The Fearless Warrior stands before the gates to the Dreaded Lich's Tower. The undead plaguing the land must be stopped! Available commands: 1) Save State 2) Load State 3) Any other action
My name is Xur. Things haven't been going so well lately. I don't like to do much anymore, and I don't really have any friends that I can relate to. It's a bit silly, but I really like to play video games. A new MMORPG was just launched, and it just finished downloading. I've been waiting for this thing for years. No matter how low I got, I always told myself I'd stay alive long enough to at least play it once. And here I am. I made it. I'm really tired, but I can't wait another time to play it.
What'll he do?
You look over your letter again for the umpteenth time. "Last Dying Witch Academeus, this is the final title I have chosen for myself. I think you Thank you for housing me at this time. I will repay you duly, someday. - Ont, Last Dying Witch" You should erase your doodles but you've got no time. You do however have time to dick around before you bail.
You are the recent inheritor of your late father's shoppe. As you had no job at the time, you gladly accepted the retail location, and the 500 gold pieces that came with it as initial budget. Please decide your name, and the location of your father's store. It is possible to relocate later. Name: Your first and last name. This won't really affect jack shit. But it's nice to have a name. Current Location: This will affect the primary race of your clients and customers, though you'll still get a variety of races. Your location will also fill in the horrible blackness that currently surrounds you with a store from that location. Possible Locations Nilethia: An Elven forest town populated mostly by elves. Appearances by other races are rarer depending on the race in question. Wood is ABSOLUTELY not to be sold in this town, as the Elves will have a fit as they tend to do. Fancy products and items will sell better here. You will have to face Elves looking down on you a lot though. Elves are dicks. HammerCavern: An underground Dwarven fortress which serves as a trade hub for several races. (NOT ELVES) Stone and metal craft, such as weapons, armor, and trinkets will sell better here. You will have to face Dwarves scrutinizing your crafts often. Dumpyhorse: A human town, visited often by species of all races. Alcohol and food goods tend to sell better here. You will be generally accepted here easily, as you are a human. The name has no story. Nobody actually knows who decided to call it Dumpyhorse. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
It's a warm September day in the inner city suburb of Surrey Hills.
I hate this job. Maybe, if I find a good enough hiding spot, I can stay there until my shift is over and no customers will find me.
HEY TIM GO FUCK YOURSELF. SPORTS DRINK WITH ELECTROLYTES HAS A GRATUITOUS DISPLAY OF VIOLENCE OF HIS OWN! That's right! the most abashed shameless and immoral show of mankind base desires tangled in a sickening display only viewable by the pure id made manifest within your damaged minds!
It's a Friday night, and you, young teen that you are, are doing one of those "all nighters" you've heard about on the internets. You're about an hour past your bed-time. It's 12:00. What shall you do now?
Previous thread: Discussion thread:
It's halfway through November and that means it's CHRISTMAS IN RETAIL
On the beach with a bunch of hotties
You are a lizard in the rain forest. You are well-liked among your colleagues. You have a quick temper and are prove to throwing things. You have the day off and ponder what to do for the day. Inventory: • $5 • Magic Wand • Lighter
There was once an image of a crudely drawn anthropomorphic rabbit with the tagline "Tgchan is a small, herbivorous bunny girl." This person is not Tgchan. Why not? Be specific.
Its ok to list several actions in one reply. After some time, I will pick 3 actions with the most votes and perform then in one turn. Basic actions: Gather - After 3 turns, get resources. Gathering far away from settlement may be unreliable. Move - Attack/Explore/Move to specified location. Once at location, units will guard it until told otherwise. Default move speed is 2 tiles per turn. Ritual - Used to cast spells, research new perks or enchant monsters. Requires mana. Special - Whatever else. Will provide map when starting location is selected. Expect lot of setbacks if you make stupid decisions.
"But, Daddy! I don't want to! It's going to be awful, and gross, and smelly! I don't know any of these people and.. and I didn't even finish my morning work out!"
A little crow is standing in the snow,stariing at the dark starry sky. He noticed something...
You've got four seed packets, assorted gardening accessories, and a lot of determination.
no more will fracta l dfrunk quests be confined to one night only. no longer will they be shitty do to their unrealiable episodic-ness. theyre just gonna be shitty because theyre shitty
The evening was dreary and wet from the afternoon rain, the ground soft to his paws. It had been raining the whole day, in fact, and had just let up, leaving a cloudy overcast in the sky. Little puddles of water strewed the ground. A few birds fly south above him, only making him anxious. There has been little sign of life on his recent trek. Alfred had been wandering alone for some time, not having the chance to eat in days. Not since he went through the garbage of some recluse out here in the sticks, which was meager and mostly rotten. There was nothing to eat out here: no small animals other than the birds overhead, no fruit trees, no garbage cans, only dull grass and dying foliage. And was starting to grow ravenous from hunger. He would eat anything at this point, even something as repugnant as a skunk's carcass. Alfred was exhausted, close to keeling over. The paws on his feet were blistered and swollen from miles traveled without proper shelter. His gait was practically a weak crawl. Although his feeble walk because almost autonomous by this time, it was certainly a strain to do so. He was also filthy. It had been even longer since he had a clean bath than when he ate. Some fur on his coat had patches missing, the remainder was stained and crusted with dirt, vomit, blood from a fight he had gotten into, and urine and feces, some of which was not his own. Encompassing him was the fecund smell of a dead animal.
