Category:Series Quests
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As opposed to one-shots, which start and end within one thread, series quests unfold in several chapters/parts, or at least are supposed to unfold that way by the author. Would-be series quests that never got past their first chapter stand very close to, although somewhat differ from, one-shot quests.
Pages in category "Series Quests"
The following 579 pages are in this category, out of 579 total.
- A Conspiracy of Wasps
- A Fatal Error Has Occurred
- A Feast of Souls
- A Flower
- A Game Of Words
- A Journey of Hatred
- A Legitimate Quest
- A Little Town Called Coxwette
- A Most Holy Quest
- A Small Quest
- A Star Fell Burning
- A Strange Machine
- A Unique Set of Circumstances
- Aardvarks Need Love
- Abandon Hope
- Abducted
- Aberration
- Able Quest
- Abstraction
- Acid Soup
- Adventures in Witch Hunting
- Advocate
- Aervon Quest
- After Quest
- Age of Shadows
- Alchemist Quest
- Alex Quest
- Alien Quest
- Amazing Gamuch Quest
- Amorphia
- Anemoi
- AnnaQuest
- Another Collectathon Quest Using Irritatingly Random Equipment Deployment
- Another Quest
- Ant Quest
- Apocalypse World
- Apocalyption
- Archduke Azureblood
- Arthocob Date Quest
- Artifact Quest
- Artificial
- AsteroidQuest
- Atophane's Tales
- Audit Quest
- Avery's Quest
- Awakening
- Awesome Death Dungeon
- Ban Ban
- Bardic Quest
- Battle of the Cosmic Champions!
- Battle Quest
- Bear Quest
- Before the Storm
- BeforeQuest
- Behind Closed Bars
- Best Bandits
- Beyond
- Beyond the Stars
- Bigger Penis Quest
- Bishounen Quest
- Bite Quest
- Black Company
- Blake Quest
- Blind Quest (Buckwheat)
- Blood
- Blood Drink
- Bloodborne VDKW Edition!
- Bloom
- Blue Star
- Bold Request
- Boldly Coming
- Boobs and Dragons
- Boon
- Bounty Quest
- Breakfast Quest
- Breaking Reality
- Bruco and Strela are Married
- Bubble Bucket
- Bunquest!
- Buoyant Reality
- Butcher Birds
- Calliope
- Castaway Quest
- Catalyst
- Celeyilo Quest
- Cell Evolution
- Channel
- Chaser Quest
- CheeQuest
- Cherished
- Chinzebeth VII
- Choose
- Chop's Dojo
- Chorus of Whispers
- Chosen of the Creator
- Christmas in Retail
- ChunkQuest
- Clamp Quest
- Colony Guard
- Come On, Let's Go
- Comic Relief
- Command Quest
- Conflagration of A Deity
- Connection Lost
- Contact
- Cookiequest
- Could,Should,Is Quest
- Crash Quest
- Crawler
- Crawling in the Darkness
- Critical Failure
- Crossover Quest
- Crowmanticar
- Cutebold Slaughter Fest
- Cutegal Quest
- Cylosis Quest
- Cyril Quest
- D3: Slight Return
- D3Quest
- Damned
- Dark Lord's Concubine Quest
- Dark Universe Lapse
- Darkness Quest
- Dashing Adventurer Quest
- Dead Dust
- Dead Eye
- Deep
- DeerlingQuest
- Defective
- Demon's Rage
- Dirge of Lamentations
- Disappointment Quest
- Displacement
- DiveQuest
- Dollmaker Quest
- Doolbag's Mission
- Doorways
- Dorf Quest
- Dovahkitty
- Downvoted
- Dragon Romance
- Dragon's Trial
- Dragons
- Dreams and Decay
- Drew the Lich
- Driblis Quest
- Dungeon Game: The Quest
- Dungeoneer
- Fallout: Last Spark
- Familiar Quest
- Fate Line
- Fearquest
- Fen Quest
- Fiend Quest
- FifTH Quest
- Firestarter
- First Hand
- Fish
- Flockload of Problems
- Fluorine Quest
- Flying Thingy Quest
- Fog World
- Forsaken
- Fortune's Call
- FoundQuest
- Fresh Meat
- Frillsby and Gallsby
- Frognarok
- FrogQuest
- From Nothing
- Fruitbowl Serials
- FudgeQuest
- Furries Gone Wild!
