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File 164092331629.png - (2.06MB , 2172x1599 , crotch_2021op.png )
136821 No. 136821 ID: 11f77a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


Picking it back up from missing last year, show off them gaps, boys and girls!
No. 136822 ID: 11f77a
File 164092335199.png - (2.01MB , 2172x1599 , crotch_2021nude.png )

Narko and Silver from The God Damned!
Now with less obstructions!
No. 136824 ID: 8fae7e
File 164099758772.png - (4.50MB , 2000x2000 , Struggle.png )

Yasua, an Orokin Laprine suffers some indignity in order to get close to her target.

Don't worry, she murdered them soon after
No. 136825 ID: eedbeb
File 164100120328.png - (388.69KB , 1000x1100 , a22.png )

my girlfriend, and yes, she smokes weed
No. 136871 ID: 0d3848
File 164163763392.png - (220.36KB , 950x850 , 2022 crotchday.png )

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136731 No. 136731 ID: 36da76 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I think this post should be deletd.
No. 136732 ID: f017ae

No. 136733 ID: 0838d6

If you use the same device as the one that posted this you can scroll down and delete the post yourself using the handy delete feature at the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
No. 136734 ID: 3a63c3

No, wait. I wanna see how the Ping-Pong game is going!

File 148717138293.png - (105.69KB , 686x758 , Disc.png )
108793 No. 108793 ID: 65a774 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

I guess this needs a proper thread for this, as it’s not in any of the other canon things I’ve done?
Either way, discuss away about this wannabe Visual Novel.
Who is best girl?
What kind of horrid indecent things do you want to do to them? (Holding hands!? Gods, that lewd!)
Who will win the annual spelling bee at the end?

>You know it's kinda amazing how well your art style goes well with the Visual Novel type.
My style consist of drawing the upper body of people and pasting them on static backgrounds… which is exactly what visual novels consist of. Who’d knew they would fit so well together.
193 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 134140 ID: 4854ef

Indeed, its a dating quest. We're not going to suddenly have Sloth pop out of nowhere and it turns out we've been under a True Illusion all this time.
No. 134370 ID: cfc80f

I want to see a Khraxian playing Bloodborne. That is all.
No. 134468 ID: f2320a

here have a lizard thing if you want i am just showing around what i made today it was originally 2 centimetres so a literal giant jellybean.
also deeply interested in questions such as how do the blood death worms eat and how does a mushy look like they must smell good like rat BOI and what dimensions are between 3 and 21?
No. 134469 ID: b1b4f3

I think you forgot to attach the image.
No. 136535 ID: 374e99

Honestly, I prefer the original version compared to the new version.

File 163487296210.png - (227.76KB , 781x768 , station.png )
136338 No. 136338 ID: ca2950 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Somewhere in the cold void of endless space...
73 posts and 65 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 136471 ID: c92a02
File 163619211153.png - (105.71KB , 1000x662 , smaller_talk.png )

*Rolled 3: GROWTH*

:Trayzeri: "I rest my case."
No. 136475 ID: 629f2e
File 163635066216.png - (271.30KB , 1000x1000 , HalloweenX-15.png )

This wasn’t fruit punch. It tasted like sour watered down lemonade, without even a hint of sweetness to wash it down. You wanted to spit it out, but felt compelled to chug the remainder of the beverage.

As you swallow the last drops of liquid, your eyes start to itch. You put the flask down and start to rub them, but when they open again...

It was... Bright. Almost too bright, your eyes shut again instinctively. You force them open, looking forward again. It’s still too much, but you’re able to just barely squint and try to see. After a few seconds, your nearly closed eyes open wide, taking it all in.

For the first time in your life you understood that you'd been living in the dark. The greyscale life that you once saw color in, filled with hues you’d never before seen. The black and white which gave way to reds, blues, yellows, and so much more.

Roger: "It's... Is this real?"
Franklin: "...?"

You turn to Franklin, staring at him. His shirt was... green. You knew that, but only now could you really see it.

You laugh, it was all so clear. How had you not seen it before? You had known that these walls were red, but only now did you understand what that meant. The dull rusted metal, a color that spoke to you of the passage of time. It was incredible. You wonder if this feeling is anything like when a child first gets glasses.

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No. 136476 ID: 629f2e
File 163635073345.png - (284.81KB , 1000x1000 , HalloweenX-16.png )

...Your body felt... heavy...