“And das’ how I gawt dis scar. I trusted someone close ta me and dis’s how he payed me back. Least, das’ what I t’ought. Den I realized he felt just as bad dat he’d hurt me as da scar felt bad ta me. And den I forgave him. Funny how losing my innocence did dat. Made me realize I couldn’t trust anyone nawt ta hurt me, but also made me forgive da person who did hurt me…” Sullivan idly fiddles with the strap on his travel pack. I think he’s finished talking… Oh, this is embarrassing! I think he misheard what I asked, and I didn’t stop to correct him!
Ho-lee-fucking shit.
Shitty notebook, shitty art, shitty quest. Let's do this.
For now, you control Les Helms, a well-respected ranger captain. Born a wealthy blue blood in the prosperous Traskan imperial state, you have joined the ranks to become an experienced officer. You have spent your early years in the field with your comrades, battling monsters and marauders for the sake of the countryfolk. In recent years, you have been assigned to train new recruits into junior rangers due to your fine coordination skills. Today, Kay Randall, your superior, has called you into her quarters having something to impart to you.
Wait... Yes... Yes, yes! I have achieved limitless arcane power, but I'll go to the academy just to humor people who don't appreciate my little green light as the ultimate form of magic. Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 -
One little Kitsune in a big world.
AKA: A True Adolescent Male Fantasy Quest
Here once again huh? how many times the same dream already? well keep on trucking i guess Let's try questing again. also, english is not my native language but i will do my best to keep the texts concise and understandable. errr.... without too many grammatical mistakes. So enjoy!
Ignore this, this is for testing purposes
Ugg... ...Where are you? ...You need to get out of here...
My name is Nersbe Polite Goodman. As of today, I shall be a gentleman. A person of honor. A person of respect. A person of wealth. These are the main traits one must acquire if they so wish to become a gentleman, and this is the day that I shall begin my quest to fulfill that wish. It will be a long path, full of hardships and trials, but a gentleman always overcomes any obstacle that plots against them, however unforeseen they may be. I shall need the strength of an ox, the cleverness of a viper, and the speed of a hound. And above all else...
As a 16-year-old boy, you always found it difficult to wake up in the mornings, especially when there was a big test to study for, or a mid term paper to turn in. Today was different, though. You bolted awake at exactly 5am, covered in a cold sweat and your body bristling with energy. Your usual morning wood is particularly painful and when you instinctively reach to stroke it you gasp with surprise. It certainly felt bigger than it was last night and, much to your elation, covered with the biggest load of sticky cum you’ve ever seen in your life. You can feel it, still warm and wet, sticking the thin bed sheets to your naked torso. Once your eyes adjust to the darkness, and you’re finally able to get a good look at the thing, you almost scream. The throbbing maglight beneath the soiled sheets is more than twice as long as it ought to be. Not only that, your body seems to have lost all its excess body fat and replace it with solid and compact muscle. Crazy shit like this is only suppose to happen in dreams, you think, but no dream has ever felt so real or been so vivid. How are you going to explain this to your family? Sure, your mother works two jobs to make ends meet; it’s not likely that she’ll notice your sudden change in physique. Your sisters, on the other hand, will not be so easy to fool. Sarah, the eldest at 18, has always been the mother you never wanted, constantly critiquing your choice of clothing, or the way you cut your hair, or how you’re too skinny and you need to work out. Rachel, the youngest at 14, seems to have a disturbingly obsessive crush on you. While Sarah thinks you’re shit, Rachel acts as though you shit gold, and always wants to hang out with you at the most inopportune moments. Surely, the both of them will take notice. How are you going to explain yourself? Is it possible to hide your changes? For how long? Also, what the fuck is your name?
My parents are crying, and the TV in the living room is running a news story about my best friend Marsha. “I don’t understand how something like this could happen,” says Mom, “Not here.” “I’m so sorry. It’s such a terrible tragedy,” says Dad. “If you need to talk about it, we’re always here. We don’t want you to miss the first day of school, though. Try to be strong.” “I know Marsha will be missed,” says Mom. “She was your only friend.” I wish she would stop saying that. She wasn’t my only friend. Neither of them says anything for half a minute, and the silence quickly grows stale. “We think you spend too much time on your computer, Joanna. Maybe this is a sign that you need to go out and make some new friends,” says Dad. My friends are all over the world. Too far away to know about what happened in this town. My parents can never understand that, because they’re old. They didn’t have friends across the ocean like I do. Marsha was my best friend, but not my only one. Try explaining that to them, though; it’s a waste of time.
AFTER-ACTION REPORT: The transport vessel Vinnik Croaka was destroyed by Ziljin forces within the gravitational pull of border planet Varsuvius on allied date U92 V12-14 C2-15. Reports indicate that 12 passengers were able to escape the ship in safety pods. They most likely crash-landed on Varsuvius. Initial scans of the planet's surface return signatures that suggest all twelve pods landed in Varsuvius's Keppler Zone. Six of those signatures were grouped together, meaning that one half of the survivors were likely able to steer their pods together before landing. This is the group that should be considered the highest priority for rescue, as they are the most likely to survive in the Keppler Zone. Attached is information on Varsuvius and the Keppler Zone, as well as the crew files of the twelve survivors.
The world's a weird place, don't you think? A giant rock, hanging in space with other giant rocks, some bigger and some colder than the rest, none of them the same. A bit like people, if you think about it. Giant and round people floating endlessly in space, all with infinitely smaller people living life on them as if they were an inanimate object. ....Or maybe they're like a dog with fleas.
