse than becoming a necromantic golem like Nosa's dad and bro? Would going golem actually work?

Nosa's Brother:
What happened to your mother?
Why did your dad want to turn you into a golem, and why did you go along with it?

Think you could learn that Summon Coffee spell? (I think it would be worth taking a level in Wiz, Cle, or Dru just for that cantrip alone, but whatevs)

Aren't your clerics supposed to respect sanctuary? Pretty sure the one Vik ate earned her fate.
No. 73271 ID: 0eef61
File 137309877807.png - (6.83KB , 800x600 , answer.png )

no more social networking augs. these days, you try and talk to someone their eyes are glazed over because they're updating their status or whatever. just buy a phone or something.
no more corporations. i work for one and even i think they're suspicious.
don't tell anyone i told you about that.
also free titjobs for everyone.
guys too if they wanted it. who am i to judge?

some day actually getting to bang someone would be nice.
with a face like roadkill you miss that sort of thing.

shot of rum.
i liked it with coke but then they told me drinking anything carbonated was a no-go. something about valves. i don't know.
rum reminds me of coke, sometimes.

i like classical music.
ever heard the wall by pink floyd?
No. 73273 ID: 0eef61
File 137310025648.png - (7.13KB , 800x600 , answer2.png )

Pimm's cup. Why? You buying?

I'd like being choked.
If I could ever find someone who knew how to do it right.
Men these days a bunch of lilting flowers in the sack.

Pieter Bruegel's Landscape with the Fall of Icarus.
The resignation of the plowman strikes me deep. He don't even look up to acknowledge the failed attempt to rise above.
He just keeps plowing.

People would mind they own goddamn business more. And buy my records.
No. 73278 ID: 129cff
File 137311254039.png - (18.49KB , 662x623 , morditq.png )


I dread to imagine the logistical nightmare that would be control of the human civilisation. But if I had the power to determine what was done, I would like to change many things. First, I would spend more money and labour on improving the world with respect to the environment. Presently, the magistrates dedicate themselves to controlling people like an overbearing parent. Keeping them extremely disciplined and closed in the safety of home. I would like to make the world into a lush woodland, like it was when we as a species arrived. Then, perhaps we could flourish, instead of wither. It is probably far too late for that, though.
I would also like to make efforts to eventually send people back to Earth.

I have not even thought about such things for years. As soldiers, our desire for sexual activity is chemically suppressed. I suppose, to keep our minds 'on the important things.' Though I am not a soldier any longer, it will take months to return to normal.
No. 73280 ID: 19b3c3

>until I finally stopped being hungry
...what if that basic premise is wrong? What is you can never stop being hungry, and just get hungrier and hungrier the bigger you get?
No. 73305 ID: 933f92

Nosa from Oblitus: What's the strangest magical item you've ever encountered?
No. 73329 ID: e6e516

Hey Polo, or possibly Rikek, Rakae or Korli: after Polo's first adventure, and after the salikai packed everything out, I assume there was an investigation into everything that was down there. So, what was up with those old ruins? Was that just the science hive's old home from before the salikai moved in? It looked pretty crazy advanced for something so hidden.
No. 73330 ID: 19b3c3

>Was that just the science hive's old home
Yes, it was. Back when they were larger, and more populous. (See Rikek's last ITQ, or they mentioned it when discussing the spider bots in Polo Quest).
No. 73334 ID: 8b9215

Polo, list the various species of animal you have eaten that are out of the norm for neumono. Such as volkit, other neumono, arkot, cave slugs.
No. 73335 ID: e6e516
File 137325321643.png - (72.04KB , 400x500 , wordblooditq.png )

>@Wordblood: What is your opinion on recursive acronyms?

If done "genuinely", it makes me mildly uncomfortable and annoyed. If it is done deliberately, I merely disapprove. However, there are not huge quantities of people using acronyms in the world Saulanna lives in. Magically speaking, I suppose something distantly similar could be involved in language-themed spells and other magics, for the purposes of binding, storing or trapping effects.

>Also for Wordblood: Does a Deva's personality change when their purpose changes and how drastically? Like if Kairosa turned into a healing deva, would her hunger go away, lessen, or stay the same?

The changing of a deva's Purpose or Element is extraordinarily rare and usually extremely traumatic. There are always significant changes, and often there is more changed than there is anything that stays the same. Some of our kind consider it functionally equivalent with death, and it is not rare for the reformed deva to be an entirely different entity. However, the precise nature and extent of the changes is difficult to predict and impossible to generalize upon. Small changes, however, are still almost unheard of, even for minor shifts in Purpose.

>Wordblood, what's your opinion on making a new word for a new idea for the express purpose of making it a new devas Element?

It's... impractical. Of course, some Titans in the past have brought new words and concepts into existence with a deva that personified them; but, save in the case of a Titan's birth in the time before time, where we come into existence fully formed, it is... impractical. Those Titans who created new devas with new Elements later on found that the new deva was particularly weak; its Element had to be generated and spread before it could have much power, and it took long ages before it could match its progenitor's other devas in strength. We are connected to our Elements, you see. I would have almost no power, for example, in a world where no-one communicated. Or rather, I could have power, but no avenues along which to use it. Even with an ocean of water available, you can't flood a town with a bucket. And that would be for a fully grown Titan.

Making a deva with a new Element can be useful, can pay off well in the extreme long term, and can create useful new abilities; but for Saulanna, I think, it would be a mistake. She might not even be able to provide enough foundation for such a deva to be stable, in themselves.
No. 73338 ID: d38f67
File 137325649484.png - (10.12KB , 700x700 , poloITQ51.png )

>Polo, list the various species of animal you have eaten that are out of the norm for neumono.
>Such as [voklit], other neumono, arkot, cave slugs.
The voklit that tried to eat me first, Rokoa, cave slugs, and perhaps Arkot.

Also, various, possibly endangered species that we hunted while inside of the tropical zone of Rosotski's. But I do not know if those were out of the norm.

>So, what was up with those old ruins around your first mission?
As mentioned, it was Korli's hive's old home back when they were more numerous and could populate such a place.
No. 73339 ID: d38f67
File 137325660367.png - (17.39KB , 700x700 , RikoraITQ2.png )

>Can you tell us what you think of how Rokoa's life has gone and the sort of person she became, up to the point we've seen so far?
She has become strong enough for my wishes. But she will always reject my hive. This bewilders me, as she is a poor hivemate with that abysmal hive she calls her own, and yet refuses to reject them as well.

>Also, where did you get your clothes?
I made them.

>Was your hive wealthier in the past?
If wealthier is stronger, than yes. We have become the target of many, and our numbers are often weak.

>What sort of hive were (are?) you?
We are warriors, first and foremost. However, we appreciate the world around us more than most, and do not require bloodshed to be content.
No. 73340 ID: b99cb6

Well suppose it's a new word that embodies a certain degree of other meanings that already exist. Like instead of light and darkness creating a word and defining it as "light and darkness in balance with each other" then making a deva with that element. Would that sort of thing have the same problems?
No. 73341 ID: f5680f

Isn't that "Twilight"?
No. 73342 ID: cf49fc

Or "Dusk", or "Sunrise", or "Neutrality"...
No. 73344 ID: f0357f

>Well suppose it's a new word that embodies a certain degree of other meanings that already exist.
That's called a Hyponym!

It's root antonym is the hypernym!
No. 73346 ID: 57a559

Quest characters!

Do you like dogs? What are your favorite breeds? Got any cute pictures of yourselves with a dog or puppy or two? Maybe a cat or kitten? Maybe a parrot? Shiiiiet, fuck it, favorite pet questions.
No. 73347 ID: 0eef61
File 137326822569.png - (5.78KB , 800x600 , spidswer.png )


Early in our training, the servants of the Revenant Mage were sent as beggars, padfoots, and thieves into the village proper. On one of my excursions, I found a stray cat that I named, Cat!

I was not good with names!

I took Cat back to the Mastaba, and I cleaned her, and I fed her, and I took her out with me when we hunted for breakfast. She was a good hunter! She was very lean, but I enjoyed snuggling with her all the same. Her tongue was very ticklish!