Roger: "No -N-No! I don't want to go! I can see! I can finally see! I don't wanna- I don't wanna!"

You cry a hopeless rebuke, as your consciousness begins to stir. The ties that held you frayed, before severing entirely.

The last sight to cross your eyes was Franklin's panicked expression. And then...
No. 136477 ID: 629f2e
File 163635090202.png - (643.74KB , 1000x1000 , HalloweenX-17.png )


You were lying in bed. Looking through your regular eyes, upon a regular world. The revelation brought upon by the drink is a distant memory. It was fresh enough to make tears well up in your eyes, but impossible to comprehend as you did in the dream.

You saw color... What did that even mean? You always saw color, were you just not seeing it in the dream? And then like, you saw them again...? It was too confusing.

Quietly, so as not to wake your parents, you crawl out of bed and grab the sketchbook out of your bag. Flipping it open to an empty page, you begin to draw. The memories were already starting to leave you, becoming fuzzy and indistinct, but too many cool things happened in that dream to not draw something. Even just one, just a single good memory.
No. 136478 ID: 629f2e
File 163635097779.png - (545.68KB , 1000x1000 , HalloweenX-18.png )

There was really only one option. Out of all the weird aliens you spent time with, you had the best time with Dotti, even if she did leave you a mess when she departed. Your hand begins moving automatically.

Minutes pass as you toil, finding yourself deep in the zone. The lines seem to come naturally, as you're able to keep every detail about her in mind despite not having her present as reference. Eventually, the finished work stares back at you, a warm feeling filling your chest as you look at it.

You'd never forget completely. Even if you couldn't remember every encounter, or the colors, or if the conversations you had vanished from your head, you would still have this. A memento of a good dream. That's the power of art.

...You were getting too sappy over things that didn't really happen. And was it really this late? Okay, time for artists to go to sleep.

After all, tomorrow was Game Night! You'd have to be rested and ready for all the fun you'd have with your friends.

You can just tell it's going to be a Wonderful day.

And with that, Roger and Franklin are no longer present in the space station to interact with.

Happy Halloween everyone!

File 163540429259.png - (836.33KB , 1875x1791 , shadran_assday.png )
136399 No. 136399 ID: 3a7feb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It's still 10/27 in my time zone so we're not late!~
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No. 136405 ID: a7a3a1
File 163540706334.png - (43.64KB , 1200x900 , ass_day_2021_chio.png )

A quick lava lizard from Questroid.
No. 136410 ID: 2aa5f0

speaking of which how you enjoying the new Metroid game?
No. 136411 ID: eedbeb
File 163543045718.png - (407.44KB , 900x900 , a24.png )

uzak from the eventual this isn't working 2 thread
No. 136412 ID: d09a83

I haven't bought it yet due to the lockdowns!
No. 136422 ID: d09a83
File 163557920908.png - (43.19KB , 860x1120 , deembutt_2021.png )

"What do you mean 'It's distracting'? I used to walk around like this all the time!"

Deem's butt is from Dungeoneer.

File 160383817692.jpg - (212.27KB , 721x1046 , ass day2020.jpg )
134206 No. 134206 ID: 12b116 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It's ass day y'all!
Post some ass.
7 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 134270 ID: 9659ac

Nice piece, nice pair!
No. 134272 ID: e7c7d3
File 160462617756.png - (183.79KB , 800x600 , pennybutt.png )

A butt of Penny from Dead Dust
No. 134274 ID: 12b116
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Righteous Murder ass
No. 134291 ID: 352516
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Footknight from Sexy Dungeon
No. 134292 ID: 352516
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126364 No. 126364 ID: cc0a23 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I feel that right in the middle of an update, 400+ updates after beginning the quest, is the most ideal timing for starting a discussion thread.

Seriously though it seems like I've been hemorrhaging readers lately. Which is something I'd really like to stop. I want to continue and eventually finish this quest but at a certain point that becomes impossible if there's nobody to actually read the goddamn thing. So, I really need some feedback. What am I doing right, what am I fucking up, what are things that I can do to not fuck up in the future? I can answer questions too if you have any.
19 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 131494 ID: 853489
File 157454386070.png - (180.13KB , 1600x1334 , village.png )

(For comparison, this is the same village from the christmas comic I did awhile back.)
No. 131495 ID: ad51b8

Sorry to hear you've been going through a rough patch lately and hope it get's better soon. Just remember though that you should worry about yourself first and if life is kicking you in the groin don't feel bad for taking time to try and let things sort themselves out. While I wouldn't mind seeing this quest come back the idea of a quest is to be fun, for both YOU and the reader. So don't feel the need to force yourself to do something if you're not enjoying it.

