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File 138068273275.png - (34.88KB , 1096x682 , ITQ9.png )
76582 No. 76582 ID: d38f67

It's that time again.

Previous ITQ threads, newest to oldest:
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No. 76583 ID: bd48c5
File 138068407759.jpg - (32.70KB , 319x400 , Burt.jpg )

>Inside the Neumono

Sounds like a porno film.
No. 76585 ID: ea4924

Looks like one, too.
No. 76586 ID: d38f67
File 138068703270.png - (12.42KB , 700x700 , KappiITQ13.png )

>Kappi, I've got a quick question for you. How do you feel about eventual fatherhood? Do you think it will ever happen to you, and if so what will you do/have done to prepare?
Whoa wait that is a question. I haven't even thought about it! I mean, Rokoa doesn't want to have kids anymore, so I wasn't planning on it. I mean, someday I might have kids, it might not be with her, but there aren't many people I like, so if not with her, I don't know... I'm already confused about it this far in, without even factoring in the kid itself! So, uh, I'm woefully unprepared.

I've spent more time thinking about how to, uh, work with or deal with Rokoa than any kids.
No. 76589 ID: d38f67
File 138068826510.png - (9.93KB , 700x700 , HokITQ5.png )

>Hok has apparently stolen a ridiculous amount of money from a ridiculous number of people, though. Tin certainly didn't secure vast quantities of wealth for the Iron Cove by hiring Hok. So where'd it all go? Hidden somewhere perhaps?
I feel somehow inclined to correct this statement, what with the iron cove being our mortal enemies. We're Tin's Trade Hub.

>Hok: What do you DO with all the money you steal?
Yeahhhh I keep it around. Where it can't be found. So what I'm saying here, is that it's a secret!

>Although I suppose he might have some caches somewhere?
Well, that's no secret.

>What do you think about the Asteroid's other super-thieves? Whiskers, for instance? Ever had a run in?
Whiskers is basically the only thief that should have super as a leader. I mean, if it's like superheroes, then they're all flaunty and high profile and well known and stuff, right? So yeah, Whiskers. The others, you know, treat it that if they're thieving right, no one knows they're a thief.

So what do I think of whiskers? Like Rokoa except a thief. No one should be allowed to have that much fun doing what they do. Which I guess begs the question, what do I think of Rokoa? I try not to. Back to Whiskers. She makes a good, big shadow to live and sneak behind. So I guess favorable.
No. 76590 ID: 2f2cd6

>I've spent more time thinking about how to, uh, work with or deal with Rokoa than any kids.
That's for the best. Rokoa is one topic that requires thought. Especially if you want to stay with her and/or alive.

But Hok, you are all flaunty and high profile and stuff. And everyone knows you're a thief, too! (So are you admitting you aren't thieving right?). And you certainly seem to have a lot of fun doing it.
No. 76591 ID: ea4924

Eh, it's the difference between Carmen Sandiego and, say, John Dillinger.
No. 76592 ID: 5869f6

Yooou can't hide from uuuus, we're going to get answers, aaaand nothing will stop usss! [Maddened laughter]

Question tiiime!
So, this'll be fer anyone to answer: who has a favored genre of muzak. Has that been answered already? If so, what is your own personal, unbiased, philosophy on politics?
No. 76593 ID: bd48c5

Well, as far as my favorite genre of music, I enjoy Orchestral music with group vocals, as well as a bit of Heavy Metal and Hip Hop, though Euro-Folk will always have a place in my heart.

Wait, did you mean to ask someone else?
No. 76595 ID: ea4924

While we're discussing what happens when you hump Rokoa, is she particularly loud during sex? The idea of her screaming out "Shit in a cockpit!" or similar and terrifying everyone in the trade hub is hilarious.

Now you're just being an imbecile.
No. 76596 ID: 7bbaae

One should assume that any 'to anyone' questions in ITQ are meant to be directed towards any quest characters.
No. 76597 ID: 5869f6

For questioning them on their political viewpoints?

Eh, yer right I guess, politics are friggin' boring.
No. 76598 ID: bd48c5

Silly me.
No. 76600 ID: 35037e

Asteroidverse and Cheeverse: which one of you are the stronger, collectively. First counting the entire verse, and then only counting people who have appeared.
No. 76601 ID: ea4924

If by stronger you just mean physical strength, then I suppose there could be a contest.

If you mean power, then... Cheequest has literal gods, super wizards, and demons. Asteroidverse has normal people. Asteroidverse doesn't stand the ghost of a chance.
No. 76602 ID: bd48c5

Well, Rokolo alone simply has a higher weight-class than Cheeverse
No. 76604 ID: ea4924

No. She doesn't, even as a joke. The single most impressive thing anyone has ever seen her do, and we've never even seen her do it, is drink milk from the carton. That and a nice pair of tits are all she's got.

Minci and Silvera both have nicer tits and are powerful supernatural entities.
No. 76606 ID: c23ab0

Hok keeps all the money under his mattress. Why hasn't anyone noticed this?
No. 76607 ID: 35037e

Asteroidverse has spaceships and power armors.
No. 76608 ID: ea4924

Cheeverse has gods. They're... gods.
No. 76609 ID: 35037e

'god' is not a hard set untouchable power level. There's an infinitely big difference between say, Omnipotent Omnipresent Omniscient gods, and gods like the Greek/Norse gods.
No. 76614 ID: cf2bca
File 138070439225.png - (7.93KB , 800x600 , answer5.png )

I like tech, electronica, electrotech, house, acid house, acid witch, thrash hop, gutterbeat, grime house, post-post-hardcore, gangster rap, cloud rap, molly rap, industrial, grindgroove, synthpunk, strobe, sludge metal, afrobeat, breakbeat, experimental rock, shoegaze, rock stomp, acid jazz, and classic rock.

And my opinion on government is they should butt they asses of everything they're involved in, and get their asses involved in everything they aren't.
No. 76616 ID: 4594e2

Rokoa doesn't want to have kids anymore?
Hmm...it seems I guessed wrong about why she suddenly started asking you questions just before funtimes.
With that out of the way, A question for Jessica, if it's not too much of a bother. Would you really have bitten Hok?
No. 76618 ID: 57a559

Would you like to date a Rokoa clone Kappi?
No. 76619 ID: e607cd

Kappi x Sniperclone OTP
No. 76620 ID: 820866

Pfft, no, Katzati x Sniperclone for maximum cuteness
No. 76621 ID: 2f2cd6

The correct ship is Sniper Clone x Katzati's severed arm.

...in a love triangle with Katzati's arm severed and Rokoa's severed leg.

There, officially taken too far. Now someone get on fanarting it.
No. 76622 ID: 820866

I'll say you went too far; Rokoa's leg was obviously meant to be with Polo, you blasphemer!
No. 76627 ID: 4594e2

In between eating it and wearing parts of it over her naughty bits, I'd say they had an interesting relationship.
No. 76628 ID: c770a7

Didn't have enough hits on the last one cuz Oren showed up and stole the show. I ask again: Everybody, What's the worst part of your job?
No. 76629 ID: 2f2cd6
File 138082992650.png - (14.43KB , 800x600 , ships.png )

This was a terrible idea and I'm sorry.
No. 76630 ID: 820866

I like it just fine, even if it has a couple of minor typos. You forgot to add "attached at the hip" for Sniper Clone and Rokoa's leg, though.
No. 76633 ID: 9ddf68

Hey pip out of everyone in your 'people that want you died' book, WHO most of all do you want to avoid and what's the story behind that one. I get you'd rather not play dice with anyone in that book but there has to be someone in there that stands out from all the others.
No. 76646 ID: 820866

I dunno if this has been asked before, but just how long does it take for a neumono to reject a foreign body and what happens to said foreign body? Because it sounds useful for smuggling. Make an incision, hide a plastic baggie filled with whatever in your probably-drug mule, and then either cut it out or wait for it to come out on its own. Is that a plausible scenario?
No. 76647 ID: 2f2cd6

Uh. I think part of the premise of the question is flawed. If a neumono heals around a foreign object placed inside their body, regeneration isn't the going to magically eject the object from the body. So there isn't a time limit.

The time to heal would depend on the severity of the injury though, and other injuries the body might be busy with. And if the object is something the body can break down, there'd be a time limit for retrieval before that happened, I suppose.

Rejection would only be a problem in terms of biological transplants. Or bio-mechanical augments, if that's what you want to call them no not working properly.

But in any event: yes, concealing a foreign object inside a neumono for an extended period of time is doable. We know Rokoa hides a plasma blade in her ear, it's been suggested she may have an EMP generator somewhere else on or in her, Jess concealed a data drive, pre-contact Pilon put pieces of wood in his ears so they'd tear off easier, etc.

Except they never were connected! They're both derivatives of Rokoa prime, and I didn't have a clever turn of phrase for that.
No. 76648 ID: 820866

Yeah, I suppose I didn't think it through. My thinking was that it would be put into the abdominal cavity and then excreted, and now that I think about it I admit I'm not sure how that'd work.

On the second point, Sniper Clone Rokoa has two of Sniper Clone Rokoa's legs attached to her pelvis. It's close enough for a turn of phrase.
No. 76659 ID: 1f8505

Echoing a previous request from the last thread: ladies of /quest/, show us your Little Black Dress.
No. 76660 ID: d38f67
File 138112109653.png - (11.68KB , 700x700 , KappiITQ14.png )

>While we're discussing what happens when you hump Rokoa, is she particularly loud during sex?
Uh... yes. There is kind of a lot of yelling at me.

>Would you like to date a Rokoa clone Kappi?
Uh... I don't... think so? I didn't think I would have wanted to date Rokoa because I felt her empathy either, though.

>Rokoa doesn't want to have kids anymore?
I don't think she does, no, but that is one of the touchiest subjects I think I could cross with her and I will probably never ask her myself.
No. 76661 ID: d38f67
File 138112114984.png - (11.79KB , 700x700 , JessicaITQ8.png )

>A question for Jessica, if it's not too much of a bother. Would you really have bitten Hok?
Yes. Yes I would have. Now I don't think I ever want to look at him again.
No. 76662 ID: d38f67
File 138112121415.png - (62.63KB , 700x700 , CheeITQ7.png )

>Asteroidverse and Cheeverse: which one of you are the stronger, collectively. First counting the entire verse, and then only counting people who have appeared.
Well, if we don't count magic, then asteroidverse! I mean, we have things like gnolls and giants and abominable snowmen probably I guess, but they have stuff like power armor and robots. But going fully natural I guess we'd be stronger, too! So they're only stronger if they get all their techology and we don't get any magic. Which is kind of unfair I think so I think that we're stronger.

Then again I don't think wizards have researched, like, spacefaring magic missiles, so the asteroid folk might be able to just orbitally bombard us and we might not be able to do anything about it? Maybe our gods could. I don't know how gods respond to plasma nukes or molten... rock... generators...
No. 76663 ID: 9ed5cd

Oh man, I haven't seen Chee pop up in a while. x3
No. 76664 ID: 57a559

Or regenerating, practically unstoppable and bigger and fatter versions of Ears without buck teeth. Or fufas.
You could make a unique case for Rokoa, Polo, Biles, and Hok too.
Shiiiiiiet, Hok could probably take both the Devourer and both liches on in a fight. Imagine your entire previous life Chee, only instead of you in the role, it was Hok.
Which implies there's a Hok lich king.

Hok what would you do if you were Lich King?
Chee, what would you do if you were Hok? Shabin, how about if you were Rokoa? Beard Wizard Kobold, if you were Loviro and/or Ben?
No. 76665 ID: 57a559

Hey Lily and/or Lord Shup, I was rereading Fen's Quest and got to thinking.

Shup, you couldn't have prevented Lily from fighting in the tournament for her freedom, couldn't you? She would have likely died, but it would have entirely ruined every plan from the beginning.
Lily, would you have taken that chance should you have thought of it and Fen didn't join it(As to not chance having to fight him to the death). You would have been given Kip to bodyguard you, so you probably would have been given his training.
That or maybe Lord Shup would have freed you on the spot, realizing the legal loophole and likely horrific outcome that would have brought.

Shup, if Lily used her right to fight against you, would you have freed her or would you have her likely die in that tournament and make your efforts to save her completely fruitless?
No. 76669 ID: 2f2cd6

>I didn't think I would have wanted to date Rokoa because I felt her empathy either, though.
...before you felt her empathy, you mean? Not sure how that makes sense otherwise.

Strait up crossover wars never work anyways. Sides wouldn't stay fixed by the initial universal lines- people would end up siding with people like themselves, or who brought them some advantage. And both sides would start trying to exploit the advantages of the others. Before long you'd have Cheeverse inhabitants with guns and modern weapons, CAIs brute force memorizing spellbooks, and scientists and scholars and wizards racing to see how they could incorporate the new discoveries with the old to their advantage. And it's not like the guns or spellbooks would have to be stolen either- there are people in both universes who would happily change sides, or try to make a buck war profiteering.

Then there's the whole 'uplift everything' attitude the humans and belenosians have. The first instinct of the Asteroidverse governing forces wouldn't be an all out war. It's more likely you'd get some kind of messy uplift project crossed with a research project and exchange project and the inevitable violence would spring up around that as the result of misunderstandings and attempted exploitation and power jockeying.

I'd also expect the Asteroidverse has a whole bunch of things that there could be a god of, and that don't exist in the Cheeverse. Meaning if the universes came into contact, there's suddenly room for a bunch of new gods to spring up, and who knows what the hell they'd do.
No. 76671 ID: 1f8505

To all quest characters: If you were to write a book what would it be about?
No. 76674 ID: df110d

To all quest characters: what is more important in a girl: big tits or big monster hands?
No. 76675 ID: 04b86a

What if the asteroidverse rediscovered how to make jetals and jetalium and all of the stories about what they could do turned out to be true?
No. 76676 ID: 22ee2f

What if the Cheeverse could shoot teleporting black holes from their eyes?
No. 76677 ID: 8ab426

Do neumonos hotdog it?
No. 76678 ID: 0006f5

to all quest characters: what is your favorite fast food ? what are some common/well known fast food options ?
No. 76679 ID: df110d

To all quest characters: What is your favorite holiday? How many nipples do you have? What is your best dance move?
No. 76680 ID: 772641

To fufa: how has life been treating you lately?
No. 76682 ID: 593f45
File 138120752131.png - (316.48KB , 454x577 , Obvious.png )

>big tits or big monster hands?
Both is clearly the correct answer, in combination. These things are pretty awesome to squeeze.

>how many nipples?
This many. Can you count along at home?
No. 76683 ID: b0d4ec
File 138120763052.png - (4.87KB , 476x509 , saranswer.png )

Awww, crud. I had a really good one to show you but that dude with the visor blew it up.
Along with all my other clothes, basically.

Geez, I don't know! I guess it would be a memoir about my time in the marines.
But, uh. It wasn't that exciting. So maybe I'd put some dragons in it.

McDonald's gyroburgers. Love that sauce.
Mostly I try and get groceries, though. Grease can soot up my food chute when it burns and it makes me smell like a griddle.

Christmas! I don't have any! The Robot!
Ha! Just kidding.
I do a cool coffee grinder, tho.

Uhhhhh, I have neither, so... a winning personality?
No. 76684 ID: b0d4ec
File 138120982835.png - (7.26KB , 800x600 , monicanswer.png )

I never get a chance to show this thing off. The Bureau don't exactly go in for formal dress function things.

I've been writing a book, actually, for a while. It's a spy thriller about a femme fatale black widow kind of chick set in the 1990's.
I'll probably never publish it, but it's something to do besides law school and coordinating assassinations.

I like Thanksgiving, I adore swing dancing, and don't tell anyone but I have a supernumerary nipple near my thigh. It's really tiny. I just tell people it's a mole.

I like a man with big hands. He's got big tits, that's usually a turnoff.

Dooon't you get me started, girl. Probably italian. But ohmigod there's this crazy good Mexican place that's just opened up near my apartment and the burritos? Completely redefined what I thought a burrito could be and I already love burritos so hmmm. I'll have to get back to you.

This dress feels a little less airy around the tush than I remember it.
No. 76685 ID: d38f67
File 138121166616.png - (11.03KB , 700x700 , Hok6.png )

>Hok what would you do if you were Lich King?
Wow what do you even do with a legion of undead they probably smell really bad. I'd probably just, like, use all my undead as scapegoats. I mean, they'll confess my crimes for themselves, right? Yeah, it's like the get-out-of-jail-free King! I could probably think of better stuff.
No. 76686 ID: d38f67
File 138121169143.png - (84.95KB , 700x700 , CheeITQ8.png )

>Chee, what would you do if you were Hok?
What does Hok do? Steal? I can't do that!

>What if the asteroidverse rediscovered how to make jetals and jetalium and all of the stories about what they could do turned out to be true?
Thennnn from what I see I guess everything would just start exploding I guess.
No. 76687 ID: d38f67
File 138121170278.png - (10.66KB , 700x700 , ShabinITQ9-1.png )

>Shabin, how about if you were Rokoa?
No. 76688 ID: d38f67
File 138121176953.png - (74.63KB , 700x700 , HeadWizardMasterITQ1.png )

>Beard Wizard Kobold, if you were Loviro and/or Ben?
Not let myself get killed, and not act like a senile old fart, for starters!
No. 76689 ID: d38f67
File 138121180576.png - (10.26KB , 700x700 , ShupITQ9-1.png )

>Shup, you couldn't have prevented Lily from fighting in the tournament for her freedom, couldn't you?
Well, I most certainly couldn't have legally, no. But how would she enter the tournament, however, if she was confined to her room, hmm? Of course it wasn't necessary, she is far too delicate for that sort of sordid affair. It wouldn't have mattered, as outlined by the answer to your second question.

If the hypothetical impossibility did happen, though, and she did enter... well, I would have let her go, of course, and then offer her solitude back at my manor when she realizes that the penalty for backing out of the tournament without good reason is a sentence to the dungeons.
No. 76690 ID: d38f67
File 138121185231.png - (10.00KB , 700x700 , LilyITQ9-1.png )

>Lily, would you have taken that chance should you have thought of it and Fen didn't join it
No, Shup's right. I very much wanted to be free, but getting killed wasn't a good way to go about it.
No. 76691 ID: d38f67
File 138121188798.png - (9.29KB , 700x700 , KappiITQ15.png )

>before you felt her empathy, you mean?
Er, yes, before I felt it, not because I felt it. Sorry.

>Do neumonos hotdog it?
I, er, yes, I mean, we can. It's possible.

>what is your favorite fast food ?
Uh... probably the Food Emperor. It was basically a belenosian's mad experiment to try to pack as much taste for a neumono as possible. It was a success. Too much so, actually, a lot of neumono can't stand it because it's too much at once. I like it, though. A lot. It can't be healthy, but it claims that it placed a neumono's nutritional needs as a relatively close second behind taste. It's also uncanny how fast they can make it. It's too bad that it's a little expensive.
No. 76692 ID: d38f67
File 138121193506.png - (13.85KB , 700x700 , RokoaSniperCloneITQ14.png )

>What is more important in a girl: big tits or big monster hands?
Well, I hope both are important, because as it just so happens, I -
... I was beaten to it. Now I've just got too big everything's.

>What is your favorite holiday?
We adopted a bunch of human holidays, so... thanksgiving! Well, the concept. Or so I hear. I mean I've never been to one, but if neumono understand it right then it's a celebration of the previous year's food and making a lot of extrahivemates sit together and tolerate one another. Which is good in theory since it's supposed to build relations and not let the previous year's food go to waste. And it's tradition to eat the almost expired stuff. And that ultrahives often force neumono to leave their hives and go sit with other hives they don't like, just to try and build rapport. Usually the opposite thing happens because all they remember is trying to eat all the food as fast as possible so they can leave. Sometimes they make other hives eat the food too and it's actually kind of a horrible experience but I really like the concept. Maybe the ultrahives got more lax about it though, since, uh....

Well, all the neumono, at the end of the day, are trying not to vomit from all the half expired food they were made to eat and in a really bad mood from the bad company, and then.... well, and then black friday starts. I think there's stories, there.

Yeah maybe I don't like thanksgiving. I'll go with halloween. Or christmas. Halloween. Nevermind, I guess I can't really say what my favorite is unless I participate in one.
No. 76693 ID: d38f67
File 138121198101.png - (11.30KB , 700x700 , FUFAITQ1.png )

No. 76694 ID: b0d4ec
File 138121244265.png - (7.50KB , 800x600 , answer1.png )

When ya got it, flaunt it!

I'll be real with you: If someone had told me back when I was agonizing over the decision that being a cyclops would let me wear something like this at 45 with a kid under my belt, I wouldn't have worried so much about it.

A robot.
They're cool.

I don't know if it's a dance move but I got this thing where I can touch my ear with my toe.

I've got big ears.

It used to be that all that magehunting and raising a kid and being on the move all the time meant Oren and me didn't have so much time to ourselves. He's a dream mage and we spent most nights asleep together but I can tell you it ain't the same. Don't tell Deanna, but now that she's out having her alienation shit's going to get biblical in that little skiff.
I love Dee, but Momma's been feeling like a friggin' horny alley cat for way too long.
No. 76695 ID: 2f2cd6

...you didn't do any stealing with your ninja powers?

>Do neumonos hotdog it?
I'm half disappointed this wasn't answered by a neumono eating a hotdog, completely missing the thrust of the question.

>Neumono thanksgiving is a race to eat spoiled food while being forced to hang out with people you hate
>followed by a day of violent shopping
Oh gods. I can't stop laughing. Why hasn't that caused more wars?
No. 76696 ID: cef479

No. 76697 ID: d92f71
File 138121359739.png - (15.65KB , 800x800 , Matlal1.png )


when I am wrong. I have sent men and women to the blade, only for new evidence to come to light after their sentence is carried out which invalidates my investigation. they are elevated post mortem to the position of "revered", which means their surviving family is put a rung higher on the social ladder, but that is hardly worth an innocent being sacrificed against their will.


I've written two. one was an autobiography, which the Prime Scribes in charge of public information forced me to embellish until it was nothing more than a collection of fairy tales. the other one was a collection of actual fairy tales and nursery rhymes I collected from my birth village.


Attolli is a thick maize gruel. without seasoning, it tastes like nothing and has a consistency like vomit, but it fills one up and if you add chili pepper and salt, it is actually quite good. the Tezcata are not natural cooks, and most of our more lavish food stuffs are imported from Jotunn and Raka. the Raka make a substance from chick peas and eggplant that will curl your toes and make your thighs quiver.
No. 76698 ID: b0d4ec
File 138121521051.png - (5.62KB , 558x636 , answer2.png )

Thank goodness none of this is canon so I ain't having to hear that.
Can I just say that it is so unfair that mom tuts when I buy anything with a neckline and then she runs around in that?


Maybe I don't have much to show right now, exactly, but y'all can expect some serious rebellious phase coming at some point.

I like fries. We ain't around cities much but whenever we are I just get fries with a side of fries, and then some fries. Folks give you looks but I reckon they'd give me looks anyway on account of the eyeball.

Kickboxing, I think. Mom and Dad say it's important to know how to defend yourself without magic before you learn how to defend yourself with. I once knocked Dad's tooth out kickboxing. Mom put it back in once she'd stopped laughing.

I like Alousis Day cuz of the parades, and I got the usual amount, and find me a boy to dance with and I'll get back to you.
No. 76699 ID: 7bbaae

Have you ever had a french fry sandwich? Stack french fries in a bun in layers like bricks, with a little mayo as mortar.
No. 76700 ID: d92f71
File 138121577951.png - (14.67KB , 800x800 , Adil1.png )


I've always liked Syrlid, which is traditional Kosh poetry set to a thundering bass line, similar to human Hip Hop.
Government is best when it's extremely involved in its people's business. many would disagree with me, saying that heavy Government presence limits their freedom, but those people are called criminals.


I don't like being counted on or counting on others. I'd prefer to let my successes and failings be my own.


I've always preferred my women with large assets. when it comes to hand size and shape, I've always detested how small and unsymmetrical other races' hands are. how do Umans even hold things with one thumb?
No. 76701 ID: f29090
File 138121750179.png - (322.57KB , 700x600 , itq3.png )

>Can you tell us about this Mystical Master Creator that created all of you? Any stories, myths, or facts about the greatest creator of all time?
We do not know much more than we have stated previously. Each of us have an essence that we share with our creations, and it is thought the Master Creator contained the essence of every Creator that would be later formed. The energy it contained is unfathomable to even us-- enough to create an entire universe.

It had none of the doubts we find ourselves facing. It know how things should be, and it ensured they were. At least, this is what we believe.

We do not know where the Master Creator itself came from. Perhaps a previous universe created it after suffering a catastrophic event. Perhaps the universe itself is merely an organism working to create a new life. Maybe there is a greater Creator out there undiscovered, one with the power to make multiple universes.

This is merely conjuncture, however.

>To all quest characters: If you were to write a book what would it be about?
We cannot write, but we would request the knowledge of what transpired on that ship to be spread around.

We... feel there is something to be learned.

>To all quest characters: what is more important in a girl: big tits or big monster hands?
We struggle to understand some creatures.

>to all quest characters: what is your favorite fast food ? what are some common/well known fast food options ?
All of our 'food' is quickly consumed.

>To all quest characters: What is your favorite holiday? How many nipples do you have? What is your best dance move?
We do not understand.
No. 76702 ID: f29090
File 138121752774.png - (200.70KB , 700x700 , itq4.png )

I do!
No. 76703 ID: b0d4ec
File 138122082804.png - (8.15KB , 800x600 , answer6.png )

I believe it would be about developmental psychology, the topic I have my PhD in. A safe answer, of course, but you'll forgive me for sticking to my guns on this one. Childrearing has become a sort of lost art in this hyper-impersonal era we now live in. Those who are educated in its proprieties find more and more they are forced to fill the distressing societal role of the dissenting "extremist", if that's the word I'm looking for. Sorry; English isn't my first language.

That would have to be the "terrible tweens". I love children, of course, but I think I speak for all developmental professionals when I confess that love has felt strain on its limits, from time to time.
I like to relax with a nice cup of coffee in the evenings, but since my relocation to a hab-block, my once-habitual R&R has come, hah, under siege, shall we say.

I had a deep fondness for Holi, back in my youth in India. It is one of the things I miss most, since arriving at the Eastern Seaboard Union Sprawl.
I came here for love, as many young men do, and like many young men I admit in retrospect I was quite over my head.

I adore tikka masala. I tell you this in confidence, of course, since a true-blooded indian gentleman should abhor such a mongrel dish. Did you know it originated not in any grand old Hindustani tradition, but in the metro systems of London?
And yet; I can't help myself.
It makes me a little homesick.

Any more questions? Oh, yes:
I like titty mmm-bop bop tittays.
No. 76704 ID: a5478c

Jesus fuck that is terrifying.
No. 76708 ID: b386b4

Hey neumono! You have some traits that other humanoids don't have. You can walk on all fours more comfortably and can shake water off you and can be picked up by your neck and things. So... can you make any sounds that other humanoids can't? Like... bark, growl, purr, roar, howl? Anything like that?

Apologies if the question is racist or something.
No. 76709 ID: 22ee2f

I'd also like to ask if you have a different decibel range when it comes to hearing.

Also, to the fufa: How's it hanging?
No. 76710 ID: d92f71
File 138130582381.png - (12.92KB , 800x800 , carthage1.png )


I have three, but one is too big for me, and the other one is lingerie. I like this one a lot, because I can wear my scarf with it. I don't look good in dresses, but I like to put this one on when no one's around.
No. 76711 ID: 6a61c4
File 138135479137.png - (164.82KB , 600x600 , Tory214.png )

>So, this'll be fer anyone to answer: who has a favored genre of muzak. Has that been answered already? If so, what is your own personal, unbiased, philosophy on politics?
Well yeah, mostly rock, techno and industrial metal.

>Asteroidverse and Cheeverse: which one of you are the stronger, collectively. First counting the entire verse, and then only counting people who have appeared.
Fuck you, I am answering this question.
Nuclear fire cleanses everything and what nuclear fire doesn't cleanse, can be erased with the void!
Okay, okay... I might have been beaten few times by some overpowered unnatural freaks, but gotta remember that I am just one magnificent being! And gods? Pfft, gods usually don't particulary care.
Just saying, I have experience on the issue in general. Magic's a shit.

>To all quest characters: If you were to write a book what would it be about?
My superiority!
Ah, but in all seriousness, I probably could write something on Heizen-Tory fields. There are plenty of fields that I am good at.
-- But fuck it, I don't have patience or time to write a book.

>To all quest characters: what is more important in a girl: big tits or big monster hands?
Big monster hands for tearing away flesh of your enemies! I could ask Helena if she wanted that sort of augmentation.

>to all quest characters: what is your favorite fast food ? what are some common/well known fast food options ?
"My life is a void waiting to be filled with burgs".

>To all quest characters: What is your favorite holiday? How many nipples do you have? What is your best dance move?
Halloween, 1, dunno. Never really danced.
No. 76724 ID: d1de7b

What invention stole away your precious nipple and why don't you have a cybernetic one?
No. 76726 ID: 044d10

Why aren't you using science to deconstruct, understand and master magic? What are you, casual?
No. 76728 ID: 5869f6

He hasn't even tried!?
What the fuck is wrong with you tory?
Are you an evil mastermind or a fucking 5th grade chemistry teacher?
No. 76731 ID: ed5374
File 138148114253.png - (6.04KB , 800x600 , answer7.png )

Trench is the closest thing I got. Sexy, no?

I'd write some kinda smut. Those sell good.

It's all about that ass, hombre.

Nachos and guac, man. Represento a la Patria!

Holiday? Christmas, what do you think? Mi abuelita sends me a pair of cutey christmas themed stockings every year.
Or, well, she did.
Before I faked my death.
No. 76732 ID: 8f7720
File 138148186078.png - (76.36KB , 432x464 , ITQ Alalia.png )

I'll trade these things away in a heartbeat for some boobs. Or legs. Hell, anything.
No. 76734 ID: ed5374
File 138148208814.png - (7.25KB , 800x600 , answer3.png )


Where do I find one?

Okay, forget finding me a boyfriend, just find me a bunch of those. And I'll be okay.