I believe it was two months I successfully hid her, which was a very good job, if I may say so, and then Grimma found her. Grimma was the man who overlooked our training, and o! was he mad about poor Cat! He put a sword to my throat, and he held her by the tail, and he said that he was going to swing her into a wall! I begged, of course, and wailed, and pleaded. Do not think ill of me! I was very young.

Then my Master investigated all the commotion, and he saw Cat and Grimma and myself, and he asked what had happened, and Grimma told him, and he said, "Put that Cat down, Grimma. Spidrift has done very well!"

And such wonderment I had! Such hope! I was quite young, and not yet worldly-wise.

My Master said, "Such care he has put into this creature! Such responsibility! I am sure it will be delectable after he has cleaned it and deboned it! I shall take him to the kitchens, and I shall give him our sharpest knife, and I shall watch his culinary skill!"

The worst part was the moment Cat realized what I was about to do to her. The easiest part was the skinning! Because they're right, when they say that thing about how to skin a cat! It just comes right off.

And he was right! She was delicious.
No. 73348 ID: cf49fc

A heartwarming tale of culinary excellence. Revenant Mage, your opinion?
No. 73353 ID: 0eef61
File 137327089711.png - (9.28KB , 800x600 , answer.png )


"Is something wrong, Milord?

Don't worry! I didn't cook it, or anything."
No. 73354 ID: 0eef61
File 137327167444.png - (7.53KB , 800x600 , saranswer.png )

Oh man, I love dogs! Before I went overseas we had a big fat pug/beagle mix named Ramon. He was so big and fat and smiley all the time.

After I came back and had to move into a hab-block for maintenance I couldn't take him, though. No pets in the Habs, and I guess they're pretty strict about it. My parents were too old to take care of him so we gave him to our neighbors. I think he's still pretty happy.

Uh, me and Keesh got some fish, though! But we ended up getting two of them, and they were those fighting fish, so they kind of tore each other apart, uh, and they died.

Keesh wanted to get more but I'm like, screw that! Those things tear each other apart, man. I like my pets to feel, yknow, affection. If they tore up other fish imagine what they'd do to me! If I was fish-sized!

Man, now I really miss my dog.
No. 73429 ID: 885ee8
File 137343512273.png - (102.54KB , 720x442 , itq6.png )

>What would it take to get you to forgive Jen?
Maybe for her to admit she's a selfish bitch? Or, to reveal it was all a plot to show me what an asshole Davin is? Or any other such implausible scenarios. Look, I don't care if monogamy isn't the norm around here. She knew it was what Davin and I had agreed on, she just didn't care, and apparently neither did Davin if he thought he could get away with it. What she wanted was more important, and I suspect having another shot at proving me wrong also had something to do with it. She's got this stupid attitude like she's so smart and has everything figured out. I heard she even went up to Viktor to psychoanalyze me to him the first night we went out, once I was out of earshot. She pretended it was for his good, I'm sure, but it was probably more so she could have another thing to say "I told you so" about later. And who cares if she was right? Yeah, I don't really like the idea of multiple partners at once. What a fucking travesty, alert everyone I might have a crush on immediately! Of course she acts all buddy buddy to my face so it's like I'm the one being a bitch if I make a thing out of it. I wish Viktor would just eat her already.
>Do you know any spells to sober somebody up, or to cure a hangover?
I know Lesser Restoration cures hangovers, and I think nausea too. I am not 100% sure, but I think Neutralize Poison cures the potentially lethal effects of alcohol poisoning, and Restoration will cure that and end the drunkenness itself, but uses costly materials. Again, don't quote me on that. I'm a plant, the worst that happens if I drink too much is I make an ass of myself and have a headache afterwards. Why're you asking me, anyway? Did you have too much? Party foul out here in Oasis is treated pretty harshly, better try and discreetly slip out if you're not feeling well.
No. 73430 ID: 885ee8
File 137343654588.png - (106.28KB , 720x484 , itq7.png )

>You know what your afterlife is going to be, so would you rate that better or worse than becoming a necromantic golem like Nosa's dad and bro? Would going golem actually work?
You can do that? Huh, might be cool. But, it's the same old dilemma as becoming a lich, isn't it? You might still live in the world, but you'll lose touch with it. Also, doesn't that require innocent sacrifice or something? I can abide by the necromancy bits that don't require killing innocent folks to pull off, but... I dunno. Maybe if they were old geezers or something.
But yeah, sure, if it doesn't need all that mess, sign me up. Just...gimme an off switch, too.
No. 73431 ID: 885ee8
File 137343803165.png - (40.41KB , 720x720 , itq8.png )

>What happened to your mother?
My mother, Ellena, works at the Grayvale Rift, maintaining sigils. I wish I had a more interesting story for you, but she and my father split up about 40 years ago. I believe their areas of interest just drifted apart over the decades, and they no longer felt much need to remain affiliated. Elf romance is like that, or so I've been told. I visited her last year, actually. Remarkable woman.
>Why did your dad want to turn you into a golem, and why did you go along with it?
Ah. Well, I'd had a degenerative illness of the lungs that left me bedridden, and in great discomfort. He proposed it to me at the height of this illness, I think in fear that I would not recover. I felt confident in the clerics, however, and did not much like the idea of losing...well, my personhood. He'd argued that...
Well, let's not get into that, if you don't mind. Long story short, I recovered. No longer shackled to the bed, new lease on life, free to do as I pleased. And... well, I spent about two years living what life I had lived. In a room locked from the inside, studying, creating. As I do. As I always have done. As I will continue doing. Eventually I realized that the loss would not be much after all. And here I am. I don't know why Nosa doesn't take our father's offer. She goes out less than I do. Or even than I did, when I was...that is, before my transformation.
>What's the strangest magical item you've ever encountered?
I can field this one for Nosa, as she's currently out and about.
Let's see. There was a journal that, when opened, contained well-written steamy romantic fanfiction about you and the nearest sentient being to you. Oh, and some kind of weird metal rectangle with a screen that, when properly activated, would show you pictures of cats with funny captions under them. There are all sorts of weird sex toys, probably the weirdest of which was a wand that gave the target whatever type of...equipment and interests you wanted, but only for thirty seconds. There was a ladder that you could plant in the ground and it would grow if you watered it. A few throwable grenades that make a sound that all listeners hear as belonging to someone they care about. Goggles that would make you see absolutely everyone and everything around you as dogs. A fishing rod that will always catch a single boot.
Or, if you just mean strange in the magical sense, the other day two customers brought in a weird gauntlet broken in such a way to cause a breach between the Plane of Positive Energy and the Plane of Negative Energy, even though the two don't touch directly. That was pretty strange. They wanted to know how it worked, but I didn't want to give it to my dad because he would pay even less attention to the stuff that actually matters to the shop than he did then, so I eventually convinced them to slag it for residuum with the caveat that I'd make them one that functioned in exactly the same way, later. Still, pretty weird.
No. 73434 ID: f5680f

>Goggles that would make you see absolutely everyone and everything around you as dogs.
So, Goggles of Ultimate Horrible Truth, then.

There is no magic, only authoritative barking.
No. 73436 ID: ccb4bf

73-6: do you, or do you not, in fact, have a penis?

sara: how, err.. anatomically correct are you now?
No. 73437 ID: cf49fc
File 137348076335.jpg - (9.42KB , 470x340 , Adventures of Mark Twain Satan.jpg )

No, the Ultimate Horrible Truth is that you are only an idea, and one that barely even exists.
No. 73439 ID: 0eef61
File 137348482713.png - (6.73KB , 800x600 , answer2.png )


the bureau aren't exactly saints but they aren't cruel.
it kind of needed a little rebuilding but... yeah, it's there.
No. 73440 ID: 0eef61
File 137348483683.png - (6.73KB , 800x600 , answer3.png )

uhhhh and the size of my gun doesn't mean anything.
No. 73441 ID: bf54a8

actually gun size is usually inverse to 'GUN' size. is why people with huge swords are said to be compensating.
No. 73442 ID: 57a559

Do you have a picture of yourself for when you were a full alive human? And did you only start looking like a skeleton when you started dyin', getting worse as you died more? Like was 73-1 more healthier and alive looking?