Again though, glad to hear that you're alright even if things haven't been going to smoothly and hope that it clears up soon. The 3D looks great.
No. 131496 ID: 0fae41

Well, even if it didn't solve the problems you hoped it would, the work you did in 3D looks amazing. I hope what life throws at you sorts out, and remember interest in ROCK is not dead.
No. 134158 ID: eb1fcc

Hey it's pretty stellar seeing you around again at the very least
No. 136330 ID: 261749

Locking due to a persistent spambot.

File 143519355790.jpg - (409.32KB , 2500x1769 , Ian CMSN JuneQuest Color3_hr.jpg )
92269 No. 92269 ID: 1f8505 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Needed a fresh start since I didn't really want to stare at my old style much longer.

Image by Ian Samson.
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No. 133699 ID: b5fb67

Things Anon44 Needs To Do Before Starting The Next June Quest act:

-Draw eyes more... better
-Redraw character sheets
-Research ways of better incorporating 3D backgrounds (SketchUp? Unreal Engine? Blender?)
-Make more/better 3D props
No. 134936 ID: c5d2fe

Bumping, I guess, because I like this quest and hope it returns someday.
No. 134937 ID: b5fb67


Thank you! I hope to finish Lacy Lane and then work on it again.

Brief status update: strained my wrist at work, letting it heal before I go full-bore draw happy again.
No. 136323 ID: 53d7e0

Man, where you been, it's been 5ever.

Also hit me up, I still check my DA account once in a blue moon.
No. 136326 ID: 262068

Heya Keel. I'm trying to recover from wrist tendonitis, so I'm out of the drawing game for a while.

I'll try to contact you on DA if I get a chance!

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113815 No. 113815 ID: 898ae2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

For all your savescumming lizardfolk discussion needs.
Pictured: Glinp's design was refined quite swiftly, but here are the earliest ones k0bold came up with.
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No. 132821 ID: a9fa14

How many of the half dragons dragons yet live!
No. 132823 ID: a07b94

Ekwi has not done any public lewd dancing, but Lust has.

The dragon hybrids are still alive... for now!
No. 134967 ID: 05da7c
File 161492690963.png - (60.68KB , 704x938 , roboded.png )

oh I found another one, from thread 4
featuring a design that went unused, which was for the hallway robot that Jozi defeated. This was just intended to show the pose, which is why the one in the quest has a different design.
No. 135880 ID: 0a4a5d
File 162665595143.png - (1.51MB , 1024x1024 , Deity_sigils.png )

I figured this might be of interest to someone at least. It's assorted sigils of deities!
No. 136313 ID: 3328c7

What setting are these deities from?

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135939 No. 135939 ID: 8483cf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It’s a brand new Beach Day, the sandiest day ever! What better way to celebrate than by partying till dawn? All quest characters are welcome to grab a drink, watch the sun set, roast some s’mores, and dance the night away!

But beware, the Beach Police have night vision goggles!

Many thanks to Doomsby and Edmango for the title card!

Previous Beach Days:
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No. 136302 ID: eedbeb
File 163347743270.png - (222.47KB , 1000x900 , a5.png )

This dog has homosexual energy, which Sal appreciates, and also is sporting a fancy house arrest anklet. Sal decides he trusts the dog with his life, which isn't much.

He takes the dog's hand and follows him to a quiet corner. He accepts a cup of water and uses sand to scrub the crab fluids off his stained hoodie.
No. 136307 ID: f23762
File 163354751357.jpg - (815.29KB , 852x892 , BB 716.jpg )

Bobbie the pirate princess "Sorry to bother you but it started raining and we both are soaked, I hope it is not a problem to sit under your tent."
No. 136308 ID: f23762
File 163354756311.jpg - (426.25KB , 607x554 , BB 717.jpg )

Abdle the crew's parrot "It is getting really cold out here, can you heat me up."