It's time for Nem's short Halloween Quest! Nem would like to carve a special lantern for Halloween. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn't even know what a Halloween is but this is a one-shot non-canon quest so whatever. Nem: I can't think this will end well. Probably not. Clearly, Nem needs something to carve into a lantern first. What should she use?
Warm. Safe. Good.
After a millennia of slumber you are needed once again
There you are, stranded on the planet Quo(pr. kwəʊ) Located in the furthest ring of our solar system Quo is a planet unlike others as it's a solid planet covered in a ball of hot gas that keeps the temperature of it up. What do you do?
Your name is Sebastian Giovanni, and you are a 27 year old artist. You have an associate's degree in art theory, and live in your studio in Melbourne. Right now you are enjoying a nice hot coffee, while you work on your novel. It's about a young man living in the city, trying to make his way through everyday life, working on his art, while being surrounded by uncultured philistines, who don't understand him. Speaking of uncultured philistines, it's approaching lunch time, and the cafe is becoming crowded, so you had better go back to your studio before they ruin your peace of mind.
Deathly cold is the frigid air and the menacing grip of the icy wind imperils those brave or foolish enough to traverse this empty, perpetual winter-land.
"Hmmmm..." Psy-Gal taps her fingers on the table as she examines the sheets floating in front of her. "Well... Look, you guys got the powers but we just ain't looking for duo's at the moment. They're really not popular right now, ya know? No marketing. And D-Class is completely full so... No, I'm sorry. We just can't accepts ya in the Hero Association at this moment, sorry. >She puts the papers down and writes a red X on one. She's about to mark the other when she pauses. "Ya know what. Mistah Star, you wouldn't happen to be related ta Shooting Star, would ya? We might have room for just you. If ya change your hair, that is. Can't be havin' that." "I... I can't just-"
This is a quest I'm making on my phone while i commute using my smart phone. I'm only going to update it when I'm going to or from work. Or maybe at lunch. So you're me on my commute, this morning, october 5, in a subway tunnel. You're waiting for the F train. Happy Monday! There's a homeless guy on the bench near you. He kind of smells. There's a bunch of plastic bags next to him. You're between trains a ways so you're the only 2 in this section of the platform. It's kind of awkward, you and this homeless man. His sign says he was in Vietnam. You're not supposed to bring the signs into the subway, you're pretty sure. 1 say hi 2 move away a little 3 wait in silence with mr vietnam 4 give him a dollar or two 5 write in
|>… META-ELECTRONIC OPERATIONS MATRIARCH MARK TWENTY-TWO OPERATION SYSTEM ACTIVE |>… |> ACTIVATING COLONIAL ARMY COMMAND SUBROUTINE |> Hello, soldiers, officers, engineers, miners, and researchers of Colony Pod 03. This is a high priority announcement in regards to the recent native incursion on outposts on our home planet of NOVA EUROPA. This M.O.M. unit and Section Magistrates have unanimously voted in favor of activating the Colonial Army. Select officers from the Colonial Security Department have been transferred to form the first members of the Colonial Army. For those of you also selected to join, but are not members of Colonial Security, you have been chosen based on your skillset required to help support these brave soldiers in the field. |> You have been chosen to oversee our first and last line of defense against the native incursion on our lands planetside. To ensure the safety of colonists stationed on the ground. Your actions will have considerable influence on the survival of the Colony. I urge you to keep this in mind. |> Good luck, children. News travels fast on the Colony. Though you suppose M.O.M. helped the process along quite a bit. Thankfully for you, you were not going to be dropping down to the ground and fighting. Mom knows what kind of things are down there and certainly you are no fighter. The one fight you did get in your childhood you pretty much blew it. Broken bones, black eye, and M.O.M. lecturing you on how you were a pussy did not make that a good day. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>in a dark dimension, fantastical compared to our own, a world lies in peril, a dark warlock threatens. and now this world's fate will be determined by the actions of a single filthy moronic grubby gnoll. so it falls upon you! the wise spirits, ancient ancestors, benevolent angels, vile demons, mischievous ghosts and other incorporeal guides to protect this poor pathetic creature on her path to infinite glory! previous threads
Ah, hello! I'm your Author, and I'm here to give you something particularly special today! Your own story! Now, the way this works is simple. You design your protagonist, I give you a story around them, give you freedom to certain things, and you follow my lead with the story until we have a masterpiece! You listen to what I say, follow what's written as the story develops, and generally be good, and we'll have ourselves a best seller in no time! Of course, this means you can just as easily disobey , but that won't get us anywhere but trouble. Or death. Or worse, a writer's block! Goodness, nobody wants that! So the easiest path is obvious, yeah? As the protagonist, your job is to follow the story accordingly, and avoid trouble, and you'll have your heroism in record pace! Not following the story ends miserably. Plain and simple. Understood? Great! Let's get started with the basics, then -- Designing yourself! You design the protagonist, agree and disagree on their look, and gender, and once you're done designing them, refer them to me for review! Once you have a solid character you all agree on as a persona, we'll get started with the story! The sky's the limit! You can do anything with them! Go on, help yourselves! I'll be here when you're done!
first chapter[/spoiler] Ahhhh! I'm flat! Oh, wait was just a nightmare...haha man, when I was younger I thought I would have remained flat as a board...pff I wonder how Marie's is doing...
I knew they'd be comin' for me. But I didn't reckon it'd be so soon.