Monica and I think a different moldy (that has some actual hair) in that last shot of them have those little wires on their heads, so does that mean Monica is a moldy too, just on her first or zeroeth death?
No. 73443 ID: 0eef61
File 137348619511.png - (8.03KB , 800x600 , answer4.png )

It's actually really well-done. I'm 110 pounds but I'm really strong. I can see better than most people can, it fixed my tinnitus, I can smell real good, that sort of thing. I still sleep. I still eat, even! They figured out some way of converting it to battery juice. That's crazy miraculous. I don't sweat and I don't have to poop anymore either, which I gotta say, kind of a plus.

They sort of decided to, uh, go all apple-store streamline on the boobs, but bras are expensive anyway, and at least now I can walk around all day without a shirt on and no one cares. I think they sell, ummmm, attachments for that, but it always seemed a little trashy to pay two months' salary for some fake boobies.
No. 73444 ID: f5680f

But can you have sex?
No. 73445 ID: 0eef61
File 137348655084.png - (8.05KB , 800x600 , answer5.png )



Well, I mean, uh,

Why do you think I still wear pants?
No. 73446 ID: 735f4f

No. 73447 ID: 35edd4

Because you'd feel weird and make everyone else feel weird if you just walked around naked, whether or not there was anything to hide?
No. 73448 ID: 23b97a

To cover your battery recharging port and usb connections.
No. 73450 ID: 0eef61
File 137348751375.png - (2.98KB , 401x410 , answer6.png )


Yes I can, and it vibrates.
No. 73451 ID: ea4b0b

haha, very. Good information to have.
So, how does your face work exactly? is it like a big tv screen, or are there lights and such fixed in place?
No. 73453 ID: 0eef61
File 137348803846.png - (6.27KB , 800x600 , answer7.png )

nope. no pictures. no history, no parents, no nothing. they don't let you get in touch with anybody. can you imagine if this poor stiff's folks saw what i was doing with it these days?

the 73 body has been through some shit, man. by the time the bureau got its hands on it in the first place it was a little ripe and since then it's been shot, stabbed, strangled... like, check this out.

cool trick, right?

i'm not technically a zombie since all my various systems are working and stuff like i was still alive.
i'm just made from a dead human. which makes sense, because that is basically one of the most miraculously renewable resources on the planet. ten times as cheap as a robot of comparable complexity. you get moldies in third-world places doing manual labor, but those they lobotomize and fuck up so they don't do anything but work. 73's brain is basically intact. i guess i'm a lot like him, only i know a bunch of ways to kill people, and i like to kill people.

people who sign up for the bureau just get a boatload of modifications and a wire in their skulls. i didn't sign up. the bureau created me.
No. 73454 ID: 35edd4

What's your compensation, if any? Do you/will you ever have the option to quit?
No. 73456 ID: 735f4f

So are you a AI they put in a recycled body then? How old are you? Also have you gone through several bodies or is this your first.
No. 73467 ID: 0eef61
File 137349943137.gif - (39.68KB , 300x195 , eyes.gif )


There's a big spot for projection where my eyes are. I can put whatever there.

Usually I just stick with eyes.

I don't see out of them anyway. I actually see out of my upper torso. Cool, tho, right?

No. 73468 ID: 933f92

So... Wearing a thick sweater would blindfold you?
No. 73470 ID: f5680f

Wait... so... you see out of your chest, so when someone's looking where your tits should be they're actually looking you in the eyes?
No. 73471 ID: c23ab0


"My eyes are down here."
No. 73472 ID: 35edd4

Project this on your face with a downward pointing arrow for maximum confusion.
No. 73558 ID: 9bf753
File 137365184221.png - (234.00KB , 600x511 , Rec1.png )

All I have to say it that it would be awesome.

I'm gonna say Darvian whiskey, straight. You start mixin' it with a bunch of stuff and you just ruin the taste. It ain't good if it don't make your throat burn, I always say.
No. 73586 ID: beeca1

To any neumono who might know: How do your bodies react to blood loss after the fact? I'm aware that it happens quicker and stops quicker. How do any relevant organs like, say, your hearts/lungs, and your nervous system respond? How much blood do you have to lose relative to other species before mental function is impaired?
No. 73587 ID: beeca1

And to accompany my last questions about blood loss, how quickly is lost blood replenished?
No. 73634 ID: cdb0ce
File 137386050159.png - (59.02KB , 500x500 , itqmaollasplainin.png )

>It's been said that attacking a Scellor is basically trying to attack every Scellor in existence at once because of the Undermind, but what about defending against it? Maolla could have the Undermind assist in her attack on the space doobie, but how typical is that?

Alright, this is a little complicated, so listen up.

First, imagine the universe's psychic field. You can sort of imagine the psychic forces as existing in a spectrum like the electromagnetic, but it has its own quirks. It doesn't seem to interact much with the universe we experience, much, to most species, at first, but you know the ideas of dark matter and dark energy? Trying to explain why there are forces being generated by stuff that seems like it's missing? A lot of people think that's the universe's psychic field at work, on huge huge scales. Some people think the psychic field is the mind of the universe, but that's, you know, religion. The psychic field is, along some parts of its spectrum, attached to the universe we normally interact with, and some parts of it aren't and are tucked away in their own dimension, though they interact with each other and there are chains of events and so on and so forth, basically that's why psychic powers can defy the normal rules on distance and time, to an extent. Anyway. Most naturally occurring species develop some interaction with the psychic field, and the particular part that's attached to them gets all complicated and we call it their psychic pattern, the extension of their brain into the psychic field. When someone uses or is affected by psychic powers, their psychic pattern is being manipulated to produce effects.

So. Scellor psychic patterns all resonate with each other (or they do now, anyway) and generate a particular flavour and interaction range within the psychic field, which we call the Undermind; it creates and sustains the connection between all scellor psychic patterns and can maintain psychic patterns which come detached from the normal universe, by allowing them to steal a sequence of little timeshares off scellor who are still alive. And there is a spectrum within the Undermind itself, with "lighter", weaker psychic patterns and their thoughts floating up near the top and older, stronger, "heavy" ones deep inside. And they all interact with each other and form little structures, and in a lot of ways you can think of the Undermind as one huge psychic pattern itself.

Thus, to answer your question more directly, the Undermind is always in place "around" a scellor's personal psychic pattern, enveloping it, immersing it... normally. When they're being passive. So, if their personal mind is "inside" the Undermind, any external psychic force trying to get in has to penetrate the Undermind itself before it can penetrate the individual. However! When a scellor switches to active mode, they have to extend a portion of their own psychic substance and twist and transform it to make it do what they want, extending it beyond the Undermind. And when they're doing that, an external force with sufficient skill and power can slip in have its effect.

Normally, the Undermind doesn't assist with psychic "attacks". In my case, however, because I have an old pattern and am connected at the same level as other old, strong patterns, I can ask those individual patterns for help. Disembodied patterns don't have as much power, but they have some, and they can feed it into me for me to use. Since I'm using more power than I can generate, though, it's a strain, and too much would damage me.

>To the Scellor, what was First Contact like?

It's kind of an underwhelming story. Sorry. Essentially, one day some aliens in a ship spotted us, noted that we existed, and flew off. Then, later, some robots came down and said, hey dudes, you look interesting, there's a whole universe out there, here's a starter kit. And so, we got started.

Those ones, they do that all the time.

>hey Maolla, did you ever fight in a war in a past life and if so what is the one battle that stands out most of all of any of your past lives and why?

The battle that stands out most, for me, was during one of our early expansion efforts. Some guys, they'd claimed a whole planet when they were only using part of it, and they got annoyed when we wanted the rest. We had just gotten enough technology that they couldn't just wipe us out with air strikes, but they still had better tech than we did at that point. So, though we got into actual person-to-person combat, it was them with all sorts of crazy vehicles and energy beams and EMP bombs, and us with flashlight lasers and firework bullet launchers. We managed to win, partly by numbers, mostly because some of us had particularly awesome psychic powers, which some of us used to kick a few teragrams of ass.