Bobbie the pirate princess "Don't worry I am already on it."
No. 136309 ID: f23762
File 163354761714.jpg - (531.74KB , 613x722 , BB 718.jpg )

Abdle the crew's parrot "Thanks, it really feels like the summer is finished and the weather is getting really ugly. Not the real best time to be a pirate."
No. 136310 ID: f23762
File 163354766047.jpg - (926.89KB , 1057x688 , BB 719.jpg )

Abdle the crew's parrot "Anyways we don't intend to disrupt anything that you were doing before we arrived."

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72481 No. 72481 ID: 0eef61 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Talk about your favorite killer cyberzombie here.

Or maybe he's not your favorite, but please don't hurt 73-6's feelings.

Thread here: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/516189.html
253 posts and 18 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 135433 ID: 031458

Every time I think of this quest, I see a tiny glimmer of hope.
'Soon, Brom's kid will have school to go to, and he might finally have time to finish Static on the Line and Enemy Quest."

But then I remember it's been half a decade, and he's probably moved on with his life.
C'est la vie.
No. 135548 ID: 520602

this is one of the most depressing things you could have posted on this imageboard
No. 135549 ID: 520602

Also yes he said on the Discord in January that he has no interest in finishing EQ and that probably goes for SotW too. Gave his blessing for someone else to pick up the torch.
No. 135553 ID: e4a574

well i gave my blessing if someone beat my WPM on that typing test thing and nobody did

so for now no successor has revealed themself
No. 136283 ID: cdbcf8

So sense the torch that is the quest...who will take it up? The torch is still hot, so it wouldn't be easy at all to do. Maybe one would need to make a few small torches to start out with, so one could warm up the to the heat before trying to bear it. Or maybe one should instead start their own fire with torches own flame? So that they can make their own torch that can burn bright, if not brighter then the original? All I know for sure is, if we let this fire sit for long enough, it will go out...

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96269 No. 96269 ID: dd338c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

The ITQ for Lago specific quests.

Previous BTEs:

Current main ITQ:

Previous ITQs:
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No. 132236 ID: ca4acd

This is a very interesting question. I'm not the author but I can't help thinking about it.

Given what has been said of the spell I think construct Lily's fighting skill would be based on Fen's but filtered by his perception of the late lord Rasyan, Fen's only example of a noble fighting (which would shape his expectation of how a noble fights).
Since Fen has seen Rasyan fight for a couple minutes at best, she wouldn't actually fight like him, but it's possible to Fen's eyes it would be undistinguishable.
No. 132254 ID: e2f5cc

I just realized I forgot the most important question: How do field kobolds like being pet or scritched?
No. 132765 ID: 015bf2

Judgementor, how’d you get so good at energy finesse and the training thereof?
No. 133722 ID: bf2d51

To anyone who’s eaten it:

What does Neumono meat taste like?
No. 136241 ID: b72032

To Cheese: Just how common are food-based names in Erja Nokol? Is it just people from your orphanage? All orphans? Or is it more widespread than that?

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132511 No. 132511 ID: d63ea8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

>Ask Questions,
>Offer Comments,
>Express Thoughts.

I hope you are all enjoying the quest thus far, and I'm very excited to be running it.

Feel free to answer questions here and I will try to answer them as best as I can.

Unfortunately, due to the quest being centered around exploration and discovery, I can't afford to reveal absolutely everything.

But as I had said to a friend of mine:

"If this quest had a thesis statement, it would be 'why not ask?'"
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No. 135367 ID: 894419

Sorry to hear it! At least I'll have some time to get my lore straight :)
No. 135567 ID: dfbac0

Should we discuss our attack plan for the meat demon because that's kind of important.
One very important thing I wish to note is that we should not focus on physically attacking it at all. It's kind of an embodiment of the hunt and rage so I feel a physical fight would be in it's favor.
Maybe we can do something to attack it from a distance or perhaps use evoke on it in some way, either way we really need to prepare ourselves.
No. 136233 ID: dfbac0
File 163193311804.png - (217.34KB , 496x351 , words game gif capture.png )

I took it upon myself to get a still shot of the sign.
I'm not sure what it fully means but it's here for any of you to make connections and also if any connections show up in the future.
Maybe it was us trying to gain a large number of acolytes by using the water supply?
No. 136234 ID: 96c896

Avenue told us we were about to take over an entire town by putting our essence in the water supply, but were stopped. I guess we must've successfully done it at least once before then.
No. 136239 ID: d63ea8

((Very good find! More information can be discovered depending on the direction the quest goes, but I will note that the name has appeared once earlier. Though the lettering is somewhat obscured.))