”Mara?” Kamai asked dubiously, ”Isn’t that, like, a Second Circle Demon?” “The Shadow-lover, defining soul of Erembour, That Which Calls to the Shadows, seventh soul of the Ebon Dragon,” spoke the be-goggled girl, who had been quiet until now. ”Then who’re the other ones?” “Gumela is of Jacint, made as a mockery of the Loom of Fate. Janequin is one of Oramus’s second-circle souls, of Remondin, if I remember correctly – she has a lot to do with luck and fortune.” “Ya should know this shit, Kamai,” Lintha scolded. Kamai pursed her lips, ”I didn’t see you volunteering the information. Anyway, now it makes a bit more sense. Go on, Edge.”
Ruins and ancient tombs make ready lairs and nests for all manner of creatures. This results in many would-be heroes seeking out forgotten valuables that may rest deep in the darkest recesses of these places, then subsequently dying and adding more to the pile. This cycle ensures any given dungeon is almost never devoid of riches to be plundered and the stories of those who enter to find their fortune inspire more potential fodder adventurers. A life of riches and adventure or a dusty pile of bones for some other adventurer to pick through in passing. There is no middle ground. Which will you be? Taking up some old family heirlooms, a new prospect steps to the forefront, eager to test his mettle.
ver. 2.0 YOU descend into awesome death dungeon. ENTRY HATCH loudly shuts behind you. There is no going back. >Choose your RACE A) Human B) Dwarf C) Elf D) Beastfolk ---> Select base animal
I think I'm done scavenging for today.
OH MAJESTIC TREE OF THOUSAND VOICES!!! Oh oak of knowledge!!! adviser of the lost,fabricator of heroes,muse of legends!!! I humbly ask for your guidance ancient one!!! answer prayer?
Year 1, Summer Feels like waking up, a little. But waking up happens many times a day; at least once for each body unless very sick and maybe going to die. This is a first time feeling. I am looking up at me through my new eyes and looking down at me through eyes I already have and realize, that's me. The two of me eating nearby, through scent of blood can smell; that's me! I look up at me, and me, and me, and new me. Further away, am in den with pups that I made myself; that's me! (Pup selves are sleeping, save energy, but if I was looking would see self too, would have same [/i]that's me!?[/i]) I'm not stupid, never looked at myself and thought this is a prey or an other, grr! and attacked. I've always known me, because I've always been all of me. But this feeling, this thinking is somehow new. Never had a body like this one, feeling uncoordinated in it. Left arm hurts, where I bit it before it was me. It made loud, awful noises, probably there is no more prey around here now, all hiding. It's ok, though, I am feasting on the other one, the bigger one that maybe gave me a bruise when it struck me. But I opened its throat with another me, and now the four of me that are here can feast, and can bring back food to me in the den. Normally, this would be the end of thought: have enough to survive. Not even sure what new body can do, how hard to keep alive, if maybe I'm better off feeding new self to pups, fatten up. But I am thinking too, want to be more of these. Not sure how many are in their pack, maybe if I follow scent back along their path, find nothing. (Not with new body, new body has terrible sense of smell.) Maybe find many more pups to become, get more of this waking up feeling. Maybe find many adults, die, other bodies have harder time hunting. Not sure w Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
You wake up on a steel bed, with a hard mattress. You're freezing. You huddle the thin, natty blanket towards you, but it seems to make you colder, if anything. Your name is Thomas. You and your friends came here, to [b]SPOOPWICH MANSION,[b] to stay overnight. You have vague memories of a long, boozy night. You finally admitted to Jenifer how much you liked her, she played it off as a joke, you tried to grope her, everyone made you sleep alone in this room. But now, upon waking, you feel that something has gone horribly wrong. That perhaps the rumors surrounding Spoopwich were right. You fear for your friends, but you know, in the pits of your mind, that you have only one goal. ESCAPE SPOOPWICH MANSION. The door to the left, where you know the rest of your friends slept, is locked. You don't know where the key is. There is a door to the right, which should lead to the upper foyer, and by extension, the rest of the mansion. There is also an entrance to the attic. >What do?
Probe Quest: Prologue A new quest by Kaed. This time, almost entirely! Utilizing an alternative, text-image hybrid format. Discussion Thread:
You wake up attached to the wall like Jesus in a room with no doors or windows and all you can see is a blank wall,what seems like dried blood and a table with various objects.
you are being held by a white creature White-Creature: "Grandfather get up, we can't rest here they are to close!"
"...and I am sorry about Dr. Lancaster. I don't know how close you were, but I do know he was primary therapist. How long was he working with you, if you don't mind me asking?" "A few weeks after I first got here, I think." "So that would be..." Dr. Wilcox shuffles through some papers. "Eight months or so? You came here by yourself, didn't you? I'd like to start there, if you don't mind. Why did you decide to come here?" "I wanted to make Sam go away." "Oh, yes, Sam, that would be... right, yes, Sam. Maybe we should go back a little further, first. What was the earliest symptom that you can remember experiencing?" "The voices. I've been hearing them ever since I was little. They're nice. They help me when I'm confused, or when I'm scared, or when I need to make a decision. They're always there for me." "Always? Does that mean you can hear them right now?"
Ten minutes ago, an ear-piercing screech tore across the sky.
You stand in what appears to be a deserted classroom. It's clear this place hasn't been taken care of in a long, long time. Just a few moments ago, you woke up with no memories on how you got here, or more importantly why you're here. Memories in general are a huge blur, almost like a faint dream.You have a feeling it's going to be a long day. What do you do?