>What color is the sky on the Scellor homeworld?

It changes, depending on which and how many of the suns are in the sky, and things like air pollution and so on. But stereotypically, when I think "the colour of the sky", I think a sort of pale violet.

>Hey Maolla, is Heimogena sex considered "worth it" to any Scellor you're familiar with? I mean, given that you have to get a new body afterwards and everything.

You don't have to get a new body after. You could be lucky, or not fight back too hard, and then get the right medical attention. Or you could tie them down. Or you could wrestle them down and have them take the passive end, though then they get all weird and blissed out and dopey until their body realizes it's not dead, and then they have to take some medication until their brain chemistry sorts itself out again. But assuming you're on the receiving end, and you're not taking restrictive precautions, then... well, you have to be someone who likes things really rough, because that's what you'll get! I've heard of one or two who've tried it, but for them - aside from just the masochists - what they were looking for is passion, rather than the physical experience. It's just a numbers game; if under the natural circumstances one heimogena in two gets killed just the first time they get it on, then half the species is only going to have sex once in their whole lives. So, when they do it, they get way more into it than anyone else. They go crazy! And some people, they like that. Jaded psychics, in particular, can get a lot out of experiencing that sort of raw intensity. So, yes, there are some scellor who think it's "worth it". These scellor are, to use the technical term, "fucked up". And even those ones would only do it with a younger body, so not as much is lost. It's not really approved of, wasting lives for personal frivolity, but you're allowed do it once in a long while.

>how are Scellor viewed in general by the other races of the universe.
>Also how do the Scellor view other intelligent species.

There's too much variation between the different races of the universe for me to answer that! Some people we're friendly, some we're not, some the question is entirely meaningless. I guess a lot of people don't like us expanding so much, but plenty of others don't care at all.
No. 73639 ID: 47a120

Thanks for answering all those questions
>These scellor are, to use the technical term, "fucked up"
I see what you did there :)
No. 73644 ID: c23ab0

>> Dudebots

Good idea or best idea?
No. 73646 ID: 47a120

you mean, androids with a penis?
No. 73647 ID: beeca1

So, walking dildos?
No. 73648 ID: cf49fc

If there's one thing the Scellor absolutely do not need, it's more sextoys.
No. 73649 ID: bf54a8

scellors can't see robots. so it would be the worst thing for them to make as a sex thing, is why they need quoddles.
No. 73653 ID: c23ab0



>> Then, later, some robots came down and said, hey dudes, you look interesting, there's a whole universe out there, here's a starter kit

>> Those ones, they do that all the time.

No. 73654 ID: cf49fc

No. 73655 ID: cf49fc
File 137392978305.jpg - (211.38KB , 1280x1024 , The Dudebot abides.jpg )

No. 73730 ID: a23afd

73-6: Is it hard to eat with those stitches on your mouth?
No. 73732 ID: 0eef61
File 137410121033.png - (7.21KB , 800x600 , answe3.png )

nope. no quitting, no retirement. reconstructed assets work until they're killed, then the body's reclaimed, reanimated, and goes right back into the field.

i've been 73-6 for 2 years, now. i can't imagine the bureau would care enough to upload my brain into anything besides this ratty-ass body. that sort of thing can happen, i think, but only to billionaire ceos or something.

it certainly ain't easy. it's manageable if i just take smaller bites, though.

the worst part of a face like mine is the sneezing.

you don't want to know about the sneezing.
No. 73774 ID: d38f67
File 137419858241.png - (12.27KB , 700x700 , LukratsaITQ8.png )

>To any neumono: How do your bodies react to blood loss after the fact? I'm aware that it happens quicker and stops quicker. How do any relevant organs like, say, your hearts/lungs, and your nervous system respond? How much blood do you have to lose relative to other species before mental function is impaired?
Pretty well up to a good point. A neumono in good, well exercised shape could lose up to 20% without too much issue. Past that though, and the hearts start going into panic mode. Beating faster, and taking in a whole lot of oxygen. Definitely starts impairing us physically faster than it does mentally. 30 to 40 percent is where things get roughed. Difficult to move and to think, your whole body is pounding like it's trying to burst. Steadily gets worst till half the blood's gone. That's when the body starts shutting down and a comatose state kicks in. Doesn't take much more to be lethal. So we can lose a huge amount and still live, but there's a big gap between what's would kill us and what lets us still be functional. Course, it always looks like a huge amount. Always amazing to see how much blood a body has once it's not where it should be.
No. 73775 ID: c95833

Dangling question for whoever is qualified (and still alive) to answer from asteroid quest: did any of our clients from the escort mission survive?

In the original timeline, Koli was murdered by Glazgo, Piles ran to an unknown fate, Glazgo got blown up with our tank, and Minil made it to the bar at least, but I'm not sure if she made it through the firefight or not.

Second time around we know Piles caught a bullet in the bar (poor jittery lying idiot), but I'm not sure about the other three.
No. 73807 ID: 01531c

> Always amazing to see how much blood a body has once it's not where it should be.
Is Neumono blood focused in general areas besides the hearts?
IIRC in humans the highest bloodflow is in the hearts, the brain, and the kidneys.

I ask because it seems like chopping off your ears should be an instantaneous 10% loss of blood relative to body mass.
No. 73809 ID: a23afd

The problem isn't blood relative to body mass, it's blood relative to the volume of the circulatory system. It's a pressure thing. High blood loss results in low blood pressure, and that's what causes problems.
No. 73878 ID: 256d52
File 137441232056.png - (12.43KB , 360x500 , deem_world_domination_plan.png )

>If you ran the world what would it be like?
I would have everyone give me all of the gold and pile it all up and carve tunnels through the stone until I could feel the earth pulse thundering like a new heartbeat through my veins and then, and then-

I've never really thought that far ahead.
No. 73887 ID: d38f67
File 137444261267.png - (10.17KB , 700x700 , LukratsaITQ9.png )

>Is Neumono blood focused in general areas besides the hearts?
Brain too, so it's just aboutq everywhere.

>I ask because it seems like chopping off your ears should be an instantaneous 10% loss of blood relative to body mass.
Yeah, 10% loss of blood, but also 10% loss of body mass needing to get that blood. That's probably how it works, right. The ears don't get a whole lot of blood flow anyway, that's one of the areas light on it.
No. 73888 ID: 2fc3e9

Is your nervous system evenly spread out, or is there more brain matter around certain areas like the head, what with it being a sensory cluster and all?
No. 73889 ID: d38f67
File 137444294197.png - (15.52KB , 700x700 , TinITQ1.png )

>What clients, if any, survived?
Minil, that's it. She got out with a few scrapes, bruises, and mental trauma.
No. 73893 ID: 8bc62a
File 137444539717.jpg - (104.04KB , 1333x943 , enterthefort.jpg )

Can I hug you? Also, what people think about necromancers in your world?
No. 73941 ID: 256d52
File 137466891829.png - (10.00KB , 360x500 , deem_playing_dumb.png )

>Can I hug you? Also, what people think about necromancers in your world?
Now why would you want to do that?

I'm not sure about the necromancers. I have been asleep for a very long-
No. 73943 ID: 256d52
File 137466943991.png - (13.90KB , 360x500 , merud_they_call_him_mr_exposition.png )

>Also, what people think about necromancers in your world?
Oh, oh, I can answer this one!

Necromancers aren't very well regarded seeing that the undead need to be created from a corpse. Which, well, can be unsightly. And useful tool users usually means a humanoid corpse. Binding sentient undead raises even more problems.

Usually the ones with a license work around it by taking a little more care with presentation and only reanimating animals; or by making stitched, plasm or bone chimeras made out of monster parts. The chimeras are quite powerful compared to your average zombie or skeleton, but a lot harder to create. Such necromancers tend to dabble in golemetry to get some of the mechanics down. While I was still an apprentice, I was lucky enough to see Wrayfar's Dancer - it's encased entirely in a shell that make sit look like a porcelain doll. Beautiful piece of work.

