Orange Coconut Charming
When Everse puts a capsule into the pneumatic tube chamber, the 'Express Storage' lamp starts flashing. She presses it, and the capsule shoots off somewhere. The number 10 appears on the digital printout, and a lamp labelled 'Occupied' is lit. She leaves it alone for now.
Experience tells Everse the scent of blood came from her tails appearing, so she doesn't put much thought into it. She finds a ream of paper on the shelf next to the door and takes the Canvas Bag with her into the meal room. She opens the fridge to find it mostly bare. There's two Milk Bottles, a pitcher of water, and more than a few resealable pouches stuffed with viscera. It doesn't smell foul when she opens them, however.
Everse hears knocking on the front door and goes to see who it is.