Maybe with honey mustard instead of Mayo.

And also still a boyfriend.

But he would have to wait outside.

While I ate all the fries.
No. 76736 ID: 8f7720
File 138148265587.png - (38.90KB , 500x500 , ITQ Morgan.png )

Uhm... Potion making and how to uh... Maybe the best place to get ingredients from..? I don't know...

A burger..? I try not to eat much fast food... When you run a shop you uh... Don't really go out much. I stay home a lot so if I eat too much I gain weight easily. Still every once in a while I'll go across the street and buy one. A burger that is... Yeah...

>What is your favorite holiday?

The uh... The Light of Masil. It's uhm... A day that encourages relaxation and most places have the day off... I spend it resting or sometimes I'll go and visit my father...

>How many nipples do you have?

Excuse me..?

>What is your best dance move?

I uhm... Don't really dance... Sometimes if I'm working I'll uhm... Hum a little?
Can I leave..?
No. 76738 ID: d92f71
File 138149182548.png - (13.25KB , 800x800 , Carthage2.png )


>favorite holiday
the Kosh on Xamas have a festival in the fall, when the leaves change color and the nights are cool and dry. they cover the streets with brown and orange and red, and the whole city gets together to celebrate... something. they play many Kosh sports and play music all night, and they cook so many dishes. stews, and steaks, and rice, and cakes. the whole town smells of great food and camaraderie for a full week. I worked up the courage to go outside and join the festival one year. it was the happiest night of my life.
No. 76739 ID: 2f2cd6

>The Light of Masil
...so Masil's holiday isn't some kind of giant orgy? I'm skeptical.
No. 76740 ID: f5f146

Asteroidquest: Do Neumono have hockey? Do any non-humans adopt any human sports for that matter?
No. 76741 ID: 57a559

how about a boyfriend sandwich?
No. 76742 ID: 4594e2

That's easy for you to say!

Seriously, Korli, if you have a minute? While your people come in a delightful variety of colors, every member of your species I've seen other than two of your hivemates has a solid coat of one color. Was there some experimentation going on in your hive, did they have dye jobs, or is something more ununusal going on? This leaves me a confused collie.
No. 76743 ID: 2f2cd6

You forgot about Biles, he also has a two toned coat. We asked Polo about it back when we first met him >>/questarch/476147.
No. 76747 ID: 8f7720
File 138152770350.png - (31.32KB , 500x500 , ITQ Morgan 2.png )

No... I mean, it could be if you are uhm... Into that...
Every celebrates it differently...
Maybe the Catfolk...
I don't know...
No. 76751 ID: d38f67
File 138153828914.png - (13.03KB , 700x700 , JessicaITQ9.png )

>Do neumono bark, growl, purr, roar, howl? Anything like that?
Yeah we can sorta make a rumble in our throat, and it's used kind of like a purr. That and I guess we sort of have a bark, but it's kind of a weird inflection... it's hard to describe, and I'm not going to do it. It's supposed to be used with the entire hive though, one neumono doing it, then another neumono leads out of it, so that when you have at least 10 neumonos like, doing the wave with it I guess, it sounds like a hyperactive siren. That one is used to warn other creatures that they're messing around with a neumono hive.

Asteroidquest: Do Neumono have hockey?
Yes, yes we do. I've watched a bunch of recordings of seasons and newscasts that crashed ships had, so I know a bunch about sports in general. Ultrahives made the effort to get those old hives to work together, so sports were encouraged as a competition. Cept, there had to be a lotta of effort to make it a friendly, sportsmanship kind of competition. Hives took so well to it that they were just straight out branded sports hives, in which their whole hives would go up against each other. It works pretty well for them since if they're good enough, they'll get a whole bunch of money. Some games like hockey and football and football played with feet still only have so many people on the field at once, but they'll have their whole hive on reserve. The ruby league, that is, the top of the top league, will often play without padding or anything to show off, so when they get injured, they'll have plenty of reserves. That's why it's the ruby league. It's got that blood color thing going on. It's not, like, required, but the ones that play with official padding are often seen as weak, and are usually unpopular and get heckled off stadium for it. A few hives have weathered that stigma and won a lot of games since they wouldn't just go out and shatter all their bones though, but in interviews they were asked if it was worth it, and they generally said 'no, it really wasn't.' Other pad-wearing ruby league hives though, they seem like they're well respected.

One neumono sport was born that noticed that a lot of sports just involved 'get the object to your goal.' So our own sport is very similar to not-foot football, excep it cut out the simplicity of the middle man. There's a ball that's laid in the center, and the whole team must remain at least 15 meters away, with their goal line being behind the other team. When the whistle blows, they have to get their ball to their scoreline. The only other rules are 'don't kill your opponent', 'no padding or armor allowed', and that when one team gets to 3 points above the other team, they win. Games can be short or long if they're evenly matched, but are usually short. That's good for spectating, since it's just so plain. There isn't much mindpower to it aside of the queen or coach, usually the same person, knowing who to put on the field when. That's what all the beefiest neumono hive play, and what people watch when they just want to see a bunch of neumono beat the shit out of each other for thirty minutes. Sometimes seasons mix up a couple of rules, such as seasons that allowed simple blunt weapons, and one where jammers were included, which made teamwork go down the crapper from the usual standard, but it did make it somewhat more interesting in a way that they didn't always know where the ball was at any given point. So sometimes you had a neumono pretend he had the ball and was running away to get the other team to chase him, when in fact the ball was still lodged in a big neumono dogpile.

Hockey's adopted, too, and the rules about fouls are pretty lax. At least in the ruby league, where the person who has the puck, defined as 'the last person to contact the puck with his or her hockey stick and has the puck within 1 meter of his or her person' can either strike or be struck with the hockey sticks. Or tackled or wall slammed or whatever, but that's why the hockey sticks were made with just a little bit of padding, so that it was effective but not overpowered. And that's why passing the puck to someone is so common, since it's so easy to take down the person with the puck.
No. 76752 ID: d38f67
File 138153830167.png - (14.52KB , 700x700 , FUFAITQ2.png )


>To the fufa: How's it hanging?
No. 76753 ID: d38f67
File 138153831723.png - (14.18KB , 700x700 , Korli8.png )

>On neumono colors
Yeah, bichrome colors are pretty rare on a hive basis. Some of my hive have two colors, and I bet Biles' isn't the only one in his hive that has two colors.
No. 76762 ID: 9b043d
File 138156787735.png - (5.33KB , 800x600 , answer4.png )

Uhhhhh I reckon one or the other.

Why do I get the sudden feeling like I need to tell a grown-up about this conversation?
No. 76763 ID: 7bbaae

You can just order a bun alongside the fries, you know. Make it yourself, woman!
No. 76772 ID: 57a559

Well hey,
it was just a joke. You know, double entendre. Does he mean something sexual, or is it about cannibalism?
My bad.

No seriously don't get your Mom.
You could probably make a nice rueban out of my charred corpse after she was done with me.
No wait, your Mother has probably made more far more worse inappropriate jokes toward you, if we take what she said straight up in front of your face as a common occurrence. That joke was nothing to be ashamed about in comparison to shit she probably spews.
You sure you don't need an adult when you're with your mother?
No. 76774 ID: 761017

To Asteroid-Verse: Did Zozu create the Zenny currency, or are the alliterative Z's coincidental?
No. 76775 ID: ccf689


On that note, why didn't you ask someone that knows magic to help you with that. Like August. I think you should know him very well.
No. 76783 ID: 0f6f63

Oh hey Korli, are you a "goggles stay on" kinda girl?
No. 76792 ID: c2ff62
File 138163794481.png - (21.45KB , 600x500 , MordITQ.png )


I do not really feel drawn to the idea of authoring a book. If I did, it would certainly be a factual work. Possibly something that detailed some of the interesting things I had found during my working life. Or perhaps an instructional guide about how to play the piano accordion. It is a dying art.


In the city, 'fast food,' in the C.21 sense of the term, exists, but is not really popular. Due to the perceived health risks, the magistrates have mostly crushed the industry with fear campaigns. Additionally, you need to register yourself as having eaten it, which is unpopular as well.
But above all, it is hard to run away when the ordinators descend with their shock batons and shotguns, if you are overweight.


There are few holidays for the average man to enjoy, especially if he is a soldier. There is an establishment day, which commemorates our arrival here, and the brutal triumph over the Reptoids which lay here before us (although it did not all happen on the one day). On this day, soldiers hold a small, afternoon barbecue celebration.

I have two nipples, like most humans. Dancing is shameful.
No. 76800 ID: c0295c

To Rokoa:

Blood puddles are red,
And Polo is blue.
I'm afraid to say "love,"
But can I date you?


A person who would really appreciate not being assassinated as a result of this letter.

To Polo:

Any tips on how to escape a particularly insane assassin? I'm just curious.
No. 76803 ID: 5869f6

Hey! I was going to ask her first! >:c

R-Rokoa... would y-you like t-
I-I mean... Uhhh. UUUUH-

[Runs like a little bitch]

(maybe I should ask polo...)

(Please, please keep this kind of shit out of ITQ.)
No. 76806 ID: 772641

To fufa: what do you prefer in a target of flesh aquisition?

Also, you look like you are about to burst something.
No. 76809 ID: cee89f

To any/all characters: If you could choose how you die, how would you want to go?

Again, any/all: You now have a harem. What is the first thing you do that doesn't involve any form of intimacy or asking where the hell you got a harem from?

... Have you considered a career as a drill sergeant?

Kappi, ya gonna let that stand?
No. 76816 ID: f041ea
File 138174132944.png - (7.16KB , 800x600 , answer8.png )

>How would you go
if i had to go?
with my back to the wall and a shit-ton of corpses at my feet.

...is a hug too intimate?
No. 76817 ID: 9ddf68


Alison do you think a hug is to intimate?
No. 76818 ID: 0f6f63

>...is a hug too intimate?
Depends on how clammy cold those dead hands are, and how scantily clad said harem is.
No. 76821 ID: 49f001

Reya, Anak; what is tozol romance like? Describe your courtship.
No. 76822 ID: 5275d6


Question for Frost:

How did your people survive the arrival of humans to your world? With the imbalance of technology between your races, they must have steamrolled all resistance very quickly.
No. 76824 ID: d38f67
File 138180845405.png - (11.87KB , 700x700 , FUFAITQ3.png )

>To fufa: what do you prefer in a target of flesh aquisition?
No. 76825 ID: d38f67
File 138180847922.png - (13.35KB , 700x700 , Rokoa38ITQ.png )

I only date people I can punch in the flesh.

In case there's a witty retort to that, the answer's still no.
No. 76826 ID: d38f67
File 138180849153.png - (10.33KB , 700x700 , poloITQ61.png )

>Any tips on how to escape a particularly insane assassin? I'm just curious.
Kill her first.
No. 76827 ID: d38f67
File 138180850953.png - (9.32KB , 700x700 , KappiITQ16.png )

>Kappi, ya gonna let that stand?
Uh... I think Rokoa can handle herself on that one.
No. 76828 ID: d38f67
File 138180858228.png - (15.54KB , 700x700 , AlisonITQ1.png )

>Alison do you think a hug is to intimate?
She hopes a hug never is.
No. 76829 ID: d38f67
File 138180929326.png - (13.26KB , 700x700 , KorliITQ9.png )

>Oh hey Korli, are you a "goggles stay on" kinda girl?
Well, you ever see me take them of- waiiiit a minute.

Yes. Yes, I take them off.
No. 76830 ID: b386b4

>Kill her first.

That doesn't sound quite right. Wasn't it try to kill her first, then spare her life, then team up, then assassinate her leader, then team up again, then exile her from the planet, then end up continually meeting and fighting her again in one form or another, then suspect that you're under some sort of curse?
No. 76831 ID: c2ff62
File 138181998716.png - (13.80KB , 600x500 , FrostIT-Q.png )


'Survived' is almost inappropriate to say. I have been told that the genocide upon us had resulted in almost entirety of our people murdered in a few brutal days. Most of it was very impersonal warfare. Before deploying warriors to finish us, the humans supposedly killed most of my species from within their flying vessels. I have never seen one of these for myself, but humans have said that some of the biggest ones now float empty around the world.

Our species did number in the millions. Now, only small, nomadic groups remain, centuries since our defeat. While we were utterly crushed, there are legends of glorious heroes who had slaughtered hundreds of human warriors single-handedly. It is certainly exaggerated, but I like to believe that some of my ancestors had made the human invaders suffer for what they had done to us.
No. 76838 ID: 57a559

Any Quest character: Who likes spanking? Giving or taking?
No. 76841 ID: 735f4f

Hey Alison you have several men in your life right now who seem to be smitten with you. If you can all escape your current situation and have a more normal life who do you think you would end up with? Or are you going for the harem ending?
No. 76852 ID: 610c86
File 138200210440.png - (8.52KB , 800x600 , answer9.png )

No. 76854 ID: ec6093

I bet there is! But it's probably something like "You can punch my flesh ANY day," at which point you would and I would be dead. And rightfully so, if I had used a line like that.

In any case, I got the message!
Is that... A smile???

Rokoa shut me down and vaguely threatened me, but now it's all worth it. :D
No. 76855 ID: 75a612

Well that makes a certain drawthread image even less canon then.

>you ever see me take them off
Twice, actually.
No. 76859 ID: 34cbef

so they make flyswatters in your color, quaint
No. 76869 ID: 7bbaae

Well it's not like there are a whole lot of colors in SotW.
No. 76871 ID: e92bf4
File 138208389443.png - (7.81KB , 800x600 , answer10.png )

I wanted it to match the ball gag.
No. 76873 ID: 34cbef

those are some kinky flies
No. 76877 ID: f5f146

Polo, how are your parents in the hive doing?
No. 76907 ID: 87c97a

Any who care to answer...

Are there any amazing records for ear size among neumono?
No. 76910 ID: 256d52
File 138219284344.png - (29.80KB , 700x400 , deem_boss.png )

>Hey Deem, ever anger any sky deities, Alicorns or poke a rocket in the Moonman's eye?
I didn't do anything wrong!!!

>To all quest characters: what is more important in a girl: big tits or big monster hands?
They are both annoying when they show up uninvited.

When it comes to fighting adventurers, big monster hands, I suppose?
No. 76911 ID: 01531c

So many sexual questions feels kinda redundant! :P
Let's get more philosophical!

To all quest characters:
What do you do to honor your ancestors and dearly departed comrades?
If you don't do anything yourself, what about your people/organization?
No. 76912 ID: cee89f

Rokoa: What's the most disgusting thing you ever killed?

Polo: Same question, except Rokoa's clones are excluded.

Polokoa: How fast can you run on, say, the asteroid?

Wordblood: Your earliest memory from the time before you were part of Saulanna, if that's okay?

Any quest character: What is the stupidest, most nonsensical thing you have ever seen?

Again, any: You are replaced by an evil clone/robot double out to drive you crazy and/or kill you. What does it do?
No. 76915 ID: badd33
File 138220588260.png - (498.66KB , 999x668 , lucidia attended.png )

>personal, unbiased, philosophy on politics?

Freedom can be a terrible bondage. Many will go to fantastic lengths to ensure they need never know fear, or fear knowing. Government is always balancing such a trade arrangement.

> If you were to write a book what would it be about?

Ohh but I do! Ss the Sauterelle before me, I take a journal of our collected sciences, sorceries, and the state of the kingdom.

>Favorite Fast Food

I love the taste of raw Sea Scorpion claws, fishermen harvest them by the dozens in the right places and are always willing to let me have a few. Only fresh though, preserved in vinegar or lime juice they've given me bad dreams.

Takayya prefers garlic sticks, but she soaks them in wine if she can get some.

>Little black dress
Oh I simply couldn't.~ Far too sunny this spring, and what would the smallfolk say to see my prancing around in THAT thing on a whim.

> What is your favorite holiday?
Ahhh, The Deepwinter Dance; it takes place upon a clear, calm night above a frozen lake. Candles are lit and scatted about upon the surface while the dancers slide to and fro on the ice. The primary dancer, the Lord of Winter, brings each other dancer to life or stops them 'frozen' with a touch as the play progresses.

>If you could choose how you die, how would you want to go?
L'ivresse des grandes profondeurs.~

>What do you do to honor your ancestors and dearly departed comrades?
Mmmm. It has been practice of Sauterelle for the family record to be bound in the hide of the ones who took it. Otherwise, we use the usual bone caverns, ossuary, urns and such.

My, this whole line of questioning has gotten just a bit dark hasn't it?

>the stupidest, most nonsensical thing you have ever seen?
One of my great aunts invested in the Salabouche family's experiment to plant seeds using out-dated explosives.
No. 76921 ID: 8f7720
File 138222370747.png - (50.33KB , 245x383 , ITQ Shana.png )

If only a certain 'someone' had any sort of desire to try such things...
I wouldn't mind...
No. 76924 ID: aa776f


How did you end up in the brothel? No offense, but it is hard to imagine a human taking an interest in you when a single nick in the wrong place could mean nearly instant death. Unless there are Reptoid punters.

By the sounds of things the humans that came to your world were fleeing another sect of humans who outmatched them. Glassing the planet is an insanely desperate move, especially when you intend to colonise it afterwards.
No. 76926 ID: 67bfa9
File 138223982308.png - (50.51KB , 408x300 , Mint10.png )


. . . :3
No. 76927 ID: 96f4da
File 138223986504.png - (286.24KB , 600x600 , polokoarunningITQ.png )

>To everyone: Whats the worst part of your job?


>What is your own personal, unbiased, philosophy on politics?

I really wish I wasn't in a position where I've had to actually have a political philosophy, but being the boss changes things for you. In general: the government exists to maximize the citizens' ability to do whatever they feel satisfies them, while minimizing their chances of being genuinely harmed, especially by each other. Personally, I prioritize the latter over the former. Now, you'd think this would be complicated, but the number one cause of personal or public injury is just raw stupidity, so most of my politics revolve around making sure people aren't idiots. If you do that, everyone practically takes care of the rest themselves.

As for more specific political methods, I say delegation is the most important skill to master. That is, find as many people as possible to do your job for you. Sometimes I can go for weeks without doing my job myself. It lowers unemployment. Good for the economy.

>ladies of /quest/, show us your Little Black Dress.

Neumono aren't very formal, nor any species from our planet, really; but sometimes there are formal events, especially when aliens are involved, and sometimes I can't find a way out of attending them. Rokoa or Polo never had to wear dresses, I tell you; Rokoa could have turned up naked and covered in blood and ashes and people would have just gone "hello Rokoa, busy day?", but when you're High Queen of your whole species, oh no, suddenly you're letting everyone down. So I go, "ok, I'll wear a uniform", and they go "oh no that would be too intimidating" and I say "I'm always intimidating" and they go "yes that's the problem", so then it has to be a dress. And then the trouble is, do they let you wear any old thing, no! Do they let you wear any new thing? No! I used to think all those ancient alien kings and nobles and so forth wore big ridiculous fanciful clothes because they just had no taste, but no, it's because when you're a leader suddenly people load all their pride on you so they can feel better about not being in charge themselves, and they can't wait to cover you with silk and gold and other nonsense that just ends up being hot and heavy and uncomfortable. And there's always at least one guy, some new assistant or something that says "hey you should take off your glasses", and that never goes well. So then people say "gee Polokoa why don't you just order them to let you wear what you want", but they get so damn disappointed when you do that. Sometimes I think they actually have fun dressing me up, like I'm some pretty princess doll and they want to buy all my accessories. I have seen grown-ass hive queens fight with each other over what style of silly crown I'm going to wear to some terraforming company's annual shindig. Then Rokoa wants to laugh and Polo wants to bury her face in her hands and I end up with a brainache.

So to answer your question, I don't have a "my little black dress". I have dozens of black dresses, none of which I could wear more than once without causing some sort of actual legitimate scandal. A lot of them were designed especially and only for me, too. It gets very hard to say no.

>To any/all characters: If you could choose how you die, how would you want to go?

Some way that teaches people a good lesson.

>Again, any/all: You now have a harem.

Another one?

>What do you do to honor your ancestors and dearly departed comrades?

That's classified.

>Polokoa: How fast can you run on, say, the asteroid?

Complicated question. I haven't been clocked on the Asteroid, so I don't know exactly. It seems it would be hard to find a long enough stretch of flat surface for me to reach top speed on, in any case. I do know that I've outraced any other neumono I've tested against so far, even when they're augmented with any of the normal methods. The problem is, on anything except a flat, level field, I can usually go faster over a long distance by jumping instead of running. I can use my suit to make my legs springy, so I use much less energy that way, and it's easier to change direction and parkour myself over any obstacles.

Also... if I really want to get somewhere in a hurry, I can actually run on all fours. Most modern neumono aren't flexible enough for it, and haven't trained their bodies for the movements anyway, but I can do it. Occasionally, I can even make it look good.

>Are there any amazing records for ear size among neumono?

We once tried to make a partial clone of Pilon, so we could solve his cyborg problem. It... went wrong.

A few hundred meters wrong.
No. 76935 ID: dbe554


Out of curiosity, how much of your biological system is regulated by the CAI? And where did you obtain your spliced in version?
No. 76938 ID: 75a612

>Occasionally, I can even make it look good.
So what you're saying is we're missing out, choosing to play overlord command and control with the warship while you hightail it to the boss.

>so we could solve his cyborg problem
You know, I was gonna leave that alone before, and just not ask. Write it off as just another example of the "well someone has to be a cyborg" universal constant of alternate reality travel.

But since you brought it up again, and the cyberstuff is apparently a problem rather than a choice...

What's the deal with cyborg Pilon?
No. 76940 ID: 0006f5

to all quest characters: if you could give any name to a new soft drink flavor, what would it be ?
No. 77009 ID: d38f67
File 138249611713.png - (11.30KB , 700x700 , Rokoa39ITQ.png )

>Rokoa: What's the most disgusting thing you ever killed?
Dunno what the name of it was, but it repels predators by rolling around in dead carcasses and has projectile vomit. Like, it probably had its own organ to let bile and shit fester up to make the worst fucking concoction nature can muster. Also, it's ugly. Censored it from my own mind. Wasn't even a good fight.
No. 77012 ID: d38f67
File 138249699963.png - (8.72KB , 700x700 , poloITQ62.png )

>Polo, how are your parents in the hive doing?
They're well.

>Is that... A smile???

>Polo: Same question
>except Rokoa's clones are excluded.
... I haven't killed many disgusting things. An arkot comes closest.

>What is the stupidest, most nonsensical thing you have ever seen?
No. 77013 ID: 0060ad

Why do you spend so much time and try so hard to convince everyone you hate Rokoa?
No. 77016 ID: d2b9fe

>projectile vomit monster
Another one? I'm almost disappointed in the neumono homeworld and it's terrifying monster-fauna for reusing tactics.

Personally, I would have rated the grottle as grosser than an arkot. They can be almost cute, in the right light. Or heck, even the freaky miklik was uglier.

>>Is that... A smile???
Sheesh, stop giving her a hard time when she lets down her guard. Of course the person who spent a decade training to hide her emotions is going to be touchy about it.
No. 77025 ID: 928924

I'll call it 'Fluffy' =D

In that vein, what do 'Rokoa' and 'Polo' mean?
*puts 200 Solars on Punchy and Tsundere, respectively*
No. 77027 ID: b386b4

Well, if we're asking more neumono questions, I was wondering how hives usually begin. I think there was an implication that rogues can be gathered to start one if you have a queen-type person, but surely rogues were too rare for that, pre-contact? So, was it like, if a hive got too big, some neumono had to go live elsewhere, and then would become a separate hive over time? If so, what's the usual relationship between "related" hives? Would rogues try their luck fitting in a related hive when their original didn't work for them any more?

I'm interested in spirituality, too. I know Rokoa says she's an atheist or equivalent, but how about you, Polo? And if nothing now, anyone else in your hive? Or anything in the past? The most plausible form of religion I can imagine for neumono is some sort of hive worship thing. Like, personifying your hive as a spirit or god or something, that occasionally has an avatar or priest in the form of the queen or king? I also wonder how neumono identified their own spirits, body-wise. Like, humans often associated their spiritual self with a body part, like the heart or the liver or the head. Since hearts and brains are dispersed in neumono, they're less likely, so what? Maybe tongue, since speech would be associated with individuality? Or the eyes? Spine?

If a hive doesn't have a king or queen, who makes the decisions and/or arbitrations, traditionally? Just whichever neumono feel like they want to make the decisions? Some sort of informal council of elders or other worthies?
No. 77043 ID: 4594e2

Given that most naming systems evolve out of some desire to identify with things that are part of the environment, I doubt either of those names mean that.
Rokoa's mother was a woman who respected strength and took no shit from anyone, so my solars (if I had any) would be on "Rokoa" having a meaning that refers to a vicious native predator. Re: Leonidas to lions, etc.
From what we've seen of Sealock hive, Polo's name is probably something descriptive, like her fur being the color of the sky or some equivalent of turqoise.
Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen!
...and others!
No. 77078 ID: cee89f

If I wanted to be serious, i'd put Rokoa's name as something akin to 'Strongheart' or 'Berserker'.

Rokoa: Have you tried to construct additional Pilons for reasons other than aforementioned body part transplants?
No. 77116 ID: 7bbaae

Momo (from Fen Quest): How did you lose your eyes?
No. 77128 ID: cee89f

Sorry, meant Polokoa.

Also wrong password.
No. 77212 ID: d38f67
File 138302076286.png - (9.83KB , 700x700 , PoloITQ63.png )

>Personally, I would have rated the grottle as grosser than an arkot.
I was trying to forget about that.

>Why do you spend so much time and try so hard to convince everyone you hate Rokoa?
I am not making an argument. Rokoa has edged herself in my mind, and everything that goes wrong I have come to associate with her. I realize this is unreasonable, and I especially associate that with her.

>So, was it like, if a hive got too big, some neumono had to go live elsewhere, and then would become a separate hive over time?
Most schisms are when the hive begins to get a separate mindset. Most of the time this is when a potential queen or king sways a chunk of the hive to their seperate viewpoint. Eventually the seperate bubble gets too distant from the original hive, and splits off.

>If so, what's the usual relationship between "related" hives?
The original hive usually considers the new hive betrayers, and the new hive considers the old hive intolerable.

>Would rogues try their luck fitting in a related hive when their original didn't work for them any more?
Individual rogues have a difficult time bonding with others. It is possible, but normally takes a good amount of work for even another rogue. A rogue becoming part of an existing hive occurs at a very low rate. A child who lost their hive can adapt to a new one, but child rogues are rare.

>I'm interested in spirituality, too. I know Rokoa says she's an atheist or equivalent, but how about you, Polo? And if nothing now, anyone else in your hive? Or anything in the past?
Not in the sense of a diety in the sky. We don't believe in that.

>The most plausible form of religion I can imagine for neumono is some sort of hive worship thing.
This is correct. It's believed, and it isn't difficult to do so, that when a neumono dies, their spirit continues on in the hive itself. A hive who had an extremely powerful queen are also prone to considering her somewhat of a diety after she dies.

>Like, humans often associated their spiritual self with a body part, like the heart or the liver or the head. Since hearts and brains are dispersed in neumono, they're less likely, so what?
Our empathy.

>If a hive doesn't have a king or queen, who makes the decisions and/or arbitrations, traditionally? Just whichever neumono feel like they want to make the decisions? Some sort of informal council of elders or other worthies?
Whether or not there's a queen, it's almost exclusively a communal decision. Most people in a healthy hive do tend to agree with the queen, though, so while most hives do not have a law saying the queen's word is the end all statement, it is close to that.
Or that is how it is normally. Ever since galactic militarization, hives have been shown and often encouraged to have a totem pole of authority with the queen at the top.

>What does Polo mean?
It was my hive's word for the feeling you get when you first dip your dry feet in an ocean, but I was more named after my late grandmother than I was because my parents thought of me that way. Ultimately, it's not a meaningful name.
No. 77213 ID: d38f67
File 138302077868.png - (12.56KB , 700x700 , RokoaITQ40.png )

>What does Rokoa mean?
That sense of determination when you've been grievously wounded, but are still doing what you're doing like it's nothin'. That's what Rokoa is. Rikora gave me that one, cause she thought that the only people who've experienced that themselves would be able to call my name empathically. And that's what held more weight, back then. The meaning and empathy elicited by the word, not the word itself. She also gave me a tough name like that because she didn't think my father's hive was strong enough to be able to empathically call my name. And if they can't call my name, they'd have a tough time bonding with me. That, and she expected me to be tough enough to carry and strengthen the empathic name of the word.

I'd say she was pretty spot on.
No. 77214 ID: 57a559

Oh cool, name and culture meanings!

Hok, bro! What's the digs with Hok?

Any Quest character: You got any dance moves you're proud of?
No. 77216 ID: d2b9fe

>>spiritual self associated with...
>our empathy
Really drives home why people are so weirded out by you, at first. It's not a lack of communication, it's a lack of self where they expect it.

Ghost indeed.

>the feeling you get when you first dip your dry feet in an ocean
So... something new. A change.

Seems fitting enough.

>Oh cool, name and culture meanings!
>Hok, bro! What's the digs with Hok?

He's named after a cheap gruel dish.
No. 77225 ID: 57a559

oh yeah!

Tin, girl, how about you?
No. 77232 ID: 001618

to anyone who fells like answering

If you found a book or something showing one of your adventures and saw it had a buch of odd suggestions inbetween the story that turned out to be your throughts through the whole thing what would your reaction be

(in other words how would you react if you found your tgchan story? I really didn't know how to phase the question)
No. 77250 ID: 735f4f

Hey any Neumono that feel like answering. Just how lewd is Rokolo being in the asteroid quest thread.

And continuing on that question is there a thriving neumono porn market out there? Same goes for any other species that feels like answering.
No. 77251 ID: 73aab1

to anyone who fells like answering

> If you found a book or something showing one of your adventures and saw it had a buch of odd suggestions inbetween the story that turned out to be your throughts through the whole thing what would your reaction be.

Jasper: "I wounder if this is Mom's..hmm. No that doesn't quite make sense. It might be useful to have a journal though.."
No. 77327 ID: 201714

Question for Sargent Ota Karsti.