The other strike against necromancers is they can disrupt resurrection magic and so it's ideally suited for assassination. Necromantic lore tends to be heavily restricted as a result.
No. 73966 ID: 207ae7

Any Neumono: Do things like adrenaline shots have any out of the ordinary effects on your kind?
No. 74017 ID: d38f67
File 137480419805.png - (13.82KB , 700x700 , LukratsaITQ10.png )

>Is your nervous system evenly spread out, or is there more brain matter around certain areas like the head, what with it being a sensory cluster and all?
That it is. Very closely connected with the brain, to try to salvage our awful reactionary speeds.

>Any Neumono: Do things like adrenaline shots have any out of the ordinary effects on your kind?
Yeah, but we're resistant. Need a lot of it to have the same effect, and the whole thing's a bit of a messier affair. Varies depending what it is, but that's something medical books are all about. Used to take this shots back in the military. Makes the brain sizzle a bit. Better than it sounds. Remember, drugs are bad, cept when they're not.
No. 74032 ID: 10ac57


What's your favorite Pink Floyd song?

If you had to choose a melee weapon besides the spike, what would you pick?


What's your favorite Strix kill you can remember?

Red hawaiian-print shirts or blue?
No. 74034 ID: 4652c9
File 137482659621.png - (7.80KB , 800x600 , answer4.png )

oh shit oh shit i've been waiting for someone to ask me this

all right, so i've been on a couple runs to the black stalls, and they have all sorts of illegal and exotic weapons tech down there. so i've had a lot of time to think about this.

i looked through all the buzzblades and the explosive batons and the nanofiber katanas and shit, and while what penelope can do with hers is the business, there is one thing that absolutely took the cake.

it's called a tiger claw, and it's used by the triads out on the west coast, and it's crazy. brass knucles, right, but then you can hit a button, and claws are designed to punch in and when you pull it they break off inside the target, either one or all at once. and they have, like, explosive ones, they've got mesh-filament ones that sort of burst into razor wire after you stick a guy, they have solidified neurotoxin that melts inside you and burns your brain out.

i mean, damn!

it's even got a gas-fired piston on the side! you can shoot your claw at people!

i almost blew all my savings from like 2 years on this thing. but then i realized how am i going to afford resupplying with all the different crazy kinds of clawtips?
why can't the lawful side make shit like this?

oh, and as for the other question? time from dark side of the moon.

damn, these claws, though.
No. 74035 ID: 735f4f

Wow that is a awesome weapon right there.

But yeah probably costs a fortune to use.

Best save it for someone you really dislike.
No. 74036 ID: c23ab0


No. 74037 ID: 4652c9
File 137482721550.png - (8.92KB , 800x600 , answer5.png )

Favorite shot?
Wait, I got it.
This was in Belize, eight years back. Beautiful place. Very rustic. Bureau had me as a special advisor to some rebels they wanted in charge, and we were hacking it in one of the few jungles left in the world when a gunship sees my patrol and starts strafing. Now I see this happening from, let's call it a mile and change away up in my nest, and I think, awww shit.

Anyway, the big old thing pops a couple of our guys, and they dive for tree cover. She's slicing up the jungle with her miniguns and these guys, they never have anything but shitty old RPGs to deal with this thing, so they're all panicking. My radio's exploding. Like "El diablo! El diablo!"

Well, I just laugh. Because I've got the Strix.
She takes harsh terrain like a champ, by the by. Didn't have that fancy visual targeter on me in there, but those pistons have so much power to them the only thing could jam them would be sheet metal.

Anyway, I'm aiming at the pilot, and it's hovering because it has no idea these people have this kind of artillery, and all of a sudden a bird, swear to god, a big old cockatoo, sits right on the barrel.
It's blocking my shot. Brother, it was beautiful. Amazing plumage.

I guess I blew on it or something and it chooted at me and I said well, bird, whatever!

Took the first shot blind just to knock it off the gun. It squawked, it flew right off, minus a few tailfeathers, it shat right on my head, when I looked the heli was going into a tailspin and the damn thing crashed into the jungle.

Shot the pilot's head clean off from a mile away, through a bird's green-and-red asshole.
I ain't a biologist.

Oh, and I prefer blue. Red has a way of accentuating how corpsey I am.
No. 74046 ID: a01b62

14-1: What's your perfect Sunday?
No. 74060 ID: c95833

Pff. Lukratsa is the best non-character.

Hey Itcher, you still wearing that spy gear? The longer you wait before shaving, the more chance you've giving Whiskers to screw over your new employers. ...not that we could really stop her if she tried, but.
No. 74150 ID: 4652c9
File 137490897592.png - (8.54KB , 800x600 , answer6.png )

Get up a little past noon and take a dip into the ocean to wake all the way up. Coffee I can't have. Something happened to ole 14 that keeps him from digesting caffeine right.

Then I don't know. Go where the day takes me. I retired in Belize. They rolled out the welcome wagon real fast after that business eight years ago.

Racquetball is fun. Got a bunch of fogies I trounce on a regular basis. I keep trying to get them to play Jai Alai, but they all chicken out on me. Younger fellas'll do it, though. Good replacement for killing people. It's never about the bloodshed with most moldies. Don't let the movies get to your head. It's about winning in one of the most adrenaline-pumping competitions out there. It gets you wired, brother. Beating some 45 year old british tourist don't quite match it.

Not that I miss it overmuch. Switching around the ratio of jobs to vacations is highly entertaining. I recommend you try it.

I'm a regular at most of the bars beachside. Always get free drinks so long as I keep it under my hat and don't use it to buy rounds for a buncha chicas at once and clean the taps out. You get a lot of leeway, being a war hero.

After I won their little rebellion for them and saved the president's life twice he knighted me.

I didn't even know presidents could do that.

People always asking me to bring out the Strix. They love that thing. Sometimes I shoot something, just to thrill them. Bottle on the other side of the beach, something like that.

Lotta time on the beach. Lotta barbecues. Half the damn island comes. I'm a bit of a celebrity, and I don't mean to brag, but my barbecue game has gotten prettty darn unbeatable.
Anyway, usually later on in the evening I'm telling old op or war stories and trying my darndest to convince the mamacitas the Strix ain't compensating for nothing.
I don't like to think of myself as a lecherous old pig, but when you're El Libertador Muerto you kind of stumble over a lotta beautiful islander poon.

Oh, the question was perfect sunday, not every sunday.

Guess the answer's just about the same thing.
No. 74154 ID: 57a559

Sev, why are you the only one with sown lips? 14 and I think that moldie subbing for Monica once didn't have them. Fashion statement?
No. 74156 ID: 4652c9
File 137491513930.png - (7.11KB , 800x600 , answer7.png )

keep my jaw from looking like this all the time.

73-3 i think it was did something so that the muscles are all messed up. i can move it around enough to chew and talk and such, but only if it's set right. stitching was cheaper than surgery or prosthetics. so stitching was what i got.

i don't need to move my mouth to talk anyway. i got a vocoder.
No. 74175 ID: 2f4b71

Sev, what you need is a cravat. A really oversized day cravat (Ascot).
No. 74189 ID: 735f4f

Hey crazy Rokoa sniper clone. Nice work with the poster and the bulls-eye.

How hard was it to make those with the bugs and whatever else they have in you? Also where did you get the paper?
No. 74217 ID: 4652c9
File 137500155011.png - (7.90KB , 800x600 , answer8.png )


this makes me feel a little more beautiful on the inside, anyway.
No. 74221 ID: bf54a8

think he ment make it thick enough to hold it up.
No. 74225 ID: d55f9e


No. 74228 ID: 2f1186

Polo: Its seems a strong possibility that if your current mission goes well, your ultrahive will end up with a lot of technology on its hands. Maybe even solve the neumono cybernetics problem. Would you take artificial augmentation yourself, if it becomes a possibility? And what would you think the ultrahive should do with such advantages?
No. 74232 ID: 513235

To all characters: tell us about your first time.
No. 74234 ID: d38f67
File 137503916493.png - (10.46KB , 700x700 , ItcherITQ7.png )

>Hey Itcher, you still wearing that spy gear? The longer you wait before shaving, the more chance you've giving Whiskers to screw over your new employers. ...not that we could really stop her if she tried, but.
Nah, I took that off. Doesn't take us long to grow enough fur back to cover up the skin. Picked up a little salve to speed it up too, cause I really din't want to be sporting a reverse stache for any amount of time.
No. 74235 ID: d38f67
File 137503924783.png - (12.78KB , 700x700 , RokoaSniperCloneITQ1.png )

>Hey crazy Rokoa sniper clone. Nice work with the poster and the bulls-eye.
Thank you, it took me a few tries to get it... well, done.

