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680206 No. 680206 ID: 0fff38


That's right! the most abashed shameless and immoral show of mankind base desires tangled in a sickening display only viewable by the pure id made manifest within your damaged minds!
19 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 680260 ID: 96e992

THIS. Go, Dompag!
No. 680268 ID: 74b79e

GG the Warrior from Enemy Quest!

Four arms for maximum grappling!
No. 680273 ID: 1f8505

Nem from Nem's Quest.
No. 680308 ID: ad936f

We're looking for a fight, not a massacre. No Chop.
No. 680330 ID: 9a7fd8

I'm just waiting for the round which features Chop v Rokolo.
No. 680346 ID: 0fff38
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in the blue corner, the one, the only, POLOOOOOOOOO
No. 680347 ID: 0fff38
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alright ladies, I want a clean fight.

"we're grappling in mud."

...the rules are simple, you have to either disrobe your opponent, or get a 3 count pinfall.

"I'm getting paid for this, right?"

...you're not very fun, you know that?
No. 680348 ID: 0fff38
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the two competitors take their places in the honorable mud ring. it looks like they're feeling each other out. which one is gonna make the first move? this is going to be a match to watch, folks!
No. 680349 ID: 0fc976

Hit 'er with a left! And a right! And another left! Now take the ball and SCOOOOOOORE! Wait, what was I watching again?
No. 680353 ID: ad936f

No. 680359 ID: 3663d3

this is wrestling, not boxing. is all about the grapples.
No. 680360 ID: 2ccbb3

Asnia, evade and attack from behind! Tear off her shirt while using a grapple throw!
No. 680361 ID: 4711c5

asuna droooooop
No. 680364 ID: 83d24b

Polo: Feint to the left, then grab to the right!
No. 680365 ID: b062fb

No. 680367 ID: fe06ff

grab shirts, they're easy to hold onto for a throw

and if they rip, that's also good!
No. 680374 ID: 12b273

Just go for the grapple, Polo. You're actually fighting someone smaller than you for once, so you probably have a strength advantage.
No. 680436 ID: 39f669

Punch 'er right inna snoot.
Yes, I know this could apply to either of them.
No. 680525 ID: 0fff38
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Polo starts with a vicious punch, but unfortunately for her, Oken has the speed advantage!
No. 680526 ID: 0fff38
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Oken twists around the Neumono and gets a solid grip! this might be over sooner than we thought.
No. 680527 ID: 0fff38
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No. 680530 ID: 0fff38
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Oken eats shit hard, and Polo takes the advantage! can Polo push this advantage for a win?
No. 680537 ID: 2ccbb3

Slide down and pull her panties as you grapple her legs! Knock her off balance and pull off her shirt!
No. 680538 ID: ad936f

OH MY GOD! THAT'S JUST BRUTAL! Now slip under her legs and finish this.
No. 680539 ID: 12b273

Polo: grab her by the waistband, and then shove her face-first (or is that tits-first) into the mud, ripping her right out of her shorts.
No. 680573 ID: 46df9e

I hope not. I want a better show than that. Come on Oken crush her instep with your heel.
No. 681037 ID: 0fff38
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Polo pushes the advantage. this might be it! can Asnia turn this around?!
No. 681038 ID: 0fff38
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oh jeez, that's gotta hurt!
No. 681039 ID: 0fff38
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Oken breaks out of the hold with only her dignity spared. Polo looks pretty shaken from the hoof to the jaw, though. whoever can recover first is going to have the advantage.
No. 681040 ID: 0fff38
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what's your take on the action tonight, five time world champion mud wrestler Tenerence Thwilliamson?

"thethe girlth are true warriorth, itth a pleathure to thee them in thuch rare form. whoever manageth to take home the win tonight ith truly the greater of two titanth."

wow. that brain tumor... sure fucked you up, huh?
No. 681046 ID: 2ccbb3

Asnia, this is mud wrestling not boxing!