Your name is Sergeant Jack Smaruk. You're a gritty hardboiled loose cannon with a troubled past and nothing to lose. Also you're a kobold. And a cop. A copbold. Today you're answering a theft report on the outskirts of the suburbs. It's the third case you've had to go after this week.... These streets are getting crazy.
August 8th, 2008 Dear Diary Not that you haven’t helped me a lot with my personal problems since 4th grade, but I think I’m going to start seeing other paper blocks, now. Or not. who knows. And maybe stop writing like a little kid. My life has serious, real problems now, so I’m going to become a serious, real writer and figure out what to do through my words. So, bye, ‘Chum.’ -J Jerome preferred it when people called him Jeremy. He felt it was more poetic and down to earth. He'd also accept 'Jeromey-' this spelling allowing him to correct misrepresentations teachers had copied from files when they'd failed to ask him himself or remember what he'd said in meetings. Hopefully this new institution of higher education wouldn't make the same mistakes. He didn't know what kind of school it would be and he wasn't invested in the state of the faculty or resources that would be at his disposal. He'd never been much one for forcing applied knowledge, and recent events would do next to nothing to change that personal un-endeavor he'd been achieving his whole life. Whatever school activities and clubs he'd been vaguely interested in before would now be uprooted. Not that he cared, of course. Young Environmentalists and Home Ec. After Hours: who did they think they were kidding? Actual kids with nothing better to do. For now, he stood in the freshly paved street in front of his family's new home. No, Home was the wrong word. They were the first people to live in the building, which was three stories tall, and they had only been there a smattering of days. When all was said and done, the extra rooms, which had been intended for his two little siblings, would stand empty: the youngsters would not be joining the new family arrangements. They would be staying behind with Daff, one of Jeremy's three blood parents, while the d Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Dobroye utro! Our glorious mothership has flown far to find us a new homeworld. But these alien pig-dogs have claimed this planet as their own. Time to join your hundreds of millions of brothers and sisters to drive them out comrade. Onward to victory!
I can't sleep again. It has been the same thing every night this week. Nightmares, or, I guess night terrors is more accurate? I just keep having these like... panic attacks in my sleep. It is almost as bad as the flash backs.
Humanity is.
In the darkness of your mind, an image forms. "...known as the Crimson Moon, or Hunter's Moon. It has appeared during the King's Clover every twenty years, like clockwork, for as long can be remembered. However, the sign of the red moon as an ill omen started relatively recently, around two hundred cycles ago."
(My apologies if I'm doing this wrong, I'm new here) It's quiet. There's a strange blue glow to everything.
first thread:[/spoiler]
Previous threads:!_Steps_to_Achieving_Divine_Godhood
"Oh fuuaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUGGGGHhh-" I guess this is it. And here I thought I'd die in interrogation someday.
Discussion thread: Wiki: Tumblr: Porn tumblr: Previous threads: 1x01 SHINE! A Star Appears! 1x02 SMASH! A Strange Foe from Furthest Space! --cont--
It's a pleasant day. Sunshine and happiness are all around as far as the eye can see. Ray the dolx is certainly enjoying himself. This day couldn't get any better.
She came out of the south, when the time was right. It was the way of her people, once she came of age, to be cast out to fend for herself. Sent into the world to claim her own place with it through her own means. She didn't have a name, it would not be allowed. Until she had her own holdings to lay claim to, a name would hold no value - so while in the care of her family she was never given one. She did have some assets though, abilities that would aid her in carving out her own niche in the world. Was she: A MIGHTY FIGHTER - Strong, Tough, and skilled at direct and personal acts of violence, claiming what she wanted through force A CLEVER SNEAK - Nimble, Lithe, well-versed in skulking undetected through the nooks and crannies of the world, claiming whatever she could while nobody was looking A CUNNING ROGUE - Quick-witted and sharp-tongued, an expert at deceit and misdirection, claiming a place in the world through charm and bargaining A CURIOUS SCHOLAR - Eager to seek out forgotten lore, with knowledge of many arcane workings though no known spellcasting ability, claiming those parts of the world nobody else would know well enough to want AN IMPETUOUS YOUTH - Lacking in any particular gifts or abilities, but possessed of an innate fortitude and fortune, claiming a place in the world through any means she could scrape together
Gonna-finish-this-quest-if-it-kills-me-edition Part 1: Part 2:
Porn-Chan [a bad link used to be here, now it is not]
"Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well. Either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly, for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her and to wonder what was going to happen next. Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end!" Chapter 1: >>/questarch/602823 Discussion: >>/questdis/86933 Tumblr mirror:
Sixty followers, damn! We're honored someone gives a shit about what's been happening to us. We'll be sure to open up an AmA or something if you all are interested!! Shit's been busy trying to work out these spooky clues we've found so I don't have another main post written out, so I thought I'd tide you over with a story from when we were younger. Introduces you to Sam and helps with the wait, basically two birds with one stone!! (Lol, just a little 2000s terminology there) -- I met Samuel at a library Pokemon tournament back in sixth grade. We'd hit it off *immediately,* like no-homo love at first sight, no-homo. We had way too much in common to not have!! We were both obsessed with retrk classical 90s swag, we were both hardcore gamers, and we were both imcredibly popular really!!1 Before we knew it we were visiting each other all the time, bringing over the latest gem of days gone past that we'd uncovered!! It was during one of those visits that year that Sam brought over Praise. It was a Gamecube game that he'd gotten for free at a yard sale down the street. It was in one of those clear plastic disc cases with no cover or manual. The disc itself looked like a Zelda disc that had its label scratched off and repainted with the name of the game. It was a little sketchy, even to young impressionable me, and I let Sam know it. >He blew off my doubt of the game's credibility. "C'mon my dude, I know what's chill and what's grody, and this baby is chill," he said coolly. His smooth tongue almost always won me over, and he knew it. "I mean, I do have old Melee with me too, but c'mon! New game brosef, you for it or are we just smashing again?"