((That is also a very good assumption given the information Avenue provided You.))

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136123 No. 136123 ID: d052fd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I just realized this didn't have a discussion thread, and it probably needs one given that it has a 3-year hiatus in the middle of it. Recapping: you are Mike, an astronaut on Mars, stranded and faced with circumstances that are likely to result in your death by starvation. A woman with no spacesuit knocks on your airlock door, identifies herself as "Ira", flies in, and brings you soup. Quickly ascertaining that you are a crazy person who hears voices, Ira offers an exchange: a free ride back to earth for a brain scan. Unfortunately, she doesn't seem too keen on answering many questions about herself, except to say that she is a human, but that the body in front of you is a remote-controlled robot. Eventually you come to an agreement, and hop in her pimped-out space winnebago for a 4-day interplanetary trip. She eventually reveals that she worries you will be swept away in a coverup, as nobody on Earth seems to know who she is anymore.

There's obviously more to it than that, but that should get you up to speed on where we sit as of this writing.
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 136204 ID: d052fd

Quest has been renamed "Artificial." New thread is here:


Alternative titles that I did not wind up going with include "The Day the Earth Stood Still, but some weird stuff happens," "An Immature Escapist Power Fantasy," and the title you get by reading the first letter of every sentence in the first post of this thread.
No. 136205 ID: f8fa51


Goddamnit. It was hiding in plain sight the entire time.
No. 136219 ID: d052fd

I want to make sure what's going on here is understood. All the externally-verifiable events depicted in the first thread happened as you saw. The actions Mike took actually happened. All the non-verifiable stuff like internal dialogue did not necessarily actually happen as depicted. That's just Ira's brain subconsciously building a retroactive narrative around the idea that you are the same voices Mike was hearing.

For example, here Mike and Ira have a conversation about how altered states of mind, like dreams, can sometimes pull out memories you had forgotten:
He tells her about the interrogation dream, but not the hurricane one. Later, when he springs the information about the hurricane that wiped out North Sentinel Island, he doesn't bring up the hurricane dreams at all.
That's because the Hurricane dreams didn't necessarily actually happen. They're just Ira trying to subconsciously justify why he didn't bring it up until later by tying it in to their earlier dream conversation.

The things you did in the first thread did matter, because they led Mike to take the actions he took. It's just that, in the context of the narrative, they're not things you guys specifically did. Mike was hallucinating, and the voices he heard did not necessarily say exactly the things you said. But, whatever was going on in his head was similar enough to produce an outcome that looked the same from the outside. If you had suggested other things, Ira would currently be unconsciously justifying a different set of actions with a dif
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No. 136221 ID: 264f71

In hindsight she "feels" more like a protagonist, too. You did a really good job at this.
No. 136224 ID: d052fd

I also had a history of running quests with a "blank slate male protagonist with female secondary character that knows more than he does" format. That may have assisted with the smokescreen before I fell off the face of the earth for three years.

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115339 No. 115339 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

The dis thread for a quest about a herd of sheep.
Feel free to ask questions and throw some critique/feedback at me.
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No. 135683 ID: 15a025
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No. 135684 ID: 15a025
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No. 135749 ID: 15a025
File 162482178770.jpg - (1.49MB , 2048x1536 , 100_1259.jpg )

The Herd: Now available on VHS
No. 135814 ID: 15a025
File 162605691959.png - (10.38KB , 800x800 , One for the home team B.png )

"Haha, well ol Sugar's gonna ticked tonight. As per agreement, cheers for the home team's victory and a free drink on the house for everyone to celebrate!"

Little pic of Marsh I did to practice some anatomy and drawing bigger size pics again. It's not the greatest anatomy here but happy with how it turned out.
No. 136210 ID: 15a025

The Herd now has a discord! I'd like to just mainly use this as an easier/centralized place to throw update notifications. Feel free to join, link expires in 1 week and has 10 uses for now.