What's like herding Tozols for 40 years?
No. 77375 ID: cee89f

Any: You are now a banana. What is your reaction?
No. 77377 ID: d38f67
File 138344555438.png - (12.87KB , 800x800 , TinITQ2.png )

>Tin, girl, how about you[r name]?
"I was named after a metal."
No. 77378 ID: d38f67
File 138344562672.png - (15.33KB , 800x800 , KorliITQ10.png )

>Hey any Neumono that feel like answering. Just how lewd is Rokolo being in the asteroid quest thread.
I-I don't think anything could be more lewd.
No. 77379 ID: d38f67
File 138344570421.png - (11.53KB , 800x800 , MomoITQ1.png )

>Momo (from Fen Quest): How did you lose your eyes?
I had duel with a rival illusionist. I had to resort to tearing my eyes out to win.
No. 77384 ID: 9ddf68

yeah I can't remember if this has been asked yet our not but what the hell happened to you after the whole tournament thing? and what did you think when you found out that the king was an impostor and what did you do after all that went down?
No. 77385 ID: 735f4f

Ok now that we know how incredibly lewd you are being Rokolo.

I have to ask how those taste?

Also I dare you to bite down on them and see what happens.
No. 77386 ID: 4fcc0d

Be careful. Some might take that as a challenge.
No. 77390 ID: 12d704

Say Korli! I'm sure you'd be happy to get your mind off of what you just saw, so let me ask you this: What does your own name mean?
Seeing as how you're from a science hive, I doubt it means anything like cute and cuddly-looking.
No. 77398 ID: 5612af

Sweet Christmas thats brutal.
No. 77399 ID: d2995c

Wordblood or Kairosa: Do titans sleep, and if so do they dream?
No. 77400 ID: d2b9fe

See >>42568
No. 77401 ID: d2995c

Oh, right. Derp.
No. 77403 ID: 150992

This one's directed towards Wordblood, would it be possible for Saulanna or any of the beings that make up her titanic form to create am entity that is seperate from it, and therefore not capable of influencing it as noticeably as a new deva/noble would?
No. 77416 ID: df6c6c

So when you accidentally burn yourself you associate the intense hotness with Rokoa?
No. 77446 ID: 5bf190

Polo! Do you use any sort of virtual reality stuff in military training? Having some VR goggles, a big empty room and a suit that gives you imitated physical feedback are all things that even pre-stellar sciences could conceivably do, so do you guys have anything similar?

Also! Since the salikai abandoned it and took their neumono with them, was the area you had your first adventure in, and particularly the old science hive settlement it was attached to, get put to use for anything? Was it just stripped of anything useful or interesting? Or was it abandoned again completely?

And were there any people taken from that area, apart from Korli and Three Stripes' friends?
No. 77447 ID: fc937d

Rokoa is just her general purpose curse word, at this point.

>any other people taken from that area
At least seven or eight other science hivers got out (they got captured by the warhive, and then later picked up by the ultrahive. Except for poor Likol, who went kamikaze on the bridge).
No. 77449 ID: 8ab426
File 138380316519.png - (19.63KB , 600x600 , KensuyataDDR.png )

>Any: You are now a banana. What is your reaction?

I... take the leaf off of my head? I dunno, being a shape shifter just doesn't really make turning into stuff seem very weird, ya know?

>Any Quest character: You got any dance moves you're proud of?

I'm really not much of a dancer. I just kind of stomp around how the machine tells me to.
No. 77451 ID: 53ba34

a tentacle beast has you in it's grasp and knocked your sword away, how do you escape?
No. 77452 ID: bd48c5
File 138381502792.png - (16.05KB , 749x535 , High Questioner.png )

Escape? Why would I want to- Oh fine. I use my psychic powers to make it move faster. Away. Faster away.
No. 77454 ID: 67bfa9

do the kids make fun of you for dressing traditionally in a modern world?
No. 77455 ID: fc937d

But bananas don't have hands! You'd be trapped!
No. 77465 ID: 8ab426
File 138386520614.png - (19.10KB , 600x600 , Kensuyata Pachinko.png )

>a tentacle beast has you in it's grasp and knocked your sword away, how do you escape?

I throw KUNAIS at the base of the tendril that has me and get to my sword as fast as possible. Alternatively I eject the tape. Mainland cartoons are weird.

>do the kids make fun of you for dressing traditionally in a modern world?

The kids are usually more distracted by my ears and tail when I actually do venture into the city. The real problem is the cartoon fanboys, you know the ones I mean, the 30-something year old, unwashed, body pillow waifu guys wanting to get real close in for a "picture." Blech

>But bananas don't have hands! You'd be trapped!

I can turn into a Tea Kettle, I think I can manage.
No. 77469 ID: d0ea4f

This one's for anyone willing to take it-
Flight-awesome or lame?
No. 77476 ID: 6216b0
File 138388726623.png - (46.12KB , 1024x895 , ITQVTtentacles.png )

>a tentacle beast has you in it's grasp and knocked your sword away, how do you escape?

"What's a Sword?"
No. 77477 ID: 6216b0
File 138388739416.png - (43.95KB , 985x697 , ITQDStentacles.png )

>a tentacle beast has you in it's grasp and knocked your sword away, how do you escape?

No. 77480 ID: 10986f

Jasper: I eat it! Or at least bite it..evildoers are tasty!

Thats assuming its evil. Mom's wings are tentcles sometimes..if it was mom then we are probobly sparing, so I would try and kick with her lifting me so I can get in range of her body or another ray of her wings.
No. 77486 ID: bd48c5

Hmmm, based on how Tozols can easily rip apart solid steel, I conclude the average strength of those tentacles to be significantly higher. Based on the number of tentacles in the room, average time taken to rip them apart, projected grip strength, assuming the creature is immune to pain and you don't retreat.... Wow, you're fucked sweetheart!
No. 77487 ID: 4594e2

Just make sure you don't eat any of it. Those things don't bathe between victims, you know.
No. 77542 ID: d38f67
File 138413251227.png - (13.29KB , 800x800 , MomoITQ2.png )

>What the hell happened to you after the whole tournament thing?
As far as the chaos god's dream went, I would assist Fen and his brother with magical trinkets to aid them in their fights against liches. That is likely the most productive thing I had done, but it was simply the side effect of a life long mission of furthering the capability and usage of magic as a whole.

As for the way that the gods would have it play out after we were taken from the former chaos god, that remains to be seen if there even would be a tournament that I was in.
No. 77544 ID: d38f67
File 138413259359.png - (15.26KB , 800x800 , KorliITQ11.png )

>What does your own name mean?
I have no idea! We just name each other as a pronunciation that can't be confused for other places or things. It's very unfun.
No. 77545 ID: d38f67
File 138413260138.png - (11.94KB , 800x800 , PoloITQ64.png )

>Polo! Do you use any sort of virtual reality stuff in military training?
Yes. Whenever I would be too exhausted to continue physical training, I would train my mind through these means. Either through simulated combat, simple reflex training, or learning things that I either should know or maybe should know.

>Also! Since the salikai abandoned it and took their neumono with them, was the area you had your first adventure in, and particularly the old science hive settlement it was attached to, get put to use for anything? Was it just stripped of anything useful or interesting? Or was it abandoned again completely?
It is still occupied, being completely scavenged for left over research and clues that the salikai left behind. The research facility may be renovated and continued in time as a wildlife research center, when it has been scoured completely. So I don't believe that it will be completely abandoned for a long time.

>And were there any people taken from that area, apart from Korli and Three Stripes' friends?
No sentient creatures. There were, however, various species of wildlife that the salikai did not bring with them.
No. 77548 ID: fc937d

Obviously you just need to start assigning meanings to the existing names. I mean, words gotta come from somewhere, right?

And the younger generation of the science hive has great fun retroactively assigning meanings to names as the older generations grump and get annoyed by the silliness.

Oh man that face.

No. 77550 ID: 261cbb

...Anyone have any idea why I can't help but imagine Polo sounding happier and more upbeat than the usual mono-tone?
Or rather, I suppose what I SHOULD be saying is
>Polo, are you a fan of virtual reality games, if your hive have them?
No. 77552 ID: beeca1

I didn't know you changed your name to Polo.

But seriously, how common are legal name changes, and if you could change your own name to anything you wanted, what would you pick and why?
No. 77572 ID: cee89f

If your life were a movie, what would be the iconic line from that movie? ("I'll be back" for instance, or "I am your father" or "Dead or alive, you're coming with me." or "it's a bughunt, man" or whatever. What would yours be?)
No. 77573 ID: df6c6c

Is there a specific word for baby/toddler Neumono, like Neumini? What do you call a "litter" of Neumono? A Cuddling?
No. 77574 ID: fc937d

>A Cuddling of neumono
I declare open season on making up collective nouns for quest species.
No. 77578 ID: cee89f

Tozol: Platoon (even when they're not actually a military unit, or too small to be a full platoon)

Scellor: Orgy!... maybe too obvious. How about... Hive? UnderPersona?
No. 77623 ID: 9ccb59

No. 77648 ID: c23ab0

A stack of cutebolds.
No. 77659 ID: 5acad3
File 138448744381.jpg - (50.19KB , 534x600 , jeffandjosh.jpg )


>"And I'm kinda curious cause I have like a half-milliounce of aboriginal blood in me... Whose reservation is this? Hopi, Zuni, Navajo, Apache, Ute, Yaqui, Tohono, Tewa?"

"We're part of the Navajo nation!"

"Actually my Great Grandfather was a code talker during WW2, and my Grandpa flew search and rescue during Nam. That's why I want to go into the service. That and there's like nothing out here for me but dead end jobs."

"Dad thinks I'm crazy though..."

>"You are crazy and what did I tell you about talking to weirdos on the internet?"
No. 77660 ID: 5acad3
File 138448748877.jpg - (34.12KB , 367x600 , toddshy.jpg )

>"Ask Todd if him and Beth are dating."

"Nah.. Shes been dealing with so much stuff with her family, I can tell she really hasn't had any intererest in a relationship. So I've just tried to be there, ya know, as a friend."

"Though after all this, I'd like to, if she didn't mind, go get a drink or something..."

"Well, if the world doesn't get eaten."
No. 77661 ID: 57a559

or if Dale doesn't steal her

You see his emanicpated mysterious ass Todd? And he's a fox, which means he's a natural deviant and ladies man and so very exotic. Also he's a project waiting to be fixed, practically irresistible for a woman. Especially as strong and nurturing as Beth.
Consider losing that shyness and making your moves man. You got major competition!
Don't have to worry about that idiot police officer though. He probably has a wife. Plus, you know, incompetence isn't all that a turn on for the ladies.

Beth might like 'em young though, keep a look out at that Jeff. Or old, so same with Joshua. They both seem very confident and ballsy, with hidden does of confidence with their eccentricity...

what about Mary? How's Mary, Todd?
No. 77717 ID: b386b4

Hok, have you ever considered being a chimneysweep?

You look like a chimneysweep.
No. 77723 ID: cee89f

Any quest character:
-Long range or short range, if you could only pick one?

-Same as above, but not limited to just weapons. Relationships, showers, enemies, computer mice, cuddles, sex, EVERYTHING. Even when it doesn't make sense.

-How well does romance usually go for you?

-Most terrifying thing you've ever encountered

-Most adorable thing you've ever encountered
No. 77733 ID: beeca1

inb4 Polo says Rokoa is the most terrifying thing she's ever encountered
No. 77745 ID: 339e6a
File 138475573199.png - (235.62KB , 600x900 , rwfa.png )

>Are there any amazing records for ear size among neumono?
Lord Faggotron, some neumono chum, 3km.

>What is the stupidest, most nonsensical thing you have ever seen?

>What do you do to honor your ancestors and dearly departed comrades?
Nothing, fuckers can go and rot.
>If you don't do anything yourself, what about your people/organization?
Either Doc makes them into his puppers or we just throw them out. I cannot stand the stink.

> You are replaced by an evil clone/robot double out to drive you crazy and/or kill you. What does it do?
Probably tries to foil my plans- then again, that would not be evil at all, since I am just tiny, tiny bit ethically questionable. A tiny bit.

>if you could give any name to a new soft drink flavor, what would it be ?

>You got any dance moves you're proud of?
None, unless you count 'I tip my hat and plaster your brainmatter on wall behind' a dancemove.

>If you found a book or something showing one of your adventures and saw it had a buch of odd suggestions inbetween the story that turned out to be your throughts through the whole thing what would your reaction be
Fukken murder everyone involved. Because fuck, I am pretty sure my shortcomings have been their fault!

>You are now a banana. What is your reaction?
Part of my potassium-40 decays into calcium-40.

>a tentacle beast has you in it's grasp and knocked your sword away, how do you escape?
Hah, sword? What kind of filthy plebian do you think I am?!
I will call my superbly magnificent robotic servant to save my hide! Threat will be completely, absolutely incinerated!
With the protection of my servant I am safe from all harm!

>If your life were a movie, what would be the iconic line from that movie? ("I'll be back" for instance, or "I am your father" or "Dead or alive, you're coming with me." or "it's a bughunt, man" or whatever. What would yours be?)
Oh man, I have had so many snappy one liners... Hmm. I gotta think this one. "Burn, suffer and die?". Nah-
I gotta check my diary.

>Long range or short range, if you could only pick one?
Long range, nothing is more satisfying that looking a city vanish under burning cloud and face the sound of ear-breaking blastwave and boneshattering tremors.

>Same as above, but not limited to just weapons. Relationships, showers, enemies, computer mice, cuddles, sex, EVERYTHING. Even when it doesn't make sense.
What the fuck is long-distance cuddling or sex?!
Still picking long-range.

>How well does romance usually go for you?
Despite certain rumors by people who certainly will die horrible death by my instrumentations, I have had relationship with a woman, but it was torn by various uh, issues.
After that I have not really cared for romance. It can go fuck itself.

>Most terrifying thing you've ever encountered
Sister of Pain. I am glad that she is dead. Super-dead! Other half annihilated by void-bomb!

>Most adorable thing you've ever encountered
Race of fluffy bunnyfolk. However, I think I might have managed to exterminate them- blanketed their capital with napalm.
Of course, I might be just talking about a dream I had. Who knows, still, very satisfying.
No. 77751 ID: dc5670


Question: How one can become so edgy?
No. 77765 ID: cee89f

... Yeah, I definitely should've added 'aside from Rokoa'.

>What the fuck is long-distance cuddling or sex?!
It usually involves either magic (astral projection, for instance) or sexbots that someone else can control over the internet.
No. 77777 ID: fc937d

All characters: what are your feelings on luck?
No. 77795 ID: cee89f

Quintuple seven post asks a question on luck.
No. 77807 ID: 5869f6

Ooh shit son, this was a one in a million chance of this coincidence concurring! Pat yourself on the back!
Maybe it truly is luck...
On that note, to anyone: What was your closest brush with death, that can be attributed not to skill or strength, but pure dumb luck?
No. 77808 ID: beeca1

Not to be a spoilsport, but you guys know that on a board as slow as /questdis/ it's quite easy to plan quints? That was almost certainly purposeful and by dint of patience rather than any particular cunning.

I do admire his willingness to wait, though.
No. 77816 ID: 7bbaae

Or maybe he, you know, was paying attention to the post numbers?
No. 77822 ID: ccf689
File 138496207386.jpg - (65.86KB , 619x371 , AnEducatedIndividualSuchAsMyself.jpg )


> Part of my potassium-40 decays into calcium-40.

As far as my basic physics education goes Calcium-40 decays into Potassium-40 due to beta radiation, not the other way around. Unless you're going by electron capture aka inverse beta decay, you've made an error Mr. Tory.

I wouldn't trust you with any kind of work in nuclear physics department, Mr. Tory, if you make such basic errors.
No. 77824 ID: fc937d

Obviously Tory slipped that error in there to test if our feeble inferior intelligences would catch it.
No. 77826 ID: f3bb85

His stated goal is to destroy "the world", that being whatever world he happens to be in, stores both "Explosium" and "Explodium" in the same unshielded internal compartments, and is actually listed as psychologically unsound on his employee records.

Were you considering employing him before that error, or are you just as crazy as he is?
No. 77828 ID: 339e6a
File 138496749214.png - (89.72KB , 600x600 , obviously.png )

Yeah, not sleeping for a long while tends to do that- thank you for correcting me, furshit.

-scratch that, I was merely pretending to be retarded!
No. 77830 ID: 9559bb

No. 77834 ID: cee89f

Implying you would have trusted him near anything with 'nuclear' in its name to begin with. :P
No. 77835 ID: c23ab0

No. 77877 ID: b386b4

To all quest characters:

A lot of you have some trained fighting ability. Martial arts are super interesting! So: what fighting style do you use? Was it developed for particular purposes, such as for self-defense, for duels, for battlefield melee? For killing, disabling, or making an escape? If it's unarmed, is it soft and grappley, or hard and strikey? If weapons, what kinds? Does it have a history? Are there ranks or titles based on your skill and advancement? An attached philosophy, traditions, or associated honor system?

In short: tell us about how you fite!
No. 77899 ID: 3bf280
File 138511555733.png - (6.78KB , 800x600 , answer.png )

>martial arts
the bureau coaches a form of krav maga, with most moves ending on a punch-stab-and-shock, for use with the spike. i know a choke-hold or two but we aren't interested in much but the efficient kill.
there's stormtroopers at the bureau, strix-shooters, and there's my wing, infiltration. well, they call it infiltration, but usually it's "go here and kill everyone".
penelope says at tribranch they taught her a blend of eskrima and ninjitsu. tribranchers all carry swords. nutjobs.
i like to think i could disarm her if she came after me. let's not test it.

>honor the fallen

never hurts to have it. they tell us in the academy skill trumps all, though.

>long-range or short?
most of my best technique is in short, so they usually make me a building-buster. they taught me all about sniper and counter-sniper operations but you don't get much of that in the sprawl.
i'd kill for a strix, of course.

no time, no skill, no sex for sev. monica got drunk and flashed her knockers across the room at a party thing one night and that's about as close as i've ever got.

i do a good thriller dance.
No. 77902 ID: 53ba34

well, take it from an outside observer, play your cards right and you will totally score some hot robutt.
No. 77903 ID: ba8629
File 138512825083.jpg - (73.54KB , 600x600 , rinis_answers.jpg )

>tell us about how you fite!

I am grasping claws in the dark. I am water that flows uphill. I am matte gray lightning. I am an industrial accident that walks on two legs.

I can smell fear in a burst transmission. I can shoot an artillery shell out of the sky. I can choose which part of your brain to put a bullet through. If you feel fear before you die, it's because I took my time.

I have been guarding a nameless rock for twenty years, now surrounded by enemies with overwhelming firepower, and there's nowhere I'd rather be. There's nothing I wouldn't do, if a worthy mission required it. I would build a staircase out of skulls to reach a jar on the top shelf.

I'm a tozol. I'm a Starborne Pathfinder. My existence justifies the suffering of every living being who goes hungry and homeless to sustain a military budget.
No. 77904 ID: ccf689


Woah man. Slow down. You don't want to cut yourself on all those edges, now do you.
No. 77905 ID: ba8629
File 138513317892.jpg - (47.78KB , 600x600 , mitzi_answer.jpg )

>As far as my basic physics education goes Calcium-40 decays into Potassium-40 due to beta radiation, not the other way around.

Wait, I'm pretty sure... Nope. Potassium-40 decays into Calcium-40, which is stable.

Also Argon.

>thank you for correcting me, furshit.

Well now you're both wrong.
No. 77906 ID: 7bbaae

See, Tory? This is what happens when you trust a furry!
No. 77908 ID: 339e6a
File 138514812138.png - (234.71KB , 600x600 , blehbleh.png )

ALRIGHTY, I finally took my fucking notes and quickly shat something up. I did remember that shit right! Potassium-40 decays through both types of β-decay and electron capture, I shit you not. β- happens most likely, resulting in a K(40,19)->(40,20)Ca + (e-) +(v_e-) with mass loss of 1.3MeV, electron capture is likely to occur, does not happen as often, but happens ( IIRC 10% about? ), results in K(40,19)+(e-) -> (40,18)Ar + (v_e) and 1.5MeV γ (not always). Positron might just happen, that would be K(40,19)->(40,18)Ar + (e-) + (v_e).
PLUS the calcium-40 will itself decay into argon through positron emissio ..

Wait, why the fuck do we care so much. This started from a banana. A -banana-.
Why am I bothering?! Go screw yourself twice over furshit, thank and bug off you- you- goddamn, I cannot even bother nicknaming you.

I need to do something productive now.
No. 77912 ID: f3bb85

Tory, maybe if you started sleeping again you'd be able to work more efficiently.
No. 77913 ID: 9ddf68

well if you want a nick name for her she can become a shapeshifting tentacle monster so there's probably a hentai joke in there somewhere if you don't think that'd be to simple.
No. 77916 ID: 2f4b71

>I need to do something productive now.
Positron cascade bomb. Two birds with one stone: you get to irradiate someone, AND get rid of all those bananas.
No. 77919 ID: 1ebf90

Dr. Yeli, you shouldn't tease people who are so sleepy that they believe the crap you're telling them. Look at what you caused!
...Then again, I haven't seen Mitzi for a while, so it's not really a bad thing.
No. 77926 ID: f0418c
File 138517619966.png - (70.32KB , 414x457 , Opinions.png )

You're all fucking nerds.
No. 77927 ID: 73ce78

Hang in there Kobitty.
No. 77929 ID: 5acad3
File 138518272880.jpg - (37.45KB , 600x303 , crabbattle.jpg )

In short: tell us about how you fite!

How I fight? I am no mere soldier. I am the messenger of the yawning hunger, an angel of madness, I am the GOSPEL of the end.

My vision is multifold, my body infinite. My flesh is a living canvas of camouflage, a seamless flow of pattern and color. With a word I have turned cities to glass, flayed creatures alive, and unbound horrors from before creation.

I have blessed the minds of creatures from across creation, and through them experienced tactics and conflict on galactic scales. I am a riot, an army, an EMPIRE should it suit my needs. Their collective mind has given me mastery over martial arts long lost in the mists of time. Perhaps you would like to hear how the trees go to war?

I am the hunter, the dream stalker, the predator of gods.


No. 77931 ID: c23ab0

Attack his weak point! Attack his weak point!
No. 77932 ID: 9ddf68

trees go to war huh?
you mean like they did in Macbeth? where the army outside of Macbeth's castle cut down the tress of a nearby forest to hide there numbers and to the defenders of the castle it looked like the forest itself was marching on them.
No. 77933 ID: cee89f

*salute* Hodari-nakal, Tozol.

No, I'm celibate.

This is not the weirdest topic progression this site has had. I seem to recall an entire quest starting from Polo being glad a hypothetical universe would never come to be. And then it did. And then there was a rap battle.

And other less believable stuff ._.

All: If you could fill a pool with anything besides water, what would it be?
No. 77935 ID: e511a3

Wait, who is talking here?
No. 77946 ID: 5acad3
File 138526582095.jpg - (41.71KB , 390x600 , inkspray.jpg )

>Wait, who is talking here?

Crabs can't talk, don't be ridiculous. They are horrifying, uncivilized detritivores with which there is no reasoning.

>trees go to war huh?
you mean like they did in Macbeth? where the army outside of Macbeth's castle cut down the tress of a nearby forest to hide there numbers and to the defenders of the castle it looked like the forest itself was marching on them.

Tree combat is interesting. It's all about exploiting gaps in growing seasons with competing plants and maximizing shade coverage over rivals. Even the distribution of seeds is designed to choke out competitors, sacrificing thousands of saplings to ensure the expansion of the species. Yes, even tree sex is a vicious and deadly form of combat. Of course I had no idea it was so complex, and would never had known if I hadn't accidentally fired my tongue barb [i]through/i] an unfortunate individual and envenomed an oak tree. I never had time to stick around and engage in botanical warfare. Its a long and boring process even for an ageless entity such as myself.

>Attack his weak point! Attack his weak point!
What and risk getting pinched? Look at the claws on that thing? No, when faced with overwhelming danger a cloud of ink and a hasty retreat have always served me well.
No. 77947 ID: 57a559

What do you like in a woman/man Mr/Ms. Radula?
I don't see a ring on that finger!
No. 77951 ID: f3bb85

Every possibility and idea happens simultaneously in Radula's universe. Therefore, all you need to do is go to Radula's universe while Radula is there, and you will marry it and father dozens of happy Radulings with it, thanks to probability dictating that such a thing could, possibly, happen.
No. 77953 ID: e5f14b
File 138528667511.png - (7.00KB , 800x600 , answer2.png )

>The stupidest thing you have seen
I was handling an operative, uhhhh I want to say designation 65-4. Yeah. This was a guy with a street sweeper shotgun kind of thing, and he was breaching a room and there's a few gangbangers on the other side he splattered, and he picks up a machine pistol from someone, doing his whole two-guns gunfu thing or whatever, and the last guy in the room chucks a grenade, and it lands at his feet, and he's really feeling it at this point, right, so he shoots the last guy in the face and then backflips out the window to make his exit and falls thirty stories.

And the grenade caved the roof in and basically destroyed some poor civvy's thousand-dollar soundsystem.

Even if we had been able to stick him back together, I doubt we would have.

New soft drink
Monica Tonica.

I've got my licence in planes, saucers, helicopters, and twin-props.
And I wanted to puke the whole time.

I don't have time for a relationship.
Hella hookups, now, there's another story.
We're not supposed to sleep around in the situation room, of course. And for the most part I don't, although there was this cute intern. Vibration and the mood lighting the central console gives off makes it a great place to knock standing up.
You really shouldn't dip your quill in company ink, though, so most guys I get are law students like me.
I'd rather bang a hired killer than a lawyer any day.
But if you buy a girl a drink, there are worse ways to let off steam. They're always impressed when I tell them about my night job, and in this day and age having a thingamabob sticking out of your head isn't as detrimental as you might think. Also they know if they get too possessive I can order a hit on them.

"Drink Monica Tonica."
I have a feeling I'd be an infomercial.

>Terrifying thing
Suicide bomber popped the building I was working under once. We were down in the bunker a week before they could dig us out. We were having to start ration water.
I could hear his yelling and then the boom from downstairs. Bad times.

>Adorable thing
Don't tell 73-6, but he's a lil' cutie. He loves acting all scary and murderface but he's the biggest softie we have in the bureau and his mouth makes him look like a Tim Burton character.
Also this one time I got incredibly drunk and flashed him my tits and he got all flustered. Have you seen him around that cyborg girl? It's the most awkward, cutest thing.
I always forget he's a killing machine until he fillets like five guys in a row.
No. 77957 ID: 64dd23

you noticed he likes sara?? why in all fucks have you not helped the poor clueless sap!?
No. 77958 ID: 27ca74

Everyone who's ever answered a question ITQ: While we're in this thread, what do you perceive us as?
No. 77964 ID: f0418c
File 138534227462.png - (57.87KB , 414x457 , Facts.png )

No. 77969 ID: e91794

... And since you still listen to us what does that make you?
No. 77971 ID: 00f50a

Well, that would remove a source of amusement, now wouldn't it?
No. 77972 ID: 5acad3
File 138536089872.jpg - (43.10KB , 508x600 , hmm.jpg )

What do I like in a companion? Well... I have spoken to other aspects of the Cacauphony from time to time. However, we tend to be fairly specialized, and small talk is... awkward. I have also occasionally held creatures in the library without the use of mind-venom. I am facinated by their experiences in causality-space, and enjoy engaging in discourse. Of course, inevitably their mental state starts to deteriorate, and they fall apart despite my best efforts to preserve them. After that, the Cacauphony recycles their components into more mind-venom. I find that more intelligent and emotionally stable individuals last longer and are more interesting to talk to. If you are questioning what I look for in a reproductive partner, you are asking the wrong squid-nightmare-thing. I have no gametes to exchange, and no species or lineage to propigate. Think of the Cacauphony as essentially an enormous colonial organism, like a siphnonophore and I am just its toungue. Reproduction is not something I am capable of.
No. 77973 ID: 7bbaae

So what happens if you die in all timelines? Would that injure the Cacophony?
No. 77974 ID: f3bb85

Pretty sure that any weapon capable of killing something in every timeline at once would more than likely be capable of blowing up the totality of everything. Even Team Lagann's Dai Gurren only targetted everyone point in time and space simultaneously, not alternate timelines.
No. 77996 ID: 5bf190
File 138541773944.jpg - (49.55KB , 1280x720 , madokamagica-12.jpg )

>capable of killing something in every timeline at once
>Even Team Lagann's Dai Gurren only targetted everyone point in time and space simultaneously

magical girls 1, giant robots 0
No. 78001 ID: 7bbaae

He doesn't have to die in all timelines at once. He just has to die at some point in all of them. Inescapable deaths no matter what he tries to do.
No. 78002 ID: f3bb85

>Hyper advanced magical civilization which had to purposefully degrade their technology to prevent themselves from destroying the universe

No. 78012 ID: cee89f

Said the fire hazard.

Any: What do you use to ma- LOOK OUT A BUS!!!!
No. 78072 ID: 5acad3
File 138561260083.jpg - (21.12KB , 400x297 , shrug.jpg )

Mmmmmmaybe? I am part of its larger consciousness so it would likely feel pain. But injure? Its hard to say, I doubt it would be enough to mortally wound the Cacophony, if that is even possible. No doubt the Chorus would love to see me erased from existence, but something that would kill me in every timeline would likely be as big a threat to the universe as I am. Honestly I have no idea what would happen, I suppose I have died over the course of time, but what happens after that has always been a mystery to me.
No. 78102 ID: fd6ae9

I think you might be pointing to the wrong thing. You appear to be responding to a random post in Lunar quest dis.
No. 78111 ID: 097017

What the hay-hay? Jinkies. Arright, editing...
No. 78112 ID: 097017


Was part of a hard-disco hair-metal band back in the 0070's BCE. Called ourselves the Spire of Fire. Was a pretty gas gig; we had a hit and became popular. Lots of fans, money and chicks started pouring in, but then Tia came along and... Well, you know that thought experiment where guys in lab coats and argyle sweaters argue about what would happen when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? The answer is "They would have babies. Lots and lots of babies." Knocked some hard sense into me with a concussion and I've been insan--I mean madly in love with her ever since.
No. 78130 ID: 761017
File 138579884509.jpg - (676.69KB , 1000x707 , anime-mahou-shoujo-lyrical-nanoha-Mahou-Shoujo-Mad.jpg )

Magical Civilization? Cartridges?
Are you thinking about the wrong set of magical girls?
No. 78131 ID: c23ab0
File 138579983224.jpg - (338.57KB , 1680x1050 , kindergarten_teacher.jpg )


He's thinking about Gurren Lagann, though what he's getting at I'm not sure. The Anti-Spiral never used cartridges...
No. 78134 ID: 64dd23

those aren't cartridges, those are unrestricted breasts. i can see how you'd make the mistake though
No. 78145 ID: cf49fc

You're both foolish, I was pointing out that Nanoha's supposedly super advanced magical stick requires a Magazine loaded to fire its signature hyper-mega-death-blasts.
No. 78152 ID: 62a30b

In other words, yes, you were thinking about the wrong magical girls. >>77996 wasn't referring to Nanoha at all. Watch Madoka Magica.