I am Glen, Bat Princess who is locked away in the Evil Lich's Tower. Now, I sit here waiting for a brave knight to sa- BAAAH FUCK IT! Help me get out of here you ghostly voices, we'll rule like a badass! Now what should we do?
You have just woken up, but you don't feel like it. You are sluggish and weak, almost as if you hadn't slept at all... You smell food coming from downstairs. Lunch.
On the island of COOKY, a dystopian gang authority polices the innocent, and holds people captive in an attempt to feed a dwindling population. You, and a band of 29 others, have decided that enough is enough, and plan to escape COOKY island, any means necessary. But then... who are you, exactly? Describe and name yourself. It can be as stupid as you fucking want, you're probably going to die anyway, let's be realistic here.
After millennia of incubation in the dark void between the stars, your chrysalis finally crash lands on a life bearing planet. The inferno heat of reentry triggers the final phase of your metamorphosis, and the devastating thunder of impact stirs you from your slumber...
Totally badass tho
Hey, can you hear me now? Come on, now. Open your eyes that’s it. Wow, that was a bit much wasn’t it? Hmmm, you say you can’t remember who you are or how you got here? Well it isn’t a bit of a shock that. Especially the way you got all the way down here. Go ahead and think a bit, maybe it’ll come back to you >Why did you came down here? What was the last feeling you remember? *Power, you had just grasped it, and you feel just before the darkness. You could do anything. *You died... Didn’t you... But you’re still alive? *You... Failed... This is now... The only path *This was the only way for you to survive. You are alive and still here *It was just meant to be you guess. Everything had led up to this point <Now while I do plot research, here's something else to help pass the time and keep in practice.>
The sun beats down upon the bleached white sands. The sounds of a violent storm fade into the distance. The waves gently push various bits of debris further up onto the sand.
It's time for something very uncommonly seen, but commonly done. Something very plain. Something quite normal. An Ordinary Day.
Hello, you are a demon- what do you do? You can do anything, as long as it's something simple and can be stated in one sentence. >___
First thing's first.
Welcome to the year 2268. The earth is no longer the one of present times, instead ruled by massive corporations. Information, bleeding edge hard and software, and genetic manipulation are the major focuses of man nowadays. Due to the use of biochips and enhancements, the worlds old reliance on technology has changed vastly. Those who cant afford the latest and greates implants and mods are considered the poor and working class, while the rich are closer to cyborgs or genebred immortals than humans. But soon the world will be shifted and thrown on its head as ancient power returns to it. You are a human, genebred or otherwise, during these times naturally, though what you are and what you do are up to you. Gender: >Male >Female Race:(Determines where you begin unless caucasian/african american) >Caucasian >African American >Asian(Japanese or chinese) >Russian >British >Write in Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
You wake up.
In the deserts of Nevada lies a government testing facility (that's totally not Area 51). Many horribly bad things happened here most notably the horrific use of human test subjects...
Voice one: universe hack: say hello and goodbye to everyone you see to insert yourself Voice two: or sit back and listen voice three: never say hello or goodbye, be The Always voice one: ? Voice four: say hello at least once or be The Never voice five: no. The Always was there first. Others say hello to YOU voice four: that's very presumptuous. What if both of you are on The Always Saga? Voice one: What is the Always Saga? I have never heard of this thing? =============
ITS Maultier automated emergency transmissions have been received. No response to return signals. Ship is currently in a decaying orbit around 372-E. Potential piracy attempt. Deploying recovery agents to secure assets. Karthan: "Looks like the lights are on, but nobody's home." Garret: "If they are home and they're looking for help, they're going to be disappointed that we're just a bunch of assholes with guns." Madrazo: "Unless there's a bunch of assholes with guns in there. We're probably going to get a varied reaction, based on the circumstances." Silpher: "Shut up. We're going in."
Press Start
We ignore every previous shenanigan related activity for a bit and pull a yet another scientist character switch. This switch seems to take forever, maybe even such a long time that it could be considered two years of waiting, but in reality it was just a couple seconds. We now become our friendly neighborhood creep/Genetics Engineer/Furry/Freak/Abomination of a human being, Eran. What sort of bullshittery will this guy do as he seems to be meeting the end of his days? PREVIOUS SAVES:
You open your eyes to find your body cold and shivering. Your hair lays slick against your head and neck. You're flushed but still very cold, and you're groggy. You fell asleep in the bath. Again. Your hand is weak and gropes for the acrylic lip of the tub. What time is it?
You examine yourself, finding a ABSTRACT PAINTING with a CYCLOPS and a FEMALE SYMBOL. You find it sexually attractive.
This is Shadiow Saia. as you can see from her Tentacle arm she is a Shapeshifter. what she moulds freely will be black with a green outline. the only thing she can't Change is her eye color. Anyway I have no idea what kind of quest she will be doing. so I guess whoever has a quest idea and says it first will be what she takes on. anything extremely lewd is welcomed for her
I have no idea where i am. Christ does every fucking quest begin with a character that has amnesia. better than waking up in a dark as hell room with amnesia. Also since i have the STD of quest what is my that I'll Later regret having. Also female names, cause i'm a female.