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128693 No. 128693 ID: 33a70e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hello everyone. This may sound a little strange, but please bear with me. To get straight to the point, for a long time, I've wanted to make a long, detailed video about questing, and I need your help with information. I cannot make this video any time soon, due to uni taking up most of my time, but it is a plan I have currently. I have several questions about quests and the websites regarding them that I would like to have answered, and since I wasn't around until quite late, it's difficult to find answers for many things. Questing and the unique method of story telling and on-the-fly artwork that accompany of it are something that I find greatly interesting, and the fact that there is so little documentation on it (practically no videos at all, with only a few wiki pages describing the basics of what it is) is something I feel is a huge shame. Despite me being somewhat of a newb to the whole thing, I believe I could make a decent video detailing a summary of what questing is and its history, its online influence over the years, and information on some of the more historically significant quests. But again, I need your help. I would have made this thread later on, but I have started to worry that with each month I don't, more of the people who have been here for a long time may leave, and it'll be harder to get answers.

To give a bit of backstory on myself, I am not deep into questing myself, largely because I missed it in its heyday. About 5 or so years ago way honestly the first time I actually read a Quest. Rubyquest. I actually learned about Weaver through his other artwork, learned about Rubyquest from his website, and then learned about quests through Rubyquest, though I haven't been active over these few years (again, study and stuff). I've read pretty much everything from Weaver as well as Reaver, as well as a few of the shorter random stories here and there. I'm also working my way through a few of the &
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No. 128852 ID: 932b5e


The quest in question was this
Though it might have been a later thread that triggered the ban that created QQ, you’d have to double check.

At the time the QM was running other more prominent quests like
Probably some others too.

For more information i’d ask one of the QQ staff that was around from the beginning. They’re pretty chill people, if you explain what you are doing one of them will probably explain in detail.
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No. 129003 ID: 4dc321

>You'll find a fairly in-depth article on that history here by a veteran quester.
FWIW, that was me. :D

By the same token, I might be "vetean" but I'm also EXTREMELY out of the game. (Even though I technically finished a quest a week ago :V )

I wouldn't trust myself as a source very far beyond what I wrote in the essay. One thing that pushed me to write that essay was a desire to write down what I knew before I forgot it. I haven't really been keeping up with questing since 2014.

I'm not sure if MSPFA died when I made the original chart, but it should definitely reflect it now.

Actually, remind me, what year did it die?

By the way, something that was mentioned in the replies to that essay was how Spacebattles had text-based proto-quests which actually predated Problem Sleuth, though they really failed to gain any traction. However, it might be worth mentioning since SB later turned into a huge text-questing site via cross-pollination from /tg/.
(Its "Roleplaying, Quests, & Story Debates" subforum has 8 million posts(!) However, only a portion of those are actual quests, because the forum owners hate quests and won't give them a subforum for some reason.

Seriously, it's nuts how big the community exploded despite actively hostile administration that keeps shoving it in corners.)
No. 129009 ID: 080aaf

SB administration just seems hostile in general. I guess they're used to it.
No. 129010 ID: 359e2f

The MSPA forum, which contained the Forum Adventure board, went down at the end of March 2016. However, the MSPFA site which was a seperate place that had the purpose of mirroring forum adventures, saw a huge increase in adventures being started there, even though there wasnt a way to send commands there. What started happening a lot was people hosted adventures there and used a discord server or the tumblr ask function or something else to get commands (theres a comment feature thats been added since then though). The Omegaupdate forum was also made as a stand-in when the MSPA forum died and it has a Forum Adventure board, but it sees way less use than MSPFA.
So basically, MSPA-inspired quests didn't exactly die when the MSPA forum closed, they just went through a big change. A lot of the older users went to Eagle Time or never returned afterwards, and I would consider Eagle Time distinct from MSPA stuff at this point.
No. 136197 ID: b72032

I finally found the time to read your history "quest".
Thanks for your research effort ten11, this was very informative.

If there's one criticism I'd have, it's that seeing the graphs of daily created adventures, I was more curious about daily *updated* adventures (or "active" adventures, i.e. recently updated ones)

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135160 No. 135160 ID: f18774 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is the official discussion tread for SubCritical! Feel free to leave any images or criticism relating to my quest here too!
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No. 135296 ID: f18774


Really happy to hear that! I'm trying hard to avoid dumping too much information now, since I feel like I may be overwhelming readers with too much information.
No. 135672 ID: 4734c9

It's the internet - people will always be horny.

Anyway, enjoying the quest so far!
Always love me an air of mystery.
No. 135724 ID: f18774

The second thread is live here: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1003418.html

If you lot have any questions about things, feel free to ask here!
No. 135816 ID: 3a67fd

Oh hey, this is here! These two are real cute, and I'm really excited to see where their very safe and not at all life threatening journey takes them!
No. 136036 ID: a3a916

Hope you are doind alright Triti.