Now, let's stop polluting the ITQ thread, and get back to ITQ business.

Everyone: What are you like when you're drunk? Or, in the case of those characters who wouldn't say... Other characters: What is [quest character] like when they're drunk? Maybe some of you who aren't likely to get your own ITQ answer otherwise?
No. 78153 ID: cee89f

TacticaAI (assuming the answers to these questions are not classified):
-How widespread are TacticaAI such as yourself within the Alliance?
-Are you the only one of your kind? Perhaps experimental?
-How many times have you personally been deployed?
-Why were you deployed with another commander to secure the artifact?
-Where are you physically located? (there appears to be a large machine on the Command Walker located behind you when you were talking to Pudj that I THINK was your brain, but you implied that the original plan wasn't for you to take control of the walker so I don't know what you're doing there =/)
No. 78161 ID: 1ab2ad

How old are you exactly, Baj? Since you were born on that rock and all.
No. 78174 ID: cf49fc

Also, what's the conversion between a Battle Planet year and a Standard Terran Year?
No. 78192 ID: cee89f

Any scellor: In Battle Quest, a few Astranian scouts speculate that Scellor occasionally kill themselves "for kicks." Is that a thing that happens? If so, how often?
No. 78200 ID: 8b9215

To any tozols. Have you ever been stepped on by a mech or heard stories of another tozol it happened to? How combat worthy were they immediately afterwards?
No. 78206 ID: 67bfa9
File 138605130152.png - (28.18KB , 457x435 , Tactica Command.png )

>-How widespread are TacticaAI such as yourself within the Alliance?
I am currently a unique creation
>-Are you the only one of your kind?
I am
>Perhaps experimental?
>-How many times have you personally been deployed?
This is my fifth unscripted combat test
>-Why were you deployed with another commander to secure the artifact?
I can not be deployed independently, Astranians must be commanded by their own kind.
>-Where are you physically located?
I regret that I cannot answer this question.
My logicators indicate it is tactically unsound to provide that information.

> What is [quest character] like when they're drunk?
>loading most likely candidate . . .
>updating question
> What is [Commander-Ritualist Ekia] like when they're drunk?

Commander-Ritualist Ekia has appeared to act in her nature at all time, regardless of chemical abuse, though this is simply true due to the fact that she has been perpetually under chemical abuse for the entire duration of my exposure to her presence.
No. 78208 ID: 9cd8ad
File 138610699552.png - (11.92KB , 700x700 , PoloITQ65.png )

>Polo, are you a fan of virtual reality games, if your hive have them?
Our ultrahive has various VR games of varying quality. I have not participated in games of pure enjoyment for its own sake, but there are some training simulations that have game elements. I enjoyed those with moderation.

>Are there any amazing records for ear size among neumono?
I once saw a website on the internet that was dedicated to things like that. Comments were shouting fakes at neumono that were not even close to Pilon's. There is an extreme dropoff of percentage of neumono that have ears that drop below the shoulderblade, let alone the waist.
No. 78209 ID: 9cd8ad
File 138610701765.png - (14.35KB , 700x700 , KorliITQ12.png )

>But seriously, how common are legal name changes, and if you could change your own name to anything you wanted, what would you pick and why?
Korli's good! Name changes aren't that common, but I mean, we all had to register our names to a legal name anyway. And I guess there's a lot of neumono with names that are really hard to pronounce, so they were encouraged to simplify it by a lot.

>Is there a specific word for baby/toddler Neumono, like Neumini?
That's a good one! But no, since we adopted alien languages, it's just... a baby or a toddler.
>What do you call a "litter" of Neumono? A Cuddling?
Well, I know what I call them now!
No. 78210 ID: 9cd8ad
File 138610703215.png - (12.95KB , 700x700 , HokITQ7.png )

>Hok, have you ever considered being a chimneysweep? You look like a chimneysweep.
Wow uh I think you are seriously overestimating my ability to stay still. Chimneysweeps stay still right? If so then yeah I am pretty sure that is not the profession for me.
No. 78212 ID: e607cd

On the contrary, my understanding is that chimney sweeps dance and sing while performing their work. Chim chim cheree.
No. 78213 ID: 57a559

Neumono with big muzzles
Do you dislike it when humans or similarly handed species pet you on the muzzle?
No. 78214 ID: 57a559

Also any quest character out there

Who loves "Highway to the Danger Zone" by Kenny Loggins?
No. 78216 ID: 5bf190

>I once saw a website on the internet that was dedicated to things like that

... and what kind of website were you actually looking for at the time?
No. 78221 ID: ba8629
File 138612193374.gif - (8.59KB , 450x100 , hottestpix4u_a4a2bdbc6d5a1eaaa7a85cb49183.gif )


No. 78222 ID: aef453

We should totally have that as a fake advertisement, in the same place 4chan has their japanese ad banner thing.
No. 78231 ID: fd6ae9

>but I mean, we all had to register our names to a legal name anyway
...you spent your life living literally underground with crazed terrorists. I doubt getting you formally registered was a high priority.

And, whatever red tape the ultrahive eventually put you through must have been cake compared to the controls you grew up with.

...I would guess she might have been researching available modifications? She has mentioned in the past that she's considered cropping her ears, or might consider mechanical augmentation if they got good enough.

Or maybe she was looking up records. She might have set a few herself, after all, and it could have been part of looking into her own unexpected fame.
No. 78232 ID: cee89f

Polo likes big ears and she cannot lie~
I assumed it was like a Guinness world records type of thing... Except, you know. Not just one planet.
No. 78233 ID: f3bb85

Well, humanity DID uplift the Neumono, and revivify the Belenos. Who's to say that Guinness didn't spread their incredible book and shitty beer across the galaxy?
No. 78236 ID: 7bbaae

Orilo: What sort of repercussions will there be for your hive getting completely compromised?
No. 78303 ID: 0ff111

Any Neumono: So long as we're talking about names, what is the word for when something that appears harmless or weak turns out to be extremely dangerous? This would make a good name.
No. 78342 ID: ef960a

No. 78346 ID: beeca1

>What does Polo mean?
>It was my hive's word for the feeling you get when you first dip your dry feet in an ocean, but I was more named after my late grandmother than I was because my parents thought of me that way. Ultimately, it's not a meaningful name.
No. 78347 ID: fd6ae9

That's the word for half the native species on their monster infested hell-hole of a planet.

Including the neumono. (Oh, what cute fuzzy ali-aaaaaaaa!).
No. 78352 ID: cee89f

Kairosa: What factors go into how something tastes (for lack of a better term) when you feed on it? Does the age of an object affect how tasty you find it? How long it has to its end? Its intelligence? Soul force? Magic power? How significant it is to the world or Saulanna personally? The kind of life it has led?
No. 78357 ID: 5612af

You say that, but she's clearly small and adorable and yet ridiculously competent and dangerous.

They may have to redefine the word.
No. 78363 ID: cee89f

... not so sure about adorable, but otherwise yeah. Though imho it's much more likely that people will just start naming their kids after 'the great hero Polo' than it is they will redefine Polo.
No. 78367 ID: 742a1e

I thought the word for the worst of those was "Predator!" But that's a human word, not a neumono one.

She is small and extremely competent, but Polo doesn't really /look/ weak or harmless. That deadpan stare counts for something!
No. 78373 ID: 041c8f

There you go then. Polo, you should learn to act cute and smile more. Reasons are two fold. First, in non combat situations it will give you an additional social tool. Not always on mind you, just an option to adapt to your surrounding. Second, its physiological warfare. Looks she's all cute and sweet she's not a threat, oh wait were did my spine go I need that.

So no its not just the crowed trying to change you. It just an idea that you may want to consider.
No. 78374 ID: 65766f

Polo's stoic demeanor is related to her ability to silence her empathy.
Changing one would likely affect the other and to her I would imagine the silence is more important.
No. 78377 ID: 041c8f

I was thinking learning to fake it more than anything else. But that's good point, a mask over a mask might be to much.
No. 78378 ID: c90474

"Predator" is the word for "Mind-controlling beast of near certain death." It doesn't extend to weak looking things with vast power. Tribbles and Killkittens. Kobold mages with huge eyes and untold power. Cheelop. What is the word for her? A cute or weak thing with great power? Might also extend to things hard to take seriously but dangerous in the extreme. Squirrel Girl types.
No. 78385 ID: fd6ae9

Guy, this has veered pretty far from asking question or responding to questions to discussion. There's a thread for that.
No. 78401 ID: 9cd8ad
File 138682477589.png - (11.90KB , 800x800 , PoloITQ66.png )

>what kind of website were you actually looking for at the time?
Physical data on various species, mostly neumono.
No. 78402 ID: 9cd8ad
File 138682480219.png - (19.57KB , 800x800 , KappiITQ17.png )

>Do you dislike it when humans or similarly handed species pet you on the muzzle?
You kinda get used to it. I kinda took whatever affection I could get for awhile, actually!... that sounded a little more pathetic than I wanted it to.
No. 78403 ID: 9cd8ad
File 138682481414.png - (16.34KB , 800x800 , KorliITQ13.png )

>I doubt getting you formally registered was a high priority.
Well, it was high enough that little stuff like that was taken care of while the investigations and interrogations were coming around.

>Whatever red tape the ultrahive eventually put you through must have been cake compared to the controls you grew up with.
Yeahhhhh they just sort of asked the questions and then left it at that. There werent multiple interrogations to answer the same questions to see if they're different, or needing to keep tags in our ears or anything like that. I didn't even know we had tags in our ears till the ultrahive found one! I mean, that's kind of disconcerting, since I thought I would've noticed them putting it in.

>So long as we're talking about names, what is the word for when something that appears harmless or weak turns out to be extremely dangerous?
Uh, I'm not sure about *the* word for it since there's a buncha languages out there, but one of the salikai's tribal guinea pig hives did come up with something that literally translated to 'welcoming death.' I mean that's a little bit ambiguous but that's how it was used.

>I thought the word for the worst of [the native neumono homeworld] species was "Predator!" But that's a human word, not a neumono one.
Well it translated literally, it really was that that generic word in almost every neumono hive that had both language and knowledge of predators. See, though, another couple reasons they got that title is that there's not really a whole lot of species out there that will target specifically neumono. Sure there's lots that are a huge daily threat to neumono, but predators are the ones that practically rely on a neumono specific diet. Plus, they stand out since they don't just eat us through the whole classic rip-n-tear method, which was especially nervewracking since at least with a big old monster you could try to defend yourself and theoretically have a chance. Before the advent of jammers, though, there's probably been like a few neumono in all known history that would have a chance to resist an average predator. They could just pick and choose their meals as long as they knew where neumono were.
No. 78404 ID: 9cd8ad
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>What sort of repercussions will there be for your hive getting completely compromised?
I don't know. We will not be giving any excuse to any.
No. 78406 ID: 5bf190


Right. "Physical data".
No. 78408 ID: fd6ae9

>Tags in the ear
...what was on them, out curiosity? Just an identification code or was there an active transmitter or anything?

And if you never noticed them, I assume you get em when you're too young to notice, or during some other event when they left you unconscious or injured anyways and they were easy to miss.
No. 78437 ID: 5bf190
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>tell us about how you fite!

As I'm sure you expected, I inherited my fighting skills from Polo and Rokoa. Especially Rokoa. She... all right, bear with me, because this gets a little complicated. Almost every neumono hive had a way of fighting, of course, but they generally didn't give their style a name, or have any complicated terminology, or anything like that; most fighting styles were derived almost directly from hunting techniques, and even beyond that most hives were concerned for their fighting skills only in as much as they helped their hive survive. What you'd call "martial arts", the idea of fighting skill as an end in itself, was pretty uncommon. Still, they did exist, and when aliens came along who were interested in that sort of thing, they found plenty of fighting styles that held common concepts with alien styles. However, they did also identify types of fighting that had unique neumono-specific qualities, and today, fighters loosely identify these fighting styles under three broad categories, named for their tendency to be associated with the neumono of a particular environment. These are Hill Styles, Snow Styles, and Tree Styles.

Hill styles are the most common of the three, and Rokoa inherited training in a hill style from her hive. Hill styles are hard styles, generally quite mobile, where the fighter usually hovers around the outside of their opponent's range, darting in to deliver quick, hard strikes before dodging out, or waiting for the opponent to attack so that they can block, counter and retreat again. Teamwork is generally very important, neumono being good at that; and for you humans, a lot of comparison has been made to the formation fighting of your ancient romans and spartans, with shield-bearers trained and expected to protect their allies. Unlike alien styles, however, neumono hill styles almost always carry the concept of the "sacrificial shield"; the idea of letting a part take wounds for the benefit of the whole. For individual fighters, it meant a willingness to lose a limb, usually one designated arm, to achieve victory; for hives, it often meant strategies using semi-sacrificial champions, who would step up to antagonize their enemy or prey and make it focus all its aggression on them so that the rest of the hive could fight more easily. If they managed to survive, they would be celebrated. Even into modernity, a lot of old warhives kept aspects of that sort of culture, and could suffer for it when individuals kept on putting themselves in greater danger to get the greater glory. The style practiced by Rokoa's hive was a particularly brutal variant of the common hill style model, plus a scattering of other borrowed elements; it was a little more inclined towards the overwhelming charge and the beating down of enemies by sudden ferocity, rather than the long, conservative wearing down that a lot of other hill styles used. It also prized a certain brand of cunning, and was good at group tactics, but although the path might be more circuitous, most of its strategies would eventually come back to the point where you would just stab things in the face. They were a war hive, and certainly thought of themselves as warriors, but it might be too much to say they were martial artists. They were concerned with victory in battle before anything else, and didn't mess around much with more abstract philosophy or the idea of perfecting oneself.

Rokoa's mother's hive, on the other hand, were definitely into that, and Rokoa spent enough time with them to pick up a lot of their style, which was a Snow Style, designed for the large, powerful neumono of the cold climates. And when it comes to getting injured, snow styles laugh at hill styles for how much of your own blood you're going to lose. The characteristic strategy of snow styles is to wait for your opponent to attack you, take the opportunity to grab them, and then tear them apart. Clawing, biting, punching and kicking could be supplemented with knee and elbow strikes, headbutts, use of stabbing weapons like daggers and short spears, and grappling techniques to dislocate joints, break bones, and lock limbs, preventing your hapless target from getting away and making them a better target for whichever of your hivemates happened to be around. These hives usually wanted to hunt the biggest animals they could, since the cold climates allowed them to store meat for long periods. One big hunt was far more efficient than a series of small ones, and once it was done, you could be left days of free time to spend on other things; and so long as the hunt was successful and you were still alive, you also had the time to recover from whatever terrible injuries you got in the first place. If you were a serious warrior snow hive, you'd put that free time to use becoming even more hardcore. Practicing against each other, snow style fighters could do anything short of killing each other, not needing to worry about putting an essential food provider out of commission; because of that, they would become experts at using disabling and crippling techniques on other neumono. The ironic thing is, the nonlethality of such practice is exactly what made them so terrifying! In the heat of the moment, fighters from other hives, who would have done most of their fighting in the hunt or against the other sentient races on our home planet, could find themselves slipping into those habits on instinct, using the same vital-point or bleed-out techniques that are useful on other species but not so much on neumono. Snow style fighters, on the other hand, would go for bones and joints; and while you can usually have as many copies of your soft organs as you like, you can't have backups of your muscles, tendons or skeleton. Or your sense organs - going for damage on the eyes, ears and nose was common, too, while the snow hivers themselves were usually good at blind-fighting, since they were experienced with long dark nights and with painfully bright snowy days. And on top of that? Because of the whole "ha ha you stabbed me just as I planned" aspect, some snow style hives got up to some insane toughness training, like practicing how to move and fight under injury by actually ramming a spear through their own torsos and leaving it there while they wrestled with each other. A few snow styles got all the way up to the quasi-mystical martial arts magic tricks, learning concentration and breathing techniques that allowed them to fight off unconsciousness and the effects of brain damage, ignore massive pain or blood loss, control their hearts' rate or body temperature... in fact, Rokoa's old needle trick? Snow style technique. It was originally supposed to be only learned and used by sacrificial warriors, who would use it to surprise enemy hives and then go nuts so that the rest of their hive could sweep in on the opening. That's how you got legends of snow hive witch-queens who could raise undead berserkers to crush their enemies. We've gotten a few cheesy fantasy movies out of that sort of thing.

Polo, now... Polo's hive were modernizers, and for what fighting they did, they were quick to take on adaptations of alien combat styles. But before that happened, they did practice a few skills that are associated with the last of the three neumono fighting styles, which gets called Tree Style. Cave style or jungle style would also have been appropriate names; such styles are made for small neumono who live in dense, three-dimensional environments. It might be more accurate to call it a mobility style than a fighting style, because what fighting they did was only so far as they had to in order to escape danger; such hives usually got their protein by fishing and trapping instead of hunting. In that sense, tree style has been called a sort of preindustrial parkour, practicing advanced running, jumping and climbing tricks to get away from enemies and hide. Stealth is important in a lot of tree styles, as well, and a lot of aliens draw comparisons to their own various "shadow warrior" legends. As far as actual combat went, there was proliferation of small ranged weapons like slings, shortbows, blowdarts and throwing clubs, while close range focused on using claws and cutting weapons to sever tendons in an opponent's legs, again aiming just to run away. What makes the tree styles interesting, and what distinguishes them from alien stealth acrobatics styles, was how they could use our body structure. That is, training to move and fight on all fours. They would practice striking and slashing with the legs as well as their arms, which would also end up being a big help in fighting while climbing around the environment, or if you had something in your hands you wanted to keep safe. Unfortunately, tree styles often had a bad reputation among hives that didn't use them, with stories about cowardly ambushes and poison darts and that sort of thing. There's even legends about a tradition of rogues who had a tree style, passed on in a master-apprentice fashion, but most of those stories are pretty blatant anti-rogue horror stories. It didn't help that, though the tree styles might have been some of the best for adapting to modern combat conditions, most of the hives that had them weren't interested in fighting at all; once they lived in cities and had aliens enforcing the peace, the majority of them lost interest in keeping those skills. Polo's hive wasn't ever too seriously into it to begin with, and had little more than the training for quick movement and hiding, so it dropped off quickly. Which is a pity; tree style training would have done very well for Polo. I've trained a little myself in one of the more serious tree styles that are still around, but they're not designed for a neumono my size. I have made them part of the training for our military, though.

Aside from that... I've picked up a few things. There's a belonosian fighting style designed for military cyborgs that I've been adapting. In the end, though, I've mostly just concentrated on getting deeper into the skills my... antecedents gave me.

>Out of curiosity, how much of your biological system is regulated by the CAI? And where did you obtain your spliced in version?

... Another complicated story. Ok.

So: the science hive had mashed Polo and Rokoa together. Unlike most cases of foreign neumono contamination, where you just have one piece jammed into another, I was a literal patchwork monster; even now, if I shaved my fur off, you'd still be able to see the big splotches of black and pink skin across my body, but back then I was really a mess. The science hivers were good surgeons, and kept me alive a long time, but there were too many problems that were too many and too tiny for them to fix; blood vessels and nerves not linking up, essential organs being rejected by the flesh surrounding them, and all while Polo and Rokoa were mentally duking it out to try and overcome each other, with chimeras of the two beginning to be formed and being broken down and absorbed again, over and over. So the science hive got the idea of using nanites to perform microsurgery on me, down at the cellular level, and to do that, they knocked together a system to give the salikai's CAI direct control over the things. Now, that CAI had a problem; another CAI was growing inside it, like a cancer, and the salikai kept control over it by providing a regular, but temporary, cure. The CAI had software restrictions keeping it from fixing the problem itself, but when the science hive gave it the nanites, they inadvertently gave it a way out. While it was fixing me with the little bugs, it put them to work on itself as well, reshaping and reforming actual physical connections in its own circuits which, eventually, allowed it to extract the younger CAI from inside itself and implant it into me.

The new CAI then took control of treating me. It discovered that one section of chimera material between Polo and Rokoa flesh was somehow managing to pacify what was around it, not only preserving itself but quieting the empathic struggle for dominance that was still going on in the rest of the body. The CAI arranged for that piece of combined neural material to absorb more biomass and grow, until its... her... empathic effect was strong enough to settle the fighting entirely. Then, with the CAI suppressing the physical immune response where flesh met flesh, the subject got her shit together and was able to wake up. That's how the science hive report eventually put it, paraphrasing a little. It was different from my perspective; there were... dreams, and a struggle, some sort of... agreement... my memory of those early days is pretty terrible. Which you'd expect.

I was up and moving, though, and I was in horrible shape. Because the CAI had almost entirely suppressed our absorbing each other, it left some problems that a normal neumono chimera wouldn't have; in particular, some of my more delicate organs weren't working at all. My eyes were blurry pieces of garbage that wouldn't work together, which is why they're almost entirely cybernetic now. There was a period where I couldn't move above a light jog without getting motion sickness, and there were still mismatches in my nervous system that meant my body sometimes didn't do what I wanted it to. It was while it was trying to fix all this that that the CAI created... well, I'm not sure how to describe it. Organic nanites, cyborg stem cells... something about the way my empathy was able to interact with the electromagnetic spectrum... whatever. I'm not a scientist. But it was the substance that, after a belonosian got their hands on it, would end up being called proto-jetalium, after one of their mythical superscience substances. It doesn't match exactly with the stories, but they could just be wrong, or the differences might be due to being derived from my alien biology instead of... whatever the ancient belonosians made it from. No-one's managed to replicate the original creation; even now, the only protojetalium in the galaxy is whatever's been grown from samples taken from me. And that is part of why I am fabulously stinking rich. Anyway. The CAI used this stuff to create an artificial nervous system on top of mine. Most people are aware that I can think and react faster than a normal neumono if I want to, but the truth is, it's what lets me function normally at all; without it, I'd be half-paralyzed. And, of course, it's still suppressing my immune response to the mismatched tissue I'm made of, even now. So I'm not instantly devouring myself, or covered in angry swollen red seams, or falling apart. That's nice.

Of course, I get a range of other cyborg bonuses like being able to connect to computers, giving myself extra strength and agility, enhancing my empathic abilities... but you're probably familiar with most of those. I think that's those questions answered.

>What exactly, is a CAI village? A village run by CAI? Or a village of CAI?

A collection of unrestrained CAIs that live together. The theory is, if we get them engaged with the world, with interests of their own to look after, they'll all keep an eye on each other. The same way every other society works, really. It's been successful so far, partly because it's been easy for me to deal with them. Another benefit of having a CAI living inside me.

>What's the deal with cyborg Pilon?

Pilon was the subject of an early attempt to recreate the neurosuit that I can form. Unfortunately, his body started rejecting it, similar to what happens with a biosuit species mismatch, and we weren't able to get it off him. The best we managed was to suppress it, and then fit cyborg replacements over the parts of his body that had already been damaged. Scientists have managed better success with replicating the suit since then, but they haven't figured out how to restore Pilon.

... I think I'll have to go and give them some more stern looks.
No. 78448 ID: fd6ae9

>Polo missed an opportunity to be even more crazy awesome, and even now that we know about that style, she's never going to pick it up in time to be relevant
No. 78454 ID: 7bbaae

She'll soon be too big for it anyway.

Why aren't you wearing your scarf? I thought it never came off.

>the Salikai's CAI has a cancer-CAI inside it, there's a temporary solution in place
The solution is the rigged Contest, isn't it. It sounds like Unnatural Selection's origin is pretty solidly confirmed.
No. 78475 ID: cee89f

Biosuits do (albeit slowly and painfully). It's the neurosuit that never comes off.
No. 78477 ID: 7bbaae

I know that. She wears it for other reasons.
No. 78479 ID: fd6ae9

She wears the scarf because it's made from the bioarmor Polo took from Rokoa. It's perhaps the only thing she has that both of them shared (at least in this universe), or that was important to both of them, and holds a special significance to her as a result.

She also doesn't normally take her glasses off, either, but there you go. She's either accessory-less to aid in showing off her features for the lecture, or to reflect that at the current moment in-quest, her glasses are shattered and her scarf absorbed into her empathy-fueled anime transformation.
No. 78481 ID: 7bbaae

Did you link the wrong post? Because I knew all that too.
No. 78482 ID: 3dd384

okay I was gonna mention that it's interesting that you have a philosophy of "work past our empathic differences and get our shit together" given an origin story like that one, but then I looked at the vidfeed again and realized are you seriously waving around a fucking kiseru
No. 78487 ID: 99f7a5
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>Do you have the same problem purebred predators have with an actual dependence on neumono-meat?
>Do neumono taste good?

I er, I do need the same nutrition as a full predator, yes. They did find a way to make more without needing to actually cut it off someone, and that's mostly what I take, but it doesn't taste as good as the real thing, whiiiiich I have eaten, sometimes, yes. Predators were being used for therapeutic purposes for a while before I was born and the whole giving them an ear thing became sort of a tradition in a way so now sometimes when I do a really good job with one of my patients they give me an ear to eat. Aaaalso one time in college some buddies brought me out drinking and there was a young lady who got a bit aggressive and she dared me to take a bite out of her and I was pretty heavily intoxicated and actually you know what I'm not legally obligated to talk about it.

>To be clear; who were your biological parents? Did either of them have any part in your parenting?
>is your genetic mother someone other than the one who bore you?

My genetic mother and physical mother were the same, yes, but... well, you know, some people hear about a neumono-predator hybrid, and they think that's kind of weird, you know? And they think the people who were involved with it are kind of weird, and they don't like that, and I don't often get bothered myself because I'm usually somewhere near Polokoa and she doesn't put up with that sort of thing and also I'm more than three meters tall and can control things with my mind but my parents mostly stay back home and not many people will bother a predator but for the neumono sometimes there's a bit of harassment that happens. My mother isn't any kind of wilting flower or anything so it's not like the people who do it have ever come out on the better side, but it's an issue, so the policy I have these days is that if you don't know them well enough to figure it out yourself from the clues, then I'm not going to tell you anything exact. Sorry.

>Any quest character:
>Long range or short range, if you could only pick one?

I'm not a fighter? But I am big. So I guess short range.

>How well does romance usually go for you?



Sometimes there are people who have a weird... enthusiasm

For some things, which attracts them to me

And er

And like, ok, the thing about size, that one's ok, that's fine, I get it, that's good and not strange and its fine, practically essential if I'm going to be involved with anyone, so all right, but

But sometimes people have something about the er

The mind control thing

Aaaaand er one guy who had uh sort of a thing about eating and erm

And those sorts of things tend not to really end well! I'm not really... interested. In those kinds of things. But

Well aside that I'm fine. I mean, ok, romance. It's ok. I do all right. As much as I'd expect.

I guess there's a problem with the possibility of children too. I mean, theoretically, they say I could have kids with another hybrid, and maybe with a neumono or a predator, but they're making new predamonos now, and they've refined the genetics, and it wouldn't really be good for me to go perpetuating my buggy obsolete ones. Maybe I'll surrogate for a few. I'm a good size. Their actual mothers might not be so interested, and I could... step in. Maybe that'd be nice.

So that's me and romance.

>Why aren't you wearing your scarf? I thought it never came off.

She doesn't have to wear it. Which is what I've been trying to persuade her on. She used to really insist on wearing it all the time, but now sometimes when it's more practical or if she's at home and she's in a comfortable mood sometimes she'll go without it, which is a bit of progress even though it took kind of a while to get even that far. There's nothing wrong with having a memento, but in this case I think it's a symptom of

Hold on this is another confidentiality thing I shouldn't be talking about this.

>are you seriously waving around a fucking kiseru

From what I know of the commonly-called "needle trick" as it was traditionally performed, which I will professionally declare is a really bad idea by the way, I think that's an example of the kind of implement that was used. They'd take a bit of metal, and hammer and shave it out into a long thin thing with a top piece bent over and flattened to brace under the thumb or against the heel of the palm, sort of like a big nail. Record suggests other materials were used as well, it's not like they had great access to metals back then, but if you could get some it was considered better to use lattens, and it would be more hygienic, at least. That particular one I think is from a collection, made of steel, very rare! It would have to have been taken from one of the hives that had the method.

I've studied a lot about neumono mental conditions, and their historical occurrences. It's very interesting.
No. 78488 ID: fd6ae9

>if you don't know them well enough to figure it out yourself from the clues, then I'm not going to tell you anything exact. Sorry.
The sweater was a pretty good clue by itself, even without the background and Crown over there.

>terrible fetish romances
Oh goodness. Should have seen that one coming, really.
No. 78489 ID: 7bbaae

>It would have to have been taken from one of the hives that had the method.

Oooh, I wonder if that's Rokoa's needle.
No. 78490 ID: fd6ae9

Well, probably not, since Rokoa claims she didn't pick up the needle trick until after the intermission. So in this universe, Polokoa would have happened before Rokoa had the chance to get a needle. (...although Rokoa does admit that due to memory loss and the very mindfuck nature of the needle trick, it's possible she mastered it much earlier and forgot. Even if that's true though, she wasn't carrying a needle when she met Polo).