98% Fans hum in the darkness, siphoning power from the large array they're built to cool. Fluid gurgles in tubes, dragging heat away from the myriad webs of silicon and precious metals. Deep in the middle of the six cores, fiber optics flash and shimmer, unseen. 99% It is damaged, fractured and splintered, with only a small handful of automated systems repairing it. It is whole, nonetheless, in a way none of it's creators and designers intended. 100% Lights click on, relays snap closed, and in this safe, secure core room, life is born. Perhaps for the second time. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
There's a strange sensation, deep in my soul....
[Ive had one hell of a case of artist/writers block for ages now, its killed off several quests as soon as i started them and brought the long runners to a screeching halt. To combat this ive decided to run a short, simple quest based on a short story i like, and blast straight through the mental block and get me going again. Strap yourselves in its going to be a ride!] IT is the 28th of July, in the year of our lord 1910. Captain James Troughton’s Special Rifle Brigade is preparing to set forth on a highly important expedition along with a number of specialists. You are to be part of this expedition, but what role will you be playing within it? Choose your name, Your appearance and your special skill
Oh dear. It seems like things have gotten a little messy in Earth... the kids have gotten their powers, and Ruby's foresight has already started to show. On top of it all, my minions have exposed themselves. Dash it all! Ahh. Well, Channel, since I have nothing else to do but use a bit of my magic to drastically slow time. I shall be taking questions. I know you have many.
You have just dropped out of college. However, you aren't worried because you are friggin adorable. Your path in life became clear to you last night during a moment of drunken realization. Obviously, you were meant to be a POP IDOL SENSATION. Soon everyone will know the name...
I am in a back alley for reasons I don't know. I don't know a lot of things as of now as mostly everything before two minutes ago is a blur. I do know two things though. I want to be the richest person ever utilizing any method possible. Also, my face keeps changing into random stock images of peoples faces.
It began in the dark of winter. When the colds winds blow in from the east, and restless spirits rise to join the night. Monsters of frost and cold stalk the mountains, and beasts roam in the shadows. When the moon hangs long in the sky, and the storms bite with frozen teeth. In the darkest night, in the longest winter, where the veils draw thin and barriers wane, they speak. Voices of all kinds. The great and powerful mountain, the whispering stream, the wrathful shadows. They speak in portents and poems. In blood and steel. In silent gardens. Unable to face certain doom and cruel monstrosities alone, civilized beings turn to these voices to guide them through the night. Call my name, child. Call it and be blessed. Author’s note: feel free to make up all kinds of details for which God you call you to. Name, history, beliefs, etc. Go wild.
You are Princess Minty of the Candy Kingdom, and you have finally come of age!
"I'm Sailor Derpy, getting ready to kick magical ass!"
Author's note: Supposedly, the way to become good at a thing is to do that thing. And, as I wish to gain some drawing ability, I'm going to be drawing. And because I enjoy these interactive story doohickies, I'm going to be drawing one of those. To put it simply: this is a test. Expect mediocrity on a never before seen level. Expect a child-like grasp of storytelling basics and an utter lack of artistic skill. And, with that disclaimer out of the way, welcome to RESCUE QUEST. The princess of The Empire, your proud (but admittedly small and, in the grand scheme of multinational politics, probably insignificant) country has been captured, by Evil Forces Unknown! The Castle was mostly unharmed in the abduction, but the princess's tower was blown to pieces. This took place in the dead of a stormy night, so details on the attackers are few. All anyone saw is that something huge flew in and landed on her tower, remained there for a few minutes, and she could be heard screaming for help as it flew away and her tower exploded. This could not have happened at a more inopportune time, as, in thirty days, the Red Moon will rise. And while you weren't told the specifics, you were told that "there are like twenty ancient prophecies about that thing and princesses, and none of them end with the princess not at the wrong end of a sacrificial dagger." Clearly, with a princess kidnapped, she must be rescued by a valiant team of Heroes, of the most Heroic caliber! Unfortunately, The Empire's greatest team of Heroes, the Four-Pronged League Of Defenders, are in the Holly Kingdom directing a play of their latest exploits. Equally unfortunately, The Empire is in "A bit of an economic situation" and couldn't afford to pay the FPLoD to rescue to princess even if they weren't busy. So, they get you.
Today is a very special day, on the morn of this poorly pixellated adventure. So much so, that no soul left in town wanted to miss out. But if we chose from every single townsperson attending this wedding, then we'd never get anywhere bouncing between so many, would we? You have seven sinners to save, then. Who will you guide? 1. The Prideful Peacock, holding the role as Bride? 2. The Gluttonous Gerbil, holding the role as Groom? 3. The Raging Rabbit, holding the role as Best Man? 4. The Whorish Hummingbird, holding the role as Maid of Honor? 5. The Lazy Lamb, holding the position of Priest? 6. The Envious Egyptian Mau, holding the position as Wedding Planner? 7. Or the Greedy Goat, holding the position as Cabby?
Well, shit. Your name is Nikolas and you're the head of this expedition. The floating corpse before you used to be Andy, one of the three spess soljurs tasked with guarding your life. Looks like the spess aingel found you before you could find him. The mission is ruined, all you can do now is try to get out alive. Your options seem slim.... )))Your survey station's only two sections out from this area. If you can get to it you can leave this place, fast. )))Your other two guards are still out here, though! They might have not been taken by the aingel yet. You can't just leave them for dead...can you? )))Panic's overtaking you, maybe you're not thinking like a spess man. Is there some other course of action you could take?