Follow up with a grapple throw and hold her under the mud for the three-second count!
No. 681070 ID: ad936f

Polo! She's weakened now, press your advantage! If you can grab both her arms she'll lose no matter what!
No. 681075 ID: 88960e

Get in close. She can't fight grapples or punches without letting go of her shorts, and if those come off she's done. If you press the advantage and don't let her take another lucky shot, you got this.
No. 681078 ID: de203e

Hurry Oken she's down for now, but you can't leave her to recover. You need to hold your shorts up, but I'm going to have to ask you to expose your chest so you have an arm to attack with. You must get some of her clothes loose before she gets up, or your toast.
No. 681080 ID: 799984

Polo, do poorly so we see more boobs!
No. 681316 ID: 0fff38
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Polo shakes it off, and approaches Oken with intent to expose, but she's looking off balance.
No. 681317 ID: 0fff38
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Oken feints to the side and secures her shorts, if only briefly.
No. 681318 ID: 0fff38
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Oken gets behind Polo and gets a solid grip on her top. she's really trying to go for that shirt. can she get it off this time?
No. 681322 ID: 5ad4a7

Polo, just deal with it. It's only boobs. Use this as an opportunity to pin the deer and relieve her of her undies.
No. 681325 ID: f56624

fall over backwards? onto her?
No. 681327 ID: ad936f

Yeah, then casually rip her clothes off, shouldn't even be hard.
No. 681333 ID: 46df9e

Reach your arms down and back to grab her legs before you fall on her. Just to be sure she doesn't dodge.
No. 681335 ID: 88960e

Yeah, we could just fall on her. Oken is apparently one of the few people Polo outmasses.

But yes, seriously, sacrifice your top for the chance to finish her. The goal is to win, not to not take a hit.

The enemy gate is down. That's all that matters.
No. 681339 ID: fe06ff

Polo Grab legs
No. 681380 ID: 57006e

Yes, Polo! For once, you're (slightly) larger than an opponent! And neumono are heavy for their size! Give her the backwards body slam!
No. 681506 ID: 0fff38
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there goes the sports bra, now there's a kodak moment! Polo does not look too happy! how's she going to retaliate?
No. 681507 ID: 0fff38
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"oh shiiiii-"
No. 681508 ID: 0fff38
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by god! what a play, ladies and gentlemen! Polo using her weight to pulverize the astranian!

Oken is eliminated by pinfall!
No. 681509 ID: 0fff38
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wow, what a match. Polo, you seemed to be the top dog in that match. how did you manage such a decisive victory?

"seriously, I am getting paid for this, right?"

and to your critics, do you have any comments?

"can I get a new shirt, or do I have to walk home topless?"

you heard it here first, folks. we'll return shortly, after a quick commercial break.
No. 681510 ID: 0fff38
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updates to resume Friday, see you then!
No. 681526 ID: 76a858


No. 681534 ID: 88960e

>polo height
Man the announcer is a short dude. That or she's already standing on the winners podium.

>seriously, I am getting paid for this, right?
Someone find some coffee cake in the concessions to placate the champ.

>after these messages
Who's up for the next bout?
No. 681544 ID: 2a7417

This is a metaphor for not being able to choose between Kepler and Strauss.
No. 682091 ID: 0fff38
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we're live, speaking with the next competitor's manager. thank you for joining us. can you tell us what we're in for tonight?

"OoOoOoOoOoOo yes. a burial is soon to take place, my friends. Elnora will be the Executor of this poor soul's last will and testament... Funeral parlor!"

how about you, Necromancer? do you have anything to say to Elnora's opponent?
No. 682092 ID: 0fff38
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"Rest. In. Peace."

you can choose a new character, or stick with Polo. once again, the option with the most votes may not be the one picked.
No. 682111 ID: ad936f

Polo again, we're taking her all the way to mudwrestlemania!
No. 682113 ID: 2ccbb3

Aria (Super Clothing Damage Adventure). I don't think she'll mind.
No. 682114 ID: 18b3d8

No. 682117 ID: fbc59e

DEEM! Golem girl versus Catgirl!
No. 682126 ID: 12b273

New character. TV wouldn't put the same person up for a match over and over, unless you were watching a marathon of their best fights or something. Besides, competitors need a break between bouts, and we got multiverses worth of people to go through.