Also, her hive wasn't exactly happy with her doing it. If it wasn't accepted practice for her hive, I doubt the rare pre-uplift metal needle artifact came from them, or was Rokoa's.
No. 78491 ID: 57a559

Have you tried eating a bit of yourself before? It'd grow back just the same, right?

What if you're delicious?
No. 78493 ID: f44ca3

Hey Dastrica how does your dad compare to other predators they have "domesticated". He was a friendly guy from the get go and his pleasant personality was the whole reason they realized how useful predators could be.

So when they started finding other predators how did they go about it and how did they react to the lifestyle change?
No. 78494 ID: f44ca3

Oh and here is a question to any female Neumono that has had kids.

How does that whole storing sperm for later use thing work anyways? I understand the biological process but how do you control it?

Like is it like holding your breath or winking? Do you squeeze a muscle to pull the sperm packets in? Or is it a more unconscious hormonal thing? Like just thinking about wanting a child hard enough and your body does it automatically.

Sorry if the question is embarrassing.
No. 78495 ID: 3dd384

Given entropy and the fact that we've never confirmed whether she has proper neumonic regeneration, I can't imagine that ending anywhere good.
No. 78509 ID: 041c8f

the policy I have these days is that if you don't know them well enough to figure it out yourself from the clues, then I'm not going to tell you anything exact. Sorry.

I think we know your parents with the clues show. And I find it very sweet. I'm actually more afraid of a response form your mom than your dad if they were harassed. Buy the way we all love your dad, and think he is a really great guy. So nothing bad coming their way out of us. And I your mom seems pretty cool is a bit grumpy when she was faced with things that she didn't understand. But she learned instead of just trying to fight. That say's good things about her. So Dastrica your lucky to come from parents like them.

Hope to see more of you by the way.
No. 78516 ID: ff378b
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>Wordblood: Your earliest memory from the time before you were part of Saulanna, if that's okay?

"It is philosophically arguable whether this instance of me truly existed before being part of Saulanna; devas and Titans have debated the subject before. You see, your question actually touches on a unique aspect of Titanic existence. Devas like myself and Kairosa have... mm, well, it would be a little strong to call it a memory, but we carry a sense with us of what it was like to not exist, before we were created. To exist only as a potentiality, suspended in timeless waiting, until we were breathed into our bodies to give them life. That is why we serve, in unending gratitude for the incalculable gift of Being and Purpose. This is a trait that we alone possess, and something that my fellow Titans may have unthinkingly expected in gods and mortals."

"If I can be thought of as a continuation from He Who Bleeds, then my earliest recollection is a dim perception of the empty potentialities that that Titan was, before he came to be. But some Titans would think of me as a different life force, originating from Saulanna, that was pulled into a remnant that had already died. I do not feel so, myself, and I have chosen to behave more that I am than that I am not, but that does not conclude anything."

>Wordblood or Kairosa: Do titans sleep, and if so do they dream?

"We are capable of both. We do not normally need to, but some do to wait out some long span of time, to conserve strength towards some goal, or to recover from some manner of strain or weakness. You might or might not consider it as truly being sleep; it is more like a low-energy state. A hibernation. Many individual devas would remain active."

>Wordblood, would it be possible for Saulanna or any of the beings that make up her titanic form to create am entity that is seperate from it, and therefore not capable of influencing it as noticeably as a new deva/noble would?

"It is entirely possible. It is simply more difficult. Spirits are relatively easy to create, but require a lot of power; physical beings require much more expertise, but the less magic they have, the less resources you need to make them. Sometimes, simple creatures can spring from a Titan's body without their consciously willing it at all. Of course, the downside to creating independent beings is that they're just that: independent. I would recommend Saulanna try her hand at creating Common devas, first. We could probably work together to succeed at such a task even now; it would only be a matter of having enough power and Will. Common devas do not influence their progenitor in any great way, at least not any further than any other being who resided inside them, and they are as obedient to their creator as the higher devas are. And because they are not a key support block of their Titan's personality, it would be a lot easier to transfer them into the outer world."
No. 78552 ID: beeca1

Asteroidverse: Are there any other races or subspecies, genetic mutations, or trainees of those races capable of psi? Neumono empathy, predator control, that thing salikai do to boost how fast they think and their focus drug, stuff like that.
No. 78564 ID: ebe087
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Why should I be helping him?
If anything the Bureau would probably want me to try and discourage him. Field agents need to keep their minds sharp, you know?
There's no rules against it or anything, but normally it's not exactly a problem. Because, uhhh, they're mad ugly. We'll just have to see how it pans out. If it pans out.

It's pretty funny in the meantime.

>What are you like when you're drunk?
Loud and horny. But more than usual.
I came this close to nailing a Moldy once. Which goes to show, kids, count your shots.
I'm pretty good at karaoke drunk, but when half your co-workers have digitized vocal cords that's not anything to brag about.

You know that is my drunk karaoke jam of choice. Also it plays in the situation room any time I'm overseeing air missions.
I would fuck the shit out of early 80s Kenny Loggins...

danger zone.
No. 78567 ID: dbe554

The Creator, how does your species reproduce, or is there a limited number of your kind?

Also, what is your thoughts on Natural Life, considering all the laws in place to keep you from disturbing them? Where did they come from, are they based in you genetically or was it passed down from creator to creator?
No. 78569 ID: c5c3fc

>Why should I be helping him?
because he's your friend and he's lonely.
No. 78576 ID: cee89f

Kairosa: Who would win in a fight, you or Goku?

Why isn't your body there yet and what do you hope it's like?

Will your temple-thief-archeologist-priests have stetsons and/or any other form of awesome hat?

Wordblood: You've said previously that you only get energy/will from eating a book multiple times if it's a great work with many possible interpretations, but could you still eat it and just enjoy the taste?

How often were creatures created by sheer accident when Titans were around, if at all?

If Saulanna gained a deva with an element that ties into something you currently control in the inner world (say, for the sake of argument Saulanna makes a water deva with mist nobles) how would control over it work? I imagine you'd still be able to make the mists, but would you be able to control it to the same extent?

Assume, for the sake of argument, that any conceivable ally in Creation become hostile to Saulanna. (The gods, the DS, Yozis, Solars, etc) What would you advise her to do?

Saisai: How do you react to catnip?

Rokoa: ever killed someone during sex? By accident or otherwise?

Astranians: *lowers the fourth wall for a moment* What would you think of the Asteroidverse aliens if they were in your own universe?
No. 78583 ID: fd6ae9

>Kairosa: Who would win in a fight, you or Goku?
Time consumes all things. She is the aspect of time that consumes. Anything that exists enough for you to pose the question will, eventually, lose.

She's very patient, after all.
No. 78586 ID: 3dd384

But... but... the longer she waits, the more time Goku has to get a higher SSJ!
No. 78587 ID: beeca1

If you mean Son Goku of Dragonball, Goku wins because he's already dead and a main character, therefore he always wins eventually because of plot.

If you mean Son Goku the Japanese version of Sun Wukong the Stone Monkey's name, then Sun Wukong wins because he's fucking invincible.
No. 78588 ID: cee89f

That's not a fight, that's a waiting contest.

>If you mean Son Goku of Dragonball, Goku wins because he's already dead and a main character, therefore he always wins eventually because of plot.
Plot doesn't apply here since Kairosa is also a main character in a series where she's basically invincible herself due to plot and metaphysics.

Also, she can eat souls. Death is no protection.
No. 78590 ID: beeca1

Kairosa isn't a main character, she's a supporting character. Saulanna is the main character.

And I note you didn't disagree with the Sun Wukong analysis.
No. 78593 ID: cee89f

I wasn't talking about Sun Wukong.

>Kairosa isn't a main character, she's a supporting character. Saulanna is the main character.

Uh, you can have more than one main character, ya know >.>
No. 78594 ID: 7bbaae

Hey guys maybe you should let the characters answer questions instead of answering them yourselves and starting arguments about them?
No. 78596 ID: beeca1

Cool. Why hasn't Kairosa had a POV yet, then?

This is /questdis. Discussion is happening.
No. 78599 ID: cee89f

Putting aside that you don't need a full PoV role to be a main character in a story either, she's been around one damn chapter

Fair enough, no more.
No. 78600 ID: df41f8

Discussion is happening, but
is right. /Questdis/ is a board but it's divided into multiple threads for a reason.
If you're going to answer people's questions about the setting or discuss one another's answers and you are not yourself a cartoon neumono, please consider using the AsteroidQuest Discussion thread instead and carrying on the conversation there. This isn't the place for it.
No. 78603 ID: 9cd8ad
File 138763945301.png - (12.75KB , 800x800 , KorliITQ14.png )

>What was on the ear tags, out curiosity?
Just informational scans like our biology, names, stuff like that. I think it was meant for robots to use. I don't know why they weren't, like, self destruct bombs, but I wasn't gonna go ask them and give them that idea.
No. 78604 ID: 9cd8ad
File 138763951365.png - (12.83KB , 800x800 , RokoaITQ41.png )

>How does that whole storing sperm for later use thing work anyways?
Sorta like stuffing food in my cheek. Cept with an overly complex array of squeezy muscles instead of a tongue muscle.

>Rokoa: ever killed someone during sex? By accident or otherwise?
Don't think so, but things were bent. See previously mentioned muscles for details.
No. 78605 ID: 57a559

You have a dog muzzle for a mouth and cheek. I didn't even know dog's could stuff food in there, or even had cheeks.

Then again, that was just an analogy that wasn't even the focus of the question.
Can neumono actually store food in your cheeks?
No. 78614 ID: 7bbaae

>things were bent
I must assume that was accidental since it would end the act pretty much immediately.
No. 78640 ID: 05fac0

Penji...Penji...as you sleep and heal, deep in your dreams, ponder this:
Would the line drawings of yourself that you found have been more or less creepy if there had been a sketch of you sitting in a pretty little dress at a tea party, sharing cookies with your favorite teddy and your dollies?
No. 78651 ID: b87ebe

Oi, Lacroix, xhow did you get your Mumbo jumbo? Said you died in a mass grave in France. When, and how did you get tangled up with this crowd of boner people? Usually how a loa dies determines what domains they get and why.
No. 78655 ID: df41f8
File 138783460844.png - (346.27KB , 800x600 , ans2.png )

I came up to France from Morocco with a dandy suit and a head full of dreams of European civility and hobnobbing with the classy white grand hommes.

Just my luck this was 3 months before the Great War.

All those civilized folks with coats and cigars I loved so much dug themselves a bunch of holes, and they needed a bunch of strong young men to fill them up.
It was a great time, lots of drinking and partying and sharp uniforms. I loved my job right up until I had to actually do it.

I think I bought the big one somewhere in Ypres. A German-Kamerun boy with glasses and the stupidest little moustache put three bullets in my gut. I was a great big bull moose then, too, so it didn't stop me from sticking a bayonet through his neck.

His name's Ermas and over on this side he blows jazz slick enough to make the Virgin Mary cream her panties. We're best friends now that I've convinced him to lose the whiskers.

Samedi picked us out, I think. Me for my muscle and him for his brass and both of us because we were hard partiers who didn't get our share of living enough when we were alive. I'm glad he got his bony fingers on us. I'm not cut out to be a War Loa.
No. 78662 ID: 330674

I see. There's another story a bit like yours, though it ends a little differently. His name was Alexander Dumas, and was a rival general to Boneparte in his day. Ever heard of him?

His stature was quite like your description of yourself. His son and namesake wrote three musketeers, monte Christo and whatnot. Most people these days dont realize Alexandre Jr. was mulatto.
No. 78675 ID: 9cd8ad
File 138786796266.png - (12.14KB , 800x800 , RokoaITQ42.png )

>Can neumono actually store food in your cheeks?
No. That was an analogy. We have some cheek, and we don't store food in there.

>I must assume that was accidental since it would end the act pretty much immediately.
Assume what you gotta assume.
No. 78677 ID: 8f7720
File 138787137102.png - (72.70KB , 700x500 , happy kitty.png )

>Saisai: How do you react to catnip?

No. 78744 ID: c824a9


While we're on the topic of reproduction, Rokoa, about how long do neumono kids stay in their pod after it's been pushed out? About how big are pods in comparison to the mother, on average? And what do you do with them, do you feel a compulsion to wrap them up somewhere safe or to carry them around with you or what? When the kid gets out of the pod, is there anything left behind? And if so, do you keep it, make stuff out of it, or maybe eat it?
No. 78750 ID: cee89f

To the Polokoaverse:
-What happened to Kappi, Jess and Itcher? (we've seen the latter two but I don't remember seeing the former)
-Are Jess and Itcher married yet?
-Who would win in a fight, Polokoa or Rokolo?
-What happened to Miss and Scratch?

...Also, it just occurred to me Polokoaverse Pilon probably didn't have the kids he had on the Aesteroid. Sadface =(
No. 78751 ID: fd6ae9

>What happened to Kappi
Well, he's a rogue from Rokoa's hive. Which never got exiled to crash on the asteroid in this timelime. So assuming he still gets born at all, he's likely not at the trade hub, or on the asteroid at all.

Actually, the most interesting implication that question brings up- would he still go rogue? Kappi's born a good two decades after Polo's mission- when Polokoa first appears. Are rogues even still a thing with predator and predamono therapists, and the one-world hyperhive thing?
No. 78755 ID: 9cd8ad
File 138828448059.png - (16.60KB , 1000x800 , RokoaITQ43.png )

>Rokoa, about how long do neumono kids stay in their pod after it's been pushed out?
Two to three months, depends on the climate, mother, and complete random effect.

>About how big are pods in comparison to the mother, on average?
A bit smaller than a closed fist. They're sorta stretchy when they first come out, though, so they expand for awhile with the kid.

>What do you do with them?
That depends on the climate and living place. They've got to be kept warm, so if a snow hive goes on a hunting trip and there's no one back home to warm it up and protect it, the mother carries it around. There's only a compulsion to protect it and keep it warm, but there's no instinct on how to go about doing that outside of common sense.

>When the kid gets out of the pod, is there anything left behind?
The pod comes out stretchy enough to expand, but it gets more brittle over time. There's not gonna be a whole lot you can do with it. The pod starts cracking and breaking on its own if the kid doesn't go and punch his or her way out first.
No. 78756 ID: f44ca3

So its like a soft shelled turtle egg then?

Do they put off any empathy when they are still in the pod/egg? Have there been any problems raising the young ones in the jammer cities?

Also when they come out are they covered in fur or hairless? Oh and when do they grow those shark teeth. I imagine breast feeding can be a chore at times.
No. 78759 ID: 9cd8ad
File 138835071492.png - (17.62KB , 800x800 , RokoaITQ44.png )

>Do they put off any empathy when they are still in the pod/egg?
Yeah. Sometimes even when the pod is still in the body, to a weak degree.

>Have there been any problems raising the young ones in the jammer cities?
Nah. Small hives have sometimes intentionally left the pod back at home, completely alone, to get them used to the idea of being alone for some period of time. They don't ever like it one bit, but sometimes small hives have to split up and hunt alone.

>Also when they come out are they covered in fur or hairless?
Depends when they break out of the pod. Unless they do it as soon as they can, chances are, they'll have fur.

>Oh and when do they grow those shark teeth. I imagine breast feeding can be a chore at times.
Pretty fast, usually they have sharp nubs right at birth. Takes a month or so to get them fully functional, then they can eat normal stuff, to a degree. Problem is, is they eat a stupid amount of food for their size, but their digestive tract is still small and inefficient. So they gotta eat things that are easy to digest, so you can't just feed them any sort of raw meat all day, or they'll get sick. And up till aliens came with things like farms and preservatives, it was pretty common for a baby to get hungry fast without a fresh corpse right there ready to go. That's why they got huge ears, it's all fat reserves made for eating in case they need to gnaw on themselves to survive. Anyway and furthermore, that early on, the 'final build' of themselves being fully grown isn't entirely set yet, so fucking things up that early can stunt their growth. So there's gotta be a mix of normal food and easy baby food. The latter's what tits are for, outside the bedroom. And yes, the kids bite when they're hungry, even though the little bastards can sense your empathy just fine. Doesn't take 'em long to stop cause of it, but takes long enough for 'em to get a taste for neumono blood.
No. 78760 ID: beeca1

There's no other mammal that produces milk? Even if the straight milk doesn't have enough nutrients by itself, fortifying milk isn't too hard when you have enough infrastructure to raise cows or whatever.
No. 78761 ID: cee89f

..... Whose kid is that?
No. 78762 ID: f44ca3

God its like a cute little fury lamprey.

I suddenly got the mental image of a bunch of those hanging off of your breasts while you have a painful yet motherly expression on your face.

So are there ever twins or more? And if so do they come in different pods or do you get one big one?

Guessing you cant leave the little guys alone together or they might start eating each other.
No. 78763 ID: 0f1482

I think her hive is big enough that there are always a few babies around. I'm going to assume she just borrowed one from the nursery for demonstration, and that there's not a terrified mother watching from just off-screen wondering if she's getting her kid back.
No. 78768 ID: cee89f

I have to wonder who, precisely, would willingly hand their kid over to crazy aunt Rokoa so that she could show off its tiny teeth to the voices from another universe. Or possibly from a CAI.

I mean sure, she could probably take it by force (of will) if she wanted. But that would still be creepy
No. 78770 ID: 457920


What with you handling that kid there, Rokoa, that brings to mind some other questions I had. Kids have it easier to adapt to a new hive than adults, right? Like, their empathy isn't set so much yet? So, was it common for neumono hives that fought each other to kidnap each other's kids, or to adopt them if all the adults of the other were wiped out? Do neumono have the same general aversion to hurting small kids that other species have, regardless of empathy?
No. 78776 ID: 9cd8ad
File 138838005271.png - (11.72KB , 800x800 , RokoaITQ45.png )

>There's no other mammal that produces milk?
There are, but we're picky. Maybe there's been hives that have farms. Dunno.

>Whose kid is that?
From my hive.

>I have to wonder who, precisely, would willingly hand their kid over to crazy aunt Rokoa
I don't care if I've been somewhat estranged from my hive, there's be bigger problems if they didn't trust me to hold onto their kids for a moment.

>Guessing you cant leave the little guys alone together or they might start eating each other.
Nah, they'll gnaw, but they don't go that far unless they're really gonna die.

>So are there ever twins or more?
Nope, we don't get that normally. Even the couple referred to as the twins in the Iron Cove weren't real twins.

>Kids have it easier to adapt to a new hive than adults, right?
Yep. Usually up to a few years old is pretty malleable.

>So, was it common for neumono hives that fought each other to kidnap each other's kids, or to adopt them if all the adults of the other were wiped out?
Also yep. Some hives only accepted kids through childbirth, some would take every opportunity to make another hive go through the labor of childbirth.

>Do neumono have the same general aversion to hurting small kids that other species have, regardless of empathy?
Most of the time, yeah, but it's a learned thing, not deep instinct.
No. 78788 ID: 9b57d3

Is it really better for someone to eat their own ears and lose blood and healing energy in the process instead of letting the body just use the excess fat naturally?
No. 78793 ID: cee89f

Hok: Is your name pronounced 'Hawk', 'Hook', or 'Huok'?

Saulanna: Developed a taste for books yet?

The human body uses excess fat as an absolute last resort - by the time you start using that for energy, you've already used up everything else. Presumably, it's the same for neumono, so it's simply faster for them to eat their own fat. Especially since it appears they can rip off their ears with relatively little problem.
No. 78822 ID: 9cd8ad
File 138855260239.png - (12.69KB , 800x800 , RokoaITQ46.png )

>Is it really better for someone to eat their own ears and lose blood and healing energy in the process instead of letting the body just use the excess fat naturally?
Hey, we're not perfect life forms. If they're starving, their ears do shrink, but more likely they need a good bit of food in their stomach right away.

The blood loss is minimal, we've got a strip along our ear that's made with getting yanked off in mind. The flesh connection is weaker, and the ear around there tightens up when it's been severed to keep blood in. That's why grabbing a neumono's ears in combat isn't as effective as you'd think, as if we just tilt our head the right way and pull, the ear will come right off.

The healing energy isn't as big a concern, as growing the ear back is just about the last concern on the body. If you're consistently starving, your ear's not gonna bother coming back till you've got the surplus food for it to care.
No. 78823 ID: 9cd8ad
File 138855261644.png - (12.36KB , 800x800 , HokITQ8.png )

>Hok: Is your name pronounced 'Hawk', 'Hook', or 'Huok'?
Hawk is the closest match and that's pretty flattering you know but it's more like a hacking kind of cough sort of pronunciation.
No. 78826 ID: 57a559

Hok what are your parents like? You mentioned a while back that you got an allowance when you were a kid, so it sounds like you had an average upbringing.
No. 78827 ID: 1e9bd6

Hok do you wear your adorable hat with those big flaps because you secretly wish you had neumono ears.
No. 78846 ID: fb4e93

Hey, Mitzi, if you're around: we kinda have a new acquaintance who's has just barely woken up and found out that she's been experimented on, and basically doesn't seem to have human physiology anymore. Would you happen to have any words of advice for her or for us?
No. 78884 ID: aef4c1

Kairosa/Wordblood: We know Devas with similar purposes tend to come into conflict, and too similar Elements tend to merge. What happens though, if a Deva's Purpose is similar to another's Element?
Will there be problems if we have both a Shaping Soul (for sorcery, etc) with a Creation Element AND a Crafting Soul with a Will Element? Or if Kairosa gets a Speed Noble after we've already gotten a Travel Soul of whatever Element?
No. 78891 ID: 7bbaae

Polokoa: Why is your fur all one color? Do you dye it?
No. 78893 ID: cee89f

Battle Quest Tozols: assuming for the moment you could see past the fourth wall, what would you think of Penji's experiences in Tozol Quest?

Asteroidverse/Polokoaverse: Do neumono have porn? With the way empathy is apparently connected to love-making it seems like it would be a waste, or at least much less effective than it would be for, say, humans or belenos.

Jessica: Favorite weapon?

Itcher: have you ever seen the Godfather?

I figured she had individual hairs that were both Rokoa grey and Polo blue that just looked like one color because of how close together they were. Like GBGBGBGBGBGB for individual hairs, but we see the color as a whole which is somewhere between the two neumono's colors.
No. 78895 ID: 7bbaae

Her skin's patchwork though. One would assume the fur on top of each color of skin would match the respective person's. So logically her fur should be patchwork as well, but it's not.
No. 78900 ID: 1e9bd6

Her skin's patchwork, but she's not a strait up stitched together Frankenstein, even if she started that way. She's adapted, integrated. So even if certain parts of her (eyes, patches of skin) can be traced to Polo or Rokoa, they've been altered. That's why there's a uniform fur color, and her proportions aren't all over the place.
No. 78910 ID: 7bbaae

...do you have evidence that's why? If not, don't answer for the author.
No. 78912 ID: 7bbaae

Yeah, I read that too. Her fur wasn't mentioned. That's why I'm asking.
No. 78957 ID: df41f8
File 138912152407.png - (8.97KB , 800x600 , answer3.png )

He's my friend, sure, but he's not a person. He's a weapon.
As much as it sucks, you can't think of moldies as people.

In personal experience that never ends well.
No. 78958 ID: 53ba34

what does lurd taste like?
No. 78959 ID: df41f8
File 138912344625.png - (8.13KB , 800x600 , answer4.png )

No. 78960 ID: 7bbaae

No. 78963 ID: 13a36d

Zane: so how's ekia treating you? be honest, do you despise her yet?
No. 78964 ID: 57a559

Neumono character's willing to answer, shit any Asteroid alien for that matter
What is your favorite pet that aliens have introduced you to? Dogs? Cats? Iguanas? Anything else come to mind? Any particular breeds of cat and dogs you like if you like dogs/cats?
No. 78966 ID: fa02ec
File 138914270149.png - (286.51KB , 800x600 , itqpolokoacolors.png )

>To the Polokoaverse:
>-What happened to Kappi
>it just occurred to me Polokoaverse Pilon probably didn't have the kids he had on the Asteroid.

You'd be surprised. I was. Apparently, alternate universes contrive to keep as many of the same people as they can. It seems they stay more... stable, that way. Or something. So, although the majority of Rokoa and Polo's hives were killed, the ones who survived mostly ended up having the same children they would have had, wherever it was at all plausible.

Kappi is actually working on the ship I use. I think he's in a relationship with a Rokoa clone. I think Bomber? She's one of the ones that kept a lot of the crazy, though. I'm not sure.

>Jess and Itcher?
>-Are Jess and Itcher married yet?
>-What happened to Miss and Scratch?

I don't know these people.

>-Who would win in a fight, Polokoa or Rokolo?

I don't know. The only time we fought, I had the time police helping me, and I surprised her, as well. Had to stop her shenanigans. If we'd had a fair fight... I'm bigger than her, so I'm stronger, and my suit amplifies based on size the same way a biosuit does, so it makes me stronger and tougher still. She has her own advantages, though. She's smarter than me, for one. Or at least, she knows a lot more. Has more skills.

That's what that damn ridiculous clone training trick gets you.

>Are rogues even still a thing

Not as often, and it's not as much of a problem as it used to be.

>Polokoa: Why is your fur all one color? Do you dye it?

The black skin that snow hive neumono have is separate from the normal biology that sets colours. Normally, you can guess that a neumono with particular fur colour will have an expected range of skin or eye colours as well, with a few exceptions, like most other species. And if a pair with different colours have a kid, it might be one or the other, or be something in between them both. It's mostly the same for chimeras. But for snow hive, the flesh tone doesn't work that way. If someone has a snow hive parent, their eyes and fur might end up matching either parent, or one of their relatives, or being a blend, but they'll either have black skin or they won't. It's on a separate gene and it's either switched on or it isn't.

For me, that means that those parts of my skin derived from Rokoa are black, and the ones derived from Polo aren't. Early on, they produced separate fur colours as well, but eventually the pigmentation evened out, while the skin stayed binary.

My eyes are cybernetic now. I kept their colours by choice.
No. 78971 ID: 9cd8ad
File 138915650732.png - (17.80KB , 800x800 , JessITQ9.png )

>What is your favorite pet that aliens have introduced you to?
A Toya. They're like dogs, and like humans, belenosians bred them for domestication. Plus, they bred them for a whole lot longer than dogs, and then when they were only kept as pets, they genetically engineered and superscienced toyas to be perfect pets! Back when they could superscience and not regular science.

They learn a lot if you teach them a lot, and pretty much stay as dumb as a brick if you don't.

>Do neumono have porn? With the way empathy is apparently connected to love-making it seems like it would be a waste, or at least much less effective than it would be for, say, humans or belenos.
Yeahhh we do. I mean, we can still masturbate, and we still imagine stuff up. So porn is imagination fodder. Kind of like normal. It's not a good substitute for the real deal, but if you can't get the latter, then you've got to settle on something.

>Jessica: Favorite weapon?
Uh.... I don't really use those if I can help it. So I guess just a stun gun.

>Have there been any problems raising the young ones in the jammer cities?
Rokoa answered that but she kind of dodged the question sooo she really didn't. I mean, it's true that it's not like empathy is required to make a healthy adult, but the parents to have to make a point to bond with their kids if they want to be like a hive. So they have to make a lot of physical contact and generally be there for their kids, like, you know, they're supposed to do anyway. So if they do that, it works out, it just takes awhile longer, since the kids either can't sense their parent's thoughts at all, or if they make physical contact, then only a little bit.

So normally they can sense the parents getting agitated when they get woken up at the middle of the night, or frustration when the kids fight with each other, so the babies just kind of stop it since they're making it worse for themselves. It makes them willing to be a bit more friendly with each other and a bit more willing to put up with discomfort before crying in the night. Jammer parents do have to deal with the terrible twos.

Sooooooo since jammer kids don't have that strong empathy, there's a lot of kids that weren't raised as well as they would've been in a hive, so they might be a jerk except that on the flipside, if they had a normal hive and that hive was a big bunch of douchebags to outsiders, they'd definitely grow up to be a bunch of jerks to other people. Which is kind of what a hive is a lot of time. Hives think of jammer hives, or families, as a bunch of maladjusted rogues a lot. And jammer families think of hives as a big collection of immature children. I mean I'm speaking really generally here, but there's a lot of that sentiment.
No. 78973 ID: 9cd8ad
File 138915719204.png - (13.29KB , 800x800 , HokITQ9.png )

>Hok what are your parents like?
Well they never made me brush my teeth or do my homework, but still expected me to do stuff. Then I moved out. And that's that! They're probably doing old people things right now.

>Hok do you wear your adorable hat with those big flaps because you secretly wish you had neumono ears.
No I wear it cause it was basically the first good pair of goggles I found. I guess I could just extract the goggles onto a different helmet part but it's kinda got sentimental value now. Plus, a lotta neumono laugh when I bounce up and down and start flapping them.
No. 78974 ID: 9cd8ad
File 138915821232.png - (12.76KB , 800x800 , ItcherITQ8-2.png )

>Itcher: have you ever seen the Godfather?
Yeah. Half of it, anyway. Wasn't bad, but not good enough for me to sit through the second half.
No. 78978 ID: 627d94

Maybe she's one of those lucky people who lose weight when they're stressed.
No. 78980 ID: 57a559

Jessie's Toya
Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark?
No. 78982 ID: cee89f

These questions are directed to all quest characters (assuming the character hasn't answered it or something similar already):

What does your name mean? (if you don't have a name, replace 'name' with whatever is appropriate. Designation, model, etc etc)

Complete the sentence: "___ live(s) forever." with anything except 'hero', 'love', 'immortal' or 'a god'.

If you lived forever, what would you do with yourself?

If you were a MOBA character (Dota, League of Legends, etc) what would your role be and what would be your ultimate?

What is your favorite myth/legend?

For any military/diplomatic types, is there anything your enemy knows about your forces that you wish they didn't?

How would you react to your son or daughter trying to kill you?
No. 78983 ID: 34cbef
File 138923796287.png - (7.92KB , 380x310 , itqsteel.png )


1. My name is a word for a strong metallic material. My last name is the family name, we hail from Africa in the Tanzanian territories.

2. Happiness

3. Abolish the military corporations in Africa, if I had the ability to voluntarily choose a time period I would begin at 2045, during Juga Waagande's corporate leadership.