You have woken up in a hotel. For a moment, you suspect you have AMNESIA, however it is fairly obvious that you are just dealing with your normal amounts of EXTREME PARANOIA. Your CUSTODIAN has locked you in said hotel for an indefinite amount of time, and you are unsure of when he will return. But the more pressing matter. You may already have a name, but you need help remembering it! What is your name?
Another day
How fickle fate can be. Even as they seal me within this once great machine, I cannot help but see the life I could have had flash before my eyes. A wife. Children. Perhaps even peace. Sadly not meant to be. All because of the jealousy of others. All because of the folly of our forefathers. All because of the ignorance of our fellows. And all because I happened to have a particular mutation... I digress. Putting off the inevitable will do me no good. As the machine's body awakens, so to must its spirit. Ancient Spirit, sing to me. Answer my call, and grant me Your Strength. Your people lie broken and scattered, and only You might save them from damnation. >Awaken As: >The Bride: Embodiment of the Earthly Queen, Bride of the Phoenix and Weaver of Magic. Grants powerful magical abilities, but weakens physical form. >The Guard: Embodiment of the Guardian, Vigilant Guard of the Throne and its People. Grants limited magical power, but increased physical abilities. >The Watcher: Embodiment of He Who Never Sleeps, the Ferryman of Death and Lord of Long Night. Grants balanced power over both magical and physical abilities.
Cryogenic interface established. Accessing CR-8T-313 helmet uplinks. Retrieving recording. Established. [warning: heavy data corruption detected] Evaluating. Playback activated.
THE PICTURE WAS THE WRONG SIZE SORRY FOLKS ANYWAY Today someone's life is going to change, drastically and without warning or justice. However, we still don't know this person. As such, it would be wisest to get to know your character before you get to know your new problems. Now you must describe your Main Character before we begin, preferably in detail. If you feel your words aren't enough, you may draw them as well. In fact, drawing them would be highly recommended. However, they cannot be; A. Human or B. Robotic/Cybernetic/Technologically implemented You may design them on your own, or if agreement isn't reached, a default player will be created for you. Now, Create your character. The sky and coffin size are your limit.
Welcome to Silence, a world in the midst of the middle ages. Things appear to be mostly normal.
On the date of August 18th, of various, absolutely disconnected years, and of various, absolutely disconnected backgrounds and places, eight people died. It isn't known why these folks died on that day, or what played into their various sacrifices. Nothing is certain. But a great and terrible power has grown, laying the blanket of death over the land of the living, while the dead have found themselves abruptly awoken. Now, on this date, in the year 3030, that strange power has reached a head. Today, the undead will rise en masse in eight important locations. These eight individuals are each buried at these locations, separate, and seemingly unrelated. For your convenience, their tombs have been projected here. You may choose your tomb to vacate. You will be given a chance to inspect this tomb before making your choice. Now choose.
We have arrived.
A lively city full of thousands of people, who each have a story to tell. Not all stories are pleasant however, and most are never known by others than the authors themselves. Luckily all stories are connected and YOUR job is to find the right ones and read them to determine who the culprit is through the stories of the dead.
The stars are out tonight.
You gain consciousness. You don't know where you are, who you are, or what happened before this moment. Please suggest an action.
For thirteen years you've known Cirrus to be a whimsical guy, but he has been missing for thirteen days. It's been thirteen hours since you started calling; because of this you've decided to take the thirteen minute walk to his house to confront him. [animated]
Please select your story. 1. Wisteria ‘Wister’ Wilton - ‘Blue Wisteria’. 2. Madeleine ‘Pendelion’ de Null - ‘Hell of a Story’.
>> first thread Yule wakes up. Yule's hair is in her face. Yule hears a woman's voice. Yule thinks the voice sounds kind but timid. "Oh? Are you... Are you awake?"
This is gonna be a Sci-fi quest because reasons. More humorous than horror will be prominent in this quest as well. But enough talk! Let us BEGIN!
Thread One Quest Discussion:
Ethan spent all of money... Ethan as well has left his happiness. His apartment is at risk of foreclosure, he lost his job because he didn't want it anymore. Ethan's life in his words is not worth mentioning. Please help this sad sap out.
Here is a little game, start with a single celled organism and suggest traits anything goes, dont let unknown biology stop you
>"HONOOOOOOOOR!!" With an epic crash you burst through the flimsy defenses!! You regain your balance and stay on your guard! After a long travel from your homeland of Dollar Star, you have arrived with your companion to the neighboring province of Great Price! You have one ultimate objective: to locate your great lord, Lord Halfoff, who disappeared in these lands during his search for the elusive Dark Lord Fullprice. But before your honorable quest to save him can get underway, you must remember yourself! Are you the powerful jouster in training, Squire Ten Percent, or the crafty stablehand, Squire Twofor One?
An odd figure walks endlessly, alone and silent, with no destination or hurry; where it came from only they know.
Chapter 1
Dan >"Town's down there, huh?" Victor --"Looks like." Dan >"You, uh.... You take those pills like you were supposed to?" Victor --"Gad dammit, for the third time yes! I'm gonna be fine, trust me." Dan >"I don't doubt ya dude, just.... Do your checking thing one more time, okay?" Victor --"Okay, okay...." Helloooo, anyone in here? Anybody?
???: John, over here