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135854 No. 135854 ID: ce39da hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A month chock full of chests galor! A month for the best chests; meaning all chests!

Previous Chest Days:
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No. 135887 ID: ca2950
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Carrying mail builds the pecs, I guess?
No. 135890 ID: 11f77a
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"Couldn't you have just sent a text~?"
No. 135891 ID: 731206
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Magnolia is really grateful for the melatonin perfume gift she got from the Secret Santa gift exchange and is happy she wasn't forgotten >>135872 she decided to spray it on her body right away, but accidentally took a nap on the livingroom floor in the process... Whoops!
No. 135894 ID: ca2950
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No. 135896 ID: ca0259

How does Ryhn manage to be alluring with the physique of a teenage boy?

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134762 No. 134762 ID: b1ffbb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Talk all things Cookiequest here!
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No. 134776 ID: 58bba5

The art style is absolutely adorable!
No. 134777 ID: b1ffbb

Cookiequest will be inspired by Madoka Magica and Silent Hill, with a bit of Doki Doki Literature Club. :)
No. 135732 ID: dcb6ea

Cookie, looks good and art is adorable
No. 135742 ID: b1ffbb
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Fanart, comics, and memes based off Cookiequest are free to be posted here as well! Go nuts with Harvey in Animal Crossing: New Horizons and recreate scenes with the characters too, haha.
No. 135886 ID: 542546

Oh just spotted this hadn't had a wiki page made yet! Set up a placeholder with the thread links now.

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134434 No. 134434 ID: 11f77a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Hello, little ones! Vikta tells me about another Secret Santa happening soon and I thought it would be fun to chaperone your fifth year! Sashi, Deemus, Vikta, Nummax, and Charu will help deliver all the gifts as I’m not good with remembering addresses from different dimensions and planets.

And so, here are the previous years of gift-giving:
(2016) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/106091.html
(2017) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/118595.html
(2018) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/126663.html
(2019) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/131539.html

You can participate in two ways:

For Quest Authors/Signing-Up
For authors, all you need to do is declare which of your quest characters will take part in this thread. Include their name and a link to the quest or wiki page. A picture is helpful as well. If posting multiple characters, you must state whether they’re a GROUP or INDIVIDUALS. Once we reach an appointed date, everyone will be randomly assigned their partner.

Okay now, this part is important! Read carefully! Once a match is made it is your job to write and illustrate what your character would give to their special someone! Perhaps something from their world. Or something personal! Or a book! Fancy gadgets! Leftovers! You’re not obligated to have your character respond to a gift received. But the process of your character finding their partner’s gift is the least bit expected. One picture, ten pictures, animated; doesn’t matter as long as you don’t tire yourselves out! Posting early or late is no problem, either!
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No. 134699 ID: 6f7a5a
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Solia: "Oh wow earbuds, would be nice if we had any way to play music . . ."

Remia: "sisters it's the thought that count!"

Fason: "She clearly didn't put any of THAT in"

Mifal: "Yeah who would have five music players kicking around?"

Lareta: "I bet SHE could make nice music, with a little coaxing~"
No. 135869 ID: 11f77a
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Ah, hello my good children! I'm happy most of you received your gifts--and according to my calendar you have two christmases per year! Christmas in July!

I thought it would be an appropriate time to bestow gifts for those who were unfortunate to not receive theirs.
No. 135870 ID: 11f77a
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Ah! What do we have here for The Knife? I'm sure a sentient utensil may feel tired sometimes. So I made a comfortable scabbard!

Enjoy a rest when not stabbing things!
No. 135871 ID: 11f77a
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Oh! Cybil dear! How's Vikta at work? I need to send a few toiletries and sun lotion for his skin.

But I see your armor is a little dirty. Your enemies should see their shocked expressions reflecting back at them! I found this armor buffer and I'm including some yak wax to let that armor show its true colors!
No. 135872 ID: 11f77a
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Hmm, Magnolia. I hear your work involves sleeping on the job? Or daydreams? Well I think I may have something for you.

It was hard to collect, but the tears of a Gullwark has a very wonderful fragrance of melatonin! This melatonin perfume bottle will do wonders for your... uh... presence!

I believe that covers everyone then! I hope to see you all next half-year!

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