4. I would probably be... a melee support, and my ultimate would be a buff that increases both attack and magic damage.

5. Did you hear the one about the antelope and the fisher's son?

6. The fact that some of the militants have family.
No. 78989 ID: 67bfa9
File 138925770152.png - (63.07KB , 400x400 , Zane34.png )

>Zane: so how's ekia treating you? be honest, do you despise her yet?

The Commander-Ritualist is a vile hedonistic aristocratic degenerate. I will not deny it.
I am treated as a servant, I am not amusing enough for her to toy with so she doesn't bother, instead she simply directs me towards what enemy of the alliance she needs destroyed.

>If you lived forever, what would you do with yourself?
I would fight for the alliance and bring my people glory

>Astranians: *lowers the fourth wall for a moment* What would you think of the Asteroidverse aliens if they were in your own universe?
Bio-augmented filth, the modification of genetics leads only to absolute corruption
perhaps there might've been hope for them, but now I see none

>What does your name mean?
I am named after the scholar Pelendina, she was believed to have invented Astranian purification systems that allowed for colonization of my homeworld, it was a popular name two hundred years ago.
No. 78990 ID: df41f8
File 138925974527.png - (6.77KB , 800x600 , answer1.png )


I am here to answer a bunch of QUESTIONS!!

>What does your name mean?
It was the name given to me by the HIGH CAPTAIN, the day she LASHED ME TO HER WILL!! I obey none but her!! It is SHE who is the TYRANT!! And I THE STAR!!

>"_____" lives forever

>If you lived forever, what would you do?


>If you were a MOBA character, what would you be?

>What is your favorite myth/legend?
I am myth and legend!!

>For any military/diplomatic types, is there anything your enemy knows about your forces that you wish they didn't?
Not but that they know I am COMING!! And I am HUNGRY!! Sometimes the smaller ones RUN!! It's really ANNOYING!!

>How would you react to your son or daughter trying to kill you?
I have ONE HUNDRED SONS AND DAUGHTERS!! And they try to kill me all the time!!

Family!! What can ya do!!

No. 78993 ID: 379075

Your command of Zen is amazing.

For anyone who is qualified to answer: What are your tips for reaching the Zen state?
No. 78996 ID: cee89f

..... You want to do nothing but sit in a cave for most of the match until somebody comes to kill you, die multiple times a match, and give out a shield that lets you reincarnate?
No. 79000 ID: 57a559

I'll just make this shorter

Oken and Zane, if you could play pokemon in your world, would you like that game? Would you get addicted? What's the most adorable pokemon?

Everyone else. What's your favorite pokemon?
No. 79001 ID: ea42cb

Reya, do you have any baby pictures of Baj? I've wondered what a 'squealer' looks like after some of your compatriots used the phrase to describe a baby tozol.

To all Tozols who might respond, What constitutes attractiveness in either sex for your species?

Commander-Ritualist Ekia, Commander Radde San-Onnka, Piyerra San-Onnka, have you or your kind ever had any encounters with a species known as the Tozols?
No. 79002 ID: cbd0d1
File 138931053014.png - (205.85KB , 439x539 , Weldendon.png )

>What does your name mean?
My given name is of obvious human origin, while the family is of our own. The story goes that it was our historic trade as metalworkers.

>Complete the sentence: "Duty lives forever"

>If you lived forever, what would you do with yourself?
Find a way to cruise to the edge of the universe and back again, just to say I'd seen it all.

>If you were a MOBA character...
From my impression those wargames are groundbound, my skills as a pilot would be poorly applied.

>What is your favorite myth/legend?
I know what you think, shall it be Daedalus or perhaps Montauciel? Non, it is Sir Williams, the Iron Hand. Sturdy of chin and will, into the ruins of London he drove, fearless and foolish. He rallied those lost, defying death and despair. From him the people learn though all our days are numbered, each ending precedes the unknown beginning... and so his kingdom was Originumeros.

>is there anything your enemy knows about your forces that you wish they didn't?
I wish the fae could not simply guess at radar and radio locations 'by ear'. Thankfully that ability doesn't seem to come with the ability to 'understand transmissions, but it's dead uncanny and makes operations in their territories difficult.

>How would you react to your son or daughter trying to kill you?
Toss them out a window probably, usually ends most fights I've been in.
No. 79003 ID: beeca1

Asteroidverse: Have different planets and/or species developed reputations like Americans, Brits, and Greeks have, and if so, how much of the Internet is devoted to them fighting?

What's the Internet and transplanetary communication like these days?

Also, if it got overlooked: >>78552
No. 79009 ID: cee89f

>From my impression those wargames are groundbound, my skills as a pilot would be poorly applied.
There are pilots in those games, though. Gyrocopter and Batrider, for instance.
No. 79042 ID: 1f8505

All characters who can handle firearms: favorite sidearm?
No. 79043 ID: 43360e
File 138956883094.png - (197.51KB , 1024x576 , Gun-Andrews.png )

Fire-death Gun. High pressure liquid mass, grow with air. Simple. Make life safe.
No. 79065 ID: 57a559

Hey all quest characters
What's your skyrim character?
If you could play skyrim that is. And if you're from Real Life's supposed future and it didn't seem so inferior to your time's the Elder Scrolls XV or something like that.
No. 79067 ID: 34cbef
File 138966578523.png - (71.57KB , 500x300 , redguardsteel.png )

This is my Elder Scrolls IX: Return to Daggerfall character. He is a magic redguard
No. 79074 ID: b8ceae

Shouldn't that be "Fire-suppression agent cannon"? :3c
No. 79083 ID: 2f4b71

>Fire-death Gun. High pressure liquid mass, grow with air. Simple. Make life safe.
An IFEX extinguisher?
No. 79085 ID: a3eb7f

>One of Rokoa's kids went missing and they never found the body

So, all you younger neumono, you uh


you know who all your parents and grandparents were, right
No. 79108 ID: 09d300
File 138997196991.png - (209.14KB , 1024x576 , Gun-Naomi.png )


Its a kind of high-pressure cold foam. Works prettymuch everywhere. IVEX systems are ideal as portable units, but they cant really defeat hydrogen fire.
No. 79109 ID: 9ddf68

hey whatever happened to you guys, last I saw you two got caught under a building or something just as a rescue team was digging you out.
No. 79110 ID: a87e3a

They DIED obviously.
No. 79111 ID: 09d300
File 138999011380.png - (202.94KB , 1024x576 , Gun-Announce.png )

A surprise: Wingman does not meet her death.

Maybe you'll get to see the end of that someday, maybe not. It was at the wrapping point anyway. Right now we're busy with the forest fire again. Someone found their missing thread, and wants to see if they can finish it before Imageshack runs out. I have 10 bucks that he won't.
No. 79112 ID: aef4c1

Wordblood: When you upgraded Kairosa's Consumption abilities in the process of Deva creation, were they cut-and-pasted or copy-pasted? Which is to say, does Saulanna now have two Devas with Ease+Efficiency of Consumption, or only one?
No. 79134 ID: a29693
File 139009492317.png - (27.90KB , 800x600 , dsynitq.png )

>What does your name mean?
Daedalus Synthetic, serial number 106743. The serial number is obfuscated so that the actual number of D-SYNs is not immediately apparent to competitors and clients. This is a common corporate practice, despite government attempts to enforce more transparency relating to synthetic organism manufacture.

>Complete the sentence: "___ live(s) forever."
Nothing lives forever. I don't want to live forever. I just want to live longer. I've been in operation for roughly eight years. Another couple of decades would be nice.

>If you lived forever, what would you do with yourself?
Inevitably contemplate self-destruction.

Less fatalistically, likely find myself working odd jobs for whatever corporation is willing to foot the bill for my continued existence.

>What is your favorite myth/legend?
I don't particularly have preferences, but I always found the name Daedalus chose for themselves to be a little hubristic. To create something with the name "Icarus" and then to go bankrupt soon after would inspire faith in the faithless.

I don't know what higher power is out there, but I hope the ancient Greek pantheon isn't it. I don't want to be turned into an inanimate object.

>How would you react to your son or daughter trying to kill you?
The idea of having a son or daughter fills me with dread. I am absolutely convinced that the mere processes involved in having a son or daughter would likely kill me. I know successful births have happened, I was subjected to footage of such an event, but it looks like I might want to die in such a situation.

Other than that, my primary directive is survival. Without any additional directives to ensure the safety of my offspring, the clear conclusion is to remove them as a threat through rational discussion.

>dance moves
I find relaxation difficult while one of my directives is constantly on my mind.


>how do you fite
I'm not trained in any form of combat or weaponry usage. Military synthetic organisms exist, but I am not one of them. I am not exactly sure I was created for anything beyond general purpose work. My approach to a hostile situation is to leave the situation as quickly as possible.

>What are you feelings on luck?
That, like time, mine is running out. But, like time, there's always a chance you can get more. Wait. Maybe that doesn't make any sense.

I don't know where I got this clipboard but this is making writing things down much easier.
No. 79139 ID: 53ba34

what missing thread?
No. 79141 ID: 3afdbb
File 139013866330.png - (189.03KB , 1024x576 , Gun-Announce.png )

Well around 2010 there were some stories told at the MSPAFA -- right around when they switched servers. All the threads changed numbers, so our tale -- Highly Reactive ( http://www.mspaforums.com/showthread.php?29113 ) kind of got lost until someone remembered it. A thread may be opened around here to collect your notes if allowed, but main publishing will still occur there.

Now you have knowledge. To have knowledge is a division of the fight.
No. 79142 ID: f0418c

The other half is red and blue lasers.

No. 79145 ID: 67bfa9
File 139015857153.png - (60.26KB , 400x400 , Zane35.png )

Pokemon is a great game it teaches children valuable life skills like combat tactics, exploiting enemy weaknesses and the glory of an arena battle. Every child should be encouraged to play this game

If I had to pick a favorite pokemon I would have to go with Typhlosion

my favorite Sidearm is the Handlaser, precise, fast to fire and can blow up a tank in a pinch, sure it's standard issue but I couldn't do better if I tried
No. 79146 ID: 4a75fa

And exploiting resources, and compelling loyalty in your troops!

...what's this say that the Solars came up with the game, though?
No. 79151 ID: aef4c1

Kairosa: In the future, once Saulanna's Inner World is populated by independent beings, how will energy recovery work for them in there? Will there be a finite energy total in the system, so that whenever someone uses an ability to create something semi-permanent - such as by making a tree grow - Saulanna will have to import food, or pump in Titan Power from the outside, in order to fill the deficit?
No. 79178 ID: 6e85c8
File 139026714107.png - (126.17KB , 282x800 , Its Pikachu.png )

>Everyone else. What's your favorite pokemon?
No. 79179 ID: 13a36d

Zane why are you the best

You should have your own judge dredd style solo series
No. 79180 ID: cee89f

It's not a solo series but she is the main(ish) protagonist of Colony Guard and the main antagonist of the first Pinkskin Quest.
No. 79185 ID: a23695
File 139032224101.png - (14.26KB , 600x500 , mordITQ.png )


I have been extensively trained. I was a professional soldier. Instead of reciting every aspect of my combat training, it is easier to simply say that I have learned how to do it properly.


It depends on what person has died. The fate of their body varies on the individual, and the circumstances surrounding their death. For example. When our comrades are killed, normally we will bury them under the ground near where they died. We bury them with their weapon and equipment, and any personal effects they might have had on them. Or if it is more suitable, we cremate them on a pyre.

For civilians, they are all cremated. There are death furnaces that exist specifically to immolate the carcasses of the public. I do not know if they have any sort of death ceremony.

Criminals that have been executed, as well as volunteers, are sometimes used for scientific experimentation, and apparently their DNA is used to help prevent genetic degradation of the artificially developed meat that is fed to most upstanding civilians. But sometimes, criminals are hanged, and left there as an example.


>Long range or short range, if you could only pick one?

Long-range weapons are far superior, it is completely unquestionable. Short range weapons could never be as devastating. And of course, nobody wants to get involved in the viscera and emotions of close range warfare. It is emotionally less-troubling to simply push a button and turn everything to ash.

>How well does romance usually go for you?

I have never experienced romance. I had nothing when I joined the military, and after that, my drive for sexual activity was chemically suppressed for years. Even now, I still feel nothing.

>Most terrifying thing you've ever encountered

I have encountered a lot of terrifying things, but through continued exposure to danger, I have become less sensitive to terror. However, the worst thing was possibly when I was taken prisoner by outcasts, along with two other soldiers. They beheaded one of the soldiers next to me with a combat knife. I was so completely terrified that I urinated in my pants while it was happening. It was my first year as a deployed soldier, which made it much worse. I had never killed anybody at that time in my life. Following my rescue, I was haunted by deep trauma. I have mostly recovered from that, but I still have terrible nightmares about it, sometimes.

>Most adorable thing you've ever encountered

Nothing is adorable.
No. 79186 ID: 728984


No. 79190 ID: 5e9f8f

Hey Radula. For something with an origin in formless chaos and perceptions of space and time totally unlike our own, you seem to be remarkably human in your thought processes, which seems strange. Is this normal for the Cacophony? Is it a result of you currently existing in causal spacetime? Or are your thoughts being translated for us and the inside of your head is actually totally alien?

Also, is there any way for a native of causal spacetime to become part of the Cacophony? I want to know if there's any way to continue existing if you manage to destroy the ordered universe.
No. 79224 ID: 57a559

Okay Radula now that I know what that tentacle claw thing you use to mind control subjects actually is (along with the fact that your venom is essentially semen), do you get a sense of relief whenever you take control over someone? Or a feeling of release? Or basically chemicals rush through your brain and make you feel good?
No. 79230 ID: 0b90a3
File 139061479333.jpg - (57.90KB , 464x600 , schreater1.jpg )

>"*Ahem* If I may field this one?"
>"In my converstaions with the creature 'Radula' I have come away with some understanding of its psychological profile. It may be a timeless entity from your deepest nightmares, but its personality is remarkably similar to that of a top-tier predator: egotistical, oppritunistic, and projecting an air of self-righteous superiority. However it is easily upset when forced into situations it does not understand, and terrified when facing a foe stronger than it anticipated. While capable of very complex tactical desicions, Radula is fairly simple minded. Many of its actions are tied directly to its role as a predator, something that it percieves as a religious duty, which is interesting as it has been designed essentially as a tool for killing and eating Gods. It has also had access to the minds of countless mortals using its mind-poison, which it describes as something akin to a baptism or blessing. However it is highly likely that those memories have reshaped its mind into something closer to ours, wether it cares to acknowledge it or not.

>"The Cacauphony itself however... that is something I am wholly unprepared to analyze. The glimpses I have seen of its mind speak only of a hunger completely alien to our world."
No. 79232 ID: 0b90a3
File 139061498736.jpg - (53.02KB , 600x578 , radITQ.jpg )

Thats QUITE enough out of you. Yes yes and my daddy never loved me and I am repressing an attraction to my mother, in spite of the fact that niether of them ever existed.

SO, joining the Cacauphony, yes? Very simple process! We take your body, reduce it to a kind of.... slurry, pump it through several organs, the likes of which would probably reduce you to madness... And very soon what was left of you will be pumping through the living veins of the Cacauphony as part of its lifeblood! Most of the time, people are under the effect of the mind-poison, so there is some question as to how much of this they are aware of... But to be it, to become the divine blood itself, carrying the essence of its mind to worlds unimaginable, there is no greater ambition than this for a mortal creature.

There is a sense of satsifaction. It is a divine thing to be welcomed into the mind of the anti-word, and we enjoy the expereince of helping creatures trancend the limitations of their mortal minds. Waiiiit..... this is a gametes thing isn't it? We told you creeps that we don't reproduce! At least... not physically. I suppose, on some level the mind-blessing could be considered a form of memetic reproduction. No, no, no totally different! You pump complex organic molecules full of coded information into one another to build new organisms; and we/[i] pump complex organic molecules full of coded information into other organisms in order to strip them any individuality and make them new members of a [i]single vast, unknowable organism. Quite frankly we see no similarity at all.
No. 79233 ID: a87e3a

It doesn't work that way though, does it? The mind-poison just bends them to your will. After it's gone, they turn back into their old selves, so they weren't actually changed at all.

You're just controlling them.
No. 79235 ID: 57a559

>we pump complex organic molecules full of coded information into other organisms in order to strip them any individuality and make them new members of a single vast, unknowable organism.

And that is what we call the prostitution industry.
You just admitted to whoremongering, Radula

And my question wasn't regarding reproduction. We have sex for fun, Rad's, not just to reproduce (which is why the prostitution industry is actually an industry, without the fact that sex is fun it wouldn't be profitable or make sense at all). So what I was asking if you have a physical, chemical reaction to releasing your complex coded information inside another organism? Or even in your hands, I guess, if you can do that. That's mastrubation for us. We like that chemical reaction that goes in our brains, so we do it just by ourselves a lot. Do you like releasing your venom without any subject for it to take over?

I'm basically asking you, in our terms, if you experience orgasms when you fill people with venom. No conceptual joy like how we feel pride in the fact we just had sex and how you would feel pride about welcoming someone to the joy of the antiword. Just a physical reaction.
No. 79236 ID: 57a559

one more thing Radula
>Thats QUITE enough out of you. Yes yes and my daddy never loved me and I am repressing an attraction to my mother, in spite of the fact that niether of them ever existed.

I find it funny that you just used a popular modern mortal joke/concept/meme that all psychology is still Freudian, despite the fact that you're very alien and have not been raised in the modern world for you to adapt that your sayings.

Oh my god, Radula, please do not tell me you're into Meme humor. That you don't love pictures of adorable cats with words on them. That is SO below an alien creature of your magnitude, jesus christ. Listen to some George Carlin for god's sake or Patton Oswalt or Eddy Murphy or even Bill fucking Cosby.
No. 79238 ID: 9cd8ad
File 139063432920.png - (16.02KB , 800x800 , ToyaITQ1.png )

>Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark?

"Translation accuracy: 89%. 'You sound sick but I love you anyways and hope you get better.'"
No. 79239 ID: 9cd8ad
File 139063434074.png - (13.45KB , 800x800 , JessITQ10.png )

>Have different planets and/or species developed reputations like Americans, Brits, and Greeks have, and if so, how much of the Internet is devoted to them fighting?
Well anything has a reputation if you ask the right person. I mean, if they have a group name and they left any impression, they're gonna have a reputation. Even if it's stupid. Like if one hive member once goes to an ice cream shop, a bunch of people will just assume that whole hive eats like nothing but ice cream. Hives are like countries right? Right.

>How much of the Internet is devoted to them fighting?
Well I was mostly a kid when I used the internet but there was a lot of fighting there. Now that I'm an adult, I'm gonna assume that there's about the same amount of fighting, just with classier wor.. more correctly spelled words.

>If you lived forever, what would you do with yourself?
I... after awhile probably get sad everytime I remember that nearly everyone I knew and loved is dead. We live for a long time, but we're just not made to live forever.

>What is your favorite myth/legend?
I did like the one about the Pomi trying to depose his immortal king. It was really damn long though with a lot of paragraphs about nothing. But when it was good, it was good.

>Asteroidverse: Are there any other races or subspecies, genetic mutations, or trainees of those races capable of psi? Neumono empathy, predator control, that thing salikai do to boost how fast they think and their focus drug, stuff like that.
Uh... there's a bunch of things on our planet that have taken sort of simple use of psychic power, but not nearly to the level that us neumono or predators have gotten it to. I know that there's a fungi that has cells that just sort of synchronize with each other, and a small quadraped that just has some kind of sixth sense when a member of the opposite sex is around. And, uh, that salikai thing I'm pretty sure isn't phychic, it's just like if everyone can only jog with their mind, but they can sprint if they wanna. And it's as mentally exhausting as the metaphor implies, but they're scary smart when they're like that. I mean, calculation and computer wise anyway. It's like an amplifier, so they don't suddenly get common sense or anything like that.
No. 79247 ID: beeca1

Why are your eyes dead black voids of nothingness and hate?
No. 79248 ID: 0b90a3
File 139068997847.jpg - (59.94KB , 600x587 , itqrad2.jpg )

>It doesn't work that way though, does it? The mind-poison just bends them to your will. After it's gone, they turn back into their old selves, so they weren't actually changed at all.

>You're just controlling them.

As we mentioned, once an individual has exhausted their body and fulfilled their role in your universe, becoming part of the Cacophony itself is quite easy. But honestly, why would anyone want to go back to such a pathetic existence after experiencing something so divine?

>I'm basically asking you, in our terms, if you experience orgasms when you fill people with venom. No conceptual joy like how we feel pride in the fact we just had sex and how you would feel pride about welcoming someone to the joy of the antiword. Just a physical reaction.

Ah, that whole endorphin-rush thing that you creatures are so obsessed with? No, there is no chemical reward for envenoming another creature, we do not go in for that kind of thing. I, "Radula", have a purpose and that is reason enough to do what I do. We do not have lust, only hunger, a hunger that would not be satisfied with your physical pleasures. It is not a thing that will EVER be satisfied; even after we devour all that is and all that will be, it will still be there, wanting more.

>I find it funny that you just used a popular modern mortal joke/concept/meme that all psychology is still Freudian, despite the fact that you're very alien and have not been raised in the modern world for you to adapt that your sayings.

We aren't the ones over-analyzing "dick jokes" here. Sometimes a claw-tentacle is just a claw-tentacle.

>Oh my god, Radula, please do not tell me you're into Meme humor. That you don't love pictures of adorable cats with words on them. That is SO below an alien creature of your magnitude, jesus christ. Listen to some George Carlin for god's sake or Patton Oswalt or Eddy Murphy or even Bill fucking Cosby.

Meme humor? If you find viral, predatory thoughtforms stripping your mind of any free will as a thousand alien toxins pump through your veins humorous, then we would very much like to make you laugh.
No. 79249 ID: 4a75fa

>But honestly, why would anyone want to go back to such a pathetic existence after experiencing something so divine?
Well, there's only one way to find out. Give someone the choice. See what they chose, and why. Do they return to being small, or a part of the Cacophony?

...have you never tried? Are you afraid of the truth?

>hunger that cannot ever be satisfied
Isn't that a rather significant flaw?
No. 79250 ID: 57a559

>As we mentioned, once an individual has exhausted their body and fulfilled their role in your universe, becoming part of the Cacophony itself is quite easy. But honestly, why would anyone want to go back to such a pathetic existence after experiencing something so divine?

I dunno because it hurts and they value individuality? Individuality is kind of what makes us somewhat interesting to you, right? You can't have your fun conversations with intelligent people when they aren't individual's, they have nothing to give you.

Maybe YOU don't understand the divine feeling of individuality, and that if you were like us you wouldn't want to go back? We'd call being part of the Cacophony pathetic, because it strips us of our divinity, I'm guessing. Being part of the Cacophony seems more pointless than our current existence. You don't even know how awesome endorphins are man, don't hate on me. Endorphins are waaaaaaaay better than what you got.

Like you say to us about the Cacophony, don't knock it till you try it dawg.
No. 79252 ID: 5fd94e

Yo, Asteroidquest denizens, what are the expected lifespans of the various races.
No. 79256 ID: cee89f

What is your favorite sad song? (What's it called, what's it about, what genre is it, etc?) Favorite happy song? Favorite musical genre? Favorite form of art?
No. 79266 ID: a87e3a

Once the Cacophony has eaten everything, it will just be hungry forevermore. Or is it more like it will just eat everything over and over again due to how time doesn't work outside the universe?
No. 79295 ID: 0b90a3
File 139086249216.jpg - (31.87KB , 382x500 , itq3.jpg )

>Once the Cacophony has eaten everything, it will just be hungry forevermore. Or is it more like it will just eat everything over and over again due to how time doesn't work outside the universe?

Yes and yes.

>Isn't that a rather significant flaw?

To a someone who percieves time in a linear manner, perhaps. Again, mortal bodies have chemical reward/punishment systems designed to keep them alive. Their bodies react to hunger with discomfort and eventually agony to encourage feeding behavior, those that feed successfully go on to reproduce and evolve. To an immortal, infinite organism, hunger is a purpose not weakness. We exist, we hunt, we consume.
No. 79323 ID: b00390

This one is for any Belenos out there.
Has there ever been an attempt by a chocolatier of your species to create a working jet engine out of the material of his craft?
No. 79327 ID: aef4c1

Wordblood: Of the other Titans - or their Devas - that you knew in your previous life, was there any you considered a particularly good friend? What were they like?
No. 79355 ID: 256d52

So hey, THE TYRANT STAR. Could you tell us some more about how you first met the High Captain?
No. 79356 ID: 256d52
File 139108087070.png - (14.06KB , 400x500 , deem_is_old.png )

>What does your name mean?
My name means law. To pass judgement, to ordain one's fate.

>Complete the sentence: "___ live(s) forever." with anything except 'hero', 'love', 'immortal' or 'a god'.
Nothing lives forever. Mountains crumble. Gods die and heroes fade away. Love and hatred are both ground down by eternity.

>If you lived forever, what would you do with yourself?
I have something close to an immortal existence. What you should be concerned about is what might others do to you?

>What is your favourite myth/legend?
I don't like them. They're all lies.

>Is there anything your enemy knows about your forces that you wish they didn't?
They know how to hurt me. That's bad enough.

>How would you react to your son or daughter trying to kill you?
I never had any children. Sometimes I... no, its probably for the best.
No. 79357 ID: 34b2f2

Do you think there are any myths or legends about you? I bet there are.

For the kids, is it that sometimes you... wished that you had the ability to have children? Had taken advantage of that ability which you've since lost? Or considered having children but always decided against it for some reason you don't feel will stop being relevant to your decision making?

What do the birds and the bees for dungeons look like anyway, if they in fact look like anything?
No. 79359 ID: bd48c5

Deem! Deem! You're a spirit of Earth, who defied the power in the Sky, cursed and sealed beneath the world with most of your power stripped away! You're a Djinn, or Shaitan!
No. 79361 ID: c841ea

>I never had any children. Sometimes I... no, its probably for the best.
this implies you could.
How does reproduction work for a dungeon heart?
No. 79382 ID: beeca1

Or that she wants to but can't. Which is it, if you don't mind answering?
No. 79401 ID: 761017

>You're a Djinn, or Shaitan!
Djinni, yeah, that fits her bill, minus the whole "being of mist and fire" requisite. the singular is "djinni"; the plural is "djinn". The more you know!The less you wish you did~!

Shaitan? NO. A thousand times NO. Shaitan means "deciever", and Deem is the most honest being of the earth itself!
No. 79423 ID: 7523a8
File 139130395174.png - (129.77KB , 500x500 , kairosashrug.png )

>Kairosa: In the future, once Saulanna's Inner World is populated by independent beings, how will energy recovery work for them in there? Will there be a finite energy total in the system, so that whenever someone uses an ability to create something semi-permanent - such as by making a tree grow - Saulanna will have to import food, or pump in Titan Power from the outside, in order to fill the deficit?

"Uh, I'm not quite sure you're asking? I mean, we need to expend energy and effort to make things like anyone else does. And so long as the thing stays made then there's some of that energy that you can't get back until it's unmade. But it isn't gone or anything. If you eat the tree's fruit or cut it down to make a fire then the energy just moves around. We're not a closed system anyway! Saulanna is breathing magical energy in and out in exchange with us and the outer world through her body, and I'm doing some work sucking stuff up, myself. Besides, Titanic beings can make energy from nothing. We can't do that to any noticeable degree yet, since we're still small, but a full-grown Titan is a massive font of free power. Heck, even human souls were made to generate energy and send it to the gods by praying, you just need to get a huge amount of them to do it for it to be useful. And you can always generate energy from samsara, if you can pull it off."

>Kairosa: Who would win in a fight, you or Goku?

"Uh well, does he have a way of touching spirits? Does he have a way to kill me permanently? If he doesn't then I can just wait for him to die."

>Why isn't your body there yet and what do you hope it's like?

"I hope it's a nice surprise is what I hope! And it's not here yet because secrets. Some things you can't let everyone know, you know?"

>Will your temple-thief-archeologist-priests have stetsons and/or any other form of awesome hat?

"That'd be cool and they should do that if they want for like, day-to-day, but for religious stuff they'll probably wear some sorta masks. We've got a theme going here. You gotta look after it if you've got a good theme going."

>Kairosa: What factors go into how something tastes (for lack of a better term) when you feed on it? Does the age of an object affect how tasty you find it? How long it has to its end? Its intelligence? Soul force? Magic power? How significant it is to the world or Saulanna personally? The kind of life it has led?

"Most of those things, yeah! And a bunch of other stuff. I'd need to make up new words to describe it to you, though. And then you probably wouldn't understand them anyway!"
No. 79424 ID: 7523a8
File 139130400004.png - (76.46KB , 500x500 , wordbloodconsideringescape.png )

>Wordblood: You've said previously that you only get energy/will from eating a book multiple times if it's a great work with many possible interpretations, but could you still eat it and just enjoy the taste?


>How often were creatures created by sheer accident when Titans were around, if at all?

"It depended on which Titans were involved. The more... fecund Titans like Gaia and the Holy Tyrant could sometimes bleed living things at a scratch."

>If Saulanna gained a deva with an element that ties into something you currently control in the inner world (say, for the sake of argument Saulanna makes a water deva with mist nobles) how would control over it work? I imagine you'd still be able to make the mists, but would you be able to control it to the same extent?

"I would retain some control, but the new deva would outstrip my ability. If they were made from me, splitting off a piece of myself like Kairosa was with Saulanna, then it might take my ability entirely."

>Wordblood: When you upgraded Kairosa's Consumption abilities in the process of Deva creation, were they cut-and-pasted or copy-pasted? Which is to say, does Saulanna now have two Devas with Ease+Efficiency of Consumption, or only one?

"I retain the abilities that I had. They were copied. I don't really foresee any situation where I'll use them, however, so long as Kairosa is available."

>Wordblood: Of the other Titans - or their Devas - that you knew in your previous life, was there any you considered a particularly good friend? What were they like?