>How hard was it to make those with the bugs and whatever else they have in you?
A lot of willpower, and I failed sometimes. That's why it took awhile, the first couple incarnations went through a shredder because I wrote too much down. It was painful, I really wanted to use those.
>Also where did you get the paper?
Trees. We've got a few construction factories with all these moveably parts that the CAI uses to make a whole bunch of things fast, like that. And artificial ink and stuff.
No. 74236 ID: d38f67
File 137503933537.png - (9.58KB , 700x700 , poloITQ52.png )

>Would you take artificial augmentation yourself, if it becomes a possibility?
If it is reliable, then I would. I would not do it because I want to in a positive manner, but it would be well worth doing while I am in such life threatening missions.
No. 74238 ID: beeca1

Mind sharing the first couple versions with us?

Also, Rokoa in Polo: You still remember Polo's unaltered memories from before you fucked with them. Polo remembers yours from before she fucked with them. Say some kind of swap was made, and the bit of nervous system comprising your personality was extracted and put into a blank shell.

Would this effectively give you both of your bodies and memories back, and if so, would this be acceptable?
No. 74239 ID: 57a559

Hey, Rokoa clone 2, how do you adjust to your new size and ratios? It's got to be confusing! I don't know if your primarily thinking from the perspective of your old self or your new self, but your ratios must be pretty off from what you're used to now either way.

I mean, Rokoa had quite a lot of meat on her bones, I didn't know what the neumono had in compared ratios, but it obviously changed. So do you like the added/lost size in any way?
No. 74246 ID: 888df6

Hey 73-6, have you ever played video games? Like pong or something?

Hey Sara, can you run video games? Like pong or something?
No. 74247 ID: 4652c9
File 137507008607.png - (7.67KB , 800x600 , answer9.png )

there's a bureau tournament bracket in warlords iv i got roped into doing. it was actually sort of fun so i do some skirmishes from time to time. that's about the only game i play.

the deskjobs get a buttload more time to practice than the field agents, obviously, so i always come in like sixth out of twelve or something shitty like that when we do tournaments
No. 74248 ID: 4652c9
File 137507009291.png - (10.26KB , 800x600 , answer10.png )

RTS games are for nerds I play Blastlaaaands

Everyone was playing it during downtimes in my deployment. I picked it up and never quite put it down. By the end I was top-tier, dude.

It's still the only game I bothered to install on my internal drive. There's a universal input jack on my back a controller can go into. I can even broadcast it on my face, if there's no TV handy. The quality's kind of ass, but it's better than nothing.

My tag is AimBot58. Which probably wasn't a good idea at the time but all my achievements are tied to it and I ain't giving em up.

Whenever I'm online and I voice chat all the teenagers want me to send them pictures of my boobs.
Wouldn't they be in for a world of disappointment.
No. 74250 ID: a23afd

I don't understand why you don't actually do it.
No. 74251 ID: cf49fc

Because then they'd stop sending requests!
No. 74253 ID: 4652c9
File 137507541570.png - (7.09KB , 800x600 , answer11.png )

He turned on a shitty power ballad, came after 1 and a half minutes, told me he loved me, and fell asleep.

Sometimes I think I was some kind of praying mantis in a previous life and I'm atoning for it in this one.
No. 74260 ID: e1609c

Hey polo, I got a quick question: I expect you get comments on your rather, shall we say, "reserved" personality quite a bit, especially as more people start to talk with you.
However, my question is, were you always like that? Or does your emotional lack-ness have something to do with your empathy-suppression process?
Apologies if this has been asked before, I just now made the link and am curious as to your thoughts on the matter!
No. 74360 ID: ba8629
File 137523115529.jpg - (45.33KB , 650x650 , baj_ITQ.jpg )

>To all characters: tell us about your first time.
Well, see. I prefer guys. Reya thinks it's because of stress hormones while she was pregnant with me, since we didn't have the materials to make any more tozols. I don't know if that's true. Tozols don't really study medicine. I think because our bodies repair themselves.

Anyway. There's only three other guys on the planet, and one's my dad and another's my CO.


Thaen is very sweet, and I like him a lot. I don't think he likes me as much, but that's okay. Nobody's really happy being stranded. We all do what we can to keep each other... functional.
No. 74361 ID: a23afd

Is being straight not the norm, then?
No. 74362 ID: d87442

To Kaselir, how do you feel about the others that you've had to live beside for so long?

And Baj? You are too adorable. You deserve hugs.

Also, Vaejra? When were you originally supposed to be relieved? Since it's been 20 sodding years.
No. 74363 ID: 2fc3e9

Baj is male, buddy.
No. 74364 ID: ba8629

Baj, is your tummy as soft and fluffy as I'm imagining? Also, have you ever eaten a screaming animal while it was still alive?
No. 74365 ID: 9ddf68

what's a pregnant tozol like then?
No. 74366 ID: c95833

Exactly like a pregnant anything else, only with more diverse food cravings. Adding metals to the mix really opens up a lot more options.
No. 74370 ID: ba8629
File 137523613491.jpg - (55.43KB , 600x600 , kaselir_ITQ.jpg )

>To Kaselir, how do you feel about the others that you've had to live beside for so long?
>Also, Vaejra? When were you originally supposed to be relieved? Since it's been 20 sodding years.
Lemme take both of those.

Vaejra's team was only supposed to secure a landing zone while the Sword of Lies moved into position to drop a large force. But the ship ran into real trouble. Spotted an unknown contact in the outsystem, a big one, and didn't dare lead them to the artifact. So the crew packed a stealth pod with equipment, like a tank destroyer, a fabricator, and a hibernating tozol rated to operate them, and sent it towards the planet. Then the ship must've been destroyed, because that's the last we heard from them.

After I woke up, Vaejra decided Thaen should be in charge of the fabricator, even though I'm a specialist, and I get to be his assistant. You'd think a bunch of light infantry fucks would want me doing nerd shit like logistics while they play army, but nooo, they're Pathfinders, so they must be the best at EVERY job. Specialization's for quitters.

At least they let me have Syel. Now if they'd just let me drive her before I get killed. Fucking light infantry cult...
No. 74372 ID: d38f67
File 137523625773.png - (15.20KB , 700x700 , RokoaSniperCloneITQ2.png )

>Mind sharing the first couple versions with us?
They're pretty destroyed, but they're also pretty similar. It just depends what I tried writing on them. Salikai secrets on the first two, and then a little on the third but I started ripping it up and I gave up.

>Hey, Rokoa clone 2, how do you adjust to your new size and ratios? It's got to be confusing!
More than that! You have no idea. It's disorienting, but I also just get completely alienated with my own body. And while I was growing, everything just got smaller and smaller around me. I can barely even write stuff on tiny pencils anymore, I'm basically just made to be giant walking fist and trigger-puller. I don't like being forced to do that, but it does beat having to use the phone or an arkot's computer.

>So do you like the added/lost size in any way?
I think I'd actually like it if I got a chance to get used to it, but I have the bugs telling me how to use it in ways that I don't want to use it, or telling me not to use it in ways I'd like. I also sometimes scare myself in the mirror. Or step on the scale.