- Fursecution
- Fury Rising
- Halting State
- Ham Sandwich Quest
- Hammer Imp
- HangMan
- Hat Quest
- HatchQuest
- Hawksbury
- Haze Town
- Hearts Goetia
- Helix Quest
- Help the Dragoness
- Herbert vs. Happiness
- Hey Hey Hey Quest
- Hiraeth
- History Unmade
- Hope
- Horny Futa Adventures
- How to be an Overlord
- How To Raise A Princess
- Hugs Quest
- Hunter
- Hurt Me
- Hydralisk
- Machine Devils
- Magic Elevator Quest
- Magic Kingdom Quest
- Magic West
- Magical Academy Quest
- Magical Girl Quest
- Magician Girl Quest
- Mahou Shoujo Fight Club
- Mallo Quest
- Mana Ritual
- Manglemouth Quest
- Mansion Quest
- Mansionquest
- Maroon Quest
- Master of Magic
- Memory of Alm
- Merchant Story
- Metempsychosis
- Mind Quest
- MiniLichQuest
- MintQuest
- Mirror Quest
- Moebius Acquisitions
- Mom's Fault
- Monomyth (Project5)
- Monster Crusades
- MonsterQuest
- Mook
- Moonleaf
- Moot Point
- Moria
- Mu's Journey
- MudyQuest
- Mushroom Forest
- My Life
- Mystic Questing Princess Warrior Tameka
- Panacian Quest
- Panic Galaxy
- PanQuest
- Panty Raid
- Panzermensch
- Paradiso Prime
- Parodymon Quest
- Passage
- Peep Quest
- Perf World
- Perpetuity
- Phillip Dollarfield Doesn't Care About Saving The Princess
- Pink Dragon in the Big City
- Pinkskin Quest
- Pixel Adventure
- Pixel Adventure 2
- Pixel Life
- Plague Filled Heart
- Planetfall
- Please do not Take these Organs
- PokémonQuest
- Polokoa Quest
- Pony Adventures
- Power Quest
- PQ Report
- Princess Quest
- Princess Quest (Azathoth)
- Project 5
- R.A.M. vs G.A.C.
- Rachel Puzzle
- RadQuest
- Rainy Day (Idiom Alpha)
- Rape Quest
- Rasputin Quest
- Rat Quest (Squeegy)
- Rat Quest (Vytalibus)
- Rebirth
- Rebirth Quest
- Red Giant
- Red Sands
- Reformation
- Rendamel
- Rescue Quest
- Reset
- Resonance
- Return to Sender
- Revenant Quest
- Rex
- Riarda Legends
- Rielquest
- Rina Quest
- Rite of Spring
- RNG XALT.qst
- Rock
- Rollback
- Romanticar Series
- Room Quest: A Journey in Abstraction
- Root and Branches
- Ruby Quest
- Rudy Mann Quest
- Ruin
- Rune Quest
- Rust
- Rusted Sky
- Sabhaxlia's Terrible Life
- Sad Girl Club
- Safety First
- Saiyans
- Saiyans: Time Paradox Waiting to Happen Gaiden
- Salikai
- Sami's Quest
- Sanya Quest
- Save Yourself Quest
- Scion of the Old Blood
- Scribble Quest
- Seerstone
- Sentinel Key
- Sevi Quest
- Shadow of the Eclipse
- Shards
- Shark Quest - Jiggy
- Shift
- Shitty Lyluk Quest
- Shortquest Quest
- Shoujen
- Silvermoon Clan Inheritence Wars Chronicles: My Brother I Will Defeat You
- Sims TGChan Quest!
- Skyking
- Slaughter Quest
- Slime Quest (chiggedychoo)
- Slissa Quest
- Snoots and Shadows
- So You Want To Be A Baron
- Sojourn
- Solaris
- SoulSworn
- Soviet Hero
- Sparrow Quest
- Speed Zoom Quest
- Spess Pyratz
- Spike and Kitty's Terrible Stupid Quest
- SpookQuest
- Spooky Date Quest
- Stalagmite Quest
- Stare At Explosions
- Starlight Afterglow
- Static on the Wire
- Station (Cirr)
- Stone Soup
- Story of Anima
- Story Seeker
- Story Time
- Strange Bedfellows
- Strange Delivery Service
- Subcritical: Weapons That Live
- Subheim
- Sue Quest, Too
- Sunset Hill Quest
- Super Clothing Damage Adventure
- Surya Quest
- Switch Act
- Tales from Meigara
- Tank Quest
- TCSG:Kingsmen
- Team Port Echo
- Tension
- Terrible Quest
- Tezakia Quest
- Tgchan's Blind Date Quest
- That Forgotten Road
- The Above
- The Book of Worms
- The Computer I Bought from the Old Man for Free that was Haunted
- The Dark
- The Dungeon Crawlers
- The End
- The Fair Folk
- The Family Business
- The Game
- The Game: Thirteen
- The Gay
- The Herd
- The Hif Man
- The Icon
- The Island of Onigashima
- The Last Flight of the Sparrow
- The Metamyriad
- The Oremor Trail
- The Path of a Hero
- The Poorly Drawn Adventures of McStick
- The Protagonist Dies
- The Quest to Kill The World
- The Rogue
- The Slave the Thief and the Slut: Rise of the Vile Bloods
- The Sunfish
- The Top
- The Witch Who Lost Her Panties
- The World After The End
- The World Is Mine
- This Is A Story
- This Isn't Working
- Tiffany
- Timberland High
- Tinker Quest
- Tiny Cat People
- Titans We Are
- Title TK
- Tits Quest
- To Hell and Back
- Tobak Quest
- Toby Quest
- Tomorrow's Not Happening
- Top Tier
- Tory's Tower
- Touhou Quest
- Tozol Quest
- TransMachina
- Trap Quest
- Trash Quest / Squirrel Quest
- Trashy Vampire Romance Novel
- Twenty After Zero
- Twilight Star Saga
- Twinkle