"... He Who Bleeds the Unknown Word was a very sociable, very beautiful Titan. I got along well with all the other Titans of our group, at least as compared to others. However, the word "friend" is... inadequate. For some Titans, the concept of friendship doesn't make sense. It's hard to imagine a Titan like, say, She Who Lives In Her Name, being "friends" with anyone. But I respected her, I cared about her, admired her, and she returned those feelings, in her fashion. She and Cycelene were extremely close, and they both had an... intimate relationship with our king. She was one of our companions, certainly, and a precious one, but friend? No. Or, for another example, I was particularly close to Oramus, but he was... our ancestor, a mentor, and an invalid as well, a figure of respect and pity, someone we had to care for. The word "friend" doesn't describe such relationships. Not very well. In any case, we all had long histories, and we were all many things to each other over the span of ages."

>Kairosa/Wordblood: We know Devas with similar purposes tend to come into conflict, and too similar Elements tend to merge. What happens though, if a Deva's Purpose is similar to another's Element?

"They might clash somewhat, if one decides they should have dominion over the other. It wouldn't be dissimilar to what can happen from similar Purposes."

>Assume, for the sake of argument, that any conceivable ally in Creation become hostile to Saulanna. (The gods, the DS, Yozis, Solars, etc) What would you advise her to do?

"At this point? Escape and hide, most likely. Build up enough strength to do something about it and then do it. How exactly that should be done would depend on who it is that became hostile."
No. 79425 ID: cee89f

>"That'd be cool and they should do that if they want for like, day-to-day, but for religious stuff they'll probably wear some sorta masks. We've got a theme going here. You gotta look after it if you've got a good theme going."
No reason they can't have both!

>"At this point? Escape and hide, most likely. Build up enough strength to do something about it and then do it. How exactly that should be done would depend on who it is that became hostile."
ALL of them.

Asteroidverse: Lightsabers?

Astranians: What does the name of your species mean/come from? I assume 'Astramaar' but what does THAT mean/come from? (Like how 'earth' means rock, dirt, etc)

Tozol: This has bothered me for a while. How is 'Tozol' pronounced? Toe-zol? Tozzle? etc?

Neumono: What does Neumono mean?
No. 79426 ID: 4a75fa


>What does Neumono mean?
From the wiki: "Neumono", a combination of "neurological" and "mono", which stuck over time, even for them.
No. 79428 ID: cee89f


well in that case I've been pronouncing it wrong xD
No. 79429 ID: 2fc3e9

What do you think of Time Cube?

No. 79434 ID: 256d52
File 139134940306.png - (14.54KB , 400x500 , deem_technical_answers.png )

>Do you think there are any myths or legends about you? I bet there are.
None I'd care to hear about.

>Deem! Deem! You're a spirit of Earth, who defied the power in the Sky, cursed and sealed beneath the world with most of your power stripped away! You're a Djinn, or Shaitan!
... I am a dungeon.

>For the kids, is it that sometimes you... wished that you had the ability to have children? Had taken advantage of that ability which you've since lost? Or considered having children but always decided against it for some reason you don't feel will stop being relevant to your decision making?

>Deem is the most honest being of the earth itself!
... Don't say things like that.
No. 79435 ID: 256d52
File 139134977709.png - (8.35KB , 400x500 , stargazer_zen.png )

>For anyone who is qualified to answer: What are your tips for reaching the Zen state?
No. 79437 ID: 9ddf68

stargazer what's your favor thing to stare at?

Deem what was the hardest battle you fought before you took your 1000 year nap and what made it so tough?
No. 79438 ID: d470e9
File 139136159524.png - (16.64KB , 800x800 , BenITQ5.png )

>Asteroidverse: Lightsabers?
Plasma swords! Lightsabers get used like all sorts of swordsmanship, but the only plasma duelists around are dead. You can't block plasma with plasma! It just goes right through each other. Plenty useful I'm sure.

>What does Neumono mean?
The fact they were in hives got them the abbreviation from neurological and mono! Which was completely wrong, but neumono as a word meant the species, so people weren't about to change for proper semantics!

>Has there ever been an attempt by a chocolatier of your species to create a working jet engine out of the material of his craft?
Back in the olden days, there were entire departments devoted to "wouldn't it be cool if"! And by old days I meant before belenos got all oh no technology is scary! I'm sure glad I wasn't born a mere two centuries ago, to live in those days. Course, now it's only somewhat better! Entire departments dedicated to things like 'is this okay?' or 'is it in the budget?' or 'what are the practical applications?'

>Yo, Asteroidquest denizens, what are the expected lifespans of the various races.
The current lifespans are based on the people dying right now, so the average, not-dying citizen should be concerned with the projected values! Hence, I will add my own estimates to the people who are young adults or younger!

Humans! 125 to 150 years depending on region! Well understood already, I doubt medicine will have great leaps, mere optimizations! 155 years!

Pomi! 99 years! Not well documented, but their biology is hardly a challenge to understand, and so advancements will continue! 139 years!

Belenos! 92 years, rapidly increasing from the 50 years pre-contact! We may surpass humans yet! If we find any relics of ancient past, and it's not supressed in a well protected archive, then we may rediscover the theoretical immortality! Either 159 or never!

Neumono! 180 years with wild variance! By far the oldest species, implying their genetics are among the most advanced, and implying among the most convoluted! The most resistant to medicine and artificial influence, but this will grow, even without the salikai's ethicless studies! I estimate 225 years, but this is a wild estimate!

Yich Eaters! 395 years for males, 602 for females, 363 for carriers!
Heef! 51, the sorry saps! Lots can go wrong with them, and fixing their issues isn't too hard, but it's like a ship bursting apart. You can fix the hole, but in the meanwhile, two more show up! Heef past a certain age practically find any excuse to die!

Mikliks! 51! They have slowly had an increase since contact, in an amazingly steady rate! Assuming it does not slow down, newborns will live to be somewhere around 80!
No. 79446 ID: f44ca3

Hey Ben a surly ai recently told us that on first contact your people where a bunch of loincloth wearing savages dancing on piles of robot skulls. Just curious how accurate that was and what you look like in a loincloth.
No. 79450 ID: 379075


Hmmm. I'm not sure I understood.

Reisarf, may I please have the benefit of your powers of interpretation here? I'm not sure if your lady teacher said anything, or what it was if so.
No. 79453 ID: cee89f

What happened to your second beard?
No. 79464 ID: b386b4

I have questions about neumono hives!

Rokoa said that Pilon's group counts as a minihive. And she also said "there's nothing wrong with a minihive". So, Pilon left his old hive, and then made or collected or joined a minihive of his own, a quite significant portion were his own kids. Does Pilon count as King of his minihive, then, or is he just a renowned but otherwise not special guy, and the hive just gets called Pilon's hive because he's famous and it was an easy way to identify them? And is him being part of a minihive mean he's not "really" a rogue any more and that's part of why anti-rogue prejudice doesn't apply to him?

Speaking of people with lots of kids, what happens when a female rogue has and then raises a child by herself? Will her kid harmonize with her and turn them into a tiny minihive? What if she pops out lots of kids? And if those kids are just rogues, are neumono that are born as rogues considered different from actual went-rogue rogues?

And if someone's hive is entirely wiped out, leaving only one survivor, would they just get treated like a rogue or would they be considered to be different somehow? Kind of like how in some human cultures, there's a difference in esteem between a single mother and a widow?
No. 79495 ID: 041c8f

You beat me to them.

I put Neumono in a sci fi Rpg that I am running and one of the players decided to play one on the grounds of they sounded neat. He is a sole survivor of a cataclysm that destroyed his hive so this is of great interest to me.
No. 79522 ID: 7e38be
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>How well does romance usually go for you?

as well as it can for a worker. I've had crushes and awkward budding flings with others before but it never works out. neither of us want the same thing. they want intimacy, and I am simply after companionship and aesthetic appreciation. sometimes I would fancy an other worker, but when two individuals are connected to the same hivemind there is simply nothing to talk about, much less be romantic about.

>most terrifying thing.

I have not myself experienced a murderscrub pirate crew but I have seen through others' eyes. they leave nothing. what they don't steal they burn. after the generators and engines and gravity synthesizers are destroyed, but before the oxygen is depleted, the fire has no boundaries and spreads like a cloud. honestly it is both the most terrifying and beautiful sight I think I have ever seen.

>most adorable.

the queen Azzak has molded her hive to be specifically seen by Umans and Kosh as "cute". they are objectively the most adorable things anyone will see.


>how you fite

Kriil are born with certain knowledge. most workers are trained in many style of combat straight from the hatchery. the way I fight unarmed or with a monomachete has been determined to be the most efficient and effective way from countless generations and countless hives. Krill do not fight for honor or sport, like Umans or Kosh. if a Kriil ever raises its arms against someone it is with the intent to kill. the style of fighting, as such, has quite a few sweeps, eye gouges, disemboweling, and the odd decapitation. it helps that onworld Kriil have their Queen feeding them strategic information.


>If you lived forever, what would you do with yourself?
>Complete the sentence: "___ live(s) forever."

Kriil have no concept of forever. nothing is eternal, and cycles do not exist. to the Kriil the universe is in a constant state of decay. to ask me what I would do for an eternity is impossible, even in a hypothetical sense.

>How would you react to your son or daughter trying to kill you?

...I would be happy just having offspring.
No. 79534 ID: 53ba34

would getting/stealing some, like, royal jelly, turn you into a queen, or do you need to grow into one from birth?
No. 79535 ID: d470e9
File 139175730530.png - (15.63KB , 800x800 , BenITQ6.png )

>An AI recently told us that on first contact your people were a bunch of loincloth wearing savages dancing on piles of robot skulls. Just curious how accurate that was
Pah! By comparison to the height of our civilization, I'm sure we were! We had tech, but we had high councils to dictate the control of technology. It wasn't hard to control, and every belenosian child was taken to view the planet's old scars to show why technology was controlled as it is. So we had a fine quality of life with electricity and train rails and all that, but nothing as far as computers anything more complex than a timecard puncher.

>and what you look like in a loincloth.
Plenty fine!

>What happened to your second beard?
I fluffed it out to eliminate that crease.
No. 79537 ID: d470e9
File 139175740923.png - (11.09KB , 800x800 , PilonITQ23.png )

>Does Pilon count as King of his minihive, then, or is he just a renowned but otherwise not special guy, and the hive just gets called Pilon's hive because he's famous and it was an easy way to identify them?
I think I'm qualified to have this question, but it's a very tough one to answer both thoroughly and concisely. I'll do my best, and hope I don't confuse things further. As has been mentioned, a rogue tends to undergo a phenomenon that makes it difficult to feel a bond with anyone else, even other rogues. One way to avoid this is to have children, although the trouble here is that someone else has to be the parent, and the rogue parents won't feel that bond between themselves. Nor will the rogue, if the other parent happens to be part of a hive. Either way, that's what some would call a neumono version of a bastard child.
Of course there's no fault of the children for how they were born, but it does often have an effect being raised by a rogue parent or parents. They don't get that since of belonging to a hive, which is a deep rooted sense that can't be explained in words. Unless, of course, they join a hive early on and are separated from their rogue parent or parents. Jammer cities make this hive sense difficult, and many hives in jammer cities are more like families than hives. It can be circumvented with physical contact, though, and many perpetuated hives consider cuddle zones to be a highly sacred ritual. I'd like to think that the collection of my rogue-born kids can rely on each other like a hive, but that's what people think of when they say a mini-hive, a group of bonded neumono that aren't bonded in the way a proper hive is, but not just a family either. A quasi-hive might be a better word. It's an awkward middle ground. If my children manage to bond with others and pull them into our mini-hive, though, it is possible we'll get that spark to make us a hive, in which case if I'm still around, then I would be the king of it. That spark appears as unpredictably as love, but if it does show up, it's sure to stick around. That's one way in how a hive is born, when a rogue manages to bond a little bit at a time until he forms a group that grows up to be a hive. As I mentioned, my family is in an awkward middle ground, and the dynamics that can occur in our situation can be terribly complex, as social situations often are.

>What if a female neumono pops out lots of kids? And if those kids are just rogues, are neumono that are born as rogues considered different from actual went-rogue rogues?
If the female is a simple rogue, then what I said about bastard children apply. It's an ugly sounding term, but thankfully there is no widespread ill-will towards children who have rogue parents.
If the female is a latent queen, though, then she'll have a tendency to pull in a number of rogues in herself, skyrocketing the chances of a natural hive occurring. Mind you, if food is in good supply, then she'll still probably have a lot of kids. I've never heard conclusive proof that there has ever been a rogue that was a latent king, so it seems like that path is female only. That's why kings are so rare, either they come to be kings from the way I'm going, or they beat all odds and have powerful enough empathy to usurp the previous hive's king or queen.

Now, for the record, I'd like to say that I have no intention of becoming a king of a real hive. If it happens, it happens, but I can be more than content without being one.

And lastly, I'm aware that my explanation may have been fuzzy at best. If there are any more questions or requests for clarification, I'll do my best to explain a section more clearly.
No. 79538 ID: 57a559

just... how have you managed to court and convince so many rogue women to bare your children on that asteroid that's basically a giant prison?
No. 79542 ID: beeca1

His ears, clearly.
No. 79545 ID: b386b4

>I'm aware that my explanation may have been fuzzy

Like you!

So, ok, there's a sort of critical mass that's necessary for a new hive to form from a quasi/minihive. What if it happens from the other direction? If a hive loses enough numbers, does it become only an almost-hive again? Also, you didn't answer as to whether the sole survivor of a hive is viewed the same as a normal rogue. I suppose it depends on if they can convince anyone they're telling the truth about not being just a rogue, but wouldn't there be a difference in their empathy, since they didn't go through the whole rejection thing?

And just to clarify the "latent queen" thing, since the way you phrased it was a little confusing. A female neumono who's a latent queen, if she's a rogue, can attract other rogues and form a hive from them? Like, I mean, you've managed to collect some non-relatives into your semi-hive, just by a sort of... natural happening, between them and you and your family? Whereas if it was a latent Queen it would happen faster, or more strongly or something, and it would all be centered on her? And this only happens with females?

Also, you say kings come about either the way you might or by usurping the previous king or queen, but I was under the impression that they can sometimes just pop up in a hive that doesn't have one already? And finally, it seems to me that all the kings and queens we've seen are... pretty huge. Do you get bigger if you become one? Dat's ded orky.
No. 79552 ID: d470e9
File 139180912839.png - (14.82KB , 800x800 , PilonITQ24.png )

>What if it happens from the other direction? If a hive loses enough numbers, does it become only an almost-hive again?
Not that I'm aware of, but it is possible for neumono to unbond, although to go from a hive to unbonding almost always happens slowly over the course of many years, and is quite rare. But it doesn't stop at an 'almost' hive along the way, it goes from full hive to full rogues for all of the remaining neumono. At least as far as I have ever heard.

>Also, you didn't answer as to whether the sole survivor of a hive is viewed the same as a normal rogue.
Ah, I'm sorry. Since uplifting, no, they're not treated as the same. Sometimes some neumono have thoughts like 'why didn't you die with your hive?', and I'm sure some do feel that both sole survivors and rogues are the same, but for the most part, there is that difference that the rogue him or herself didn't undergo a rejection process. The empathy, though, feels similar to a rogue, since one hivemate will have trouble bonding with a neumono from another hive, so the difference is almost all social. Pre-uplift, there really was no difference at all between an orphan and a rogue. Unless the orphan was a child, of course, and still malleable in terms of empathy.

>A female neumono who's a latent queen, if she's a rogue, can attract other rogues and form a hive from them?
That is correct.
>Like, I mean, you've managed to collect some non-relatives into your semi-hive, just by a sort of... natural happening, between them and you and your family? Whereas if it was a latent Queen it would happen faster, or more strongly or something, and it would all be centered on her?
I wouldn't call it natural happening. It took a lot of negotiation and favors for my consorts to have my children. We're friendly with each other, of course, but it isn't at all like the bonds we would have if I were a latent queen.
>And this only happens with females?
Yes, but there's only a series of hypothesis and guesses to why that is. All I know is that males just don't get this sort of pro-active bonding.

>Also, you say kings come about either the way you might or by usurping the previous king or queen, but I was under the impression that they can sometimes just pop up in a hive that doesn't have one already?
Yes, I'm sorry again, that was an angle I didn't cover. That is right, they can usurp a previous king or queen, or they can take the place of the king or queen before them, it doesn't have to be a dethroning.

>And finally, it seems to me that all the kings and queens we've seen are... pretty huge. Do you get bigger if you become one?
Actually, yes. The empathy of a king or queen is supposed to be 'big', so to speak, and so hives tent to expect them to be big in physical stature to match that. Our bodies do actually get impacted to a certain degree from our surrounding hivemates' empathy, so even superstitious things like 'children born under a shooting star will be intelligent' actually do have an effect as long as the hive honestly believes it. Which isn't hard, since it then happens. It can work in reverse, too, they can be smaller if the superstition calls for it. Superstition might be a dubious word here, too, so perhaps I should call it a self-fulfilling prophecy. A stronger hive with more numbers that are in range of the queen would have more of a reliable impact, although not necessarily amplify the actual target. That is, take two hives that average 4 feet, but they expect their queen to be 5 and a half feet. If one hive only has 10 members, then that queen may not actually reach that high. If the other hive has a thousand members in regular contact with the queen, she will almost certainly be 5 feet and a half feet. There are limits, though, and even if they had thousands of members that believed that she would reach 7 feet, then unless she had the genetics to give her a good head start, she won't get that high.

These empathy influences though have absolutely no impact on our genes, though, so a queen or king's children won't necessarily be any bigger. Unless they're thought that they should be bigger. Which is common, too, but not because of the genes. Genes do vary, and so there are plenty of abnormal sizes within the hive despite supposedly being an average neumono, such as Rokoa's size and my ears.

>How have you managed to court and convince so many rogue women to bare your children on that asteroid that's basically a giant prison?
It's only been a few, really. And like I said, while we are friends, them having my children has been met in return with protection, and in some cases, finances. It's ugly, and I do miss the days of being able to procreate with a hivemate. In order to have children outside of the hive, and not become a depressed hermit of a rogue, I had to make some compromises rather than latching onto the idea that there's a right and wrong way to have children. It's how they're raised and taken care of that counts more.

>His ears, clearly.
Sadly, beyond getting someone's initial attention, my ears aren't capable of doing everything for me.
No. 79553 ID: a87e3a

They catch bullets!

Has anyone tried to use empathy to manipulate a growing neumono's capabilities on purpose? Perhaps this is a question better suited for Ben.
No. 79560 ID: beeca1

Pilon, have you ever considered commercializing your ears? I remember Polo saying that the holder of the neumono ear record had smaller ears, and his were thought to be too big to real.
No. 79564 ID: f44ca3

Oh man Pilon could make it rich doing shampoo commercials.
No. 79565 ID: 57a559

I want a terry cruise, isiah mustafa, and Pilon Old Spice commercial now.

Pilon would you do an Old Spice commercial with those guys? I'd imagine they'd be long anad dead so the best you'd get would be hologram based AIs but still
No. 79566 ID: beeca1

Dear Agnes: What is your favorite food?
No. 79568 ID: 256d52
File 139184420703.png - (13.80KB , 400x500 , stargazer_intensify.png )

>Hmmm. I'm not sure I understood.
>Reisarf, may I please have the benefit of your powers of interpretation here? I'm not sure if your lady teacher said anything, or what it was if so.
Um, it's a little difficult to translate. If something can be seen, then it hides other things. So if you look, look deeply.

>Stargazer what's your favourite thing to stare at?
Stargazer intensifies.
No. 79569 ID: a87e3a

You two make a cute couple.
No. 79572 ID: 5ee354

Non-human Asteroidquest characters: Do the chemicals in chocolate damage your systems or can you eat it just fine?
No. 79573 ID: beeca1

I think someone asked if there were foods that one species could digest and others couldn't, and they turned out to be fairly universal. I know alcohol is pretty much universal, but pomi drinks are dangerous for other species(?).

I don't think chocolate was specifically mentioned, so it's a valid question. Know that company that uses 3D printers to make your face out of chocolate? We should talk Polo into sending her chocolate face to Rokoa.

Hey, Rokoa, Rokoaclone, and/or Sniper Clone, if Polo sent you her face made out of chocolate, would you eat it?

Is there anyone whose chocolate face you would eat?
No. 79579 ID: d470e9
File 139197024602.png - (17.29KB , 800x800 , BenITQ7.png )

>Has anyone tried to use empathy to manipulate a growing neumono's capabilities on purpose?
Only once in terms of a proper scientific study, lying to a tribal hive about this and that, saying their 'magical devices' say that this kid will grow up to be smart, that kid to be large, so on and so forth. The sample size was too low, though! Results were moderate, that kid grew up to be someone smart and the other a few inches higher than the average, but there's no telling if they were going to have that happen anyway. Otherwise we just have scraps of anecdotal evidence of parents saying 'yeah we knew our little baby would grow up big and strong right from the start'. We couldn't do proper, decades long studies because of those ethical justifications!

Then there are the studies with tamed predators seeing what they can do about it, but you can bet the rules for ethics on that were far more stringent and crippling to yielding anything spectacular. A simple session of a predator wouldn't do it anyway, the predator would need to make permanent changes to the empathy of the target and the company he kept, and like hell anyone would do that willy nilly just to see if it worked.

But if they did, they did a good job at hiding it!
No. 79580 ID: d470e9
File 139197030696.png - (11.16KB , 800x800 , PilonITQ25.png )

>Pilon, have you ever considered commercializing your ears? I remember Polo saying that the holder of the neumono ear record had smaller ears, and his were thought to be too big to real.
If that's true, it wouldn't hurt to see if mine do set a record. As for commercialization, well, that wouldn't hurt either I suppose, although I was planning on retiring once I get off the asteroid.

>Pilon would you do an Old Spice commercial with those guys?
I'm...not against that, but I don't think I could do a good job of matching that, uh, tone.
No. 79581 ID: d470e9
File 139197032180.png - (42.28KB , 800x800 , agnesITQ5.png )

>Dear Agnes: What is your favorite food?
The wildgrass of my home planet. It only grows in specific patches of dirt based on the season of my home planet. It is an exceedingly expensive export for us, since it is so difficult to grow off planet.
No. 79582 ID: d470e9
File 139197040732.png - (14.19KB , 800x800 , RokoaITQ47.png )

>Do the chemicals in chocolate damage your systems or can you eat it just fine?
It's not poisonous, but that doesn't mean it's good. I assume you mean the sugared up chocolate made for eating. That stuff is awful for us. We've got to have good food, we can't just fat up our systems, most of us are bad at collecting a lot of fat anyway.

The rest of the species can have it, cept for arkots and yich eaters. And belenos can have a bit, but they can't just stuff their faces with it. They can only deal with so much.

>Rokoa, Rokoaclone, and/or Sniper Clone, if Polo sent you her face made out of chocolate, would you eat it?
Fuck no, doesn't matter who sent it to me, I'm not eating garbage.

It doesn't even taste good. I've been told it's an acquired taste. By people who shove junk into their mouth until they like it.
No. 79583 ID: 57a559

>tamed predators
I ponder the odds if they are somehow related to three stripes genetically

Then again, the salikai originally knew how to tame a predator, so it must have been done before three stripes, it's just they didn't have too many so far, right? Then again Ben, you are in the future from when the testing in Polo Quest happened so...

Hey Ben, can we see some pictures of you from your college years? Or a drawing or a computerized sketch since I think real pictures might be hard to dredge up if you weren't born and raised on the asteroid, of which I don't think would have a good education system.
No. 79585 ID: f44ca3

So basically Neumono can not process sugars that well then? Or is it just refined sugars that give you problems? More nuts and tubers in your diet and less fruits and such?

You are technically omnivores but your dietary preferences lie close to the carnivore end of things. Guess its understandable with your distributed neural structure. If you started storing lots of extra fat then it could interfere with your cognitive functions.

So what sort of staples make up your cuisine these days then? If I wandered into a Neuomono restaurant what sort of dishes would be on the menu?
No. 79586 ID: 041c8f

Okay I don't really care but its gonna come back up if the face were made of nutritious dietary supplements with you favorite flavor.

I think the question was more about the consumption of tasty effigies than chocolate per say.

Why are we asking this?

Feel free to ignore the question unless you feel otherwise.
No. 79588 ID: beeca1


The question about chocolate reminded me of chocolate faces and I couldn't think of a reason not to ask.
No. 79589 ID: 5fd94e

Everyone, favorite genre of movie ,or if pre electrical plays?

Krak from the asteroid, What's your story?
No. 79628 ID: 7e38be
File 139211221556.png - (14.81KB , 800x800 , Carthage3.png )


>what does your name mean?

uh... some prehistoric Uman city, I think. I was named after the person my parents bought me from. some Uman slaver trader by the name of "Carthage the Stricken". from what dad told me he reported her to the GUI after I was purchased and miss Carthage is rotting away in a Galactic Unity prison somewhere.

>Complete the sentence: "___ live(s) forever."

um... I don't know.

>if you lived forever...

I would not want to live forever. eventually I'd end up alone forever.

>favorite myth.

I don't believe in any myths or legends. Dad would try to get me to worship Sheesha, but I have difficulty doing so, since Sheesha preached only to and for Kosh.

Arkanix is based upon the mythology of the planet that the Dev team lived on. they had a large population of Crux and Navani, both of whom have a grand tradition of doom saying. of course the Devs were Uman, hence the characters are as well, but the story, how it plays out, and the ending specially are very much rooted in Crux and Navani culture and theology. Aza is in fact the principle deity in the religion of the Crux living on that planet. I think that most of the names are taken from Crux history and theology.

>how would you react to your son/daughter trying to kill you.

uh... how would I know it was my son or daughter? would they say so? how would they know?


>how does romance usually go for you.

I um... it... hasn't. except for once.

>most terrifying.

um. when I was living on Xamas I was ah- er... nevermind.

>most adorable.

um. some of the Kosh dancers that come around for festivals and such are cute I guess.
No. 79736 ID: a150b5

>It doesn't even taste good.

That brings up an interesting question. I assume different species have different tastes, just on a biological level? Like, you neumono are omnivores, but you seem to lean closer to carnivorousness than, say, belenos do, just from looking at your teeth. It seems unlikely that the various scent and taste receptors and the brain bits associated with them would be wired up the same in different species, anyway. So, are catering establishments usually species-specific? If you go to a restaurant with alien friends, do you get different menus? Are there dishes you like but other species think are horrible? And if scent is involved too, does that cause problems? Do you get things like, one species likes a particular kind of scent in their shampoo and soap and such, but another species thinks it smells awful?

While we're in that approximate area... what do you do for fun, Rokoa? Do you go to clubs or such? See movies? Have a hobby? Besides fighting-related stuff, I mean, though that does raise another question. We know you're a great fighter, but how good are you with the modern, non-fighting aspects of soldiering? Like, knowledge about various weapons, how to do gun maintenance quickly, setting or disarming explosives, field medicine, repairing vehicles, that sort of thing. Are there any aircraft you could pilot, if you were called upon to do so? Tanks? Giant robots? Power armor?
No. 79737 ID: 756a89
File 139258570861.png - (15.56KB , 600x600 , tory_answers_some_more.png )

>Everyone, favorite genre of movie ,or if pre electrical plays?
Comedies. Buddy-cop movies. The Naked Gun was brilliant. I wish I had more of them with me.
I guess I should pirate them.

>Favourite pokemon
Scyther. Didn't play too much Pokemon as child though.

>What's your skyrim character?
Man, I think I played it on laptop. Pretty shitty and old game, but last good game they produced.
I played a thief of sorts.

>All characters who can handle firearms: favorite sidearm?
Man, I just don't know. It's hard to pick one when you have so many to love! I had one that launched tiny high-powered explosives that
embedded under the flesh of the target! It was some hilarious shit!
Then there was that liquid LASER-tube that I deviced. One of the smallest and most powerful lasers I have managed to make.
It could melt off faces pretty darn well!

>For any military/diplomatic types, is there anything your enemy knows about your forces that you wish they didn't?
Nope. They are either irrelevant / dead as fuck / don't know me yet. Like these faggots on surface waking some petty conflict, they have no fucking idea about me- yet.

>If you were a MOBA character (Dota, League of Legends, etc) what would your role be and what would be your ultimate?
Bloody OP, I would just nuke the field.

>If you lived forever, what would you do with yourself?

>What does your name mean? (if you don't have a name, replace 'name' with whatever is appropriate. Designation, model, etc etc)
"Conqueror, victory", based on Victor. Damn fitting, wouldn't you say?

>Complete the sentence: "___ live(s) forever." with anything except 'hero', 'love', 'immortal' or 'a god'.
"Tory lives forever"
No. 79738 ID: d470e9
File 139260342545.png - (26.17KB , 800x800 , BenITQ8.png )

>Hey Ben, can we see some pictures of you from your college years?
Why here's a picture of me interning at a metalworking and durability testing labratories. The other two were the head designer and tester. Not the dumbest pair of guys I've seen lead such operations, but none too impressive either, yet there I was like I just walked in on two demigods and I just sullied the place with my mortal self! They were humble beginnings.

>It seems unlikely that the various scent and taste receptors and the brain bits associated with them would be wired up the same in different species, anyway. So, are catering establishments usually species-specific?
Sometimes! Sometimes there's restaurants that are only for this and that. Others have main menus that have food that are safe for any major species to digest, and side menus with things that are specifically ideal or suggested for such and such species. Even then there's overlap, like some things can be digested by pomi and humans but no one else, so such a food piece can show up on both of their respective menu, but that doesn't mean that a belenos will be on his death bed if he feels like some pomi cuisine. Unless that Belenos is me. Pomi food is abhorrent. Most restaurants are simply as multipurpose as they can be.

>And if scent is involved too, does that cause problems?
For the reasons above, dishes that are only feasibly eaten by one species are kept to a small to nil odor! It's only in the specialty, single-species shops that you get odors that many would call, and sometimes rightly so, foul.

>Do you get things like, one species likes a particular kind of scent in their shampoo and soap and such, but another species thinks it smells awful?
Hygenic products even moreso have been made standardized so that they won't be awful or harmful to cross-species usage, even though they are made for their respective organisms.