They pretty much just put in an arbitrary amount of growth hormones and steroids and stuff to see what happens. Stuff happened.
No. 74375 ID: d38f67
File 137523637375.png - (9.87KB , 700x700 , poloITQ53.png )

>Were you always reserved, or does your emotional lack-ness have something to do with your empathy-suppression process?
Some from both. I was not nearly as reserved as I am now, but I was moreso than average. It gradually stood out more while training. It did not spike up when I could successfully silence myself, but it did not stop creeping along either. My hive jokes that I will grow up to be a stone.
No. 74376 ID: d38f67
File 137523645665.png - (20.75KB , 790x558 , Rokoa_C2-2-R3ITQ.png )

>Say some kind of swap [of memories known exclusively by one or the other] was made, and the bit of nervous system comprising your personality was extracted and put into a blank shell.
You mean like extracting myself alone and putting it in a blank shell? Not a damn chance. It's be perfectly acceptable, but we'd need a blank shell and someway to extract just me. And that's no trivial step. Probably impossible. That'd be like pulling the vanilla extract out of cookies after you've mixed it all together.
No. 74377 ID: 2fc3e9

So just cut out as little of Polo as possible. There'll probably stil be mixing, but even if you won and ate Polo, there'd still be far more of her left over. And that little bit of Polo should be easy enough to overpower.

Don't tell me you'd rather die than live and temporarily have a bit of Polo's personality.
No. 74378 ID: c95833

I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the 'impossible' with the science hive around. Might want to draw this out long enough to see what this Miriam has to say when Polo breaks in.
No. 74380 ID: 54af1f

To any of Vaejra's team. You've been stuck on this planet for 20 years. What do you miss about off world most?
No. 74381 ID: 9cf680

So to all of you quest protagonists/supporting characters who have not had a conveniently explained background provided for in your Quests...

...what's your story?
No. 74384 ID: 4e21dc

Polo, I have a question! A question about... breeding.

Culturally and socially speaking.

It seems like neumono kids are usually made for the hive's need to have more members, more than it is that the parents themselves want children; and it seems as well that you guys would go in more for trying to selectively breed yourselves than other species, at least consciously. Given that you have ultrahives now, with presumably some interest in genetic variance even if it's not as huge an issue, how do things work with inter-hive breeding programs? Let's say, for example, that your respective hives decided they wanted you and Biles to try and have some sneaky survival willpower babies, and we'll say further for the example that neither of you had problem enough with it to just refuse. Would you have to negotiate, make contracts, say how many you'd have and who gets them, et cetera? Would it be considered something relatively normal? Not unheard of? Unheard of? Horribly awkward?
No. 74385 ID: b3dd38

To Tozols: What bores you the most, and have you ever been reeeeaallly bored, and if so, what did you do to alleviate that boredom?
No. 74386 ID: a68e3e
File 137524908251.png - (57.99KB , 800x600 , ITQ.png )

My story is short. I was found in front of the Church in a box with no memory of how I'd gotten there or where I was from.
They took me in and trained me in holy magic, which I did well in.
After a few years of training I decided to join to knights to make money and attempt to pay for augmentations for my body.
It's all rather hilarious in hindsight.
Ha ha ha ha.
No. 74392 ID: 01481a

To all the Tozols in BQ

No. 74393 ID: 014f9c

So we ned some way of physically seperating the network of neurons that holds your Ego and memories from Polo's? Start thinking about, say, left arms a lot.
Definitely not trying to induce Dr Strangelove Syndrome. Quiet you!
No. 74394 ID: d87442

What sort of things do you end up reading, Reya? And how many languages must you know?

Ota, what would you say your favorite type of explosive device is?

Also, Thaen? Tell us one of your stories. :3
No. 74396 ID: a01b62
File 137528300649.jpg - (63.93KB , 284x284 , gayseal.jpg )

No. 74405 ID: cee89f

BQ Tozols:
If you all engaged in an open brawl (say, because you were bored and nobody was attacking), who would be most likely to win?
No. 74422 ID: cf49fc

But they don't all have tits.
No. 74424 ID: b4594e


Don't care.

Enough of them do that in the aggregate there will be much tittitude. ^.^
No. 74425 ID: a01b62

You realize this is ITQ and not the fanart or chest day thread, and therefore characters respond pretty much how they would normally and not in alternate porn universe, and therefore the wide response would probably be "fuck off," right?
No. 74426 ID: c23ab0


I would pay to see the Tozols deal with JAV. No doubt death by snu snu.
No. 74428 ID: 5612af

This is likely the closet we'll ever get to seeing Rokoa with an genuine smile on her face (one that isn't backed strongly by TEETH and MURDER).
No. 74436 ID: b4594e


However they react, should be entertaining. ^.^
No. 74437 ID: beeca1

Or they don't react at all. I've seen questions go unanswered.
No. 74440 ID: a01b62
File 137532803540.png - (13.92KB , 592x715 , kass-ITQ.png )


No. 74451 ID: 57a559

Why do kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
Also, who gave you your rad name?
What's your favorite earth book? I imagine you have lots of time to read.
No. 74453 ID: f0357f

I find it both heartwarming and gutwrenchingly terrifying.
No. 74455 ID: f0357f

I'll field this one!
> Polo, I have a question! A question about... breeding.

Neumono genetics are practically immune to incestual mutations.
Cross-hive breeding is more common in jammer cities.
Purposeful programmed breeding is on the way out, due to modern technology making living and loving easier than the still living previous generations.
Programmed Cross-Hive breeding programs still exist, but talents such as Polo's Silence and Bile's Survivalitis are primarily life choices and trials producing the right combination of skills and experience to produce those results; genetics has very little to do with it, as many others in Polo's hive of the same generation did try and fail.

Contracted mating is outmoded pretty much entirely. The most that could happen is if the Hive Queen made a decree, and in this day, such a decree would be contestable, thanks to the culture shift in neumono society. It's far more likely for the Hive Queen to say "you two go mate already" for the reasons of shutting down dramatic silliness.

Hey, neumono people!
How is it like to have sexual intercourse while inside a jammer field, on a scale of "makes it interesting" to "WHY"?
No. 74457 ID: beeca1

As I recall, less "practically immune" and more "takes a few generations to set in."

As for the jammer thing, neumono do live in jammer cities, and Jess was born/raised in one. I'd assume it depends on what they're used to, so I'd like to add another question to any neumono used to being in a jammer field. What's it like having sex outside of one for the first few times?
No. 74460 ID: 6509db

I've got a question for the guy that is currently inhabiting 88's head.
What is the story regarding the hair? I know it's one of the last things to fall out, but it doesn't take much to make it do so.
What sort of maintenance do you need to keep a fluff ball active like that?
No. 74462 ID: 34cbef
File 137535742370.png - (10.24KB , 417x299 , itqjulia.png )

My first time kissing someone was very embarrassing, it was during my highschool prom.
There was this guy who i thought i liked, it's a weird feeling to tongue wrestle.
No. 74463 ID: b5df96

Lukratsa was raised in a jammer city. Jess was born to rogue parents, in a mixed species community. If there were jammers running all the time, she never said so.
No. 74485 ID: c23ab0


>> first time
> kissing

Never change, Julia. <3
No. 74519 ID: 4652c9
File 137542428324.png - (78.27KB , 500x375 , tumblr_mqw3wnDIHO1r5kufio1_500[1].png )

w-well I was sitting in a vent, doing my job
and then all of a sudden this man just grabbed me!! he was tall and dark and handsuhhhhhhhhhh
well he was tall and dark
and at first i was very afraid but then his touch was so firm yet so gentle and
he interfaced with me
he used his hands

it was so liberating

image by archivemod
No. 74524 ID: 885ee8
File 137542858979.png - (222.99KB , 900x720 , itq9.png )