SaiSai! Catgirl v catgirl.
No. 682158 ID: 0fc976

No. 682198 ID: 8371c4

stick with polo
No. 682205 ID: b88e47

Penji Tozol
No. 682221 ID: f56624

No. 682366 ID: 0fff38
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facing Elnora, weighing in at an incredible 520 pounds, the magical Golem and semiprofessional dungeon, Deem!
No. 682367 ID: 0fff38
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Elnora stays her distance in the beginning. it looks like she might be looking for an opening, Deem seems pretty nonchalant. I hope she knows this is a wrestling match!
No. 682368 ID: 5ad4a7

Deem is probably just going to control the mud to do the wrestling for her.
No. 682369 ID: 30c7e6

The only thing that can repel smugness of that level is an all out attack! Get in there, Elnora!
No. 682374 ID: 99ca2b

Nah, Deem is just waiting for an opportunity to Rock Bottom Elnora
No. 682375 ID: 76a858

Elnora, keep in mind your opponent has a ridiculous weight advantage and without using your strength and speed effectively, she can just grab and gravity you into a coma.
Deem, be confident in your inertia but keep yourself stable. expect your opponent to try and take out your center of gravity or bring you off balance so that you can't use your mass effectively.
No. 682406 ID: 12b273

>I hope she knows this is a wrestling match!
We're here to make mud castles, right?

Earth pulse golemtry, go.
No. 682413 ID: 0fc976

Just summon a bunch of mud golems to pelt Elnora with.
No. 683213 ID: 0fff38
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Unfortunately for Deem, this is SpaklCo. brand synthetic mud®!

Spaklco., it's highly toxic!

not to be slowed, Deem decides to use her mass and go in for a grapple, but Elnora is simply too quick on her feet.
No. 683214 ID: 0fff38
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it looks like Elnora's got some tricks of her own! the Feline vanishes from sight completely! Deem's in a tough spot now, Elnora can come in from anywhere!
No. 683215 ID: 3663d3

deem, remember you are the earth, tremor sense!
No. 683216 ID: 99ca2b

Jump splash the mud so it sticks to your opponent.
No. 683217 ID: 49fb47

Wait for the moment she strikes and then hit her back, Deem! Cross counter!
No. 683220 ID: 88960e

Strike the earth!

Powerful punch at the ground, splatter mud in all directions. Invisibility don't work when you get splattered with something.
No. 683222 ID: 036853

Deem, put yourself into a corner to reduce the directions your opponent can hit you from.
No. 683270 ID: 0fc976

Kick mud everywhere to try and reveal your opponent.

Wait a second... Look up.
No. 683929 ID: 0fff38
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I... REALLY hope Deem knows this is a mud wrestling match! she just got rid of the fucking mud!
No. 683930 ID: 0fff38
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but it looks like Deem found Elnora... or a swamp thing. either way, somebody better be getting piledriven!
No. 683931 ID: c18005

Quick Elnora, get some of that mud off you and in her eyes and then pile drive her!
No. 683933 ID: 3663d3

think like a dragoon, jump!
No. 683955 ID: 12b273

All the mud is block enough to look like censorship, making that look much ore lewd than it would otherwise.

>what do
Tackle her while she's off guard and surprised. Once you get stone limbs around her, no amount of cat scratching is gonna make a difference. Go for a sleeper hold!
No. 683982 ID: 0fc976

Send her to rock bottom!
No. 684699 ID: 0fff38
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Deem takes the advantage and puts the vice on Elnora!
No. 684700 ID: 0fff38
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No. 684701 ID: 0fff38
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"hey guys, I'm a heel now!"

MY GOD! Nero has crashed the match in defense of Elnora! what a complete debacle!
No. 684702 ID: 2a7417

>Nero: Play fiddle
No. 684703 ID: 88960e

>multiple opponents
Uh oh, the whole adventuring party is here! Time to amp this up.

Deem: activate boss mode.
No. 684704 ID: 0e16cd

Elnora, pounce while she's vulnerable.
No. 684706 ID: ad936f

Audience: become outraged at unsportsmanlike cheating
No. 684707 ID: 2ccbb3

Nero: Choke Elnora with THE FLUFFY FACE FUZZ while suffocating Deem in toxic mud!
No. 684718 ID: e4abe1

nero and elnora, be quick and remove Deem's underwear before she recover and goes boss mode!
No. 684723 ID: ad936f

Wait, wouldn't going boss mode destroy her clothing anyway? Or is she wearing hulk pants?
No. 684730 ID: 5ad4a7

Deem: activate Boss Mode.
No. 684733 ID: 7a7d79

No. 684737 ID: 86cfc3

It's win-win. Deem crushes her opponents and/or destroys her own outfit.
No. 685733 ID: 3641d4

Someone should do a body slam.
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