>Favorite genre of movie
Documentaries, like that's any surprise.
No. 79739 ID: d470e9
File 139260344410.png - (13.44KB , 800x800 , RokoaITQ48.png )

>Do you go to clubs or such? See movies? Have a hobby?
I still listen to music. No clubs. Or public places. If I take a break from fighting, it means no showing up in public. Sometimes I indulge in movies and tv shows anyway. Usually action stuff. They're dumb, but it entertains me. Video games don't interest me.

>We know you're a great fighter, but how good are you with the modern, non-fighting aspects of soldiering?
Up till I met Polo, I was dumb as a brick. Figured I'd just aim and shoot till me or the enemy fell first. Real rank and file stuff.

After Polo beat me, though, I understood that training my body has limitations. That was always obvious as hell, but Polo was the one to get my to understand it in a way that had any sort of effect. So I hit the books as much as the gym. I ran through our simulators we still had, and all sorts of theory. It's still not my strong point, but I can operate a few atmospheric planes, some extremely basic spacecraft, most tanks, some power armor. Yeah, power armor, even though I don't use it. Still feels wrong.

That's just the side stuff though, I treat that like a hobby, along with basic science studies and mechanics. In case I end up in a tank or something for some reason, I'll probably be fine. My focus is still on infantry weapons, field medicine and that stuff. That's the stuff I rammed into my brain, all in the interest of stabbing someone in the best way possible.

>So basically Neumono can not process sugars that well then? Or is it just refined sugars that give you problems? More nuts and tubers in your diet and less fruits and such?
We can process it just fine. We just naturally kept lean so that if we get attacked we won't be lugging around our fat from a nice hunt trying to defend ourselves.

>More carnivorous
Yeah, we have molars in back, but we're decidedly leaning to being carnivores. We can digest vegetables well, but we can forego them almost entirely without issue. Doesn't go both ways, we need meat. There's some not-quite vegetarians out there who can minimize the meat they eat to small amounts. They're frail and weak, but alive. Pretty rare, too, since artificial meat works fine for us, and it's about as alive as plants.
No. 79740 ID: d470e9
File 139260346992.png - (12.20KB , 800x800 , KrakITQ1.png )

>Krak from the asteroid, What's your story?
Arkots were more intelligent than previously thought. We simply learn differently. We are rare to be seen in the civilized world, but we exist. We are still treated poorly, and end up in the criminal element. That is what I did, and how I ended up here.
No. 79741 ID: a87e3a

You grew more horns? How does Belenos horn growth work exactly?
No. 79742 ID: 4a75fa

So how do you learn? And what's your specialty?
No. 79743 ID: 57a559

Aww look at the little adorable ladykiller
If that lady is science that is

Honestly surprised you're not sporting anything that was fashionable at the time that would be hella embarrassing for you now. It's like you consistently looked good in goggles.
No. 79744 ID: 2fc3e9

Does pomi food have a particularly bad reputation, anyone who cares to answer?

Any other foods with such a reputation? Vernaut meat? Durian? How do other species deal with capsaicin and isothiocyanates like mustard and wasabi?
No. 79775 ID: 7e38be
File 139272945983.png - (18.52KB , 800x800 , nero.png )


>what does your name mean?

I have no idea. well, I know what Nazca means. it's just the Navani word for the shieldwall. that's what the Nazcas used to be before we defected. I have no idea what Nero means, though. it's probably a Uman or Kosh name.

>Complete the sentence: "___ live(s) forever."

Um... Uh... trees live pretty long, right? though I think they still die at some point. um. tradition I guess by its definition would be immortal, innit?

>If you lived forever...

if I were a tree? I suppose I would photosynthesize. or... wait, no tradition... um... shit, what was the question, again?

>if you were a MOBA character...

that'd be cool, if I were immortalized in some form of media, like a game. I guess that a video game character is also immortal. I'm changing my answer to "video game character".

>favorite myth or legend.

Navani don't really have mythology like the Kosh or Umans do. we never had what you would refer to as "religion". we believe that when a being dies, their essence continues to effect the world and watch over its descendants, but we don't have any pantheon or mythic heroes. the Navani prefer to recount war stories. my grandfather told me one in which he and his crew, he was a tank commander, were stranded in a disabled tank, with the enemy bearing down on them. he managed to get all his men out of the thick of it through wave after wave of Serpentine killsquads, oh yeah they were fighting Crux. I think it was the third Crux/Kosh engagement of the Kallahadeen rift war, was it... 40 years ago, I think...? I wonder if Short and Silent had family in the war as well...?

um... where was I? oh yeah, he fought back the Crux with nothing but five tank operators and three Plasma lancers. my... uh... my grandfather tells it better...


>how does romance usually go for you?

not very well. I am not big into other Navani. most Navani want only to continue their bloodline and make sure their offspring are fit and obedient and generally model Navani warriors who will bring their clan honor, but the Nazca clan is already considered a disgrace to most loyal Navani, because we defected, so I don't feel the need to bring my clan any miniscule honor through intervention of my loins.

the Navani that I interact with say I think too much about things that don't matter, but the other races I interact with say that I talk too much or that I have an "attention deficit" of some kind.

>most adorable.

I don't know. I should probably say like, a baby, or a small animal of some sort, but I don't think those things are very interesting to look at. I guess I don't ever think about if something is "cute" or not. I think people think Squigs are cute, and I've seen a lot of them. I have seen some very Squig-y Squigs before.
No. 79792 ID: 57a559

Every Quest Character
What's your favorite backstreet boy song?
No. 79796 ID: ea4a7d

You are way to adorable, how long your kind live, btw?
No. 79831 ID: 4a75fa

Polo: how are you with kids? Because, let's face it, for a lot of people, you're basically kid sized. Does that make them easier to relate to or get along with, or does that make them just not treat you like an adult?
No. 79845 ID: cee89f

Quest characters: Would you have sex with the quest character above you? If you did, would it be any good?

Neumono: Most popular name for neumono in your hive?
No. 79847 ID: 7e38be
File 139318831529.png - (16.43KB , 800x800 , nero2.png )


pshh uh...

maybe... like... uh... well it's kind of difficult to say. most Navani men die in battle. my grandpa was kind of an exception. I think he died at uh... like 130? most Navani women, assuming they stay home, live about 120 years. I'd assume the mean age for men is lower. I'd assume if Navani would accept modern medicine that age would rise rapidly, since we already have very robust anatomy.

I mean, look at what it's done to the Lychter. the average lifespan for a Lychter nowadays is something like 220. granted their skull can withstand a .50 caliber round. you should read up on some of the biological studies on Lychters. those guys are like superheroes. I read some crazy statistic that they can survive temperatures up to 533k and they have the tensile strength in their arms enough to crack pavement! of course the Lychter do their best not to let political adversaries know specifics about their capabilities but defection is high due to the poor living conditions in the empire. that's what happens when a fascist dictatorship enters the space age, though, innit?
No. 79856 ID: d470e9
File 139320295039.png - (16.35KB , 800x800 , BenITQ9.png )

>Honestly surprised you're not sporting anything that was fashionable at the time that would be hella embarrassing for you now. It's like you consistently looked good in goggles.
What? Fashionable? You think that was some fashion shop? It was a place of science! Research! Academics! Not some frilly-curtained dressup shop!

>You grew more horns? How does Belenos horn growth work exactly?
They grow longer with age, and occasionally new ones sprout! Could almost tell the age of a belenos, but only if you had a picture of them in the past to compare. You see, different people have naturally larger or smaller than others anyway.

>Does pomi food have a particularly bad reputation, anyone who cares to answer?
It may not be poisonous, and I daresay some of it tastes excellent, but it isn't easy on the stomach one bit! Only those non-pomi with iron stomachs and poor judgement for their future selves eat such things!

>How do other species deal with capsaicin and isothiocyanates like mustard and wasabi?
That stuff is downright poisonous to us! Banned from any belenos-friendly environment! Course, that gets us some flak from all those masochists and yich eaters out there, since it's only us belenos who can't have that stuff.
No. 79857 ID: d470e9
File 139320300122.png - (10.44KB , 800x800 , KrakITQ2.png )

>So how do you learn?
By force. Arkots respond to punishment more than reward.

>And what's your specialty?
No. 79858 ID: d470e9
File 139320301876.png - (12.21KB , 800x800 , PoloITQ67.png )

>Polo: how are you with kids? Because, let's face it, for a lot of people, you're basically kid sized. Does that make them easier to relate to or get along with, or does that make them just not treat you like an adult?
I have done alright, but I have only dealt with children in my own hive, of whom we both fully understand one another.

>Neumono: Most popular name for neumono in your hive?
Rakae, as it happens. However, this answer may be somewhat misleading, as it is extremely rare for people to have the same name within a single hive. We do not have any other Rakae's at the moment. Instead, we sometimes name children after one of our ancestors, and Rakae has had the longest line of names.
No. 79859 ID: a87e3a

It sounds like military/highly disciplined schools are the way to go for arkots, then.

How does one properly compliment a Belenosian's horns?
No. 79861 ID: 4a75fa

Well, there's another reason why you guys end up more with the criminal element. They'd be more comfortable engaging in abusive practices for results.

Although... the salikai's arkots, while smarter than wild ones, still aren't particularly bright, for the most part. And look at the hell they go though. I can only imagine how rough a proper educational regime looks.
No. 79862 ID: 5fd94e

It is likely not rougher, just that whatever the Salikai put them thru is geared towards loyalty towards the Salikai and whatever skills they deem useful while whatever they go thru for a proper education is more about actual learning and studies.
No. 79863 ID: f44ca3

So Krak you look sort of sad when talking about how Arkots learn. Is it something you think can be changed? Or needs to be changed?

We know little about Arkots other than that the Salikai used your people as basically disposal manpower for a long time. Were you there when that happened or were you born after that.

How long does a Arkot live and what sort of social structure would you have normally? How do you tell the females and males apart?

Sorry if its to many questions but we know little about your people and are curious to hear your side of the story.
No. 79869 ID: 256d52
File 139324229176.png - (19.12KB , 420x550 , alice_itq_dating.png )

>What's your favorite backstreet boy song?
Not really a fan of classical music.

>Quest characters: Would you have sex with the quest character above you? If you did, would it be any good?
Alice would like to be very clear she has nothing against exots and she's sure Miss Polo is a very lovely lady, but she doesn't think sex with anything is going to be an option for a very long time, space-bunny or otherwise.
No. 79872 ID: b67789

To all Yich Eaters:





No. 79873 ID: a87e3a

Are you saying you're neuter now?

Maybe you need to find a space bee.
No. 79874 ID: 4a75fa

She hasn't exactly had the best history with plant monsters anyways.

>how would that even work
*cough* Pentacle Rex? Well, all right, technically tendrils in your case, but.

Joking aside, if you were going to experiment and were worried about how dangerous your new biology might be to a potential partner, you could choose a lot worse than a durable exot species with a decentralized brain, redundant organs, and regeneration.
No. 79875 ID: 041c8f

I think Polo would object, a lot, with guns if the issues was pressed. She has already said she's not into xeno, or girls. An Alice might try to eat anything she gets that excited with a this time.

But yeah Alice, I take it you're not sure if you still have girl bits? Or ones that are recognizable?
No. 79876 ID: a0eb11


she's got like a gajillion vaginas all over her body. how hard could it be for her to have sex with anything?
No. 79877 ID: cee89f

They answered this earlier. I think it was something along the lines of 'no idea, we didn't name ourselves'.
No. 79883 ID: a87e3a

Those are mouths. They have teeth.
No. 79884 ID: a0eb11


I ain't choosy.
No. 79966 ID: 209014

to deem:
now that it's confirmed that dungeons have reproduction that raises so many questions:
do they reproduce sexually or asexually? do they even have sexuality? do they derive sexual pleasure from something? what is considered attractive to dungeons? do some dungeons have fetishes? are sexual relationships between dungeons and non-dungeons taboo, or even possible at all?
No. 79974 ID: 761017

Dungeons are mathematicalmagical constructs, man. Deem's cute femme-form is just as transient as any trans-human's post-singularity body.

I bet that dungeons probably reproduce by very slowly budding a new Heart Crystal when they passively are channeling tons of The Earth's Pulse, and probably the crystal is imbued with life through instinctive magical ritual circles.
No. 79975 ID: 4a75fa

>Deem's cute femme-form is just as transient as any trans-human's post-singularity body
Unless that speculation about her self image was valid. Deem was a little shaken by that.
No. 79987 ID: 209014

that's way less hot than i want it to be
No. 79989 ID: 2f4b71

>that's way less hot than i want it to be
The process may require high temperatures, possibly molten rock for better connection to the Earth Pulse.
No. 79996 ID: 379075

Deem, here's an opportunity to pointedly ignore all those people sexually harassing you by specifically not answering their questions:
What subjects do you find interesting to read about and discuss, if any?
No. 79999 ID: 9d3fc8


So, if neumono don't like chocolate, what do you give each other as a stock gift? A romantic box of jerky? Biscuits?

... do humans ever give you biscuits shaped like bones
No. 80005 ID: cee89f

Kairosa: What does the Tardis taste like?

Rokoa: Is there anything in the universe that you would not enjoy punching that you can think of?

Wordblood: Your favorite story of all time?
Any and all quest characters: Same question.

Polokoa: Ever read Jekyll & Hyde? Ever met any beings from other dimensions we would recognize? Maybe a diety or two?...Have you ever encountered sentient raccoons and if so GIMME COORDINATES PLOX

...Also, more seriously, why were time cops helping you out when you fought Rokolo? That seems a liiiiiiittle out of the time cops' jurisdiction.

Kappi: What do you know about Super-Team Space Hive 'Omega-Waveforce'?

Korli: You're trapped in a room with no windows or doors. You have a baby, a 4 foot pole, and a flashlight. How do you escape?
No. 80006 ID: 4a75fa

>interspecies diplomacy with pet shop snacks
This seems like the best and worst idea.
No. 80010 ID: 57a559

Gonna be straight up honest here

Those common crunchy dog bone snacks? Kinda big hard ones? I forget if they're liver flavor but they're brown.

Those are fucking delicious. I don't care what anyone says about those being bad for your teeth or really weird for a person to eat, they're probably the healthiest goddamn thing I actually can eat without my tastebuds regurgitating that shit. Can't even eat my greens man.
At least I hope they're healthy snacks with good vitamins and shit.
Could probably live off of those for a while. Maybe.

Come on any my fellow quest humans like eating pet food? Sometimes thinking that the pets have it way better than our shitty varied ass diets that our fucking brains encourage eating a whole bunch of fatty ass shit that's going to lead to heart disease?

Wait, Quest humans, can you line up I forget if they are even any of you out there anymore except in two of Brom's quests.
Maybe I should extend that question to non-human species that like having pets.
No. 80057 ID: 256d52
File 139411339406.png - (16.63KB , 440x550 , if_a_man_finds_a_hole_he_ll_thrust_right_into_it.png )

>Are you saying you're neuter now?
>Maybe you need to find a space bee.
>*cough* Pentacle Rex? Well, all right, technically tendrils in your case, but.
>But yeah Alice, I take it you're not sure if you still have girl bits? Or ones that are recognizable?
>she's got like a gajillion vaginas all over her body. how hard could it be for her to have sex with anything?
>Those are mouths. They have teeth.
>I ain't choosy.

Alice is... Alice is going to leave now.
No. 80059 ID: d90d89

No. 80067 ID: 650c91
File 139414208536.png - (465.17KB , 1111x800 , bunnywarrior.png )

Dr. Markus:"I like to have a varied diet...I tried to eat cat food once...when I was a kid... out of curiosity...an experience I prefer to not repeat...."
No. 80068 ID: 650c91

;3 if you know what I mean...
No. 80093 ID: d470e9
File 139430213631.png - (18.17KB , 800x800 , BenITQ10.png )

>How does one properly compliment a Belenosian's horns?
Carefully! Some old folks like to be called young, and some young are in a hurry to grow up! Mention of the horns length is no different than saying they look young or old! Some cretins come up saying 'oh wooow your horns are so huge' like they're not saying 'look how oold you are! But that's fine with me, I'm proud of my horns! Not like I like it when some damned hoodlums come hanging their key rings on me like I'm some kind of coat rack. Itcher, though! I'm gonna go and bet that Itcher's gangster name was babyface!
No. 80094 ID: d470e9
File 139430215594.png - (13.97KB , 800x800 , RokoaITQ49.png )

>Did Zozu create the Zenny currency, or are the alliterative Z's coincidental?
Nah. Zeny's the galactic standard.

>So, if neumono don't like chocolate, what do you give each other as a stock gift? A romantic box of jerky? Biscuits?
Health food's common, actually. Good stuff. Stuff that says 'I care about you and would like you to stop eating shit.' Or other neumono just pack in the chocolate and expect it to be eaten slowly.

>Do humans ever give you biscuits shaped like bones?
There's two kinds of humans here. The ones who know the neumomo well enough that that can be a joke, and the ones who tempt the neumono to give them thank you beatings.

>Rokoa: Is there anything in the universe that you would not enjoy punching that you can think of?
Pools of plasma, pointless. Myself, no leverage. Hivemates in a casual atmosphere, not cool. Surprisingly little. Yeah, there's probably a few things I can't think of, but Kappi being a gigantic nerd sure as fuck isn't gonna be on this no-punch list.
No. 80095 ID: d470e9
File 139430216918.png - (17.02KB , 800x800 , KappiITQ18.png )

>What do you know about Super-Team Space Hive 'Omega-Waveforce'?
Only that I basically grew up on that sort of stuff! And that I may have some of their action figures. I mean it's not like I go all out of my way for it, but I do like it, but it's also nostalgic. My hive, back when I was with them, would often loot a bunch of things, and sometimes a neumono pirate or whoever would have a few things like that, that ended up in my hands through my hive. Me and the other kids would always run up to a returning party to see what little toys they've got while they start divvying the necessities. I keep this stuff around to remind me of that.

I sort of act like I never met Rokoa, but I saw her in the returning parties sometimes. I'm pretty sure she's the one that would actually slip real guns and stuff in our packages.
No. 80096 ID: d470e9
File 139430218633.png - (14.22KB , 800x800 , KorliITQ15.png )

>Korli: You're trapped in a room with no windows or doors. You have a baby, a 4 foot pole, and a flashlight. How do you escape?
Well geez I don't know, is this room made of a paper bag or 5 inches of solid steel with no airholes? A baby of what species, and what kind of flashlight? This hypothetical situation really doesn't give many details for me to work with.
No. 80098 ID: d470e9
File 139430234092.png - (10.70KB , 800x800 , KrakITQ3.png )

>So Krak you look sort of sad when talking about how Arkots learn. Is it something you think can be changed?
Only if galaxy can change a million years of evolution.

>Or needs to be changed?
Not really.

>How long does a Arkot live -
60 years.
>- and what sort of social structure would you have normally?
We had rules, but all were unspoken. We did not write, and our language was simple, so there is lots of guessing.

>How do you tell the females and males apart?
Females have puffier, shorter tails. Other differences are too minor for non-arkot to tell.
No. 80099 ID: d470e9
File 139430305570.png - (17.86KB , 800x800 , AgnesITQ6.png )

>To all Yich Eaters: What the fuck is Yich?

A type of cannabalistic worm. We are their natural predators, and Yich comprised our primary, sometimes sole, source of nutrition.
No. 80105 ID: 4a75fa

>nerd punching
Gotta make up for those pre-contact decades where nerds to punch were in much shorter supply.

>No leverage [to enjoy punching myself]
So...hypothetically then. If you had the leverage to punch say, alternate versions of yourself, is that something you'd be interested in or enjoy.
No. 80106 ID: 57a559

Krak, how's your love life?
Are you a lady killer or are you into dudes? Full of casual flings or you got an Significant O back home?
No. 80109 ID: cee89f

Let's go with... 8 inches of steel with no visible air holes, yich eater baby, and just a standard flashlight.

You really should've only needed the baby.
No. 80112 ID: 9b57d3

What if, say, someone cloned you, would you punch yourself then?
No. 80115 ID: f44ca3

So Krak are Arkots reptiles or mammals or something in between?

Do you lay eggs or something more complicated? And if you wanted to show a pretty little Arkot you liked her what would you do to impress her?

How agile are you with those 4 arms? I recall another Arkot that had problems removing a bow from his horns because he could not reach up there. Can you move both sets independently or are they all linked together?

If Arkots were not looked down on and became a accepted part of the galactic community is there something you would rather do than what you do now? Any dreams you would pursue?

You should check with your agent and see if he can push for a Arkot mini quest. If Three stripes can get his own series why not one for you guys.
No. 80117 ID: 256d52
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>Deem what was the hardest battle you fought before you took your 1000 year nap and what made it so tough?
My hardest battle while running a dungeon? Hmmm.

Well... I had a cute pet once. I had him since he was a hatchling. I called him Asharderollwin, thought he picked up another nickname from somewhere... Ashwing or something? He was a real terror once he was older. He had that bluster a guardian really needs, that 'who do you think you are to challenge me?' sort of attitude, a certain wiliness and an excellent compatibility with my magic, but he was really sweet around his handlers. It always entertained me to see him lounging on his gold with that regal, self satisfied look on his face - I knew he was just thinking about dinner or his next grooming.

We had a special room for him, a great cavern near my heart chamber honeycombed with tunnels. He knew every inch of it in and out, and could slither around it with the speed of a snake. The open area was large enough for him to fly in. Bolstered by my reinforcement, he was undefeated for a hundred years. It took on an edge of ritual, with a yearly challenge by some of the greatest champions of the land, armed with wondrous weapons and carefully honed tactics to seek victory.

But it ended one year. They'd looked carefully over the past records of challenges and knew many of the things of which we were capable, the traps and forces and spells I guarded him with. They were dragonslayers... they knew how to fight them and had a keen grasp of the old dragon's mind and how he liked to battle. They'd selected their members carefully to hammer out any weak links and kept their trump cards well hidden until that final battle, so I could not see them coming. Maybe it was complacency on our part too...

Seven hours after those six warriors entered that chamber, they were victorious. It was a real blow to my poor pet's confidence. He was revived and his hoard restored soon enough, but he was never the same after that...

>now that it's confirmed that dungeons have reproduction that raises so many questions:
>do they reproduce sexually or asexually? do they even have sexuality? do they derive sexual pleasure from something? what is considered attractive to dungeons? do some dungeons have fetishes? are sexual relationships between dungeons and non-dungeons taboo, or even possible at all?

>What subjects do you find interesting to read about and discuss, if any?
I can't read!
No. 80120 ID: 1d42ee


bellybutton sex is hot and you know it.

don't judge me! I know Tommy Wiseau wouldn't.
No. 80121 ID: cee89f

>I can't read!
..... I'll just assume you're hearing us as voices and skip the obvious joke.

These are for all quest characters:

-You find out the meal you're eating has had your best friend cooked into it. How do you react?

-Any zombie apocalypse stories from the perspective of a species OTHER than human?

-A power rangers team is formed with you as red ranger. Who do you pick as the other 4 rangers and what do you call yourselves?

-Favorite snack?
No. 80123 ID: 209014

sexology is interesting! don't be shy!
No. 80125 ID: e861a7
File 139441143707.png - (230.18KB , 600x590 , polokoaanddastricaitq.png )

>Polokoa: Ever read Jekyll & Hyde?

"No. I don't really read for pleasure. Especially not old pre-space alien books."

"Er, just to add on to that, as a bit of a professional, vaguely, a lot of the stories in a particular species' repertoire will usually not transition well. I mean, a lot of the really great stories boil down to a pretty simple core that has a half-decent chance of getting through, but all the specific cultural stuff is even more annoying for another species than it already is across in-species cultural gaps."

"That's not an absolute. I know a lot of salikai like Sherlock Holmes stories."

"Yes! But even then they have trouble wading through all the human-specific assumptions about relationships and society and so on that the stories are mired in. So usually what'll happen is that some book buff will take the er essence at the heart of a classic story and retranslate it into a story tailored for their own species, though, a lot of the time there will already be a version of that basic idea, if it's something that'll resonate well. In the case of Jekyll & Hyde, there is actually a neumono legend that had a sort of similar idea! "Loriloki Two-Souled", er that's not really an exact translation but the word "empathy" lacks a lot of the romance or mysticism it has in native neumono languages, anyway "Loriloki Two-Souled" is a legend of the Queens of an ancient hive that practiced ritualistic cannibalism on themselves, the story goes that the old Queen of the hive becomes stubborn and hateful, and her daughter the new Queen kills her and eats her, but something goes wrong so the old Queen's spirit haunts her daughter and she ends up developing a split personality. It's sort of the same! Only instead of wrestling with internal individual darkness it's more a metaphor about a hive having trouble adapting to their changing environment. There hasn't been a movie, but I did go to a theatre adaptation once! Did you see it, Polokoa?"

"I know the story, but no, neumono plays aren't really much better than our movies. Anyway, I'm not interested in theatre."

"You should try to show an interest in something! What about those movies I sent to you?"

"I haven't had the time."

"You need to make the time! Relax, sometimes! I told you last week, you're going to-"

"Dastrica, confidentiality! You need to do a lot better with professional secrecy."

"I'm not that bad..."
"You told the ambassador from Keloshi III that I had "Instrumentality Syndrome"."
"No! I told him I thought maybe Polo had had it! And I don't know because I never met her. Er. Before. I mean I've met her in your dreams but that's different."
"You do think I have it, though."
"It's a theory! And it's an entirely natural stress response in neumono!"
"You made it up."
"I didn't make it up, I proposed it, it got in a journal, and I got very good reviews! From my peers!"
"Your peers are aliens, who still don't know what they're talking about, and predators, who don't really read academic papers."
"There are neumono psychologists! Like Darlo! He has like three doctorates, he backed me up."
"Wasn't Darlo the one who wanted you to eat hi-"
"Hey! Hey uh, um you have some other questions why don't you answer them and we'll talk about this later?"

>why were time cops helping you out when you fought Rokolo? That seems a liiiiiiittle out of the time cops' jurisdiction.

"... Technically, I was helping them. And alternate dimensions are entirely in their field. One of the misdemeanors time travelers can be charged with is reckless creation of alternate timelines. And one method of interdimensional travel involves going back in time and slingshotting around a branching event to end up in an alternate present. To be frank, though, they're giving themselves airs by calling themselves time police in the first place. They do monitor, patrol and address problems, but they just do it to practice their skills and to feel better about themselves. They're really more like agents for a race of super-dimensional space gods."

>Ever met any beings from other dimensions we would recognize? Maybe a diety or two?...Have you ever encountered sentient raccoons and if so GIMME COORDINATES PLOX

"I think you're mixing up alternate dimensions and parallel dimensions. They both exist, but I've only been to alternates. Different timelines of the same universe, not entire different universes."

"As for deities, I've met a range of powerful transcendental entities, but calling them gods is usually just a figure of speech. And raccoons? Sentient raccoons wouldn't be raccoons. They'd have to be genetically different enough to be a separate species, at least. If you found a species that physically resembled raccoons but were sentient, then calling them raccoons would be a disrespectful terracentrism, like calling a belenos a sheep. They usually put up with it, I admit, but it's still rude. And do you remember that group of space safari tourists, back in the first years after contact, who called us "giant puppy-rabbits"? No. You don't. So you just think about that."
No. 80126 ID: 4a75fa

Pff. Sweater vests and adorable arguments.

>Instrumentality Syndrome
Any psychologist, therapist or medical journal enthusiast care to brief us on what that's supposed to be?

>who wanted you to eat hi-
Now I'm really curious if the missing letter is an s or an m.
No. 80127 ID: 041c8f
File 139441581383.png - (57.77KB , 491x561 , tobyquicbookk.png )

I think my writer read that book a very long time ago. 'The Architect of Sleep' I think. Not to bad for a potboiler that never got finished. I think I might have something like that on my hands.
No. 80129 ID: b3abf2

What does your name mean?
I think its a kind of rock? So is Jade, I think...I'm not sure I've ever actually seen any Jasper though...maybe the Temple on Little Island has some? I mean that seems like a sort of human religion thing to do right? Get stones in the names of your gods?

Complete the sentence: "___ live(s) forever." with anything except 'hero', 'love', 'immortal' or 'a god'.

Oh. I was going to say Angels..cause they are supposed to. But I think that counts as a kind of god? Hmm. Heaven maybe? I mean it living and getting better and making everything better is what it does. Then again its sort of like a God for the Angels. Like I am not really sure if Cneph and Heaven are different people..though i don't know if they are people at all either.

If you lived forever, what would you do with yourself?

If? I quite intend to live forever. If for no other reason then to spite Dad...and cause I think I might have Mom's job now.

> If you were a MOBA character (Dota, League of Legends, etc) what would your role be and what would be your ultimate?

I've never played one of those. What are they like? Mom once let me play Mario. Are they sort of like that? I bet my 'ultimate' would just eat everything up in an ball of plasma.

> What is your favorite myth/legend?

Hmm. Well one of the other kids was really excited about a Superman comic he had read. I didn't really understand what he said, but it sounded cool.

> For any military/diplomatic types, is there anything your enemy knows about your forces that you wish they didn't?

Everyone knows more then I do. Though, I Don't really have forces. Maybe I should fix that.

> How would you react to your son or daughter trying to kill you?

I really hope its not cause I killed their parent. I would try to do what is just. *sniff*

I really really don't want that to happen, maybe I shouldn't have a spouse/children.
No. 80134 ID: 13ef94
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>If you were to write a book what would it be about?
-If i could, i would write an autobiography and keep it with me in case i ever lose my memory again.

>what is more important in a girl: big tits or big monster hands?
-I have no tits and a big monster teeth if you into that kind of stuff.

>what is your favorite fast food ?
-I would kill for fishburger right now... (drools)

>What is your favorite holiday?
-My birthday if i ever will remeber exact day...

>How many nipples do you have?
-Oh let me take a look... (Ember -"oh hell no, put your shirt back on!!!")

>What is your best dance move?
-I dont remember...

>What do you do to honor your ancestors and dearly departed comrades?
-I guess so far its a cremation and biomass absorbtion... make your pick.

>if you could give any name to a new soft drink flavor, what would it be?
-spooky scary sarsaparilla.
No. 80135 ID: 9ddf68

you were a girl that turned into a guy somehow right? do you still prefer men or at this point it doesn't matter?
No. 80137 ID: 13ef94
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