Ivet: You wanna take this one?
Viktor: Um.
Padma: Hi Gr-uh-Viktor!
Ivet: Oh, I was wondering who that was. Can we all just pretend she doesn't exist? Anyway, I took one last time.
Lothar: Hey, so did I, and I got a helluva story I wanna tell.
Ivet: Harak possess me, the whole cast came out for this. Why are you here? You were relevant for like half a chapter.
Lothar: Yeah, but the people love me. Plus, two sisters at the same time.
Ivet: Gods damn it.
Lothar: Hang on, that's not the good part of the story, that's just Thursday. It gets better.
Viktor: Wait, how does that work? Do you have more than one-
Ivet: *snrk* Baby, no...
Lothar: Hooo, oh Vik buddy you gotta be shitting me.
Viktor: I'm new at this.
Lothar: Don't worry Vik and 'Vet, we are gonna rectify the fuck out of this travesty of a well-rounded sexual education immediately. Hey, y'all like Lily right?
Ivet: I know where you're going with this and I'm gonna go ahead and stop you right there.
Viktor: Wait, where are you going with this? I'm confused. You said Lily was pretty, right babe?
Lily: Thank you, sweetie. But Lolo, I don't think that's a good idea.
Ivet: Lolo?
Lothar: What? That may be the first time I've seen you turn someone down.
Lily: No, that's not what I mean. I read the rest of the quest, and that doesn't sound good for my future longevity.
Viktor: No one's going to answer the question at this rate, are they?
Ivet: Fine. Anolen named Jerich. Crazy bitch, covered in tattoos. Childhood friend from the underground where I grew up. Just as inexperienced as I was. So, the first time I got way too into it and accidentally suffocated her and she passed out.
Lothar: Hahaha
Viktor: Oh.
Lothar: Hahahaha
Lily: Oh, dear.
Lothar: Hahahahahahaha
Ivet: Um, Lily, how about your turn now?
Lily: Oh, I barely remember it. I'm sure it was one of the other nymphs, or maybe a few of them. Frankly, I don't see what the big deal is. What about that poor girl you're forcefully ignoring over there?
Padma: Who, me? Oh, I was set up in an arranged partnership by my family, which is pretty common back home just because those bookworms probably would never lay any eggs otherwise. But apparently my supposed partner was too busy working on some incarnum magic thing. He said I was bugging him too much when I kept trying to get him to get on with it, he told me to go find someone else less busy. So I did. Tagonel Tolim, a retired adventurer who was in the city for a year or so to get some field research transcribed and published to the library. He was a handsome Cephalith with lots of great stories. He was fun. I was sorry to see him leave. It was all downhill from there.
Ivet: Ooh, burned by the boring lady, babe. You gonna take that?
Padma: oh, I didn't mean-
Viktor: Take what?
Lothar: Pretty sure he already did.
Ivet: Shut it, Lolo.
No. 74525 ID: 57a559

Well Vik, Padma might not have been your first! Remember, you existed before the day you met Ivet.
She probably was just your first in a loooooooooong time.
No. 74526 ID: a23afd

Viktor: Do you think it might be a little bit lame that you fell in love with the first woman you had no interest in eating?
No. 74533 ID: 60ad76

now i wanna hear Lothar's story.
No. 74535 ID: d38f67
File 137546682349.png - (8.04KB , 700x700 , poloITQ54.png )

>Given that you have ultrahives now, with presumably some interest in genetic variance even if it's not as huge an issue, how do things work with inter-hive breeding programs?
is mostly correct. I will add that there are some interhive breeding for ultrahive's, which are typically merely done as the hive's way of saying that they are not self-centered, and are part of the ultrahive. And usually those are done with each set of parents having an even number of children to be split evenly.
No. 74540 ID: d38f67
File 137546971263.png - (14.03KB , 700x700 , LukratsaITQ11.png )

>How is it like to have sexual intercourse while inside a jammer field, on a scale of "makes it interesting" to "WHY"?
If you're used to being in a jammer, then just fine. You do it, you get off, you move on. If you're doing it while in a jammer for the first time, then I hear it just feels wrong. Completely impersonal. Thoughts like 'where's my partner, what's this piece of meat doing on or below me.'

>I'd like to add another question to any neumono used to being in a jammer field. What's it like having sex outside of one for the first few times?
Way too personal. That feeling when you're naked for the first time in front of someone? Jam neumono get that too. Completely bare, and you're not used to it. It's like that with the mind too. Jammer city is like having your mind clothed at all times from top to bottom, save for physical contact to get a little empathic taste, and then even that's weak. Like seeing the face, but the rest of the mind's still clothed. Then you're out of a jammer and getting your clothes off. Then your body and mind's in the nude, and that is something. Course, once you're up in each other's business, you get by that jammer to a degree. But like I said, it's weak. Still got most of your mind covered, and all the other person's gonna get is likely nothing more than 'this sure is sex.'

Course, if the two neumono doing that really like each other's personalities by chance, then it's the best thing. Never forget it. It's great. But under the likely scenario they were just looking for a fling with the added kink of 'no jammer' then they are probably gonna be in for a shameful, possibly aggravated night. Never forget that either, but they'd like to. Completely hit or miss.
No. 74542 ID: b5df96

Hey Luka! How'd you end up assigned to perpetual embarrassment detail?

That sounds like inter-hive children in the ultrahive still being raised by individual hives.

Has their ever been an attempt at honest to goodness co-hive parenting? Instead of keeping the kid with one group and attuning their empathy one way, letting them move back and forth and be comfortable with both. Is 'dual citizenship' between hives even theoretically possible?

I mean, we had Rokoa's situation, but that was more a violent kidnapping conversion exchange program.
No. 74577 ID: 77434b

>If you're doing it while in a jammer for the first time, then I hear it just feels wrong. Completely impersonal. Thoughts like 'where's my partner, what's this piece of meat doing on or below me.'

The question then is, would there be a similar experience for a neumono having sex with a non-neumono for the first time. And then the next question is, who would have the experience to answer that question. And the next question is, who would have the experience and the willingness to actually give said answer.

Seems rather a dilemma, don't you think?

No. 74578 ID: 57a559

Polo couldn't even keep a straight face when I asked how messy the aftermath of Viln's bet was.
Mum's the word with her. Mum's the empathy way with her. Mum
No. 74607 ID: 593f45
File 137555639568.png - (125.72KB , 626x704 , firsttime.png )

I haven't gotten around to it yet, but if there was anybody I liked enough to shoot goop into my pelvis, it's this little guy here.
He's snugly, soft and is probably willing, right?

"Mm... Maybe."

See? He's probably a horny little bastard, but he doesn't push me, because he respects me or something, also because he's physically incapable, but probably because respect too.

Respect is good, but we're unsupervised teenagers with urges. Soemthing's gotta happen eventually. I've got a feeling in my gut.

You know, because he's poking me.
No. 74617 ID: ba8629

kiss him you fool
No. 74618 ID: 57a559

So is that eventually now then? Your wording sounds like it's about to happen right now.

Well, hey, I gotta say it's weird to advance a romance subplot in an ITQ thread than your own quest because I don't know how that's even going to work but it's your vagina so you choose how and when.
No. 74619 ID: 57a559

Here's some mood setting music.
No. 74621 ID: a23afd

Jehral: You look kindof mad about being turned on by Rynh. What with that?
No. 74625 ID: 593f45
File 137556608849.png - (116.24KB , 626x704 , hahano.png )

But that sounds suspiciously like giving you what you want. Can't have any of that.
No. 74627 ID: a01b62

Well, there's something Jehral can get behind, at least.
No. 74631 ID: 57a559

Stop blueballing Jehral
He's a clever little wily man. Careful with him. His race is excellent at trapping men and women and doing terrible things to them. Usually it's just theft and murder but if you keep pulling this shit it's going to end up bad.

It's seriously as dumb as trying to blueball a minotaur.
No. 74633 ID: 2fc3e9

I suspect Jehral is smiling because he's about to jizz all over you.
No. 74641 ID: a23afd

Actually it's because he's in on it. THEY'RE CONSPIRING TO BLUEBALL US ALL!
No. 74643 ID: f0357f

>He's probably a horny little bastard, but he doesn't push me, because he respects me or something, also because he's physically incapable, but probably because respect too.

What's stopping him?
Time Travel?
No. 74644 ID: f0357f

Polo: have you ever encountered/heard-of anything so personally abominable and wrong that it inspired in you a sense of righteous fury and hate for the event/thing?
No. 74645 ID: c23ab0


Scrawny not-half-dragon noodle arms. Dislike of being set on fire. Lack of a reliable form of birth control. Ge